Ilje (tentit0 Post. WILMINGTON, V, C. Tuesday, September 23d, 1873. Is another column appears a copy of a call now being circulated among the Doctors, which wc publish by request. We know nothing about it, except that the call is very heartily endorsed by some of our leading physicians, which in itself is enough to cause the profes sion to read the call very carefully, and consider it favorably. Now that the excitement is dying down in New York, we hope our banks will forego their ovcrcautiottsness, and help to lift off the pressure. Our pro duets arc about ready to move, and dealers must have money. Wc will suf fer terribly here unless parties of known ability can get accommodations as they need them during the next thirty days. The Raleigh News publishes the fol lowing in its editorial column : The bank panic in New York and other Northern cities has not yet reach ed the South, but it will surely do so unless the Government shall intervene. And again, in the same column, it says : Unless the Government qomes to the rescue of the banks, a general suspen sion is anticipated. This will produce universal depression in the money mar ket, and every interest will feel the pressure. From this wc should judge that the News was in favor of Government inter ference. If this be so, it has changed its vong materially since it supported Mr. Greeley. The Philosopher was down on this sort of a thing. Waked Up. Our friend, the Fayctteville Statesman, again makes its appearance, with O. H. Blocker as editor. We welcome brother Blocker into the treadmill, while we sympathize with him. Hereafter he will be an "ink slimrer." Having got the printer's ink upon his hand, it will be difficult for him ever to keep away from it, but he will do a good work in his vicinity. We hope to notice a pros perous season on the part of the States man. "Wc make the following extract from brother Blocker's salutatory : " Without experience in the newspa per business, with little taste and less talent for writing, we beg indulgence of our patrons, and make an awkward bow. We shall devote our best energies to the paper, and while wc have no hope of conducting it with that ac knowledged ability which characterized the Statesman under its former talented editor, wc do hope our friends will as sist us in rendering it a sprightly and readable paper. " Unflinchingly Republican, and de voted to the interest of the Great Union Republican Party, the Statesman will not be unmindful that others too have rights in their opinions when honestly formed. Our opponents will meet with due re-pect and courtesy so longasthey will it. " With irood feeling for all, and with the hope that some good may be accom nlishrd for the whole Deoule. wc hoist i our bantling to the breeze." The Panic. The President was in New York Sun day, and held conferences with the Sec retary of the Treasury and many lead ing capitalists of the country. The fol lowing is from the snccial dispatches to - o . the "Washington Republican : President Giant, who came up from Long Branch, was quartered at the Fifth Avenue, and was. joined by secretaries mcuaruson cv itooooii mis morning. He s-pent the whole Uay in giving audience to the men prominent in the business and money interests of the city, and heard them all, from the stock speculators like Jay Gould, Henry Smith, Vanderbilt and Schell, to such eminent bankers ana merchants as Vermilyc, Drcxcl, Morton, Clews, Oaf lin and Morgan. All sorts of proposi tions were submitted, and it seemed im possible to secure a concert of action between bankers and merchant. The merchants seemed inclined to the opiu- ion that the Ctovcrnment should not in- forforn lint lot tlin t Vi i n rr n-nrL- rllf it. lf; .hatitmcrCvtheaownfaUof a pernicious system of gambling that had grow n to be chronic with financial men, and the sooner it was broken up the better. Jay Gould was of the opin ion that nothing could be done by Gov ernment interference. No matter what Secretary Richardson might , do, the would wager to-morrow should thre be a general run ou the banks that every institution in the citv would have to suspend. Commodore Vanderbilt thought differently. He urged the President to have the faovenment coine to the immediate relief of -the tanks, and then in a few days everything would be on a safe and sound basis. The result was that the President or dered Secretary Richardson to have Assistant Treasurer Hillhouse begin to morrow and' buy bonds to the amount of forty million dollars. When this ac tion of the President became known, a meeting of the bank presidents was Jield for the purpose of seeing if anything further could be done on their part to help stay the tide, but nothing was ac complished, and the opinion seemed conclusive that they could do nothing further than to accept the decision of the President and Secretary andj sell their bonds, and rely on their actibn of yesterday in uniting for common pro tection. A meeting of presidents of savings banks was also held, and they resolved that rather than sacrifice their Government bonds by selling them; to the Secretary of the Treasury at par, they would take advantage of the clause in their charters giving them thirty days in which to meet the demands of depositors. It is understood that As sistant Secretary Hillhouse interprets his instructions to allow banks to use a portion of their reserve, which will not necessitate the sacrifice of the bond se curitics. I The Washington Republican also pub lishes a special corrcspondance from New York, from which we make the following extracts: THE PRODUCE AND COTTON EXCHANGE At the Produce and Cotton Exchan ges no excitement was visible, a fact which proves that the influence of the crash is conhned to speculators m rail road stocks and the class of moneved men dependent upon or connected with them. The bursting of a few bubbles on Wall street does not materially inter fere with the law of supply and demand, but when the bursting of those bubbles brings in its train the suspension of banks in which produce operators keep their accounts, the most serious crip plingof the agricultural interests ofthuc country may iollow. THE PURCHAbi: OF BONps. The interference by the Treasury De partment in the purchase of bonds Sat urday did not produce the anticipated result. It was expected hero that the moral effect of the order directing Mr. Hillhouse to make the purchase would be to restore confidence; and . when it became known that the Treas ury bal ance showed a surplus of greenbacks of over $14,000,000 it was considered cer tain that the market would be eased. The offers for sale were limited, and much below the amount anticipated. The reason for this is said to be an un willingness to part with governments by holders at this time, and the further fact that most of the brokers who held governments had already pledged them for the wherewithal to meet their stock transactions. In other words, the sur plus governments were tied up on Thurs day and t riday, and consequently were. not available on Saturday, lhc action of the Treasury Department was, there fore, too late to produce the desired effect. RESOLUTIONS OP THE CLE Alt I NCJ -IIOUoE ASSOCIATION. i The officers of the banks and clear ing house association at their meeting yesterday afternoon unanimously re solved that until the 1st of November next anv bank in the clearing house who shall issue to that bank certificates to the amount of 75 percent, cash value of such assets, such certificates shall be accepted in the settlement of clearing house differences in place of legal.teu- dcr notes. r They further resolved to. pool all their legal tender notes and make common cause against auyattempt to breakf liny oi mem. -r The issue of these certificates will be carried to the extent of the full assets of the bank if necessary. The practical effect of this isuc will be to economize the use of legal-tender notes. These certificates taking their place is an expansion of the bank cred its and facilities, but not of irredeema ble paper. The banks to which loan levtihcates mav be issued will be charged in addi tion to seven per cent, interest. I one- quarter of one per cent, to defray ex penses consequent on the carrying out of this plan. The bank presidents, at their meet ing Saturday afternoon, passed a reso lution to issue immedatelv ten millions in loan certificates. Thc Flajr of England un tuo izui oi Apru. iouu, tnc tmon jacK the nac tnat nas wavea in so w- . i r . 1 1 many blootly and victorious battle; by sea and shore first made its appear ancc. From Kymer's "Fccdera," and the Annals of Sir James Balfour, Lord Lvon King of Arms, we learn that some differences having arisen between ships of the two countries at sea, his Majesty ordained that a new nag be adopted, with the crosses of t. Andrew and St.1 George interlaced, by placing the latter j fimbriated on the blue nag ot ScotlaDd I a9 the trround thereof. This fiasr all fehTeJet' 'di'SE Gcorges red cross at their stems," and the Scottish, the white sattire of S. An drew. The Union Jack, however, was not adopted by the troops of either coun try till their Parliamentarv union iu 1707. In Munro's account of the expe dition with Mackay's regiment in Den mark, he states that in 162G the Scots in the Jaru? persisted in carry ing their national flag' and refused to place the Danish cross -upon it.-From British Battles on Land and Sea," bv James Grant, for June, N --The members of &e R5!arb& dition will sail from Iaferpc$l for Hew I YnrVtn-rliv 'J l l 1 1 The Emperor FrancU Joseph harf appointed his guest, King Victor Eman uel, an honorary colonel of an Austrian 'Iff! ecrew fJT rrn Ji '; j ! I!f T HI tl x portion or mecrew or me yacnt t Deerhound, captured - by a. Spanish cruiser after landing, a cargo of Arms lor the uariists, nas oeen released and placed in charge of the Britbh consul at rerroi. Frederick William, elector of Hes se-Cassel, has formally a recognized and consented to the annexation of Ma ter ritory to Prussia, and renounced his right of property in revenues of the elec torate, in compensation for which the Prussian Government has granted him an amnesty of two million thalers. ; - At the session of the British asso ciation at Bradford, England, Captain Markham, Of the British navy, who was on the Arctic when she received men rescued from the Polaris, gave detailed accounts of the voyage of Captain Hall, which he gathered from the members of the expedition. He said the Polaris occupied only five days in making the distance from Cape Shakleton north ward to latitude 82 deg. 6 min. This was the nearest point to the North Pole ever reached by civilized man. The ice was soft all the way, and a stronger vessel could have attained much higher latitude. The London Observer closes an eulogy on the late Captain Hall as follows : "A rude wooden 'monument to an intrepid American, standing alone in the polar solitude,, is at the same time a grand memorial trophy and chal lenge." .! . . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ISTotioe. The Great Eastern Circus will exhib it at the following places ori "the days named below: - ' ' ; Lumberton, Thursday Oct 16th. Rockingham, Friday Oct. 17th,- Wadesboro, Saturday, Oct. l8th. Whitesville, Monday, Oct. 20th, sept 13 lt.t, .., Mullets vMullets. AT BINFORD CROWAfCO'a you , WU1 lind large fineMUXiLKTS, for jiaje low.r Fresh ' i t,..,! ." . . ' '" " arrivals every week frpnithe seashore. ! ' They also receive fresh Groceries by every steamer and sail vessel, and will be glad to have their friends give them a call. Tllvs AND - BAGGING A . , Always on hand. SOUTH WATER STREET, sept 1 : ..- 'r: 3 Wilmington, N. C." Just Aifitel jer stealer ! NOTHER Invoice of Hams, Breakfast Btrips and Shoulders, of our own curing; also, choice lot of JTime ier i ra, in -tj pound Oak Buckets, expressly for family use. uive it atrial. AVe return our thanks to our customers and friends for their kind favors and liberal patronasre extenueuournew emerprize, ana are determined not to be outdone in prices and otialitv it (UodH. An- eianitnaUon of ' : .t- "vl -.... . iir a nu hujici lor oioch. oi urwcrics, v iuct uua Ijia uor&will con vlnec the most sceptical mat money can lie saved by giving us their or ders. ' Remember the corner under the Seaman's Home. J. IT. MoOAItlTY & CO. Sept 2-i 'X IlLS is to give notice that on the 16th day of Sent.. 187:?. a warrant of bankrutcy was issued out of the district court of the United Htatcs for the Cape Fear district of North Carolina, neaiiust the estate of E. K. Ervin, of uickuids, in the county of Onslow. In said district, who has been ad judged a bankrupt on his own petition: that the payment or any debts or the delivery of any property belonging to said brankrupt to him or for his use and the transfer of any property by mm axe rormaaen oy law, ana that a meeting of the creditors of said bank rupt to prove their debts and to choose one or more assignees of bis estate will be held at a court of Dankruptcy to be nomen at Fayettevme, u.oeiore wmiam Auutune, Esq, ueglster m isankrupicy ror said dis trict, on the 11th day of October, A. D.. 1873, at 10 o'clock, sw to. . -! . ;r sept 2.1 2t U BM and Messenger. Only 35 Cents. THE GREAT PRIZE STATIONERY PAt K- -.Ji, I -.12.- Contains 10 sheets writing paper, 10 envel opes, 1 pea holder, ;L lead pencil. . 2 pens, 1 blotter, photoirapns oriw oeautlfnl women and a piece of Ladies', or Genta' Jewelry. Sample package sent by mail, post paid, on cents, or 4 fbr Si 00. Send for a package; it will be the most goods you ever bought for me money. ue prize is oxten wot in more than the price paid for the entire package, and the other articles would bring at retail nui icon mou , xu V JVtsn lillB, one package and you will never buy Sta tioner- any otner way. Address, j. c. BURROW. Locd Itox 1"1 Baltimore. Md. Agents wanted everywhere to selt Packages, Picture. Books, Ac Catalognes sent free. - i sent It ' MARSHAL'S OFFICE, CITY OF WIUllXOTOIT, JC. rieptember 23, 1873. NOTICE. QN AND AFTER TUE FIRST OF OCTO BKTt, all HOGS aadCOWx found running at large within the limits prescribed by the Orui nance passed br the Board of f XlJejp men.'wlirrtaken np and Imponndeti ' GEO. V. rUKJE, Jiu, ep2Vtd aty Marshal, Iffll ADVERTISEMENTS. I ittZar -BOOK Of HCaltll : TMfnaGEtfr coiiMTJNia fweidj) Evening, at 7$ liMTJOTGATION THIS i O'clock. Work By order of the W. M. WJL M. FOlh Sccr St. John's Hall, Sept 23, 1873 ETotice. TROFE&jOR tH.' tAlxLICIJET will rc- Munenls French jind German lessons in this city on the 1st of October, prox. septZJ . 198 td 100,000 IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC GARS. SE- Clear Havana's, Reina Victoria, 3 for 2o cents. 2 for 25 cent:- Carefully selected for our trade, At GEO. MYERS. 4 fl and 13 South Front street. sei- 22 107 inn BAGS PRIME, RIO COFFEE 50 Boxes Factory Cheese, 20 Barrels Apples. Low for Cash, GEO. MYERS, 11 and 13 South Front t. se mf 9 107 r LEMONH. BOXES MESSINA LEMONS, At sept 22 GEO, MYERS', 11 and 13 Front st. liard, Crackers and Rice. ,i QC TIEROES, KEGS AND TUBS L60 T.ARD. 200 bbls Crackers Lemon, Su gar and Soda, 20 boxes Assorted Cakes, 75 barrels and Tierces Rice, For sale bv sept 22 F. W. KERCHNER. DR. A. II. LINDLEY, SUR( N. IURGEON IN CHIEF TO -CHARLOTTE, U.. Branch of Dr. Kline s "miiadei- phia Belle v ue Hospital," at the urgent re- auest, and toaccommodate the afflicted who esiretoconsult him at or near their homes will be at the following places on the days named below, where he desires to meet all who are afflicted with cbronic. long stand- in ar or obscure diseases especially CAN- CKRS. TUMORS andUtiOKKS. diseases of the eves and ears, constitutional blood dis eases, and diseases of the nervous system. He cures fits. BDasms and convulsions; also. neuralsria. rheumatism, and diseases of the heart, lungs, stomach, bowels, kidneys nd bladder. He operates on CEUH F( ) ) r, Fis tula and Piles. Dr. Lindley has made the treatment of chronie diseases his especial study, and his larsre experience, both in hospital and pri vate Dractice. enables him to cure a large ner cent, of the most stubborn cases. He and his co-partner 8 are well known through out toe Koutn. tnrougn tneir cures oi can teen and other chronic diseases. Fees lor consultation. Si 00. Charges for treatment always moderate. '.Liumberton. N. C, Rowland's hotel, Oct. it and 18. Wllminarton, N. C, Turcell House, Oct. 2. Whiteville. N. C, Maxwell's hole' Oct. 21. jralr Bluff, Principal hotel, Oct. 22. Marion, H. C, Marion liotel, Oct, 2-?. ept 18 105. 4 w i niitt ninn n n htit i nn I U MM Mini; H A U M ft U W III I I I I II 111 I I I (I I I I J VV fill' iw-t' - - - . . T OCKS HINGES, BOLTS, c., oi every description. Agency for the celebrated Shaler'sSash Holder and Lock. It will not get' out of order or wear out In a life time. NATH'L JACOBI S Hardware Depot. No. 9 Market street. DOOR, SASH, BLINDS, PAJNTSt OIL8, GLASS, VARNISHES, &c. &c. at NATH'L J ACOBI'S Hardware Depot, No. 9 Market St. may 23 i Qiao i :c;t;s, CJ HOVELS, SPADES, HOES, PITCH- FORKS, Rake, Trace Chains, Ac, &c, nt NATH'L JACOri'S " , Hardware Depot, No. Market street. ooi) Iron 'Spirit Caks and Glue. 1500 BDLS. HOOP IKOX-1, U INCH, 1 1 1,000 Spirit Cask, 150 barrels Btigar. For sale by sept 22 F. W. KERCIIXEK A Convenient Store with a Desir able Dwelling Honsa Attached UT vrETUK of a power of sale vested in JLJ the aadersigned by a mortgage execu ted on vne inn day of November, A. D , 187: by Archibald H Williams and Martha J. imams, his wife, to the undersigned, thev will sell at public auction, at Exchange Cor ner, in tue city or Wilmington, on tue 22nd day of October next at lo o'clock A. M., the following real estate, situate in Burgaw, on Wilmington and Weidon Railroad, in the Mtiti" nf Vow UanAvoi1 vi7- i In. T wt 1m nn 8 Lot nnmber six in block ten, and situate on the corner of Fremont and Dudley streets ana running one nunurea and twenty feet parallel to tb Wilmington and Weidon iTailroad and one hundred and eighty one feet and six Inches at rigbtangles to the said railroad; ad, Also, nnmber ionr, in block number eleven on Dickinson street between Fremont and Wilmington streets, and run one hundred and twenty feet parallel with tire Wilmington and Weidon railroad and one hnndred eighty feet and six Inches at right angles wit n said road. Terms cash. SOL. BEAR, i SAMUEL BEAR, sept 22 107-31 MARCUH BEAR. clary. It NEW ADVERTISEHENTD t 4 THE DWELLING, THE NURSERY, J THE BEDROOM, t3 THR DINING ROOM, THE PARLOR, THE LIBRARY, THE KITCHEN, THE SICK ROOM For sale at if IIRINSBERGERS 6ept 19-tf I-ive Pook and Music Store. FIAE. NOTICE. Office Treasurer and Collector, CITY OF WILMINGTON, September 15, 1873. lTY TAXES. A LL PltOPERTY on which TAXE.S re main unpaid October 1st, proximo, will be ADVERTISED and SOLD, as no longer in dulgence will be given. T. C. SERVOS, City Clerk and Treasurer. 102-dtlstoctne wade3dda y . sept it ANNUAL STATEMENT, 1873, In Accordance With uhai. 20 Sec. 19 of Laws or 1868. . rjHE FOLLOWING is a true statement of the amount, items and nature of all com pensation audited by the Board of County CommisHoucr.s, to the members thereof, severally : Commissioner Hilas N. Martin, s lo attendance on the Board thirty rive days, from Sept. 1872, to Ma, 187:1, at j?2 0() per day, $70 W To fifty two days service on com mitteelromSepk 1872, toMay 187.1, per order of the .Hoard of Commissioners, at $2 to per day, S101 0U ?174 00 Commissioner E. M. Shoemaker. To thirty seven days attendance on the Hoard of County Commission ers, from Sept. 1872, to March, 187;, at it 00 per day. J74 00 To fifty one days services on I committees, from Sept. 1872, to March, 1873. at $2 00 per day," per order of the Board, f 193 00 Si70 00 Commissioner A. R. Black, J ; lo thirty six days attendance on the Board of CountT Commissioners, . from Sept. to Oct. 1872, at $2 00 per ' day 272 00 Toseven days services on com- mmee, irom wepi. 10 ucu liRz, - at S2 00 per day. . SU 00 ' v To horse hire inspecting bridges 3 003 89 00 ( ommissloner A. II. Morris, To attendance on the Board of Com missioners 102 days, from Septem ber 1872, to August 1873, forty days committee services, inclusive, at 2 00 per day $204 00 To horse hire on the Inspec ion oi public bridges, per order of the Board of Commission ers, , . 8 00 S212 00 Commissioner James A Lowery, To attendance on the Board of Coun ty Commissioners forty two days, from Sept. 1872, to March 1873, thir teen days committees services in clusive, at $2 00 per day, $84 00 To horse hire on Inspection of County Poor & Work House, per order of the Board, $14 00$ 1S 00 Commissioner Lawson E. Rick, To attendance on the Board ot County Commissioners nine ty peven days, from Oct. 1872 to August 1873, and forty nine days committees services, in clusive at $2 00 per day, S1U4 00 511)1 00 Commissioner Delaware Nixon, To attendance on the Board of Coun ty Commissioners forty-seven days from Marcb. 1873, to August, 1873, twenty-one ilays committee servi ces inclusive, at S2 per day, $'J1 CO To i20 miles travel in attend ance on the Board fm Marcli to August, 1873, at 5 cents per mile, 26 00 To horse hire on inspection of the County Work House, Poor House, and Public Bridges, per order of Board, 42 00 1J2 00 Total amount audited to the whole Board for the fiscal year ending Aug. 31st, 1873, 1.10. 00 l he total number ot days the Board was in session is fixty-six (06.) The total number of mile travelled by tha members thereof is five hundred and twenty Of unverified accounts, none audited. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA New Hanover county, csept. 1st, ls73. I certify that the foregoing is a true state ment, showing the amount, items and na ture of all compensation audited by the Board of Commissioners for said County and State, to the members thereof severally, the number of days the Board vras In session, and the distance travelled by the members respectively in attending the same, and statement of unverified accounts; said state ment made in accordance with chapter 20, section !., of " An act concerning the gov eminent of counties," ratified the 14th day of August, A. D ISOS; said statement bcin for the year ending August 31st, 1S73. JOS. C. HILL, flerk. sept 2 90-4 w Williston Academy and Normal bchooJ. rpiIE CITY OF WILMINGTON having I aeciaed to establish s system of free schools for all classes, has purchased the mmcung formerly occupied by the W111U- lon sctiooi. The American Mlsslonnry As sociation will continue theirwork in Wil mington by reorganizing the Williston &cnooi under tlie name of the Williston Academy and .Normal JSchooI. The Fall term with a fall corps of Teach ers. October 8th, In the building corner of wenmana is nn streets. The aim will be to give superior advantages to all who de sire to become teachers, to prepare fbr col lege, or to fit themselves for baslnesf. tuition $1 00 per month, strictly in d- Home, corner Seventh and Nun streets. D. D. DODGE. sept 3-d2tawlm-v4t Superintendent. Corn Heal, Hay and Oat, 8000 BUSHELS coR 1,200 barrels Flour, 850 bales Hav, 1,000 bnshels Oats For sale by sept 22 F. W. KERCHy B. v Coffee, Flour and Sugar. d.fift BAGS COFFEEall rradcs. tvU 1,200 barreUBpur, 250 barrel Glue, ( For ale bv pt 22 f W. KERCHNER. TjjEW IDFKRTISKUENTs! m 1st m tnB .The Sonllern Artificial Stone Gsiiin -aiAflLTACTURERS OF ARTIH. t.. PAVINU AND BUILDING STONR FOR Side-Walks, Curbing, Flooring and an oiner rurposcs ror ?Wch m Real Stone is Used. One-Half jto Cost of Real Stone! Intensively used in New York. rhlIH-i j phia. Washinirton. Ralrtiii7?eJ- and other larg cities. .uure ntlCE LIST SIDE-WALK PAVEMENT Natural or granite color, less that 5o u sqare ieci "V0tn Natural or granite color, over jo and ies uwo iw square ieet 13 Natural or granite color, over iVV lesa than SO sonar ieet j u Natural or granite colorover iw anil !(SHth&nMI)ntiarA foi Natural or granite color, over 3 m arid less man i,nnj square reet i Natural or granite color, over i.wjt square ieci....v.....,r.k.. In alternate blocks, with difTerwiti 8 cents per sqnare foot additional. The foundation (which should hp nf i.iv Ao be prepared for us, or we will do thesanie js A written cuarantde will hi i-k . ' this company, warranting the stone to uii for rive years. ' JOHN C. BRAIN, President. CHA. C. BUTLER, Sec'y and Tteas r Kf No parties are authorized to mair.V.i tions for the Company, except by ortW signed by the President or KfrrMirr ..i Treasurer. "uu descriptive Pamphlets can ho hiwi . ders left at this onice. " u" sept 1 4 iw-dtf NEW TURBINE M HHas been tested at YORK, PA, bvrvi I. M. ETTINOER. C. L . H Jand at HOLLYOKE, MASS brM J AS, EMERSON, II K. ' Mv For Pamphlet and tet report Kaddress N F BURNIIAM. Yorir ia& NOTICE, J HEREBY CAUTION all persons ngainst harboring or crediting any of the crew of British barque Tarperian, us no debts of their contracting will be paid by Captain or consignees. , F. M. YOUNG, CaptalA Wilmington Sept. 18, lS7.1-lw CLARENDON SALOON! South side, at foot of Market St. WILMINGTON 1ST. C, R. J. SCARBOROUGH, Proprietor. Best Wine Sc Tjiciuorn always on Hand. Meal, furnished at all Hourx in! lli l-cpt open Day and Niyh't. Table supplied with the best Boltiinoii v.i Philadelphia Beef, weekly. Ov?tors. v1ii"i in KP'Knn if Ok. K.'t quality, furnished in any ftyle desired. sept 12 " (1 BACUIIXG, TIES AND TWIXK. oW KOLLS ST AN DA I I) 7'..(; (JING, 1,000 bdls. Side Slot and Ar row Tics; o bales 1 Ja'rjriiiir Twine. For sale cpt 9 bv F. W. KEllCHNKK. INO HUMBUG ! 'JMIE followinj; cable telegram, t hicli plains itself, was received ul New York ou Wedjiexday morrjlnj,' by the :sinp;er Hewing Machine Company, and may be relied upon as correct: . VlfcNNA, August 1!, ITJ. Singer Sewing Machine Conipanv, New York city, Vleuna Exposition, first prirf, the model of progreRs awarded the hlnc Machlnex; alw the medal for the best ped meng of work done, and three medals lo employees for superior excellence of pro ductions. 1NHLEE A. HOlTtB. President Singer Machine Company. Office and Sales Rooms No. I, LIppitt'sRuw South Front street, Wilmington, N.C CI IAS. E. DlHHLi;, Manas?T, sept 1-WMf Wilmington office. REMOVAL. JAB. A. LOWERY, CARRIAGE MAKER & REPAIRER. I HAVE removed my establihmi-nt to my new buildings on the corner ot FOURTH AND CAMPBELL KTK Near Bony Pridge, where I shall be ple-ed to see my old customers and many ae ones. Carriage making, painting and npainP neatly done. Horse Shoeing, and varlo'J kinds of iron work done on reawn't,,,f terms. . Having had thirty years experience io this business, I am confident that I cunc the finest work, and give satisfaction. ALL WOKK w ARK ANTE ! v sept 3 t f JAH. A. I. WfcR A' Ft LL LINE OF THE LATEST Hi 1 J'f m m "1 OF Fancy Cassimeres and Vostinp. CLOTH, DOESKIN AND BEAVER, Just received. Cut by the latent Fall auJ Winter Ffeshions touitthe most "Fastidi ous taste' Also, Gents FurnlfhiDK ti of aJl descriptions, at the Merchant Tailor ing Establishment, No. 6 North Front street. septlMm W. F. WENZKI FOR 0ENX 4 DESIRABLE HOUSE on the east C9rnef of Ixth and N'unlret-. Or.) Apply t J. H. NF.FF. sept l-tf

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