' It off ninv ft ""Hn Mil WILMINGTON, N. C.V-SAMSEPTEEk 20, 18 VOL VII. NO. 106 It Kf-ih full .J v .'H r a a m a a. "PI! ill ill iiiiiiifi r i jtl '! lit ' J , . ,,v. ry .iM:rn'xm except Sunday. s ' MANN..B'tiityr and Proprietor v " subscription. ..I inttovM "V ''. . OO US in advance - .hi. in ail vatice . . . - - I ' if mn.r.'J-" .Hi. in i :A ".' an r - t ' . . .i i i f the State, on toyies of reo-( Political Bt,W "H rH I'olUicAl nc.w LOPEfl & DOUGHTEN, V A J-j u it ii ASU SOUTHERN PRODUCTS, Phil.'ulelpliia, la. ,,i!v (ii " at KHV-.-l ui;iiim;i. hi.:i., i. c oa'-'K'N iivc tiud Irciis. -J ...V '!. ; N' Si()Vi'HOir VNV, , !.'?, I'M I. I0)r)CKV t;TKRRT. ti,i, Ci,mp:ii'V ' I ' i' ' 1 h i '5 icoii(.: ii vii- 1 '" . . , "... . i 1 .. 1 .... .. Innro I i ..f ill IS (l int-ii "in " iii.iuui.i-.uni i . .i .-i. (ii.iiiiif-iAhivti f'.ii rti ,;cIiimp on KTins asiiwrni as enn in ln-lof h'i.v NoiUiern establishments. In iiiiini i'iS!iH"is ot ail v. i asses, we mane tvinti'i't!ii -I Wurks a specially. Fronts, i;-itt, llil')VT vv ;ire, .-venuu i ,i i;.-, om i l'ii.-, sel lnnn, ite.U'.w.iy.s on nan i; ami ,y.. . ,1 1 f -! f 111'' ItMl'lI !')'! OF UtTS lOOlir . 1'ti rn f ii'i-rpn e .icuii lur circii ai sjinu . .. ii-: .. i tine ') i 1 .i'rrh;i!i'iisr iJroki'rao ()Hu-et L'l.'LI, !i i'' ot samples eoiistaiitly oo iiaii'l ir. mi imp )it"i ami in.mn;aeUiiei in i il '.-'rii'tioii ot ln'TThati'tise. oi'ncrs I Ih U -oii." lii-.l .iini telcraplK.''! lu inoptly. '.. i -,-ii i -1 . 1 - i'nis;iit. aiil sold in tins i l . .. . I . ... I I iiiicci, oiii'T.-i iiDiii outers Miiuiirii, tiin mi''!'--. !'.! 'y l lio s will have prompt at- iilioil. I'ime as well ;is easli pnrehases not iated, wii' t'.ici yon wi.sh to tuy or sell, coniniu'ii i.itcl freely, aiel often vith your loeal broker. JAS. T. rKTTKWAY, Mercliaiulise and Produce Broker. d r JJ LSI tf UlitlSVKS S201 s MO It K II K A IJ CI T Y. CAUTI'Jli'J-.' COUNTY, N. O. 01'lLy HttiiURD, Proprietor. This spleielid Sea Side Watering Phwie, iijaio(l at Keuuforb Harbor, will be .oyten fir ii,,. rv -option of guests ou Monday, Juno 16th, 1873. . I I'H ACKNOWLEDGED TO I3E THE MOST DELIGHTFUL URF BATIIINa "n tin- Atlantic coast, of the Unite I States ! i'-'-Mneil to be the terminus of the great iitliern Paeiiie Railroad. Unsurpassed ii'ilities lor splendid iiailiug, Fishing and Hat liitiif. TbeKteamer Zodiac, Capt. VVm. II. Chapln; '"inmaiidec, leaves direct ior Now York every week. Parties wishing to engage rwms, will please address as above., . july lU-3m INSURANCE. IKK AND FIIIK INSURANCE CAN BE ifleeted at the lowest current rates in the loliowiuj; respunsible Companies, ou ap plication to KV YORKLIFK IN3UUANCE- i-OAl I'A N V, Asset tB A),iW0,0U0 . .,r,f J. A. KYUNR.tJmi l Ins. Agt., ' l-U.Ml'AN V, ot Loudon, Assetts , w - ,000,009, Gold L NUIIL K(i iNSU BANCK AND BANK- 1-NU COMPANY of Va.,asetg $61o,:J30 POM UNION INSUKANCiS COMPA- U Va . assetti. SmtltlO BVKNK A KUi:NAN, vien'l Insifranee Agents, UiUoe Chamber ot Commerce, upstairs. Wilmington, N..C. "" 16 " 77-ly Howard Y.-.-e-uUion. IMiila., I?a. A Institution having a high reputation "'r Ihmhm ble eouduet and prole ssiohal skill. :V'U,1S nryeou, J 8 HOUGHTON, M D. .'7',,-s ,ur 'ng men sent free of charge, viuircss, Uu.ward Association No 2 South Ninth St, Philadelphia, Ta. BAItBER SHOP J TUitNUU wishes to in torn) his custo mers and publie generally, that he Is now spared to do all kind of work iu ills line, ai J would respectfully request a coutinua- ll'-n the patronage which has heretofore h-n soUiberally bestowed upou him. THOMAS OONISrOR N E. corner of Malbsrrj and.Nutt SU. i Alwayi 's on hand the beat quality of Sega j 4c Parker & talok Successors to A. II. NEFF, lanulactuxers and dealers ia UOUxe FUIitflSUMG GOODS, Uun Stoves, Lanterns, Kerosene, Oil Tin aud.See Iron Warp., toofing doiie at8lfort?ii6tlce Agents for Fairbanks Scales. . , No. ltf Front Street; no,,,1 l TON ,N ,C. nov 1 MISCELLANEOUS. A. ADRIAN. M. VULI.KIvp! WtH)l,K.l,K IIRAliEKS IN in rocerics laud JUi Imprrters of ficrmari and Havana Cigar-., -Arft-' . ' 1 O o ni rn i t i oii' aTc 1 . i a 1 1 1 il tir.ving.tlie l?rc-;t viv best as'r'l J-'f M'lr rrtl! it 1 their uitprrt topveys a cU , neioi e nuy mg eiseTTuert. ! innv 17-tf Butter, Motes, Syrnp. Hams. JU8T REOEIVJZD, EX STEAMERS METROPOLIS uud Choice Goahen Batter, t A No. 1 Mascoyaio MolassoM, X'N6. i;Goldqn:8yip.V ; Extra choice '"Magnolia" Ham . in addition to above, dally arrivals of Ha con. Hay, Corir,.S H Syrup in hTirrel , tier ces, and hogsheads, Iud, Kugars, iVc. Kr ai'.e low lv I JIN FORD. CROW & O. jane 25 ; THE "SILVER TONGUE." 'ORGANS i Tho best ORGANS of the Keetl class IN THE WORLD. The Best for Churches and Lodges. The Best for Sunday Schools. Tbc Best for Parlors and Vestries. The Best for Academies and Colleges. The Best for Public Halls. " 1 The Best for Orchestra and Stage. These instruments, which for sweet ness of tone and clegan.ee of appoint ment stand unri vailed, have met with unprecedented success in this country and abroad. . MANUFACTURED BY E, P. NEEDHAM & SON. ESTABLISHED IN 1816. Nos J 43, 145 & 147 East 23d st. N Y Responsible parties applying for agencies in sections still unsupplled, 1 will receive prompt attention and liberal inducements. Parties residing at a distance from our au thorized agents, may order lrom our factory. Send for illustrated nrice list, i aug 26-tl" TO THEWESTMTO THE WEST! Dclore making your anaugemcuts to fol low the advice of the lthousands who have already gone," it would be wc1! to consider what has been done to make the journey to your ''Homes in the West" as pleasant and iree from danger as human skill and lore- sight can accomplish, i By consolidation and eonstnxttioii, a roud has been put into operation on the bhortest possible line from Nashville, Tenn., to St. Louis, "the future great City of the world." This line, tho ST. LOUIS A; SOUTHEASTERN KAIL WAY, has, during the past year, turned au envia ble reputation by its smooth track, prompt time, sure connections, and the manili cence of its passenger equipment. Its trains are made up of new aud commodious day cars, provided with the celebrated Mil ler coupler and p'alform, aud the Westing house airTtfrake f r "'."'!' It is positively tlie ouly line lunniug Tullmau Palace' Drawing-Boom Slijcpin Cars through without change irom Nash ville to SU Louis. No other line pretend to offer 'such advantages, either in distance, time, or equipment. Why, then, journey 6y circuitous routes? Do not be induced to purchase tickets to St. Louis or the West by any other line, remember that The "St. Louis & Southeastern'' is the shortest, cheapest, quickest, best and only line under one management irom Nashville 'to St. Louis,' and is from CO to COO miles the shortest to St. Louis, Kansas City, Omaha, Denver, California, , Texas, and all western points. U is also the "Chi cago Shortest Line," via Evansvilie. You can secure the cheapest , rates for yourselves and your movables on applica tion , sPerionJ j 1r&er r to the atidcrsJgnedT .r n 1 ' I t Hi n luei W rilHAVKNPOHT. ' ! i ' Qenearaclrt'Ajrebfc'8CfLoui5.,? jttlyi, $ inn -- ttn rfhfx'uD CoUec ffeet ipblfsjumem., or. MISCELLANEOUS. "" f'i ! A'T'T'TITrfcT''1 Y-,Jftt4! run' oitLY fiiB 6EH0IHE FAIRBAHK'S VSCEESf MANUFACTURED II Y E. k T FAIRBANKS k StockScaies, Coal Scales, Hay Scales, Dairy Scales, Counter Scales, Ac, Ac. Scales repaired promptly and reasona : bly. TTI K M)ST rKKFKIT ALARM GASH DRAWER, Allies Alarm Till t: EVERY Mcrciiant biJOUI.l) ujv jiiitiii i ..M. ,i itVflrH.p1 -' i rti ' SOLD AT Fairbanks' Scale Wareiioascs, FAIRBANKS L CO., 811 BBOAinVAY, NEV YOli. 1GV Baltimore :;t., Baltimore, 53 (Jarap New prje-anag" FAT n BANKS & E WING, JIarsouie IXaU, rhiladelphia. FAIRBANKS, BROWN CO.f 1' Afilk Street, Boston. For sale v all leaxling Hardware Dealers. sept 11 !)7-2tAwim DIPLOM J AWAUDSD 15 Y TUB American Institute ; J. W. McKEE, FOR Embroidery and Fluting Hacliiucs.; 41 It is ingenious. and will meet the wants' of every matron in the land." EXHIBITION OF 1S72. ! F. A. Barnard, Pres. , Sohu E. Gavit, lice. Secy. Samuel D. Tillman, Cor. Secy. New York, November 'JO, iS?A This simple and ingenious Machine is as uselul us tho sewiuj; jVlachiue, and Is last becoming iopular with ladies, in the place of expensive Needle work, its work being much more haudsome, requiring less time and not one tenth part the expense. No lady's toilet is now complete without it. A Machine with illustrated circular and; lull instructions sent on receipt of or finished iu silver plate lor $J 7o. . Address, Tue McKeb ManutacturiniCo., 300 Broadway, New York. AGKNTS AVTsTXITJ. Dr. Gar via' s Elixir of Tar, Is recommended by regular Medical practi:. tioners and a t-pecdy cure guaranteed for Colds, Coughe, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, Spitt-ng Biood.Uonsumption and all Pulmo nary Complaint?, Scrofula'ErysipelasrTJys pepsia ana Gout. . Dysentery CUolera-moc-bus, Cholera and all liycr aud bowel com plaiuts. Kidney diseases and all affections ol th Uriual organs perfectly harmkss Iree from Mineral or Alcoholic properties pleasant to lake and neyer known to fail frice $1 00 per Bottle. - Full particulars with medical testimony aud certificates sent on application. Address,;L.tF. ttYDlS A, CO., iy Seventh Avenue, New York.' Darlsjroai tbs DbtD; or Cniii'Aimsei A Look-just issued cxdsing the' "tehson ALb" that have appeared iti the New York Newspapers; their history and IeSaou. Sttl, isu vittJANS fully BXP06Er Advertise ments rroui desperate men to beautilul wo men; Clandestine meetings; how trustrated; The History of tho aoopaicu aOBijfr the result of a "personal." Description of Liv ing" Broadway Statues. Exposes social comturxiON. Sent on receipt ol 50 cts. Address, Unique Printing House, IJG Vesey ist , N. , ( Tho UcckwitU $20 rortublc Fam ily Sewing .tlachinc, ou 30 Days Trial ; many advantages over all. Satis faction guaranteed, or money refunded. Sent complete, with full directions. Beck with Sewinir Machine Co., Broadway TIIE JM15W ELASTIC TRUSS An Imivhvanx InvsNTioN. It retains the rup ture at all times, and under the hardest ex ercise or severest strain, it is worn with comfort, ami if kept on night and day, ef fects a peruiaueutcura in a lew., weeks. Sold cheap, and sent by mail When "request ed. Circulars free, when ordered by letter sent to The Elastic, Truss Co , No. 683 Broadway, N. Y. City.'' Nobody uses Metal Spring Trusses ; to6 painful ; they slip oil too frequently. m uiayH 307 tf HAY, SPIKIT CASKS AND GLUE. Goo PALES HAY. I iXx Barrels Glue. 1,000 Spirit Casks. For sale bV ! aug IS F. W. KERCHNER. ' 1 ttioriiey- 1 1 12fleeoue iloor west of tlir tlDurt HoUsok! piiKUfewtf i !if i -tit tif1 11 T- o-wiiiiirr mw iS 111 A j TutNPtCsI Ht. -,i j BAIL 5A ieiiuiitrLittrrfiaiMY' 1! :i F. i i' i Iia t 1 frf 111 effect on and. after SundavIiJuue; lo U - i ' . a75?t.f 7-8.tr -.in I T 4rthosNKi itJ s.ji ! -m Xcave Charlotte... 50 1:4. ::... 11' ; Salisbury.. 5iwf 1 1.15 " 1 11.17 A. M j 0.15 A. M. :i.34 11.40 6.05 " a.rKr M. " Danville....... I Burkville. Arrive at Hicbnond., GOING SOUTH. ROADS STATiOMS. 1 MAIL. ACCOM. Leavi Rlchmend : . T.05 ,45 a. m. " BurkvUle.... .. 4JiO . 1.20 r. m. Danville 3.43 ' ArC. 10im ,4 Ureeneboro.... 11.17. , p4 i Solisbury 2.03 a.m. Arrive at'Chartotte. . f "4.05 !: I STATIONS. s; MAIL, EXPitBSS Leave Greensboro' . . 8.20 r. m ! Co. Shops 11.00 " u Hillsboro 11.10 ......,.. 44 Raleigh.. ,1.40a. m ... Arrive at Goldeboro. 4.30 ... . . . . STATIONS. ' MAITl: 1 , EXPUESS .- "Tj..- 'V 1 Leaye GoldaboroTsiWi a30 r. m 4 j Raleigh f4 44 Hillsooro' T.47'. 44 i Co. Shops..;; 12.0511' A rriye, at Greensboro' 10,43 A.M. j North WestenrN," C. K. K I (Salem Braxcii,.) , , M , , , . sbctfve G rcensborO 'i . m ;. 1 10 P M f'AVttxe at Salem.. ;;f;.V;U . : 1:40 A M L,eave aaiem .... ...4:40s f m Arrive at Greensboro.!.. ..l$0 P M i ilajil traiuo daily, bo.tb. Trjil'$i4keUf&. length of Road. A'MJommodatiooaapyibe tweeji Danville and Rlcbmohd(8undays ex CjfcutCd.) M-;r .4tilUt I r'-iV ' Ou Sundays Lynchburg Ae'co'niraodatin leave Richmond at 5.23 .lUjn., Arrive at Burkville 1128 a. m., leAVe'BnrkviUeT.10 o. m., arrive at Richmond 4.17 . p. m. Pullman Palace Cart on all night trains between Charlotte Richmond, without change.) ; ' ! ' ; ;v 1 For lurther information address :; 8. E. ALLEN, General Ticket Agent. Greensboro, N. C. H T. M R. TALCOTT, I Engineer and Gen'l Sptterintendant. aug 7 Do Oj-jfick PfiTiKantrRo R. R. co.l May. Slst. 1S72. ON AND AFTEK JUNE 3RD, THE trains will run as foUows: LEAVE . WELiDON. Express Train . 1 ' " . 7:30 p.m. Mail Train ' ''" " 13:25 p.m. ARRIVE AT rETEUSBURG. . Express . ' i - i i(h50 p.m. Mail u.-.. , )d.i ,7:00 p. m. LEAVE PETERSBURG. Mail !; ; ; r "1,". i ' 6:30 a. m. Express ' t 3:pop. n. ARRIVE AT WELDON. Mail . , $:40a m. Express Ci30 p. m. FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Petersburg 8:00 a, m. Leave Weldon . t 8:00 p. m. Arrive at Weldftn 3;00p. m Arrive atXetershurg 2:20 a. m. . GASTON TRAINS. Ijcave Petersburg ' 6:00 a. m. Leave Gaston 1:15 p. m Arrive at Gaston 12:50 p.m. Arrive at J'etersburg' " 8:10 p.m. No trairis will run on Sunday except Ex- jQtmss trains . r-Frpights for Gaston Branch wil,l be received iWhe Petersburg depot only on MONDAYS anmtllRSinA VS. . , ' r ,CrJe. depot will be closed at 5:00 p uxL No ifioods will be received after that nonr. i., j. u. ermuu, je 5-tf Entrlncer and General Manaerer. UiiDliia Central Railway . Comjany! WILMINGTON, N. C-. ) May 14, 187u. SCIXETDTJTE. -, irASSENQR TRAIN.S , LEAVE WILMINGTON ?DAlLY (EX cept Sundav)tj..vt....k.. r.00 A M Arrive at Wadc&boro ati.-. . .'v .. 5:2 P M Leave Wadesbbro at... 7:10 A M Arrive Wilmlnston af...1,.:,.. 4:35 PM I ' f FRE1GIIT TRAINS. Leave Wilmington daily (except Sundays) 60 A M Arrive at Laurinburg at 5:30 P M Leave LaurinburK ,.00 A M Arrive at Wilmington atyj . : . .w. 5.30 P M ' "VpASSEKriTiLATs;.. ,. .. ,; Leave Charlotte daily, Sundays excepted, at.,,. .... ...... . 8.00 A M. Arrive atBuflalo at....a;.V,.. ..12.00 M Leave Buffalo at1. LC0 PM Arrive at Charlotte at 5.15 P M Irregular Lumber aotJTfmber Trains run on both, portion or , the Road as the bosi-. neaa requires. A Daily Stajre will soon run in connection with th train n Voth ends of this Rail- il"T A RR ANTT EE ITR KD3"bn hank4 and i-.yy for sale RAIL ROADS, Wilaintbii. Tolumbia & Aa- wiuauNOTOK. N. C, Sept.. ii, lb72. J .. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. fpHE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE WILL JL to into cflcct atii:0 A.-M., Monday, ' . IAY. a?JRES3 : IRAJm DaiijO F Leavd Wilmington o A . M Arrive at Florence ...JI:1U A. M Arrive, at Columbia i:-l P. M Leave Columbia..' ii;4'A. M Arri vent Florence... ..11 'JO A. M Arrive at Wilmington !. 5:15 P. M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (SUN DAYS EXCEPTED.) Leave Wilmingtou Arrive at Florence. . Arrive at Columbia Arrive at Augusta.. Leave Augusta 1 . . : Arrive at Columbia. . Arrive at Florence.... .... Arrive at Wilmisgton.. . ... 5.45 P. M ... 11:22 P. M . . . o:45 A. M . . . s.eo A. M . . . 5:50 P. M . .. 10:35 P. M ... 2:27 A. M . . . . f.:00 A. M Passengers 'leaving Wilmington on the 5:45 P.M. tr-tin make close connection going Sou' h. JAME3 ANDERSON, Gea'l flup'l sept '.) Ofi-tf '1' Wilrainsron & Weldon R, R. OlrjICE GEI.HKAL JLsaITEUNT, 1 WrLMiNaTON, N. C, Sept. 0. 1S73 f jj tt i e , ,tt CRINGE OF StHEl)li5r:. ON AND AFTER SEPT. OLfc, INSTANT PASSENGER TRAINS on the VVil mington and Weldon Railroad will run be follore : MAIL TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily (San- days excepted) At t:l5A. M Arrivo at Goldsboro ' 12:11 P. M Rocky Mount 2:11 I'. M Weldon 3:5? i. M Leave Weldon daily (Sundays excepted) .".At 0::W A: 'M Arrive at Rocky Mount .... . 11:20 A. M Goldsboro 1:16 P.' M Union Depot 5:;X) P. M EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily... At Arrive at Goldsboro Rocky Mount Weldon Leave Weldon daily Arrive at Rocky Mount Goldsboro Union Depot 5 :;o P. M 0:33 P. M 1 1:34 P. M li'20 A . M i o0 P. M 3:25 P. M 10: 43 P. M 3:10 A. M Mall Train makes cioso connection at Weldon lor all points North via Bay Line and Acquia Creek routes. Express Train connects only with Acquia Creek route. PULLMAN'S PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON THIS TRAIN.' FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wl i ming ton tri-weekly at 6.00 A M., and arrive at 1.40 P.M. r EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilmington daily (Sundays excepted) at 2:00 P. M., and arrive at 4:00 P M. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. . fiO-tf s;pt 10 THIS MOST REMARKABLE o F ALL APPAIlATU.SKi sometimes called a mechanical paradox--now used with such womlerlul success -in -our principal eities for the cure, by toa'i-Ai'JYE txtu cise, of ifearly all Chronic Dibease;, and Weaknesses, Is for fade by the nndcTslgufd, by whom all ordci will be promptly hilj-d. THE IiKACTIONAHY is so construeieil that even a child can in stantly adjust it for a perwon to lilt any weight, from twenty to twelve hundred pounds. It is made almost wbollyof iron and steel, weighs 1 to pounds, mid covers a spa ceo.' only 2i by ."Hi inches and although, but recently mtrotluccd, nearly i, out) have-already been PU1CE clou, UJXED AND Silil'I'ilD. 2 Small books or circulars, showing its use, can be had free at the oilice ot the Post. H. 11. 1IA.N.N. Brooklyn, N. Y. P. O. lio.x srpt 11 dAwtf CLEAPOR & KING, (Formerly of the firm of ( V.rraway ii'ltapor) HA VE oiieiuxl a FI RST t 'LA'sri SH A V I NG and H AIK TTXINGSA L XjN.ou -Market street, where they will be pictu! to serve old friends and the public generally. Ueing tbanfcral for pat favir. they hope to merit a share of patronage in the future, sept") U3 lm JTOOP IRON, GLUE ANi SPIRIT ,V) T()Nf l1.. ? arul 1 inch lfojp Iron; 227 liarVcl Glue; '' 87 stamlanl Spirit Cask.-. '-' for naic ny --, i i . U. wmVS.'3, L. t., , ... W Tlfci NEW ADFEBTiSEHENTS. q me: STY' m l J I J Hi i ! IAUKKT8 WNrrcD. pomcstic'Sovririp Maohi;U- Co. NVw ... ROLLERS .... AN D MAOHlXftK Y. ?,tHHtM"ir al'd IVrtabL'S-eam j:i,guu;uH IloUers, iray,MrniiTIfrlcOoii cotton pro- rirculnr, guiigflnxl iuuly j-av; IhIUn IojIi; bje aiHt strttionnrytlouringmlll?, jngnrr.uu mills nxm 5Sugai:,iiaitK, jiajio- ytuge low-" WOtiws' ftjuf iintnuly engine for strt 1 OMdshiHlDtiitiopMrprKf new aud hcoocmI band Iron and Vh4 Working Maeliinv; oi every description. Send for circular WASHINGTON I HON WORKS. 10 Vesey street. New York. Kcnniore University Hig-h b'chcol n Amlierst C II Va. Prcp;iratory to tle University of Vu. Ji 4 KtrotlefMtifh Modnlltst IT Va), lrinciml an. ! ' f.Uh,Vlclor in niathcinaties li C P.rtit'Jc, i; 1 . i it. U a. (n cently Ass't l'rof. Latin, U. Va).! Insfrucior iu Grek, Iitiu, French. Gei-nian and Botany. This is one of the leading bi-li pcOjooIs of Virginia, nnd presents many nd vantagps incomparable witb those of other fetudentH also received for the summer. Ncv, session begins Sept.l itli, 1670. For catalogue address the Principal JulyLTiw AU Ei5i IS WAN f EjfFU R'lTl K N E WKOOK 'Ejitaic end' Coutapns Diseases. with tho newest ami bes: trcalmeiif forall cases The only thorough work of the hind in tho world Kmhraces small pox, yelhnv fever.cholern and all imaloxous dNeasVs. No fiinily sale witliout it, ;fnd ail buy i. Uiis 21 chromatic illustrations The hi i-vest chance of tho season f r agents. Address 11 S Oood pccd tfco, .IT Park liow, N ' j ul y 'J!-1 w M O HVa Y Mlul rapidly wit h sleneil K 7v Cheek thitdUi. UaUilo:rues and full particulars FKF.H. S. M. spknceu, 11, Hanover street, P.oston. A I''ltTtJNE How! iy speeniating iu it- Stocks and Gold. Capital, jm to glee will pay Siuu to 51,'m;o a luontb. Full expla nation sent free. . Li; i;i;ifLL A Vo. UankerH and Ihokers, ;ji Wall tdrutt New York, llox l-Jsj. $A tfl C9n lHM ,;,-v! Ag'ciit's NvliiTted; 'ATI U?J ill g)AU ciaseR of working people, of either sex, young or old, make more mouev at work for us in their spare moments, or all the time, than at anylhinelse. Particulars free. . Address O S'.inson i.v t'o, Poriiand Maine. ; July Ol-iw ' rrHE OilE AT EtsX 1 N V E N TioN OF Till: L AtiE. Agcntfi wanted ir-vt ry whcrc.J Samplos and terms free. Aildress W. C. Wai.kkr. IUi sso i v 1 1 1 o, Ky. Gray's Celebrated ' Anti-Frictiun Cot ' ton Press. The chonpe.sl.slmplest and moM perfect cot ton Screw ever invented. Send lor lrc ii In r. WASHINGTON IRON WORKS, GO 'esey street. New York, polo manufacturers. fo k sale; NEEDLES and attachments for all kinds of Sewing Machines, t'a&h orders promptl v lilled or sent, per Express C. O. 1. Add res; D. G. MAXWELL, Charlotte. N ('.. Oeneral Agentol the IlomeShuttleSewliif,' 1 Machine. GRANDEST SCHEMA- EV E R Fourlh Grand Gift Concert roit Tnts eenefit or the PUBLIC LIBRABTof KENTUCKY 12,000 CASH GIFTS $l,0OO,'h;o $25o,ooofop ro. The Fourth Grand Gift Concert author ized by special act of the Legislature for, the benefit of the IUib!ic Library of Ken tucky, will take place in Public Lii-ray HaH. at Louiiviile, ivy.', WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER lb','-',. Only sixty thousand tickets will bo. sold The tk-kets arc divided into ten eoupciib or parts. At this concert, which will lo the grand est musical display ever wi'.ncsee' iu this-, country, the unprecedented sum oi $1,500,000. divided Into 12,000 cash ijlns, will c ul-.-tributed by lot among the 'ticket-holder. LIST OF GIFTS: Onearand cash gift :J.V ),i'(k) One grand cash gift l oo.ooo One grand cash gilt .VJ.UOD Ono grand caih gift 'J."i,0?0 Ono grand cash girt 17,..0U 10 cash gilts i 10,000 each 100.L0J W cash gilts ft (XJ0 each FiO.OOO Wcaahgitts tO cah gilts 110 caih glit. 150 cash gilts j '&0 Cash gifts 325 cah gifts 11.00J cash gift l.OL'O each.. &o,m,0 500cacii. .. .; 4i), (fo WO each.. JO, COO uJO ccch...., .. 4i,0oo Z'M each .V),(X4 i c-0 each. :;ir)H oOcacli f.oO.UUO Total, l'J.OCO gills, all cnslj, amounting to lloO.COQ The distribution will be po:itive, wheth er all tbe tickets are sold or not, and the 12.U0J gi ft a ell paid in proportion to the tickets sold. PR ICS OF TICKETS: Whole tickets f.0; Halves f 20; Tenths or each Coupon, 5; Eleven Whole Tkkclb for 500 ; S.'f Tickets for 1,009 ; ll-S Whole Ticket for $5,000; Whole Tickets lor flO.0.0- No discount on thau X0 ' worth of Tickets at a time. Tickets now ready for sale, and ail order accompanied by the money promptly lilkd Liberal terms given to those who buy t sell agiiu. TIIOS. E. JJIIAMLETTE, , Agent PubL LIhr. Ky., and Manager Cifl Concertj Publ. Libr. DIdg., Louisville, Ky. Wholesale Dculor LIQUORS, TOBACCO & SEGARS, P121NGH8S ST.. 'AD OVJi FJlltiT NATIONAL BAXK, WUAHNGTON, N. C, i 1. S. A full unpply of Alo and Lajr L3er in Half and Quarter Iirrels. Families tupplietl with lJotil-t Ale and Lrrer lietr. . . , , ' (tp8 ' " ' "221-tf TrAoiSTidT&IiAN ka-A'Vuti nnc on'land, aad for wle tSUHALU -!l i i t Ji I I iuaa it ji I . : lit , fy V. if ; j. ; ji , f ffO y T5l 4 flf .If .U 'ff .9? IS Vi Tt.s ."VJ1t -