MISCELLANEOUS?,? FDOSPECTUS.; hiscelLaneos: rn sTEiEisninps. 1 SbGL I .'i , tit FIELD CROPS, -m T37 mm mm uriindB. LOTtIJLiJL,A Ros P It tt HljKt" STEAMSHIP GENERAL AND SPECIAL PREMI UMS FOR FIELD CROPS. ; The following 'General and Special Premiums for Field Crop,-, will be awarded at the Fifth Annual Fair of ;tlie Cape Fear Agricultural Association,! to be held in the Fall of 1873 : GENERAL PKEMlU&g. 1 COTTON. For largest crop of Cotton upon fburr (4) acres or more of upland, with statement of qual ity of soil, mode of cultivation,; amount, and kind of nanure used,the time of plant-, lngand variety of cttor; the lauato'be measured a ad the yield to be Touched tot f by affidavit one bale to be exhibited : Premium, $100 For largest crop of cotton "upon one (1) acre of land, regulations same as above f.v j -f Premium, . , . $25 For largest crop of cotton on one acre. Ty a boy not over eighteen yeaiistif age f CORN..' ,-. . ; h For largest crop of Corn grown upon four (4) acres of upland or lowland. Keguhvions same as for Cotton : two (2; bushels to be exhibited as sample : , s ' f I v.f ; s Premium, ' $50 each For largest crop of Corn grown upon one i) acre of upland or lowland.- Same regula tions as above : ,r . ; Premium, "J $20 each For largest crop of Corn on one acre of up land or lowland, made by a boy not ever eighteen years of age, $20 each WHEAT. , .. For the largest yield of Wheat from nve (5) acres, under samo rules and regulations lor Cotton and Corn two bushels to be exhibited: -" ." U Premium, ' - . i r .' ri f $25 ; OATS AND EYE. ;;:k? Y For largest yield of Rice, Oats or RyeV same regulations as above ; two bushels to be exhibited : , ; Premium, each . i $30 POTATOES. For largest crop of Sweet Potatoes, upon one, (l)acre; one-fourth ta be dug and two (2) bushels to be exhibited as sample : . Premium, ' . ' i 'f $1Q For largest crop of Irish Potatoes upon one half OA) acre ; same regulations as above for Sweet Potatoes :j 1 ' ; Premium, $10 t PEAS, &C. vr.s ... . ;., For largest crop of Ground Peas upon! one " acre; .: ) ; ; Premium, 9-0 For largest yield of Stock Peas upon one acre; for largest yield of Turnips upon one acre; two bushels of each to be exhib ited, under same regulations 4 ai other crops : ' Premium, each, - $10 HAY. ; For largest yield stock pea vine hay on one acre; one bale to be exhibited: , . For largest yield of native grass, one bald tot be exhibited; quality ana quantity v e considered: Premium $0 The grass must be cut from land cultivated for hay. Largest yield of red clover uprn one acre; largest yield of cultivated grasses Upon one acre; one bale of each to be exhibited: Premium, each $3 To the farmer who raises and applies the largest number of bushel&.coaixast ma nure to. and bv each horse, mule or ox. used in the cultivation' of Ma Harm, ; the? quality to Decertified to by two or more competent witnesses: Premium F - 930 All the rules and regulations specified in the foregoing premlumt must be complied with. Affidavits and certificates, as required to be filed by the General Secretary, when the articles are entered, otherwise the award ing committees will withhold the premiums Largest yield of each of the lollowing ar ticles ot fruit and vegetables, to be proved by affidavit and submitted to the committee. 1 1 linn a 1 ; ftX Cucumbers , Tomatoes Asparagus Radishes; Beets Cabbages .., Spring Irish Potatoes , Cellery Cauliflowers ' r Peaches , Pears Grapes, Scuppernohgv Mich., Flowers and Uoncoru , , , o SPECIAL PREMIUMS By the Navassa Guano Company, of Wilmington. 500 pounds Navassa Guano for ihe best yield of corn from lour acres of upland. , 500 pounds Navassa Guano for the best yield of cotton from fou acres of upland. 500 pounds Navlssa Gnamritrrth best yletd 4 500 pounds Navassa Guana fur. tne Destricld of sweet. potatoes from four acres of up land, h f :-f ' f ' o0u pounds Navassa Guano for thre x best yield of peanuts from four, acres of upland. The Navassa Guano to be used alone for the above premiums, or only in combination with plantation manure or ..vegetable mat ter. Hamples of the crops named must be exhibited at the fair of the Cape Fear Agri cultural Association. Yields of crops re quired to be properly authenticated in ac cordance with the egulatlon of the Asso ciation, and. aecision3; to be nade bj com mittee appointed ior in purpose dj tne as sociatiou. Competitors arc required to famish the General Secretary with a detailed statement of application and culture .' i - 1 1 u - ': Uy Deltossctt & Co., ' J' r '! Commission Merchants and State Agent of the Carolina Fertilizer. 1 1.000 pounds Carolina Fertilizer for the largest production Of cotton to the ncre; 1,000 pounds Carolina Fertilizer for the larg est production of corn to the acre.' " ' - 1,000 pounds Carolina Fertilizer nr.'the larg est production of wheat to the crc. 000 pounds of Carolina Fertilizer for - the largest production of peanuts to the acre,1 4GJ pounds of Carolina .Fertilizer for the' largest production of sweet potatoes to the acre. 400 pounds Carolina Fert ilizer for the largest 11 rod uctiou of turnips to the acre. the above premiums are for crofes toro duced by the use of Carolina Flrtlllze' on hrr' ana tne awaraing ot. sata, premiums isjert discretionary witn tne uommittee ox tnei soeiatlon. under their rules. - Competitors will be required to furnish ns with detailed statements of mode of abnll cation, and culture, and the results; and mflOi' .i ;,i:fiUlijiif ILI h 1 1 awards of the committee will be fulfilled by V1A $lQbSy identified With the flocal wel- siupmenioi iae r.eiuiiier as airccxea, upon receipt by us of the borte required state ments. , . r. . -,n 0 uf By Vick fc.Mebane, . Commission Merchants & General Agents' for Whann's , Superphoppjhate, , star lno8 phate and Bahama tsolublei Guano, ' i One ton Whann's Superphosphate for the largest production of Cotton to the acre. One ton Star Phospbate for . the largest, pro duction of Cotton to the acre . . ' ' One ton Bahama Soluble Guano foMargest ?roductlen of Cotton to the acre. he above premiums are for crops produ ced by the use of either of the above Ferti lizers alone, or only In combination with plantation manures or vegetable matter. Competitors are required to furnish the General secretary with a detailed statement of their modes of application and culture. , , By Woo ten, Rich ard sou uo. , . , Commission Merchants A General Agents for the Soluble Sea Island. Guano, One ton Soluble Sea Island Guano, for the largest yield of Cotton to the acre. , ... One ton Soluble Rea Island Guano1 tot the largest yield of Corn vo the acre; i u. , The above premium are for crops, produ ced by the use of Soluble Sea Island : Guano alone, or in combination with plantation manure only; and the awarding of 8aia pre 4 mlums is lea discretionary with the Com-' edftatement pf their mode of application andculture. muiee ok tue association, under their Riles. Competitors are ' required to furnisn the General secretary with a detail EVENINff POST J : r. V j. C. MAf.N 7 M' j EDITOR d - PfiOPMETOR- Published every evening, ' except Sun r.J- aay, ai i i V Fire .Dollars per Annuo. The Post 13 designed to reach all classes, of citizens, and its subscription price is therefore placed so low as to be within tiie reach of all. It contains the v j L' A TEST. NEWS, 1 up to tlie time of going to press, TELEGRAPHIC, ' B Y MAIL, COZIMERCIAL ... ' AND LOCAL. It should be in the hands of every man wfio desires- ,to know what has transpired during the day, . , , and, 93 it aims to give i RELIABLE INTELLIGENCE. its piillisher hopes it will prove a wel """"domc guest in many families. THE POST f is sprjghtly withcTUt :beingfseBsatiomiV,; and ifccarefullv excludes all objectionable incidents ami reports calculated to of fend $he sensibilities of the most fastid ious, j As an j 1 r- Aflyertisini Heiinm it claims to be first Haisj vmhli good and constantly increasing circu lation, and isi"ead by almost ! every ; business 4 man , in the city. . Politically the 'Post is UXS WER VIXGL Y REPUBLICAN. Its editor having been a consistent mem ber bf that party since 1855. throiifrti li- iicisitpdes And tritimpn he claims tfspeaK advisedly whea advocating its priiicipIeW." He is not'how.eyer an 4ex treniist," and accords to oth&& what he thought and of fregflgggij .THE ADVERT&INCr. URATES of the Post, like its subsection price, are at liberal and at living .nficpjfts an ex-, amination of them, will, sjhby and it. bespeaks a share of public patrojiage. ' " :' ' -if -T,'; .1 f;.'? 1 . " 1 , ' , . t " j " n t' . :', THE EVSINfj POST n. jfi . ; fare of the tJape Fesir rerfbninnd the .belie vers 1 in progress, wnetner A If if , f ; , J j - LD UCA TIONAL, - ? ' . ; a griculturaI:, COMMERCIAL, 111 ' J w find an enthusiastic allv ft... n:;Posx. TUE.POST in - 1 l"4iflii lifi'itt - is oppttSi tH- monopolies jbfatdiiiiyori t)f internal improvements "andt: firm believer in the patrorulge al-anppcrrt 01 nome enterprises ajia, iniinauorisrf1,. juiy 3X 62-tf f f 9f BARGAINS!-: BARGAINS! iM I 11 ' 1 SO L. BEAU & BROS.. OPFER TO'THE PUBLIC The greatest . bargains ; pf;the , Season, ' coDsistiDg of f The Best Rcadpidllade3 'f f ; j Jtlntle Ctitsimere ?- Suits -v ' ALL i,INEN BUITS; . ' ': f T ; r- i f j ..... . 1 .Tie. Largest Variety in. je,City.:; FELT' and PANA-M-A r Boston and PhiladeipUia mV SHOES and GAITERS; df alt'descriptionp. From! the fines to the Cheapest. &-HOSIERY, At reduced prices. TRUNKS 1 & VAtlSES 1 j . i . ', i . .. - ; . 1 ,( s , Ol uvcry descripticmj . SAODLE & fSUIDLEs, At lowest prices in the' State. !Ot. BEAR & telVoS., ' i i ' ,, .4 ,20 jfiriiet st;; may ,17 310 tf Ft F. DON'T ! TOIL,' AW1Y YOUR LIFE FOR LANDLORDS; BUILDING LOTS fox sale In healthy and desirable localities on Church, Nun, Ann, Orange, Dock, Chesnut, Mulberry, Walnut, Ited Cross, Rankin, Dickinson, Wood, Char lotte, Sixth, Seventh, Wflson, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth? Itlid Thir teenth streets. Satisfactory time given fo payment. Apply to JAMES WILSON. Or in his'absencer' to WWL N. HANKINS. y Market street. 226-tf feb 8 ' 'UARANTIffM. The following Quarantine Kegulations will, be in force from and after' the l9t ol June, 1873 ' until further riotlfcfe : i 1 H 1st. All vessels from Ports South'bf CaD3 Fear will come to at the-Visiting 8tation near "Deep Water Point," and await the inspection of the Quarantine Physician 2i. All vessels havingckness on board on arrival, or having had eickness duric the voyaare, are required to come to the Station fof inspection, without regard to the Port Irom, whence they sailed. -Ait ; ' ' m ;Ti .., ( 3d. Vessels not included as above will proceed to Wilmiogton witnout dotcution. 4th. rilots are especially enjoined ' to make careful enquiry, and it not 6atisQed with the statements Of tnfQf Plain, or it the vessel is in a filtby condition, they will bring: the--vessel to the Station for further examination. ' ! ' 5tb. Pijqts wiltully violating the Quaran tine laws are subject to forfeiture of their branchy Masters; of vessels 4o a uuq pf Two Hundred f20Qi Dollars a dvy for every dav fttrey violate the Qaarantin laws, and all other persons are liable tor each and every onepce. , , , 1 6th. All veasels subject t v4sitatf ion un der j these rcgalations will set ilags in the main rising port side. ' F. VV. POT 1 EH, Quarantine Physician. - Port of Wilmington, N. C. s 10-SatfcWed'6tlstNov m TVniy DOLIARS FOR ONE. A 125 8 WrNfi MACHINE, FREE ! BUB SCRIBE. NOW FOB - ."OUR; WEEKIiY .r A first-class twenty-coluton Literary f'anl'-i liy , Paper. tubushed 1 every 5 Saturday, at Charlottei N. C. at tne low price of ONE DOLLAR ..if YE AM. I . , Each nmmber contairis an INTERESTINQ TOtR Y;; worth af . least 1 the 'subscription week ; .general oUectioa ( of - the Every aubacriberrgeta a chahce at a Vai Oar CASH PREMIUMS &re in .nma i ' StlOanjWiUiifroni two toien 6-achas Sewine cMfteR: btmw n,iiww'i media pren4 eraJ Vttceoente for CluW tlxZ?? PubllslierrJCou can make moae v iv ami rrlssing for)UR WS&. WJCT "fff !i lf-ilS?.6?- -JXl Jper Premium no UOCTe- UAEUt jtrpxMimi ana one outof every five waiba fcure td gta'Premln worth from Scents to $25.oa . -- tj- t ""TTT: BRADLEY , 1 PAINT! ....... , t j : ,! . . . MADE FROH PURE WHITE . i CHEMICALLY OATSrt BE nt APPLIED BltXED READY FOR USE. ONE 1 UAXLOtf 20 ... 1 Specimens ;Different';(h)ldre R E AD THE F 0 L LO.WIN G 7 E S TTO.ltl ALS!;;: WILL ! LAST THREE TIUE8 AND OIL MIXED It ALWAYS READY FOR USE. ! 'li iMfi: ;!' One Gallon Covers Twenty i SPECIMEN AND PRICE LIST FURNISED GRATIS' We especially call the attention to the followme testimonials of the Paint : C. P. Knight, f Esq. Dear Sir : I have dwelling last sprintr. ana am much pleased first painted, and CQOsULer it a good Paint. Creswell JP. tartford county, Md., Feb. r . , . Thb Mr. C. P. KnieUt ir : The Paint came lous each, and three baokctsj one gallon each. fiClt,n,r4-WO weeivB, i not cons win wurs,; cuuiuicieu uioouuse&iru cmw,. JLueiast cua x ...... . j i ' J ' . 1 j.j a i 'SL i a . ' . 1 rr k jm applied iniCK, ana u is now generally conceuea luavipr-cnamei-ii&e naruness, anu oouy, and Harmon v bf colors, there Is not a handsomer job In the plate; I aated liztr-fire dol lars by the operationj which is an item just now rwitbf Southern people It should be genexully adopted in this State. Any coudtrr ladi apply It. I hate neter dabbled in such stock as testimonials, but I feel so fotcibly the reat adaptability of your "namel Paint": to the wants ot,oar peopicin excellency of material, in beauty ot color, and in therfact of its being ready mixed" that I you) to make what ma you think, proper of very reapecuxuiy ana iruiy,., To tee PcuLic It affo'dd me much pleasure to state that In July, 1871, Front Street Theatre was painted losidf and out with " Uradley's patent Jlnamel ralnt," for whiph C. P. KuightJNo. 03 vVe&t Lombard Street, is'agent,. and, to testify to Its eupefiorlty over ahv and all other paints for similar uses. In noiprivate dwelling cai 'paint Oosslbiy be subjected to the vefyf severe test it uudergoea at ,Wiis establlskment, where, during our daily clejiiinu soap and soda are constantly applied to it, and yet it appears as sound and Iresh as When put on. ui the namerous aavauisges ib possesses- over omer paints, I fcill onlv mention its beiuz mixed aud rcaav for use in quantities to suit purchasers . its quiciily drjing properties, which saves much time in the executiph 01 work were paint is needed, and its very perceptible tenacity, which imparts beauty and durability to the objects on which It is used. r As such I moet earnestly recommend it to the merchants and tradesmen of Our city, believing it will possibly anticipate. Baltimore, Aprii 35. 1873. Mr. C P. Knicht Deir Sir : Tbe paints several of our own buildings and to tbose of our friends, and have given entire satisfac tion in covering qualities, in gloss, and in adaptability to all kinds of surface of material and we cheerfully recommend it; especially to that class of consumers who have to de- Fc end upon unknown parties, or painters to bund the most deception. "" " FROM HON. JOHN WETHERED. Mr. C. P. Knight :-At the recommendation of a friend, f was Induced to apply your patent Bradley V paint to jny house. 1 have pleasure in stating that It has proved highly satisfactory, covering mOre surface than you promised, is more economical, cairiei oettcr gloss man oramary paint, anu is irecr ; Youtb, Kespoctfully, C. P, Kuigbt, JEsq , Aseut lor Bfadiey's useu lis coveiing quauuesis everyiuing uesircu, urying promptly and With t hard it loss which mtfjt; we think, resist the action uf all k nds of weather. 'Ihls Is our experi mce and we can recommend it with certainty, and intend to use it on all occasions where we i 1 ' . . ' - - n.ll c . x . . aeeire a goea jod oi worK. , Very licspectfully, EM ART & QTJART1EY J870 W. Baltimore &t - House, 81gn and Freacoe Painters. - . .... . FLBXSAJTtTILLX. tlATmn rn . Un Mr. C. P. Knigh-Dpar Sir am very tu raiuL uau iveu entire buusiacmou. x ...J A v: 1 I I . Very Respetfally, - B. DICKET, M. J), C P. KNIGHT, Sole Ag&V . No. 93 T. Lombard Street j Baltimore. fjietimens and price list can be seen at this office. ., r ., tnarcti 4 240-tI Dnquetionably the beat sustained uork of the kind in the World.'''' . llarpcr's Magazine. NOTICES or tiis mess. The evcrriacreasing circulation of tliis excellent monthly,' proves its continaed adaptation to popular desires and needs- Iudeed,. when we think into how many homes it penetrates every mouth, we must consider it as one ;ut the educators as well as entertainers pi the public mind, for its vast popularity has been won by no appeal to stupid prejudices or depraved tastea. Boston Globe. , ' The character which this Magazine pos sesses for variety, enterprise, artistic weal tin and literary culture that has kept pace with, if it has hot led the times, should cause tta eondnctora to regard it with justinable complacency. It also entitles 1 hem to a great claim upon the public gratitude. The Magazine baa done good and not evil all the days. of its life. Brooklyn Eagle. SUBSCRIPTXON8. TEEMS : -1873. Harper Magazine, one yt&t J.'....f4 00 An extra copy of either the Magazine, Weekly, , or Baiar will be supplied gratis fdr every Club of Five Subscribers at $4 00 feach, in one remittance ; or, six copies for $3 00, without extra copy, i f 8ub8criptlohs to Harpers Magazine, Weekly,' aiid Bazaar, to one address for one jear,;$Q 00;,.r, two of Harpers Periodi cals, to one address for one year. $ 7 CO.3 ,: Back numbers an be supplied at any tlmek f t. .?.- ; A complete set of IIarper8 Magazine. uuw comprising i voiomes ifl neat cloth blndingwill be sent by: express, freight at expen&je of purchaser, lot $3 25 per volume. 8ingle volumes; by mail, postpaid, 3 OIL Cloth caaear for bindio.g, 58 cents, by mall, 4, postpaid.- :'.. j 'Ihe posuge on Harper's Magazine is 24 cents a year, wnicn motroe paid at the sub scribe r post ofilce. Address HARPER A BROtiTERS, ' , , 'itinjii ,jew Yorkfr april 7 275-tf ,i.Jtt&WRIWColB CLERK anaBher- NfW D;iBlkrikWf'TWaleby m mJ -,- Jtfir'H- . 8 G HALL , 'S PATEMT ENAMEL LEAD, UflCEED OIL AI1D Z1HCI COMBINED." BY ANY ONE! SOLD BY THE GALLON 6QUAHE YARDS. 2 COATB1 . , ! r .Canf'be seen at IJBSeJ n . n A LOnr !anj50E&Tli:AO THE ORDIHAR? VJAT. C.f.i. SOLD BY THE , GALLOlf. Square Yards, Two Coats used Bradley's Patent Enamtl Taint on by with it, and it looKS as well now aa when lours, truly, 6th, 1873. Al H. StRASAUGH. Plains. FatQOiXBCo.. Va.. Feb. 6th. 1873. safety to hand aa ordered two kegs, five cal Aa. fciictide was alack,' I did the job m j give you free permission, (II It Is desirable to this letter. S. McGILL, M. p. give them greater eatlsfactlOn than they can vvm. it. Eimn, Front Street Theatre. Chambbrsbubo, December 10th. 1872. we received frum jou bare been applied to mix and furnish materials, wherein we have a, truly. JACOB STOUFFER & SON. irom uisagreaoie oaor. . . JOHN WETHERED. KAJLTIMOBB. Derrmhr 27fh 17t Patent Enamel Paint Dear Qlr,: The paint 1.9 m . - . - . - j . Happy to Inform you that your V Patent Enam- preier n. io any pam r nftYB ever seen nnpri a. r MANAQER POST. 1 s: TOPHAM ot; No. 8 South Pront'Stteet, jii 1 Wjiorlc and Retail Dealers in 8ADDLES, HARNESS, 1 ..1. ., TRUNKS & TRVAKLING BAGS. Collars, HitnejL Trace Cnams, Whips, 8pnrt, Dog Collars, Saddle Cloths, Woolen A Lines Horse Cover Fly Net Feather Dusters, , Axle Grease, Bridles, of all kinds, Sad dlery HaM- ' ware,&c!. SECONB HAlir JtAItfTfiSS, ' ' S ADDLE St HENS; & c . cheap Jron CAB IX. June 7 "ffbo American fr'arrncr. ' ' This old standard monthly Jotrrnaloiiagri eulturabelna' anew "volume JtmuaM Ihi Special attention la palp besides lhal riven the stable crops-to Stock: breeding,: jSixlt iiuiuux, uw utxxxj 4 . ogui oi-memosx snccessful of American agrletilturists oon- w-ioqui 1 jo 11 paea. 4s is practical, subsU n tlal, reliable! . Subscription $1,60 aVean To flnbs of flya or more, on W $1, eb, , Very handsome premiums ibr clubs. Specimen number free. ' SA&TL SANDS A.SOtf, pub ianera, Baltimore. Mm . dee 81-d&w tf . - ' -' -t 1 ' - ' ; ff r MAW 00. rpHRZE LOTS ON SIXTH STB CK f B tween Church and Castle a treeUziCS tleatael? lyftalej 'Hri .n.fi i.,,- l e L ! ! 1 SAILING j TUESDAYS AND FRiDAVo FROM, NEW YORK, AND WEDNto DAYS AND SATURDAYS from WUiMINGTON. THllOUGU CONHicTlOKs U IT ALL RAILROADS LEADIM ' oirr OF WILMINGTON No oaasengers taken. For Freigm apPi, rBARRT BROTHERS, Amt! BALTIMORE Ay WILHlMTi . ! J ' SEMI-WEEKLY Ctompced of the first-class StearaLir I i p. J. olcv, Capt. D. J. Trice (m ; Lucille, Capt. I. s. Bennett Rebecca Clyde, Capt. D. C..Chiid' Will b-ereafter sail from Baltimore evry Tuesday and Friday and from Wilralncton reIX.y,?in?8day nd Saturday, connect! nit at Wilmington with the Wilmington (5f lnmbla and Aurusta, Wilmington, and Wel. don, ahd the Wilmington Clisrlotte nnd JRutherford r&lTroads; also the several UaoK of steamers o Fay eteville, Giviiigr Through Bills of Ladftg, To All points in North and South Carolina Georgia find Alabama; connecting tit Haiti' more with the Baltimore and Ohio aiKltli" Northern Central Tail roads for all point in the Vest and Northwest, and with t'iuw ?d. road3 for Boston, New York soil Philadelphia. A. D. CAZAUX. i Agents, Wilmington, N,c. ANDltKS A Co. Accnts. Baltimore. deo3i I'd'- FhliadeljpJiia and Southern Mail Steamship Line. rjUIK F1KT CLASS bTEAJIERS PIQNEER, 825 TO.NS Captain JOHN WAKELEY, TON A WAND A, 850 TONS, Captain C. C. WILTHANKS form n weekly line, and sail alternate! lioin Philadelphia and Wilmington every Tm.'s day morning, at 5 o'clock. THROUGH BILLS OF LADING Given; to New York, Boston, rrovidem e, Fall River, Tort land and all points in the New England Htntes, at as low rates an by any other route. Also to Liverpool, iAjiidou, Antwerp, Bremen, Hamburg, Amstoniain, and all points on the continent and east coast of England. Through rates from Philadelphia to all points! In North Carolina, h?oulh rarollnn, Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana. Mississippi and Tennessee, at as low rates as by compe ting linen. KOr Freight eneagemewts, and ratw apply to., I WORTH A WORTH, Agents. Wilmington, N. t . J; M. Foiishee, Superintendent. Or to WM. L. JAMES, General Agent, Li;7 and 239 Dock Street, Philadelphia. June 6 o-tf T MISCELLANEOUS. JOB PRINTING in all its branches, i NEATLY EXECUTED S. G. HALL. PEACT'ICAL job pkintkh. 'flAYINa BEEN PRACTICALLY cnKflC ;lnjthe printing business for nearly twuty 5 ears, feels confident of bis ability to V1 is customers. Particular attention given to COMMERCIAL PRINTING niXL HEADS. t i dARDS, i ' rn MONTHLY STATExllENTS, CHECKS, LETTER HEAPS, . . n. , ; ,.. aECEIPTS.Acv. RAIL UOAti mm V " in tooet of Its branches. ;;r- ' 'His office Is suppfledwlth Bivrely , Zfavir l3Mt rl V)f '-' WtheTery , Latesl. Styles and FashiGiis, And h GUARANTEES , SATISFACTION in all cases. YTetldtnx Cards, InTltailons.'&e.. Ac. Of the Latest Styles. OfaoA on rrfneess street between Fr t ana Reeond. if j j j, :jlVILMINCTOX C XL. A. if v-in I YrJl T

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