TuCSdav. September 9tht 1873. '. Harbiss is authorized to (IKO. for advertisements ana to re- "tract , Tnrr il(t for any ; 'F-IL Gebkin has cnarce 01 our cy ulation, and i authorized to collector h due therefor. f i " ru'TK carrier boys are not author- . to pell copies of the o9rr. crrz items. rvicc, U S. Army Vf oather ..i-Mial c Report. . Ojkkkybb's Omca, 1 Wilmisotok, September 9. 1873, Xitnc of Ob-j Weath er . 30.216 6 dejr NEfreh'CloadT i J:IK) M. 130.324 kW ' NElretbj NE" Lt. rain j.W r, M. 30.1.W 71 " I Orro ScKtrrztf, I i Observer, U. 8 A. Knvi Mr. Sanders' ,!jv's Foht. law card in to- j iir. -rain comes down to-day just as , ,,v and wet as possible. Umbrellas arf in demand. i, nvAL. There will be a Festival I n,.xt week, Tuesday and WTednesday, at tli ( 1 1 V il.iJi, ior uiu uciiuui ui vjriuicm Tin: Gem Saloon is advertised in to-" ,j3vs Fot. Mr. Morrill the proprietor, j. i caterer and one who fully un- ,lntaiils his buriine-s. Vi: noticed some of those "genuine fi cans wno laieiv cairn; iu iiiis citv 1 1 A 1 A. A . . - X. a vrKicl, before 'Squire Gardner to ibv. ,Thcy are learning the "ways that arc vajin" rapidly. SicjivM. Tliorc is a terrific Northeast -ale blowing to-day, and the weather vUv. say wc arc to have a heavy storm. Wo certainly hoyc avc will have no wrecks to chronicle. DrvAi.vrLAU HAPriNi-SfH. Oysters arc making their appearance in our mil-t, and Ave rejoice. Oh for a rail- mad to Now River, that we iui":bt have-! tin-in '"extra fresh."- Maoistrate'h Court. Before Wr. H. Moore, J. P. John Shutes, charged with larcny, was bound over to the , K-tober term of the S upcrior Court in I the -tun of one hundred dollars. 1 Cii Y Improvements. The Marshal h now engaged in grading and putting ,lovn sewers on Dickinson street. Let the gocxl Avork go on. The labor on ( astlc street is finished, except the fiaw dusting. Fifth street Avill also be thor oughly KaAv-dustcd from Red Cross to Castle. .Pkbsoxal. Lr. B. F. Mitchell ac companied by his son Mr. David Mitch ell Wt this morning for the principal Northern and Western cities. They also intend going into Canada and will probably be gone six or eight weeks. 1 Mr. J. C. Baily also left for an extend ed tour over the North. Wre wish the parties more pleasure than they antici- paet. National Hotel. Mr. Reuben ones, the proprietor of this popular .1 hotel, has commenced tho work of al tcrat ions spoken of some time ago? in the Post. The lower floor will be brought down 'to the level of the walk, and the portion now used for an office changed to a store. The new office will be where the dining room now is, and the new dining room will be on the second floor. Wrhen these changes are efl'eeted, this Atill be one of the most convenient hotels in the city. ' . St. Stephen's Church. There Avill be a concert and other attractions by th-s Sabbath School children ot this church next week Thursday and Fri-1 day. These children, under the super intendencyof Mr. J. C. Hill, have made great irogres5 in music and other im-. provements, and the occasions will be one of great interest to their friends and indeed to all who are interested in the improvement of the colored youth. Autumn. The chilly rains of the reason seem to be upon us. WToolen clothes are necessary to comfort to-day, and Avhite linen suits are nowhere to be -eeiu Winter is not here, however, and we anticipate many "awful hot" days y ot, and then look out for the fevers of this latitude. This section has been so healthy this year, that we arc apt to forget our dangers, but wc hope our worthy Marshal and his assistants, the health officers, will compel tho people to keep their premises clean. Let them labor Avitn increased vigilance until all lunger of disease and suffering be passed, and the people will rise up and call them blessed. The AAatcrs of the Congress, Empire, High Rock and Geyser are bottled ex tensively and sent to all parts of the countryl The waters of the Star spring r ? . . wh. m jt. Mr w. a v - m m A a - aw m am- aaar . wrwrwi am twtm ) . Al AAT. I i , f w ww m.m yM . VI' I wT A Tl lAXlUO. f Gold is 112. i ueugntiui weauier. Business is brightening. Mosquitoes hare not decreased. St. John's Lodge 4nlet 'fe-ifiglif for labor in the Second degree. Young nxena' Yolces sound sweetly I at nk-ht when they dnsr. "WWW arc! grat improvements in the lire book store". ' : Grapes arc norr in the full tide of their goodness. f . The Ioj3T is always happy to wel come new and old subscriber. 1 -Ltr?iif3rtUWUIff srSidk nights. f ; jThfe Wilmington Concert Club' is improving rapidly. t AvatertrpTtsand pavement-! Will wfe ever lire to see them ? His Honor , ty P,., CAXApT Mayor, presiding. Alexander Iinjchrged s wijtli gr eeny, was bound over to the Superior Jred. Myers, charcred with keeping a disordTer'l ioMJ &aa1 &?tiuTJd Tfl I to-n)orrow. Sarah yer., MM$Mz and!interferiBwith ai0liceman in the disdiarge"' dutyVwas alio1 coritii ucdj until to-morrow. f) ?; j (, ,y, ; & , , James Record, with selling liquor on Sunday, 7th- inst4- aXalsos contiuiicd. uutil to-morrow. SnIkes. 'Suiro Wagner killed two rattlesnakes yesterday, while out l driv ing ' near", "BlyV Savannah," Aviiich deserve a mention 'in, the ' Pcst. Each ojkj was over six feet long and each had eleven rattles1 nnd a! buttxm. One of them appeared unusually large, and knowing that the throat of a snalre is often the shelter of young, -in cae of danger, it was opeped and sevbri' snakes taken out, each nearly two feet long,, and each with a rattle. Old residents seem to tbjnk his au, extraordinary sight, but the whole story is guaranteed to be true. The editorial- correspondence in the .Yournnl this mnrnirtir hat sl thrillinfr nr.- tount of R, narrow e fronl r0wn- . w i: f- jS'JII' L'- tleman who got carried out, by the un der tow near Beaufort. Mr. Edward B. Engelhard, of this city, did his fall share of gallant aid pii that occasion, and has, the proud .satisfaction of knoAV- ing that bv his exertions, at the risk of his OAvn, he has, saYed a hum.au Li-c. This is a greater, honor tbah to; have ta ken scores of lives. Of a truth, Peace hath her Aictories, and(to '6U' mind they arc greater au'thosc ojf Wlar ' , A;ipipTAJ4 iiLJED. Mr. tiemp sey Reynolds, aged about 45 years Avas accidentally killed ' last week )by bing thrown1 from ; a cart,;, From a pr-ato letter from Boguo pos toffice; Columbus' ii:j't. -k4 A'iiL'i j "i 1 county, wc iearitnat flar.jAveyuu us was driving an ox cart and wa3, oi hs Ayay home, when hq stopped onihe x,?ad o posito the dwellmgKjf 'Mr.iJJaiHes But ler to talk! to spnid ' ciqviamtaftqcs that I wero passinir. and whilc there one of 1M. Butler's dbg3 jrjmf)ed oVer the fence frightening lr. Reynold's, ox .which ran ofF, throwing him on his head. He was picked ' up and ; was found to be dead. t sH!ncK;kjwaro'aiidkulJ fractured. ;The unfortunate man was said to be houeptd ahard working 4 IAttemfted.' )BBii.Ytctday evening, s hee Sncky as Master JonmHowwlSifKiss the corner of Fourh-arid Orange-ftrrcts, he was seized by colored manAvhoi was in a stooping position, by the collar and throat; and ari: attempt 'made to 4 W drag him down. Tho young gentlemen drew a pistol and some neighbor seeing the strugglev rushed to his assistance and the scoundrel Reaped. This is the second outrage in that vicinity, and it behooves' the police to keep a sharp lookout.' ' There are many children and young girls in that vicinity, constantly passing, and there mav be trouble there yet. Amcsements Aheap.t Wvman the ventriloquist and magician lias cpgaged the Opera House for four night, com mencing on the 8th of October.. . : The dramatic season will bo opened bn-hc 15th: of October by Miss Lillie Eldridgc and a jcombination troupe and will be followed by other fine actors and good stock ckmpanici. T ' Q Capt. Pennypacker informs uj that avc are to have some very fine and noted actors and actresf es visit us this season, and it behooves the citizens of Wil- mington to turn out and give them good houses ' so 'tjiat5 bur cft $hf, lie nM$ attractive tolstrangers IrbnVabroadtmd those of the surrounding t counties, es Only fifty balea of cotton were receiT cd in Raleigh last week." - Ho wan county brags on a pig sixteen months old and weighs over four hun dred pounds. Xhe tParoftJ Husbandry in New Bern want to organize a Banking Insti tution there. Gov. Wrm. A. Graham is still at the Oatawba V'hito Sulphur .Sprint much jmpr0vean -eiyi. t There are four counties yet to be lizard from on the late election on the tDiiititlitiDnal! amendments. J I 0 i ine I'ayeucviiie txigie entertains its mathematical -readers with difficult al- The Fayettcville Eagle entertains its feW r ' AaoPk It and George Hoi- lonrl t-HtrliiT nnsnnniN in fhp Alhiinv I Penitentiary, bav hi will return home in a been a few , l ne almost skeleton remains ot a man were found last week m WayW county. No one could sive any account of hinul For Superior Court in Cumberland 17h'NdVcmberlext,.are 201 .reason iu''.. ir. 1a. ,ri u ra . ? f-l ' ' . ' ' ccaia iocsei- una, o, on nprieaEanK i D OCKet. , . . CdnttaWafe calfed rfJr to MM tlfJ 3?aATettetiUeandFlorericQ Railroad from Viiu luimti luaLt lv ijuuu jl ilv.1 , iiuv Carolina .Central KoilroacL disttncW rtf f?l in lino Ul a. I" 1 . ' ' . .''-. 7 .-i . tery of Wilmington- wil be pened(1at Beth-Car Church, Bladen ' county, on n The remam- of the, Jlon. T : Mf Bljrters of. sugars in. th& ' city.' Mr. were taken from the W bite Sul- fskdv wa& identifiSl wUh steamboat. rinprcr uui ppnugs iauiiwiu fui iuwciiViit, o : xii-' : i wucre iucicuuiiuBui ""m' ww or two. Children now rest. ; . . 1 "I . i i M.rj il.l' Durham, has paid a revenue tax.to.tub government since January' lsrt of nearly $140,000. His tax .or tho year 1873 will ovc rreach' $200 000. ' ; ;i ;.n J.1IU11; JO V lium.lii nun, ill nuiauii county 100 years old, whose husband went through the revolutionary , war, .: . - J . -II and her second was mnea m tue war 01 ... i ' 1812. AsheviUc jUxomOor. ...... , , ; mi r'ui. i ,r ii- J 4 The Goldsboro' Messenger do hvers it- -i . i i j "IS-TiCT ferencc manifested by parents wt n r crence to the education of their soiis. The ricdniont Press is seriously in clined to doubt the statement of the Mountain Messenger .that a rattlcnatej was recently killed on Negro Mountain? 40 feet and 10 inches loug, with, 93'jrat, tie?. -""'fc-- - ' J ' n J white and forty colored pupils have rel "i j , . -i ' 1 -i ., i "'! ' ''W t i !t.:. SVtl uca, uirfflD ana liuna lusntmmns, ine tarit number ever Spotted bv tho 1st largest number ever reported of October before, and a larger number nf now minds than of anv nreVioua' " f f -i - year. -' . ' , Tha-Fayettcviile ixr, (Democratic- .vxu.v.wmv, K v PhG " -;. matte "onc ncanrst swindles ever inflicted on nnnfrv. inul tbosft who voted for it thinks the m the country, and those Avho voted for it deserve everlasting disgrace:" Every Democratic Congressman' fom 'North Carolina Leach, Shobcr, Rogers, Wr ad dell, Harper, Rans'om, all have shared in the "grabj' and not one of them has returned it! Hon. Orccne KcndriCk:, & native Of . , l , l . . I ,, , North Carolina but a resident Of Water- bury, Cqnn. or nnX,veM, o!if at that place on Augos.u 2th last. The" Charlotte Observer says oblum In the rri"fo vi aaa., oury, wnerc nc Dccame acuvciy cnga-cq in various manufacturiety lulactunet. and Hiade,ft larcre fortune;' Ho eniovedthe hrcdicst confidence aiiud esteem of th'ejciiizeno Cjonnccticut Whs frequently' fleeted to the xlousc ot rveprescntatives ana nooa than once to the Senate. In1' 1851 ne was elected Lieutenant-Governor of Jtbo. 5Aatc, and imbsequcntly in ah ;elcctfoh by the Legislature came of being chosen Oovcrnor, nor.- nc . n . 1 . . . . . . . . twice speaker of the House ,H r- ! ' Th the oper that has been given, and wort;, on, it wuii rw .m nALi 1 nn fn.mnmMi wroolr everyUeason to , believe j tiiit the hoi will be such an one as Charlotte caa be proud of, and certain it is tliat; j supplv a Svant which Charlotte has long Washimrton is besirininsr to briebtoa up again, and "the board i ng-hvuae keep- ers are speculating orft he prosprct of ii little back-pay: : Tlie recent rain storms has had th( Tlw . ronf rain ii,.rm hi had the iiie rccenw ram storms nas au iuu e contract ior uiu.um.. .ux-v. I aramoorr i-Paxsoit " Coates, ). trreat Caswell, A II VauB .1 boilSO which is tO IjC bUllt 111 I ii. t J.1 ;x. t;.l I l.;..C,i1' Sltnanmr K I". t on I?ibill'! city, says the Charlotte Observer,, Kccard4. .Wmi Benson 3Id., Great U'tteville, A dliams & Murcluon. I I Iff KIMITin'TwIllHfH SfMHIlir 'Illllltll I wj , . - a ,tDtioDai'itaria4ut.i(' to.'toightfct-t.f iriw. Steamer Ccll. ra.W..n, J LATEST BY liiti It LttJC Vv uH U1C 11UUU1C 1 .k LUC New -llwtfefiomSnii" decnritH r'TlrV WUVB neppettl Vaudtf 60 Wan streetboth tiiihf cnmr ;VvX-i' L l. V-T C'VI ' . -",vt v I A . .cirnr' iiy Vompany,'and'aUo-directorsof LmfJ: Ti. . 2 7 . "Vj lai. Wurcc MmWnri - lM iSZSZXH . I- ... tmA tesome Wfhe loans which it made to SkWdr fc Gandr ere Gandywerci ,1 -vilwW.SfeaT WAt Ak IukJ li ions. Frequent consultations were ha Fin.. - - : . " I w r- ' . ..Ti..j t a ev market: anti tne tact tnat tneian - Isas' loi &lEcxausecurities were not f Kisgotla'bW nTSpVCrectV precluded the making of Ioansr:in oUier and Jese par- 1 it; -c r - - - 7. j o - . lpra naa inqr.cjtorc.ocen cajicajcstcruay I mornimr it undwas 'resolved to suspend I tpitinorariTv .and. call a meetin?? of credi- .,; W . .,,11,. (I., M ... I t0IP?Pj$MruaT aC;H? n c .ij!. "arijtl -othcr Interest for iriahy I . ' I years ' and has Always borne a good I L i.Vl44roib . I UUUig 1UI uunuvim ox vaxivi.. iiiviiiv. lsHetherd Gaudy &o.t? of NoUGO Wall J street, either o: these.' houses, have suspended as yet.'' f - I ngfiile.the seventy-first regiment was I nararlihf through 4th street.' Williams- I x T : O. O . - - bttrg, tJUu mQiung, a oaicony crowaca with spectators,' suddenly broke down j' i.J''L4 ..Mn. 1 ami aiincxiA piitutcu w amv I .. , .. I . L!ii..i l iir I waiK.' one person was- Kineu anu m- dre' prqss, ficycrely injured. TTTt . stated,tw a mimber of guits iu. i ... i W I (iM. wW soon 1. I 1 fWnd . directors.' pcrsonall v. for al ldfed? HleffaP'ncfa done in connection witli the recent declaration of dividend a A MASSACHUSETTS. " 'v' piilNCFilxp, September 9. ' The Republfctin' cays the caucus re stilts' up to bhd oiclock this irierning I llCVTXljj, Wn,l.,n.l- T tju. k v , - . . , .the.fJouvtntion absolutely certain. t The present count triACs Washburn i j fc , 7 . .. &;.,tWrP; (louMful i, Boston, Sept. 0. T-i': :'l . -iH J.J.l,. 4n " T.,4l'n4. I - - - . vVdria 4 to Washbtrrri. ' A bolt Avas made h,'r.L ,-Jr-W,A!f 'itinmmirmnlnff I. gii-.Batlep deic tes elected at midnight Hii. Butler delegates elected at muinignt && 'TM pUnt stood, accprding a thJWm, '-Wnshiiii'rn 507 ; Butler l. :'i ir 1. .. a . 92 iTflonbtful 57; with about 1U0 to be i f Sr. 3 V t fcAtrbiwNiA; S A3 FitAJitasc Off Sc ptc niber 0. ' Jphn Jxvhag has made further sUitc- itYnrtajtrt'AMJrfirt. ofHrrr TiPPR. in TYllich 'l xvww.. 7 c insists' upbtt the truth of his former statemeinj.:aml jwitt SA cae to it before JU(c ofpneof thq Cou ts to-morrow. Vonvajd his fetatcmcnt to New KiTriDN.Vs' lliat Vith proper . uarantecs lor nis saietv iiy-ocay j oik f teHr nfoduce Nathan's memorandum Kluiftrl nrk fcaktm from the biife on thihA of the. murder. v. trO .aoi .-i)ii". t IOIr.-J' WlLii ingtok, Sept. 'J. the Orand. Council of Improvetl Or- drr?ied tijUj is, ip session hero. A pardoned, and .J w-.f r Middling, Says. ' . I ii!Xl2xilLVtZ'4i'r Strict Middlimr. 1 jii laruuu&viuir WHiuxx vvas uowiv icj 11111 AvithWo totel lp.f tendance including the follow- -.JiWChEi JAmei' P. Rilcv. Va.. Great t r-w , 1 . " .-. . . . a : Inehshdnecr Chas.'; S. Bctt-, O henior Wuilk.F.,3Icacham, Junior feccjVf Wamp KANSAS. , i . ' ;KsA3 Crrv, Sept. Col. Tavlor, an okl Utah miuer, re- porta a wonderful lead mine near Iax te Spring, fxoni'.Wliich Uiir lkc pure ."-aVriJLSTA, Sept. 0. Thomas L. Busby dropped dead yes- I . 7 rf ,r , , i nF ,i;anrtc nn ArrPnnmih v in.."! ji..v.wv, w.. - . . . ' 1.1 i lUDuei: jusuuA.,uaii. ..'i'-. v.jh. vi i .,.....v. - ' urn. CLEARED. . . -vx.. .. - - - -' - 1 AVILMINGTON MARKET. 1 ;TUESDApt.&-3() A M. -r lSHiiriTS lxrnrnxTiNE Sales of 10 Sales of at 30 ccnts g:allon fdrSouthern pacisage?. ?in No sales reiorud. PP" fTcrKTiKE Saks .of 3L0 M. ft,!-'- 4oi!?JTi5Ji 4n v.t y tj ty fc ' f rul, U? ii.uin. 'iTlT ?inlvs of .r0 1,1, ., s- -a lbl1 ' ' r' . . . LOTToN-baics ot - bales at lo cents, Xcw Vorkamship Behcfactoc on. 2 at,17, 2 at IS. and L;U 10) cnits r 2,816 bbls rosin, 1,1 12 do spirits turpen-n-i poiihd. 'inrkcl1 iicfminAnv uiichangcxl tine, 100 do tar, 36 bale sheeting, S do as 4. : & IW Orrlinnr- 10 12 151 16 17 is,, 10 cents lb W1 quinary MiddUng, 1 CJ-; T AC:.' , x- , , Q i yj 's'tyivi ' null NilV:ll Srnrr rn lirTiiif SfinfpmlorO r j. ' , c " --r-j 1 --- - " ommcrce ; 110 bales. I i afloat. ' 20' i" s ! r - n .j Total, in!) 4t Spirits Turpi, in yard, S,-M casks. atloat, I I ItT'll i 3 j (10,111 k 'in ,717 in van!, dils I f afloat o -O.J ,1 ' I I Tar in yard, 100,150 32 afloat, Total, 2,720 1 ,u;s Lr0 1 S Cnide Turpentine in yard, afloat, : fTotal, Jieceipts per raiiroaa ot naval -tore sni anncar on the bulletin board of the - l x 1 Cotton, (baleO spirits lurpcnline, y)ls.?) Of. i -Jl i lwosni, (bbljr 1,120 Stock of Naval Store.- in New York ILlc'il i , o . . ,? fin i. f'M-iWpc. ' ' Spirits lunrEXTiNE. Rosix. Tait, 4 j BY TELEnilAril. I NEW YORK MARKETS. NiiAV York, September !. Cotton quiet'8 and iirm Sales of 107 uaies upaimsat ; wriean. -1. r iuui nrni aim .uuei. vjieaL mui. luui steady, l'orr quiet and.wc? k neAv mess $17 C2i(s$17 , 75r lord dull and heavy tdrkauictand.Avc?ic iieAvmess old steami S oUXyS 7-16. .Turpentine, steadv at 41 cents.- Rosin dull at 3.20 fa strai ned. Freights firm. FINANCIAL. . . ,.... . . 1 .1 . fTtefiEGrcApir. New York, September 0. ' Money h. -m at t f c-ent. prc.niun. tlA i'.- f 11'). Pvoliannro Inner 1 . . , , , I 882-: short MJL ..Government bonds dull I 9 ml 1 n wpr " ; H. : fitilondf onirt ami noni inal. Sloe, s active'." ' . FOREIGN MARKETS. London, S.-pt. weather is ioravonibte to the Ncav Fives 1 . ; The crops. Liverpool, Sept. 0. ! Cotton (inn Uplands Sld ; Orleans 0Id201l. Sales of 15,0001 bales'; -for Speculation a,nd ' expert' $000 Bales. ' " IT Port of Wilmingtoa, Sopt 0. 1873 : ARRIVED. ! iSchr Etta, Heady, Swan.boro', Ed wards Sc Hall, Avith naval stores. 1 Schr Allelic, 3Ioore, 'Baltimore, Ixl Avards & Hall. : Schr Lorenzo, .Foreman, Topsail. Ed wards fe Hall. ' . 1 , Brig Alice Lea, Filter, I'hiladelphia,' llarriss Sc Howell, 0 days, with "00 tons coal for ) G Parsley & Co, and o00 emp ty bbls for A H VanBokkelen. ; 'Sc)ir John, (ialriyJ, Now . Vyk,, li day? WiPiariis .: Mrircfdson.'' 1 1 k x 1 enr E Francis, l'avne, Hvde county, l)eRossctt & Co. ' .Steamer A P Hurt, Worth, Favcttc ville, Worth fc Worth. fcteamer Caswell, J uddion, ioint okkcieu. Fav- Nor I r i ;r Victor, An-h .c:i, C'o'rk. Nl'AV l)eHossett Co. i Steamship Bciicfaclor. Join--. York, Iktrry P.ros. . Sicaur4iip . Lucille, iicnnelt, Halti morc, AD Cazaux. Steam-hip Tonawania. Wilthank.-, Philiulclphia, Worth & Worth. . IT . II' .1 1.". ........ Steamer, A r lUiri, oriu, rayciic vine.. Willian45 Murchisonj The following arc the names of the various springs at Saratoga; Congress, 1'Utnam, lilgn I-OCK, lJtccisior, xwxvjw., I c. !..:.. r '. f ;.; I A illiO iriiliujr tv;ff xjuuist ,. I 4. -m t' . . If ? 1 . Tl . 1 r.n: t HECEIPTS.- - PER RtVhJkjtEJ &c! ' ; ' f . . .-: j , - v. ; Steamer CaRwell 41 bbU tumcntliic. 6 do tar. ' ! - Steamer Hurt 200 bbls rosin, 123 do spirits turpentine, 23 do tar. 17 bales sheeting. ? ' ? , . SchrE Fmndsl,2j(W biwhek corn, 3X) do oats. I : , earner i.ee-3.0 bbls rosii U i ;V i ' "iLLVlJJliltrui. , WAOTWIbE. i cottoiuels Baltimore Steamsliin .l,ncillc-5r7 i bbli tar,.P5a46ios!u; 117-9tirit8 tur-pentine.1- ;,V i t ' .. ,V;;!" x iuucipuia 'oicainsnip lonawan da 50 bbls pitch, 1,202 do rosin, 40 do spirits, 150 do turpentine 42 bale cot ton, 15 do yams,, 9, do rags, 33.G8D feet iimoer, 10 packages muse. . I FOREIGN. ' . Gork-Nor Brig Victor 1.7S7 bbls spirits, 144 do rosin.' ' 'ZISCELLANV, 'XYcJb to -from thh lrt.) Vineyard Haven Arrival ith.-schr Siophen G, Hart, for Bath (crcAv sick.) rjpoken bchr John Gabriel, from New York for Wilmington, Sept: 4, 20, miles South of Hattcras. Fortland, Me.; Sent. 4 One of the nclv .ball buoys, is to be placed off the light at the entrance to our harixnv The buoy consUts of a '"ama resting ujion the Avatcr, and m which is hung a bell, so that every moliou of the frame causes the belt to toll. "... Day Beacons Notice is lrerehv given oi( me erection oi. oeacoDs on itam is land Ledge, entrance to Portland, Me.; Dry balvage: on Cape Ann, 3Iass, and cliange of character of beacon on Black Rocks, mouth of Mcrrimac ri'cr, New- bUryport harbor, Massachusetts. A AAOodcn tripod 00 feet high, ha:j been erected on the South point of Rain Island. Lcdgc,,ea3t,aidc main entrance to Porfclanu Harbor, -Me. , -The feet of I Ujo structure arc of Avrought iron, set i irliii tbo IrMio'p at. :ibrnt, liifrn WntofliiV"- I - j-, - - o - - ' v - v the top is coA'crcd in about one-third; of the way down, and is painted red. The bearings by compass and distant in nautical rnifes of prominent objects, arc as folloAv!4: Witcfi R6ck bears I Sbtitheast by S, fiVe-eights of a" mile; Jordan's Ret bears SWr, scven-eightbs , ,H' of a mile; Portland Head ,JUighthous(, :'.0 72.3 IjeArs ' W bySIS, one mile; Bang's Is land (south iint)' bears NWlifWl iW, ; seven-eighta of a mile. ,1 List of V ossein Sailed fox this j : , PortJ LONDON. Sophia firbitz, Gorbitz, 1 - eld Avg 20 G N GredlOhen.Dcthloss. eld Auir v on-oer xwoniston, 4.7agemau, 1i ' eld Aug 8 Else-Esfthricht, Eschricht, eld July 'I'.i Douglass, Wilson, sld Jujie 2 Ot Barque Victoria, Schutz, eld Julv2S i AMSTERDAM. . '; Elizabeth Cath, Anderson, eld Aug 8 1 S. PIERRE. Sclir A Kickards, ld.Juno (tRA VESENI). - r.. Ard, Jackson, sld Suly;2 , LIVERPOOL. . Carl August, Pcttcsbn,- eld A ug 1 2 Leda, Muller, entered, cait Auk 12 Carl August, -cteron ' sld J.uiy 21 pr"Barquentinc Elizabetli.. Taylor,,, , . , ' ; :". ' 1 sld Aug 1 Esanipler, JtpbctiV-'. ..' $W Jtly 18 Sehr S J Gilmorc, Dutch,, slt June Nor Barque Ulrika,'Petterwon, i ' s :;. :tTl,lV"x, 'fid;Juiy 20 Bariue Landho, Olsen:' nldJulv 12 IJarjuc -Bertba, Schwartz, Ad July 2o Schr Isaoeila Fisher, ' j . eld Sept 1. Schr John Kelso, Kelso, . eld Aug 10 Schr John 3Xosere, Adams, ld Aug S BANGORJ'.; Schr. Addie L. Cutler. Smith, , ; " eld Au.2. PLYMOUTH.,. -Oceana, Aslackscn, cJd April 10 (Jcr bark 3fynhecr, Tennon, dd July 2S ' ..JLVMBCRa; , .. 1 Maria Hcvn. Reckv bid July 23 Flosta,' Aiidcrsoji, ; , t Ht Olaf, Hasccl, . . t DEAL. C Ncumau Gxdcjhehn, NORWAY. MtJu1v , bid July 15 eld Aug 11 Maria Eoc, Scbultz, List of Vciscli In thi Port. i T-V. BAilQUES. ;i '' I Viek & Alt-bam:. Norwegian 0tctildc, Olsc-n, div Heide lro Ger Rudolph, Paske, d, .-r E IViciiau BRIGS -Alice Ia&T&UX'JUtxi , cc Howell. ; : - ' .'- r;cr Dorotlia', ltcclzke, di, . E Pechau. tier Diana, Mailneli-, dw, - j J R BhiMaom Ac Kvatn , ( VSOTIOONEKS ' ! John Gatmcl, db. William, A tur' Murv A irtion d-N, 1 . f ,,;-.;-.,! Harris Ac Unwell . OISCELLANECUS. kjiu JMicix tested a0IlKrAf byf 4or Jing'AiKcr,' naracn, m -uiy i VitrtWuPrrltomOn,,' ; .Id-May 22 j -1.. i BELFAST, -MKi-i ' . w put up in barrels and sent away. Iecially