I . ' 1 .; ' : . j ' '! 1 1 ill!" ii Ulil 1 ; , - hi H ai 4! f WILMINGTON, N. C, MONDATi 'SEPTEMBER 22, 1873 1 1 ., ( f -f-.fv I l..r. f .. n N0107i VOL VII. 'if MM i tin ffff 1 d evry aUornoon except buuiUy. '"a tANN..lMHor and Proprietor ifT subscription. ... w '-hs in advance... ...fh. in a ariuco a oo 1 50 50 re- ,,,'h. in adfance I rrt ' ...a,,,- oiltoDlCS Of 2cn& i!U Political news and reports ol are cspe" u..- ry)r 1EB i. Diii:oirrK.N F. VT. I- LOPER &' DO U GUT EN, v VAL stores AND SOUTHERN rnODUCTS, 33 NORTH FRONT STREET, philailclplila, l'a. . , i,r Turpentine Casks solicited and :H:$ iy tilled atlowoKt market l uitri'li' , si ,:ir, UTcii.vuR iBr, Vice ?r s, k ii akins Slc and Tro.is. ..i i . i it: AltCIIITEUTURAL W AM) 3 i U V i. 'i i Ail I , id, 10)1, IOWCjlKT Sthsht. ,ii-.fn).u tl r to ( ht pcoiile t)f V'ir- f ... a t ii.. . r , 1 1 1 L ; 1 1 1 I I II' will i i r , - i N ul tli' ir own ijiaiiufai'ture lor pri--"whap iin-l on terms as UIk.tmI hscmu ,.'i'ii lf sinv Northern establishments. In liiti .a loStovos f all classes, we make '..i it, tut -I-Works a spwiulty. Flouts, iiMi Hollow i ware, uiicii iwi's.-jimi ,i ir.m ,r. . Atw'sivs on hai-: hikI .... ,.'i it l ie atifj-ino'i : f" (' !crs to our ' ,., ii'i hi T.t riiri-' Send fur circulars :tu i mie ( 'Jni i'1 ii -t. McnlHiiiisc Hrokeratt Oltiuc, !ni" ( - inii'les constantly on hand ' ! in hmi'ii 'i its and iiiiiniacl tircrs in ! I'l'-I !l 111 O lv('( ;. u , i iptiMim ot niei i'ha.ndise. orders ri.'l ii!;UsMli.-il-d and telegraphed promptly. .. !,-i ri'h. e hoiiht and KJd in" this ck i. oi-.lcr.-i lioia buyers solicited, and ., n;.i -' I ii iiy .' Hers will have prompt. sit- t. :ii')ii. Time as well as cash pureh.ises notiated, whether yon wish to buy or sell, comiuuui , a'ed freely, and often with your local Broker. JAM. T. I'ETTHWAY, , Merchandise and Produce broker. lei-.tJ lS4tf MOREIIEAD CITY. C. L il 1 'ER E C (JO UNT Y N. 0. OSAHLSi HIB3AHD, Proprietor. This splendid Sea Side Watering Place, situated at ilennfort Ilarbar.rwlll be open !or tae reception of guests on Monday, June 16th, 1873. iri.S ACKNOWLEDGED TO 1JE THE . MOST DELIG IITFUL SURF BATHING- tlie Atlantic coast, of the United States ! Oestine I to be the terminus of the great southern Pacific Railroad Unsurpassed i ttilities for splendid sailiug, Fishing and UIIU. Tae eteainer Zwliac. Cant. Wm. TI. Chapin; tainmauder, leaves direct tor New York, every week. Parties wishinz to ensrajr'3 rooms, will please address as above. July 10-3m t ( INSURANCE. I IKK AND FIRE INSURANCE CAN KE , elTceted at the lowest current rates in the "mowing responsible Companies, on ap plication to NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Asset ts $20,000,000 IMPERIAL FIKE ' INSURANCE COMPANY, of London. Assetts .. -000,000, Gold IA NUUBURG INSURANCE AND BANK ING COMPANY of V., assets $645,330 OLD DOMINION INSURANCE COMPA Op' Va , assetti. S200.000 , Gen' 1 Insurance Agents, omce Chamber of Commerce, up stairs. Wilmington, N. C Howard Vsociation. Tliila., I?a., An Institution having a high reputation or honorble conduct and prolessional skill. V'ung Surgeon, J HoUGlITON, M D. Y-sys for young men sent free of charge. mvuess, ixowaru Association Ao 2 South Ninth St, Philadelphia, Ta. may8 302-3m H V UBit SSUOf. JOE TURNER wishes to inform his cuto- w Ilia 1 i n. ... . . . I uiers and public generally, that he is now Prepared to do all kind of work iu his line, 'ia would respectfully rehuest n continua tion of the patronage which has heretofore ef sylUx'rally bestowed upon him. Jan 16 tf 206 tmomas aoisnsroi B A.- R, ROOM x- E- corner of Mulberry and Nutt 8ts. Always pa haji4 the .best quality of bega i Successors to A. II. NEFF, Manufacturers and dealers lu noUSE FURN1SUMG GOODS, otoves, iAatCTiis. Kerosene, Oil Tin anasneeiiron ware. Rooftngldoh(af sKbrt iiotice Agenta for Fairbank'a Scales. No. 10 Front Street; 1 Wl I.TiTwnrrw v. r i MISCELLANEOUS. A . AD III A K. "TTT I . 1 1 n por t r k i n u i j i y d J a ) : h Lj) ;i -, A Ni ' r 'o m i ii is ion Mci i- 1 1 ; i ii t VIL.MIXGTON, N, (J. Having the largest vnl, lujst. assrtil Stock of (.rocerJes and Tjlrjars fn the'f'ity, De-tlTs will tind it to their iDtir,e-r. to irive uk a call before buyini; elsewhere. "Butter, Molasses, Syrnpffi, JUST RECEIVED, EX STEAMERS XROPOLIS aud ... Lucille; I ln-;id!- r'. ' ir Choice Goshen Butter, A No. jL Mu3covado, Molasses, A No.!l Golden! 8j ' : T.. Exira choice "Magnolia" llama. in addition to f aiiovej 'daft an" ivals '-of la cn, IIy, Corn, nil Syrup in 'harrels, tier ces, and hotheads, tiard, Sugars, ! i ' f- For sale low by i BiNForiD. dno w vfc O. junc 23 o-i THE "SILVER ''YoYoUeJ 1 The bost ORGANS of the Reed class in the World. The Best for Churches and Lodges. The Best for Sunday Schools. The Best for Parlors and Vestries. The Best for Academies and Colleger. The Best for Public Halls. The Best for Orchestra and Stage. These instruments, which for sweet ness of tone and elegance of appoint ment stand unrivalled, have ,met with unprecedented success in this country and abroad. I MANUFACTURED BY P. JEEDHAM & SON. ESTABLISHED IN 1S1G. Nos J43, 145 & 147 East 23d st. N Y Responsible parties applying for agencies in sections still unsupplied, will receive prompt attention and liberal inducements. Parties residing at a distance from our au thorized agents, mayorderlrom our factory. Send for illustrated price list. aug 2U- tf TO THE YEST! TO THE WEST! Bclore making your arrangements to fol low tho advice of the "thousands who have already gone," it would be wU to con&idcr what has been done to make the journey to your Hotnes in the West" as pleasant and tree from danger as human skill and fore sight can accomplish By consolidation and construction, a road has been put into operation on the shortest possible line from Nashville, Tenn.. to St Louis, "the future great City of the world." This line, the ST. LOUIS & SbUTH EASTERN KAIL- WAY, has, daring the past year, tamed an envia ble reputation by Ets smooth track, rrompt time, sure connections, and the magnili cence of its pisseugcr equipment. Its trains are ma le up of new and commodious day cars, provided with the celebrated Mil ler coupler and platform, and the Westing house air-brake. It is possitivcly the ouly line lunning Pullman Palace i Drawing-Room Slccpin Cars through without change lrom Xash vdle to St. Louii. No other line pretend to offer su h advantages, either in distance, time, or, equipment. Why, then, journey by circuitous routes? Do not be induced to purchase tickets to St. Louis or the West by any other. II no, remember that k The St.Iioui& Sonthcastcru is the shortest, chcaic6t, quickest, best and only line under one luauaircracnt irom NaehTiil4o SU Loais and is from CO to 200 miles the shortest to St. Louis, Kansas City, Omaha, Denver, California, Texas and" all western points. It U also the "Chi cjgo Shortest Llner via Evanevillc. Ynn ran ? secure the cheapest rate s for yourselves and your movables on applica tlon. in person or by letter, to CuutLEa McCabb, Sdnnassepger .hCncar College BtrectXKpot f5hviH0,5TeiiD4 or t- the uaaerrfgRd, Jj 1 . ' - : General HcjctMAgcoWSU Louis. No trouble to answer question MISCELLANEOUS. CAUTION, "Y ONLY THE GENUINE FAIRBAHK-S SCALES J MANUFACTURED BY E. & T FAIRBANKS & iCO. I sTAvipini sculps. Stockfeoale-s, Goal-Scales, II.y ycff, ajar Scales, Counter Scales, &c, &c. " Scales repaired promptly ami reasona bly. THE M.OST PEKFECT ALARM CAILDRAWffiv i Miles Irm Till o'su 1 EVERY EVERY Merchant mm SHOULD Use Them iVnrranted. Fairbaiiki)' Scale Warehouiie.s,, 01 i m FAIRBANKS k CO.; i Gil. RROADWAY, NEW YORK. ! Baltimore A;t., Baltinore, ro Canip st., New- Orleans. FAIRBANKS &, EVIM0, " 31a .;oiiic Hall, Philadelphia. FAIKBANKSi .-BROWN & GQ 2 Milk Street, iv lon. For .sale lv all leading Hardwaro- Dealer;-. Kept 11 J7-2taw!hi 33 I O lL AWAUOliJJ BY TI1K . . , American Institute J. W. McKEE, Embroidery and Flntine KaiMnes, ?l It is ingenious aud will meet tho wants ot every matron in the land." ; EXHIBITION OF JSTi F. A. Barnard,; Tres. r Sohn 13. Gavit, Kec. Secy. Samuel 1. 'lillman, Cor. Scey. New York, November 'JO, 1372. This simple and ingenious Machine is as uaelul us the tewing Machine, t.nd fs last becomiug popular with ladies, in the place of expensive Needle work, its work being much more handsome, requiring less' time 1 and not one tenth part the expense. JNO lady's toilet is now complete without it. i A HacLuno, with im&uaicd circular ana lull' Instructions stntf on rfcCulpt of fJov iinished iu silver plate for 75. Address, iuE ivIcKua Manulactur.ng Co., 800 Broadway, New York.. AGENTS AVANTED. Dr. Garvia'a Elixir of Tar, Is recomuieDded by regular Medicaliiraeti- tioners and a speedy cure guaranteed lor Colds, Cough?, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis Spitting Biood.Consumption and alllulmo- nary Complaiut?, Scrofula, Erysipelas, Dys pepsia anu Gout. Dysentery, Cholera-mor- bus. Cholera and all liyer ana oowei--eom-plaints. Kidney diseases and all affections ot th Uriual organs perfectly harmless tree from Mineral or Alcoholic properties pleasant to take ana never Known to jau t'rice $1 00 per Bottle. Full particulars with medical testimony and fcertiueatesy sent on application. Ad dressy Li F. HYDE: & C0..1U5 Sever th Avenue, New York; s 1 Darts from tie Devil; or Cnpid Atoi A Book just issued exposing tie "l'Ensou- als' that have appeared iu the New York I Newspapers; their history and lesson, otil. isn villians fully exposed. Advertise ments trom desperate men to beautilul wo men; Clandestine meetings; how Irustrated; The History of the goodkich xuAOsny the result of a "personal." Description of Liv ing Broadway Statttes Exposes social. coKiiurxiON, Scut on receipt ot 50 cts. Address, Unique Printing liouse, 6 Vtsey St , N. Y, - ' Tho Becku itU $20 Portable Fam ily Sowing Machine,!, pn 30 Days Trial ; many advantages Over all. Satis faction guarauleed, or money refunded. Sent complete, with full directions. Beck with Sewiug Machiue Co., St5- Broadway N. Y. may 11 307 tf THE NEW ELASTIC TRUSSAn Imi'oi'.taxt Iuvsstion. It retains the rup ture at all tfme,Md ttodrtJif Jlfrjiest ex ercise or severest strain It is worn with rnml-irt mul it kotit tin ni'.'ht anil rlar. . fects a i.'crtuauea: cure iu a lew weekT! Sold cheap, and sent by mail when request ed. Circulars tree, when ordered by letter sent to TLe Elastic Truss Co., No. 6S3 Broadwuyt N. Y. Cijy. Nobody uses Metal Spring Trusses ; too piiuful ; they slip oil too frequently. m may 14 307 tf itAy, eriRix qj4Kk ;vKi D GLUB? GO) RALES. ILVY. " 200 Barrels Glue. - , 1,XH) Spirit Caskf. For sale by ' aug 18 F.- W. KEirCHNER? i I . . . r , , ,t Attorney-atTLiaWt OUiee one door west of the Court House, seplO-d&wtf - - ' ' ' . ' i ' " ti!- OADS. mondland illr. Richmoudncl 1 Noftb Western 'N. Q R. W. aw In (fleet on and after Sunday, June 15, 4 1 -i- . ... .. . ' COJf . LetiTe Charlotte 2 50 P. ill . SaMBuryj,...!. til' Jmmr jt . . . . tin I wimiuPk,,..., 11: IT A. K 6.05 8.15 Ai-'MV tl.40 2 55 P M. lt -i UJilBTllig I' 1 I ! 1 j ArtlVSIMMCUUUOU i t going sduTn ( "MAIL. ACCOM. Leave Hehmnd ..... " htrlvillf... " IanTil, ' (feensboro. . : Salisbury...... 1,05 p. M 9.45 A. M. 1.2tfp. Mr AlG 10PM AIM ' 4 S.45 11.17 a.Uo A. M Arrive 1 1 going vvjfiarTT (JL f- ( S'ATIONS. m Leave delnsbro' X . iillfiboro ' laleigh....... Arrive a Goldsboro' . i2b p. n nn Xi40iA. M 4.30 14 S'ATIOWS. MAIL. BXFBSSS t eaye, Jloldsooro1 . t J 9 30 P. M 5.3 . 7.47 13.05 .. 10.49 A M. 4 . f . lalekrh M "Iillsboro ..... Co. 8hop . . . . . Leave precnsboroyiii.iiiVii...-il5-0 P M A ri i vc at Sa lem i ; 1 : 40 A M Lratfeftallm . . 1. .X .1 . . ..! .1:40 11 M A i ii vcat Xirevnsborb .7:00 P M .. M alf trains dlly; both ways, over entire lenU;ola4A.o.uVmo4a.tion' daily bc- iwcunusuvuieftuu ivicuuiouuv,ouuuijD ci- ' OhundayilLynlhbnrJ Acomtfiodatin Icavet Itichmonduat S.SSar a., m... arrive at Hurktlle.llgS i m.k leave BurkviUc 1.10 o. m,arrive at Richmond 417 m. Pullnan Palace Cars on all night trains "betwoin tharlptte v"d Riehmpnd, i without Qhangl.) I I 9 I I ' Fwurthr intormationaddret-8 . , S. Ev ALLEN, General Ticket Agent. Greensboro, N. C. T. it. U. TALCOTT, , j ItiintertndGen'l apuciotcHdaut. auj 7 . . . , ; ',.ti ! .. UX f 1. & 1 u .v. .iv. vv. T - r ... .own r jWay. uisi: lot. ) AN AND AFTER JUNE 3RD, trains v wiU run as follows:.. -,' -.- . LEAVE WELDON, Ex prss Train 'i s i I r " 1 1 f. T-.'v m4 Mail Train 3:25 p. m. r1 j AKHIVK AT PETERSBURG. EtsprtSS .: . 10:50 p.m. Mall 7KWp;ra. ' LEAVK PETERSBURG. ; Mail ; M ? fcSOa. m. Exprss - '3:50 p. n.. - ARfilVEJAT WELDON. Mall 4 . V ! - ! 9:10 a, m. Exprsss . 650 p.m. freigOT Drains. Leave Petersburg :00 a. m. Levl Weldon isSS in - ftWp.Jn Arrive at Weldn S:00 p. m Arrive at Petersburg 2:20 a. m. GASTON TR INS. U U y ? Leave Petersburg 6:0) a. m. Leave Gaston l:h P- m Arrive at Gaston . . .12:50 p. m. Arrive at Petersburg 8:10 p.m. No trains will run on Sunday except Ex press trains J Freights fotflaston Branch will be received at the Petersburg depot only on MONDAYS i The depdVwill be 'closed at 5rtX) p. W.? No goods will be received. alter tnat nour. je 5-tf Enelneer ahd General Mnaer. t Carolina Central Railwa? Comuaiiy i : WILMINGTON. N. C, ) I'll if mint wnr SCHEDULE. , ' PASSENGER TRAINS It J6AT&? WILMINGTON . DD-X - ( J .cent Sundavs) at;. '. : . 'W A M Arrive "v juicaifur o m .... . . . . .i Leavtf Wades bo ro at.. .7:10 A M Arrive at-Wilrainctou at 1:S5 P K I FREIGHT TRAINS. Tave Wil mi neton dailv fccrit Sundavs)....... 6:00 A M Ar?lveat Lurtnbarg at. 5:o0 PM Leave Lairinbnry at . . . . .. fcOO A M ArrlTekt WUmingtoa af I. . . . 5,30 P M C - ft PANQ ER TR AINS. Iave.Clmrlottcrdailv. Sundavs excepted, 'St... .ii'. 8.00 .V 51 Arrive t Butlalo t...i ......... .12 00 M . iave3dff4lofct....:.u '.. ...... 1 f 0 P M Arrive it Charlotte l . .. ........ PM 'IiTpgulf Lunaber iind Timber Trains run en botn 'port ions ot .iho tioad as ui? u oai ''A Dalit SUce win sotn run In conaeciion ! I if, ... L. FREMONT, ; if! -! Chief Engineer and Sup't. may 19 311-tl iRTONTtWDBEM-ti hind and 8,0!HALll Daffy cv1 v f: ! : feb 25 RAIL ROADS. Wilmington. Columbia & Au- pasta R. R. Cocjpanj. Gsa. aUPEKIKTEXDEJTS OfVICB, VSfmitiNGTOs. N. C.8ebt".S. IS72. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ' .... f - THE FOLLOWING- SCtfEDULE WILL aointo cflect ato::50A. M., Monday. th inst. ' DAY Ei Pit ESS TKAIN: (Daily.) Leavo Wnmrrigtbn' .A. Arriye at Florence. . . . . r .i. 11:10 A. M Arrive at: Columbia 4:45 -P. M Leayo Columbia.' 'if . :40 A. M 110 A. Ii .3:15 1 M Arrive At Florence.. Arrive at Wilmington night express tiinijaily (3UN- I 1 A VS. Ir X I 1 IT y 1 b'M t 1 x Leave Wilmington Arrive at Florence Arrive at Columbia'. r L- fi ii: r. m b:43 A. M b;20 A. M 5:50 P. M 10:35 P. iM Arrive at Augusta..... Leave Augusta Arrive at Columbia Arrive at Florence 2:27 A. M . S:00 A. M Arrive at Wilmington Pisscnfers leaving Wilmington on the o:4 V. Ai. train i make close- connection going South. JAMES ANDERSON, Gcn'l Snp't. sept y u.vtt Wilrainglon & Weldon R. R. Company ORICS GKNILAL SLTifi;iNTMlST, J ! Wilmington, N. C, Sept. G, 197 j ! I CHANUE 0 REDLLi;.. WN AND AFi'K.i: SKPT INSTANT Vj PASSKNGKR TRAINS on the VVil inmeton and Weldon Uailroad will ruuta follo w si : MAIL TRAIN: 4.i.iirH nninn T"lMrt l'li' Run. IT i J . . n. I c aaj n vxcepiea ; ii o;ija. ix Arrive at Goldsboro lli: 1 1 r. ftl Rocky Mount "J: 11 1. M Weldon 3:00 if. M Leave Weldon dailv (Suudav? ? excepted) At JM)A:M 'Arrive at Kocky jvioaut i irao a. m Goldsboro..... 1: so I . M Union Depot.. 5:0 P. M EXPRESS TRAIN. ILeuve Union Depot daily.. .At Arrive at Goldsboro Rocky Mount . Weldon . lcave Weldon daily 1 . .. Arrive at llocky Mount... . Goldsboro Union Depot.... . . r,.r,o P. M ll:o4 P. M 1:-J0 A. M oO P. M iy.'Jo P. M H: :; p. M d:W A. M Mali; Tram uuaJtes ciote conrction at Weldon tor all points North via Buy f.ine and Acqula Creek routes. 'Express Train consecte otiIv with Acquia Creek, route. PULLMAN'S PALACE SLEEPING CAP.S ON THIS TKAIN. KKEK4HT KMNS will leave Wiinimir-' tdn tri-weekly at 6.00 A. M., and arrive at 1.40 P. M. EXFRESS FREIGHT TRAINS will h ave Wilmington daily (Sundays excepted) at 2:00 P. M.t and arrive at 4:00 P M. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. hG-tf s?pt 10 THIS MOST REMARKABLE o V ALL APPA11ATLSL.S sometimes called a mechanical paradox 110.W uf.vi with such wonderful success in our principal cities. for tm cure, by tuMrinvji kxeu Cisk, of nearly all Chronic Diseases and Weaknesses, Is for sale by the underpinned, by whom all orders will be promptly hUeu. THE RE A-CTIOTliV Is s: construe'ed that even a child can in stantly adjust it for a person to lift any welsrhi. from twenty to twelve hundred pounds. r It Is made almost whoTly of Iron and sUrl. weighs lot) poumls.and coverijaspaccofonly 2 by"H inches: and although. 1nt recently lntniduced, nearly 1,VJ0 havu already beta sold. . PRICE Wuf B3XED A2,"D SlIIITi:i. U Small books or circulars hhowinz its use, can be had free at the olncc or the Post. 6. H. MANN. Brooklyn. Y. jrpt 11-dAwlf 1. O. llOXiW. CLEAP0K-& KING, (Formerly of the firm of Carrawyy iCieapor) HAVi:oiM?nel a KIKsTt 'I.AKS sIIaVI Ni find If A IKCUTTING HA I A K)N. ou Mar ket street, where they will be pleased to serve old friends and the public generally. Heine, thankful for pjit favors, they boie to merit a share of patronage in the future, sept 5 VJ lm HOOP IKUX, GLUE AXD SPIRIT CASKS.' .30 TOXS U, J and 1 inch lIoo Iron; 227 barrels Glue; 875 stamlanl Surit C.uk. For sale by ' V gept 0 F. W. KERCHKEE. Is NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. S"J nt 7ACAV AGENTS WANTED. tsKND fOU CATALO;VK. Domestic Sewing: Jlaehinc Co., Niw York. STEAM JNGlNliS. BOILERS MACHINERY. Htatlpnury and rortahh'SicamKngiuesutul xioiierH uray's antl-n-lctkm cotton ihw, circular. ganj5 uml nuilay saw ntills; j.ovta hle lihd Matibnary noxifinRinill, su-Arcsnr niU1.4 nad sugar .pans, iarrovr uje loco motives and dummy engine lor Hrc t roadi andininioe utirpise..noivaud hccvtitl hand Iron and Wood Workiucr Mnrliin. rv jot evtrv.dewriptlon. Send lor circular. WASHINGTON IllON WOltKS, 00 Vesey street. New ork. Keniiiore University Hieh Sclicol VinJii8t, C II, Va. 1'ropnratory to the University of.Va. II a Strode? (M-ath Medallist U Va, Principal nd in.strucior iu mathemntios li C BrocU, i; , it, U Va. (recentiyAFs't Prof. Iatln, U. ). inktructor iu Greek, Latin, French, German and Botany. This is one ot the leadlnjr hih cdiooU6f Virginia, ami presents many ad van tnfs incomparable with those of others. Students also received for the summer. New ' session begins Sepl.i.th, IS7U. For catalogue. atldixss the Principal Jhly2d-lw auHnt.w AWtixi; lllK K W BOO K Epidemic and Coiitaaons Diseases. ' with the newest and best treatment for nil cases Tho ouly thorough work' of the kind in me world embraces smallpox, yellow levor.cholem and all analogous disea-stH. family safi" wiihout. it, and all buv if. Has ichromatloillustnifions TheiL!re.stchanco of the season f-r agents. Ad'lrt bs H S GxhI ppewl Sc Co, 37 lark Row, N Y July U'.Mw tencil V: Key il(Lrlirs :iiwl full particulars Fill IK. ,S. M. Si knckk, 117 itanover street, lioston. , 4 I'UKlUHdi. llow JJv MH'CII alimr in J .Stocks and Gold. Capital. 110 toSKK - win pa, iiw uiji.'Oii ntmiiii. i nil -xi.'la nation sent tree. w. r . 1 IT mi;KI1j .V .. i-kjuikcrs uml lii oiieiv. Ii U'fi kLui (T)J IU QAU cias.seK of woikinii icoilc. ot euner sex.youu or out, make more iiionev at. worn lor tin in their spare inoinents. r nit the time, than ataiiythim;cls. Particulars ireo. Address G Slln.son & Co. Portland Elaine. july -ji-iw " 1 1 H F. (iRI- ATIXP I NJ V ! X TIM NT Mi.' till." I AG 15. AentK wanttil i v-rvwln're. Ssunplos and terms lr:e. Addi ts W. i I ' . WAI.KVl? It HUSO . V 1 I !f W ' I lif'Q'XT-'C! ItaI nhnotnil A TITl. Lri nt rn f1.- wifij o uviuoiutcu niitriiiiuua jvl ton Press. The cheapest.slmplest and most perfect cot- u)ii rcrew ever invented. Semi lor cln-uiar. WAHII1NGTON HU)xN WORKS, M Vcsey street. New York, role luaniifactuivrs. F Oli SALE, NEEDLES and attachmenti for nil kinds of Hewing Alachints. Cusdi ordcrspn.inptLv iiueu or senr. er iii.xpress l'. u. J), Adilress D. Li. MAXWELL. Charlotte. N (f.. General Aycntt)! the IlometthutlleSewiri .Machine. GRANDEST. SCHEME EVEK m - Fourth Grand tJift Concert rou tiik ncNrriT or run PUBLIC LIBRARYof KENTUCKY 1,000 CASH CilFTS '$1,500,000 The Fourth Grand jift Concert, author ized by special act of the Legislature for the benctit of tho Public Library of Keu tueky, will take place ai Public Libta'-y liaj'. at jouljviiie, ivy., WEDNESDAY, -DECEMBER o, ISTIJ.. unly sixty thousand lickets will be told The tickets are divided into ten coupons or parts. At this concert, v.l.ich will Le'tiie grniid- cfet musical disjilay e-'er wiihc?sc' in thiii country, tho unprecedented sum o $1,500,000. divided into 12,000 cash giHs, iiil hi di -tributcd by lot among the ticket hoUcr. LIST OF GIFTS: One grand cash gilt ?-") 0.i One grand cash trift 100,0(10,. One graud cash gift i0,00 One grand cash gilt 25,000 One grand cash gift 17,VJ lOcasb gilts 10,000each . lUO.UKJ bO cash gifts 00 cash gifts SO cash gi'U 1C0 cash gifts 150 cash gifts '250 cash gifts 325cah gifts ll.OOJcash gifts 5 000 each., ir0,0A l,o;o each... 500 c:ch. , -JOJtacli.. 3 JO each..: 200 each... HO each.. , 50 zx :ks . . 40(CCO iO.Ci Vt.CV) 50,000 .VI 5L4 550,t00j Total, 12.0C0 glltrr all c.1:, l amounting to tl.rO.COO The distribution will be positive, wheth er all the tickets are sold or ii'rt, uul Uie 12.00J gift ell paid iu pro;-rliun- to the tickets sold. ! PRICE OF TICKETS: Whole tickets 50; Halves ?. '5 ; Tenth, or each Coupon, &5; Eleven Whole Tlckcto for 500 ; Tickets for $1,000 ; 1 U WhuJu Tickets for $5,000: 2Z Whole lkkets lor t .O.OlO. No discount on !e. s tL.m ?500 worth ol Tickets at a time. Tickets now ready for talc, nnd r.U rrcr accompanied by the money promptly tilled. Liberal ttrnio given to t'aoat- who buy It tell again. ; TIIOS. E. BIIAMLKTTK, Accnt Pnbl. Libr. Ky., and Manager Gjll Concert, Pnbl. Libr. Bldg., I.oubviHc, Ky. U. ill AKCL V holusalo D u a 1 u p LIQUORS, TOBACCO fie SEGARS, vniNCEss sr.. auuvx first j NATIONAL RAyK, WILMINGTON. N. t P. H. A full supply f Ale and I-cr Deer in Hall BPdQuarLcrllarrcK j Families tupjiiicU with Bottled Ale and, Lasrer Eur. fct3 211-If it rAGLSTUAlXo LL-VNKa A full line I lVLion band. and. for sale fetfaa- "-" " a c l h ft ,v . ) ; ' BALL, 1 -.1 B0V19 ISO-is mm jf:., ;. a . I . i . V. ? Si.fl f 5 1 . f i -ml ?-tr,- 1

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