L (fUCtUU0: 4 & , . oilicc Insolations 'J. ,,.1 , ,,-, rI WlLMtBOTOR. N. C. ,4 .Ht-.tbe mi9 -will cie 5 ' war (morning) mill I.V5. tor r. -op. '" ; n mil o a. m. c u Ed. K. UbiwkP. M.2 THTQnCRI Coolish. f rr TVP4cn clothe wanted, j Buy coal. j ij Golf I is 111, j i Advertise in the Post. X-Cfiaptcr, regular, to-m$& If 'ithere are many more crimes committed in this county, we will have fol&ave i a special Criminal Court this fisting of a fiddlewolincejlo, and tri- winter. r.r j w;r ... ..." rr-" r opening aim char'all aw from chicken dealing peciai criminal uun tnia admission here is ten cent, whether as v Association Heading i ;Kr;irv a in, to 1 o ciocjc p ra, , Bladen Count v Court occupied the l"3Lir5KrPJ " " M 1- 'dok p m, to 7 J. o'clock p m. j. f wcck'and a large amount and each Idusky couple is assigned lo- .urdavnht, will be kept open oitATh 1,&TJ I d J: :4rrV wide ovdr YiAv c?nMftisf tl4nrtalte31c herei ery iCttlpH to ntiirder. Bladen County Court occupied the V IIAKKI8.S io authorized to ..i..rii:im:rnti and to m- ,.r imiiuiuv - ifty The churches which held service -yesterday were well filled. " session of the First Presbytc- I... . ..1. .1 rrro tf ftlir f'ttv I .i -rAnQ t:" md is authorized to coltecU rwp Church has 'made'ah arrangement 1 !luMhrrclr. ; ' Mu1! witb5ihe Rev. Dr. W. T. Plumcr to I.I t- c irri' T IHUn au' mil. .uiiiiur" : it a. Avtnv.Wnn.i1ini Serviuv, w " preach every Sabbath. eii5cgf X id The sudden change in the weather yesterday wa3 very conducivvto'c6lds. "1 ! 1 ' j' .-iff i uf , Saturday Wlglit Sketches. "Itis dark and clondy tp-njgJits and' V ILMISOTON, I rated strefetiialifrtfraha ftfeftasianal taUow, BronTber: Wlnd pm- di inthe cartg cUt a ftinnfghr ' I . i . . VAI ;yj H4 ( i:NEmii Oondy pguiue pcaesinana mieat nppRjnpy- 30 1.l 70" ;.ir personal duties.. .The stores, however. quadrille. Oh either end of He room is perched a species of spirit lamp, its flickering blaze throwing ofT deep clouds of smoke, and casting a fitful and indistinct glow about the room. Too dark to recojrnize a face across the WrttieTrtfrpcef tnroutf4hedark shadows to the best of our ability to learn the customs of the place. The admission here is ten cents, whether as laATEST BY r l oHkEVEPOKT free, as without their presence the oc- csion TiTQtild be far more remunerative tJ thjpjcbbreforsy When all is ready and each Idusky couple is assigned po- must advance the stTm of fifteen cents tO'be gltywqljto dance the three figures comprising the " set." All being satis factory the music (?) begins, and with out? the formkliii'es of h firsiclass 'ban room, salutes being waived, the dancing foerns wiihO' alllhridirtuid;, yHcre 1 thp pigeon wing and plantation shuffle, in an its ongiuai spieiiuur uz i wxrrcj nsecp jpdj melt. r But little time is consumed in conversation Deiween tiie dattteB.; Time isr monev heie, and this crowd came lor dance. liie tu 1A1TA. t.f !U t l'j ,T5eptcmbW lof. The disease hereia.nuojrellow fever, and the sudden change in the weather i$ hrifiyorablci I There fe great need of nurses tmd fcnohry. iFire luari dred persons are down ; 146 bave. died. The HowarfpocUtipn have- assuran-f ces that nurses, doctors ancf drugsii are coming fromlek Drle444.rf Twenty j iop Yh1168 Qiea yesterday. LATfcStf-Sii hundred arc down.? wAainnGToij; 4. Washingtox, ptcmbef o , V111D, Ltgt-of -Vcisel. SUed for Uiia ashe in thi citT.on'uiJ lUiiiiixiLit ' Port.i n i , i . KIZZIE ABUK.aKedSOywrs. n I AXTTCrnt ir" t "l tl Tb rrtenda f the tamllr are iaTltcd fo UemLtiie raaena at Chrl -tUni Chr jl mono ritiesdaT) moraine at l: o'cl ock. trQTiTT t 1 gfTT AT. tGcr Elise & Anna,' WendL , eld Aug i'i , r M I I GKIMSBY. j 1 I ' ff -5-iJuno, Lindt, tld Aug 22 EXETEB. Br Abby, Eastman. st.nazie: dd Aug y 5 1 Grades of Rosin Adopted by the Pro- Ocr Malvin A fc?chutt, Krogen,! si . k i I eld Julv 17 ' SACO. ME. I .cnrlettaJ ' 1 '- eld fcfcpt'j .s i i ntnirtntf i i . . t i K IiOW Pale I Jurj.iw - i i : n m3.".V."Z1V. Pale Eintracht, chuekert, i ': J dd Aug 20 .Extralale OEETEMUNDE. V' U'tAM1.M nn.1 wp whlta mrtoa I IVkVst ' Mill ln A xxu icHcrca. Huatoed IIUL JL4 i.JL N 1 1 5c r iH Htralned 1 1 .Extra No. II A......... lLCommon C.-i.l.JL.C-.i. D Good Strained No. 2 -Extra No. 2 Home pemmi grade one grade higher, be- . f?. ,2;.f ' J t - " J ginning with I and rnnnlngAo N , . owed Sophie Amelia, Bingston. ! ! ,, . ' 1 " ' ' M ' ? lf ! ,-n . - "pfdfcCPt ti , Monday, sept 15-3:30 p. m. k. lokbon. , ' f. a. on Sophia OorljitJKCrorbitz.' ild Auc 20 .v.'Ulil .... IJ' k '-' Spibtth TrPPvrivrSlPH nf M . i rlH1 . - if r Itmllnhpn Iirtfhlswa pM ' nn- K v., iw xwige, me 'Statistician oi tne casas!pot at cents, ana zw casr. Department of Airriculture.haarecentlv I buyers' option. 25th. at 40 cents, and 83 I n. eld Auir 8 returned jfrom Vienna, and is now, carer cask late Saturday evening at 30 cents Eb hricht, Eschriclit, eld July 23 fully engaged in examining and m- gallon furn packages Grllrquo VictoSchutz; dd J paring the crop reports for June, July, RosixSales of 500 bpls of C. or AMSTERDAM. i. I August and September. , . strained at $2 57 t bbl, buyers' option Elizabeth path. Anderson, eld Aug 8 An approximation to tne cotton yieia i z-Jtn, ow ddis, spot, v.. or strained at i , . j. - v'Tj ' i. f J lf7 iuiuisucu in t lew uaj. i p iw, uiu ww uu wi i.. ui cjkiia x air, i PR4 VFSFT) 1 i n. iNo authorized statement of the crops I at TO. .''m;. iii-i i h-mw "'.1 Ard Jackson, ' , T has,becn made since loth August. Ptttnr Trtil)rvTfr ttotnu f OIQ bbls at $2 for Hard and $3 50 for Yel- Geo Adflph, ent. out aug 20. t- . . I Carl Auirusti Petteson. , t low xip and virgin. i ti. xKm. Mitaml nnt Anr-li TAR--Sales of 63 bbls j at $2 50 ' Carl August, Peterson, i sfd July 24 bbl. j . : , ' ,,7 Br Barqttentinc Elizabeth Taylof, CottoS' Sales of 3 bales at 12 cts. . i . v AldtrA,ul l at 15,, 4 .t 18, 1 at !9, 2 at ,8J 1 at fc, 33 ft i? 195, 1 at 17 and 3 at 181 cents per lb. VitravitI)rummond, sld IMay 22 j i 7" n , , . Jarpiani oQnFi ' ' W July 24 Receipts per railroad of riatakitorel I I BELFAST, ME. &.ATnrr nn tViA bulletin lwinrrl nf im Schr S J Gilinbre; Dutch, ld June 8 pI ir. , 1 . Bahe Ulrika, Pcttcrson, .sid.Su.ly 2S ILLINOIS. eld Aus 12 tunei is M;ivr's court sideft)f the store is covered with photo- heels flv nurhcr. and the ladies Is o. I the W brdfirams eo Lie flown on ik& floor th tno ( uncerjtain, sound. The manager Otto ScatJTZB, , jILiaU i l i av,., " .Wnr,.T7 a a JMohe Mostly by Qfjock saw in an cs- tomB: ulace and the : tablishinent on Son'd vir.o5erc I .VML5 Ji!?A WOl'Clhli, ,Hl .f r I prize Jphot02raphaterispldiibfQa4J Chicago, September 15. it special train bearing the remains ojGrencral McCook, whpcwa8r assassi nated at Yankton, passedlhrougn this city yesterday en route for Cincinnati. The, Jxjdy was accompanied by Got. teUrbank. anXl' a dumber of the most is 4 I. . lKi tint iiiiri, - Vlv. I rranli fli o nI;nmnl iri XrrrtiA -?t 'frt16f ; . , 1 .") Market street. ; ? , I And eaci qner is marked-on ttiiejbaei) fibr, -'', ; ,.?.iiv'!,l ftfc or Ptol dpllarsWol I ,,, nwo of -Horneo 31. King, bfilore anxious: desirer of speedy gain'purchas-1 to Mavor s cmrt, ior auaiiuuimig es a pnotograpn ior .iwrr. ceiimdi ,7,w was conti imcd until to-mDiTOTT fc i oint out tbe one life cliDs W4t a, long I promint citizens of Dacota. .u; . ? k i i a a 1. : : . I fHexn uKa1oa ....,1 ' I .(A IIIIIIMIII UU rUKV III. mill II IiriAl-n Ul 1 wvvaa,i ua.a I HB lMW9-ic.WfWy PW the amovtaf bf'30.0ob willbi awarded iSpfrifs Turpentine, (bbK.) rrTnva rifl tim t- nlr TThia it I . . i . . .1 t )iti has been arranged to commence here I -iwsin, luuis.,; on Xorember 1st. wr- , Crude Turpentine, (bbls,) xar, ddis,j ijquc comes, and us time to close, xms is nbHer1 on . the ia"1 Hixd they knoW tod well; that d t must s be obeyed. tc'jTSV, 1aI" 1, HitS? Wana'Mnjtt' ain't danced ole Joe yit," the lgiind. panting nymph of besccch- A Iho number n nine t progans PS '' '- Ja! fAti. ' i , ingiy,cxcia4ms,. pu.ivs nu ; use ,.,, of the German bark Bertha feU L JjTa,- ii. ,iti.u yestcruay, cuiung a --ir! fcrWais',aembEciraTOl Jmany a photograph is sold and several priws drawn.1 uman nature to long for suddeit weth,yffaupppkAa4 -rvcre Mil TV r i i kill' H in : ...1 nan vii o . ,,.,?!. where nis woun ;ash lilors. ,i v i r on tne neau oi The unlortunate drug store pi . ' . K in.T It lPff ms W 1N1U l I I (. 'v 1 1 vv I v 1 1 . - - .. . 7 i l '..I. T . i-ni-i-.tioinfnl bllt V.l-i 'irfV-H'O, WIUCIl n tuvi'i'i""") t con-iuered of a sericms nature. althouil? afttyoni jrt that thcr,e mus; tbe'tniany, blankt ecn iiii. Tiik Cm rnir.s Yesterday. Yes-r-l;iv morning was mild and pleasant, that those accustomed to attend luirch were out in full force. Rev. five dollar prize,-? and-? so busmejis I one the fiVedollai bUsmes was lively;' in town1' to-day wnw Jiava preuyiiwtie phbtograpus taai' f" .tTrncy ? if. 1 j Ir. IMumer preached at the .Baptist' Pef Kets' ' i inin h to t int conirrcsration ana ine '-n- " wtHh r W ,mr'uv I nvtciuu to V largu- assembly ?fcw York db ,not? Jilow hdwhei other Th.ro bring no services at -St. James, half lives ttvfel'WiKW'fc' i hi.n li St. Paul's. Rev. Mr. Ambler, phcabJe to' ouf. owiiMOity.-Weiinave slrpfWlipd in sin v of c trio, ''iSeCtlliariti es df i .mi i iv.. i i ,...-,1..1 ..t I Kiitnrrlnv nio-bt srenes : of PieasureyOI Paul s Lutheran, and- Dr. .Moran at j business, and of rohiance, but to-hight " . it ,i i a i lw;ii I tn. i rout .streci, Jieiiioui.su avev i ".u"1 "oMiYnmTi l athrr liross officiated at or. nioimis. pf.(- JrTYC- Tv,aTfiP ; -in"h Thoro was a vcrv sudden and disagree I aboutj iw. , WJulealJo w poand, ahlo chan-e in the weather in the after- ,fuwd n.,Uip streets. a.mDfhHnal .....Hi. rrtiuiriiu'chaiiffcof clothimr. artdr teion with a woman on the crowded the skv becoming overcast" with clouds' thoroighfare and. strikes r,kiek& hecgi .nt, re. Violent; in.tTiinlH,'. knocks -her' senseless ta thfc pavement Oh, shameQtf'M av weak woman, be she ever so low in th'e scale otfUriM Wi lmin(;tox Cit-Dirhkwy, 4 uttered viio slanders 1 mnotil , r , S. (T. Hall land E. S. fVVarrdck antir7W4t ' W.VnfK'fhWf. khY&M pr-.Tjjjj-ri.w iJi. !:!.uiy feared a chilling rain and "lainrtl away from the night services, -i that there was a great falling off in the attendance. .' . , are making arrangements for publishing jn the city than the leaveaOfihe trees a full and complete' Biecojry of 'jcaaV'nllJ.lnepeUalqr i ity. Instead of the " History of Wil- 0f the ouage,Ve7Ui niin-ton from its commencement," it is the jrirl is borne to 'the office of a phy- interests mag!stratikjid Vat i65c6tkj4 nil the intention of the publishers to pre- siciah , where arfirnatioh is restored, and sent a comprehensive and concise article sne for rpigCi qUhep grjes tor a en me commerce ami business, t'hu II. f r IV 0. iVC This Di the City ; also, u description of the the judgment ofAthc Court java twenty- rches. Schools Public. BuUilinra. 'llV'S-i1 .vn toLs, Railroads and btcayiboat lines, Xfte tMeeJ nl, 1 j KENTUCKY. , . sld Julv 20 11. " GLOUCESTER. 673 1 IrqhejlAndho, Olsen, V ( sld July 12 662 r NEW. .YORK. ' Schr Mott Bedell, VanEc ynegoni, di i i ' tid Aug 12 I bchr sunny bouth, Derrickson, .VI and spends here in safe Total, Spirits Turpt. in yard, " ! " afloat, NEW YORK. Total, Rosin in yard, afloat,-1 . j LoujsyiLiE, September 15 . Lord, the missing Herald correspon dent: who disappeared from Shelby villc I of the Produce Exchange : tAi: raula and flin rtr.T. ' j''' J t 1 1 I rVvff nn in vonl iuiiAiitvti outiiuj i vuwivn., aaava wa , i qrpq tvcckb wince nas speen eu?iiear i wiwu, Zu'ZZ'L. &Xzi 'UiAiii hhfi nf tu i'j . 'Wk!.. .t'lij Tri v-i.i. 1 afloat. forty Tieoplo in that room, fifteen , have 1 dtdly dressed and wears diamond studs Teen, in 7 the woi'-lAbusend chain. He Alk.9 in JIia Jim tlAllrlnA .fntiira H'511 I 'l ! 'i ?J i J - wuui9 in me uvu vviviv !miiif,j i exniDits consideraoie money enjoy a similar WpeTieifce7 ' JThis is Kit freely. His trunk is- he where" out- criminals are madc,r with j keeping. tatibns incident to all idle hands before5 them;'t&CY! are bound to drift into crime as,asily'as the leat floats down to tne i Albany, toeptcmber 10. sejui ftpuit.c'.'clo' not-'now ' how" itf-can !i,A misplaced switch threw the train be- effectually prevented. j They are into Patroon's Creek.' One was killed carefully watched by the city authori- and several hurt. The passengers are tics, and governed with the most strin-1 sate. ent regulations, but it is a fine held , .. ... i' ' . A lor the Christian associations anu an MISSOURI. charitably' disposed persons. Saddened bv the sisdrto, we slowly1 wend 'our 'way I St. Louis, September 15. to 'hghr ground and purer atmosphere, . A. large loupng mm na six or eigni and flic night goes out iotUc strains of dwellfng houses in East St. Louis arc "Come where mv love lies dreaming," now purning. eld Aug 12 V 4 IThe 'followinc is the stock of Cotton I Schr John Kelso. Kelso " eld Aiur It) L5 land Naval Stores on hind Sepiember 15, 1 hr Jhn lSIossero, Adams, eld Aug 8 Iioto L J " A.-....ii-A- i if ' BA1SGOR. j.oo, a appeareu tra me ouiieim uuaru 103 bales. '214 W 9,151 casks. 170 Schr. Addie L. Cutler, Smith, ; -.r..-. u. eld Aug. 2S j , ..plvmouth. Oceans , Aslacksen, eld April 10 1 1 MASSLUS. Ger bark Mynheer, Tesnon, eld Julv 28 ; ' HAM BURG. ; Dutch Kobe. Karaslcr, Br Ziob HillyDavw Maria Heyn, Beck, 93,088 794 125 Total, Tar in yard, " afloat, Total, Crude Turpentine, in yard, 1,756 " ' " afloat, 502 9.321 " 86.824 bbls. I Flostal Anderson. 1 f2WJrJ.rjJtuwiiacei, C Neilman Gasdebehn,'), . . NORWAY. Maria Rofce, Bchultz, eld June 10 eld May 10 " Hid July & sld July 23; "'; ld July,-15 1 " eld Aug 14, sld Aug 12 ' 919 Total, 1 rr 2,258 BY TELEGRAPH. J NEW YORK nARKETS. NESSEE. Witgibyia party (of ypung gentlemen, rbably' tirriing their voices for some tuture Berenacic, nifiupo" ""Vo 'tKrj 'Urcams of the loved one, by j thpir sweet harmonies 'wclcometo the niid-ni"-ht hour. And the moon, the worse for Wear 'ill-shaped and ashamed of the city. "Many are leaving. - "H . - h- . n ! -in . h it '.'' - nerseii ior wciug py-fpj v'l4,rfl ri " Ti poeps through the branches of the large oak trees as another l(":tne.po6k.M miiAn&titfned. List ofVnselt in thla Port. 'J1 BARQUES. ; Ger barque Mynheer, Tcsnow, j . Fcschuu Barnue Bertha, Schwartr, dw.. - I -'I '.; - ; . EPcschau Norwegian Ostc rlidey01scn, dis, im-v-i . ; IIa Gr llininVnh- "PiittVp' din.' Cotton weak. Sales of 859 bales. 5 Alice Lea, Foster, dls, Harris '& Uplands 201 ; Orleans 20 cents. EloUr Howell. and Wheat quiet. Corn firmer. Pork Ger Iiorotha, Rcctzkc, dis, E IVschatt. firm-nfifmPssIlT .V)ai17 fiil. Lird 1 SCHOONERS - - I . . i nil v r 1 - 1 . l C5cnr(ii.iia iiooson, Aicaerson, uis., F. W. Kcrchner Henrietta, Langlcy, dis., J Northrop & Cu mining Heidc Bros E Pcschati AfiTArpm September 15. nrm old steamy MQis.qhspincaf ranr Thnre were 14 interments yesterday, pentrae quiet at 43 cents: Rosin dull Scdir ' W " I . , . . 1 A . A? and several deaths in the south part of at w lor strained. reignts nrm. FICTANCIAI, CUBA. l i EtHTORIAI BUDGET ! j - Havana, Sept. 15. An ' American has been arrested for circulating bogus Havana bank notes. i A reception waa giVeu -hjguor Sal- ynL.thc Italian tragedian, by the Ar laH'Club, in. New York, which was attended by a brilliant company; A, oncert was criven, an address oi wei- CABLE DISPATCHES. BY TELEGUFUa New Youk, Seciiber 15. Mpney at 6 to 7 $ cent, premium. Gobi steady at 111. Exchange long 108 ; short 109. Government bonds dull. State bonds quiet. Stocks dull. FOREIGN XXARKETS. David Miller, Fletcher, dis.. I 'i' Barker. Schr! John A Griffin Foster; di.; j !. Harris fe llowcll Schr Isabella Fisher, dis., . . !' : WiUiahis & Murchison FRANCE. ST. i , t t .j 41 1 I ' ITO OMV I II iKA pnA nf1 a.ruTty henahbther , - ... . ... " - 7 irectorv win oe issued py..uae I . j n. ra v,a fy jc-fr! rzr .'.'fiT TTrrni fair m November, will be printed in I . . , l. -.a' f iV ' . cmnirpn ititaii iiii i iir. miui ui. L ill . ailaui. ouavawaa w t ; i tt . i rif in a spaue or a sniuiuir iumiiuucui, inflicting dafrgerous wounds. rAgan There lus not been a-timej when? ac, correct Directory ot the City was more ... -l i . i i ncraea than at present. and4weinavBiiiA ,.-,o ,a.A a ' i 51 rrpsiK . lirH ' niauis..uiu uia ...... . ... ... men willl . ju11,'! lwtn9 4 nrmoo T no doubt but that our busines 'SS rnmiptly embrace the opiortunity of oq Monda-nlliw totMs thrift liberally patroriifinga work' which will A'HSoS? asSilmeslts tend so much to their interest l i , .-!ijAid ijjfA no mut n to tneirinteresr. j accttotomed noisvsjajid. we, leav- ' Pabis. ftontember 15. concert was civen, au auuira ui r tome deliveredand an original ode re- ' Dispatches from the frontier report cited in honor of the guest, who made tnai tne arusus uac ucicdiC cua a graceful C , flair ternut Santar,au; Loma, between Gayasand ttted with ascrSc rby.anrAiete Vidart. The EepubUcans suffered se- of one hundred. ' ' verely, and lost two guns. 1 ne army T.i.f! ' n , c , - of the North is badly crippled by this 7f-J dispatch tfrom St John s says, Carlists are investing ifenW. enteirained oi uie salety oi tne mistiing porviou vi mc view of thFolaris. Nearly three months hare elapsed since they, left the camp. Thd Esquimaux on the main-land off j - Jehebax, September 15. Paws, September 15. Rentes 58 12Jf. Livebpool, Sept. 15. Cotton quiet. Uplands W; Orleans 91 d. Sales of 12,000 bales ; speculation and export 3,000. hit, Port of Wilmington, Sept 13. 1873 ti PERSIA. ARRIVED!. , , Steamer Wave) Skinner, Fayetteville, Williams & Murchlson. - r ? Steamer North State, Green , Fayette ville, F W Kerchner. niSCELLANEOUS. ; STAT f Aite 1 8 7 3 Thirteenth Grand Annnal Fair , j i .' i. ' OF THE ( Horm Carolina Aericifliural Socicly; ' mLErau, x. a , October 13th to 18th, .1873. Ten Thousand Dollars In Premium. . Ntw and attractive Grounds. . " MaKnineent Buildings. AooommodJUion tor seatlne 8J00 people. ItAllrosd axnuigemcnta the mot IUthI ever made with any Agricultural or lie- cba&lcal Hodetr in the State. Article for exhibition transported FRKK, and delivered from the , cars within the Fare for pa&se OaroUna ll4o i lie, rn xvereuuw. . --'riion dxllv. Hdoc Littleton Ulawho hod wjnteredwith t " By order' of the 61 tte Grand "gZ"' S3nP T..JfUMMrfv' TirfTitjd. Inrmnom. I X7;,;S f-fli,r4rtrnniti!pd :His Alaiestv 1 Vtr , ' v- i x- I onlv TEX CENTS. ... ,...,. so tha the exact tune of Buddingtpn s pn his recent, visit to Europe, lias been York; 5day; QdaA.Son.faU;tp JaelUerXhe Annual Address. ; ncers on ral.nxuln in Korth Ue per mlje. Kxcurslon train direction dally. Hpcclal train , WKSTElji-fnthe bes iugjthc scenes of nimes and incsflowarWfr we find the parti- speculations on MarfebtKet, having ulars of a terrible combatl betwejd engaged a trusty officetio .uic us, pass Jssi don to ff . .uuuuvuciwu-uum- watts and by Us gloomy warehouses, train on the Burlington and Cedar Ra- v fx rr ' pArLJ.rifl riasKailroad.'andfhehcrifffollowedin guarded4 by their p'rlritfc WAttthrfieAA pursuit, both bei n'ou horseback. , .iTlic ntbor sccnes.1 1 stMeSxW. IPOdiC r"i'lcr, after riding hard for about ten L-fy.L and we draw near. Here isT r twelve niifes, jumped from hhorse-f Uitf iw&rtrfiir- aiul an he same time pulling out a huge revol- verfromhUpot. eritfaidhoi thd iTU4ble5tfii sM-Tto explaimillc drew a heavily load- ... ' JiA , , t-i no-' ; a iLaee. ibr rud 1 revolver and T .ha 4f0 pass into a back room, and from WiVthink thihceint4ftJciouMen Seated at one Soma that President fimnt will soon wrar tbft I gOinftia. imperial purple and fine linens V'C f siac oCthe room r U an orehestra, con- depaHure is'not known; " It is- believed i ent to prison to hara been tno miqdieoiyuuc., jv1 F W Kerchner. l -At. T 1 C .f I VI ecnr nenneuv, iaugit-j, a..., 6 days, Northrop & Cummidg. J CXEAREIjV, , , , ; 1 Steamship Raleigh. h0yT, VW more, A D Cazattz. r f j - ? - pjteamer Aonn duiic, vjrrcvn, rajiiw.- . : t 4. ., ,1 IT (UKUK , J S ?,'-0 was oruereu to pi"5-!:. l"v i attended ' tne races, ne caucu,- , irirvtmrk of the whalers, to the west- nmitrr of personal courtesy, on aresi- ward and northward. . ,The season is an dent Grant whom he JL"?-? ntn one, Verv little ice is afloat. It " - " - .j: " ' r VT " v. viTir. F W Kerchner. v. a m w n w mii r pi as ( m m - - - . . iiim i . m i 1 iiii a w m A m t n a w b mwwm wm zm. m m mm. a skjb w demanded the wants of the officer, ""rrf1 Ger brig Dorothea, Rcetzke, Ulagow, colpr sein5lUM? WJtmWXWKZWv ol' . , TrT I lul i.nt in t h Krocnti w Mansion. I Sprunt & Hinson.' peheretoyomuumuem , - eLkGUntrrtj Shemav have telcorrjecOinss. ii . twr Tw TTi-Vnd snenra I becbiitb opened fire at once. v-nivAE. nrWnV- n to a Dattie ior me. onots e.f! .!?,.! . wp . ... " . ,., 1 -WrlW either- TheTresident irrceted I cre exchanged in rapid succession imtil byrta "h 4.hf " teamer W Wiik immediately. .Shp.will J thd last tune they; met, which wasj40 ppirits. ....." . ' ... ' '" " i H !!-." i ... r xi a . .. fPLM thr. "a: iiT-. .a. - 1 sTr.in rrirbnl htronnaJ oT sliul- ihl IMrtlcsJi Of the season, ine wnaiersi onepitne JiecancDgagcin-. "UluaUVGSUViaUUUUJumuujLMU .u.,. -o-'l I . I r T I a til T ft.... 4 , - . .1 ifJL4 nn nlT tnamnnnJ al Tone staking the leg, another breaking mZ fm mWm 6WfP J ne right arm and a third hitting him in ou in thc jarkness, attract our atlen u sunered great pain, and tne nenn 1 r ox - ; "iiaeu alter the nsutDccamecxnausxearf ry smausaiwu. iwuunijMyn, ut did not lose his prisoner. id Ittekftot Cirand LT1 rffee diimbatipa ;pf IlVpKrr r ? WEHTOK. thegrcsrUnf'J,, htn' ' dermi teata ot endurance. ' J. t- , Vv Klngle admiaalon to the Oromiaf ' Wc " Hln tie admlaf ion . for , cWldrcn, uner' ir Hcnd for ITeminm LUt. . " T T. 31. itOLT, President. it. J. FUWinUM, Mecyi , mnglUir -t , i v r acoKi lard AXD. Fwnr.r ; ; 225 BOXES Pniokcdand l ! S. jSi'de'. and Shouldens ,i. 3;::; : 50 hhds. Smoked Hind D. 6. feidca and s rcl Mtul 4filM liiril avc-251 bbls rosin, 127 '.lt1ttsV"77i'l "inlZ",? Lept9 - F. w. kerchner;,, i,1 PER RIVER STEAMERS, &c. td old menoa, ftUma ' aidced the into'aftefrnfe. J ! " r . 1 biarea of the two ntiemen ; warn I IV cw47rnArrcparing apno fiftywoaiidBreclMiW.fi- T il...lA Ua.ii TTtlrTiTan 1 . . A It H is i i T lot -Bi "Hk"."' UDUnlui ttq V.)M ... U-.'S ' i -I Steamer North StatelTO bbl nxdn, 2 do spirib. CAtstWlKrl15 1 TUlpirrh-2.122 bbls rbein. ViXl sac W fin tar. fiO An nitch. 3 i irJitfc''.T" n!W:l - .1" aa b1p rttmi. 94H btiAhela I 25d hlul and bbU. CubaM jSUttic, shftTJttloxeaito persons die froiaj starvonOorl everyyear. a - a ! rCi1 'kLwikAt Ti. biti." DukeVf I beanuta; 21,000 feet lumber. n .'Li n MuvhMiTj i ram. wv w i -v a TtARREm d!?ar all -MildcW ka iuM-L40gUA3'ra, juio am; oiac,:cir;. 3i.Vhha: andbbK H. H. .Mlole. ri i'vui i fttswaniA iv -. . - -. nod 18 Vtiir J . ;t-l r 1 1 I i M it 1 1 i ' ' - i H ' i - .i l.