r 'i HmiKllTH HI fl ' (''Off lilii!-'"; 1 1- vol yii. WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY. r SEPTEMBER 23, 1873 NO. 4,08 at . w f i : ; : 'y ( f ; - - .t -- - -1 - -- - eye witfu0 3t evrry a'trn-xra except auu1j . ' ' vt V..K.ditor and Proprietor subscription. ,.r :u W4-"'" ... ... .$5 a ou 1 .MJ 50 in i !C nv ID adVAHCO. . ...,,. in ad :ti':: r n.lea:v notHMiinireiuuui nwnm ' ' .7'. of I he tte, on topics of rene . . . j r. ! , Political news ana reports oi li v He.sirable. i, rKK. r. nouGiiTKN L0PER & DOUGHTEfJ, S ; A V A -L STORES XNU SOUTHERN PRODUCTS, v A7rr TAwr street. Philadelphia, '. . for Tiirp,ntln Casks solicited and ' ri.l.'.l :il lowest market, price. "ir, li r. ice it ik ljy, Vice Pn s, k k iiaskinh Sic ami Treas. ilUONU ARCHITECTURAL n- W AND 8HJVI, COMl'ANV, iii-iJiDJ, I0JI, lOJo 0111 STllEET. ,, , ,,: .s... : tenth sriiEKr. Tin, t MtiiiMiiv ..llri t' tin; people "I Yir ,, ! mJ tlii'S.nHiTti States ;i large line of ').! ol Hi' ir own manufacture br pri--i, h-n; uti'i m b-rnis as liberal as c:m '. V, nl -!' imiv Nrllu-ni :slal)lishiii-iit.s. I ti ,llni ii .iSt'v.-s of a-" I -las-s, w- make . ..,,r...-( M . t w-.H-fc i a -:.--i;My. KrontK, HmIIow W.n-r. Si.enrh l"rn p -, si I (.,,'. scl h v, A" , iilu.'ys: on hiui i; ivl ii ili ;iM"iir.io i oi Vhuler.s tonr ., . l'-! i; 'ill l.r . iiciniir ;uil i.r 1 1st-. i n no - J)i l i.!, it'iH of W mpl'i'i rontnt!y itv hand ;i '. .i iniii '"' - -old ni unit " I Mi ' i - in . t ' i r I HI ,1'k"'l ,. . , ! hi I 'li- nd i i t - r s . i 1. 1 l--lii i!!"l hi I tel'.-iM pliod pioiuptiy. ! . . Ixmlit and sold 'ii this :Mi , t, -. --i -1 - from iMiyer.s solicit'.-d, and I .,;,(. ', i- ii t.y . ll. rs will have prompt, ut :'i !. Tun- v.'cll ,is cali i".ih Imi:a':. ir ; iated, u-1 1 t f i r ' widi to buy or sell, coiimiuui- 1 1 t li'-ly, nd ofteu with your kx'al jMkfr. f . T. PETTEWAY. M 'u h -oi.li ,13 and l'roduco. I'.roki r. ,..,.:-i is i n - L II K II I j A 1J) CITY. i.'.liiT FAllC i COUNTY. N. O. OrlALtLIii 1HBBARD, Proprietor. fill's splendid Sea .Side Watering Place, Mia,ik"l at IV'iutort Harbor, will be ojien i i Ui'-reception of quests on Monday, June lGth, 1S73. li'H AGKNOWLEOUED TO V E THE MOST DELIGIIITFUL SURF BATIIINGr " i tlf Atlantic coast, of the United States! iiitiii.' l t be the terminus of the great xiulicrn Pacific Railroad. IF nsurpassed i ilitii-s lor splendid sailing, Fishing and H.itliiui:. Ttie steamer Zodiac, (apt. Win. II. Chapin; 'innnandei, leaves direct lor .New York every week. . .. Parties wishing to eugago rooms, will please address as above. july lU-3m INSURANCE. I IKK AND FIRE INSURANCE CAN BE I'tiei-ted at the lowest current rates in the following responsible Companies, on .ap plication to St:' YORK LIFK INSURANCE COMPANY, Assett 520,JOO,000 J. A. Rl'KNE, Genl Ins. AgU, IMPERIAL FIRF INSURANCE COMPANY, of iKjndou, Assetts 9,00k000. Gold fANCHBUIiG INSURANCE AND BANK ING CO M P A N Y of V a, , assets - 6 15,330 0U DOMINION INSURANCE COMPA N Otf' Va., ashftts. ?20U,OUO BYRNE & KEEN AN, Gen'l Insurance Agents. ! O.iljt' Chamber of Commerce, up stairs, WitmJugton, N. C. ante 19 77-ly Howai-il YM0c itttion, lJliila., Pa. An Institution having a high rcputAtion - r houorble conduct and protessloual skill. A' ttn Surgeou, J S HOUGHTON, M 1). i- a s for young men sent free of charge. Aiidress, Howard Association No -2 South Ninth St, Philadelphia, Pa. 302-3m it viciti:ic shop. Ji: TURNER wishes to inform his custo ers and public generally, that he is now Prepared to do all kind of work in his line, would respect fully rco uest a continua- uoix of the patronage which lias heretofore 1 ??n so liberally bestowed npou him. -'au Hi tf 'JXi THOMAS CONXSTOU B A. PL o o ivr: f - E. coruvr ol Mulberry and Nutt St3. Always on baud the best quality of fctega Barker 5o rioit Successors to A. II. NEFF, Manufacturers and dealer? in HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, um, stoves, Ijauierus. Kerosene, Oil Tin ana Khee t iroa m a re. Rooflng done at short notice Agents for Falrbank's Scales. Wo. 19 Front Street. ' ILMINGTON, N. C. aov 19 UO-ly MISCELLANEOUS. A. AJJIUAI. jl. V(JiI-KRrf ADRIAN! 3e I TOLLERSjr i ? j ? ' j . i . - - roccric. and fi.ii tsr. Import rs of Uunun and jflavuna L'ie:r , and Oomrn i s;-ioii XjiUu t Boctu-East Coiixkk Dock and Fkon treet,s. WILMINOTfiN, N.;r. flavins tlie larjrt and lcst assf..rl-d Stck f irorr1s and Liqnora in the City, LKstlers will tlnd it to their intor!.st, u uivo us a call before luij-ing clse'rThere. mav 17-tf Butter, Molasses, Syrup. Hains, JUST RECEIVED, "C1X STEAMERS METROPOLIS waA Lucille, a nx., Choice Goshen Batter, ' A No. 1 Mu3COVa4o Molassq?, A No. l Golden Syup. 1 Extra choice "Magnolia" Ham . Ju adlition to above, daily arri v;i I:i of con, liny, t'orti, 8 H Syruiin barrels, tier ces, and hogsheads, fuard, Sugars, For s tU' low by ., lUNFOUD. CUOW; O. THE 'SILVER TOMGDB." 1 ORGANS Tho best ORGANS ol the Rued class IN THE WORLD. The Iiest for Churches and Lode.-. The Best for Sunday School,?. The licst for Parlori and Ycstnc;. The Best for Academies and Colleges. The Best for Puhllc Halls. . , j . The Best for Orchestra and Stage.' These instruments, ivhich for sweet ness of tone and elegance of appoint ment stand unrivalled, have met with unprecedented success in this country and ah road. MAN UF ACT UK E D BY E, P. NEEDHAM & SON-. ESTABLISHED IN 1SI. Nos J 43,, 145 & 147; East 23d st N Y Responsible parties applying for H.encies in sections still unsupplied, will ; receive prompt attention i and liberal inducements. l'arties residing at a distance irom our au thorized agents, may order Irom our factory. Send for illustrated riicelit. aug 20-tf i . : i i j i , 1 TOTHE VESTI TO THE WEST! Betorc making yoctr arrangements to fol low the advice of the "thousands who have already gone," it would be we1! to consider what has been done to make the journey to your ''Homes in the West" as pleasant aud free from danger as human iskill and fore sight can accomplish. ! j By consolidation and construction, a road has been put into operationlon the shortest possible line from Nashville, Tcun.. to St. Louis, "the future great City of the world." This line, the ST. LOUIS A SOUTHEASTERN KAIL- . , WAY, has, during the past year, earned an envia ble reputation, by its smooth track, prompt time, sure connections, and the manili cence of its passenger equipment. Its trains arc make up of new and commodious day cars, provided with the celebrated Mil ler coupler aud p'atform, and the Westing house air-brake. j j It i3 possitivcly the ouly liuc luuuiug Pullmau TaIacu Drawing-Boom Slccpin Cars through without change troiu Nash vill to St. Louisi , .No other'line pretend to offer such advantages, cither in distance, time, or equipment. Why, then, journey by circuitous routes? Do cot be induced to ' purchase tickets to St. Louis or the West br &DT other liue, remember that The fSU Louis & Koutlieaatcrn" is the horte6t, cheapest, quickest, best aud ouly Hati uuder one - management Irom Naah,ylefto8t. Louis, and is from GO to 200mles the' shof'tcst lo St.LemisKanJas and all western poiuts. It U alsoUU HjhI cigo Shortest Line," via Evaueville. You cau secure the cheapest rates tor yourselves and your movables on applica tion, in person or by letter, to Cuakles MuCabb, Sout&ern Passenger Agent, near tzinr &Lrft J3eroL Kaaavillc. ieitP-, or to the undersigned. . Genei at Ticket Agent, St. U)Mi4 No trouble to aniwei1 qnBt!ons. July 25 ,., 57-6m MISCELLANEOUS. CAUTION. 'HID f M 1 1 I'.rV oNI.Y THE mi GENUINE FAIRBANKS SCALES, MANnA(TURED V,Y T FAIRBANKS k E. to. STvWnmn sciz,es. StockScalcs, Coal Scales, Hay .Scales, Pairy Scales, Counter Seales, ttc, Vc. Scales repaired prompt v and reasona- blv. THK JLosT TKUKKCT ALARM CASH DRAWER. Miles Uarm Till o's. -, ,.:J $ t i a EVEIIY ffutMrcca mioui.D UXlll II JJ1L Use Them Warrantee Fairbanks' Scale Warehouses, FAIRBANKS k fC0., . w Gil BKOADWAY, M'AV YORK. I'jG liaitimore t.Baltimbr o,' Camp sL, New Orleans. FAIlvuANKs"& EWING. ra nu- Uall, Philadelphia. FAI'uIj ANKIi?, BROWN & CO.", f 1" Milk direct, Boston. For ..a!,. bVf all leading 3 Iaril ware . " Dealer.. ' " , ' ;ept 11 itawlm DIPLO ISE AWARDED BY TUB- ' AmoricMii Institute J. W. McKEE, FOR , ' ; Eiiiliroidcry and Fluting laciiues. 44 It is iniruuioiu and will meet the wants of every matron in the laud." KXIil 15ITION OF 1S7-V F. A. Barnard, Fret Sohn K. Gavit, lice. Secy. Samuel D. 'lilluian, Cor. Secy:; ' New York, November rJO, 1872,' This simple and ingenious Machioe, is as uselul as l lie sewing Alacirine, and a laal becoming popular with ladies, in the place, of expensive Meedlc work, its work heiug much more bandsome, requiring less' time ahd not one teulh part the expense. No lady's toilet is now complete without it. A Machine with illustrated circular aucL lull instructions sent on receipt 0fj$2or finished iu silver plate lor ?2 75. ' ,' ? Address, Tue McKee Mauulactur'.u.i; Cd., 300 Broadway, Hew, Yprk. Dr. Garvin's Elixir of Tar, Ih recomiiiended by regular Medical practi tioners and a speedy cure guaranteed for Colds, Coiiiriir, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, I Spitting Dioou,uonsunipiiou ana an xruimo nary Complaint?, Scrofula, Erysipelas, Dys pepsia aud (Jout. Dysentery, Cholera-mor-bus, Cholera and all liyer aud bowel com plaints. Kiduey. diseases and all alfections of th Urinal t'rans perfectly harmkss tree from MineraLorAlphonc properties pleasant to take and never known to fa'l frice 5-1 00 per Bottle. Full particulars with medical testimony aud certificates' seut on application. Address, L. F. HYDE fc CO.. l'.'o Sever tu Avenue. JMew Y,ork. Darts from tlic D e Yii; or CUpid Aunsei A Book just issued exposing the "person-, als" that have appeared in the New i'ork Newspapers; their history and lesson. Stl ISII YiLUIANS FULLY BXPOSBD. AdvertiBC- ments from desperate men to beautiful wo men; Clandetie meetings; how frustrated; The History of the dcobRiCttfrrhiAbioY the result of a "personal." Description of Liv- lllll DlUilU iJ V uiaiuvs. jsaiuoho ovAiiiij " ... en 1 CCURLI'TION. oral ou reeeiiiL 01 w ;ib. Address, Uniiiue Printing House, '30 Ves'ey St , NYf Tho KcckwitU Portable Fam ily Sewing jflnchiuc, on 30 Iays Trial ; mauv advautajres over all. Satis faction i;uirauteedl or mouey refuuded.; K..it ciiiMiili.ti. -u.-iiHtull dirtu-t ions " fre'ek- with bewiug .NUchine C6:,LWi Broadway N. Y. may 14 307 tf (U)r' f Tin; jew i:lastictrus 'iisf. Im i'oktam Imvcntiom. it retains the rup ture at all times, aud under the hardest ex ercise or severest strain It is worn with coudort, and ii keyt on uii;ht and day, ef fects a pcrinaneu'- cure in a tew weeks. Sold c.'icap, and seut by mail when request ed. Circulars free, wheu ordered ry tetlei scut to Tuo Kiasti TruA Co.r 'Np.bS3r Broadway, N. 1. Uity; MOdoy tUe M6Xal Spriug Trusses ; too pxiuial ; thej &lip oil too frequently. mayl4o07.tf J . . : -; 1 n.i ) 1 II AY, SPIRIT CASKS AND , GLUE, 3'X 15 A L I-J HAY. 200 BarrcLs Glue. 1 ,0X) Spirit Caks. For sale Iy '- i ' ' ' 1 if ' I ' It . ' ' i. '..'-ii ': aug 18 F. W. KErweffgH.f;t ft Oittce one door west of- the Court,likisiu 'I sepl0-dfswU ,; - - - m " ' L W 3 "I MHW" T I J- t. !,t M KtO .-I; ( Pi6iiajiit"AH'-LM Ranway. Rtcfa mend and Dan fill e,! Hkh mood nn d DarjvUle? NfDmsfen, And ; : 'fdtib Western tf r&'KnVi . - Condeused TpspWCf- Itreffept dn and alter Suiidav, June 15, ffAtfOlt.' -iUij AtfXM.' Leave Charlotte I. i,I5 " ... 11.17 A. M' 6.15 A. M. f 1 1 f Greeoaboro.: Ml Danville...... Burkviife...:. Arrive at Bichmond. S.34 -6.05 11.40 " 2 a.") p. m. GOING SOUTH. 6TA.TIOKS. MAIL. ACCOM. Leave rtlchmnfl . 44 BuikviUe.. ' Danrille... ' Greensboro I. 05 r. M II. 1? 44 945 a. m. lJtfJ 1. M. ArG: 10pm Sollsbtfrr.-... WVrnve at Charlotte, .. 4.05 GOING WEST. STATIONS. HAIL,. T EXPKKSS Leave G reensboro' . . . Co. Shops .... , 44 Hll8boro, .... 44 Raleigh Arrive at Goldsboro'. 8.30 p. m 11.00 44 11.10 44 1.40 a. m 4.30 M .UOiMGVEST STATIOK $ U 'A jtf EXT K ESS Leave Goldsboro . . . ". I 2.50 p. m 5? ? Raleigh !C2&7 t 1 I i KM.lkl UUtV . J 'TJo: Shop An ir at Greensboro' 7.47 " 12.05r 44 10,4? A.M. North Western N, C. K. K 0SALE3I )BiUncm -., Leave GreeuSb$fO..?..rf, . . 4. . .1 :20 1 M Arrive at Salem. 1:40 A M Leave Salem '.CT. : JV.H .4r40 V H Arrive at Greriijsbbro. . Jf i., .,. . .7:00 Jfjlj 77 Mail trains daily, both ways, over entire length of Road. Accommodation daily be tween DnvlIleadi4llchiuQad(Buridays.?et cSfei'tcd.) fc'ave Richmond, at 5,33 a. m.. arrive Burk ville!! 23 Vtt V lelyerBurkviHe 1. l t- ? i : .1 At no . .: .. at 10 o m., arrive atKighmpnd 4.1 p. n. Full man Palace Car on all night t rains txptween Charlotte 'd Iviehmond, iwithout change.) Fcsr lurthcr iuloruialion -addreVs S. E. ALLEN, General Ticket Agent. Greensboro, N. C. T. M H. TALCOTT, Engineer and Gcn'l Spucriotendant. aug 7 tiS OrFICK Pktbrsburg R. It. Co. 1 May. 31t. 1872. J AND AFTER JUNE 3RD, TUB trains " ,w 114 run as follows: s V. LEAVE WELDON. Express Train 7:30 p.m. Mail Train 3:25 p. m. i ARRIVE AT PETERSBURG. Express 10:50 p. m. Mail ' 1 ' f i i - 7.-O0p.m. LAVE PETERSBURG. Mfttl ;. ' V .'" - ' 6:30 a. m. Eipress : 3:f0 p. tu. ? AT?mW AT WF-LDON LAAA.& V - " - - ' - Mall ; . . . 9:10 a. m. Express 6:50 p. m. FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Petersburg M' rn. Leave Weldon, n K:Wp. m. Arrive at Weldon , P- m Arrive at Petersburg - 2:20 a.m. I GASTON TliUIiB. Icave Petersbure H:j a. ni. Leave Gaston 1:15 P- Arrlva at Gaston ; ; 12:.t0 n. nx. Arrive at Petersburg 8:10 p;m. jNo train will run on Sunday except Ex- ntess trains ;T?reieht for Gaston Branch will be rerelTed at the Petersburg depot, piIy on MONDAYS IThe depot will be .closed at 5X p. in. No gooas wiu be recaivea cuter tnat nonr. . r j. c sprioo, J5-tf Euelneerand General Manaeer. Qaroiina Central Railway ComBany! ! WILMINGTON, N. C, ! "Iff ? sfIa? iJP f PASSENGEK TRAINS TXTB .wrnMixGTON daily (kx UL eept Suudays) at N:K A,M P M trrive at Wadeahorq At... leavo Vadeboroat. Urrtve at Wilnlitoctou at. j - . FRIQjlT TK AI NS. 7:10 A M 1 . Jo P M Leave .Wilmington daily (except 0.1K) A M 5:30 P M fcOO A M Arrire at Lurinbure at b Leave Laorinbttf at . . . . 1 Arrive at .jWiltdlngton at. . . . 5.30 F M PASSENGER TRAINS. Leave ClLriofct' daily,! fiuadaja , excepted, at ; 8.00 A M Arriye at Buflalo at Pi 00 M Leave ffilo'al ; . f. J .!. li.v. 1 X0 P M Arrive at Charlotte at 5. 15 P M Irregular Lumber and Timber Trains run on both portions of the Koad as the busi npM reauires. "I ifin 0 A Daily 8Ue .wnfsoo ran in connection with the train on both ends of this Kail S. L. FREMONT, ' Chief Xoirioeer sod fiup't. ..BMW,.. I 311-tl " - 1 "t IS- ! - J .... I WARRANTTEX DEEDS- On band and fbrtAle ' ! ' 1 ill WMt t - - I --r---Vti. r-f . RAIL ROADS. Wilaington. folnmbia k Au gusta R. R. Company. GRH. 3irFMTNDBNT'8 OencE. , Wilsunoton, N. C, Sept:, s; 1STJ. f I I III 1 V ft V Iff CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. nrIlE FOLLOWING SCUIDULE. WILL X feolnto effect at 0:00 A. M"., Monday, th inst. . iDAY EXPRESS TRAIN. (Daily.) Leave Wllmingtotr S:cO Al H Arrive at Florence 11:10 A, M Arrive nt Columbia. 1:4", p. m Leave (Columbia '.:40 A. M Arrive at Florence 11. 20 A. M Arrive at WUmiagton., .. 5:15 P. M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (SUN- DAIS r.ACKrTEI). ) Leave Wilmington 5.45 P. M. Arrive at Florence 11:22 P. M Arrive at Columbia .. o:4 A. M Arrive at Ausrusta 5:20 A. M Leave Aufccueta 5:50 P. M Arrive at Columbia 0:'Tt T. M Arrlva at Florence 2:27 A. M Arrive at Wilmiapton 8:00 A. M Passeut'ers" leaving Wilmiiurton ou t lie 5:45 P.M. train make cloe connection going South. JAMES ANDERSON, Gen'l Snp't, ecpt 9 " X-tl WilEtinjxIon k Weldon K. R. ,Ornca Gsmeuai. SeruiuN tendunt, MIICAL. SeilSlUN TENDUNT, j jn, N. C, Sept O.lSTo 1 Whmitiqto??, 11 y 1 ; CHANGE OF SMiKiil-i.t;. ON AND AFTER SKI'T Uib, INSTANT PASSENGER TRAINS t.n tbo Wil mington and Weidou -Railroad mil runts follows : MAIL TRAINi Leavi Uniou Depot d.iily (Snn- daya excepted) At Arrive at ioldsboro Rocky Mount Weldon Leave Weldon daily (Sundays excepted) At Arrive at Rocky Mount Goldsboro Union Depot EXPRESS TRAIN. t:lb A. M 12:11 P. M 2:11 I'. M 3:50 t. M U-V) A: M 11:20 A. M 1:10 P. M D:o0 T. M Leave Uuion Depot daily. . .At 5.n) P. M Arrho at Goldsboro '.h'.Y.i 1. M Rocky Mount 11::?4P. M Weldon 1:20 A. M Lcavr. Weldon daily 0 ;;u P. M Arrhe at Rockj' Mount o.25 P. M Goldsboro 10. lo P. M Union Depot ,'J:10 A. M . Mitll Train maKes cioc connection at Weldon for all points North via Bay line and Acquia Creek routes. Express Train connects only with Acquia Creek route. 1'UL.L.v.AM' 1'AL.ACE SLEEPING CARS ON THIS TRAIN. FREIGHT TRAIN8 will leave Wilming ton tri-weekly at 6.00 A. M., and arrire at 1.40 P. M. EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilmington daily (Sundays excepted) at 2;00 P. M., and arrive at 4:00 P. M. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. SG-tf sept 10 HI MhJUHH ill! 4 ' - mm-mmmmmwi THIS MOST REMARKABLE O V ALL APPARATUSES sometimes railed a mechanical paradox now used with pach wonderful suoreH in our prineipul cities for the cure, by t cmi x.ativk zxii cisk, of nearly all Chronic Diseases; and Weaknesses. Is for sale by the undcrsiiutl, by whom all orders will be promptly rilled. '.TIIIC rilGACTTONAllV is s.t constructed that even n child e;m ln stnntly adjust it for a person to lift smy weiglu, irom twenty to twelve hundred pounds. It is madc.almoat wholly of iron anl slr-ot, wciuhs 'Pin jtoiinds, and covers a space of only 3 by :u; inches; and although, bnt ref-ntiy introduced, nearly l.WU have already been hoM. PRICK :10", JJ0XI:D AND .SHIPPED. 1 1 Small bKk orelrculnrs. t-howin its uc, cau be luwl free at liie ollice of the Post. S. If. MANN. Lrooklyn. N. Y. , d. U. Dox J. sf pt ll-dA:Wtf CLEAPOR 5c KING, (Formerly of thclirm of Carruway i Clcapor) H V K oM?n cd a IT FIST T , A KM s II A V I N ( i nnd HAIltCLTf INGWAUX N,ou Mar ket street, whPrc .they w ill he pleased to serve old friends and the public penerally. Being thankful for iwst favors, they hjpe to merit a sbare ol" iatroua;o In thecal ure. eit i t lm UO0V IROX, 'OLVK AM) SPIl:iT 50 TON?5 11, I r.nl 1 inch lloot Fron; 227 barrel-- Glue; 875 standard Spirit Ca:-k. For sale by sept 9 F. W. KBR0HKER. ma bp i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SWO FOR CAT.T.O;i'E. Ijmrt:c Sewing JVIachino t... Ntu York. STBAfr t ENGiKEs, AND iACJIlNERY tattohury and PortameTcnin llngTCi s a " i "l Boilers, Gray's antl-fl-tctiou cotum pro circulfir, gang iuad muluy saw mills; j.oiti bleantl stat1onary flour! nj? mill?, sm:arTne millsand .ugar jup, narrow fcauKc. Jeco nynives and dummy engines for street roads and mining purpose, newnnd second band Iron and Wood Working Machine: v ol cvn-v ueription. Send lor eirculnr. asih.n;tun ikon voi:ks JO Vesey street. New York. Kenmore University Hiffh "b'choaf Amhei-st, C II, Va. mriumuo 10 me l niversity of a. Ii A Strode (Math Medallist IT Va, I'i incipal and vantages incomrarahle with llioso nf ill hsrw Htudents also received for tbo summer. New" .-eiou uems copi.i uii I or cataloiu addrethe Principal July'JiMw AUKW1S W ANTliD P'OK Tl 1 K N KNV' IIOUK' Epiaemic sbJ Gontaiions Diseases. with the newest and best treatment f,.r -.11 eases The only thorough work of thokind in me woria l.niUraccs smallpox, yellow fcver.eholera and all nnaldgous diseases. No family safe without It. and allbuvlt. Hik 2lchroniatioillustrations The hi'estelmnee 01 1 ue season i"r agents. Address H K Goixl spoed V- ( 'o, .J7 Pa rk Row, NY july VO-l w M0NKY Miul, rapidly with stencil A: Kev jJAVAiXj A t;heck OBtllts. Catalogues un'd iuu parucuiars 1 ki:i;. t. M. si knceu. 117 Hanover utreet, Morton. AFUUTUNI: iCTw! li.v sj-eenlanm; 111 Htoeks and Gold. Capit:il, sJi(i toShii Will iiy Sh.Mi lo 1,000 a lnoiah. 1- uII pla Iiation sent. IreeV W. V. IIVMl'.KId, v t'o.. Rankers aud Ilrokers, :it Wail street ik'te-w i"i h. xo. s. IK r - a rt r ,... .1 1 . " : .. . .. Hjh T n Si ) ' 1 : -(VHt M,s wann u: .it U)J IU o)iU classes of wntklnr people, ot either sex.younu ' oroid.mnke morelnont v at work for us i)i tlieir spaae nionn nts, r alt the lijne, than at. anything. tse. l'artieular! free. Address G Sjiiusun X Co. l'tuiliuid Maine. . ;luly m-iw ryi'lt: GREATEST INVENTION OF Till: I A i K, Agents wanted everywhere. feajnplos and tonus free. - Address" V (' Wai.kkr, Husseivillc, Ky. Gray's Celebrated Anti-Friction Cut ton Press. The cheapest, simplest and most pcrfeei ct ton Hcrew ever invented. Send lor circular WASHINGTON IRON WORKS,'" Vcsey. street. New Ork. ole manufaeturers. F O li 8 A L E; NEEDLKH and atlacjiiiKiits for s.ll kinds of 8ewiu Machines. Ca.vh orders proiiifit i-v iillod or sent por Express CO. D. Addro-s H. (r. MAXWKIiL, Cliarlotte. N"C.. (Jem ral Agelitot the HomeHiinttleSi wln Machine. GRAN Te Sl SC H E t& E EVER our(h rand "Gift Concert rOlt Tlllt liJiNEl lT Ol' inn PUBLIC LIBRARYof IEUTU0KY 12,000 cash (;ifts $i,ro().ooo $250,000iop &rUm The Fourth Grand Gilt Concert author ised by special act of tlie Lvulslature for tlio benefit of the Public Library ot Ken tucky, will take place ui Public Library IlaH. at Loul.-rille, Ky., WEDNESDAY, DEcKMLiER ::, is7,f. Only Si.ty thousand liekctb wnl be .sold The tickets are divided Into ten coupons or parts. At this concert, which will be the err.iiid et musical display ter wltneec'' in thia country, the unprecedented sain 01 ; $1,500,000. divided-into r3,000 ccsh gillr, wiii h m--trlbuted by lot anions: the tiektt-holi'.cre. LIST OF GIFTS: One grand cash gilt uo One rand cash ir'.ft I(0,(K!() One grand cash gift v. .'j0,'tK)t One grand ca?h gift. . . 'jr,PU() One grim d cash gift J7,",0O 10 cash gilts C 10,000 each Joo.lod ..u casu guts . wj each l.'o.OiKi 50 cash gifts bU cash gilts H'O cash gilts 150 crsli gilts 0 cash giltd 'jZy cah gifts 11,XJ cash gif'u l,0"0cach fiU.Oto ob0 each ... 4'l,CCo SOOcach -tO.ti.X) o 'd each 10,000 L'tXJ each .V),000 1(0 each oi .Vo 01 each o.'-O.OOo rt-i! I-' nro rlltt all amounting to ? l.'tUO.t't The di.tritutiou will be potitiye, wheth er all the tickets are sold or nut, and Hie l.CO) gifts r.ll piid in proportion to the tickets sold. PP. ICE OF TICKETS: Whole tickcti M; Halves?-; lViitu, or oaeli Coupon, ; KIcvcn Whole Tickets for f 500 ; 2:1 Tickets for ?l00 ; 1 Vi W hole Tickets for i5,00U; -'7 Whole Ikkels lor fO.O.O. No ditcouut ou k-:s thau i'A.v wortli ol Tickets at a time. Tioktt3 now ready for sale, an-! all orders accouij'anic-d by the money promptly lillcd. Liberal teriuo iven to those who bay t tell .iiraid. . - TUG'S. E. liiiAMLETTE, Agci.l Tub!. I.ibr. Ky.. and Manager Gift Concert, Publ. Llbr. lildg., LouitViHc, Ky. II. MA ISC US, "V holosa 1no D u a 1 u r LIQUORS, TOBACCO 6: SEGARS, PfilXCESS ST.. ADOYK FIRST NATIONAL RANK, WIL3ILNUTON, N. C, P. H. A fidl supply of Ale and Itr liter; in Hall and Quarter Uam.1. Kainilics supplied witli Loltlcd Alo and La-erJJecr. Teb3 - 23 -tf AGISTUATE3 BLANKS A fall line on hand, and for sale feb Si' 3Q UALL. lUMrucior in inHineiuaiint H J JJroek 111 it. U Va. (recently Afs't Pvof. Juiu, U.' Vai. Instructor in Greek. Latin. Krcneh. German ami P.otany. This ihoiic 01 the leudlns It i ii echools of VlrRinhx. and nresents manv 4 i i