: f.nsH ;h !G5svstrs Tflavfir inn? tcna-fai ra';- N tow - ,i ivtn , " 7T" t' !'"? !o s." i.'I f-iMrf," 'f WIL tfGTON, N. C., SATUEDAYrSEPTELBER 13, ' 1873 VOL VII. homoo 1 'ai'Utmd every afternoon, except Sunday ' fj MANN.. Editor and Proprietor jAMt Subscription. ,)rv,:ir, inudvancc... ....... -J.M5 0 itX vvf.i'.te, iaadvanee , r ,ri.j mouths, in advance ''"montii, in advance w. r 3 OO 1 ;j0 50 , ,-rt-nondeacc solicited from our friends ,- t!! parti of the State, on topics or genc il interest. 'Political news add reports of cro; ar especially desirable. . , - J VKW ADVlirriSEMETSj Fi w, L'.'1'KB. ? I, IVGI1TEN LOPEil & DOUGHTEN, V A V A L BT ORES ANM SOUTIIlvllN PRODUCTS, y., rn NORTH FRONT STREET, PJiiladelpliia,' l"a. vi f-iv Turj)entine Casks solicited and til il'i ll ",- Kstnr, L'rcs, riciiahd ikbt, N'Hcc Pres, e b uasxin-s Seeaud Treas. iiirilMONi) ARCHITECTURAL -; S WOiUvS AND4 STCVE COMPANY, ujj,iaj3, loot, lojGUAursttEBT. T -J TENTH STREET. ! mm,, i '..M.i.iin v- oliiT t.rt the i)(on;e of, Vir- iuiau.nl tl.- Southern States a largo line of ill ' I H OL lIH.li uvvn jjciuiiiii;ti.ii ii 1 i '-Tjis r!i;-'ap and on terms' as liberal as can l.'-h vl of any Northern establishment, in i l liiion to stoves of all classes, ay.c' make r !iitectunl Works a specially. Fronts, tir t'es Hollow Ware, Stench. .Trap, Soil I'ip", Si l lnm's, tX-, always on hand; und .v.- 'M- il tli" al trillion of dealers to our S i iMi ;n ii!ta iristv S;;nd foT circulars and !i-t. iune ' ini Mi'R:i;ia'ii:.c Brokerage Oiiitc, jM'i.li 1 1 - of i tuples e-'ir-ija iilly on hand in i in pot i rs and m iitnta:tiit er in Nm'ill - I'll I.i i l; ts. ji J r 1 1 -ri t'l ion s i i n r 1 1 . u ' i -v, iu'tli'r( I i.i.l.-s -l'n-Uod and telegraphed promptly. -1 1 o ' i 1 1 1oii-!)1 and sold in this ttrk.-t. or.l rs from Buyers solicited, and ru'i!, ' lett by Hers will have prompt at i at ton. 1'iMit'as well ;e ea h pntvhaes tuotialed, wl:'lher you wish tobtiy air sell, comrnuni rated lte !y, and often with your local U'oker. T VS. T. lI':TTKVA Mi teh tiidi-,e and L'loduee liVokr. deel") ISitf AtOliEJIlAD CITY. CAKTKUET COUNTY, N. V. (JilARLES HIBBARD,v proprietor. This splendid Sea Sile Water! nc Tlace, it. mted , at lit-uiliirt Harbor,-will tu open t h tlf reception of guests on . Monday, Juno 16th,. 1873. . I r IS ACKNOWLEDGED TO.'BE THE MOST DELTQ 1ITFJJL SI ) 11 ITJQJQIJV& on Mi,. Atlant ic coast, of the United. States ! t -tiiied to be the terminus-of the great .oiitlieru i'aeitic flail road. 'Tiisur passed ii-ilitii-s lor splendid sailing, ;l'ii ihing and i. ti ti i ui;. i v - ' l lie steamer Zodiac. Cant. Wmi ILChapin; ILChapin: ( niiiuuider, leaves direct lur.JicWi York I every week. 1 T- , I'arties wishing to engai rooms, will please address as above. July )-3ni I Lt Ji and tiuE iilrsriiLTA;E i;An be ,J etl'eeted at the lowest current rates in the followitisr responsible Companies, on ap- pneation to NKW YORK LIFE IN.SlJFwANCE IMIMCIUAL Flitii Insurance ! x.oi Lonaoa, ew Qold I.YNCHDUllG INSURANCE -ANL) BANK- I . MViiVil f NVstjfflfi; COX? n Y 'Otf- Va., assetts, ?20U,ouo rinsuriAU - Oiliee Ch.imbur of Commerce, up stairs, Wllmlnetoai. N. C J llo w aixi .s.sociLition, Xliila, 3?i. An institution having aJiigh reputation i.r nonorbic condne ; nnd prpiewionai skill. tui-4 Surgeon, J 8 llOLUlirON, M !. I l.ssays for young men sent free of charge. I Nn'srtn th11 l ii f tiaihn n i tUi ?L tb. may 8 . arim I - - : JUlLt&lS I& 9UU1T. IK TURNER- wishos to inform his enste- I - mers ana public generally, that ne is now f prepared to do all kind of work in his line, t and would respectfully miucst a continua- been so liberally bestowed upon him. Jan 16 tl 2M T IIO MAS CCNNOlT i t 1 i j B PL JIOOM N. E. corner of Mulberry and Nutt SJ - Always on baud the best quality of Sega i doc 14 157; ly , PARKKli- At, i a .V'T.nT?:: Successors to d rt t i . ,1 r , A. II. NEFF .'tfanufacturers and dealers la HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Uuns, 8tov2dUt7ron?ane,i011, Tl ito3UHr dono at short notiftp Ageuts for Fairbanks Scales. m . 1 1 . u .r -1 , i-r- MISCELLANEOUS, AbRlAN & VOLLERS." ' . , HOLKCiLK DKALKKS IN i al !" -t :- T'fiH no'1. i roccri c and .Iiiqii orw, Importers of German acrd'lfirtaBa Citfu-'' T Ul i AWD ; lit CQ.mrria.ss ion Tviorchaiitf. i Socth-East Oobnkb Dock and 1 1 aviiierLhe-lrcesW and bjucLodLSlock of G robeMes i and lAotfer i the CiB-l Ueafers will find it to their interest to Kivacall before buying elsewhere. ; niav i-u Biitter;101aoses, Syrnp, Ham pXTEAMfeMElioPOLlS land LticlUe it . Uboice Goshen Batter, -A. No. 1 Muscovado Molasses, A No. 1 Golden 8yup. Extra, choice "Magnpria,,fil auis. In addition to above, daily arrivals of Va con, llay.Com, J;Syrup in barrels, tier ces, and hogsheads, .Lard, Sugars, Ac. ; oV sale low l)v i , BINFQRD,,CROW.& CO. junc 25 '- ,rr I A ?r';& ' ; H E ' SI L'VER ! T Ok GU E, 4 r Tf I A TllO best ORGANS Of'the Reed ClaSS ' I1T THE WORLD. 1 . I The Best for Churches and Lodges. t r..- The Best-for Sunday Schook. The Best for Parlor.? and Vestries. The Best for Academics and Colleges. The' Best for Public Halls.1 The B'estoVOrclfestra and Stage. Theses instruments, Avhich for swecl- ne! of'toiie- anifcelegance of appoiut-j ment Mand unrivalled have met Avith unprecedented success' In this; country and abroad i ; t t JdAUFCTUREl) : BY 1 Nos 43, lB&l Jlast 3fJ St.- N Y Responsible narUed applylUff tbr aan Responsible pattled applying fbr' agencies in secttontl Still 'unatapplietfiwill r prompt?attetrtloh- !AiM liberal fhdUcej Mvill receive nen is, i'artiesiisidlnff at fedlstattbeioih dur an thorlzed agtenta,4mayorderf roni our fectory. Send for illustrated OTice list.' augati-U TO TlltYESIJTO'TllEyEST! l ,5MiytA f .JWl Betore tnmkluyouV arrangemectsj to fol low the, advicVoiUUe'VtH6 liavo alreaH,'ffoilei''itirould beirdl'to cori&idcr your Homes iirthe West'1 as rfleasant and frce fooaTni.er.8ian'sl and lore sight CniCCCbfiapilalL: m . ; h: ; i i By.confidUcMi! a road has been pttt Into Operation on the shortest Possible .Une fxcunjTenntoSU Louis, 'the fatur&'gTeatity of the WOrla.,, miir Mltfk ' f u i i, 8T. LOUIS & SOUTIIE ASTERN ! RAIL ,s ' WA'Y", ! ' has, dttf ingi the past ytar, earned an envia bie reputation by its smooth track, promj i-t i. - tlmc. sure connections, and the niagnia- Wee of, IU cngw. equipment. Its trsin aremalfan, of new and commodious day: cars, provided with the celebrated Mil i-r counlerfend niatforroi and the Westinsr- nouee air-orKc. , , 1 It is possitlveiy the only line lunmng Pullman Palace Drawlne-Boom Slecpln Cars throu'xn without chanze fom ash- to offer such advAutages, .cither in .distance, timcvor qoiiment. Vk hy. then, journey by circuitous routes? -Do not be induced to ! jtrcliaser tickets to St. Louis; or the West bv any other line, remember that it, fcs fcauetern" I -thei shprtcjlVptackes best and I Anil liniJ Tinrtfr under one management from akv ' NashrilleJto St.1 Louis, and is from 00 to I goo miles tha shortest to St. Louis, Kansas Cltl Qtaahi, Denver, California Texas, and nil western points. It is also the "Ubi 1 .... " . , ctgo Shortest Line," via EyansyUle. Too can secore the cheapest rates for yourselves anAjoui inovables.on applica- tion. tn DersosL or. .bv letter. , to Chasixs McCabi, Southern Passenger Agent, near ollCfie street Depot, Nashville; Tenn., or luc unaer-iu. W B DAVENPORT, i 'l I I If; It r. . () I tANS 1 ' , ' ' " " i mi ? Geneial jicket Agent St. Louis. No t rouble tolnswer questions, j . July 25."'- fV1 ! 57-6m Wfl&IRBAHK'S SCALES, E. & T FAIRBANKS & COr ia?h hii- r s ? ' Stbcki?f ales; Coal Scales, Hay Scales; Hairy PtflTes. ("ountpr Ko-alp: '&c.' 4,J i ' " - Scales repaired promptly and reasona . blv. XUKJVIQSX PfiRiCT ALARM CASH DRAWER.' Miles Alarm Till Co's. EVERY IW.j.'j EVERY Mcrclant ' ; DRAWER 8UOULI Use Them Warranted, SOLD AT Fairbanks' Scale Warehouses,. iFAIRBANKS & CO., . .,..3il BROADWAY, NEW YORk 1GG Baltimore st., Baltimore, 53 Camp st., New rleans. FAIRBANKS & EWING, 3Iasohic Hall; Philadelphia. FAIRBANKS, BROWN & CO.; 2 Milk Street, -Boston For sale by all leading Hardware Dealers. sepLll . '17-L'tawim TO THE PUBLIC AT LARGE. BARGAINS ! '''BARGAINS'! SOL. BEAR & BROS., OFFER TO THE PUBLIC Tlic greatest bargains of the Season, consisting of 'JClic Best Ueady MaileS Clothing, bihj ilikflc Cfilslmcreij " ' Suits ! ! - ALL LINEN SUITS, ; CLO T LI SUITS T&6 Largest Variety in tlie City. SILK, ' FKLT ami PANAMA U A T 8, Boston uud Philadclohia tiia-'e SHOES aud GAITERS, of all descriptions. From the fiuea to the Cheapest. IVOTIOjVS & KRY, . ... , , 7 Am. V A,V(UVV .TRUNKS & VAL'ISJbSS - , , Of every description. SAJDDI-12S fc RRIDJLES, At lowest prices in the State.' ' i i'i - SOt.BMB JtlBBOS., SO Market Siv aio-tf may 17 J. S. TOPHAMICQ.. No. 8 South Front Street, VjUUfIIiTTO?V, N? ., MANUFACTURERS AND Wholesale and Retail dealers in SADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS & TRVA SLING BAGS Collars, Haines, Trace Cnams,; Whips. Spurs, Dog Collars. Saddle Clot lis,, "Woolen & Linen Horse Covers Fly Nets, Feather Dusters, ; f Axle Grease, Bridies, : ' of all kinds, 8ad- - dlery Hard- ! ware, &c SECOND HANI II A It ESS, SADDLES, R E I N 8, '& c 1 . i w ... W . i 1 ii - rr i.iilnl'll "... i'l 1 CHEAP FOR CASH. nnt WADS. , tl. C Company. . . , - , . . .... On. 8t7nRXHTXHDzarrs Omci, Wxlmthgtox, X; CJStpt: S, 18W. f CtlAHQE OF SCHEDULE.' Arrive .t linren . .1 -i tf.TlOO Aril" Arrive at flnlnmhia 4-45 ! M 1 Leave Columbia J fir4aA. ML Arrive at Florence 11 20 A if Arrfte at WllmiBerton 5:15PwlLf i . i NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (8UN- DATS EXCEPTED.) Leave Wilmington 5; 45 P. M Arrive at Florence. 11:22 P. M Arrive at Columbia 3:48 A. M Arrive at Augusta 8:20 A; M Leavo Augusta. 6:50 P. M Arrive at Columbia. . 10:35 P. M Arrive at Florence 2:27 A. M Arrive at WilmlBgton 8:00 A. M Passengers leaving Wilmington on the 5:45 P. M. train make close connection going South. . JAM E3 ANDERSON, Gen'ISup't. ecpt 9 95-tf Wilrainsrtoa & Wcldon R. R. Company. 02V1CK GSNKBAIj SUP-BIHT-ND-HT, WrtAiiKOTOw, N. C, Sept. 0,1873. jr. a (JHANUE OF SUF,DULE. .N AND AFTEU SEPT. 'Jtb,- INSTANT V PASSENGER TRAINS on the Wil mington and Wcldon Railroad will run as follows: MATI. TUAIM. Leave Wcldon daily (Sundays excepted) At 9:30 A: M 11:20 A. M 1:16 P. M 5:30 P. M Arrive at Rocky Mount Goldsboro Union Depot . EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily... At 5.30 P. M 0.33 P. M 11:34 P. M 1:20 A.-M 0:30 P; M 3:25 TV M 10:43 P. M Arrive at Goldsboro ' ar s. ivocKy Mount Weldon.: Iavo Weldon daily Arrive at Rocky Mount iiuGldsboro.......4. . union ucpoi..... Union lSCUOli IV A. AL 3fl0 A. M ?Mall Tram makes close connection at and Acquia Creek routes. zpress train connecis oniy wua acquis an A . . a Creek route. PULLMAN'S P ALACK 8LEBPING CARS ON THIS TRAIN. FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wiiraine - EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS will leave wumington aaiiy counaays excepieui ai --- . s r a a ax a. I 2:00 P. M-, and arrive at 4:00 P. M. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. 36-tf s pt 10 QUARANTINE NOTICE. T,- f11o5T,f- HnrnntlnA Kno-nlannn- .v..vnlu Will bcin force from and afterthelst 01 June, 1873, until iurther notice : 1st. All vessels from Port 8outh of Cape Fear will come to at the Visiting SUtlon near "Deep Water Point," and await the 1 T T O fl lnSM1T inA FnVCU Qtl i naiwftf nn nfthe Onarantine V liVRlcian. iucFwwv,u - J l 2d. All vessels having sickness on board on arrival, or uaving naa bickbcss ; uunng the voyage, are required to come to the Station for inspection, without regard to the Port from whence they sailed. J 3d. Vessels not included as above will I proceed to Wflmiugton without detention. ... , 4Ui. ruou are especially cujujucu iu make careful enquiry, and if not satisGed with the statements of the Captain, or if Ihe vessel is in a filthy condition, they will bring the vessel to the Station for further examination. 5th. Pilots wilfully violating the Quaran- tine laws are subject to forfeiture of their branch. Masters of vessels to a fine of Two Hundred (200) Dollars a dy for every day ther violate the Oaarantine laws, and all other oersons are liable tor each and every offence. 6th. All vessels subject to visitation un der these regulation will set flags in the main riglng port side. F. W. POTTER, Quarantine Physician, ortof Wilmington N. C. 10 Sat's&Wed'sttstNov may 3 BUILDING LOT. NE ot the finest BUILDING LOTS In O OS dl,. .Itntcd on be E-t.M H Third 8treet. between Mulberry and Walnut, 66 by 165 feet, for sale. Apply to LTo effect on ander 6nda?, June 15, A1Vli lY'Sm TO'V - 1 XA-ItXPaEa TIIAIK rDail'- " " , pCJolKQ HOUTiil Boiler iGry't anU-mctlon ; cotton preh, "Aj XBA1. I Dallj.) 1 . .v " . r cla. kP"if and mulay saw mliU; portal inwitminirfm, tTiTwuii: ' t - wA1f7 rVrifr cUxuvl Matlotiftrr flooring mill. f.nrA . HammitTi At 815 AM Burkville 11 28 a. m., leave Burkville L10 rljnfM?t!o;r;f o.m., arrive at Richmond 4.17 p.m. Arrive t5J 1 J f JJ Pullman Palace Cars on all night trains -VSSsLJTZ ZT ' ' ZrJ iJ between Charlotte rd Richmond, iwithout CRONLT A MORRIS, Real Estate AgeaU. 233-tf T.Tr-fT- Pteimtit lir-liiG Railway, Richmond and DaTaville, IUchmood tnd Danville R. W., N. Divisioo, and North Western N. C. R. W. o Condensed Tine TaUe. -Q iCaTC VnarjOltC . . . 2.50 r. u " y Ballsb-ry II .'; , Greensboro.. . . 5.02 L15 " .Danville. 11.17 a. m G.15 A. M. Burkvllle..... 8.84 fi.05 11.40 .. 2.55 P. -H. Arrive at Kictmo-d.. GOING-flOUTH. I . I I I mill...,) .r.'. . " STATI0X8. MAIL. ACCOM. Leave Richmand 1.05 r. at 0.45 a. K. Burkville 4.10 1.20 p. ic Danville....... 8.45 ArO. IOfic Greensboro.... ll.l? " Sollsbury 2.03 a. m Arrive at Charlotte. . . 4.05 44 GOING VVKBT. STATIOKS. HAIL- EXPRESS Leave Greensboro .. . 8 20 p. m Co. Shops IL00 11 Hiilsboro .... 11.10 . " Raleigh....... 1.40a. m Arrive at Goldsbbro. 4.30 GOING WE81 STATIONS. I MAIL. KXl'B-SS , i i Leaye Goldsboro' 2.30 p. m ...... , Raleigh 5.20 44 " Hillsboro 7.47 44 44 Co. Shops ..... 12.05 Arrive at Greensboro 10.48 a.M North Western N, C. K. H oAb- uiuwvii.) Leave Greensboro 11:20 P M Arrive at Salem 1:40 AM (Salem Braxch.) Leave Salem 4 40 PM Swn t pJ;;;Vhn";n TOO P M Arrive at Greensboro .7.00 P M aiaii irains qaiiy, noia ways, ovcrrawro r!1 1 . a f l . Al I length of Road. Accommodation daily be tween Danville aud Richmond(8undays ex Cfcpted.) .caTe SlV&mStt enaatre.) Fer larthcr inlOrmatlon address S. E. ALLEN, , General Ticket Agent. Greensboro, N. Vi T. M K. TALCOTT, Engineer and Gcn'l Spucrintendaut. aug 7 . . 68 Ori-ics 1xtkbsrObo It. It. Co. 1 May, 81st. 1872. j 1--UJUJ1U ' Jit-O 'Wi u n I a -KTn A -l-CT TtTKTXT TITTT train- UA',w.. " ' IJSAVJS WJ5LUOH. I -m rw t .tr i express irain .w p..m. I Mail Train -P. . ARRIVE AT PETERSBURG, 1 srr i:' i am in.cn m m Koreas 350 n. m. ARRIVE AT WELDON. ir.ll O-IDa m Express 650 p. m, FREIGHT THAI No. Leave retersburg B.i;a. in. . m Arrive at Weldn. Arrive at Petersburg GASTON TRAINS. " w.w r-r " - 2:20 a. m. i&ve Hetersonre oM a, m. TM ho.tnn 1-ISt, m I ' - . . I Arrive at Petersbunr &10 p. n No trains will run on f3unday except Kx- press trains n r Freights for Gaston Branch will be received I at th Petersburg depot only on and THURSDAYS. Petersburg depot only on MUNUAxs SDAYS. I "HV" v1""- :Yy f -- " goods will be received after that hour. I S a- UCUUV Will B- S.-0--i J. a SPRIGG. J a 5-tf Engineer and General Manacer, Carolina Central Railway company. WILMINGTON, N. C., 1 May 14, 1873. f SCHEDULE. i PASSENGER TRAINS i X EAVE WIL-IIXGTON DAILT (EX- Jf cept Sundays) at. ........... . 8:00 A M Arrive at Wades boro at 5:23 PM I Leave Wadesboro at 7:10 A M Arrive at WUmintonat ...4:35 PM w t a FREIGHT TRAIN8. Leave Wilmington daily (except B undays) .' 6:00 A M Arrive at Lanrinburg at..... 5:30 P M Leave Lanrinburg at :00 A M Arrive at Wilmington at 5.30 PM PASSENGER TRAINS. Leave Charlotte dally, Sundays excepted, at 8.00 AM Arrive at Buffalo at 12-00 M Leave Buffalo at 1.C0 P M Arrive at Charlotte at 5.15 P M IrresrauLr Lumber and Timber Trains run on both portions of the Road as the boal- I ncss requires. J2j?Efi3l way. ..r- ' ' Chief Engineer and 8np'fj may 19 - 311-tt , I i 1 ! . WARRANTTEE DEEDS- On hand and for tale ' t. ., ?i- feb2S t 0 HALL v ND7ADFEMISEIIENTS. A -ini . . SESn TOR PIT A innr Domestic Sewing: Machine Co;J New i York; F , STEAM ENGINES, i T)ATT TJnDi T ' munTca mm uuiitmy vncines Tor street roads and mini nj? purposes, new and second hand Iron and Wood Worklne MAchinerv j j - . : i . - --. t description; Snd for circular. , vas in n gton iron works, 00 Vesey street. New York. Kcumore University High School Preparatory to the University of Va. II A Strode (Math Medallist U Van. Principal and instructor in mathematics 11 C Urock. III. n. U Va, (reeenuy Ass't Prof. 'Latin, U. Vn). Instructor In Greek. Latin, French. German ' nnd Botany. This is one of the leading high schools of Virginia, and presents many nd vantages incomparaDie with those of others. Students svlso received fbr the summer. New session begins 8ept.l.-)th, 1873. For catalogue, address the Principal . i JulyiVlw AGENTS WANTED FOUXUENEW lioUK Epidemic and Contajrions Diseascs3 with the newest nnd best treatment for al I cases The only thorough vork of the kind in the world Embraces small pox, yellow fever .cholera and all analogous diseases. No family safe without It. and ll hnr it iinv 31 chronuUlo 11 lustrations The blggestchancu wi iuo Henaou rr agents. Auaress it Uood- gpccq a uo, a I'arK iiow, N Y July iw MONEY Madc rapidly, with Stencil Key iuuiji check Outfits. Oihilogues anil full particulars FREE. , 8. M. Uajscsn. 117 Hanover street , Boston. A FORTUNE HowN By sicculating in Stocks and Gold. Capital, S10 lolKxt; wm iMtjr jiw w i,w ii monui. iuw expla nation sent free. W. F. HUUBEIX to., -tanners anu urokers, jj wall street. New York. Box 2282. j , l tfJJ.frt dnn per day! Agents wanted! All DJ ,lu 0-U classes of .working people, of I "berscxj'onng or old,make more money at LTUIwru? ,n mcir sparo moments, or all I the time, than atanythlngclse. PnrtfcularH free Addxesa G 8tinsoa A Co, Porilaml, aiaiuu. ruiv 'jy-lw ri nijiTTrrfTvwrnrNT'li4. vrTn v Yi if n. , a. AUE. Agents wanted every wuore. Samplos ahd terms free Address W. " - -- - ' w - Xr M. B M i w AT.KJ.it, uussetviuc, hy. Gray's Celebrated Anti-FrictioTCot ton mss. The chenpest.simplest and most perfect cot ton Screw ever Invented. Hend for circular. HTAHuiijiuiu jluui wuKiui, fMi.vcsey nireeu, xm e w x otk, boic mannnvcturers. FOR SALE , NEEDLES and attachments for all kinds or sewing: Machines. Cash orders promptly filled or sent per Express C O. D. Addrcs ll.d. UAXWRI.T, CharlnHi. M n 1,.....I wua-.ri'.a -v - U V I 4a I Agent oi thcliomeWhuttlettowinfiilachlne. QnAriOEGT. SCHEME EVER nnovij. - Fourth firand Gift1 Concert for Tni nnrtm nv mn ' I nrtnt M -r . . - L VI r K . .KHftrfY nf KRNT IRKY 12,000 CASH GIFTS... ft 1.500.000 I i .neouim urana uiituonccrt author ed by special act of the Lefrlslaturc fur lzed by s the bepeflt of the Public Library of Ken tucky, will take plaeein Public Library I U4Vi, " J-ouisvme, ivy., Only sixty thousand tickets will be sold I -uc w-.cvo arc ujvjucu iuio ien coupons or 1 v V,i - lt,L I At fhli rnnforr irfilfiri will Ka iir I -w va,F --'VM.-a aw a UIVU W 114 t,U U a 1 U II I L i mn.i.i it..... i' .i t. .nnnrnr ti-ia l k. u r. .r. . "iuWu w iw uuiud uc-Cl-UiecrB. I L.iaT'IJF HIFTS; One grand cash Rift.... 1250,000 XBe grn2 "' 100.0OU i vno granu casu oo.ow I One grand caih gift 25,000 i one grand cash srlft - 17..00 I ID cash irlfts ilO Olxl arti inofim 80 cash rifts 5.000 each . : . 150.000 50 cash gifts 80 cash gifts 100 cash gifts 150 cash gins 250 cash gifts 825 cash gifts 11,000 cash gifts 1.0C0 each....... 50,000 500 each 40,000 4 00 each....... 40,000 300 each .-. 15,000 200 each....... 50,000 100 each....... .'U.500 50 ach. 5.:i0,000 Total, 12.0C0 gilts, all caih, amounting to..,- : $1,500,100 The distribution will be poiltive, wheth er all the ticket! are sold or not; and Uie 13,000 gifts all paid in proportion to the' tickets sold. PRICE OF TICKETS J Whole tickets $50; Halves $25; Tenths, or each Coupon, $3; Eleven Whole Tickets for $500 ; 22 1 Tickets for $1,000 i 113 Whole Tickets for $5,000; 227 Whole Tickets lor' $J 0,070. No discount on lets than $500 worth of Tickets at a time. I Tickets now ready for sale, and all orders accompanied by the money promptly filled. Liberal terms given to those , who buy to sell again. TH0S. E. BR AM LETT E, Agent Publ. Libr. Ky.f and Manager Gift Concert. PnbL Libr. Bldg., Louisville, Ky. O. JIAKCtJH, Wli olorialo Doato v LIQUORS,- TOBACCO f&l SEGAKS, VmitCKSS ST ADO VR . FI113 T NATIONAL BAXKt AvTLMnCOTON, If. C;' i ill ' '-a.'t,.'-f P. S. A full supply of Ale and .Later Deer In Half and Quarter Barrels. Families supplied with Dot tied Ale and Larer Boer. ''.". feb,. .. hi .-t!i',tlut " gMf - Tl f AGI3TRATES 1 BLANKS A full line ItX. an totnA. anil for aala' ?-- ' fbS "r.'ft , ; 0 G HALL, iviLM ifiuTo n; ;n c. nov 19 . lSO-ly June 7 1-ly Feb 17 .1 If 1 il

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