VOL. VII. Pabistied every afternoon except 8unday. SayiES C. MANN.. Editor and Proprietor Subscription. One year, in advance f5 00 dii months, in advance ....... 3 00 Tjjree months, in advance 1 50 One mouth, in advance 50 Correspondence solicited from our friends in all parts oi me ouue, uu lopicis ui gene ral interest. Political news and reports ol crops arc especially desirable. . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J. F. W. LOPEIt. LOPER & NAVA L I. DOUGHTEN DOUGHTEN, STORES AND SOUTHERN PRODUCTS, XO. V NORTH FRONT STREET, riiiladelpliia, Pa. Orders Tor Turpentine Casks solicited'and nroniptly lilled at lowest market price. p march 3 215-tf w t knight, fres, ricuabd ibby, Vice Prcs, fi i y- s e iiaskins csec anu ireas. RICHMOND ARCHITECTURAL IKON WORKS AND STOVE COMPANY, WJ, 10W, 1001, 1000 Caut Street. Office: No, 3 TENTH STREET. This Company oiler to the people of Vir ginia ami the Soutliern States a large line of of pxxls ol their own manufacture for pri ces as cheap and on terms as liberal as can lie hail of any Northern establishments. In addition to .Stoves ot all crasses, we make Architect wil Works a specialty. Fronts, Grates, Hollow Ware, Stench Traps, Soil ripe, Sad Irons, Ac, always on hand; and we solicit the attention of dealers topur Southern enterprise. Send for circulars and price lists. iune 6 3m . . Merchandise Brokerage Office VVIA' Hue of samples constantly on hand Mom importers and manufacturers in Northern markets. All descriptions of merchandise, orders ami bids solicited and telegraphed promptly. Merchandise bought and sold in this market, orders from buyers solicited, and mm pics left by sellers will have prompt at tention. , - , Time as well as cash purchases negotiated, whether you wish to buy or sell, communi cated freely, and often with your local Broker. JAS. T. TETTEWAY, Merchandise and Produce Broker. 181 tf dec 3) IIIIIBARD BOUSE. ilOUEJIEAD CITY. CARTERET. COUNTY, N. 0. CHARLES HIBBARD, Proprietor. This splendid Sea Side Watering Place, situated at Beaufort Harbor, will be open fur the reception of guests on Monday, June 16th, 1873. IT IS ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE THE MOST DELIGHTFUL SUXF' B I IV Gr On the Atlantic coast, of the United States ! Ut'stiut'd to he the terminus . of ilio vrrtat. Southern l'aeiric Railroiid. TTnsnrnrtjjsfid lanlities for splendid sailing, Fishing and MtlUQ. The steamer Zodiac. Cant. Win. TT Plmnin- fotJimander, leaves direct lor New- York every week. Parties Wishing to engage rooms, will nease address as above. july l(i-3m 3 INSURANCE. I IKE AND FIRE INSURANCE CAN BE fo; uiected at the lowest current rates in t,h 'lowing responsible Companies, on ai- : tl I . : " . A N , Asset ts J20.000.000 lnr.-iM Vi' rr. .j weu 1 AI1S A&i-t i Inkh vV Flr1 Insurance tU.Ml A.N , of London, Assetts 9,OOO,OO0, Gold liYUNE S200.000 fi.inM I.w.. . ! IV Cj V. 7S A IN. Oihee chamber of Commerce, up staifs. arc ik Wilmington, N. C. 77-ly Ui.),vard ssowatipn IPriila., An Institnf w honorhiP V ' "' tv "'fe" reputation mav s 1 lnth st' iladelphia. Pa. " 302-3m BlUBJER SHOP. I1 IV TfTx., . . rnVrV' . wishes to inform his custo- - ""u puoiic generally, that he is now ePari-d to do all kind of work in his line, Uon WfUld respectfully request a continua j of the patronage which has heretofore imij ueoiowea upon mm. CaD1f 206 THOAIas CONNOR B ROOM E. oruer of Mulberry and Nutt Sts. on hand the best quality of Segai 14 157-ly lit fc TAYLOR Successors to A. H. NEFF, Wauufacturers and dealers in S f GOODS, lOes. Lantirnq A?eLdrn2 at Sh0rt ntiC6 No ?o airbank's Scales. V I 1 J00 Street, otl9 L KINGTON, N. C. 150-lj LV.Vl'lUiKRn iWL.nn . 01) ihSS Va- assets WW v I.I:siON INSURANCE COMPA- a., asset t-s. I MISCELLANEOUS. TO THE PUBLIC AT IAR6E. BARGAINS! BARGAINS ! SOL. BEAR BROS., OFFER TO THE PUBLIC The greatest bargains of the consisting of Season, The Best Ready Made! Clothing, City Jlade Cat si mere Suits j ALL LINEN SUITS, CLOTH SUITS, Tie Largest Variety in the City. SILK, FELT and PANAMA II A T S, Boston actl Philadelphia maVe SHOES and GAITERS, of all descriptions. SHIRTS l'foin the hoes to the Cheapest. NOTIONS fc HOSIERY, At reduced prides. i TRUNKS & VALISES, Of every description. SADDLES & BIUDJLEs, At lowest prices in the State. SOL. BEAR & BROS., 20 Market St. may 17 310 tf NEW MUSIC. BUBLISHED UY -peters, 599 Broadway, n y, auu moHou, puei-paia, on receipt oi marked price. VOCAL.! Above and Below, price 30 cents. Sacred Song, by Juch Back to the Old Home. Song and Cho- 11 oy otcwan; price au cents. iteauulul JJorm of my Dreams. Stewart ; price 30 eents. By Darlintr, Weep no more. Song and Cho rus, by Hays ; 35 cents. Do hot Weep so, Sister darling. Song, by Stewart ; 30 cents. Don't forget to Write me Chorus, by Cox ; 35 cents. Fold we our Hands. Sodet or Boildieu ; 30 cents. Gone to the Heavenly Garden. Chamberlain; 35 cents. If you were I, would you ? Shattuck ; 30 cents. Kiss me, Darling, ere we part, art ; 30 cents. Song and Duet, by Song, by Song, by By Stew- . Little Blind Nell. Macy . 30 cents. Song and Chorus, by Little Dan, Song and Chorus, by Hays : 40 cents. y Hays ; Danks ; Lord, lorever at Thy Bide. By 25 cents. Meet me, Bessie, in the Dell, art ; 30 cents. By Stew- Meet me. Dearest, with r Kia By Danks ; 30 cents. My Boy across the Sea, By Hays : 35 cents. Oh! Give me a Home in the South. By Hays ; 40 cents. Oh, Sam ! Song and Chorus, by Haya : o5 cents. Only for You! Ballad, by Delioux : 35 cents. Our Little Pet. Song and Chorus, by Hays ; 40 cents. Papa, stay Home. Temperance Songr. by Hays; 40 cents. 6 J Save one Bright Crown for me. Hays; 40 cents. "t wprav TOU SiDS that Song. Duet, Dolphus; 35 cents. ' Wilt thou Weep when lam Low? Walker ; 25 cents. INSTRUMENTAL. By by By ?,0LS Sunbeam, by Kinkel, 35 cte : Belle of Saratoga, by Victor, 35 cts : May Flowers, hv Sim nn ' J MAZURKAS-Awakening ol the Birds, a vw, j.ayvy Auouguis, Dy walker, 30 cts; Laughing Wave, by Wilson, 50 cts; 8unbeam, by Pacher. 40 cts. GALOPS Charlie's and Freddie's, bv Kinkel, each SScts. SHOTTISCHES-Fatal Glance, by Young 20 cts ; May Morning, by Schmidt, 50 cte ; 8unbeam, by Hampel, 35 cts; and Willie's, by Kinkel, 35 cts. -' MAKCHES Bell of Saratoga, bv R.mm. bach, 40 cts ; Mollie's, by Kinkel, 3o cts. WALTZES Clarita. Geonrie's. Tttip' Sallie's. and Maceie's. bv Kinkel. earn ss cts; Drops of Dew, hyAllard, 40 cts: Sun beam, by Muse, 35 cts. FOUR HANDS Amaryllis 50 cts ; Jocus Polka, 35 cts : Love's Chase Galon, as rt Praise of Woman Polka-Mazurka aU by Dressier. SALON PIECES Dance ot the JTav makers. Wilson. 75 cts: Leve's r:areRA9 Kinkel, 40 cts ; May Blossoms, Kinkel, 50 cts ; Plainte des Fleurs, Tonel, 40 cts ; Whispering Breezes, Wilsont 50 cts. Any ol the above mailed, post-paid, on re ceipt of price. Address J L PETERS, 599 Broadway, N Y. WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, MISCELLANEOUS. A. ADRIAN. H. VOLLEttg ADRIAN & VOliERS. " ! VHOLKE4UDEA1EBS W i Groceries and Liquors, Importers of German and Havana Cigars, and n Commission Merchant South-East Corner Dock and Front oireets. ; WILMINGTON, N. a Havinff the largest. ftnH host ocDirt Sfin?0?!?? an.d Liquors in the City, Dealers nui uuu il Ml inA r in! nrtzmt t n-l 1 1 I x . . W61TCU H. -MARCUS , 1 1 Wholesale D e a, ler IN LIQUORS, TOBACCO & SEGARS, ruiJXCKSS ST., ABOVE FIRST NA Tl ONAL BANK, WILMINGTON, NT Q, P. S. A full KUnnlv nf Alo nnirl in Half and Quarter Barrels, i Lagdr Beer amines supplied with Bottled Lager Beer. e and feb3 . ! 221-tf J. S. TOPHAM & CO No. 8 South Front Street, lVlEMINWTON, N. MAIN UFACTUKERS AND Wholesale and Retail Dealer in SADDLES, HARNESS, ' TRUNKS & TRVAELING B AGS 1 Collars, Hames, Trace Cuains, Wjbips, opurs, uog Uollars, Saddle ClotUs, w ooien Linen Horse (Joverg irly Nets, Feather Dusters, Axle Grease, Bridles, of all kinds, Sad- ; diery Hard ware, &c. I SECOND IIANP HARNESS SADDLES, R E t N S , & CHEAP FOR CASH. june 7 ly Butter, Molasses, Syrnp, Hami JUST RECEIVED, TjiX STEAMERS METROPOLIS knd Lucille, Choice Goshen Butter, j A No. 1 Muscovado Molasses, A jno. 1 Uoiden Syup. Extra choice "Magnolia" Hams! in audition to above daily arrivals 0$ Ba con, Hay, Corn, 8 H Syrup in barrels, iier- cca, uu iiogsriieuus, jara, sugars, &c; For sale low by BINFORD, CROW & C0. jane 25 32- WAGES L'un all WiiU ARE WILLING TO wors. Any person, old or youngl of either sex. can make from tlO to Ssolner week, at home or in connection with other ousmess. wanted by all. Suitable to either City or Country, and any season of the year. This is a rare opportunity for those whofare out of work, and out of money, to makd an independent living. No capital being re quired. Our pamphlet. "HOW TO Makp. A LIVING," giving full instructions, sent on receipt of 10 cents. Address A. i BUR TO & CO., Morrisania, Westchester (5o., N. Y. mayl4 307tf T11JS:JJSW. JSL.ASTIC TRUSS IAn impobtant lTBKTioN. it retains the rhD- turc ai an umes, anu unuer me naraest ex ercise or severest strain. It is worn wlith comiort, and 11 kept on night and day, ef- iects a permanent cure in a lew wp.ftira Sold cheap, and sent by mail when request ed. Circulars free, when ordered by letter sent to The Elastic Truss Co., No. 683 Broadway, N. Y. City. Nobody uses Metal Spring Trusses ; too painful ; they sliploll too frequently. may 14 307 tjf THE PARLOR COMPANION. Every Lady wants one ! Every Man ought to have one ! ! oent on receipt ol Ten Cents. Address, L. F. HYDE & CO., 195 Seventh Avenue, blew may 19 3U l4 ino itecKwun form hlo ily Sewing JBachinc, on 30 1 Days Trial ; many advantages over all. j Satis faction guaranteed, or money , refunded. Sent complete, with full directions, j Becik with Sewing Machine Co., 863 Broadway may n jjut tr : . : o AGENTS WANTED everywhere to sell our new and novel Embroidering Ma chine, send lor Illustrated Circular, to the McKee Manufacturing Company, 309 Broad way, NY. i may 19 3u.lf Bon.Ton Flirtation Signals. j Sent on receiot of 2. cent: TTninnA Trin ing and Publishing House, 36 Vesey Street, New I or. I may 19 ' sn-tx RAIL ROADS. Wilnington, Colombia & Au gusta B. R. Company. OSW. SrjPKBrSTEITDirjfT'S Ofticb, ) Whjcihqtojt, N, C, June. 30, 1872. CUflUOE OF SCHEDULE. TILE FOLLO WING SCHEDULE WILL eo into effect nt x-m a vr unn. 30th inst. DAY EXPRESS TRAIN, (Daily.) . ve Wilmington 5:20A. Arrive at Florence n:20 A. f uoiumDia.... 4:00 P. Leave Columbia 7-25 A. Arrive at Florence 11 a Arrive at Wilmington 5:15 P. M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (SUN- xjixx B JJ-U JUrX iSLI.) Leave Wilmington 5 45 P M Arrive at Florence 11:86 p! M Arrive at Columbia 3:42 A. M arrive at Augusta 8:20 A. M .co vo .augusta 5;50 p. M Arrive at Columbia 10:35 P. M Arrive at Florence 2:20 A. M Arrive at Wilmiagton 8:00 A. M Passenpere leaving Wilmington on the &:45 P. M. train makes close connection going South, june 30 JAMES ANDERSON, Gen'l Sup't. 36-tl Wilmington & Weldon R. R. Company. Officb Genekax. Scpbrintekdbmt, I Wrmiwoton, N. C. June 30. 1873. ) CHANGE OP SCHEDULE. mington and Weldon Railroad will run aa follows : MAIL TRAIN. Lieavo Union Depot daily (Sun days excepted) At Arrive at Goldsboro Rocky Mount 8:15 A. M 12:11 P. M 2:11 f. M 3:50 . M 9:30 A; M 11:20 A. M 1:16 P. M Weldon Leave Weldon daily (Sundav excepted)... .".At Arrive at Rocky Mount Goldsboro Union Depot.... .. EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily. . . At Arrive at Goldsboro Rocky Mount 5:30 P. M 5;S5 P. M 9:33 P. M 11:34 P. M ilri?e 2iS l: S weldon 1:20 A. M G&ldsboro , , -i .W X. m JWM. 10:40 P. M Union Depot 5:00 A. M Mall ttciuuu lor an points iNortb via Bay Line and Acquia Creek routes. trru ... . ""vyji ai Aram mattes f iorp nnnrootmn Express Train connects only with Acquia Creek route. PULLMAN'S pat. An SLEEPING CARS ON THIS .TRAIN. FREIGHT TRAINS will 1a Wm; f - - VH -W ri inuiuie-' rTi tpt.lDOatrIn a t ru A If . 0 . 1 in iV ana arrive at EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilmington daily (Sundays excepted) at 6:00 P. M., and arrive at 4:00 P. M. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. 36-tr nne 30 QUARANTINE NOTICE. The following Quarantine Regulations will be in force from and after the l3t ol June, 1873, until further notice: 1st. All vessels from Ports South of Caps Fear will come to at the Visiting Station near "Deep Water Point," and await the inspection of the Quarantine Physician 2f1 'All tfpfialo hanlnn - i . I , 7 " oictvuces uu ooaru 1 yu nriivui, or naving nad sickness during Station.for inspection, without regard to the Port lrom whencetthey sailed. 3d. Vessels not incl nrlp.fi aa ohnvn -..-111 .uv Tvyatic;. arc leuiiirHfi to m o t tho proceed to Wilmington without detcution. 4tb. Pilots are especially enjointd to mSe.ucarel'ul enquiry, and if not satisfied with the statements of the Captain, or it the vessel is in a filthy condition, they will vrmg iue vessel to tue Station lor further examination. 5th. Pilots wilfully violating the Quaran tine laws are subject to forfeiture of their branch. Masters of vessels to a fine of Two iiunarea uu) uoiiars a dy for every day they violate the Quarantine laws, and ail oiuci pcisouB are uaDie lor each and every ouecce. 0th. All veseels subject to visiUlion un der these regulations will set flags iu the main riging-port side. F. W. POT1ER, Quarantine Physician, Portot Wilmington, N. C. 10 Sat'g&Wed'stlstNov may 3 ) BUILDING LOT. "QNE ol th finest BUILDING LOTS in the city, situated on the East side of Third Street, between Muiberry and Walnut, 66 by 165 feet, for sale Apply to CRONLY & MORRIS. Real Estate Agents. 'x 233-tf Feb 17 GHATTLE MORTGAGE liand and for sale DEEDS Ob 8 G HALL, 1873 RAIL ROADS. OrncB PrrjEHSBUHa R. R. Co.) May. 31st. 1872. OwRST 3RD- LEAVE WELD ON. Express Train 7.o0 Mall Train 1:22 ? AJjRTVE AT PETERSBURG. sareBi 2p - LEAVE PETERSBURG. P Mail jr. Express M M ARRIVE AT WELDON Mall Express 9:40 a. FREIGHT TRAINS. d'-oO p. M M Leave Petersburg Leave Weldon Arrive t Weldn Arrive at Petersburg I GASTON TRAINS. 8:00 a. m. 8:00 p. m. 3:00 p. m . 2.30 a.m. Leave Petersburg 6.ao m Leave Gaston ?: r ' Arrive at Gaston 12-V)nm Arrive Petersburg RS: prefstrlin8sWillrUn0n Sunday except Ex--ti1810?-01011 Branch will be received aidhTHUSDA?ePOt n on MONDAY eoSs wff?iWl11 be 5losed at 5:00 p, m. No goods will be received aftr that hX,, recaived after that hour. Je5-tf . , J. C. SPRIGG, Eneineer and General Manaeer. Carolina Central Railway Company. May 14, 1873. f SCHEDULE." PASSENGER TRAINS T WILMISGTON DAILY (EX- mm v-ciji ounaaysj at st-no a r esbiro at .WW 5:S P M avc n auesuoro at 710 A V Arrive at Wilmington at Y. 435 p M I FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Wilmington daily (except ArHvVVV 6:00 AM Arrive at Laurmburg at 530 PM Leave Lauriuburer at r.' oo a f Arrive at Wilmington at . . ! o.'so P M PASSENGER TRAINS. Leave Charlotte daily, Sundays excepted, at 8 00 A M Arrive at Buffalo at 12 00 M oeave Buffalo at " f rn P M "liMcotyuttnoHe at 5.15 p I5!!fSxlair ?mber and Timber Trains run S!nB0( thcoadas the busi- w;Tk 4uy wU1 SOOa ri in connect: lion n"u irams on )Oth ends nf way. j this Rail- S. L. FREMONT, Chief Engineer and Sup'r. 3ll-tt may 19 NUMEROUS TESTS HAVE FOUND H1. F. Burnham's new Turbine: I U 1 1 wejiue uest ever lnventetJ.j PamDhlet, frpf a,i,ic, 1. july 25 . -.vva 00. 1 ;iiv. e it. 57 6m L TO THE WEST! TO THE WEST! Belore making your arrangements to fol low the advice of the "thousands who have already gone,' it would be we'l to consider what has beeri done to make the journey to your -'Homes in the West" as pleasant and free from danger as human skill and lore sight can accomplish. By consolidation and construction, a road has been put into operation on the shortest possible line from Nashville. Te nn. . In St. Louis, "the fut ure great City of thc worll. This line, the ST. LOUIS Si SOUTHEASTERN RAIL WAY, I) HQ Htlrinrr (hainn.i . 1 """8 luvj (jooi, jcur, curneu an envia ble reputation by its smooth track," prompt time, 6ure connections, and the magnifi cence of its passenger equipment. Its trains are made up of new and commodious day cars, provided with the celebrated Mil ler coupler and k'atform, and the Wc&ting house air-brake.j It is possitivejly the only Hue lunning Pullman Palace! Drawing-Boom Sleeping Cars through without change lrom Nash ville to St. Louii. No other line pretends to ofTer such advantages, either iu distance, time, or equipment. Why, then, journey Dy circuitous routes? Do not be induced .. i . . i . lu pmcuaMj ucKeis to St. Louis or the West by any other line, remember that The "St. Louis & Southeastern" is thc shortest, cheapest, quickest, best and only line under one management from Nashville to St. Louis, and is from 00 to 200 mites the shortest to St. Louis, Kansas City, Omaha, Denver, California, Texa and all western points. It is also the "Chi cago Shortest Lin);," via Evaneville. " You can securej the cheapest rates for yourselves and yojur movables on applica tion, in person of by letter, to Chables McCabk, Southern Passenger Agent, near College street Depot, Nashville, Tenn., or to the undersigned. W B DAVENPORT, Genual Ticket Agent, St. Louis. No trouble to answer questions. july 25 570m XTTARRANTTEfi DEEDS- Oa hand and j V iur Bue feb 25 s g hall " , MAGISTRATES BLANKS A full Hoe lfX on hand, and 'for sale rebro 8 Q HALL. NO. 68 NEW ADFERTISE3IENTS. QBA"DESTKr."E EVER Fourth Grand Gift Concert TtTTriT T U" T" BENKPIT OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARYjf KENIUGKY 12,000 CASH GII.-rs $1,500,000 EVERY FIFTH TICKET DRAWS A GIFT m m- m - m 50,000 for i.-o WphLFourth ,Grand Gift Concert author" WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3 m Only sixty thousand I Uckcfs win'be sold and one-half ol these are intended for th European market, thus leaving only 30 two for sale in the United State. wh 'iS m. m. The ioiSSC P.1' .for Third Concert The t,cketa are divided into ten coupons " drawing "Patlon of the mode esfmo0!06 Wbich bc tbc grand SnSS"1 di8p,ay evcr Witnessed iu th 3 country the unprecedented sum 01 $1,500,000. LIST OF GIFTS: One grand cash gilt .,.V) c One grand cash Sift . . . . . Y00S One grand cash P-iff Jrr? ' One grand caeh gift! One grand cash gift : 7 10 cash gifts Jio mxi T " 50 cash gifts 80 cash gilts 100 cash gilts 150 cash gilts 250 cash gilts 325 cash gifts 11,000 cash gifts 5 W each....... 150,000 i.iMoeacu 50,000 500 each 40.COO fWfih 40,000 o0 each....... 45,000 -OOeacdi 50 000 100 each 32 500 00 each 5.0,000 Total, 12,000 gifts, all caifh, wuiuumiua: to. ii. j. . . Ft J 1 Ail lltf emu thn "T 1 uu poeiuve, wheth er ail tllC tlCkefft nro cnM , i. . .. ticktsgso fl .lmd Proportion to tbc. ucKets sold all unsold t ckets bcin" de stroyed, as at thc First and Second Con certs, d not represented in theTawing.1 v. -F TICKETS: h Whole tickets f 50: Halves "- Tn,n. tormFF-ft f WhoJre-Tickct8s TieS XVl?! ; 113 Whole fionrn v v it J "hole Tickets lor worth ot lBC0UUl 0n ;icf8 ih W worth ot Tickets at a time. t Gift Pa?lleled 6uccess of thc Third sven ZT1 ! ' 7cU thc satislactio given by thciirst and Second, makes if only necessary to announce the Fourth t insure the prompt sale of every Ticket The Fourth Gilt Concert will be conducted lni!Il$8 delaiIs ke the Third and fn particulars may be learned from' cffulari which will be sent free from tSs ouke to all who apply for them. to , Tickets now rpnli7 - accompanied bjTh7monrypVomVt ' Liberal terni&e-lvnn tn v,':A ".Yyi mit-a- sellfle-ain c wuoouy d TIIOS. E. BRAMLF.TTP! "X'-.r1" and Manairer Gift urw ruoi. nbr. BUhg.. Louisville, Ky DAVIDSON COLLEGE " MECKLENBURG COUNTY. N. C. ' Kx"JU1PP-yen.Profe ,'ssorsli jps. 1S73. "l"-Uhs WW. Session li Send for ,.no fe,,u.oc .-''. I L ..... JiLAKK. SIMOMTOM FEMALE COLLEGE oiatesviiie, N. C. I y-. CM rr north of iimxh.k..." '"'J' "e "HJi-s railrVL.l ",y...u,-?- Access! Me by viuu Jiiriii.'s fspitf ' ivr r'nnl nn.n: . r . i 1 . and CJ Kenmore University HigFScEboI ivmnerat, c JI, Vu. S ?" te'?8'-?". For'catahS no. "V,. .JO Jfc. address the Principal juiy sjHw , igents Wanted .mosf. ll'ral inducemenfs WANTED FOIITHE NKW UOJK rraii; ana uonaoons Diseases. m tlfe won ';n, "'orouh Work the kind family sale without it, ami all hu7 it. Ha" 21 chromatic 11 1 nstrat ions The higgLu-hiuvo of the season f r agent. Addre.Tn H iti"lm yecMA Lo.JI'ark Row. N Y July M tfl I9fl picr day! -AjentK wanted! ZTl 0)J IU OfiuVciaeH of working people, of t,lrrSex'yo,UD-,,"r ' l.make more money t t h-r.ki.forV? in their SI,are moments, or all f&'1 e iI,aM ".'''inKelse. Parlienlar ?tA ,aress Stinson A Co. Portland,' 'Ma,ne- july 2y-lw BET AND ULDESlVFAMIfA'3IEj3icilK fiver Inviorafor A purely vegetable cathartic and Tonic for dyitpenaia. contipatlon, debility, sick head ache, billious attacks, and all denineemenU of liver stomach and bowel. Ask your druggist for It. Beware of Imitations jw STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. NEW HANOVER COUNTY. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. rpilE UNDERSIGNED HAVING QUAL JL iced as Administrator upon the eatatu of Anderson Henderson deceased, this Is to give notice that all persons having demands against said estate, file them with him within one year lrom thft date hereof or this notice will be pleaded in bar of par-1 ment: AH persons owing the estate will make payment to him and save costs. Admlnistfator of Anderson Henderson. Juijr , 43-larew i'luiuua. iTifisimr riiii,, j Music and use of tnmrmnL. 11 .011' ?ntand inmiorn 1,.,,,. .." IV" 'v- Preparatory to the Uuiversif v ,,r v.. w 1 Strode (Math Medal is" IJ rr5nci-,l -I.A instructor in mathematics j c l ro 'k van tasjea i 11 con 1 na 1 1 .1 1 uix.. "hulA M 1 m nviu ui 01 ners. iA Vi" . Jiowe.Scwln''Maeliiiif'K we nt v e exclusive county rights furnish wagons and require noctipltai." AidrSJi h.. iIoHi,jneijaltimorc., Md.JulMw i . .