j mi WILMINGTON, N. C. To-Morrpw. At eight o'clock to-morrow EDITORIAL BUDGET. morning NEW ADV ERTISEIIENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Wednesday. August 6th, 1873. scribed is safe, and that, while the gov t j va tx.x the Sheriff will open the polls in the - The following is the financial ex- hand to aU In $ A TlT hibit of the Treasury Department at the I at neace and trv&ndhelD themselves in I - i ! uuu 1 th.tmnwvui Af .w;nv fffl.iihffimni dose of business Monday: Currency, peaceful pursuits, it still remains strong I T ocks hinges, bolts,4c, of every f r,. nn vnto sv.ud sueciai aenosit oi lenai i tn nunisn innsp. wnn nreier war ana lae i aescriDtion. Acency w wc w,wuiw- iv kui cuoiuug inv jvaiO) aixvx .v tv 1' - , j. - . i x 0 x - Texas pays her public printer $30,000 a year Rhode Island baa not bad two months. a rain for TOWNSHIP NOMINATIONS. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. 1st Ward WM. H. MOORE. 2d Ward JESSE J. CASSIDEY. 3d Ward THOS. M. GARDNER. 1th Ward WM. A. GREEN. .5th Ward ANTHONY HOWE. Clerk S. T. POTTS. At Large WM. J. KELLOGG, Jr. down. It is time that ths everlasting and WM.- M. HARRISS. rnmstinn nf chAntnnff the Constitution be settled, and we hope it will be, effec tually, to-morrow. It becomes now the Constable SOL. W. NASH. I duty of canvassers and. others interested to see that a full sauare vote be polled i . C TT i fl T If I II I X TIN, JAMES -H. CiLVDBOURN and I "l.' ALFRED HOWE. The election to be held on Thursday, August 7th, 1873. Vote for the Amendments and you vote for repudiation. upon the acceptance or rejection of the tenders for redemption of certificates of fruits of plunder proposed Constitutional Amendments, aeposu, ?oo,tou,wu ; coin, souAwy, ; We need not at this late! hour say any- including coin certificates, $2,853,00q,; thing more upon the merits or demerits outstanding legal tenders, $356,000,000. of them; they have been before the Sunday evening a terrible accident people for months, and for the past few occurred on the farm of Wm. Preston, weeks have been very thoroughly ais- at Butler, Pa., by which three men were Polly Wiggle Waggle is a New York cussed. It only remains now to say I burned to death. They were boring for canal boat vnTP Va hivo unHoarAroH in lav the I . l ... ; U 11 u I "7. " . 7 " r- - - uuu xxx xu atxie txxuc .-o Watef i8 m 8eventy five cents iuwuuu xv i on was sirucK. scarcely reacnea iuc i a barrel at Newport, R. I. have freely expressed our own opinion gurface before it took fire, blazing up in relation to them, and, although it one hundred feet or more. The bodies An Ohio boy cut off four of his toes has been remarted often bv the Demo- f r n Tvr,w inai ne m,Kni no1 De maae 10 S 10 cratic press that the question is not a I " ' ! , . . . .... .1 The total loss from the Portland nnlitirfll nno thprA nrA snmp rtnlitirai I I a nAi;t. ni:r.: -.4. Ar..n: .u4 . r , rkMrrrtx nnnflntmn ia 41 1 Rfi ft75 VWHUIUIBU - T atirju BuVfc questions involved which we think 6 r v ' r ' fellow boarder dead for drinking out of voting i them 1 1UUUC wa,wv. it wprupwcu ,w tbe edge ot the water bucket. reuuixu. me uurueu uistrict lxuixieuxavcx.y , making the streets wider, so as tp pre vent the spread of fire in future. Seve ral sufferers from the December fire have been burned out. and nfhpr wealthv men nronose to assist f X X I TTT It a II t At I L v i' I j:4...i ..r : W,V wouia noi stearin canuies oe me ucav i x ii I uesiituw; ouxtcxcxo xix xcwitxxvxxxiti mvii I ... . , , . . .. Q gleet all I .... . , - , . c, illuminators lor lighthouses f Homes. . Aiu is uskcu irom vuicagu, ou Louis, New Y"ork, San Francisco, and other cities of wealth and means. The Portland loss is comparatively greater than that of Chicago or Boston. There is no .longer any doubt that warrant our friends in To keep your secret is wisdom; to expect others to do it is folly. Skater's Sash Holder and Ifwk. It will not i -j ' get out of order or wear out, in a life time. . , NATH'Ji JACOBI S Hardware Depot, No. 9Market street, 1 1 DOORS. BASH, BLINDS, PAINTS, OILS,. GLASS, VARNISHES, &c, &c, at NATH'L JACOBI'S Hardware Depot, No. 9 Market St. may 23 ! jv BIRD CAGES, i O HOVELS, SPADES, jlOES, PITCH- AT COST AT COST GRATEFUL to the Dl&'KRN iv lie for the immeusn nn,"t'(i nw. pastweek, we have determine.! Aof th. greater inducements, to-wlt: ill Black Gros Grain Silks, at 3 50 J Black Gros dc Paris Sin. worth $2 75. Japanese Silks at 45 cents wortlj 60 Japanese Silks at 30 cunts, worthy1 Super 3-4 Black Grenadines at ?n J worth fl 00. uujv ux xjioxv vij eix uilECS at 83 worm ifL cent A house without family worship has I xexi. xxaxxaurtj 1 nenner iounaaiion nor coven op. NATH'Ii JACOPl'S Hardware Depot, No. 9 Market street. Wben does a farmer work a miracle ? When be turns his horse to grass. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. other duties and attend to this one. We have but a few words to say in relation to the township nominations. We believe it to be the duty of Repub licans to stand by their nominations, and these having been fairly made, they The Constitution is good cnough'as should be supported. There are men the Count de Paris lias gone to visit w w nai is me use 01 cnanging it : on the ticket now at the head of this Count de Chambord. He arrived at Each of the eight ballot-boxes will I column, who have never paid a dollar I Vienna Monday, and was received by be labelled with the title of the pro-1 to the support of the Post, and who I the Emperor Francis Joseph. There is have taken especial pains within a few much excitement in Paris over thejCir weeks to say unkind and unjust things I cumstances. In view of a reconciliation of its editor, but, being regularly nomi-1 of the Bourbon and Orleans branches, nated, the Post supports them. We ,1 to which this proceeding points, a vigi- XI C il ' J 1 Ux i 1 f it T XV i T, ixxcxcxvxu xccx ixxau u xxavu . xifcuu w xuiicc cummiuee 01. tu xa:iu cvn ku And it is undoubtedly true that greater in- Kftv to o.vnrv "RfTiiVUonn in stjind hv I TTrtromo T.oft nf flip Assp.mhlv hold ducements, and a superior class of f W 1 1 these nominations, and to be very care- j daily sessions, and arc prepared to call ful that they have the proper tickets. I the leading members of their respective This we conceive to be the duty of all I parties together when the time comes to I orld Republicans. Our advice to our friends. J take action. The Conservatives have XJ S 1 O . LOW PRICED SUMMER, DRESS GO Oils, ! 25 PER CENT. LESS THAN Good Domestic Gingbatu, 12 1 per yard. Irish LincBs, from cents to per yard. CfDlj I I ' J cend posed amendments to the Constitution, and the tickets will read, "For Ameud tucnt," iind "Against Amendment." ilExMEMBfeii that an enumeration is not ;i cenmsy and that if we do not have an enumeration of the people in 1875 the present unjust Senatorial apportionment will continue until 1882. if not longer. THE MANY READERS Of The Post HAVE a right to know how and where to buy their FAMILY SUPPLIES, Blue Plaid Homespun, 10 cents yprj. New. Fresh and Sparkling ! Best Nrcc1,cs 5 ccnts iiaPcr. uuuu x ius, i cents per paper. 200 yard Spool Cotton, 4 cts ier THE CLUSTER, All kinds of Fancy Articles Cheap. A NEW MUSIC BOOK FOR THE USE OF Conventions, Singing Classes, Church Choirsjj AND THE J. Home Circle. 1 We have but a few more weeks befo. fu given removaUo the niagniHcei.t slom nm,JS Front and Princes streets. I'XMjJ mil taxi cnii. 7 IS. WEILL Flour, Sugars, Teas The naughty New York Which has eaten dirt for many years to then, in short, is, secure the entire patronage of the y0TE AGAIXST THE Amendments, South, made a mistake the other day. Vote for the regular nominatioXs, Feeling secure of its position as the - leader of the South, it made some re- and above a11 to see that election day marks in relation to the Richmond Passes 4uietly and without undue duel. Thw the Raleigh New don't' wrangling and strife. Such acts always like, and it calls upon the people of the tend to brinS a Partr or a Peol)le iuto K,ith to snnnort A Baltimore naner in- disrepute, and we hope every man will - - -rx x x Coffees stead ! This "aint our fight" but Ave are anitlsed nevertheless. feel the importance of sustaining the dignity of his party and himself. SEA-SIDE RIPPLES. THE Neios advises Gen. Hill not to notice Parson Browrilow's last letter. The General should have stopped betore The report of typhoitj fever at Mount he begun. That would have been the Desert, Me., is false. j best way. We are glad to see but few a new monster hotel is to be built at papers are willing to. publish cither Cape May on the Mount Vernon side. side of the disgusting controversy, be- Nearly all the cottages ; between the airv. has jrone in nursuit of the murdcr- neath. the dignity of journalists. We Atlantic shore and Green pill, Nantas- j win inform ftt Qncc j elected a majority of the members of the General Council in the Department of Savoy, Earl and Orne, and the Radi- cals.have carried the elections in Drome and the Lower Loire i The following was received at the SUPERIOR QUALITY and headquarters of the army Monday: Hd'qr's Camp Stambaugh, ) Washington Territory, V July 24th, 1873. j To the Assistant Adjutant Generat, I Headquarters VepaHinent of the Platte Sir: I have the honor to inform you that the Indians made an attack upon the settlement at Old Camp Brown yes terday or day before and killed Mrs. Richards and 3Iiss Hall. First Lieut Wheelan, with company B Second cav- Butter, Lard, Meats, THE CLUSTER, And the many articles of select groceries can be lound m greater variety, LOWER PRICES, at CHAS. D. MYERS & CO'S, . Cash Grocery House, 7 North Front st. j Iieave your orders in the day time, and we send your gjoods in any part of the city free 01 canage. s BY S. WESLEY MARTIN. J. M. 8TILX.MAN, AND ! t. martin :towne. Price, $13.50 per dozen. Single copies sent, post paid, 51.0O. Address, i J, L. PETERS, 599 Broaclway, N. Y. For Schools. $7,000. $7,000. 57,000. $7,000 In Six Days, ' In Six Davs, In Six Davs. At our LOW PRICES it is not Hiffl cient. We appeal to the generous publicto make it $14,006 : si i,ooo! I 1 J (KHI C I J AAA I For the ensuing SIX DAYS. We Imiefiifd I our Hearts upon it, tlo not. disappoint us.- jonie soon anu secure rjanrains. 1 august 5 C. D. MYERS & CO. 66 1 i .1 n -i I Vpf 'nrp ftffiinipfl arc no auimrer oi ine jL'araon, anu never publish his letters, but Gen. Hill's Captain Jose Maria Arraiga, of the attack on Gen. Canby was uncalledfor steamer Jose Varo sailing from Cuba , tti ixt to St. 1 nomas and Porto Rico, is recu- and unchristian. He deserved to be perating his health at the Grs;ndf Sara. scored for it, though we do not approve toga. .1 .1 ...1 !i .1 - . 1 0 me styie in "mciwt aa uone. Ashbuniham, situate on the dividing Sheridan says: Instructions; nage between the 3ierrimacK: ana uon- Tiie Indians who depredate in the As the method of voting on the Con- necticut rivers is praisec a one oi tnc Mud riyer Vflfe belonr to the orth. receive any news. I am, sir, yours very respectfully, A. G. Brackett, Lieut. Col. 2d cav., commanding Post. In forwarding th6 above "report Gen. voting on the Co,.- "ecticut rivers praised as one , of ;thc Mm, riyer belog tQ stitutional Amendments is not thorough-j 1 ... 6 ern Chevennes and Arappa ly understood by the people, we publish the following, that there be no mis takes. There must be eight boxes at each voting place, beside those for town- Rock Enon Springs, near Winches ter, Va., has had a large delegation from "Washington, including Count de Chambrun and family. It is a mineral water and mountain resort combined. ippahoes about Fort Fetterman, and were recently rep resented in the peace council at Red Cloud's agencv. General order No. 24, issued from heodquarters department of Arizona, at A hotel at Martha's Vineyard, situa ship officers, on each of which must be ted on the bluffs, it is said, commands Prescott Jul 16 b Gen Crook! . labeled the amendment tobe voted upon, the finest water viewof the world, the ' J ' ; J . . . , , , : ., .... i I noteis oi iapeis aione excepiea. ine i ""v-o w Fxyo wx 6x- niniscoumyinciaucisHiuup.ui . Wp . of -the New 3Sngland coast, eral order No. 12, current series, from Rice, Hay and Salt. PL A BBLS. AND TIERCES RICE. 0J 700 bales Hay, 3,000 sacks Salt, For sale bv F. W. KERCHNER. august 4 65 Tobacco, Snuff and Soap. IKH BOXES AND CADDIES TO LOJ TACC!0 20 barrels and half bbls: Snuff, 50 cases, 1 and 2 oz Snuff, 200 Boxes Soap, For sale by F. W. KERCHNER. augtist 4 65 FAIRY VOICES, A NEW SINGING CLASS BOOK. Compiled and arranged by William Dress ier. Price $6 per dozen. Single copies sent posi paid, ior w cents. Address, J. I. PETERS. 5U9 Broadway. N. Y. GENTLEMEN, ATTENT OS! THE SONG ECHO, THE POPULAR SINGING SCHOOL BOOK. By S. H. Perkins, Price, $7.50 per dozen. Single copies sent, post paid, for 75c. Address J. xj. I'HiTj&ns. &yy Broadway, in. y. Grass. Linen Coats, j 1N Brown Duck Suits, (coat, punts it veist) It White Duck Vests. I 1 Half Hose at 7 ccnts per pair and upwardi Bordered Handkerchiefs, cents each. uspenuers cents and upwards.. Excellent Booths at ?: 5) per pair, j uur enure stocu oi -i i summer chtrvnm must be sold without reserve, lefre remfrl val. 15. WLILU iulvIO 52 - ! --4 -I DOxN'tf TOIL AWAY YOUR augl 63-dtf NOTICE TO CONSIGNEES. ' ' , - . r , 1 - 1 A lli Al. t, I . O. . . in large, piain ijpc, unu mtru uu nu hke soldiers, pass in review. these headquarters, which required the mistakes. - I rpn(J jiave a gliding machine at Mount J continuance of military operations Hie loiiowing is tnc iorm oi cacu Washington down which the guests against the straggling bands of Aapches .1, I c. x -i xi. x r it. : i ,i I x laoei : Amendment to the Constitution of North Carolina in relation to the Public nniit. . , . , m . . , . r a wonder some do not break their neeks. ing brilliant results have been recently Amenument 10 me tynsimuwu ox Nortli Carolina in relation to the office of Superintendent of Public Works. Amendment to the Constitution of North Carolina in relation to the State Census. Spirit Casks, Crackers and Glue. 7KA SPIRIT CASKS, IWV 150 bbls. Crackers. j 200 barrels Glue, For sale by F. W. KERCHNER. august 4 . 05 FREIGHT DEPARTMENT. Wilmington & Weldon, Wil. - ! Col. & Aug. Rallroad, Wilmington, N. C, August 1, 1873. i ! i i i LIFE FOR LANDLORDS BUILDING LOTS for sale in bealthy t" desirable localities on Church, Nun, A Orange, Dock, Chesnut. Mulbcrryi WtoJ Coffee, Sugar and Butter. . cVf at,lut; iHie.ut uinw iiui anu a gtill. remaining at large, the officers en half in five minutes. It consists . , , t f i i . i i . i . a i l I crnrrprl hflVA . tilllv Biitmrfl tnn nrnfi oi a Doara or two nueu to ine raiiroau i c-o- j . . AA tnq nn TT'iTT'Tr track, and governed by a brake. It is I dence placed in them, and the follow- fcUU 255 barrels Susrir' l : 1 1 : a n i t 11 i i . . -j r QONSIGNEES of cotton at Wi!aiinston Red Cross, Rankin, Dickinson, PJijJ GRAPHIC ALITIESi The counterfeiter's idea of Heaven A pair o dies. ! attained: Most vessels earrv tfw much ballast. . t , l l j- P I - ' menament t ine onsmuiion oi most men too little. North Carolina in relation to exemption First Capt. Geo. Mi Ran- dall, 23d infantry, surrounded and cap tured the remnant of Det-cay's band with that notorious chief himself, in the.Sierra Ancha mountains, on the 22d are hereby notified that on ! and alter this; date, they will be required to produce re- 1 ceipts before delivery will be made. lotte, Sixth, Seventh, Wilson, NinthTenth, Eleventh, Twelfth judHj ..... ... n. .freo K Hatislactory muc - 10 tubs Butter, For sale by F. W. KERCHNER. august 4 65 -A POPE, WESLYAN FEMALE INSTITUTE. J Staunton, Va of April. SecondThe operations of Tjj.f f"lh J11 f e8f ion, bTirls SePu 251 1 X I 1X73- On P. of I hfi first, schools frr vnnnir In. august 2 General Freight Agent. 64-10t teenth streets payment. Apply to Or in his absence to JAMES from taxation Amendment to the Constitution of North Carolina in relation to the Uui vcrsitv. Amendment to the Constitution of North . Carolina in relation to the ses sions of the General Assembly. Amendment to the Constitution of North Carolina in relation .to the Code Commissioners. New Jersey is a favorite Summer re ort -for mosquitoes. . . .... . t ' ! , i Santa Maria mountains, resulted in Ca?sarism in politics is about as bad . . as Scissorism in literature. 1 surrender of Tomapie's entire ban There is said to be but one Pole in the whole Polar regions. the troops under command of Captain dies la the South. Twenty-three teachers ni Arn- 1 . i Ai and Officers. Scenery grand; bunding ele- lnos. McGregor, 1st cavalry, in the gant; health unsurpassed- feeble constitu tor, tionsnere restored; pupils rrom all the States mc I from! Maryland to Texas. Board and Col- ind of I leSe ITuition for scholastic year, $240. For Apache-Mojaves, on the 12th ultimo. Harris, President, Stanton, Ya. 55-lw ' FRESH SMOKED BACON. N Y Sugar cured Ilamn, NY Sugar cored Shoulders, Breakfast Strips, feb8 VrM. . ha-,iv,;I( y. Market 8 talc oi North tarolW COUNTY OF NEW ilANOVl nperior Court. John Martin and wife, .Tamo I Martin & wife, Andrew niacw will and wife, Samuel Eden and w1fr Thomas Davis anu Thinly The operations of First J. B. Babcock, 5th cavalry, in Lieut. Tonto on the T'l-io rlr frtrm tli o ( rrn 't n nnn'i ! t r be successful this year at Long Branch Basin, and his brilliant action The human race. 1 lm ultimo, resulted in the surrender Thc"hav fever " is now prevailing' in of the two band of Tono-Apaches AmnnilitiMit to iho CoiKtitutinii nf various parU of the country, and sends under Na-ta-to-tel and Naqui-naqu's, North Carolina in relation to Federal many people to grass. Fourth Reports have just been received and other officers holding office. Nevada has just named a new county of the operations of Captains j James The ballots may be written or print- pnroav. ine lnnaDiiams oi ine neign- nrns, 5th cavalry, in Castle Dome and uv,xxxxg wuuu r. vva fe vv nta Maria mountains, resulting in the Amendment." or "Airainst . . . . . unconditional surrender of over two BUTTER. GUARANTEED The Best Made wife, Joseph II. F. Martin, ten- forFr Lnn Martin, and aik-i Smoked Beef. Fresh PieserYes, Canned FruMe, i Capers and Beef Ton w lira 1 rah Ann O I I Vfnrio ,1 irn,tiiii M.irtin. infants, by their next friend, .Joseph II. F. Martin, plaintiffs. against Sylvester F. Martin. defeHlant I Marti fen dan Vegetables ed, and need contain but the words I ;j. "For Amendment" or "Against . , . -., unconditional surrender Amendment " In this county the tick- po, iJrhrriwith hU mOTth ""i. APe-MojaW, believed to vt HO-!iint tlio itmpnilmnnk nrn rrinfd I .1 1. .1 1T. .......U :U : I be the last remnant nf nil tVi trnw ' o x' uiiu, a lie uwa xxii iuia. xxxuvxx ix.xx i i, 10 "v; "o in slips of eight, so that each voter can I comparatively harmless. J gling renegades in Northern Arizona tear thent apart for each box as he votes. , , . ... I The foregoing named officers, and First All persons opposed to the amendments wTtwr V . , , . TT, f Sergeant Thomas Hanlon and Ser-eant july 19 GEO. MYERS, 11 and 13 Front street. 51 THE ONLY GENUINE A conductor on the Chicago aid Al X J should Vota " Aialnjt Amendments." ura The pott, mmt be ..topt opet from 8 S'e ""T V, are hereby thanked for their Efficient .fi .WgSi?2!J rt'l till' ii in iut-!'iiniin itiiii uuii ji Ultxtt- i . , ... i . . rr i ' . . . ,i 11 f I'll I O J.ttUiVU cXXXVX UVlnVOUl S '?lp as jhabing forbidden j ptridc Martin, company G 5th cval on "billing and cooing." Ob- rv aro A ' ' .1... i n g e r 2 00 per dozen 1 e. NATURAL JAPAN TEA. HERE are manv inferior nrena.ra.tf on n these Teas well calculated to deceive even I McEwen'g, Bi8 and Blood. Wolf & Co'b DuBrutz Catlar, Att y u i l iinfros i inns nau iAAn tacta-i dent of this State, that lie is a PgV; to this action, that the plain" cause of action against hini. j'hifjjtf action relates to real propon It is therefore ordered that p"0'1. made in the Evening.Pot. ."-tno. published In the city of w i',u,"?,tifrii!f wecjfor six successive vce:zico&K said defendant of the filing of f.ppe in this action; and that be teStf fore the Cleric of the Superior fn(mn Uanover county aforesaid at "fhe25t' court house in Wilmington. " wer 9 of September, 1873, to pl?d, tjon. f murto tnecompiaini m l,y n.t t;i same will be heard ex VKyV confesso as to him. .ifnovfr'j Clerk Superior Court. re - H,r! A.M.,o7P.Xt.,andnUqUnedvo,er3 ISb'S. are entitled to vote, provided they are "But I have a right to hu$ her," said regularly registered. No nc catt regis- John. "Not on a railroad," said the ter on the day of election, unless he ar- conductor, -'there is a law against all rives at the age of 21 on that day, and ' all voters should seo that their names the train to hug. your action is in vio-1 but have also taught those already in. pre on the registration book. . ' i latiou of the law, and must be stopped." that no place outside the limitsjpre- sevices in the laborious tak so thor- flavored Tea. We have a lar-e stoek of Tean ougnly completed. These operations 1 with ure&t care, from samples, for our family - 1 I imile and wi mntlrlpntlv ropnmmanH ik.i. nave not only had the effect of bring ing in upon their proper reservations all the stragglers from northern Arizona, trade, and we eonfidently recommend their trial to an lovers ana arinsers of good Tea. tCIIAS. D. MYERS & Co.. 7 North Front street. . julj 18 , : 31 ALE AND PORTER, at f2 50 per dozen.; GEO. MYERS, 11 and 13 Front street. ' 52- 4 A il m , .tli and Marv - dec 3