V1 4o?-.0!inu-5i.l5;'.: "' 'I WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1873 vol. m - : ... . NO. .90 4 - j '" f' a wiw yAinua M nT-mT11 tortus .r - .7 - rafternoon except 8unday. MANN.. Editor and Proprietor .r in advance 5 00 Lm .....3o r to advance ! inadtance m v.'iP Rolicitedfrdin our friends of the State, on topics of gene- .t Political news and reports oi iatere-- . U re esp . Eff ADVERT1SEMENIS. TI" I. DOUOI1TEN LOPER & DOUGHTEN, ava-l Stores 51) SOUTHERN TRODUCTS, a 55 SORTU FRONT STREET, philadelpliia, Pa. . r. Tnmcntine Casks solicited and Ely tilled at lowest market P uarcn - vrp Rir.niHD irbt. Vice Pres. b e haskins sec ana ireas. ICHMOND ARCHITECTURAL Itf W0SK3 AND STOVE COMPANY, 1000. 1002, 1004, 100G Cart Street. iThlsCompany ouertoiue peopio oi vn- r rtods of tlieir own manufacture lor pri l aacheap and on terms as liberal as can sJltinn trt stoves of all classes, we make irebTtectuial Works a specialty. Fronts, Kr?i Tiniinw Ware. Stench Traps. Soil iari irons. &c. always on hand; and ie solicit the atteatioa of dealers to our knthern fintcrDi ise. enu ior cireuima u.liu Hce lists. ;UbMv - m. ivme 6 3m Merchandise Brokerage Office, 'ULL line of sampies constantly on hand from importers and manufacturers in forthern markets.' iii ripscrintions of merchandise, orders id bids solicited and telegraphed promptly. rmvh!inr!l bought and sold in this larket. orders from buyers solicited, and Ivmples leu oy seuers win uavo jjiujiiiju cu- ntion. Time as well a1? cash purchases negotiated, Fkettier you wish to nuy or sen, commuui Kf' freely, and often with your local baker. .' , Merchandise and Produce Broker. dec 20 11 tt- U1BBAKD HOUSE, OREJIEAD CITY. CARTERET COUNTY N. 0. KHARTiES HIBBARD. Fronnetor. 'his splendid Sea Side Watering Place, ualed at Beaufort Harbor, will be open the reception of guests on . Monday, June 16th, 1873. It IS ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE THE MOST DELIGHTFUL URF BATHING 04 the Atlantic coast, of the United States ! Mstined to be the terminus of the great SAithem Pac-itic Rjvilroa-d. Unsurpassed lifilities for splendid sailing, Fishing and IHthing. the steamer Zodiac, Ciipt. Win. II. Chapin; Iommander, leaves direct lor New lork e ery week. . farues wishing to engage rooms, win Ipeasc address as above. j "ly 10-om INSUItANCEi l IFK AN I) KIUK INSURANCE CAN BE I" effected at the lowest current rates iii the f;lowin responsible Companies, on ap tication to KW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPAN Y, Asset ts ff.OOO.OOO J. A. liYRNE, Gen l Ins. Agt., MPKRIAIj FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, of Loudon, Assetts SIMHHMMX), Jold IYNCIIBURU INSURANCE AND BANK ING COM PAN Y of Va., assets $615,330 DOMINION INSURANCE COMl'A N OK Va., assetts. ,$200,000 1JYRNE & KEEN AN, Gen'l Insurance Acents. Oillce Chamber of Commerce, up stairs, Wilmington, N. C. &vx 18 77-ly r lowai'tl Assoeiadon, I?h.ila,., Ia,. An Institution having a high reputation tr honorble conduct and prolessioual skill. ctiug Surgeon, J S HOUGHTON, M D. tsays for young men sent free of charge. duress, Howard Association No 2 South N inth St, Philadelphia, Ta. may s 302-3m KAIIBER SHOP. JOE TURNER wishes to inform his custo- tilers nnil nnhlin nronnrallv flint, hp i jj tlHW Fcpared to do all kind of work in his line, Od would respectfully request acontinua toa of the patronage which has heretofore ken so liberally bestowed upon him, J Jan 16 tf 206 THmiAS CONNOR 3AR ROOM E. cornsr of Mulberry and Nutt Sts. lays on hand the best quality of Sega i ic 14 1 157-ly Barker 'rAYLOR Successors to A. H. NEFF, Manufacturers and dealers in HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Stoves, Lanterns, Kerosene, Oil Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. Roofing done at short notice Agents for Fairbank's Scales. No. 19 Front Street, WIL JIINGTON, N. C. aw 19 150-ly MISCELLANEOUS. TO THE PUBLIC AT LA BARGAINS! BARGAINS! SOL. BEAR & BROS., OFFER TO THE PUBLIC j Tbc greatest bargains of the Seasoii, consisting of The Best Ready M;le3 Clothingr, City JIIuilc Catsimcrc r Suits ALL LINEN SUITS, CLOTH SUITS, The Largest Variety in1 the City. SILK, " 1 FELT and ' 1 PANAMA HATS, Boston and Philadelobia maf'c SHOES and GAITERS, of all descriptions. SHIRTS, From the fines to the Cheapest. NOTIONS & HOSIERY, At reduced prices. TRUNKS & j VALISES, Of every description. SADDLES & BRIDLE, At lowest prices in the State. SOL. REAR & BROS., 20 Market St. may 17 310 tf NEW MUSIC. BCBLISHED BY J. Li. lMST-EIiS, 500 lillOA DWAY. N Y, And mailed, post-paid, on receipt ox marked price. VOCAL. Above aud Below. Sacred Sou, by Juch price 'SO cents. Back to the Old Home. Song and Cho rus, by Stewart ; price 30 cents. " v Beautilul Form of my Dreams. By Stewart ; price 30 cents. Darlintr, Weep no more. Song andUho rus, by Ilays ; 35 cents. Do not Weep so, Sister darling. SoDg, by Stewart ; 30 cents. Don't forget to Write me Song and Chorus, by Cox ; 35 cents. Fold we our Hands. Song or Duet, by Boildieu ; 30 cents. Gone to the Heavenly Garden. Song, by Chamberlain; 35 cents. If you were I, would you ? Song, by Sbattuck ; 30 cents. Kiss jne, Darling, ere we part. By Stew art ; 30 cents. Little Blind Nell. Song and Chorus, by Macy . 30 cents. Little Dan, Song and Chorus, by Hays ; 40 cents. Lord, iorcver at Thy Side. By Dunks ; Meet me, Bessie, iu the Dell. By Stew art ; 30 cents. Meet me, Dearest, with a Kiss. By Danks ; 30 cents. My Boy across the Sea, By Hays 5 cents Oh! Give me a Home in the South. By Hays ; 40 cents. Oh, Sam ! Song 'and Chorus, by Hays ; 35 cents. Only for You! Ballad, by Dclioux; 35 cents Our Little Pet. Song aud Chorus, by Hays ; 40 cents. Papa; stay Home. Temperance Song, by Hays ; 40 cento. ) 8ave one Bright Crown f for me. By Havs : 40 cents. I We pray you Sing that Song. Duct, by Dolphus ; 35 cents. "Wilt thou Weep when l am Low? By Walker ; 25 cents. ;: INSTRUMENTAL. POLKAS Sunbeam, by Kinkel, 35 ctb ; Belle ot Saratoga, by Victor, ,35 cts ; May Flower?, by Simon, oo cts. MAZURKAS Awakening oi the Birds, 50 cts; Happy thoughts, by NiiKer, oU cts ; Laughing Wave, by asou, o'J cts ; Sinbeam, by Pacher. 40 cts. I , GALOPS Charlie's and Freddie's, by Kinkel, each 35 cts. I 8HOTTlSCHES-Fatal Glance, by Young, 20 cts; May Morning, by Scbmiat, 50 cts ; Sunbeam, by Hampel, 35 cts ; and Willie's, hv Tvinkel. 35 cts. MAIiCrlr.C OSll oi :Oura,iut;., xjj-ulu.- cts; Drops of Dew, by Al lard, 40 cts ; Sun beam, by Muse. x cts. FOUK HANP5 Amaryllis 50; cts ; Jocus Folka, 35 ct ; Love's Chase Galop, 35 cts ; Praise of Woman Polka-Mazurka all by Dressier SALON PIECES Dance Sot the Hay makers, Wilson, 75 cts ; Love's Caresses Kinkel, 40 cts ; May Blossoms, Kinkel, 0 cts; Plainte des Fleurs, Tonel, 40 cts; Whispering Breezes, Wilson, 50 cts. ... 4ii 1 ! 1 .. ... ; Any of the above mailed, post-paid, on re ceipt oi price. Address, J I. PETERS, 500 Broadway, N Y. may 23 8-tf ROE bach, 40 cts ; Molhe's, by Kinkel, o- cts. WALTZES Clarita, Geonrie's, Lottie's, Rallie'a. aud Masirie's. by Kinkel, each 35 MISCELLANEOUS. A. ADRIAN. H. VOLLEKs , ADRIAN & VOLLERS. W1IOX.ES4XJE DEALERS IK Groceries and Liquors, Importers of German and Havana Cigars, and Commission Merchant u-East Corner Dock and Fkowt Streets. WILMINGTON, N. C. i Having the largest and best assorted Stock of Groceries and Liquors in the City, Dealers willlfind it to their interest to give us a call before buying elsewhere. roav 17-tf g I?I A R i7 IJ S , Wholesale Dealer IN LIQUORS, TOBACCO & SEGARS, PRINCESS ST., ABOVE FIRST NATIONAL RANK, WILMINGTON, N. C, P. S. A full supply of Ale and Lager Beer iu Half and Quarter Barrels. Families supplied with Bottled Ale and Lager Beer. febS . j y , 221-tf J.'S. TOPHAM I CO.. . No. 8 South Front Street, WIL3II&T01V, N. C, MANUFACTURERS AND Wholesale and Retail Dealers in SADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS & TRVAKLING BAGS , ! ! Collars, Hames, Trace Cnains, Whips, Spurs, Dog Collars, Saddle Cloths, Woolen & Linen Morse Covers Fly Nets, Feather Dusters, Axle Grease, Bridles, of all kinds, Sad dlery Hard ware,&c. , SECOND HA jpljtNjESS , s A v x ii' 13 fjaspcoa jA CIIEAPcin'CASHr June 7 1; :- ,: - My Butter, lolassls. SpfcJais, JUST-ECmfr E STEAMERS METROPOLIS and Lucille, Choice Goshen Butter, A No. 1 Muscovado Molasses, A No. 1 Golden Syiip. Extra choice ''Magnolia" Hams. Jn addition to above, daily arrivals of Ba con, Hay, Com, S II Syrup in barrels, tier ces, and hogsheads, Lard, Sugars, &c. For sale low by BINFORD, CROW & CO. juuc 25 32 TOR ALL WHO ARE WILLING TO JC work. Any person, old or young, ot either sex, can make from f 10 to $50 per week, at home oriu connection with other business. Wanted by all. SuPable to either City or Country, and any season of the year. This is a rare opportunity for those who are out of work, and out of money, to make an independent living. No capital being re quired. Our pamphlet, "HOW TO MAKE A LIVING," giving full instructions, sent on receipt of 10 cents. Address A. BUR TON & CO., Morrisania, Westchester Co., N. Y. . ':. niayll 307 tf THE NEW ELASTIC TRUSS An Importan Imvjentiox. It retains the rup ture at all times, and under the hardest ex ercise or severest strain. It is worn with comfort, and if kept on night and day, ef fects a permanent cure in a tew weeks. Sold cheap, ana sent uy man wura request ed. Circulars free, when ordered by letter, sent to Tho Elastic Truss Co., No. t)S3 Broadway, N Y. City. Nobody uses Metal Spring .Trusses ; too painful; they slip off too frequently. may 14 307 tf THE PARLOR COMPANION. Every Lady wants one I Every Man ought to have one ! ! Sent on receipt ot Ten Cents. Address, L F. HYDE & CO., l'J5 Seventh Avenue, New York. ' may 19 311-tt Tho Beckwith $20 Portable Fam ily Sewing .ilachiac, on 30 Days Trials many advantages over all. Satis faction truaranteed, or money refunded Sent complete with full directions. Beck wiih Sewing Machine Co., 862 Broadway N. Y. may 14 307 tf A GENTS WANTED everyr-here to fell our new and novel Embroidering Ma chins, send lor Illustrated Circular, to the Mcliee Manufacturing company, ouy iiroad way, N Y. may 19 311-tf Bon-Ton Flirtation Signals. Sent on receipt ot 2- cents. I Unique Print ing &nd Publishing House, So Vesey street New York. may W 311-tf : . I- - RAIL ROADS. Wilmington. Colombia & Au gusta R. R. Company. Gbh. 8uPKBiNTKnrBNT3 Ofticb, r Wilmihgton, N. C, June. 30, 1872. J CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. I!" rpUE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE WILI1 X to into effect at 5:20 A. M-Monday. 30th inst. - DAY EXPRESS TRAIN , (Daily.) Leave Wilmington 5:20 A. M Arrive at Florence 11:20 4. M Arrive at Columbia 4;00 P. M Leavo Columbia 7:25 A. M Arrive at Florence ..11.30 A. M Arrive at Wilmington 5:15 P. M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (SUN- DAjld EACErTED.) Leave Wilmington.. Arrive at Florence . . . Arrive at Columbia. .... 5:45 P. M .... 11:30 P. M . . . . 3:42 A. M . . . 8:20 A. M . . . . 5:50 P. M Arrive at Augusta. . . Leave Augusta Arrive at Columbia 10:35 P. M Arrive at Florence 2:20 A. M Arrive at Wilmington. 8:00 A. M mm 1 Passengers leavinrr Wilmington on the 5:45 P. M. train makes close connection e'oinpi- Smith. ' 1 JAMES ANDERSON, ' Gen'l Sup't. 3(i-tf june 30 Wilmington & Weldoa R. R. Company. Ori'lCK GENERA!, SurEXIKTENDKfiT, WnMiNGTOx, N. C, Jun is 30. 1373.'. ) jit. Jti ml. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. i ON AND AFTER JUNE 29th INSTANT, PASSENGER TRAINS on the Wil mington and Weldon Railroad will run as bllowa : MAIL TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily (Sun days excepted) ; ... At 8: 1 5 A. M Arrive at Goldsboro 12:11 P. M Rocky Mount 2:11 P. M Weldon 3:50 M LeavtJ Weldon daily (Sundavs excepted)... At 9:30 A: M Arrive at Rocky Mount 11:20 A. M Goldsboro 1:10 f. M - Union Depot 5:30 P. M EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily. . .At 5:35 P. M 'J:33 P. M 11:34 P. M 1:20 A. M 6:45 P. M 10:40 P. M 5:03 A. M Arrive at Goldsboro Rocky Mount sniiZ Weld on Lcav9 vv eldon dally. ........ Arrive at Rocky Mount i! t G&ldsboro . . . Union Depot Mall' Train mas.es ciote connection at Weldon for all points North via Bay Line and Acquia Creek routes. Express Train connects only with Acqula Creek route. PULLMAN'S PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON THIS TRAIM. FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wiiming- ton tri-weekly&t 6.00 A. M., and arrive at 40 r. M. EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilmington daily-(Sundays excepted) at 6:00 P. M.. and arrive at 4:00 P. M. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. .Mine 30 -86-tf QUARANTINE NOTICE. The following Quarauliuc Regulations will be iu force from and after the l3t ot June, 1S7J, until further notice: 1st. All vessels from Port South of Cap$ Fear will come to at the Visiting Station near "Deep Water Point," aud await the inspection of the-Quarantine Physician. 2J. All vessels having sickness on board on arrival, or having had sickness during the voyaeje, are required to come to the Station for iuspection, without regard to the fort from whence they sailed. 3d. Vessels not included as above will proceed to Wilmington without detention. 4th. Pilots are especially enjoined jo. make careful enquiry, and if not satisfied with the stateme'its of the Captain, or if the vessel is in a filthy coudition, they will bring the vessel to the fetation lor" lurtner examination. 5th. Pilots wilfully violating the Quaran tine laws are subject to forfeiture of their branch. Masters ot vessels to a line ol lwo Hundred ($200) Dollars a dy for every day they violate the Quarantine hiws, :uid ail other persons are luole' foreach and Cvt'tjF offence. Cth. All vessels subject to visitation uu- der these regulations will set Hags in the main riging port side. F. W. POT 1 EK, Quarantine Philci.in, Port ot Wilmington, N. ( ray 11 Uii'j v set- eu siisi. uv . - .-IT .11 .. ' . BUILDING ' LOT. NEot thtf.Huest' BUILDING LOTS in the city, eituated on the Eastside of Third Street, between MuibtlaaiWalttt.vf by loo feet, for sale App'yto CRONLY 'A MORRIS. Real Estate Agents. 233-tf I Fft 17 MAGiSTKArEd BLANKS A full line . on hand, and for sale fcb25 8 G HALL. S;7T ? Piedmont Air-Lino Richmond and Danville, Richmond and DanyiUc RVVMbrrision, ahdr North WcstcVir'Kcrfn: w:,' Gondonsecl 'TeTailelj, -o- ii... f Iireilect on and after Sunday", June ' " ' i u GOING NORTM.-K STATIONS, Leave Charlotte.. " Salisbury ' GfCerisboro,. . . , " Danville. Burktille. Arrive at Richmond . . 2.50 Pi ttfr.w. O.U .. i.ir. . ii.i7k. "HllO C05 " 2 55 KIM. GOING SOU Iii. - STATIONS. MAIL. ACCOM. Leave Richmond 1.05 P. M 4.10 8.45: 11.17 , 2.C3 A. M 4.05 4 9.45 A. M. 1.20 P. M. ArO. lOrir , " Greensboro. .. " Solisbury Airive at Charlotte. . GOING WEST. , STATJOJJS. MAIL. express ;n Leave Greensboro' . . . Co. Shops.... ,4 Hillsboro' .... " Raleigh....... Arrive at Goldsboro'. S.20 r. ii. 11.00 11:10 1.40 a. m 4.30 GOING WEST. STATIONS. MAIL.' sxpksss Leaye Goldsboro'..'.-. " Raleigh ".: Hillsboro' Co. Shops I... . Arrive at GreenEboro' 2.30 p. m 5.2iJ 44 7.47 44 12W 10.48 A.M. . . . . V .;. 4 v North Western N, C. R.-Rr -7' ., (ALEM. BllAKCII.):" ;;(. Leave Greensboro .,!;......ll:f20.P M Arrive, at Salem 1:40 A. M Leave Salem V . : .:. .!:.4:40 P M Arrive at Greensboro. v. . . ....,7:00 M. Mail trains daiiy, both ways5, over entire' length of Road. -Accommodation daily be-, tween Danville and KichmpndfSundays ex cepted.) "'of 1 .' . I: On Sundays Lynchburg Accommodation leave Richmond at 5.23 a. m., arrive at Burkville 11.23' al m0' leave BtirkviHe 1.10 p. m., arrive at Richmond 4.17 p: m. Pullman Palace Cars on all night trains between Charlotte ?nd Richmond, without change.) . , F(?r further infoimatign address S. E. ALLEN, General Ticket Agent. Greensboro, N. C. T. M. R TALCOTT, Engineer and Gen'l Spucrintendaut, , aug 7 f58 ' Offick Peteksburo It. K. Co. May. 31st. 1872. f ON AND AFTEU JUNE SltD, THE trains wilf i-mi a follows: will runts follows: "LEAVE WELDON. Express Train Mail Train.... ,7:.'H)p.m. ARRIVE AT PETERSBURG. Express. , , l0:&f).p.rn., Mail 7:00 p". m. LEAVE PETERSBURG.' t Mail , , '(5:30 a. m. Express " 3:50 p. m. ARRIVE AT WELDON. Mail .. 9:10 a.m.. Express " 6J p. in. I JKEIGliT TRAIN S, Leave Petersburg ' Leave Weldon Arrive at Weldwn Arrive at Petersburg GASTON TRAINS. a. in. 8:00 p. m. ::!) ji. jmt 2:20 a. in . i .'f Leave Petersburg ' " ' Leave Gaston . (5:00 a. m. 1:15 p.m Arriveat Gaston r-'roi) p. m ArrlVc at Petersburg S:IUp. m. No trains will ruu on Sunday cxcert,Ex pr ess trains " ' ' - : Freightsfor Gaston Branch will be roeeiycd at the Petersburg depot Only on MONDAYS and T1IUR8DAV.S. ' : ' The depot will be closed at 5:00 p. m. No goods will be recaived after that lKur. J. C. BPUIGG, je 5-tf Encineer and General Maiiasrer. Carolina Central ...Coimaiiy. WILLING TON, N. C,,i ) ; f May 14, lSTJ. ) i ;pu ' -I hi aciiKntr PASSENGEBTTRAINS ' krlEAVE WILMlivGTON; BAILT (EX 1 j eent Sundays) at... .. A M Arrive at Wadesboio at 5:25 P M Leave WadcsbordVt . . f . . 7:10 'AM Arrive at WilErin2tbn;atii. .t,tl4- ,1MiiiP lf! Leave Wilmington, daily (tjajept . SundavsL 1 ' IT. . . :W A M1 Arrive at Ijaurinijurg at.. slh k . f;W ,1LM i Leave Lauriobur at .,. . . . . . "w A hi . Arrive at WilbinVin at?. ..'I'.VS.WP IV V.lVl'eharotte, 'IfcifvV 4hdaV I ! i' excepted, at H.00 A M. Arrive at Hntlalo at . '. ,fttr 2JX) M' Leave ButEilo at , 1X0 P M Arrive at Charlotte at'.vLC. . . Bj15 P Ml Irrea-alar Lumber and Tflaiber Traid Ttfn on both pfertioasof the Itoad a the bosi- ness reauifes A Dailv Stage wiil sooa ruqj cpasclion with the" traini 9a. .ctlLfends pr tjils Ilail- way VJ ::FlU53IONT, ' Chi4i Engineer and S ap'tj I may 19 . ? : !? :? Sli-U "YX7"A RRANTTJE ,D?E Epi.-Op f1 'f1 j T lot . . . . m feb25 9 U HALL RAIL, roads: NEW' aDTERTlS. .T'aSSS GBAtlDEST SCgPjr EVER Fpiii- 'Grand Gift Concert POBJIC,, .LIBRARY of 'KENTUCKY' 48,000 ICABJJ ,, OIPJS , $1,500,000 ' . : ' EJVEY FIF.TII TICKET. DRA!tffl- A GIFT If ; , - The Fdurth! Grand tra?ConcoWiuflio- j thd'benefltof the Public Libraryof Ken." ' i" tacky; -will take place Tlnr; Public Library " WEDNItSDAV nwnVifRi? 1S73. .Only slxtv thousand tlcfc win ho. mjvH and Wid-hair at Ihcse am intended.. Jnrti... V. j Enrcrpcatf market, thyg leaving only CQ.000 ! ' . ' ror stda iAtaUWfed 6fatc, Avller 100.W ff t IrC OTiS ticetsrfc divided into ten coupons o pjrti and hdvfed UbeiHrKack tho JSchenT- - r.'i with a ruil1eiatlQaioL.tho.,modef , , i i mnwing. . ' . , . cj.L musical cqspiay ever, witncsBpi m mis. country, me unprecedented sum oi -.451.500 tonn. ' tnbuted byjot amonc tho ttcket.hoiiirR . i:i;- The numbers of tho tickets to bo drawn from one wheel by blind children andtte'-'1' gifts from another. - " ? ;'fTiI3T OF GIFTS: 4, . , ... :i One grand cash gift...., ,..f250,CO0 . v ' wib grauu t;aau iruc. 1U0,000 One grand casn gift 50,000 One grand caqh gift. 25,000., , One grand cash gift. ....... 17,000' ' 5 10 cash gifts $10,000 each; 100,000 ' 20 cash gifts 5,000 each 150,000 "50 cash gifts 1,000 eacbj '. . ... : 1 50,000 SO cash gilts- 600; eachv 40,000 .100 cash gilts . .400 each 40,000 . 150 cash gifts '" COO each . I . J. . . 45,000 ' ' 250 cash gifts; -; r 200 each........ 50,000 h,;r. , J ,325 caaft gifts 100 each... 33.500 ' 11,003 cash girt 50 each-.'...:.! 650,000' :,,r' , Total, ,12,0Cf) gilts..' all cash' ". ' amounting td. . . ......I. . .$1,500,000 ; The distrlbhtiOB will bo positive, wheth. . er ail the tickets are sold or not, and the 12,003 gifts all paid ih pToportfon to the tickets soldall unsold .tleketa being de . stroyed. as at the.First.and Second 7'on.' certs, ahd 'not represented In the 'drawing ' .PRICIC OF-TIOKETS: . ; .t. noie ncseis oo juaives ; Tenths. Or each Cdupbn ?o Eleven Whole Tickets for $500; f 1'ickets for tXfiOO,; 113 WJiol.; , ,. Tickets .for 5,000; 227 Whole Tickets for $10,0C0.!i No discbunt on less than $500' i" worth 6t Tiiketa at, a Hme. Tha unparalleled success of the Third Gift-Concert! 'as well as' the satisfaction ! giyen ;"y,thd Firet an4Secon,d. makes it . only necessary to announce the. Fourth to " insure the nromnt'salo of:everv Ticket.' : The Fourth Gift Concert will bo conducted: in all its, details like the Third, and fall particulars may be learned fromrcircBtarB, which wili.tto sent free from this office to all who apply for them. Tickets now ready for sale, and nil orders accompanied oy the money, promptly filled Liberal terms given to those who buv t-j sell again ,i ' . tIiOS: E. BRAMLETTE. . . Agent PubLLlbr. Ky., and Manager Gift . 7'r 7,- M Ws Louisville, Ky. 'I MECKLENBURG COUNTS. N. .C. Thoroughly equipped. Seven professorships. expenses low." session 'ieins Sept. isdi, IS78. Bend for adaloicuo. Chairman of tbcyaculiy 11. BLAKE.; juiy Y3-tV S 1 M D NTO TI FE r,1 A LE C 0 LLE G E ' ' ; . stktesm. n: c. ' J r?(--u : - KevS.-Tayl6 Jiartljt .sWenf, Loctitlon Biuarkly iiGJvltby. Twenty five nillen librtfi of ' Davidwtt Cblleg. ', Accessible by ; rauroud,r.He$sioi Oceans tiept 22, 1$73, and , contfnu6s nlae rnonths, rfosinff Juno 22. 1J71 Annmu expenses, board andEnglisli tuition, SF200. Music and use of instrument An cient and mollern lauguageKj each $20. Bend for circular . . . t juiy Mw- KonRT,ore .University High School , ' 'Ahiherst, C II, Va. ' Pxeparatory to the UniverHlty of Vft..!IIi(V strodeMaCl(MedaUisl V Va), rrlnclpnUnil Instruetbr'fq mathematics II OfJlrook; hi, it. U Va Irccfently Aes t Prof. .Iitip. U. Va). Instructor Iii Greek, Latin, Fren6h; Gcririarr and Jktfcjnr.1 This is onoof the "eaiilm; hiyh HcIirMl.vi of vlrfl nisi. .. nnil Virnrtfrttsi mrtu v nl- I. I I I I.I I I.I vantages faobinprnWe wHu, Lhoao of other. j"-. .Students also reeeiycl for the summer. New ses.;idn'bipff1qsSept.j5tfi-, lS7J.'For rutaloue," . address Uy? Frincipai . Julyi-iw. igents Wanted. - We ;offer the most llb'al Inducement to . energetic man to sell llowe Hewing Machines tn Maryland, ViVffinfa' and Nbrth Cnrolitiff. 'M -Wo give exclwuiiva, county rijUtV fwrd.sh, . 'wagons andjrequIroTiocjipItal. ' Acldrfepstliff'4 ' HqwolBcbjiieOovItAJtimore.Md.juiy ..' AGENThf WAltTEf) FOIlTIDSiNEW BOOKi , ,u,u.i Epidemic jani Contagions. Diseases, .!.-. . hwuii iuh uuwesi sini orsTr ireniiin-iifc-iur 1111 If . . 1... f JCi . I i . . i i - .1. 1.1..1 . . in. thg.y.orl Embraces small pO'x, yellow feVer, ThMera and nvnlOFona diffuse. Mo lh fnMyBJ1 V'tnout it, an.I all buy It. Jlas 2Jcluorrialli illustrations The WgrftiaiM-u ot tbobeaaoh f r aseiUH. iVIflref UrttlMlr speed & Co.p Park ltow, V mytJ-M ,l Gik tn i !0fl rcr da3'J Atcentn waited! All . (Jj iu wLl classes ot working people, tof I" ?- : --f ithtxftta pUD' orold,makemoremoney at ; . 1 rem t 1 ti rt of n f 1 1"1 froe. AdiLffss G Mtlnson & Co, Portland, f BlMri. " t 4 diia(ttfii'i tjJISTFAMIIA'Ml.lClNK . , .. . A purely V'V.Mr"11 WtM'fi tj I T .l if Iittrltiimach and bowels. Ak your S ta CxvzifrifQt it. Ueware of imitations -4w STiVTE OF NDHTHlCAHOIilNAr- i.5 , m n:v( iiakover COUNTY. :-1 TO .I10XI tT MA.Y COKCEIUf.M' i t rpHE UiO)?Slfe6li IIAVING 'LALf t I ' in.. .1 k .1 ,tJl;i4.AM'Knn 4t-n m . (alii ' of Anderson Henderson deceased, this la to ' r ' give nctlca tnat all persons having demand .T i agalnn said ' estate, file them .with him within one year Iron tntf date hftreof, ot thisnftUcd will:Dti pleadedltf bar of pay -ult io.env;i4l) persons owing the estate will i make payment to him and save costs. T''37, ELVIN AHTIS, " Adminlstratoi fif Anderson Ilcndersoni -( " Jaly 0 j . .f . . 43-law(5ir ; tuu I f '. t-' i l! 1 U V ; f f : t. i t-.-il M if .: H i ... c. fr 7" : - '. - w . i I f ; ; -: J t t r t i . i ; . i ' . ! r li ft i -

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