-r e. 1 ! , ! i. x I i ! ! f 1 r V VOL. VII. WILMINGTON, N. C., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1873 NO. 97 ! 4 4 M Fn h. i r i i i i i u - i l)t (guemftg float. I'.veryaftenioon except 8unday. ?3b'f c MANN. .Editor and Proprietor Subscription. r in advance 5 00 . ,...B,. ... 3 00 '"'.h. .in advance 150 I-' - . .J.garA ........... 50 mmitiu in ndence solicited from on r friends Cf 0f tbc State, on topics of gene- ,ns C8Pe' " vEW "APfKBTlSBMBHTSr I. DOUGIITEN LOPER & D0UGHTEN, N VA L STORES A-D SOUTHERN PRODUCTS, Vy 35 NORTH FRONT STREET, Philadelphia, Pa. i.ri for Turpentine Casks solicited and "r fiiifd at lowest market price. lPTr,' 245-tf man." " r, g1GHT, iTes, riciiabd ibbt, Vice Pre, RICHMOND ARCHITECTURAL Ly WORKS AND 8TOV COMPANY, i?)), 100'J, 1001, 100G Cart Street. Lh-k: No. -5 TENTH STREET. Ti .isTomnany offer to the people of Vir- .n; i and t lie Southern States a large line of "f'.r.Kisof ihcir own manufacture for pri- 1 ,7. rheap and on terms as liberal as can Hjli.nl ol any XNoruierii esuvuiifcuiiieiits. xn. i,iiti,m torttoves of all classes, wo make '. i :,.,. Mini Wrrlru a. snniall v Ifrr m ( a i,r.iu's Hollow VVure, Stench Traps, Soil h',n., s;t irons, a-c, always on nana; ana Muti;rii ciuti priso. sena lor circulars and i r;i , li-is. lune 6 3m .Merchandise Brokerage Office, lti.Ij inn; oi samples consianiiy on nana i, mi imporliTs hihI manufacturers in .)'! li'ru niiirkets. All ill 'ript ions or merchandise, orders in IsMiliciU'd and telegraphed promptly. M -r i'ii i-iilise bought and sold in this mirXti, onl'jrs from buyers solicited, and M'uph !.s ktl by sellers will have prompt at- ''I'lltWU. Time ivs well as cash purchases unwotiated. (thotlieryou wish to buy or sell, communi- -aii'il ireely, ,nd often with your local 'oker. ' . s J AS. T. PETTEWAY, MeroUaudise and Produce Broker. deC-J ' 1H4 tf ' uiicn vuu HOI SF, MOREHEAD G1TY. CARTERET COUNTY, N. V. CHARLES H1BBARD, Proprietor, This splendid Sea Side "Watering Place tu.iled at Beaufort Harbor, will be open fir I lie reception of guests on . ; ; , Monday, June 16th, 1873. IT IS ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE THE MOST DELIGHTFUL SURF BATHING the Atlantic coast, of the Jnlted State ! lA-tinei! to be the- terminus of the great xutheru Pacific Railroad. Unsurpassed n.'ililies forfinletnrtWi alHnr-t.KtRhlntf' and liithiug. - . ; . The steamer Zodiac, Capt. Wm. H. Cbapin; 1 "iniQandcr, leaVcif direct Jor New 'York every week. . Parties wishing to engage roomn, -will P e address as above. " July l0-3n INSURANCE. AND FIRE INSURANCE CAN BE t eQtoted at the lowest current ratea in the "iiowing responsible Companies, on ap- Pucatiun to KV YORK LIFE INSURANCE tOMPANV, Assett t 20,0O0,OO8 rMt,LM..J- A- BYHNE, Gen'l Ins. Agt., 1 V'MUAL 'lltK INSURANCE WMPANY, of London, Assetts vn INSURANCE AND BAN! 'Mi COMPANY of Va., assets &15,3 y IKJMINION- INSURANCE COMP; Ob' Va., assctts, $200,(1 , NniBURO INSURANCE AND BANK- 5615,330 JOMPA s-2m nnn HYKV V. .r V irXT A AT a Gen'l Insurance Agenls, uaice Chamber of Commerce, up stairs, ' t Wilmington, N.C. an? 1(5 77-ly Howard. Association, Ih.ila Fa. , An Institution having a high reputation if honorble conduct and professional skill. tms Surgeon, J 8 HOUGHTON, M D. -ys for young men sent free of ckarge. -Wdress, Howard Association -No 2 South Ninth St, Philadelphia, Pa. ma' 8 303-Jtoi BA11BER SHOP. J 'E TURNER wishes to inform his custo mers and public generally, that he is now !'rtTared to do all kind of work in his line, would respectfully request acontlnua of the patronage which has heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him. JQ 16 tf 208 THOMAS POISTNOR bar room E. corner of Mulberry and Nutt 8ts. Aiays ou hand the best quality of Sega i 11 157-iy pARKEK TAYLOR Successors to A. H. NEFF, K aianufacturers and dealers in ffWtiE FURNISHING GOODS, "S Btoves, Lanterns, Kerosene, Oil Tin P and Sheet Iron ware. hoofing done at short notice Agents for Fairbanks Scales, iw . Xo. 19 Front Street, Hmingtok.n.c. UISCELL1NE0US. A. ADRIAN. 6 if. irbTAAMn ADRIAN & VOLLERS. WHOLEl.iiiAl.KK.S IN ' ' i " r f ! Groceries and liiquors, . . i Importers of German and Havana Cigars, ' . AHD I Commission More Vi ant . s Sodth-East Cobweb Dock and Fbojst Streets. WILMINGTON, N. C. Having the largest and best assorted Stock of Groceries and Liquors In the City, Dealers will find it to their Interest to give us a call before buying elsewhere.' ' mav!7-tf i i " Butter, Molasses, Syrnp , Hams, - JUST RECEIVED, "EX STEAMERS METROPOLIS and Lucille. Choice Goshen Butter, i - A No. 1 Muscovado Molasses, I a. iio. i uoiaen ojup. Extra choice "Magnolia" Hami. . In addition to abovt3, daily arrivals of Ba con, Hay, Corn, 8 H Syrup in barrels, tier ces, and hogsheads, Lard, Sugars, &c. For sale low by ' BINFORD, CROW & CO. junc 25 32 THE ."SILVER TONGUE,' ORGANS The best ORGANS of the Reed class IN THE WORLD. , The Best for Churches arid Lodges. The Best for Sunday Schools. Tbe Best for Parlors and Vestries. The Best for Academies and Colleges. The Best for Public Halls. The Be3t for Orchestra and Stage. These instruments, which for sweet-, riess of tone and elegance of appoint ment stand unrivalled, have met with unprecedented success in this country and abroad s.i " MANUFACTURED BY E, P. NEEDHAM SON. I ; ESTABLISHED IN 184G. i Nos 143, 145 & 147 East 23d stJN Y Responsible parties applying for agencies in section! still unsupplied, will receive frompt attention and liberal inducements, artles residing at a distance from our au thorized agents, may ordefr from, our factory. Send for Ulustratedurieeiist. aug26-tf . TO THE VESTIT0 THE VEST1 Bciore making your arrangements to fol low the advice of the "thousands who have already gone," It would be well to consider what has been done to make the journey to your 'Homes in the West" as pleasant and free from danger as human skill and fore sight can accomplish. ' By consolidation arid construction, a. road has been put into operation on the shortest possible line from iNashville, Tenn., to St. Louis, "the future great City of the world." This line, the , ST. LOUIS & SOUTHEASTERN RAIL WAY, has, during the past year, earned an envia ble reputation by its smooth track, prompt time, sure connections, and the magnifi cence of its passenger equipment. Its trains are made up of new and commodious day cars, provided with the celebrated Mil ler coupler and platform, and the Westing house air-brake. It is possitively the only line running Pullman Palace Drawing-Boom Sleepin Cars through without change lrom Nash ville to St. Louis . No other line pretend to offer such advantages, either in distance, time, or equipment. Why, then, journey by circuitous routes ? Do not be induced to purchaser" tickets toJS.) Louis or the West H any Mother line, fememier that The "St; Louis & Southeastern" is the shortest, cheapest, quickest, best and only line under one management from Nashville 'to St. Louis, and 'is from' 60 to 200 miles the shortest to St. Louis, Kansas City, Omaha, Denver, 'California, Texas, and all western points. It is also the "Chi cago Shortest Lne, via ransvllle. You can secure the cheapest rates for yourselves and your movables on applica tion, in person or by letter, to Chables McCabk, Southern Passenger Agent, near College street Depot, Nashville, Tenn., or to the undersigned. W B DAVENPORT, Geneial Ticket Agent, SL Louis: No trouble to answer questions. . . . MISCELLANEOUS. TO IE PUBLIC AT LARGE. BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! SOL. BEAR & BROS., OFFER TO THE PUBLIC The greatest bargains of the Season, consisting of The Best Ready JTIadeQ Clothing City JTIatlc Catsimcrc Suits' ALL LINEN SUITS, CLOTH SUITS The Larpsl Variety in tie City. SILK, FELT and PANAMA HATS, Boston and Philadelphia niae SHOES aud GAITERS, of all descriptions. SHIRTS, From the fines to the Cheapest. 1 : " , At reduced prices. OI every deseiiptiou At lowest prices in t lie iState; 20 market St. mu 3l tf ' may 17 J. S. TOPHAM & CO.. No. 8 South Front Street, MANUFACTURERS AND Wholesale and Retail Dealers in SADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS & TRVAttLING BAGS Collars, Haines, Trace Cuaius, Whips, Spurs, Dog Collars. Saddle Cloths, Woolen & Linen Horse Covers Fly Nets, Feather Dusters, Axle Grease, Bridles, of all kinds, Sad dlery Hard- ware, &c. A L P O , SECOND UANP HARNESS, SADDLES, REINS, & c . CHEAP FOR CASH. June 7' 1-ly FOR ALL,WHO AKK WILLING TO work. Any person, old or young, pi either sex, can make from 810 to 1 50 per week, at home er in connection with other business. Wanted by all. Sulable to either City or Country, and any season of the year. This is a rare;opportuniiy for.those who are out of work, and out of money, to make an independent living. No capital being re quired. Our pamphlet, "HOW TO MAKE A LIVING," giving full instructions, sent on receipt of 10 cents. Address A. BUR-. TO S & CO.; Morrisania, Westchester Co., N. Y. , . may 14 307 tf THE NEW ELASTIC TRUSS An Important Invention. It retains the rap ture at all times, and under the hardest ex ercise or severest strain. It is worn with comfort, and if kept on night and. day, ef fects a permanent cure in a few weeks. Sold cheap, and sent by mail when request ed. Circulars free, when ordered by letter sent to The Elastic Truss Co., No. 683 Broadway, N. Y. City. Nobody uses Metal Spring Trusses ; too painful ; they slip off too frequently. may 14 307 tf . THE PARLOR COMPANION. Every Lady wants one ! Every Man ought to have one ! ! Sent on receipt ot Ten Cents. Aftdress, L. F. HYDE fc CO., 195 Seventh Avenue, Jiew York. may TJ , I ; . 311-tl Tho Beckwith $20 Portable Fam ily Sewing Machine, on 30 Days Trial ; many advantages over all. Satis faction guaranteed, or money refunded. Sent complete, with fall directions. Beck with Sewing Machine. Co., S62 Broadway N. Y. may 14 307 tf AGENTS WANTED everjvhcrc to sell our new and novel Embroidering Mb chine, send tor Illustrated Circular, to the McKec Manufacturing Company, 809 Broad way, N Y. lnayVJ 3il-tf Bon-Ton Flirtation Signals. . Sent on receipt ot 2- cents. . Unique Print ing and Publishing Uooae, 36 Yesey Street, New York. cmayW 3U-tf 1RML ROADS. Wilmington, Colombia & Au gusta R. Rr Company. i Gn. BcriBisTjRDBNT's Optics, I rvTxutiHQTON, N. C.SepU. &;1S72. ) i . . Hi.t: j - CI1ANQE OF SCHEDULE.: rpiXE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE WILL -a. no into eueci at, ij;au A. JM.., Monday, DAY EXPRESS TRAIN , (Daily.) Leave Wilmincton 3:30 A. M Arrive at Florence ,11:10 A. M Arrive at Columbia. 4:45 P. M Leave Columbia 6:40 A. M Arrive at Florence 11.20 A. M Arrive at Wilmiagton 5:15 P. M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (SUN- Leave Wilmington , Arrive at Florence 5.45 P. M 11:22 P. M 3:48 A. M 8:20 A. M 5:50 P. M 10:35 P. M 2:27 A. M . 8:00 A. M Arrive at Columbia , Arrive at Auarusta Leave Augusta Arrive at Columbia i . . . Arrive at Florence. . . Arrive at Wilmiaeton. , Passengers leavincr Wilminsrton on the 5:45 P. M. train make close connection going South. JAMES ANDERSON, Gen'l Sup't. sept 9 95-tf Wilmington & Weldon R. R. Company. OriJCE Gknebal Supjshintendent, UNDENT, J ).1873. f Wilmington , N. C, June 30. CHANGE OF SCUGDULIS. ON AND AFTER JUNE 29th INSTANT, PASSENGER TRAINS on the Wi) minffton and Weldon Railroad will run as follows : MAIL TRAIN. i Leave Union Depot daily (Sun days excepted) At 8: 15 A. M Arrive at G oldsboro 1M1H.M y - - .RrV7unut... ., . aillr. M Weldon... 3:50 . M Leave Weldon daily (Sundays excepted) At 9:.'K) A: M Arrive at Rockj Mount 11:20 A. M Goldboro...i..... 1:16 P. M Unioa Depot 5:30 P. M EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily. . .At 5:35 P. M Arrive at Gol4sboro 0:33 P. M Rocky Mount lf:34 P. M Weldon 1:20 A. M Leave Weldon daily 6.45 P. M Arrive at Rocky Mount ..... 94) P. M ' G elds boro 10:40 P. M Union Depot 5:00 A. M Mail Train maKes close connection at Weldon for all points North via Bay Line and Acquia Creek routes. Express Train conaects only with Acquia Creek route.' PULLMAN'S PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON THIS TRAIN. FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wiiming ton tri-weekly at 6.00 A. M., and arrive at 1.40 P. M. EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilmington daily (Sundays excepted) at 6:00 P. M., and arrive at 4:00 P. M. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. 86-t.f June 30 QUARANTINE NOTICE. l Tljie following Quarantine Regulations will) be in force from aud after the 1st ot June, 1873, until further notice : 1st. All vessels from Ports South of Cape Fear will come to at the Visiting Station near "Deep Water Point," and await the inspection of the Quarantine Physician. 2d. All vessels having sickness on board on arrival, or having had sickness during the voyage, are required to come to the Station for inspection, without regard to the Port from whence they sailed. 3d. Vessels not included as above will proceed to Wilmington without detention. ' i 4th. Pilots are especially enjoined to make careful enquiry, and if not satis lied with the statements of the Captain, or if the vessel is in a filthy condition, they will bring the vessel to the Station for further examination. 5th. Pilots wilfully violating the Quaran tine laws are subject to forfeiture of their branch. Masters of vessels to a line of Two Hundred (fXX)) Dollars a dy for every day they violate the Quarantine laws, and all other persons are liable for each and every offence. 6th. All vessels subject to visitation uu der these regulations will set flags in tile main riging port side. F. W. POTTER, Quarantine Physician, Porto! Wilmington. N. C. lO-Sat's&Wed'stlstNov may 3i BUILDING LOT. O NE ol th finest BUILDING LOTS in the city, situated on the East side of Third Street, between Mulberry and Walnut, 66 tjyl65 feet, for sale "1" Apply to r- ' CRONLY & MOKRIS. Real Estate Agents. -Feb 1? 233-tf RAIL ROADS. Piedmont Air-Line Railway. Richmond and Danville, Richmond and Danville R. W., N. Division, and North Western N. C..R. W. o- Condensed Time Table. o In effect on and after Sundnv, June lo 1873. GOING NORTH. STATIONS. MAIL. ACCOM. Leave Charlotte Salisbury Greensboro " Danville Burkville...... Arrive at Richmond.. 2.50 p. m' 5.02 1.15 " 11.17 A. M 3.34 " ti.05 " G.15 A. M. 11.40 " 2.55 r. m. GOING SOUTH. STATIONS. MAIL. ACCOM. Leave Richmond 1.05 p. m 0.45 a.m. Burkville 4.10 " 1.20 p. m. " .Danville 8.45 Ail. 10pm " Greensboro 11.1? Solisbury 2.C3 a. m . Arrive at Charlotte. . . 4.05 " GOING WESTr" STATIONS. MAIL. EXPKESS- Leave Greensboro' ... I 8.20 r. m . . Co. Shops .... U.OO " Hillsboro' .... 11.10 14 Raleigh 1.40 a. m Arrive at Goldsboro'. 4.30 ' goingstT STATIONS. MAIL. EXPRESS Leave Goldsboro' 2.30 p. m Raleigh 5.2U 11 " Hillsboro' 7.47 44 " Co. Shops . 12.05 4t Arrive at Greensboro' 10.43-a.m. .... North Western N, C. R. K (Salem Lr.Axcii.) Leave Greensboro 11:20 P M Arrive at Salem 1;40 A M Leave Salem 1:40 P M Arrive at Greensboro 7:00 P M Mail trains daily, both ways, over entire length of Road. Accommodation daily be tween Danville and liicLinoiuWSuuday6 ex cepted.) On Sundays Lynchburg Accommodation leave Richmond at 5.23 a. in., arrive at Kiivuiii0 11,28 a. m., loayc liuikvil.'e 1.1U u. iii., arrive at Hichmoul .4 1. JrUllman raiv. on all niiit trains between Charlottcd Uiclunond, (.vvithou. change.) Fur iurthcr inlormation addrefB S. E. ALLEN, General Ticket Agent. Greensboro, N. C. T. M. R. TALCOTT, v Engineer and Gen'l Spuei intendaut. aug 7 08 OFKICK I'JSTKKSBUltO K. R. Co. May. :ilst. 1S72. J ON AND AFTER JUNE 3RD, THE trains will run as follows: LEAVE WELDON. Express Train 7:30 p. rn. Mail Trai u '.i:'2ii p. m. ARRIVE AT l'ETEilEUKG. Express 10:50 p. m. Mail 7:00 p. in. LEAVE PETERSBURG. Mail a. m. Express i. u-. ARRIVE AT. WELDON. Mail i': ion. in. Express ' p. m. FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Petersburg ' :00 a. m! Leave Weldon '.' :00p. in. Arrive at Weldon i:00 p. m Arrive at Petersburg" a. m. GASTON TRAINS. Leave Petersburs G:00 a. m. Leave Gaston 1 1:15 p. in Arrive at Gaston 12:50 p. m. Arrive at Feteifebur 8:iu p. m, No trains will run ou Sunday except Ex press trains Freights for Gaston Branch will be received at the Petersburg depot only on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS. The depot will be closed at 5:00 p. ia. !No goods will be recoived after that hour. J. C. SPRIG G, Je 5-tf Ensrincerand General Manaeer. Carolina Central Railway Company. WILMINGTON, N. C, May 14, 18'iJ. f SCHEDULE. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE WILMINGTON DAILY (EX cent riundave) at 8:00 A M Arrive at Wadcsboro at 5:25 P M Leave Wadesboro at 7:10 A M Arrive at Wilmington at 4:35 P M FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Wilmington, daily (except Sundays)....' 0:00 A M Arrive at.Lsinriuburg it 5:30 PM Leave Laurinbnrg at A: 00 A M Arrive at Wilmington at 5.30 PM PASSENGER TRAINS. Leave Charlotte daily, Sundays excepted, at 8.00 A M Arrive at Buflalo at 12.00 M Leave Buffalo at 1.C0 P M Arrive at Charlotte at 5.15 P M Irregular Lumber and Timber Trains run on both portions of the Road as the busi ness requires. A Daily Stage will aeon run in connection with the trains ou both ends of this Rail way. 3 S. L. FREMONT, Cuicf Engineer and Sap't. may 10 311 -tf ARKANTTEE DEEDS- On hand and for sale f eb 25 5 0 HALL NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. AGENTS "W-AJNT ED. Domestic bewmg Machine Co., New York. AND MACHINERY f,iCo l&Jg?P and mulay saw mills; porUi- r 1 1 " " j Hum ing nil ub, sugarcane mills and mivar non 1 . , . uoihiuw EHUKC lOCO- motives and dummy engines for street h8 nil?d minl,1?.Pi'Ppse8,newand second hand Iron and Wood Working Machinery ol every description. Send for circular. WABUlttUTOX IRON WORKS. w v eey street, iNew York. Kenmore University High School Varatory to the University of Va, II a htrode (Math Medallist U Va)T Principal and Instructor in mathematics H C Rro?k iVV y . v.vLtuuj t xtoi. Latin, u. VaL ind Eln KrenctafbenEft anu liotanv. Th i gnmr(i,i n . . . uiTTiT '"vFaiuuHj WUU LHOB6 OI OtUCrs. btudente also received for the summer. New address the Principal Jnlyanu? AGENTS WANTED FOR THE NEWROOK LDiaemic ana Contaflons Diseases. with the 11 PTPRt. nrwl hact fttA.i i cases The only thorough workof the kind in the world Embraces smallpox, yellow ,r,,cholera ?ml aI1 analogous diseases. No family safe without It, and all buy itT lIaM aichromatioillustrations The btggestchanco Jzr?rz?2SVL r"1- n uood- r'-" ' are xvow, in x JUly2SMw Hanover street, Boston A FORTUNE How! liy apeculatlnc in J Stocks and Gold. Capital, aio totluo wi pay ioo to f 1,000 a month. ' Full pl5 nation sent free. W. F. Hl'IiKELL dc Sera,a?d "rokcrs. 8 Wall street, til .9(1 P.er day Agents wantedl All UJJ IU $L) classes -of working people, of either sex,younK or old.niake more money at WOrk for ns In t.hlr kkum the time than at anything else. Particulars . v ounson & co, 1'ortland Malne- Jujy 29-4w ' TjlliE GREATEST INVENTION OFTflE ayu. iigeuis wanwu everywhere. Samplos nd terms free. Address W. C. Walkkh. Russolvllle, Ky. Gray's Celebrated Anti-Frir.ti4" r iuu xri ess. u.r. sey FOE SALE, NEEDLES and attaehmpnt fnr an tii,i of Sewing Machines. Cash orders promptly ?U?lwr.sS?lKpr Express C.O.I). Address D.G.UAXWKI.r.. elinrlnMn T f 11. . I Agcntol the HomeShiittlcSewing Machine. GRANDEST SCHEME EVER KNOWN. Fourth tirand Gift Concert FOR TUB BENEFIT 01' TUB PUBLIC LIBRARY KENTUCKY 12,000 CASH GIFTS $1,500,000 250,00(3ibr 50. The Fourtn Grand Gift Concert author ized by special act of the Legislature for the benellt of the Public Library of Ken tucky, iwill take place in Public Library Hall, at Louisville, Ky., i WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3,i ia?3. Only sixty thousand tickets will be sold The tickets are divided into ten coupons or parts. At this concert, which will be the grand est musical display ever witnessed in thh country, the unprecedented atmi oi $1,500,000. divided into 12,000 cash gifts, will be dis tributed by lot among the ticket-holders. LIST OF GIFTS : One grand cash gilt .f 250,000 One grand cash gift.... 100,000 One grand cash gift 50,000 One grand cash gift 25,000 One grand cash gift , I7,r00 10 cash gilts 10,000each 100,000 30 cash gifts 5,000 each 150,000 m cash tfifts 1,020 each 50,000 SO cash gilts 500 each 40,000 100 cash gifts 400 each 40,000 150 cash gifts 300 each 45,000 250 cash gifts 200 each 50,000 325 cash gifts 100 each &L50O 11,000 cash gifts 50 each 550,000 Total, 12,000 gilts, all cesh, amounting to U,500,CO0 The distribution will be iositive, wheth er all the tickets are sold or not, and the 12,C0J gifts air paid in proportion to the tickets sold., PRICE OF TICKET8 : Whole tickets $50); Halves ii5; Tenths, or each Coupon, for Eleven Whole Tickets for 500 ; 221 Tickets for l,000 ; 113 Whole Tickets for $5,000 ; 227 Whole Tickets lor $10,OC3. No discount on Ices than $500 worth of Tickets at a time. Tickets now rezd7 for sale, and all orders accompanied by the money promptly lillcd. Liberal terms given to those who Buy to sell again. TIIOS. E. BRAMLETTE, Agent Publ. Libr. Ky., and Manager Glit ' Concert, Publ. Libr. Bldg., Louisville, Ky. " ST. iSABCV Wholorialiu Dealer LIQUORS, TOBACCO j & SEGAI1S, PRINCESS ST., ABOVE FIRST NATIONAL DANK, WILMINGTON, N. C, P. S. A full supply of Ale and Laser Deer In Hall and Quarter Ii-irrcls. Families supplied with Dottlcd Ale and Lager ISeer. i , . ' - m , A TAGISTKATES BLANK-!a full line ' ifJLon hand, and for sale MONEY adew rapidly with Stencil & Key r ii 9ieck Outtfta. Catalogue and lull nnrf if nlnra VPl'l' u . o. M. orJSJN UEB, XJ.7 The cheapest,simplest and most perfect col ton Screw ever 1 n ven ted. S? i u-n i lTVIUJtimUi; 11KK tVOHKH. CO VC Ol rant W ... A , ... """i rr m. yji n, mnv inanuiacturprs. feb 25 SQUALL, ' 1 july25 ' , I ! 57-em

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