' "j J1 7" ' """" 1 1 n h ft. vol m " . "V-lMm ijlje (finning, jtoafc .'TT. pverv Afternoon except Sunday? ucTc MANN.. Editor and Proprietor I in advance..... .....tW ,w vcr, months, inadrance months, in advance 1 50 h in advance .!! mri3 x . n r ' interest Political news and reporti of rt are especially desirable. I.' DOUattTEIf r ' ' LOP.B & DOUGHTEN, ASD 80 TTITERir PRODUCTS, y 33 X0KTIlrFnOh? SWEET, Philadelphia, Pa. or icr" fr Tuj-penllna Cask solicited and r ninily filled at lowesrt market price. 'Varen 3 35- v wCxsigqt, I'res, nic ha.hdirbt, VlcePree, e b nAssrur Sec and Treas. ? RICHMOND ARCHITECTURAL J ,,0' WOKlCS 4 ND STOVE COMPANY, 10 X, 1003, 100 I, 1000 Cast Stbxbt. Ufkice: N. 3 TENTH STREET. lltf.nmr iv offer to tho people of Vir- Xnd t L Southern 8tates a large line of Tii 1 1 n i ' i, p.. . !. jmIosi terms as liberal ns can I'';,'1, - !&rtltern estab'lishments. In il tr st of all c lassos, we make ' ''. ' ,., n,i Vrks a specially. Fronts, i " " il nv Ware. Stench I'mr, Soil w s, i lr Z .'c.f always on hand; and i'l .'h, f he WeuUon of Ucalera to our ,;,;!: , ,,'SPl snna;r clreutars and '"" lsUs- uueti-3m MiTLliiiniiisc .Brokerage Office, "VIA. line r sum pit constantly on hand f 1 1'' i'n importers am I manufacturers iu ;.' I' llr.-ru markets. n ,! -v i iptioTis or in M-chaudise, orders hi ! ii.l lirit.Ml;iml.telet raphed promptly. M-Mv!i:m o. l.)v.Rbt an Sd lt in lbi? Muk. i, is rt--,m buyer solicited, and ,mipl.'-i left by s?ll ?rrill ha vo prompt at- Ti.o i .-! 1 -ju -.1. nejo(iate ,,',ii.rvnn u-iil. .... l I COmmUUl mi l tv-.i-ly, and often with 1 our local JAM. T. T ETTBWAY, Mck Ii indise and Produce 15i MORKFIEAD olTY- CAliTEIl'SV COUNTY. N. 'K GatRLEi HIBBARD, Proprietor.' I Ins 8plen(Ud Seii Side Watering Place. iituaPM at lleaufort Harbor, will be open i ir tli 0 reception of guests on Monday, June 16th, 1873. ! IT IS ACKNOWLEDGED TO RE THE MOST DELIGHTFUL on tin- Atlantic eonnL. AT-thn IZnitnA uttmm ix stinea u bo tho termlnas, of the rreat vmthora 1'aclfl RaUrotwL r . Unsurnasaed 11: The steamer ZodhUtpt;Wnt.TT,Chapln: ommander, leaea direct fur New York. every week. - i ... ; f fart les wishing to ensasfe roomii, vrlU piea.se address as above. ; ' July 16-3nv INSURANCE. : I IKK AND FmE INSUltANCE CAlf M! ellectcd at the lowest current rates In the fallowing responsible Companies, on. ap plication to ; VKW YOKK LIFET INSURANCE 1 ) i COMPANY, Assetta WO.OOOjLXXI , wor,T.TJ- A- KYHNE. Oen'l Ins. AtM , IMPERIAL KIRK INSURANCE .., UOMPAN Y, of Iondon, Aasetta J LYNCIinURO INSURANCE A'bASk? INO COMPANY of Va.. asseU $84530 OLD DOMINION INSURANCE xJmPU J1YRNE & KEENAnT ' Gen'l Insurance AffentS. o;nce Clianiber of Commerce, up stairs. - Wilmington, N. C, ' arl H-ly Howard AHaooiatioa, I?liila Ia. An Institution having a hlh repntaUon L"0""0 TOnaHcLnaXrPonal.akill. C y iuiS oargeon, j onULUHTUN.M D. I hssays foryounr men sent free of charge. Address. Howard Association No 2 South Ninth St, Philadelphia, r. mays S02Sm JBAUBER SUOP. 1 t , 'l iOK TURNER wishes to inform his cqsUh ?J J niersaudpublkj&enerifclly,thatWlanfr'J i-repareu to uo au aina orwora iaaa line,; ri and would respectftxlly reqtfest m contfmia-4 "on oi ine patronage wnicn nas nerowioFr Wen so liberally bestowed upon him. 2DS 'I Jan 16 tf f THOMAS CONNOR 3 . t N. E. corner of Mulberry and Nutt St. V a.. - , ,.,K,...D,,..r. lC 14 157-ly parker taylor Successors to A. H. NEFF, .Manufacturers and dealers In HOUSE FUBN18HIHG GOODS, Guns, Stoves, Lanterns." Kerosene, Oil TtJi and Sheet Iron Ware. Roofing done at short notice Agents for Falrbank'a Scales. No. IV Front street IS. VOI.I.KU3 importers 4f Otrmaiind Havaaa Cisr. i South-east Corver Dock and Fkost r;strcet. ." t vi&ixita), jw. c. I Having the largest and best ass oxted S or tirooerles and LA. quora m thouity, Jjeaiers lnteroat taeive us a caJI wiiia4MtiQttieu; mtexeet io,g ' ma.fr 17-tT i m pi j 1' A No. 1 Musco Y&do iiolas3o3f , , A Nb. 1 G plrl'efi ! 8trpi , Extra choice ''SlagDonaV.:Ia. V in addition to aboVe. dally arrPrals of. Ba con. Hay, Corn, 8 H 3yro pin barrels, tier ces, and hogshead. Lard; a gar. :tc. For sale lovriby " BINPORD, CROW CO. o 90 THEfSIE;l,T:pN&DE.;; The best ORGANS of the EceJ clasf IN Tlio Best for CfcurcHe3 and Lodges. The Bp' for, Sandny Schools. Tbe Best. for Triors .and Vcsirie.'.'- Tho Best for AcadeiMes and Colleges. The Best for juhlic Trails. The Beat for .Orchestra and Stage. Those intrmciits, Thich for ! sweet aes3 of tone and ecganco icif -appoint meat stand unrivalled iiaro met with recedcntcd success in this country un , , and a j-pXtlXiTJlZD TJY ' j E, P. H nos 1 43, i45'4tt7;rV 4f:4-?7 Roeponclble in ectiona Parties residing at ' a distance - fgS fee torr lUSA lieu vmlu lo, uscvt v. . . . vmm - otiw VI i-l I Send for lUofctrateerteaiiat. au , TO Till V6STIJ0 TH E!V.?.?T I Before Tnaklrig'yptir arrangements to 11 iow tho advice of the 'thousands who tavo already gonV'-Jtvonldlwen to conEdcr what has been done to make tha joiirncy to jour . fioines ib the ;Weat' as pleasant ai id free from dangeriasjhumau &kill and XorO elht can accomllsa. : f : ; Bj oonaolidationandconsirrictton, a roatl' fyis lcen pat into operation on the shortest, possible lino from Naihyllie; Tenn.fc to St. Lcmlswivthc future great tnty of the world.' This line, the i ST. LOUIS & SOUf REABTERN p. AIL- J .. i . . , WAX, , i 1"SL'HAM f: SON ing lor BgvuciB parties applj d- receive aim unsnppuc . itA flu,, daring the past ycr. crood aucnyb Wa rrmfMlan hr Its smooth track, nrompt ' J " I time, stire connections, and the magnifi- I cence or Its passenger equipment. Its trains are made up of acr and commodious dav cars- provided with tbe celebrated Mil- ier coupler and rjlalform. and taa Weeting-I , . , . ' lionfto air-brake. , It Is possitively the only Una i mining Pullman Palace Dra win a-Boom .Sleepin Cari through without change front Nash ville to St. ln. No other line n retend to offer such advantages, cither in ah tance, ' time, or equipment. W hy, then, jo urncy J by circuitous routes? Do not be lot luced to5 purt5liata: lUcietSj tOiSt LOuIs or tne West bVanVkcr liie2 iefenber that is the shortest, cheapest, quickest, best and only line under one management 1 om only line nnder one omanagemcnt If om Nashville to St. Louis, and is from CO to 200 miles the shortest to St. Louis, Kana as City. Omaha, Denver, California, Texa and all western points. It is also tne "uai- rrAhnryit TJtip ' -Ha F.vansTillc. ' v'oU i.V'V 1 ekTUi rates fr Yon can secure th6 cheapest rates yourselves andyomr movables, on applica- tion,In peraon ot by letter. . te CibiELis McCabk, Southern Passenger Agent, near College street Depbt, Nashville, Tenn., to the undersigneO. - . ,.TW inmti Ti if iSL Louis.; TIT . 1.1. . ....(nn. - TO THE ITOIC'AT L o .1 BARGAINS7! BARGAINS5!1 OL. BEAR & BROS., OFFER TO THE PUBTiIO i t he qrcbffst bargains of the Seasom . , , cocsisting of , ( j , . ' me ucst irertcly -JSWagk lf,;; ., ivlothiiifr: ' ;f : Suits ALL LINEN suits, tit i .ito'H - 1 f: rj itt i- i Ttre Largest Yaripty iu the CityCi 1 1 1 if R "i il ' 2: l ' --?-- ' SILK, FELT and Ill J - 1 ; " ' ' J ! .1 PANAMA Boston and PliiladuIohia,!(nafe find GAITERS, of all descriptions. i t. ' r 1 1 t ' ' : , . From tho fines to the, Uticapcst. ' ' At r-'dncidprikV. n ;yi 0Y,viy fa -serip!U, " V--'-At West prices in tjidBtatcV' 29 AJfjtijpcf HR" "may 1' 4-A ii. J. S. TOPHAM &'Ca No. 8 South Front1 Street: IF A '4 MA li UF ACTtl RE FtS AND ' ' j Wholesale and Retail Dealer in j . t SADDLES, IlAKNEd, j TKUNKd & TttVAKUNG RAGS Collars, Hauie?, Trace Cuaiiia, Whipi lpnra, Dog Collars, tiadim Clothsi j Wolen & Linen Hrse Cwvem j Fiy Nets, Fcatber Dusters, Axle Grease ; B ri ( i n,T s j of all kinds, Sd- i dlery 1 Hard ware,&c. A L P (i , ' SRCO!ffl UAN1 IIAltNfiSS, SADDLES, R'N, c fell BAP FOIl CASH. Jun 7 i-iyl FOR ALL WQO AR1C WILLING TO work. Any person, old oF0KVP lther sex, can make from-ttfl tJ $5jPr ek, at home eriu connection .Hhighf r. bwiness. Wanted by all. arable to-felthtr Cit or Country, and anyseaooitwyev ThiaJk a rare opportunity, for those whaai-e Tit..r nrk. and out of nioney."tomaRf in Independent IiYiag. No: capjjl beg Jfe- naired. Our pamphlet, "iuv Aiy Ti rcTKfi irlvinr full instructions sent on. receipt of 10 cejits. Address A. Bup 1XN&CO., Morrlsania, Westchester f., jf. - T TM MngfflfiS rK . m-m a airrn mnires A r f T ""J rnA th bMftt ei- tare au uuw, u 7 -j- erc;ger or severest strain. It u worn j n rir.niarf free. when , ordered by letter Pnt to The Elastic' Trua Co., No. fS3 Rrmdwar N T. City Nobody uses Maiai Un?ir? KuMca ; too nalnful ; they slip oil fnnenUj! may 14 307 tf ,too frequently. THE PAKLOR COMPANION. Every Lady wauts one ! . I Vnor.. Mn mii'ht to have one! I I 't ' recei,S ol Ten Cents. Addrctsi L. I F nYDE & VO.t105 Seventh Avenue, JBiew i York. , . i I . Jiiii Sewing c, on 3a Days i , Vtecv " n moBey ,rcfahaed. a t compiete with full direcUons. Beck- I with Sewing Machine Co., 862 Broadway I N. X. . my I . GENTd WANTED everyr-here to; sell i A our new and novel Embroidering ia chin, send lor Illustrated, Circular to the MciManulaclartagCotty.W3road. way? n Y. r - . may 19 n 31Ltf ori . rj, --m "-T tTT j 1 lijlL. w .n-toi cWtallTniaue:Frint log and Publishing House, Sft Vesey Street, I KT. V '. "' ! i comfc rt, ana ii Kep on nK"- ?h iuo fiAIIr ROADS. t CI1AUQE OF GCI1EDULE. rpnk t61fWlNf CHtTLE 'WILL Jt ttflnto reflect i at SsSOratt If., Monday, LeYTyUiningtonru S:30 A. M ye At JCJorence ..... f 11:10 A. M teat- Cdlatabla. . . , j... 4.-45 p. if : rt-jColacahia...... ........ ft4aA.ll Teat Florence .11 mam Arrfvt KHMIniton . .v. 1 1 i i i 1 . 6:19 Pi M HlHSTltXPRSk1 tfelAIN XJAILT (StNi' I fi,,n rD AT8 USXC&PT2D. ) ' i 1 1? f4!vgloVr...i:':::T. -5:45 H-w ArrlveciTlrjrence J....... ..J.. 11:28 PJ M rtyCCQUunJbiA.-.fM.. S:48 A. M rive at Augusta ..... .V. . . ... 8:20 A. M Arrrrtat -Colamhia. 10-35 P. M ArriTe at Florence 2: 27' A. M lirttti It' WlhaliMon - - J. . . w 8;00 A. M ' "a8rfenrerBr, leaving Wilmington, on the S:4PMCvrain . niako clpso connection going South. ' '!' JAME3 ANDEKSC)h ' " - , , . oca'l 6aU.- Wilalngt'n &, Wcldon Si. R. Company. "'"" i in WiHGTOH,?N.'c.,' June GO, 1873 j CHANGE OF 8ilGDULK.- VN AND AFfEU JUNE Wtlj INSTANT, V 7 PAaaEEft TRAINS , on the Wil mington and' Wefdon ' 'Railroad will run p MAIL TRAIN. T,,' !!! -v. i -. r, . .. , , Leave Union Depot d-iily (3an- ddy exeeptedy. . t ...,... .At bl& A..M Arrlys at Gojdsboro . . 15 Rocky Mou! 12:11 P. M uht. .' . . . 2:11 P.,M 3:50 i M lva Weldon dally (3unda3' ArriveRoK y Mount ." ." '.'.M i . . ,Goldboro (i0aion D'cpot I I ; . .- EXPRESS TRAIN. 0:30 A: M 11:20 A. M 1:16 P. M 5:30 P. M Leave ilnioiu Depot dally. . .At fi.: P. M !!:: 1. M 11:3-1 P. M 1:20 A. M 6.4b P. M 9:00 P. M 10:10 P. M 5:03 A. M Arrive at tioldsboro r-r v j i Rocky jMount ' - "Weldon.... .. t t LeaveUVcIdon dallv Arrive at Rocky Mount. '7 O'ldsVoro... Union Depot Mall Tram . mascs cioko. connection at Weldoh for all points North tia Bay Line and Acquia Creek routes." ! .Express Train connects only with Acquia CreeV routci A PULLMANYS PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON THIS TRAIN. FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wiiming: ton trl-weekly at 6.00 A. M., and arrive at EXPRESS JTRELGHT IKAIN'wUl leave Wilmington daily (8undavs excepted) at 6:00 P. ii., and arrive at 4:00 P. M. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. Jun QUARANTINE NOTICE. i fit; The following Quarantine . Regulations will be in force from a ad after the 1st ol JuneISTG, until further notice : i 1st :.-AtlT89It from.PorU South of Caps Fear will 'pome to at the yisittng a tat ion near i4Deep '-Wter Point apd await tue iBspeetidn of the-QBara-nice Phyfeiiiian. 2d. All teasels having sicknese on board on arrival, or having had sickness dnrlcg thej vpyago,. arc required to come to tbe StatioiVTor Inspection Without regard to the fort lrom whence tney sailed. Sd. Vesstfls; not dseladedi as above will prpceejjj of.yilmlngon without detention: 4th. Pilots . are , especially enjoined to make careful enaulry. and 11 not satisfied with the statement of the Captain, or it the vessel is in a nlthy condition, they will hrtnfr theT vrjwftl to the Station tor further examination.,,, ; ' . 6th. Pilots wtUunyioIallng the Quaran tine lanrs are subject to for lei lure of their branch. Materof vessels to a owe of Two Hundred ($300 Dollars a dy for every day they violate tne Quarantinf law, and all other persons.ar liable tor each and every offence. 6th. All vessels subject to visitation un der these, rcgulaUoas will ct flags iu the main riing- port.side, j ' , i i? PoT1E1;t Quarantine Physician, S i Port of Wilmington. N. C. 3 1 10 Sat's&Wed'etUtNov may BUILDING LOT. 6 HE of ih flnesV BUILDING LOTS in the city , situated on tbe East side of Third Street, between Mulberry and Walnut, G6 fey 165 feet, for sale Apply to ta is CRONLY & MORRIS, Real Estate Agents. 253-tf RAIL E01DS. -Bfitonr 'Air-Lino Railway. rfiebmoud aiul Danville, Richmond and ' j Danville IL VvT.. X. Division, and ! North Wfiilrrn Tf f! T? W L J O ' Condensed Time Table. o Tfr effect on and after Humlav, .June 15, ; 1873. J ! .. GOING NORTH. STATIONS. MJLIL. AC cow. I cave Charlotte ..I. 2.50 pi m 1 r Salisbury .... . Greensboro. . , i Danville i " .-.Burkville Arrive nt Richmond. 5.02 L15 11.17 A. m 6.15 A. M. 3.1J4 11.40 " 6.05 " 3.55 P. M. GOING SOUTH. 6TATIOSS. MAIL.. ACCOM. 9.45 JL. M. 1.20 M. Ai6. 10pm Leave Richmend. , " Burkville.. , t4 DanTill... I. Oo r. m 4.10 44 8 45 II. 17 11 it 8olisbury 2.C3 a. M Arrive at Charlotte. .. j 4.05 44 GOING WEST. STATIONS. MAI,. Leave Greensboro' . . . Co. Shops .... Hillsboro' .... Raleigh Arrive at G oldsboro'. 8 20 p. m 11.00 44 11.10 1.4UA. M 4.30 44 . . GOlNCi WEST. STATIONS. ; MAIL,. KXritEoS 2 30 P. M 5.2) 44 7.17 44 12.05 4' lftVM Leave Goldsboro' ... . 44 Raleigh 44 Hillsboro' " Co. 8hopa Arrive at Greens,boro, Nortli Western N, U. U. ii (SALEii Branch.) Leave Greensboro . , , ,...11:20 P M .. .fc 1.4-' A M Arrive, nt Salem . lA;avc5ak-m l-Al) I'M Arrive it (JrecnsUurvi 7:00 P M Mail trains duily, both rvays, over entire length of Road. A' CDininodalitm daily be tween Dcn ille ami jI'.c1.!noiid(Su!:dayB ex ctpted.) . I leave KicJituond at 5.:i' u. ni . sirrive nt. Uarkviilc 11 2S n. in., leava liurkville 1.10 I i). m.. arrive, at liicbinond 4.17 n. in. I Pullman Pahuo Car? on all iiiirbt trr.ins between I ;lirIot te. !L: liiMMiu! iwillirmf. chance.) For lurtln r iniorination addn I S.E.ALLEN. 1 General Ticket Aront. Greensboro. N. C IT. il li. TAIAOTT, y Enqinecr and Gtu'l -Spueriutendaut. x fin -4 7 6$ Officb Petejbsiiuro Ik. It. Co. May, 31st. ON AND AFTER JUNE 3RD, THE trains will run as follows: LEAVE WELD ON. Express Train 7:.V) p. in. Mail Trai n p. in. ARRIVE AT PETERSBURG. Express 10:50 p. m. Mall 7.-00 p. m. LEAVE rETEKSBURO. Mall 6::?0 a. m. Express . :so p. n.. ARRIVE AT WELDON. Mail 9:if)a.Tn. Express . 0:i p. nv REIGIIT TRAINS. Leave Petersburg S:(X) a. ni Leave "Wcldon S:00 p. ra. Arrive at Weldwn IkW p. in', Arrive at Petersburg 2:20 a. m. GASTON TRAINS. Tjeave Petersburg 6:00 a. m. Leave Gaston . 1:15 p. m Arrive at Gaston 12:50 p. m. Arrive at Petersburg 8:10 p. in. No trains will run on Sunday except Ex press trains Freights for Gaston U ranch will be received at the Petersburg: depot only on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS. The depot will be closed at 5:1) p. m. No goods will be recalvod after that hour. J. C. Hl'RIUG, J5-tf Engineer and General Manasrer. Carolina Central Railway Company. WILMINGTON, N. C. ) May 14, 1370. f 1S72. f mm SOl-IEDUfiE. PASSENGER TRAIN3 IE AVE WILMIXGTON DAILY (KX- eept Sundays) at b:00 A M Arrive at Wadcsboro at. 5:25 P M Leave Wades boro at 7:10 A M Arrive at Wilmington at 4:U5 P U FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Wilmington daily (except Sunday) C.C0 A M Arrive at Lurinburg at.... 5:&) P M Leave Laurinburg at &:00 A M Arrive at Wilmington at 5.30 P M PASSENGER TRAINS. ' Leave Charlotte daily, Sundays excepted, at S.OO A M Arrive at Bullalo at 12.00 M Leave Buffalo at 1.C0 PM Arrive at Charlotte at 5.15 P M Irregular Lumber and Timber Trains run on both portions of the Koid as the busi ness requires. A Daily Stage will sooi rua in connection with the trains ou oth ends of this Rall- W7' S. L. FREMONT. Chief Engineer and Sup'r. . may 10 . 311-U ARRANTTEE DEEDi- On hand and for sale . feb 25 8 0 BALL NEW ADFEETISEIIENTS. omrsti stnre-;" ru.- . . K.HuK.ujiuuno v. O., kcWi, . . j oxk,- ' , , t BOILERS AND 'MACH j&ltY ITlttZTh. iE anti-tfrlction cotton press: tiJfr pan, narrow gaue loco raotlvts and dnmmy engines for street roads and mlnlnir purposes, new and secoud hand Iron and Wood Woritln? Machine?? ol every description. Send foreffcihu I Washington iron woik " I '.: v ? S0 Vesey street, New VoAc Kenmore . University High School Amherst, cuVYa. Preparatory to the University of Va. II A MUl8t U Vajf Principal ind r V r?ntJy AM't Prof. Ijxtln, U. VaC Instructor In Greek. LaUn, French. German ,dJ?,otanfc. J2ls ,s e f the leading hlSh AOENTB WANTED foilVUK MEWlSSoR Ejideiic and Conlaiions . Diseases, ir Vf . J" iuiemaiics li c JJrock. II 1. -o Vl rpt, " "t Llu u oe?1 treatment for all casea The only thorough work of the klml lulne world KmhraM moil fever,cholera and uU analogous diseases. No family safe without it, nn" buyj? Haa , XSHl'UHf!" Thebigchacl' MONEY ??lRairaPi1Ly wllh BtSncir&Kcr " ., ;, Check Outnu. Cntalouuea aud full particulars FREE. ti.ll.tivKscittm1 Hanover street, Boston. , ,? , ; -7,?. , , tU.U classes of working. pcuplercrtf "'v. .u,iu initio imnL'e e, llirtiouJii.i'M ?rTin.Addrcss & 0. lSn Alnc , !., , jul' .lw ;rjK lltEATKHT lNVKfjONlDFlil'l' sumploa nud term free. , Address W. C. Gny's CercbratedTOirictionCot ; ton Press. i The ehenpcst,simple6t and mwt perfect col- FOES ALE" NKKDLEfl and ftllhmrnlL, n wi.j. of Sewing Mochlnca. Cah orders promptly a f41"' Gharlotto, N. C.. Uneral AgcntottlieIlome(ShuttIeScYlnS Maclilnc. GBAriDESTfME-ivER Fonrlh rand Gift Concert .FOR Till DEN Jit IT OF U PUBLIC. LIBRARJof KENTUCKY . 12,000 CASH GIFTS $1,500,000 250,000 for i50. J The Fourth Grand Gift Concept author- 1 icdby special act of ihe Legislature" for tho benefit of the Public iJHt r F v?fi7l-?5i;fcPfe. WiC Library Onlv sixty thousand tickets wUlhu sold The tickets are divided into ten coupons or parts. i , . ur; , At this concert, which will be the grand est musical display ever witnessed tu Oils Country, tho unprecedented iulA ol ' '-. t - $1,5Q OaO O O; ' divided into 12,000 cash gifts, will ba dis tributed by, lot among the tlcVet-hola'ere. LISTOF IPTS: " -' One grand cash gilt.... ............ f250 C00 One grand cash giit..u ........ . v.-;1 00,000 One grand cash gift..,,.. t .r. U)jm Ono grand aib gilt..,; BA'000- One grand cash gift:. ....... .... . . 17,500 j locash gifu 110,000 eich:.V..;tim'co3 :X) cash gifts 5 000 each. . . ,; 150,000 50 cash gifts LO-J0 each. . 4 . ,f ' 60.0CO . SO cash gilts r 7500 each. 40.CCO 100 cash gilts . 400 caeh..;. 40XXi loO cash girts 370 each...:... - "4V000 2J0 cash gifts " 200 taeh.. '50,000 ? c K,ft8 100 ech "ttSOO 11,000 cash gifts 50 each........ 550,000 Total,' 12,000' gilts ' ali' cash;: V'; ' amounting to , .l,5O0,CO0 The distribution will be poiltlve, "Wheth er all the tickets aro sold or not, and the 13,00) gifts til paid in proportion to the tickets sold. . - . v PRICE OF TICKETS rv ' Whole tickets $50; Halves $25; Tenths, or each Coupon, $5; Eleven Whole Ticket for $500 ; 2:1 Tickets for $1,000; 113 Whole Tickets for $3,000; 237 WbolfrTickcts lor $'0,ft.O. No discount on lcs than $500 worth of Tickets at a time. Tickets now ready for sale, and all orders accompanied by the moaey promptly nllcd. Liberal terms given to those who buy to sell again. TIIOS, E. BRAMLETTE, Agent Publ. LIbr. Ky.. and 3Iauag.cr Gift Concert, rubLLlbr. fildg., Louisville, Ky. Wholeis-alo Doalor LIQUORS, TOBACCO & .. SEGABS, P1UNCK88 S r ADOVSIUST. NATIONAL BAXKJ 'i ! 7 WILMTNaTON, C, r . . r. .' ;:', i ui f P. rt. A full supply of Ale and Lager Beer In Half and.Qoarter Barrels, Families supplied With Bottled Ale and Lager Beexv rt,'i?j:r m . t, t--;' r i.mV , .,2a-tf. - i .i . i ' ' " ' MAGISTRATES BLANK'S A full line on hxnd:and for sale fob as , 0 0 HALL, 4 y"JL"JN-lIow! Hy speculating lor A. Stockli ; nnd Gold. Cnpitnl, tl(T to fiorw I street. New ork, role manufacture-re. novld i ;l : -.'f is, . I i JO,'

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