N. J. I .rrrit. WiiitioTaw,;NC., )T(V I Jane 14; 18731 rtfe-dite the mUs will cfps iwsWrnorttlfefc matt;. a m. ?jriiM matriV. ..... . :4:80 p. mf Ui M VVf IU a . B - tcm, - - Ep K BMFK. P. II. i-irTfor ppenins knd closing f ihrtirv Aoeiation Reading 3Jk -'V-i ..vlrk n m. to 7Tt'clocki p Dl. I our ? itiirdav nights will be kept open ' 1 vlrK ' ' 11 1 ! v.... V Harris? i autnonzexui i Oto. . nni tn I any monevs duo the rosr."' VEII (JERKt Jias charts Of onrxitj: t lor auYcii-""1 wv-1.. . V 1 . , -r- 1 Aa ev, dae therefor. - r -U 'n r wnrTE carrier boys arc not autiior- 1 to rtCll COpiCfl Ul mu x yn i . CITY ITEMS.: nl service tiArmy--Weatheif; Iteport. OB6vK,8rri0y; vv ILMIWGTO w, ; September 16 - ( ol Ob" Biro .Thcr WJ A. M 5S-iS2 :'Sn i?rS EX otU. . 00 M m) P. M '83 INK frsh'Fair I Otto Schutzk, .)tjerrerf US 'A.'i ... .1 Klfliv xtrt finw " An. .' . -. Srrket street: " r ' ;i ? rfw ' 1 la rrat Eastern Circtwj arriTed last night hcUreat Eastern is expected to arrive about the 15th b0ctbbcr. . . f s ' L I !' I I Mayor's Court. I Honor W. 1. UAN a day, Mayor, presiding. . - The only case before this tribunal I'hnrrrfA With MS uiai. ui 1'v.w . - ! . -i n nnnr on Sundav. Case submitted 1 I th offender was rcquiretl to ante 1 i ... ') I w i . Ni;v York, Norfolk andlh arll- i n Railroad. A surveying pany oi jxw stopping at hiu io-lay, which has been on the proposed mo oi uns nen-iuiiu. ; . .t . If tvi 1 1 l.nro.J. road. It win oe re- j t t A.1 '' t VI membcred that tli? design itormaKe ah - - w-- A fin air line nmtUr. ill uiiuuaitJivii w tnv Wlon Uoad, and to ignore Wiiming- Vm entirely. It is to be hoped it never will he built. ' ) .1 . ; i : . r I'ONJrWNli AND ITS RESULT. A f'OW lays ago, in the, vicinity of Magnolia, a hitc man supposed that a colored man had conjured him by throwing some filers in the path which lie traversed i!v, and swore dire vengeance against e Opposed conjurer. Upon meeting row the suunoed coniurer. Upon meeting ' I I - . ' I - I,;,,, h immofl ut.pl v . nnin.Pi.rrrl a ro, mv movement of his arm. which had 1 ' 1 the effect of spillinir the conjurer's cla- I Thp roninrer not likin such i)lav. ..oured forth his comnlainte into tlie I ympathizing ears of a dispenser of jus- th e, who adjudicated the case, and fined the white man $100 and cost for having ?0 "j n uie sense" as to supposel he could bo. coniured. !?: I v r-... V not her ARXlCfiOjF, -ppiM o n I HoUt!EI10I.P USE SuFPERSEDED As !'xiatc4 with the earlier recollections pf a great many men and women is the j memory of tho Bath brick and emery Mone wherewith thc knives and torts, aud pans and kettles, and other kitchen 1 articlei were at stated times "scoured up " That primitive mode prevails to- I emery stone any more, fcapolio not I uniy scours olt all rust and tarnisn, it I 1 " " . ' -1 '- ..I aftr; brr ish fl as new, and does it in one , tenth the 1 uuo required jjy any otner suDstance. i crerywherc. Housekeeiers,; try it. Southern Musical Journal. ptember number 'juit:but7 and as bright and interesting: asi ever. The amount of music , and reading matter given in thik popular monthly U really nderful,fwheii;itsloTTpricis consid ered. Volume No. 2 (finished with this number) contains one lmndred and ninety-two pages (sheet music size) of the very best reading matter, and nearly a hundred pages of beautiful music? n rth at retail over $12, and all for only ne dollar, " Summer Stars," song and chorus, by rersley ; ! " Cradle 8' Mendelssohn j1 Beautiful Blue Danube 'altz," Strauss; "Sweet and Low," quartette; "Good-Night," quartette; published this month,, aro alone worth the price of a year's subscription. Great inducements will be offered for subscri pts to volume No. 3-tho1 finest pre miums cTr given with any dollar mag azine, i Specimen copy pent fre. nd your address to Ludden & Bates, Pb-H-hcr, Savannah, Ga. J. W. Holden, Esq. i$ temporarily in charge of thc editorial columns of the uy m tuousands oi iamiiics wno nae jn respectfully a advocating thc. idea hold primary meetings in each county scriptions, and in thc upper stories lived never used SapoliV.1 But s once net Sa- a4n(j uygipg the cstablihment)fji tele- and appoint delegates to a meeting to the famiiic9 0f tl0e who had their bu- polio be used for this purpose and that graph line. oubma siness and callings in the shops housewife never wants Bath brick or WUmington and our community of pi- nose nf consulting and devisiue some and stands of the plaza. Here . . i . t t . ii ti. . i TL1IJ JTOvvii cnnrrt J I- :rs. i'leaant. i it'' i -Gold is 1111. ! - Pave the 'streets. - Read the new ads. Cool nights for sleeping. I ro. xerry oi xne opiriz oj ine youin. the citv. - Aavcraaementaare the increase. Bring yiffi yrj "7 And We Graphic ball lie.itcnt, i . -, . . ' VMled and alone. KlltnniPr nr .rror 4 . NRCbl. J. O. Green retured to-dav, , , . . ... Largest shrimps and prawns of the . , - . ; icnn r-wnw. K-... U 1 ft oon,jbyMr. A. W. Williamson, cf (Vrightsville. Some of the.latter meas- fircf! fully seven inches. Hon. R. 8. iPreueh,, attorn ey,or D. &. Massej charged with fdfery will appear before Julge Russell, Saturday next, br a writ of habeas corpus. torc- ducc his bailj Heis ndf Weld w .two suuijls 1U LUL, DU1U Ul uvcuuumtu UU1 lars each. 1 H I! Si ! f I 3 1 1 61 mithville, Brwkfe cell feU: September 11th, 187J. 1 rtf Honorable the fomfr I i l)' I T7 (InnsnFx nf Wthntmitnn ' I iir . xcruiitnu uuwsisjgu-! ljrdially to, appeal to yurnqwn nil mirnoin rw I f vnji41i v vl At ? 4-u 1 rrv.vxv --io; xtl lvr 1 prosperity r of Wilinirigton, 1ma ;to re-1 quest your leading co-operation last bur v siness men of established reputation, on I . ! ii.iit.ij: ; behalf of the comniercuU ticccstdy of I ftfWhlc compiuhicattoi befufcW)four dtf 1 andihie."-. In! daily contaclvwith the J i shipping interest 'of our 'portj5 1 have J 1. gaineu - in assurancQ ot speaiung tneinspecie and a four dollar bill in old .i au-a, ..ariJL-. tlti. I 14lrtl ""f t iWp WwyC trdnf. . -f intarMianira oo- H hiof it. nod. I . .,.-fe uw vmv. ..-1,v . imtrut in me way-oi nueruuursu uiu i 1. ii i- j. : i. i a loreign niarkcts4 '! Owing to the low, now glowly but surely improviug capa- city of oar bar and river-bed, fully one- third or the ennro of all out-bound ves- seisan(i frequently f those in-bound also, is snippea here ironr on 11 sneers :i .. - - ' 1 t : . . i. . . w - - but thc time and expense of lightering I are mainly dndent: upon' rapid ex change of orders and messages between vessels here and tbcij consignees, bro kers; and consuls in Wilminjrton. " We are brouglit to your port' say intelli gent seafaring men, '.by your price of j freight, but are deterred from coming arain bv tlie inconvenience and the tim and money it takes to get our; full cargo on board.' i With Tieithen rail nor steam to Wilmington, your semi-weekly J. A ttTil ! i .... .....1 ...nl'l.r I l mil,Siyu V" Vf I mail is simply an outrage as nieans o- I ward saving wnai to us snippers ia i - 1 i j : . l-i. oven more tnan money time. it I mdecd, evident, tnat next wgoou ireiguu i and tbe good hope of an; improved bar, I there can be lio better inducement of- J - fered to foreign shipping jtbafi the pro- J mise. of quick clearance,! dispatch in I lightering, ready ' towage arld handy pilotage to and frp, all 4wlucli, under I recirciunstanccsjarfattoinable - only,! through telegraphicjmterchange,'; ty, iob- lifts its toice in' fitvior of ; the measure, as the warning finger of Old I proljabilities " will Virtually fernaih in-I Tisiulc to our 'shippers as5 long as the I wcjthcr bureau of Wilmington is not I removed to Smithville, a vicinity of nat- I Ltral fitn, fnV aUi' station and fitn gtorm observations. v -yr .T OS i r , T info ftmithville I hare nO'suestions I tr. rVitmrlp to vour itiractical business tn htnide to vour inracticul business 1 . . taient to thc modua operandi or the means to be femployed in establishing thisr great neei. Allow me, however, to request your attention tohc fact, that as , the shipper's year South opens next month, whatever is done in the matter ought to be done now. I have thc honor to bo, Very respectfully,' K. 3L Rovft; I nsjicctor? fTHE Sword and ' tiIe Pen -The sword of the rwarrior was ' taken down for the Durpose of bcins polished. It bad not been lonir out of use.. The rust w.beFbff. WtfiereW ots that would not eo they, were of blood. The sword was placed on the table, near th TkAii of thc warriors secretary, ine , . 1 . " it S.i l liirh plied, the pen, '1 Art more powerful than thou art ? but 1 love not thy socie tv." " I cxte-nninate1! said.thc sword. " And I perpettiate,' answered tne pen Srefty vfate.fl l'rm them not?' Even where thou thyself shalt fine day, bcin the .lake of oh- lirion." i H The Universities of Gottigen. and Heidelberg, ilike those of St . Andrew's and EdinUirgh,vhaT. resolved not to aamtt female students. ; rwn took advaniacrc oi ine nrst ureaiu i puonsnea in r ayeiieviuu xvi.r, w nfnlr tn mor a little further off. "Thon Ithe reoucst that the Wilminjrton t .rWliiL.'MiJ 4Ke sword. , " I ani a bad 1 W. Mornuta Mar, Wilmington neiehlior." "I fear thee not," re- I and Robesoninn be requested to copy. IT The Raleiglf say TiSro hundred and fifty hands, and sixty mules and wagons are pow employed on the fair rotmdsnand buildings. The Raleigh Sentinel is informed by I the Internal Revenue Collector for that Strict f that the collection receipts for the week just ended amount to 10, 461 CO. Statesville has a little $200 organ in af cndrelu there, and the Intelligencer tays it is a grand piece of workmanship, its tone, make-up and finish being all mfviJic most anient lover oi music cofild1 desire. Statesville has a peach tree which, having been disappointed last summer, in !not being able to "bring forth abun dant fruit," because of the late frost, has concluded to make another effort, and is now in full bloom. s In a small town in this State called Charlotte an enterprising merchant has nttca up a vummy man, aressea up in a neatly fitting suit of clothes, and the 1 fv . xU 1. :t 1 I i ri.if i -f r - s;i v s i in" i-iiiiiiihii ih .h iiiwiri it. i f u" ' 11 r, - ,,ic i. I - 1 I Charlotte has a magnctizer, and tlxe I - i Observer tells of some of his remarkable I doings and . the influence he has over many people, but it don't seem that he niake thn.buy any more of the sew ing machines ot which he is the agent. I The Goldsboro Standard says Edward I Tr.il T..1. it.. ,1 1 ? A 'r:i I ano: fcdmund Wurman were arrested on Friday morning for breaking open a I car at ine v. oc . iv. ix. warenouse, -4 - . tt t iit -r - i I? a box contain-1 fcs ghoes. The Goldsboro Messenger learns from I its Greene county correspondent that 1 a few davs aso, while 3Ir. Lon?:, a car- penter, was engaged in taking out some ceiling in a house owned by Mr. W. C. Hadley, he found a bag containing $27 T. . . . continental money, ocanngaate oi io. ml . 1 i 1 1 jLae nouse is supposeu 10 nave uucu uu- cupied about tnat time by a Mr. Jbemuei ... ...... . --- i Hardy, and the money was probably placed between the ceilings to hide it from the British. The Raleigh Acuts tell of a fire that nno..rr(A nt. fliimn T.hskp.1 nr.ir t.liat I x ' I :i.f '..i..oir I ii;v, UU kjclbuiu.djr nielli hi 1.11 w v.iuv-ij b ' hich thc officcw quarters were de- stroyed. Lt. DeRussy lost from $800 j to $1,000 by the removal of furniture, I W C regret 10 leant mux mviu a i ir i i 1 4-U..4- l. 1 great liisiiDoruiiiaiion anu iiisorueny i a i i" i I i : . I i - COnuuCL Oil me piirt ui .uiiic ui mu uiu x i i. i f i. .. companies, two oi wnicu leio me scene i against tlie express omcrs oi uie vniei i Engineer for them not to do so. Thc mattcr is to jc investigated. . , Meeting in Bladen C 'V.ti.... ... nlnrlnn " 1 .1. .1 TT x,. At a meeting of thc timber makers m Bladen county, Held at J.iizaDetn . Til 1 .1 town on Monday, fccptember atn: un motion ol JJuncan romanic, j. y, RUss was called to the chair and J. I W. Purdie was requested to act as Sec- retary. The object of the meeting having been explained by the Chairman to be to devise some means by which the gross abuses in the measurement thc port of Wilmington co could I'ber remedied, the following resolutions wcrc offered by W. J. Sutton, Esq., for the consideration of the meeting and urianimously adopted Bcsolred, That the citizens of Sampson, Cumberland, Harnett, Richmond, Robe- son, Columbus, Brunswick and Moore, interested in making timber for the Wilmington market be requested to remedv for the correction of thc abuses I. ..' .o....it l m the measurement oi timoer in ine StJS a. twenty delegates to said Chairman apioint twenty delegates to said meeting : The following gentlemen were ap pointed under the second resolution : Col. J. A. McDowell, W. J. Sutton; Gilmor Edwards, J. McKay Robeson, Joseph Russ, Daniel Leonard, John M. Freeman, Ja-s. Lescsne, John McDow ell, jr., W. H. Porter, John M. Edwards, John H. Tatom, Tohn Munroe, C. P. Mallett, Jr., C. W. Lyon, D. 31. Sutton, Mcl. Tatom, John S. Melvin, H. R. Francis and J. W. Clark On motion of Col. McDowell, the names of the Chairman and Secretary were added to the list of delegates. On motion Jiesolvetl. That the proceedings be ith Jour Pof?T y. J. W. Rusis. Chm'n. J. W. Purdie, Sec'y. Elizabethtown, Sept. 8, 1873. Accorftog to thc French journal, the I rks for the construction of thc new f fQT ar0und Paris are to commence on the fifteenth of September, and it is ex Dcctcd that they will be completed in ten months. These forts, twenty-seven in number, will, it is stated in eorape- slcse of Paris impossible. STATE & " 1 " A.A. .11. f ' IiiVTEST BY TTTTiTiQ-IlAFII. niCHIGAIT, "5 i Grand Ha vex, September 16. The propeller Iron Sides, -of the En- glemann line, connecting with the le- troit and Milwaukee railwav, and one of the largest steamers on the Lake, foundered and sunk seven miles off this port at noon to-day. Her signal of dis tress was hoisted at J a. m., but so ter rible was the sea and heavy the wind no assistance could reach her. She la bored in the trough of the sea from about 8:30 a. in., until the time she sunk. The passengers had tret)ared x a the boats to leave hex at 10:30 o'clock and the last boat left at 11:50. When the last boat had got about a quarter of a mile from her she went down. There were five boats filled with the crew and passengers and one boat containing five men and four women capsized and only one man of the party reached the shore. Four boats have reached shore up to this time Qnc cig Capt A. , . I ""v"0n. i . . . i nan not vpt, hppn hpnrH frnm If. w icartn I j . they, are among the lost. Thirty-two uasseiicrs are xuonn 10 xiae occu S!ivor nnrl fnuwrn lwwi; r0,l Tn Snntlipmprs Grand Rapids, Sept. 15 Midnight. The express train going east on the Detroit and Milwaukie Railroad, which left Grand Raoids at 6:30 o'clock n. m.. consisting of thirteen coaches and one Uinn Mn fT 4V, .1- lmtAnn lxweii ana Ada. it is rumored tnat the entire train went into a ditch, kill- in"r twenty persons anu wounainjr many i a l .t .. . others. Physicians are now leaving for the sceno of the disaster, and prepara- tions are being hastily made for the re- lief of the sufferers. Detroit, September 16. The Rondout Lutheran Church, sev eral stores and stables, have been burn ed. Los $50,000. NEW YORK. Xew York, September 16. The Times says that Father O'Farrell, pastor of St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church, informed his parishioners on Siiriflnv lit. t.hnt. lin wislip. to rpt.rar.t J n,.ti,; :t:i i, .o.r nA an nuiip uivuviuiiai uv imiv oi -vi to them during his canvass' of the parish for pupils for his new parochial school, and adds : This action on the part of 4 1. T . T7 11 : . . ' 1 1 1 mu x;v. kj raiiun is sam iu nau wcu ixi ...ix ... i . xi . . x . x xk-.. iiiu result oi an uiuiuiuioii lruin mu iu- i uiwmra ui mu v-aiuuiit vuuitu tui lxi a. i,ii..t i. : tueextruiiiu measures reorieu lo uy nun were not approveu. The Commissioners of Education have taken an intense interest in thc affairs of thc first ward public school, the ex istence of which had been threatened by the clergy of St. Peter's Church, and have expressed their firm intention to uphold in that ward, at all hazards, the system of public instruction which has been so persistently assailed. Havana letters giving thc particulars of thc late conflagration there says: "The Tacon market, or plaza del Vapor as jt Was iopularly known, was an ex- tensive bnilding of masonry, forming a f I square of about 600 feet front on the east side, two stories high and was built for the general purposes of thc market. The quadrangle or immense court of this vast face was filled with numbers of booths, wooden sheds and other buildings were occupied by hucksters and butchers, while the lower floors of four sides of the building comprised a variety of shows and stores of all de- were to be found .roods of everv kind of manufacture. The actual loss of life is not known Thus far it is variously estimated at from twenty to fifty. The loss of property has been variously es timated, the lowest putting it at $3,000, 000 and the highest at $8,000,000. First frost this morning. Thc veterans of thc Mexican war have resolved to form a permanent organiza tion. MISSOURI. St. Louis, September 16. Fifteen thousand negroes, formerly daves in the' Indian territory, arc mov- ing for a territorial government. They nrmyKn holding a convention in the j. O Choctaw territory. ARKANSAS. Little Rock, September 16. H. Tucker, the oldest banker m the State, has suspended. He has abun- PW tu ' his 15tlolfc j CANADA. St. Cathabixes, Sept. 1G. Thc vacht Sphrnx was picked up I reoorts three lost. DAOOTAII. Yakktost, September 16. waived an examiitSn, a nHj was Com mitted for trial. LOUISIANA. Shbeveport, September lt. ; There werejtwehty-twojdeatljs .yester day,1 and many deaths last night. HARYLAITD. Baltimore, Sept. 16. The next session of the Grand Loilgc. of Odd Fellows convenes at Atlanta, Georgia. CABLE DISPATCHES. ENGLAND. Loxdon, September 16. Fifty-eight buildings have been burn ed in Aukland, New Zealand. Loss $250,000 If ta mtonilMl tft onvt rn a u 1 1 ltlr ... v.lv-v v- v. 1 u . r T 1 piinjK m tcuu c ui iiuuuuu Maiura b the memory of Wycliffeand Tyndall, ! i connection with their efforts to secure a free and open Bible" for the peppte. COMT.iTTTlCTATt ; . WILMINGTON MARKET. Grades of Rosin Adopted by the rro- 1 A BlteM Or ....;...Low SKl H No. 1 H.Common Strained C Strained D Uood Strained I Kxtra No. 1 K Low Pale M lale N ..JixtraPale K No. 2 F Kxtra No. 2 Window class and water white irrades are not lettered. Some persons grade one erade hlzher. be ginning with I and running to X. TUESDAY, Sept, 163:30 l M. Spirits Turpentine Xo transac tions reported. Rosin Sales of 316 bbls of II. or No. 1 at $2 75, and 105 do of N. or ex tra Pale at $4 62 per bbl. Crude Turpentine Sales' of 200 bbla at $2 for Hard and $3 50 for Yel low Dip and Virgin. ! TAR Sales of 76 bbls at $2! 50 and 73 do at $2 60 bbl, an advance of 10 cents. Cotton Sales of 2 bales at 15 cts, 2 at 17, 3 at 171, 39 at 18, 5 at 19, 2 a 17 cents per tt. Receipts per railroad of naval stores as appears on the bulletin board of the Produce Exchange Sept. 16 : J p tt HviIpk. 93 423 1,662 200 149 I v ' i gpjyj Turpentine (bbls ) i . t i i i QrU(e Turpentine (bbls ) I 1 V ' ' ' i uoj, by telegraph.J NEW YORK MARKETS. New York, September 16. Cotton weak. Sales of 520 bales. Uplands 201 ; Orleans 20 cents. New cotton offered lower. Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat quiet and steady. Corn scarce and firmer steam western mixed 65(r 68 cents. Tork quiet and firm at $18. Lard old steam, 8fC8 11-16 cents: Turpentine steady at 43(5' 43J cent. Rosin steady at 3 10 for strained. Freights'firm. FINANCIAL. dy telegraph. New York, September 16. Stocks irregular. Money firm at 6 fi cent. GoldlllJ. Exchange long 108 f; ghort 109. Governments dull and steady State bonds steady. , FOREIGN ETAltHETS. London, Sept Weather wet and unfavprable. 16. New Fives 9H. Liverpool, Sept. 16. Cotton quiet and unchanged. Sales J Qf 10,000 bales ; speculation and export 2,000. Breadstufis firm. Corn 31s. 6d. Port of Wilming-ton, Sept 10. 1873 ARRIVED. Steamer R E Lee, Robinson, Fay Seville, Williams & Murchison. Steamer A P Hurt, Worth, Fayette- ville, Worth & Worth. Tarnpian. YoJD?. LiveiDOol. 50 days,rick & Mebrane. 400 tons salt. r;i!e rennent, rjscuncut, awuuuu, 52 days, in ballast, E Beschau. Sclfr Nellie Star, Poland, liath, Me, I g jaVj,t J H Chadbourn & Co, with ice j for J E Lippitt & Co. CLEARED. Steamship Pioneer, Wakelcy, Phila delphia, Worth A Worth. Steamship Metropolis, Nnkcr-on, New York, Barry Bros. Steamer R E Lee, liobinon, raycuc- ville, Williams & Murchison. Steamer A P Hurt, Worth, Fayette--ille, Worth & Worth. Schr Idabella. Fischer, New ork, Williams & MurchLon. HECEIPT8. PER RIVER STEAMERS, &t. Steamer Hurt 119 bbls pirit, 250 do rosin, 12 bales sheeting. - Steamer Lee 3W ddm nm, oi no I .pints, 13 do ter, 4 do turpentine. EXPORTS. COA E. New York Steamship Metropolis t r i.'in DDIs, rosin. S61 do nints. LVJ do h Ur, 550 do turpentine, 28 bales cotton, iZ2 uusneis peanuts, 80 bbU flour. f ? Schr Idabella 2,246 hbU rosin, H) do spirits, T bales cotton . J Alii) PhiladelphiaSteamship Plonccrrt j x 112 bales cotton, 17 do sheeting, 11 do fcv ra'rn, 191 casks spits turpentine, 185 bbl Ur, 863 do rosin, 228 bushels pea- : J nuts. 182 bbls crude turpentine 8 bars nrI wool, 8 pkgs mdse, 23 empty ale bbU, tr n , 120 tons iron, 12,0W feet lumber. List of Vessels Sailed for this , I Port. .; ... ! , i ANTWERP. u r i Ger Elise & Anna, "Wendt. eld Aug 23 ra -. ; if grimsby. y.y Juno, Lindt,' eld Aug 22 V-Hl EXETER. Br Abby, Eastman, ld Aug V .S M ST. NAZIE. mv Ger Malvin A Schutte, Krogen, i 4 " eld Julv 17i.4V. : DUNKIRK: ' V . x i Eintmcht, Schuekert, ' eld Aug 25 . GEETEMUNDE. Bossc, eld Aug 22 BOSTON. ' . '.'"-j, Swed Sophie Amelia, Bingston, eld Sept C LONDON. Sophia Gorbitz, Gorbitz, eld Aug 2 G N Gredlohen, Dethloss, eld Aug 6 Von-dcr Rohistorf, Plageman, eld Aug S . Douglass, AVilson, shl June 2 Gr Barque Victoria, Schutz, eld Julyl'S A3ISTERDAM. Elizabeth Cath, Anderson, eld Aug 8 S. PIERRE. Schr A Rickards, sld June 2s ' I GRAVESEND. Ard,' Jackson, sld Sulv 2b LIVERPOOL. Geo Adolph, ent. out aug 29. Carl' August, Petteson, eld Aug 12 Leda, Midler, entered out Aug .12 ' Br Barquentino Elizabeth Taylor, sld Aug 1 Exampler, Robert, ld July 1ST Nor Brig Alker, Sarscn, sld July 17 Vitruvius, Drummond, sld May 22 BELFAST, ME. Schr S J Gilmore, Dutch, sld June S , Nor Barque Ulrika, Pcttcrnon, sld July 29 GLOUCESTER. Barquo Landho, Olsen, sld Jitlv 12 NEW YORK. Schr Mott Bedell, VanRcynegoni, eld Aug 12 Schr Sunny South, Dcrrickson, j eld Aug 12 Schr John Kelso, Kelso, eld Aug 19 Schr John Mossere, Adams, eld Aug 8 BANGOR. I Schr. Addie L. Cutler, Smith, eld Aug. 2 PLYMOUTH. Oceana, Aslacksen, eld April 10 HAMBURG. Dutch Kobe. Karaaler, eld June 10 Br Zion Hill, Davis Maria Heyn, Beck, Flosta, Anderson, St Olaf, Hascel, DEAL. C Neuman Gaxlebehn, NORWAY. eld May 10 sld July 23 sld July sld July IV,. dd Aug 14 sld Aug 12 Maria Rose; Schultz, List of Vessels in this Port. BARQUES Ger barque Mynheer, Tc ion, E lV-chati dis. E lV.-rhau Barque Bertha, Schwartz Norwegian Ostcrlidc, 1)1.1 en, lis, Henle Ihos E IVsclum r tt... 1.1.1. r.. .1: . tci ivuuoipii, x uskc, uis BRIGS Alice Lea, Foster, dL-, Harris tV Howell. Ger Dorotha. Reetzke, dis, E leschau. Else Eschriciit, Eschriclit, E IVschau Taneian, Young, Vick & Mcbatie SCHOONERS Schr Ella Hobson, Nickerson, dis., F. W. Kcrcliiu r Schr Henrietta, I-iingley, dis., Northrop &Cuhiniing David Miller, Fletcher, dis., G. if. Darker. Schr John A Griffin, Foster, dis., Harris & Howell Nellie Star, Poland, dis, J II Chadbourn V Co. MISCELLANEOUS, STATE FAIR 1 8 7 3. Thirteenth Grand Annual Fair or THE Horti Carolina Agricultural Society, RALEIGH, X. C. October 13th to 18th, 1873. Ten Thousand Dollara In Premium. New and attractive Oroaiid. Magnificent Buildings. Accommodation for teatlng 8,UW peeprc. I tail road arrangetnenU the mwt liberal ever made wlUi any Ajrrtctiltural or Me chanlcal Hociety in the mate. Artldea for exhibition tranupbrtcl KHKl-i, and delivered from the. cars within the Oroands. Fare for passengers on railrondx in North Carolina Vfr per mile. Excursion tralas from every direction daily. Hpeclal tralnH for the passenger will run to the ; round from the dty every nfieen minutes. J-are only TEN CENTH. lion. Daaiel Voorbecs. of Indiana, will deliver the Annual AddresH.. KsRay on the cultlvntion of cotton by Da vid IMckson, Esq., of Cieorgla. Urasd lrlze dliulbutlou of UIXJDED HTtKJK. WEKTiiN. the great pedestrian, in hi won derful feats of endurance. TWO J1ANDH OK MUMIC. single adminsloa to the iroands, ; -jOc Mingle adinisslan for children under 12 years of ago. Hend for Iremlnm List. T. M. lluLT, Tretldent. It. T. FULQHUM. ecy. aug 10-td SUGAR, COFFEE AND MOLAS 8ES. 250 BARRCL8 Huwr all gralf. 387 ack Ooffcc Laguayra, Rio and JaVa, 250 hhds and bbl. Cuba MoIrhhc.", 325 hhds. and bbU. S. H. Molassc. . ' ,cpJ t. W. KCUClllt, Wf ' I .

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