f ) "y- y y mil m m JOff fill mi i i li ,4 1 WILMINGTON, N. C., WEDBES0M, SEPTEMBER 24, 1873 irnT. ? n ;.:? If NO. 109 I t . ji Jxl' li .'J i ' ' i ' T ' 1 r ii i I'll fi y 'WITh'A n-V AR Pi TPs w -fr, feT3i MwZrii i , N4I S i I .",.'1 liV , .,-4-,3- " !!-y " r JjLj ' . , ' V ' : i v ULimm ) . - - - - - i iVvtr'j; A,Ji"ru'':,ti r-y.Tl I N N . . K!Hr and Proprietor .subscription. a A-IVt c : I . . , ; f f ; ;l i ' d J . ..-- , ftJiS in fJv.i::y 1 ' ,i if i" ,ii ( I .jliiiv i' iv- reports iJ . ... r .llV ''?! ra'"!'-.. " . I : v :v;JL." ST c Jv E v ,i) 'rtoirfuBRN rnoiiuny, i .,, i H Tiirpctiii"i '''i-ik XjHijIleii stud '', ,.: ;i:;. I .it l.v--i Tn-irkei price. A. i.ui Kite un a vi u v i c I'f 8, r. k ai-K'.v : ;Jj.- au'l Tr'j.is, Kii'ilvioNi) AKCHITJiCTURAL ,m RKS NfJi STOVK COM PA. NY, l iu-i ('.unp in v Ucr t). tJie peop'e uf Vii" ..ini i ."i J l If w-)u! Imtii StutPs a laro line at ,"i '.) ! ol th'.'ir vu manutt-turc Jor jri .... "as r!i"aj inil on tM ins s liberal; sis tan 1, i 1 (:' ii'iy N'orf hrn stablislinn'nts." In ,t i Iim. m . to rit'jvcs of all classes, wo make r hitt f ui 1 U'oi k-; a- spuciall y. Fronts, ii,Mtt- Hollow Wan ' SrfMiiMi' J'rn ps. .Soi I I'i.i-, s ul Iron-:, A.c.alNrays o-i liairl; and K i'iirit tli' ai.t''i)l'oi of ib-ale rs to mir M'lt'iTii it, i pri -o S'.'M'l !or circulars and ,i lii . in no t "m MiTi'lrrindiso lirokorapje Office, LM'U, li'i" of .-samples consUintly on; hand f l!o;n iniportci'; and in n nil fart urcrs in .V'H I 11 in o Ui-ts. All (l".-ri p! ions ol imTcba mi ird"rs in I Ul 'Is solicited aud teleiapliyd promptly. M h iirli m bought and sobl in. this 1 1 k vt , ttbT from buyers solicjtfci, ami . "I'l'i- I'-'' by sellers "will have prompt, at- ; .iition. Tima well av easli purrliasr-s nogotiatcd, mi. tli-:)" you wib to buy or sell, commutii , ii' I lively, a ill often Willi, your local H'.ik'T. AX.': T. VVVVVKWAY, M'Tt-ii itidisc ami l'rolluce Mrok. r. ihC '') . lsttt- iiiiiiififilrHoiv M ) l K J I K A. O C L T Y. cAnnziiur COUNTY, N. G. 'KlA'tL 3 IIUiBAUD, Proprietor. I'ns -pl-ndid Sm f;idi' Watering Place, -"nid i at Beiutort Harbor, will be open ! ; I lie rc-jeptiou of quests on Monday, ; June 16th, 1S73. Il'li ACKNOWLEDGED TO HE THE MOST DELIUIITFUL PSUJFM? BATHING o-i th Atlantic coat. of the Unite l States! tin ,".t to be tbe temituas of the reat sxihIhtii Pietic liiitlrotul. UnsurpHSsetl fe iiitic. lot splendid saiio, l-'ishin and it t'liinir. . 1 Ue steamer Zod iac, Uapt. Win. H. (.'hapiu; i nininnnder, leaves direct 'or New YorK. every week. Forties . wi.liing- to ena s rooms, will plt'H-e address as above. Jvily lJ-3m I in: a:;p fike insurance an f.f ' eiiten .i at the lowest-current fates in the followm- lopoabible Companies, on ap I'lication to 1 SKW YORK LIFK.IN.SUKANi: COMPANY", Assetts ' ?J0,00U,(XKJ J. A. B YllNl", tteti'l las. At., IMI'F.UIAR FitlH INSURANCE O ) Mi AN Y, of ixjudon , Asset t il,)Ua,0l)0, Gold I.YNVIIoFRU iNSURVNCK AND BANK INU COMPANY.of Vii., assets 5015,330 OU DOMINIUM IN'iUllVNCE COMPA NY o Va., asset ts. S200.000 HYliNE A K KENAN, Ueh'l lnstiranco AgenUs, Orlk-e t ii amber of Commerce, ui stnirs, Wilmington, N. C. anl 77-ly Howard Asoeiation, I?liila., Pa. An Institution having rihjli repntAtlon i'r imuorblo conduct and professional skill. A tins Surgeon,' J 8 HOUG1ITON, C D. r.ssays for young' men sent free of charge. Address, rlo ward Association No 2&outttMttttf tet, Kiitadelphia, Pa.5 may 8 - 3l-3ni BAllBGlt SUOP. JOM TURNER wishes to inform his custo mers and public generally, that he is now prepared to do alt kind of rork in his line,' Hr.d would respectfully request- a continua tion of the patronage vrhich has heretofore eeeu so liberally btowed uppa him. r " Jhu hi tf 2Lfi. THOMAS CONNOR BAR ROOM E. corner of Mulberry and Nutt Sts. Alwayson hand the beet quality of Segai c 14 lft7-ly PARKKK. cNr X A VLOR , Successors to Manufacturers and dealers In HOUSE FURyi$IlLN( GOODS, Hani Stoves,' Lanterns, - Kerosene, Oil Tin ' r and ftheet Iron Ware, RoofingAdonerut shortotice ; Agents for Fair baaifaScaJcs. f, ... ! Worf. 19 Front Street tf . W l I, M I N ; T O N.N . C. novis t b t lfi0ly MISCELLANEOUS . (It II P II n i i im.Ti . m n m n it n :i 1 11 i filLV iiiT TUIUtUL.' SAW! The best ORGANS of the Kccd class INTHfcRLW Tiic Iest for Chur?hes and lAx.lgc.-.. f The Ikvt for Sunday Schools. The Best for Parlors and V'li ic . -The e-t for Academic and )!!- (:;. The Best for riiblic IfalK The Best for Oirliestni and .t.i;-". These instruments, vli ich lor sweet ness of tone and elegance of aiioiiit nient stand unrivalled, have met, with uni)reccdentcd success in thw country and abroad. ? MANUFACTTTR.KD UY I P. NEEDHAM- 4 ESTABLISH HI) IX 181. Nos J 43, 145 & 147 East 23d at. N Y Responsible pai tie.s applying for agencies in sections sjill unsupplied, will receive prompt attenYiou I ami liberal inducements. Parties residing at a, distance iroju our au thorized a-rents, may ordnsr Iroin our tiujtory. Send lor illustrated nriee b . ;iu ij-tf TO THE WF.STIT0 THSWEST! Betore making your urratieineuls to lol 'ow the advice of the "thousands who have already gone," it would be wc l to .consider what has been done to make tho journey to your 'Homes in the West" as pleasant and Irce from danger as human skill and tore sight can accomplish. II y consolidation and construction, a road has been put intcncrjre'ration tn tlie shortest TO;siblc line frouii Nafebville; Tenm, to St. Louis, "the future g-catOi.ty Of the world." Tlu line, the I - . ' ST." LUUI3 ifc SOUTH K ASTERN KAIL WAY, ' ha6, during tire past 'year, earned an euvia ble reputation by its smooth track, prompt time, mie connceliohsi and the mngniii eenee of its pissener equipuieut. ;JU trains are made up of hew and commodious day carts provided with the celebrated Mil ler coupler and p'atiorm, und the 'Veftint!; honptj air-brake. IL is posilivcly the ouly line lminiu rullman Palace Drawing-Boom Sleeping Cars through withtjut chunge lrom Nash ville to St. Louis. No other line pretends to offer such adv.iiihic4, either in uiotacctr, time, or equipment. Why then, journey by circuitous routes? Dosnot be induced to . purchase tickets to St. Louis or the Weist by auy other line, remember that The "St. Louis & Southeastern" ii the shortest, cheapest, quickest, best uud ouly Hue uuder one imauaemeut lrom Nashville to iSt. LouU, and is fn.uu 00. to 00 miles the shortest to St. Louis, Kansas City, Omaha, Denver, California, Tcva?, and all western points. It i tlrto the "Chi cago Shortest Line," via Evausvilic. You can secure tin? cheapest rates- fur youreelves and your movables on applica tion, in person or by letter, to Ciiables McCabb, Southern Fassenper Acnt; near College street Depot, NashriHc, Te:m., or to the undersigned. VV B DAVENPORT, General Ticket Aent, St. Louis. No trouble to auawer questions. I july 25 ; Olix "S 'JC J yXX Z A X 1 S 7 3 ThirleeuUi (Irand "Annual Fair or rm; North Carolina Ajricultol: Society RALEIGH, X. C. - ' -October f i:Uh to 18th, 1S73. ? Ten Thousand Dollars in Preminm. ' ' New and attractive Cirounds. Magnificent Buildings. Accommodation for seating 8,000 people. Railroad arrangements the most liberal ever made with any Ajrrkmltural or Me- ik!viiatv in 1hAKIt. 1 " '" tct exhibition trannortert FRLR, and delivered from the cars within the Glare for passengers oh railroads- In North Carolina, Weeper jpile, ..SSS.ftS'iSSa from every direetioti claily. special trm i-i- .i.;. npnwH Will run to the l. rounds ,.itv pvwv! rliieeu minutes, it ate IUIU1 Mil- J - i Si if on I v TEN CENTS. ,: MU! Hon. Daniel Voorhees, oi uuuau.i, deliver the Annual Address. K on the cultivation of cotton by Da vid Dickson, Esq., OJfela- lF-n Urand Prize distribution of BlAMlEl) S v'S'mx.the ereat Palest rian ih his won derful fents of endnroce L i 1 1 " i . i for children under 1J SON years 0t IMSO. i'd J'l J' -'Al fTff-. t!' -f ' ' 5 - ? -r ---r Send for Premium Ust. . , 4.iLinH M,),ftef"e XTrst of file Lurt Jloa... ... .1 IJIISCELMNEOUS. CAUTION. i.rv ONLY TJ1? tiENUINF. FAIRBAtfMlMES, If f II fANUrACWnKB IIY ' I fl LV &- T FAIRBANKS & 10. ST.-i.vn&ni? sciz,es. .StloekSca lc, ( 'omI Scales, Hay scales, Dairy scales, Counlcr Scales, tVc, vJ. fceales reniire'l romptlv inid reasoha- . I ; biv. THK MOST I'KIIFKCT ALARM CASH DRAWER. "3tiic Alarm Till Co's. T T. " t ' J; V J,K 1 EVERY f Mercliant snoiu.i) UUlX II 1111 Use Them Wrmited. Fairbanko' Scale Warehouses, FAiliilANRS & CO., 311 nil.OADWAY, NEW YORK ' 1 o6ia1ftriorgt Baltimore, ; &i Oar.ip st., New Orleans. FAIRBANKS & EWING,"5 ; ?.ra.onic llall, Philadelphia. FAIUBANKS, BROWN & CO.; '2 Milk Street, Boston. I'or - y all leading Hardware Dealers. sept li yr-.tawha 13 I P? I-j O JL AWAltDSD BY TI1E American Instituto EinuroidGry and Fluting lacliinis. pf every tnatron in the laud." . j;xiiinrriJN UF intj. F. A. Ban"rlt rres. Sohu E. davit, Kce. Secy. bamuel D. Tillmuu, Cr--fcf cy. New York. November ib This simple and injreuivus Machine is as nselul as the Bewin Machine, and-fa last becojuiuj; ioiulai witU ladies, in the place of expeusive Needle worii, its work being uiueh more hand sow', rr piu mir less time and not one tcuth part Hie expense. iSo lady's toilet is now ejui.-lete without it. 'AAlaehinc with illustrated circular and full intruclioiis sent oa receipt ot or iiuished iu silver plate fur $2-15. Addrev:--, Tuc MoKbs Mauulactur.n, Co., , iiOO Bioidwsy, New York. Aciix r s wantp; 13. Dr.. Gin'v Elixir or Tar, ; ! li ri.ntninviili-.d lV l '-irUl ir .VLCUiCJ 1 oral 11 tloncrs and a speedy cure guarauted, for, Colds, Coughs Catarrh, Astmua, uroncuiue, Spitting Biood,Consumptiou and all Pulmo- nary Complaint Serotula, Erysipelas. Dys- da. Cough-, Catarrh, Asthma, uroncunib, pepsia anJ Gout. Dysentery, Cholera-mor- bus, Cholera and all liycv. aua uowci com- plaints. Kiduey diseases auu an nuw-uw" Of th Lriuai oraus I''cvj a"u, . . m:.., i A ',...! ..,1 i Kriiliertli'K I -pleiis ant to Take and never diooWB toaii Price SI 00 per Bolt'.e. Full particulars with nKdica! testimftnlrtilieates iree irom .'initial ui i-.. -w. . .-it-iit on aiM'lication. 'Address, L. F. HYDlfi 4o CO.. '.- cieve- th Avenue, N-w York. i Darts iroin tlic Devil: or -s f A Book just issued exposiug tlte PSR8ON- am" that have appeared in the i oriv M,.-.r...,,ra. lioti hitrkrv find l( Son. STTL- .V. 1 ,,x rvi-im Advertise- 1311 Y1UL.IAKB X Ul.1.1 x..iv- JZ".: i .... i.ui ,i r i ni I wn- The riistory ot me uoodkicu utAun." rt-sult of a "nersoual." Description of Liv- . . . . . fVt.k in" Broad waj 8Utn0a?- Ex eoS SOCIAL Addroas, L'Dlque Printing House Vesey St, N. Y, Thn HeckwitU $10 Portable I'am ilv svin?r Jlnchinc, on 30 Days -Trial ; many advantages over ali. Batis fa, t!nn (ru.iTaAt&ed. or: luouev refunded ,..iidite. with full directions. Beck with ?tp' SSFw : TIIF NEW ELASTIC TRUSS-An Imivutaxt iaVESTrJS it retains tne,Tup- ture at all times, and uuder; the-fcardest c,-..r..ii ctnin .Tt i Worn with ciLKb vi .-iw. k...-, f--- comfort, aud if ke;it oa ,ti;ht and day, et- fucts a permanent ' ctffe in 4 "tew weeks. Sold c'ieap, an 1 Sent uy man waeu rucsw- a i'.-,r..nir fi,t- whan ordered bv letter -n... w!at:, trim . No. 683 sent to liie r.iasi:e lruss vo., u. Bro uiwayi iN- YCity. Nobody uses. Metal Spriu-Trusses: too piinfnU tbey sHpoff too frtuaentiy: ' 4 ;;oK mayU307 t'tf CLEAPUR & KING,'; I Cormerl v IUc' firm ofCarrawiy ifraeapoif r v v'T-nr,iMtiiKllLsT.rJ.As.s IIAVlNfi II rr nmPHAIUt:OTTANtAliLHJN,oniIar- &t Ptrcti: where Uicy will be pluedtoi vereold friends ami the pun lie gejuersuiy 15einthanUful lor past lavtirs, tUey.bope to mlt ivhareoi patronaze in the future. ; t ,s . .i - - - i LOmey't'Jfi; n i f t ri t i T " J - TPieiiont- iirffie r - i wwmnwn ii Soil" In tffeci dn &ud iftei Supday, Juni l UliNG NUKTtl.l- t trr , ? t t , 'iJBfU-. ACCOM. L i ive Charlotte r"? 5Jsr . 1" Danville.....,,. 11.L7a. m.. 0.15 a- m,. ' Knrkvilla . . Jtl . 111 An - ' Arrive at Richmond-4 ?vl-2 55 p. M. 1 STATIOHS: Leave Kiehmand 4 : " Burkville ti i in . 1.05 p. m 9. 45 a. M. 4,10 9 45 V 2.03VA. m 1 .0 1'. M. AiO lOrjtf " reenp$ro.i; " Soiisbtiry.... ATive at Charlotte 4 OS GOINQ sYKSr. STAT JONS. MAIL. EXl'KKSS LMv GreensbQo. . . " Co. SLopa,... 8.20 r. m 11.00 " 1.40 aim r p.iuk Arrive at Goldsboro' 4.30 : .V GOING VVJSST STlf IOKS. MAIL. KXPUBSS LLenv Gold8boro;?A 5sRtleigh 4 jt4 . Hjllsboro' ArrttPt! al Greensboro 5.26 7.47 12.05 10.48 A.M. North Western N, K. K Leave Greensboro. ..11:20 P M ..1:40 A M ,..4:40 P M ..7:00 P M Arrive at Salem .. ... . Leave Salem Arrive at Greensboro.. Mail trains daily, both ways, over entire length of Road. Accommodation daily be tween Danville and Kichmond(Sundays cx- On Sundays, Lynchburg Accommodation leave Richmond 'at 5.33 a. m.,' arrive at Burkville 11 23 a. .in., leave Burkville 1.10 o. m., arrive at Richmond 4.17 p. m. Pullman Palace Cam on all night trains between Charlotte Richmond, without chance.) f1 ni.l 'Tint i ,.1.1- T Greensboro, N, (.', T. M R. TALCOTT, Engineer and Gen'l Spuei iutendant. 8ii:r7 y OFFICK TKTKBa6lTItO U. Ki Oof, ft May. 31st. 1872. ON AND AFTER JUNE 3itD, THE trains wilJ run as follows: f . ' . LEAVE VVELDON. Express Train : MiKin. Mail Train ' 3:iip.;in. ARRIVE AT l'ET ElvnJiU lv. ??oS Si Ma . -t 1 f 6:0Ja. m. impress rf ) V ( ARRIVE AT ,V LLDON. Ma,il --tj " . R - lxpres Kkpress ; FKEIQ HT. TRAINS. 4 , i I,eave Ptrrsbnrg H:D0 a. m. ' , 1 :3t()0 p. m leave weifion a : Mrl.li., aimyc o . iv.- . Arrive at PetersburK . lf GAiiTON, HU Nb. Ij0Av4 Petersburg h,k 2:'2k) a. in. a. m. ieave Gaston his n. m Arrive at Gaston ? t"V p. m, 8:10 p. m Arrive at Petersburg Notrains will run ovt yundayj-fcAP1 press trains ' ' " 1 , , FrrfirhtjjfnrRastin tiranrnwi i Derpceiveu at t.hftTpeterKburg depot only on MONDAYS anri THURSDAYS. ! Tli Honnt. will hfi Hosed at 5:(l P. 111. NO irrwrti will 1 reaived after that houn- b 4ilTllJf3 i w. ' . L Jtf Erielneer and General Manager. Carolina Central Railway Company! WILMINGTON, N. C, ) . "t May 14, 187o SCHEDULE. PASSENGER TRAINS . l. eave WILMINGTON DAILV (tX . ceDt 8Undavs at :00 A M I . nr. i . . PM arrive ni i nucau-ji u hi. - Leave Wadesboro at 7:10 A M Arrive at Wilminztou at 1:5 P V! VRmrttTTRiTV r FKEluHT TBAlv. ITeavc Wilmincrton dailv fexcci't tinndays Arrive at Leave Lat onnaayi o.w iriive at Lsurinburg at W f M Leave Laurinburj: at.. 00 A l Ar .'1 Arrive at WllmlnetOnmt.r. oO.f M PASSENOERrkitNS. - ' Tv Charlotte dailv. Sundavs - .excepted, at ;.. h. 00 A 31 I Leave Buffalo at 1.(0 P M I Arrive at Charlotte at. ... 5.15 P M - , lrMlrnl,P i lmi.P In,l1ml,er TrainsJin 1 n"AT " LlJjrr u7CA ?aTfiIMfiui. I on both portioUof IhKoad a thebutl- ness requires. r A Daily Staze wjl aooo ran ip connection with lli trains on roth ende of "1 his Rail- ay' tf. L FRKMONT, - Chief Ensioeei1 and Sup't may It) 3ii-tr VJtTi W ARRASTTEC DKKUS- On hand and feh25 : ttft ft QiUAblt ' f y f Ti MM) 8 : liaOTHIG- lC.-4V?N-.V11tvtnffA .-rftA VWVWVUr A. IAIU ...... "t - .T C H A hoe a F S & l U L E HI fJr cpUB FOlLOWlNCf gCH3D(U2 Wtht, ' DAY EXPRESS TH-1 IN1. tiilly ) li Leave WjUnir.Kton P.;to A. M Arrive at Florence. . V . i i .11:10 A7M ArriTc r.t Coluaibi.v-rv.. ..;.....! 1:4 Jf M Leave Columbia . . a x Arrive at Florence .T!V!7fl 2ffA T .Arrive at Wl!nil3QtpftCI.TCT. -icXS M NIGJ?? EXPRESS TUA1N llAILY (SUN '...; ! DAYB EXCEPTED.) Leavc.''Vilmin3;ton 5.45 p. f Arrive at Florence p! M Arrive at. Columbia 3:4 A. M Arrive at Augusta..' 8:20 A. M Leavo AnL'Ufta 5:50. Pi AI lTive at Columbia !0:"p. M VAive at Florence . . ....... . A. ,M Arrive at Wilmington,. ........ . S:00.A, M I 4 1 PaseDce,r3 leaving Wilmington on the :45 P. Af. trln make close connection connccti on going Sputh". JAMES AND E UPON, Gen'l Snp't. tO-tf 6ept 'J Wilmington & Wcldon ii. R; toiupany, OJ2"icb General SvrKRisrr.yrrr, NVrxuiNoxoN, N. C, gept G. ISTo f CfllME OF SCRKDULK. ON AND AFTER SEPT. 'Jth, INST AN T PASSENGER TRAINS on Uio VVil iaington and Weldon Railroad will ruu ts IoHowb: MAIL TRAIN. 1 . 7 - Leave Union Depot d.iily ($!in- ilF iYPinl irl -. A Vi. 1 X " J w V-. ' .. Kill 1 H 47. A, Arrjvc-at Goldsboro...., ... . 1J:11 P. M Rocky Mount J:tl I. M Wcldon. 3:0O Leave Weldon dally rSutitfavp excepted) .::.-.... ; .V At :) A : M Arrive at Rocky Mount , 1 1:20 A. M T .WV'ifKf - it- - . - i-i' i . -i , union uenoc. . . ;.v. ' vn---ri?--t I""-' EXPRESS Tf;AlN.' ' Leave Union Deptot Arrive st Goldsboro ly. . . At ' r;so P.'k ih F.'M 11:34 1. M i:-jo a;m-: ; :;o P. M 8:25 P. M ld:4:i P. fcTl Rocky Mouut. . Wcldon i. ...... l-avc Wcldon. daily Arrive :it Rocky Mount.. G.-ldsbOTO Union Depot. U.10 A. M Mail Train makes ciose conm-cif-ton at Weldon tor all points North Buy Line and Acquia Creek routes. Express Train conr.ects only v.illi Acquia Creek ronte. PULLMAN'S PALACE SLEEPING CAR A ON TpUS TRAIN, FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilming ton trl-weekly at 0.00 A. M., aud arrive at 1.40 r. M. EXFRESS FREIGHT TRAINS wilt leave WUirdnirl nn dailv ( Sundava . tiicci-t ud ) at 2:00 P. M., and arrive at 4:00 i M. . JOHN F. DIVINE, General ?upcrintcr.dent. Kli-tf s pt 10 THIS MOST REMARKABLE 6 ? L Al'PA iiATUsKH sometimes ciillcd a mcchnnicjil paradox now ustl with such- wonderful suct'C in our principal eitiea for the cure, i-y fi nrr.ATfVF ktf.k cisr, of nearly all Chronic Diseases and Weaknesses, Is for suloby the under? inrd, i.y whom all orders will be promptly4 fit led. XXIK REACTIONARY is si const ruelcd that even a cli.M can in stantly ad.jnt U for a perwm to lift any w-l2-lu. from twenty bo twelve uuiimiui t rr r- pounds. It U made almost Wholly of Iron and !" I. weighs Tin pounds, and covers a - puce of on ly 3 by iuUiiuid UiouihbiilnJcceiAlly. mtroduyed, nearly 1,'t have already been eoht, 'i ; ' ' - t 1 ' ' ; t i piiici: noxKD ani rHuiriT.ij. Small !oks or circulars, -iiowin i: ue can be had free at the olliuo o0.he l'or. si. IT. "MANN. i;roklyn. N. cpt -dAwtf i'. ( . Rox - r'. A. ADWA5: " - VUJiLfcKS f ADRIAN & VjOLLCRS. WIIOLECALE DEALEKS IN Importer of German and Havana CUr--. and Oomiiii.-iQn Morehant 'HOUTII-Rast Cornkk Dock and Fiioxt , .. street.,;, J WILMINGTON, N'. C. Havlng-tba 1 arrest antt best asvrt.: HUwtc of Groceries and Liquors in the City, Dealer wfll And it to their Interest to give us a call before buying elewbere. . , - njav 17-tf p ' - - MS r... ri f 1 .ID VERTISEM EM CACKlSrPS WANTED. Drniictie .ficmni Machino c.i v.,. c ---- -V1. i orfc. STEAM EX(j I Xl:s. ;. ! . BOILKUsi AND MACIiiNHRV. . rv a ti d P, .rtnbl e ' oa m 1 : -1 r. t-. : -. lloilexs. t;ray i anii-li irtion cetlou i n -, c-lrenlar, jrangand mulav ;!v i,M- ,,.. : bloaud stationary Uuurin-m i! s mills nud su-ar paim, nm row frimvr h'l ,. motivfs -and dummy t-iig'uua for mt, i roojls and ininina pi:r-ocs, !.. and scv-ml hand Iron and .H. Wtukin- Machiutrv o. v( ry ilcsenjition. Send fur ! i cular WASIIlNo'TDN II ION WiillKs WiVesey street. New York. Kenmofe University High Sclicoi ET' v,,J'2Ur?r, tf?. l,?e, l; i iversity of 1 1 A any. i vanln-ps incomparable with thoPoofoUu i . htudcnlsalso received tor UiuMinuiur. Ni-u' sessK.n begins Kept. I -.th, l.). iH- ealal.t. ;, address the Principal niy ju' ' AGEN'IS WANTED l)i i TJ 1 1 ; N E W "B( hj Iv Epiflemic ii4 Contajdons Diseases. with the- newest and best treat in out lor nil cases lhe only thuiouifh uurk of the kind in ilia world Kml.races small ox. veliov. lever.chOlern ,'llld :ill nn-ilinnu .iu,,., '.. . family sat.-without it. and alM.uv it."llu- i. o i uu ai i ins in,, i, L".'t-v: ehai'ci of the Edison i Talent. Adrtr.s 11 s iooi- jeuu tv I (i, ... i Mi u Kow, N V jU; v lvv full particulars 1-K!:u. s. M. S: i, i p; ilanover street, l'.onon. A BTUNE-Ilow! "l;y KpccUl7ilMiK iu A Mocks and (io'd. C:n.i;; i m,. ...ti.... will pay iuu to l,.txi a moulli. ' l ull nation sent free. . y Ul I'.KF l'l Co.. Bankers and Broker-', li Wall s;i,i' . N uw ork. liux :. $5 to $20 classes o At'eiil - i. liitcd' ; 1 of vnrl I n.' ni,,i,i, ... eitherpox.younorold.niakciiioienioiu v m work for us in their spnre moments iu all the time, thau atunytlilmclse. l'artiVuhu s irec. ivauress i. sunson & t , Poriland Maine. ' juiy a-iw ' rpHU GUKATlSX INVENTION OK Till. L AGK. Agents wanted everywhere. Mamploil aad ternts tree. Addrens NV. . walm.1:, liiisscivine, uy 6ray's Celebrated Anti:Frictieii Cot ton Press. The ehe4ipcst,simplcst and mot perfect col ton Screw .ever invented. Hemllor c.In-ulau-. WASHINGTON IRON WORK'S, (, Vcsky NlEDIKS and ntlae!imcn(s for . 'Hi kinds f .SowipjiuMiw Uluei!. ( a-h or. tei.s pruaiptl v li I led or sent per Ex press (.O.I). Addn -1. MAXWKIjIi, :harlOtM!. N C. eti rai Aireiitil the Ilotiif MuutJciSwwin .Maehiii-. GRAHDEST SCHEME EVER KNOWN. Fourth .Jrand tlifl loiicert iotiTim iir.NEriT oi tuc POBLIC LIBRARY of KENTUCKY I 12,000 CASH (ilFTS jj!l,3oo,Miu , i250,000 ibi "JO. The Funrth (;rar,d ii?t uneert author- ized by fpeeial act of the L' lIattire lor the benefit of the Public Library of Ken tucky, will taky place in Public Lil rarj ilal'.Mit Loui?m1;c, Ivy., WKJJNESIAY, UfcCEMBEi: :;, l:. Only tixty tliotisand tickets will he Mild The tickets are divid'-'d into len couoiii- or parts. At this concert, Wi.iv-a wU be tli. i.nu. ctt ititie-ical dUplay ever .xitnestei ::i tl.i. cuuxitry, tbe unpreecdeiited :-i:i oi $1,500,000, liided into l i.LWcach tjil ts, ill bj di.- tr'butyd by lot umon;' tlic tirKet bolder.. LIST OF GIFTS: One raiid caakilt "J n One tratid cab trift JO'l.ooO Oncrand ea?!i'ilt .r0,t).i Oi:e graud ea? h j;ilt o,Ut' One i;ra:.d eah -1ft 17, , m ldcashffiffS ?10,J0cae!i...'.... Idi.PiK) : 0 cusU jjdU ' i ;J cu(.ii J.i.J.ooo 5J ea-b 'irts to cash silt- K'U ca;h jits l.Vlcaili irift s J0 cash tciti ?;Z cash uii'r 11,W cjpIi Ljift l.Oi'Jiac ;; -.,': " WKJutCb 4U.0CO ia a .lU.CfO Y'O each. . .... i.,("J 'J00(cch .rii,bu) jlOeacii ;j. .',(( .-, ."...;) k Tot.il. ;.bv.u '-it;. a.l amounlii:,' to -. .1,-'aVJ,uh; The distribution will ! J piK-itivc, Oietli cr all tbe tickets trc cold o.- hot, i the 12,00). cifts iJIj.ld hi jiro-)rt; :. to tbe tickets sold. PRICK OF TILKUTS: Whole tickets VM: HalvO f-J.1; T- titi.: , -or-eacli Coupon, i: Eleven Whole '1 ickcto for 4-XrJ ; 'i.i Ticket lor .1,Al ; Ibi V. hoic Tickets for $.1,000 ; W Wl: )!- TI !..".. fr j;o o u. No discount on lc- than wortli ot Tickets ft, a Lime. Tieketd now ready for a::., r.!! order., accompanied by the money promptly lilied. LiUral lernib iven to thoe av:.j ljy t sell ajj.ibl. TilOd. E. BRA.MI.LTTE, AwA i'ubl. Lilr. Ky., and Manager Ci' Concert. Publ. Idbr. lib!-, l.ouivU1e, Ky. 2 NEW TURBINE JsJ rillb been te-ted al V"lii', i'A. b rVl " i. m. lttin;i:i:. -. i; i f J'ai.d at imi.T.Y'.Ri:, M.ss.bjp JAW. lll.KiM -. ' Mi- For Pam i'h let and tea res. rt j addt.-s N F I'.I'KVirA M i oi k. i n FOK ItKXT. liEi:Alli.i.i IItK on the south vt e-trnwof sitb and Nmi afreets. . Apr-'vt ... i vrJ4 stf I. H. Nf-r , I iwUV WHi4(U .ui-u;uusl I, a). 1 lineinaliiiwl tnVt vnl' hl mfahAnn linSl I il; V " (rrcen,,- Afs't Pi-or. Latin, U. XM instructor in Greek, LuUn, Krench. tic ni t and Botany. This is on.. ... m,.. i;....'irf. , ' - ? 1 "ni iff. ' 4 jt:iti f 4 fp - 'f 4 f - ? ; ' i 4 1

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