i'L- .loo(f niiiii 0(11; 1 .VT . T; r:lf I I ff - l'"'ja:' .7f;. ; i etc? Jr Jjoq WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY, SEPTELIBER 16, 1873 VOL ff'bij .1: 7 I 1 tVr , -- mm mm V LM i i I.J I Mhishcd every afternoon except Sunday. .mm 'J. MANN-Editor and Proprietor Subscription. in advance $5 00 year, . -j s m moctii?! mauvam,, hfee months, in auvauu f?M , month, in advance correspondence solicited from our friends ill parts of the State, on topics pf gene- jlictcrc t. Political news and re ports' oi are especially aesiraore. ' NEW TDyERTISEMENTs: .V r'PEK. I. DMDOIITKN L'JPER J)OUGHTEN. V V A Xj S T O K K S AND SOUTHERN PROllTjJrsV ' - NORTH FRONT STREET S). ) f.4 if r for TufpentlrVe Casks solicHe'd fend or ppt i '245-tf wit, i'res, ihohabi ihbt, Vice Pres a u uaskins Sec and Trcas. lf IIMOND ARCHITECTURAL N WORKS AND STOVE COMPANY, t 'i i , . '. rf -trr i i I k US TEKTSi STREET )KFicu: Tl lis Cumpauy oirer to the people of Vir ;i mid ihi southern States a kirge line of .xxlsot' Uiclr own inauuticture for pri ts cluiip and on. terms as"liberalr.as ean of auy Northern estaUlishraenU. In nioii. to.stovcs. of all classes, wemaKe" iiiiectiual Works a specially. Fronts, ti-s lloflow Ware, Stench Traps, Soil Sad Irons, etc., always on hand; and huliciU Llui iitUjnUon of dealers to Our U tm r.' -rpri-.t:. Send for circulars and he 1 1 alt An- lu.is. , uiiieo m. Mrrctaiisc Brokerage '.Office,, Irio Ml siisnple ; onstantly on hand r .iii iniHH-U -jjs ;ud in -xuiuauiuvecu ia N- .: ii,.-ii m trR il ii - ri I i,ns ol liici't haudise, orders ,! I h 1. s.iliril'vl .m l tele-i aphf J promptly. i r. li i;i.li-" bmmht aiul; t?old.f lH !tWa niulc' t. r,. r from buyers solicited, and .i njilis l.y i'tl'is will liaVe 'prompt aU "UllOll. , , Titnt' a - m II as ca .h iuiivha.-es nfigutia'fed wt.t'tiM-r yon wish to I my or soil, commuoi i';lt 1 K'-ly, ami ofUn with your local jkcr. i J ,Vli. T. PKTTKWAY,- .. Mercliiui-lise and Produce Broker. u-i-ij isi tf f ! in MOKEJI IZ A13 CITY CARTKRti V COUNTY, N. O. Ctt 1 iff it m n ns spiemiui ea mae catering nace, -I'll; f..r t Ueil at liuiulort Harbor, will be open lie reception oi iruesta on Monday, June 16th, 1873. ir IS ACKNOWLEDGED TO 13E THE MOST DELIGHTFUL URF BVTriITV& tho Atlantic coast, of the United States! IV .Si i! I If Bt -tin-d to be tltt friHiriu-j Sof tbe tcreat ithern Pacific' Railroad. Unsurpassed llitk's lor-Mpk'iulid sailiar, Fisliin and tliiu. 'be steamer Zodiac; dpt. Wm. II. C'hnpin; tiinymtlui'. leuvei direct or. 2Jew- York. sry week. Parties wiihiuz it . uz;wo .rooms. ,will P eise ad'lross as above. July lU-3m INSURANCE. I IKK AND PIltE INSURANL'K CAN BE effected at tlie lowest current rates In the following responsible Companies,' on ap plication to . . , .NKW YOKKLIFK INSUHANCli COM PAN V, ARsetto , f 20,000,000 J. A. iiYUNE, UeiPl ins. Agt., . IMPHIUAL F1HK. 1NSUKANCE OMJf AN 1'. of Jjondou. Assetts Sy.OVJ0.000. Gold lAXcmiUiUi INSURANCE AND, BANK- i i Ut CO MPAN Y of Vra., assets , W530 i Od' Va as.sClt. ?200,000 ISlllNLi A K KENAN, Oen'l Insurance Agents, Oillee Chamber of Commerce, up stairs. au ltt ...' , - . w J7ly V An Institution paying pth igh! reputation for lionorble conduct'afid professional skill. Aitinsr surgoonfj S ArUUQlIlHir, M D. Athlress. Hownrtt Assoc -J iV'l JVJllllii Jllt-'U Bl-lll) UCC Ul mtion .Tdiladll No 2 Soutri Mnttf St, 1. diladelphia, Pa. may 8 30a-3m H VUI5KU S OP. joi: TurbjfElt'wlshbs to inform his custo- rrepared to do all kind of work in his line, and would respectfully request a continua tion of the patronage which has heretofore been so liberally bestowed upon him. Jan Kits , . 206 THOMAS CONNOR B JEL P?. O O M N. E. corner X)f Mulberry and NuttSta. " ia7-1 y Successors to A.II.F.F, Jlanuiacturers and dealers la aus, Stoves, Ii-intrns, Kerosene, Oil Tin and Sheet iron Ware. Roofing done at short notice, Agents for Fairbank'g Scales. No. 1U Front Street WlLimrOTON, N c. nov lit - . IBb-ly MISCELLANEOUS. A. ADRIAN. fit, VOLUJUs I t'T' ' ADRIAN & VOLLERS. WHOLES IK DEA-Ltafi JT -' n Groceries and Liquors. Importers of Germari and ilavaj ?Unirj; South-East Corner jrkTsuid j?iio?rr ' ! Street. .''' WILUNGTON IfJa 4 Having the largest pp& S9t ftfesrtet filok of (Groceries andIjduor in Cfife Cfty, Daler will flnt it to their Interest to give us a call before buying elsewhere."1 ' mav 17-tf ' ' l : I BnTters Molasses, Syrupf vHaiiiSj JUST RECMVltb, EX BTEAMERS METROPOLIS ad Choice GosheirBatter. A No. 1 Mascdvarlo Mblassfes, A No. 1 Golden 8yup. , , Extra choicefMagno!ia"Hams. In addition to aboveV -al ArrlyaiS! ofIJa con, HRy, Corn,,8 H Syrupjn ; brels, ces,ftnd hogsheads, Lard, bugiirs,fcc. For sale low by " ' ' ' ; BINFORD, CROW & CO. jcrac 25 '? ' 32 THE auVifi I5K6K" OE&ANS i The best ORGANS of the Reed class IN THE WORLD. ! Tiic'fees fbt ' ChtirchedridLfxi-cd. The Best for Sunday Seliools. Tbe Best for Parlors and Vestries. The Best for -Aeadeiiiies-and Colleges. The Best fqr public Mails. The Best for Orchestra iand 'Stage. ' ft ; . These iivtruinents, which for sweet ness of tone and elegance of appoint ment stand unrivalled, have met with unprecedented success in this country and abroad. '- " i : hr m yr , MANUFACTURED BY 1 I P. NEEDHAM & SON. ESTABLISHED i,IN . ISM. . . Nok J 43, 145 &T47 East 23d st, N Y Responsible parties applying for agencies in section"' still unsup plied, will receive prompt attention and liberal inducements. Parties residing at a distance from our au thorized-agents, may order irom our factory. Send for illustratdjorlcelisi. m aug zu-tl TO THE WESTI Tp THE WEST! Be(prj making yo'uf arrangements to fol- Jow iij&jadvice of the "thousands who have already gone," It would be well to consider whatfcaB been done to make the journey to your Homes in the, WeaV as .pleasant and tree from danger as human skill and fore sight can accomplish t am : By consolidation and cons trpctipn, a road haa been put Into operation on the shortest possible lino from NaehyUle!rennf. to St. Iouls, "the future great City of the worli." This line; the ? ! '! '' : STi LOUIS & SOUTHEASTERN HAIL- 'A WAT- has, during the past year, earned an envia ble reputation, by Ua, 6mooth,track,-prompt time, sure connections, and the magnifi cence of its passenger equipment. Its trains are made up of new and commodious day cars, providediwith the celebrated Mil ler coupler and p'tiorm, and the wcsting- touee air-brake. It is possitively the only line mnning Pullman Palace Drawing-Boom Slecpin Cars through without change irom Njash- ille to St. Louis. No other line pretend to offer such advantages, either in distance, time, or equipment. Why, then, journey by circuitous routes T ' Do not be induced to purchase I tickets to St. Louis or. the )Vcst by &uy other lino, remember tnat 1 The "Stj Louis & Southeastern" is the shoteel'cheapet,, quickest, best and only Jine under, one management Irom Nashville to &t. Louisand is from 60 to 200 miles the hortest to fit. Louis,- Kansas City. Omaha,1 Derivcr, ! California,- Texas, and all western points. It is tlso the "Chi cigo fitio'rtest Line," via Evansvillc. You can 1 secure the cheapest rates for yourselves and your movables on applica tion, inl perrl Of by letter; 1 1 UaAM-tS McCiBi,i 8outhry Passenger- AgenLheir College street jPcpoW -KaaailllTenn or to the undersigned. , -rT,, Uenici al Ticket Agent, 8U Loote . No trouble to answer questions. July 351 in- - " r'-MW'ST-dja 5 - MISCELLANEOUS. oxjtioist. , , lit'Y ONLY TILE GENUINE FAIRBANKS SCALES, ",.' MANUFACTURED BY E. & T FAIRBANKS & CO. in StockScales, Coal Scales, Hay Scales, Dairy Scales, Counter Scales, Ac, &c. Scales repaired promptly and reasona bly. ' THE MOST PERFECT ALARM CASH DRAWER. Miles Alarm Till Co's. EVERY n-i.rlJ EVERY Merchant DKAWER SHOULD Use Them Warranted. SOLO AT Fairbanks' Scale' Warehouses, FAIRBANKS & CO., 311 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. 166 Baltimore st., Baltimore, 53 Camp st., New Orleans. FAIRBANKS & EWING, Masonic Hall, Philadelphia. FAIRBANKS, BROWN & CO.; !2 Milk street, Boston. For sale by all leading Hardware Dealers. sept 11 i7-2tawJm D IPLOM AWABDBD BY T11E American Institute X W. McKEE, FOR Embroidery anil FlotuuE Machines. It is iDgeDious and will meet the wants of every matron in the land." KXHIBiTlON OF 1S72. F. A. Barnard, Pres. Sohn E. (Javit, Rec. Hecy. Samuel D. lillman, Uor. Btcy. New York, November 'JO, 1S72. This simple and ingenious Machine is as uselul as the sewinc: Machine, and Is last becoming popular with ladies, in the place of expensive Needle work, its work being tnueh more haudsome, requiring less time and not one tenth part the expense. No ladv's toilet is now complete without it. A Machine with illustrated circular and fall instructions sent on receipt of $'J or finished in silver plate for 7". Address, The McKeb Manufacturing Co., iJUU liroadway, JXew lorn. AGEXTS WANTED. Dr. Garvin's Elixir of Tar, Is recommended by regular Medical practi tioners and a speedy cure guaranteed for Colds, Cough-, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, pitting Biood, Consumption and all Pulmo nary Compiamts, croiuia, Ji-rysipeias, Mys pepsia and Gout. Dysentery, Cholera-mor bas, Cholera and all liver and bowel com plaints. Kidney diseases and all affections of th Urinal Organs perfectly harmless tree from Mineral or Alcoholic properties pleasant to take and never known to fail Price $ 1 00 per Bottle. Full particulars with medical testimony and certificates sent on application. Address, L. F. HYDE & CO.. liJd SeveLth Avenue, Mew York. Darts from lie Deyil: or Cnjii Abused A Book iust issued exposing the "pbhson AL8".that have appeared in the New Xork Newspapers; their history and lesson, am. ISH ViLLIANS FULLY BXTOSKO. Advertise ments from desperate men to beautiful wo men: Clandestine meetings: how frustrated: The History of the goodkich tkagety the result of a "personal." Description of Liv- ins Broadway Statues. Exposes social corruption. Sent on receipt ot 50 cts. Address, Unique Printing House, 36 Vesey St , N. Y, OR ALL WHO ARE WILLING TO work. Any person, old or young, ot either sex, can make from tlO to $50 per week, at home eriu connection with other business. Wanted by all. Suiable to either City or Country, and any season of the year. This is a rare opportunity for those who are out of work, and out of money, to make an independent living. , No capital being re quired. Our pamphlet, "UUW TO MAKE A LIVING," giving full instructions, sent on receipt of 10 cents. Address A. BUR TON A CO , MorrUania, Westchester Co., N- r. ' AGENTS WANTED every T-hcre to pell oar new and novel Embroidering Ma chine, send for Illustrated Circular, to the McEee Manufacturing Company, 909 Broad way, N Y. . JJou-Tou Flirtation Sijrnals. Seut on receipt ot 2-" cents. Uniqne Print ing and Publishing House, 36 Vcsey Street, New York. Sept 13 100-tf (hay, Spirit caskis and ulue. 31 BALEi? HAY. ! ' 200 Barrels Glue. 1 1,000 Spirit Ca?ks. For sale by . aus 13 F. W. KERCHXEH. RAIL R04DS. FiBimoit Air-Line Railway. Richmond1 and DanYille, Richmond and DanviHe R. WM N. DiTisioD and North Western N. C. W. O . i ? Condensed Time Table. In effect on and after Sundav, June 15, 1873 GOING NOKTH. STATIONS. MAIL. ACCOM. Leave Charlotte 2 JiO T M Salisbury,.... i Greensboro. . . Danville Burkville Arrive at Kichmond. 5.02 1.15 11.17 A. m, C.15 A. M. 3.E4 " 11.40 " 6.05 2 55 p. M. GOING SOUTH. 8TATIOX8. MAIL. ACCOM. Leave Richmond ..... 1.05 p. u 9.45 A. m. " Burkville 4.10 " 1.20 p.m. " Danvllla 8.45 Ar6. 10pm 44 Greensboro U.1? " .i.. 4 SoUsbury 2.03a.m... Arrive at Charlotte. . . 4.05 44 r GOING WEST. STATIONS. I UAlL ' EXPRESS Leave Greensboro' ... 8 20 p. m . , , . , 4 Co. Shops .... 11.00 44 4 Hillsboro1 .... 11.10 44 44 Raleigh 1.40 a.m......... Arrive at Goldsboo,. 4.30 44 ' GOING WEST. STATIONS. MAIL. EXPRESS Lcaye Goldsboro . . . . 2.30 p. m 4 Raleigh 5.2G 44 44 Hillsboro' 7.47 44 44 Co. Shops 12.05 44 A rrive at Greensboro' 10.48 a.m North Western N, C. R. R (Salem Branch.) Leave Greensboro 11:20 P M Arrive at Salem 1:40 A M Leave Salcra 4:40 P M Arrive at Greensboro ,...7:O0PM Mail trains daily, both ways, over entire length of Road. Accommodation dally be tween Dfnville and Richmond(Sundays ex cepted.) On Sundays Lynchburg Accommodation leave Richmond at 5.23 a. in., arrive at Burkville 1158 a. m., leave Uurkvillo 1.10 o. m., arrive at Richmond 4.1? p. m. Pullman Palace Cars on all night trains between Charlotte ;d Richmond, without change.) Far lurther information addrcFS 8. E. ALLEN, General Ticket Agent. Greensboro, N. C. T. M R. TALCOTT, Engineer and Geu'l Spueriutendant. . Rug 7 68 Ofvick Petersburg R. B. Cq.,1 May, 31st. 1872. j AN AND AFTER JUNE 3RD, THE trains v will run as follows: LEAVE WELDON. , Express Train 7:30 p. in Mall Train 3:25 pm. ARRIVE AT FE TERoBUKG. Express 10:50 p. ra. Mall 7.-00p. m. LEAVE PETERSBURG. Mall 6:30 a. m. Express &o0 p. ru. ARRIVE AT WELDON. Mall Sh40a. ftC Express 650 p. m. FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Petersburg S:H0 a. m. Leave Weldon :00 p. 'ra. Arrive at Weldn 3:0 p. m Arrive at Fetersbure 2:20 a.m. GASTON TRAINS. Leave Petersburg H.-O0 a. m. Leave Gaston 115 p. m Arrive at Gaston 12:50 p. m. Arrive at Petersbu rg 8:10 p. m. No trains will run on Sunday except Ex- Dress trains Freights for Gaston Branch will be received at the Petersburg depot only on MONDAYS ana TM u KHDA Y s. The depot will be closed at 5:00 p. in. No goods will be received after that hour. J. C. SPRIGG, J 5-f.f Enslneer and General Manasrer. Carolina Central Railway Company WILMINGTON, N. C, ) May 14, 1873. f , ,11 SCHEDULE. PASSENGER TRAI N8 LEAVE WIX.MISGTON DAILY (Ex cept Sundays) at 8:00 A M Arrive at Wades bo ro at S:23 P M Leave Wadcsboro at 7:10 A M Arrive at Wilmington at 4:35 P M FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Wilmington daily (except Sundays) t. 6:00 AM Arrive at Lauriobarg at 5:30 P M Leave Laurinburg at f:00 A M Arrive at Wilmington at........ 5.30 PM PASSENGER TRAINS. Leave Charlotte daily, 8uodays excepted, at 8.00 A M Arrive at Buflalo at 13.00 M Leave Buffalo at... 1.C0 PM Arrive at Charlotte at M5 PM Irregular Lumber and Timber Trains run on both portions of tbe Road as the busi ness requires. , , A Dily Stage will soon ran in connect ion with the train on both ends of this Rail way. 8. L. FREMONT, Chief Engineer and 8np't. may 10 311-tI WARRANTTEC DEEDS- On hand and for sale feb 25 B G HALL . If ""waMMMiir in .1 Gax. ScilNTrNtKNTar omiiM U M. 5--9T j pmtgs7Z' CUU10E OF SCIIEDULE. rnilK FOlLdWlNG sdffEDtrLlrf VtTLLl X no into ;eilc;rt 3:30; JL. . M, Morrday.i DAY EXPRESS TRAlK(TiaIly.), Leave Wilmington . .' 3:C0 A. M Arrive at Florence 11:10 AJ 'M Arrive at Columbia,;.;; .,.M4:45 P,. M Leave Columbia .............. . . . 6:40 A. M Arrive at Florence... i. ..ll.20 A.'li' Arrive at Wilmington. . .. 5:15 P. M. NIGHT "KXPRKSiJ TRAIN DAILT (SUN DAYS SZOFTKD.) , , - - Leave Wilmington u . -. . 645 P. M ArrfreatFloree, 11:22 P, M Arrive at Columbia 8:45 A'. M Arrive at; Angus U..J;. ... &20 A, jl Leave Augusta , , 5;50 P. XT Arrive at Corambia . . ........ 10:35 P.'K Arrive at Florence.......:...... 2:27 A. Al Arrive at WllmUgton. 8:00 A. If Passengers .leaving Wilmington on the 5:45 P. M. train make clos6 connection going South.' JAMKS AriDlfiKoOri, Gen'l Sup't, sept9 05-tl Wilainsrton & Weldon It. Tti Cofflpniiys Onici General Supkbtntkndxnt, ! Wblminqton. N. C, Sept. C.1873 CnANUB OF SCHKDDLE. O N AND AFTEll SKl'T. Mb. INSTANT PASSENGER TRAINS on the Wil mine; ton and Weldon Railroad will run as follows: ' MAIL TRAIN. Leav Uniod'Depot daily (San days excepted) . At 8;15A. M Arrive at Goldsboro 12:11 P. M Rocky Mount 2:lllM Weldon 3:50 M Leave Weldon dailv (Snndav exeootedl ...... i ; .'.At . , !O0 A: M Arrive at Rocky Mount ; U:J0 A'UL Goldsboro.;.:.....1 'lildRlH Uniori Depot...... . ,5:3QP.1 EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily. . .At 5.0 P. M Arrive at Goldsboro 0:33 P. M Rocky Mount 11:34 P; M Weldon......... . , , 1:'J0A.M Leave Weldon daijy l:'3U P. M Arrive sit Rocky Mount ..... ' 3:25 K M- Galdsboro 10:43 PM . . Union Depot...... 3:10A.M Mall Tram makes close connection at Weldon for all points North via, , Ray Line and Acquia Creek routes. ' Express Train ermwects only with Acquia Creek route. PULLMAN'S PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON THIS TRAIN. FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilmlng-tontrt-Weekly at tJ.00 A. M., and arrive at EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS vrl leave Wilmlnirton daily (Sundays cxcepted at 2:00 P. M-, add arrive at 4; 00 P. M. rr JOHN T. DIVINE, General Superintendent , . . . i i . ,SG-tf eseit 10 THIS MOST REMARKABLE yV ALL . APT.VILVTUHKS sometimes called a meebnn Leal paradox no w used .with such wonderful success in our principal cities for the cute, by ci'mitlatI p f.xku cisii, of nearly, all . . fchronic Diseases and Weaknesses, Is for sale by the undersigned, by wnorri all orders will be promptly Uiled. the RBkcrribrritY' issoconstltutcil thatcvennchlldcan instant ly adjust it for a person -to lift any, weighty from twenty to twelve hundred pounds. .It is made almost wholly of Jrounnd steel, weigh 1 pounds,' ami covers a space of only 20 by ;i inches: and although but recently introduced, nearly !, have already been sold. ' i PRICE S10) UOXED AS'l) 8HIPPKD. .Small lKKks or circulars, showing' Its use,' can be had free at the office of th PofrC S. If. MANN. Rrooklsra, li. Y. . f sept U diwtf , L O. liox 3i. TOLTAN FEMALE INSTITUTE. SUtunton, ; Vsw . The 2ith annual session -beeins Sept. 23th, 1X7:1. .One of the ttrstchooU tor young la dies In the South. Twenty-three teachers and officers. See aery grand; , building el-, gant; health nnsarpttssed; feeble constltu lions here restored; pupils from all the States from Marj land to Texas. Board and Col lege Tuition for scholastic year. fz0. For catalogue jof 55 pazes add re , liov W. A. Harris. I'resiueni HLanion. a. , ,mw HOOP IRON, GLUE AND SPIRIT CASKS. 50 TONS ll, f anl 1 Wch'Hoop Iroof barrcbi Gluef ' .i.f 873 stariiard Hpiyit t'oAv"' RAILROADS 4 11 II m l. , i gcptD F, tf? KEltitNEH.1" ) ...i titi tiiit i F . ' ift A va ouiv a w a Jaij7 ADYEllTtrnESTS. Agents i&jsjt tcr; .o f i SE2nVVaK ClTiLAni:i . t . MAM-llENGINES: " : M. , XV1 j viitrv M'AOHfNPlRY' - AND -3 UUooary and Portable 8ienmKngino8 and '"' urmy a anu-irKuon cotton vru, . circular, gang: and mulay saw ratlin; port.' ble ant stationary flourlBs mUlu, sugnr cane mi I U and sugar pant, narrow gauge loco motives and dummy encinei for trprt roads and mlnlnepdrposes. new and vfcoivU hand Iron and Wood Worklne Machlnerv . ot every description. Send for cl real ar. WASHINGTON IKON WORKS. 0 Vesey street. New York. Kenmore University Hiffh Sohool ! AmhftrsK CI TT. Va. Weparatoryto the University of Va. 11 A fitrode (Math Medallist U VaV. Principal and in-siructor in matnemallcs 11 C 11 rock, it I, 1U U Va. (rocenUy Ass't Prof. Latin, U. Va). Instructor in Greek, Latin, French. German and Botany. This Is one ofthe loadlnc hlch cUooia of VlrjrtnJa. and presents mauv ad- Vantaxt incomparable with thoe of other k. Studead8 also received for the summer. News session; Depins Bepuioth, l&i. For catalogue, addroR tbo Prinoipal JulV2S)-4w AGENlS WANTED, FOR T1U5 NEW ROOK Epidemic ana Contaoons .: Diseases, with the newest and besf treatment for all cases The only thorough work of the kind i& the world Embraces small txtt. -vellnur fevcr.cholera and all analogous diseases. No family; safe without It, and atl buy It. Has 21 chromatic illustrations The bigget chance of the season fr agent. Address 11 8 Oood speed A Co, 37 Park Row.N Y JulySMw 1M0NP.Y MadP rapidly with Stencil & Key luuiipi check Outfits. Cutaloirues and full iJaniculars S. M. Si'Kncjlk, 117 Hanover street, Boston. A FORTUNE Howl Hy poculating in Ji Stocks and Gold : Gapltul, lo toflliu: will pay 5100 to fl,0COn month. Full expla nation sent free. W. F. Ul liUKLL rt, Co Rankers and RcokcrH, 3J Wall street, 1 1 Qif ffl 49ft P01" dai'! AKents.WttiiUd: All U)J U (PoU classes of working people, or eitherexounK oroldnaemoremoaey at work fof uk In their spre moments, or all the time, than atanythlnelfce. rartlcalars free,? Address G Htlnson & Co, Portland, Maine. July 20-1 w rffllK GRE.VTEBT IN VKNTlUN OF THE AG IS. .Agents wanted , every where. Samploa and-terms free. Address W. C. wALtsK, nusseivine, iy. . dray's Celebrated AjitfFrictToTCot j . ton Press. f The cJieapcst.Klmplest and most perfect cot ton screw ever Invented. fUnd for rrlfMilr ' atrecti NeV York7ole maractuirrs. ' " ' ' ' NEEDLES and attachments for all kinds Of Sewing Machines. ' tash orders promptly " ; flUcd or jentpr Ifixprqas C 0. 1. Address 1; G. MAX WELL. Charlotte. N. tl Uotttrikl Afiten,t tfto? Home SnuttloSewing Much lite . ,. QftAtfdtST CC1EME EVER Fatir.ii drand Milt Concert . . ! ,i ,roa iiEMxriT of nig , . PUBLIC LIBRARYOf KENTUCKY. .. i2,bod CASlr oiptw" $li5oo,oa i.. &&$p.9f too: inerounn urana win concert aathor ized by special' act of the LcsjUlaturc1 lor, the benefit of. thc PuhHc Library of Jfceji tucky, wil) takd place in Public Library 1 Hal. atLoulsvlUcJKT:. r i. . WEDNESDAT,,, DECEMBER :i. . uniy Bixty tnousana iidccts win he bid The tickets are divided into ten coupons or ' parts. , . , ; f At tbls concert," which will be tlic prand-" est musical displaji ever wit hesst' in . this country,. Um unprecedented ecm or- , , $1,300,0 OCX! .. fivlded into k 12,000 Cash sifte, will hi diy, Tilbuted by lot among the ticket holders. ' m: . - LI8T OT GLrTB: i One grand cash jrlt fi),0o0 One grand cash irift. 100, OCX) " One grand cash gift W),000 , One grand cash gilt. 25,000 One grand cash gift... ; 10 casU gilts 10,000 eadi 100.COO , , 'SO cash gifts , 5.000 each 150,000 , 50 cash gifts 1,000 each....... bQ.OW ; 80 cash gilts' 1 500 each, v....-' 40,000 , 1 100 cash gilts i! 400 each... ....n 40,000 ' 150 Cash glRs , . 300 each, 4$,000 250 cash gifU,,, 200 tach. ...... 50,000 . S25 cab gifts , 100 each .,. 32.500 ll.OWcash giJU ' a) each... '.... 550,000' Total, -12,0C0 gUts, all caih,' ' I, . amounting to .$1,500,000 The distribatlon will be pea Hive, wheth er all the tickets are sold or not, and the 11,003 gifts all paid In proportion to the ticket sold. . " PRICE OF TlCETSt s ! Wholr tickets $50 'j Dal vet 25 ; Tenths, or each Coupon, $5 ; Eleven Whole Tickets -for $500 f TickeU for $1,000 ; m Whole Tickets, for $5,000; 237 WJiole Tickets lor i0,o;o, wo.dUicount on ls than $500 worth bt Tic gets at a time. ' Tickets no w ready for sale, an d all orders 1 aceompanied by the money promptly tilled Liberal terms given to those who buy ta, sell again. " ! . ! J , TIIOS.'E. BRAMLETT E, ' Agent Pubt. Lfbr. Ky., and Manager Gift ' Concert, Pubt Libr: Bldg. , Louisville, Ky. -jj- n. jtiAExcirs, "VVlx o 1 b k a 1 o D oulu r l f y if ; - in UQU0RS, TOBACCOS SE0ABS, llPMNCJS88-;VSr. ADOVX FIU8T f 2TATWXAL DANK, . 't i WILMfNGTON, N. C, : ' I. S. A All) snpply of Ale and Laser Beer . la Hall and Quarter Barrels; . , ramiltes scprlted with Bottled Ale and Laaereer.-. itt u ' feb3 ; ;., . ; fAQrSTKATES BLANKS A full Hoe ' irr wm yiivii buvi iui Xeb 7t . J - it i- --vii ill on nana, ana lor sue ! : 0 G PALL, sr.:'- i It iU -i il I'tiijti I tl i U i,ti u.it '

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