I '.-! 1 A l I i: I J '---"' -I F Wiv jAfX I I L 1 i! rota lid brorti a rmd ST? I, I : i-1 1 t r .ir vol. vii: WILMINGTON, N. C., TRUBSDAY. JEraEE vlM NO. 92 ptf -' It? - I ' . , - - -- y f '-T T.1T t -t: . ' i .'- i i ----- " ' - T ' : 1 J .- - ' ' ,i a-rnnnt HnnHaV -t upfi every aiteruw ,-wv.. ?a a r MANN-Editor and Proprietor G- subscription. Lear, in advance. ieJ u. in advance rf w 0Dl.r;5n advance ...150 dout: .. 50 " 8 !!!Lindence solicited from our friends nt the State, on topics of gene ra f.4 Political news and reports ol ADVERTISEMENTS. LrElt. I. DOUOHTBK LOPER & DOUGHTEN, LvAL STORES t,n SOUTHERN PRODUCTS, Lva 55 AWfl. 8TZEJST, Philadelphia, Pa. ,c fnr Turpentine Casks solicited and prompt fluw a" - " ais-tf HltUV" - . -TT1 uo HtrnxED irbt. Vice Pres. wcKNieaii E B occ anu uias. RICHMOND ARCHITECTURAL IB0' WOKKS AND STOVE COMPANY, 100O.1OW, 1001, 1030 Cakt Stbibt. This Company otrer to the people of Vir 2! ,h the Southern States a large line of Areh tectu!l Works a specialty. Fronts iS Hollow Ware, Stench Traps, boil Pe Sa.1 irons, &c., always on hand; and it : solicit the attention of dealers to our Southern enterprise. Sena lor circulars unu price lists. mne b 6m llerchandisc Brokerage Office, m'I h line of samples constantly on hand ' fmin iinuorter.s and manufacturers In Northern markets. U descriptions ot merchandise, orders and bidssulieitcd and telegraphed promptly. fproti:m.lise bouzht and sold In this JR-lcnim'1'-' ,,v.r.. ,, .. j .!... ...-.K.cr i-.li lllVrS' KOllfMt.Rfl. J1TI1 samples left by sellers will have prompt at- t ention. Time as well as cash purchases negot iated, whether you wish to buy or sell, commuui- rated freely, and often with your local Braker' JAS. T. l'ETTEWAY, - Merchandise and Produce Broker, deci) 181 tf II I B BRli HOIFSE, MOREIIEAD CITY. CARTERET COUNTY, N. 0. CHARLES HIBBARD, Proprietor. This splendid Sea Side Watering PI situated at Beaufort Harbor, will be o ace, open ior me reception ui gucoiia uu Monday, June 16th, 1873. IT 13 ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE THE MOST DELIGHTFUL SURF BATHING On the Atlantic coast, of the United States ! "Destined to be the terminus of tho great Southern Pacific Railroad. Unsurpassed tacifilies for splendid sailing, Fishing and Uathing. The steamer Zodiac, Capt. Wm. II. Chapin; commander, leaves direct ior New York every week. Parties wishing to engage rooms, will please address as above. july 10-3m INSURANCE. I IFE AND FTTrR TMSTIRANCE CAN BE J effected at tho lowest, current rates in. the following responsible Companies, on ap plication to NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPAN V, Assetts 20,000,000 J. A. BYRNE, Gen'l Ins. Agt., IMPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, of London, Assetts. V,UOt),000, Gold LYNCHBURG INSURANCE AND BANK ING COMPANY of Va., assets 8615,'WO OLD DOMINION INSURANCE COMPA- "Y Ob' Va., assetts. S2UU.000 BYRNE & KEEN AN, Gen'l Insurance- Agents, Office Chamber of Commerce, up stairs, Wilmington, N. C. an; 16 77-ly Howard Association, l?liila.., X'a,. An Institution having a high reputation for houorble conduct and proiesslonal skill. Acting Surgeon, J 8 HOUGHTON, M !. Essays for young men sent free of charge. Address, Howard Association No 12 South Ninth St, Philadelphia, Pa. may 8 . aU2-3m BAKBElt SUOr. JOE TURNER wishes to inform his custo- niers arid public generally, that he is now prepared to do all kind of work in his line, and would respectfully request a continua tion of the patronage which has heretofore oeeu so liberally bestowed upon htin.. jau 16 tf 206 THOMAS coisrisroR Bar o o :mc E. corner of Mulberry and Nutt Sts. Always on hand the best quality of Sega i U 157-ly PARKER Csc Ta VTLOR Successors to A. H. NEFF, ."Manufacturers and dealers In HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Gun otoves. Lanterns, Kerosene, Oil Tin ana eneei iron are. Roofing done at short notice ' Agents for Falrbank's Scales. No. 19 Front Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. no? i 150-ly r roods of their own manulacture lor pri 2. MPlieap and on terms as liberal as can J?hSl of any Northern establishments. In . )nst.oves of all classes, we make MISCELLANEOUS. TO THE PUBLIC AT LARGE. BARGAINS I BARGAINS ! SOL. BEAR & BROS., i OFFER TO THE PUBLIC The greatest bargains of the Season, consisting of The Best Ready M;ule3 Clothin City JfMade Catsimcre Suits ALL LINEN SUITS, CLOTH SUITS, The Largest Variety in the City, SILK, FELT and PANAMA II A T S, Boston and Philadelphia mac SHOES and GAITERS, of all descriptions. SHIFTS, From the liaes to the Cheapest. NOTIONS cV At reduced prices. TRUNKS & VALISKS, Ofi every description. At lowest prices ib the State. SOL. BEAR & BROS., 20 Market St. may 17 310- tf NEW MUSIC. BUBLISHED EY J. L. J'ETERS, 599 BROADWAY, N Y And mailed, post-paid, on receipt oi marked price, j VOCAL. Above aud Below. Sacred Song, by Juch price 30 cents. Back to the Old Home. Song and Cho rus, by Stewart; pficc o0 cents. Beautilul Form of my Dreams. By Stewart ; price 30 cents. Darling, Weep no more. Song and Cho rus, by Hays ; 35 cenfs. Do not Weep so, Si6ter darling. SoDg, by Stewart ; 30 cents. Don't forget to Write me Song and Chorus, by Cox ; 35 cents. Fold,we our Hands. Song or Duet, by Boildien ; 30 cents. Gone to the Heavenly Garden. Song, by Chamberlain; 35 cents. If you were I, would you ? Song, , by Shattuck ; 30 cents. Kiss me, Darling, crc we part. By Stew art ; 30 cents. Little Blind Nell. Song and Chorus, by Macy . 30 cents. Little Dan, Song and Chorus, by Hays ; 40 cents. Lord, iorever at Thy Side. By Dauks ; 25 cents. Meet me, Bessie, in the Dell. By Stew art ; 30 cents. Meet me, Dearest, with a Kiss. By Danks ; 30 cents. My Boy across the Sea, By Hays ; 35 cents. Oh! Give me a Home in the South. By IX Ays 4.0 cents Oh,' 8am ! Song and . Chorus, by Hays ; 35 cents. Only for Yon! B.illad, by Dclioux; 35 cents Our Little Fct. Song and Chorus, by Hays ; 40 cents. Papa, stay Home. Temperance Song, by Hays ; 40 cents. Save one Bright Crown for me. By Hays ; 40 cents. ; . We prayyou Sing that Song. Duet, by Dolphus ; 35 cents. " Wilt tbouWeep riheii I am Low? By Walker ; 25 cents. j J INSTRUMENTAL POLKAS Sunbeam, by Kinkel, o3 ets ; Belle of Saratoga, by Victor, 35 cts ; May Flowers, by Simon, 35 cts MAZURKAS Awakening ol the Birds, 50 cts; Happy Thoughts, by Walker, 30 cts; Laughing Wave, by Wilsou, 50 cts ; Sunbeam, bv Pacher. 40 cts. GALOPS Charlie' and Freddie's, by Kinkel, each 35 cts. I SHOTTISCHES-Fatal Glance, by Young, 20 cts ; May Morning, by Schmidt, 50 cts ; Sunbeam, by Hampel, 35 els ; and Willie's, by Kinkel, 35 cts. MARCHES Bell of Saratoga, by Baum bach, 40 cts; Mollie's, by Kinkel, 35 cts. WALTZES Clarita, Georgie's, Lottie's, Sallie's, and Maggie's, by Kinkel, each 35 cts; Drops of Dcwj by AUard, 40 cts ; Sun beam, by Muse, 35 cts. j FOUR HANDS Amaryllis 50 cts ; Jocns Polka, 35 cts ; Love's Chase Galop, 35 cts ; Praise of Woman Polka-Mazurka aU by Dressier. j SALON PIECES Dance ot the Hay makers, Wilson, 75 eta; Love's Caresses Kinkel, 40 cts; May Blossoms, Kinkel, 50 cts; Plaintc des Fleu'rs, Tonel, 40 cts; Whispering Breezes, Wilson, 50 cts. I j Any ol the above mailed, post-paid, on ic- ceiptof price. Address, J L PETERS, 599 Broadway, N Y. may 28 ! S-tf IT MISCELLiNEODS. A. ADRIAR". H. VOLLERa ADRIAN & V0LLERS. WEOUSEALE DKAT.KM x Groceries and Iiiquors, Importers of German and Havana Cigars, and . Commission Merchant South-East Corner Dock and Front Streets. WILMINGTON, N. a Having the largest and best assorted Stock of Groceries and Liquors In the City, Dealers will find It to their interest to give us a call before buying elsewhere. mav 17-tf II . MARCUS, Wholosale Dealer IN LIQUORS, TOBACCO & SEGARS, PRINCESS ST., ABOVE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, WILMINGTON, N. C, P. S. A full supply of Ale and Lager Beer in Halt and Quarter Barrels. Families supplied with Bottled Ale and Lager lieer. fib 3 ' 221- tf I S. TOPHAM &C0.. No. 8 South Front Street, WlLnaTOV, N. MANUFACTURERS AND Wholesale and Retail Dealers in i' SADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS & TRVABLING BAGS Collars, Uamcs, Trace Cuains, Whips, Spurs, Dog Collars. Saddle Cloths, Woolen & Linen Horse Covers Fly Nets, Feather Dusters, Axle Grease, Bridles, of all kinds, Sad dlery Hard ware, &c. A L ? O , SECOND UANP IIA11NJ2SS, SADDLES, R EiT N S , & c . CHEAP FOR CASH. June 7 1-ly Butter, Molasses, Syrup, Hams, JUST RECEIVED, E X STEAMERS METROPOLIS and. Lucille, Choice Goshen Butter, A No. 1 Muscovado Molasses, A No. 1 Golden Syup. Extra choice 4,Maguo!ia" Hams. in addition to above, daily arrivals of Ba con. Hay, Corn, S H Syrup in barrels, tier ces, and hogshead, Lard, Sugars, &c. For sale low by BINFORD, CROW & CO. juuc 23 32 W A. & IS SS FOR ALL WHO ARK WILLING TO work. Any person, old or young, oi either sex, can make from f 10 to $60 per week, at home or in connection with other buiuess. Wanted by all. Suitable to either City or Country, and any season of the year. This is a rare opportunity for those who arc out of work, and out of money, to make an independent living. No capital being re quired. Our pamphlet, "HOW TO MAKE A LIVING," giving full instructions, sent on receipt of 10 cents. Address A. BUK TON&CO.. Morrisacia, Westchester Co., N Y. may 14 307 tf THE NEW ELASTIC TRUSS An Important Ihvbhtion. It retains the rup ture at all times, and under the hardest ex ercise or severest strain. It is worn with comfort, and if kept on night and day, ef fects a permanent cure in a tew weeks. Sold cheap, and sent by mail when request ed. Circulars free, when ordered by letter sent to The Elastic Truss Co., No. 6S3 RroArtwav. N. Y. City. Nobody uses Metal Spring Trusses ; too painful ; they slip oil 1 ... ,.i t rett t r too lrequentiy. wnjfit ovt u THE PARLOR COMPANION. Every Lady wants one ! Every Man ought to have one ! ! Sent on receipt ot Ten Cents. Address, L. F. HYDE & CO., 105 Seventh Avenue, New York. may 10 Ul-tt Tho Bcckwith $20 Portable Fam ily Sewing Machine, on 30 Hays Trial ; many advantages over all. Satis faction guaranteed, or money refunded. Sent complete with full directions. Bcck with Sewing Machine Co., 862 Broadway N. Y. may 14 307 tf i r.RNTS WANTED evcrvrhcre to .sell xV. our new and novel Embroideriag it? chine, send tor Illustrated Circular, to the McKcc Manufacturing Company, 300 Broad way, N Y. may 19 311-tf Bon-Ton Flirtation Signals. Sent on receipt of 2-" cents. Unique Print ingand Publishing Ilou.'e, JW Vesey Street, New York, may 19 311-tf rif .naino ! r 11. ai tj , i iguana i ii if. ! ,7 t lit khuviLVrii i" t r If a h. m n kwm , i (I GUw fiCFXBISTXKDXKT S. - O mCK,' it ?iSfe. WrurnrerpN,, N. C June. 30,11 CUAlJuE OF i i I - t r E!l lf ,7 rrt I- DAYEXPBESS TRAIN i,Dai) , Leave Wilmington 5:20 A. M Arrive at Florence 11:20 A. M Arrive at Columbia. 4:00 P. M Leave, Columbia. 7:25 A. M Arriv at Fldrence ..11.30 A. M Arrive at Wilmington 5:15 P. M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (SUN DAX$ EXCEPTED.) Leave WUmlngton 5:45 P. M Arrive at Florence 11:36 P. M Arrive at Columbia 3:42 A. M Awfcrot , Aigaaia 8U2aA.M Arrive at cJlumbliif. Xi A W&SWUi Arrive at Fldrence 2:20 A. M Arrive a ilxniagtoa. ........ K 800 A. M Passengers leaving Wilmington on the 5:45 P. M. train makes close connection gping South. ' JAMES ANDERSON, Gen'l Sup't. juneSO X 30-tf Wilmington & Weldoii R. R. Company. ' Omci Gkneral Scpbbih tjsndest, i ! j Wi.kingT(jn, N. C-, June 30. 1873. 4 fQANGE 0E.SCHEDULE. N ANDAFTEfetUitiIWSTAN'r, PASSENG EUIfJlAINS otx the- Wil mington and Weftfon-Kaifcrbat! will run as follows : I MAIL TRAIN. Leave Unlou Depot daily (Sun- days excepted). . . At 8: 15 A. M Arrive atGQldgboro 12:11 P. M Rdcky Mount 2:11 P. M Weldaa... 3:5Qi?..M LesyiWeldon daily (Sundays excepted) . J At 9:30 A; M Arrive at Rocky Mount 1 1:20 A. M ; Goldboro : . . . 1:16 P. M Union Depot 5:30 P. M EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily .. .At 5;35 P. M Arrive at Goldsboro 0:33 P. M Rocky Mount . 11:34 P. M WeldonJ. . 1:20 A. M Leave Weldoti daily 6:4b P. M Arrive at Rocky Moulit 9:00 P. M Geldsboro.. 10:40 P. M Union Depot 5:0J A, M Mall Tram makes close connection at Weldonlor all points North via Bay Line and Acquia Creek routes. Express Train connects only with Acquia Creek route. PULLMAN'S PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON THIS TRAIN. . ' f. il O FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilming ton tri-weekly at 6.00 A. M., and arrire at 1.40 P. M. : EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilmington daily (Sundays excepted) at 6:00 P. nnd arrive at 4:00 P. M. JOHN F. DIVINE, G en eraH&nperiotendent. , .tune 30 36-tf QUAANTlbJE ! NOTICE, . " The following Quarantine Regulations will be in force from and after the l3t oi June, 1873, until iurther notice : 1st. All vessels from Ports South of Capa Fear will come to at the Visiting Station near "Deep Water Point," and await the inspection of the Quarantine Physician.' 2d. All vessels having sickness on board on arrival, or having had sickness during tho voyage, are required to come to the Station for inspection, without regard to the fort Irom wbence tcey sailed. 3d. Vessels not included as above will proceed to Wilmington without detention. 4th. Pilots are especially enjoined to make careful enquiry, and it not satished with the statements of the Captain, or it the vessel is in a filthy condition, tbey will bring the vessel to the Station lor further examination. 5th. Piiot3 wilfully violating the Quaran tine laws are subject to forfeiture of their branch. Masters of vessels to a line oi 1 wo Hundred (f200) Dollars a diy for every day they violate the Quarantine laws, .and all other persons are liable tor each ana every offence. 6tb. All vessels subject to visitation un der these regulations will sct'llags in the main riging-port bide. F. W. POT1KU, Quarantine Physician, Port ot Wilmington,' S. O. 10 Sat's&Wed'etlstNov may 3 . . - BUILDING LOT. NEot tbv flncst BUILDING LOTS in the city, situated on the East side of Third Street, between Muibcrry and Walnut, 06 by 165 feet, for sale 4 Apply to CRONLY A MORRIS. Frh 17 2H3-tf MAGISTKA1KS B-ANK on hand, and for sale feb25 3 A lull line & G HALL. I! HIL..... J IJJFi TOW '- ' SCHEDULE mm rpnfirox4QilfQ schj;i;jle,wi JL KOlftlo. tftcL,t 5i2Q'A :M..;Kond S &AIL ROADS, ;Pietl.mout . r Air'-IIm? Railway. Richmond and Danville, Rleihtrroadfiud J t T?ab Yllje i R.r W.lNi DivlsiUiand' it tv n't UOlNG NORTH, ,.r , T t STATIONS. MAIL. ACCOtt. Leave Charlotte ..... . Salisbury ; Greensboro... ' Danville.' Burkvllle Arrive at Richmond . 2.50 p. M 5.02 . " 1.15 " 11.17 A. M j 0.15 A- M. 3.34 11.40 ; 6.05 u 2.55.P. mJ t . GOING SOUTH. 6TATIOHS. , MAJX. ACCOM. Leave Rlchmend .' 44 Burkville.. 4 Ml, I. 05 p. m 4.10 8.45 44 II. 17 2.03 A. M 4.05 44 '9.45 A. M. 1.20 PM. ArO. 10pm .j .... V 4 Greensboro " Solisbury.. Arrive at Charlotte, . . GOING WEST. STATIONS. MAIL. EXPBESS Leave Greensboro' . , . Co. Shops .... 44 Hillsboro' .... 44 Raleigh Arrive at Goldsboro. 8.20 p. M. 11.00 44 11.10 44 1.40 a. m 4.30 44 GOING WEST. STATIONS. MAIL. EXPRESS Leaye Goldsboro' 44 Raleigh 44 Hillsboro' 44 Co. Shops Arrive at Greensboro' 2 30 p. m 5.26 44 7.47 12,05 tt 41 10.4S A.M. North Western N C. R. R " : V , (Salem Branch.) Leave Greensboro 11:20 P M Arrive at Salem 1;4U A M Leave Salem ' ... 4:40 P M Arrjgat Greensboro, :00 P M Mail trains daily, both ways, ever entire length of Road. Accommodation daily be tween Danville and RicliiiiondfSundays ex cepted.) - On Sundays Lynchburg Accommodation leave Richmond at 5.23 a. m., arrive at Burkville 11 23 a. m., leave Burkvllle 1.10 p. m., arrive at Richmond 4.17 p. in. Pullman Palace Cars on all night trains between Charlotte d Richmond, (without change.) Fer. Iurther information address S. E. ALLEN, General Ticket Agent. Greensboro, N. C. T. M. R. TALCOTT, , Engineer and Gen'l Spuerintendant. aug 7 68 OFiauis Pkteksburo It. R. Co. 1 May. 31st. 1872. ON AND AFTER JtTNE 3RD, THE trains will run as follows: LEAVE WELD ON. Express Train 7:30 p. m. Mail Train .' 3:25 p.m. ARRIVE AT PETERSBURG. Express 10:50 p. m. Mail 7:00 p. m. LEAVE PETERSBURG. Mail 6:30 a. m. Express 3:o0 p. il. ARRIVE AT WELD ON. Mail Express 9:40 a. m. 650 p. m. 8:00 a. m. . 8:00 p. m. 3:00 p. m 2:20 a. m. FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Petersburg Leave Weldon Arrive at Weldwn Arrive at Petersburg GASTON TRAINS. Leave Petersburg 6:00 a, m. Leave Gaston ' 1:15 p. m Arrive at Gaston 12:50 p. m. Arrive at Petersburg 8; 10 p. m. No trains will run on Sunday except Ex press trains Freights for Gaston Branch will be received at the Petersburg depot only on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS. The depot will be closed at 5:00 p. .m. No goods will be received after that hour. J. C. RPRIGG, Jft 5-tf Enerineer and General Manager. Carolina Central Railway Company. WILMINGTON, N. C, ) May 14, 1S73. f SCHEDULE. PASSENGER TRAINS J EAVE WILMINGTON DAILT (EX- XJ cept Sundays) at 8:00 A M Arrive at Wadcsboro at 5:25 P M Leave Wadesboro at 7:10 A M Arrive at Wilmington at 4:35 P M FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Wilmington daily (except Sundays) 0:00 A M Arrive at Liurinburg at 5:30 P M Leave Lanrinburg at Ji.00 A M Arrive at Wilmington at. 5.30 PM PASSENGER TRAINS. Leave Charlotte daily, Sundays excepted, at 8.00 AM Arrive at Buffalo at 12.00 M Leave Buffalo at 1.C0 P M Arrive at Charlotte at 3515 M Irregular Lumber and Timber Tjrains run on both portions of the Road as f the busi ness requires. , A Daily Stace will soon rua la connection with the trains on oth ends Of this Kail- Chief Engineer and Sun't, Irm't. sri-tt WAURANTTEfi DEED5- On hand and for sale - J feb25 8 6 HALL NEW "ADFERTISEIIENTS. SAITE FAIR, Thirteenth Grand Annual Fair OF THE ! IHoflJ Carolina AEricultural Society. RALEIGH. N. C. er 13tli to 18th, 1873. Ten Thousahd Dollars in Premiums. -iew and attractive Grounds. - Magnificent lulldlnes. A45S2i1iodtion for seating 8,000 people. KftTirOaa arransrementR thA mrt iifw.r.1 evei- 'mad 'wlth any Agricultural or Mc t enanioal Society In the State. Articles for exhibition transported FREE, ana delivered from the cars within tho Grounds; , Fare for passengers on railroads in North Carolina l4c per 'mile. Excursion trains from every direction daily, special trains for tho passengers will run to tho Grounds S3? TENCf flfteeU mlnUtCS- aT0 j, Hon. Daniel Voorhees, of Indiana, will deliver the Annual Address. Essay on the cultivation of cotton by Da vid Dickson, Esq., of Georgia. Grand lrizo distribution Of BLOODED STOGK., f. WESTON, the great pedestrian, In his won derful feats of endurance. TWO BANDS OF. MUSIC. Single admission to the (rounds, ooe Single admission for children under 12 years of ago. Send for Premium List. THE "SILVER TONGUE." ORGANS The best ORGANS of the Reed class IN THE WORLD. The jRest for Churches and Lodge. . The Best for Sunday Schools, i Tbe Best for Parlprs and Vestries. The Best for Academies and College. The Best for Public Halls. The Best for Orchestra and Stage. These instruments, which for sweet ness of tone and elegance of appoint ment stand Unrivalled, have met with unprecedented success in this country and abroad. MANUFACTURED BY E. P. BEDHAM k SON. ESTABLISHED IN 1810. Nos 343, 145 & 147 East 23d st, N Y Responsible parties, applying for agencies in sections still unsnpplied. will receive prompt attention and liberal inducement. Parties residing at a distance from our au thorized agents, may order Irom our factory. Send for illustrated nriee ll?t. aug 26-tf , , 3 Stale or North Carolina, COtJNTY OP NEW HANOVER. Superior Court. John .Martin and wife, James l Martin & wife, Andrew Black will and wife, Samuel Eden and wife, Thomas Davis and wife, Joseph II. F. Martin. Sa rah Ann Martin, and Alice, Maria, and Martha Martin, infants, by their next friend, Joseph II. F. Martin, plain- tnr. Complaint for partition or lanu. against Sylvester F. Martin, defendant, IT APPEARING to the satlslaction of the court by . the affidavit of Joseph II. F. Martlu. one of the plaintiffs, that the de fendant, Sylvester F. Martin, is anon-resident of this State, that he is a proper parly to this action, that the plain tlnh have a cause of action against him, and that this action relates to real property In this Stat; It is therefore ordered that publication be maae in tne evening rosi, a newspaper published tn the city of Wilmington, once u week for six successive weeks, notifying the said defendant of the filing of tho complaint in this action, and that he be and appear be fore the Clerk of the Superior Court of New rk of unty Hanover county aforesaid at hlsonieeatthc court house in Wilmington, on the 25th day of Sentember. 1873. to plead, answer or de mur to the complaint In this action, or the same will be heard ex parte and taken pro confesso as to him. J O MAUN, Clerk Superior Court, New Hanover Co. DuBrutz Cutlar. Att v. lulv 21-law6w ii U if Located at Ashland; the Home of Henry Clay and Old Transylvania. Six Colleges In operation, with thirty Professors, and WW students irom 28 States. Entire fee for col leglau year, J20. except in the Law.. Medical and Ojmmercial Colleges. Boarding from $2 to $." per weekv For f Catalogue, address J. B. BoWJUN, Regent, Lexington, Ky. aujl9-lnio STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. NEW HANOVER COUNTY. to vrnoii it may edxcEna. rpHE UNDERSIGNED HAVING QUAL JL ified as Administrator upon the estate of Anderson Henderson deceased, this Is to give notice that all persons having demands against said estate, file them with him within one year from the date hereof, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of par menu All persons owing the estate will make payment to him and save costs. . . ELVIN ART1S, Administrator of Anderson Henderson. July 9 43-lawCw KENTUCKY NIVER8ITY J vM . .1 4 t-l

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