f - c sm n , f ff1!li II VSi lr t itif tf iff fi? .i.i!? j :i 1 i. , VOL 'VII. WILMINGTON, N. G., THUKSMIMiP,1 NO. 110 ?' MISCELLANEOUS. THE" "SILVER TONGUE' -T-r -y, - WML I J ixs let M tie i f 7 12: Ixbl f if kA-pl f!Tillfr if 'KAIL? 8.' ij rml'ijixi I-- ' Met)ilti?Air4iiir!RailwaT.- ? Wilniiiglon. ioluDiUiiv i Ati- H .1 eve'ry i'li rnon except ouud. i,H .fANNKdir ad I'rirprteror i ; -rtKtl rt '&HI :;anro m.hvsz-. i . Ii i i MISCELLANEOUS. CAUTIQN. T r ' fniTY 0"1,Y 'TlfR f GENUINE FAIRBANK'S SCALES, E. &fT FAIRBANKS & CO: ROAD R01D T . . . . .$5 . : mi . 1 :i0 .i , ill A j V i '1 '' . t... in a-1 -rr. ' . ,. . til ' ' " rn" m. .j.i r i ,,4r!- o: "'v 7"'"-. t i 'Holitic.il new rirts i v (j kk. ' f-fct tilt r W)PKR & DOUGHTEN, N s v A S T O K 1 - ' ' it s ' r, NORTH F UO NT STliKtfr. rhila'lfilpliia, la. I.,, (Wr rurp'i tin" Casks sol u:i led ami '"V.iu r l : : - I rit ljv:4L ijutrkei price.w r . ,,,r u.u:n .ki i.khy. Vice Vn B. k r h akn3 S c and TrcnS. KImIUDNi) 'ARCHITECTURAL H ,s W J.'iKi AND ST()Vi COMPANY, t--i, iWi, lJf CauI Street.' x.i. TBNTU STHEKT. ,,i,t' mpiiny oiri'i' to tlm people of Vir ii.iaii'l ill'1 si m t ! i'tii States a lar-jc line of i ,V l of tiieir own TnainifH-eture for .,ai f'r'up ;ui'l on li rms as liberal as can lii'lo; iiny Nn-i Ir-rn establishments. In Mm mi loStoves of a' I classes, we make ; Tlnt'.cliH Jl Work a specialty. Kronfs, M. llMil'nv Ware, Niencn J raps, ."soil A:i 1 Irons Are . always coli hau l; aiol ; vtlp-it tli" attenlioii of dealers to our 1 ,ii!b iM iili'i pi i -e. Seinl for ciren'ars and MiTi-Uandisc Brokerage Ollico, Tlili li'i'- of sanipl";s constantly n Maml rr mi iinporti'i ; anl manufacturers In til' i ;i markets. l ,i friptoti o mrrclianrllse, Orders 1 1 k , MilicitcJ and telegraphed promptly. MnvhinMise l-oulit and 'sold in this ir,et, orders from buyers solicited, and ni.' left by hellers will have prompt at- Tim1' as well as cash purchases negotiated, k i'i r you wish to buy or sell, eoinmuoi- l treely, ;'ii I ott'u with your local .IAS. T. I'KTTKVVAY, M' 1 1 !i unlike aurl Product Urokwr. !( 21) , isl tf iii ii ii 1 ii b ebo 8lss'-, ioki: j 1 1: a ) city. CA fi TKll E r COUNTY. N. 0. IAIiLSj HIBBARU, Proprietor. l'liu spltiudid. iica Sid Watering Place, mtel id P.eiufort Uarbor. will be open ,r !U" rej.t-ptiou of quests on Monday, June 16th, 1873. r I i AUK NO WLEDQED TO B E THE M03T DELIGHTFUL i t'i .' Athvutie coart. of the United -Stator !nr i to be -the terminus of the great wtlieru raoitie KailnKid. - UusVirpassed fe nit's lor splendid sailing-, Fishing and Tbc steamer Zodiac, ( apt. Win. JI. Chapin; "iiiuander, leaves direct lor New York perv week. wtus wishing J,6 enfjr) oom:s, will address as above. 'july 10-3m v INSURANCE; t ---fcA. ii -. .... v s. .- uu ai me lowest enrrent rates lu the owini; rcspousibl CoiupaiMes, pu ap- i"tiou to . r WMl'AjfY, A.saetfs ' ' , .,OOOlqod 'H'A "tK INSURANCE WJir'" i. f loadun, Assetts $h.Ri SUR.-VNCE AND BANK- 1NSLTKANCE COMlJA 1 Vu., assetts. ?'3Xi JXX) t KEEN AN, viimiciw, up aiiaiis, Wilmington, N. C. ,t 77-ly Bv.ir.i a T7T WW-Associatioa - botttAr jse$tn Phiildai f -if at r vT, RER wishes to inform his custt r aud pUbuc generally, tbt he Is now W to do all kind of work3 in his line. 'rwuld respectfully rcSnt .cbtilnua- (i;n l,he PH,W8S wWcliahtqtofQi:, TlIOALvy.UONNOR E. corner of Mulberry and Nutt Ste. n hnd the best quality of Sega, j Successors to "'' A- II. NEFF, Un.taoewtrniirtit dealers tu ; r. r .Lanterns Kerowsne. Oit Tin Kanfinl aZt Iron Ware. ' ; i duller dnnn oY, i A .v"u " puian.uvuvo it . i Uluuct ana proiessionai skui, lw feiJ""us men sent iree 01 cuarge. fKXv rtanni.d 4 1 . t S lur v.nn : . .! . The best ORGlNS of tie Reed class IN THE WORLD. um The Be.t for Sunday SHooLt. -wfr Tbo Best for Parlors and Vestries. The Jest for Academie.4 and Colleges. The Best for Ptlblic HallJ. The Best for Orchestra and fcitae. These instruments, which for sweet ness of tone and elegancq of ajpoint ment stand unrivalled, hare met with unprecedented success in this ,country and abroad. MANUFACTURED BY I K. P. NEEDHAM k SON. RsTABLIrfHEl IX loKJ. N03 J43, 145 & 147 East 23d st. N Y Responsible parlies applying for agencies in sections still misapplied, will receive prompt attention and liberal inducements. Parties residing at u. distance irom our au thorized agents, may order from our factory. Send for illustrated in h-h list. auir 26-tf TO THE WEST1 TO THE WEST1 Bctore niakio jonr Urraheineats to fol 'ow the advice of the "thousands who have already gone," it would be we'l to consider what has been done to make the journey to your -'Homes in the West"j as pleasant and free from danger as human skill and fore sight can accomplish. j By consolidation and construction, a road has been put into operatiou on the shortest po.igi hie line from Nashvillej Tenn., toSt. Louis, "the future great City of the world." This line, the ST. .LOUIS & SOUTHEASTERN 11AIL- WA8 f III! I has, during the past year, earned an envia ble repuUtion by :ta smooth track, prompt time, .eure connections, aid the magnifi cence of its passenger equipment. Its trains. are made up of new and commodious day care, provided with the celebrated Mil ler coupler and platform, and the Weeting houee air-brake. It is possitively the only line tunning Pullman Palace Drawing-Boom Bleepin Cars through without Change' from Nashr ville to St. Louis. No other line pretend to offer such advantages, either in distance, time, or equipment. Why, then, journey by circuitous routes ?; Do not bs induced to iurchase tickets to St. Louis or the West by any other line, remember that The "St. Louis & Southeastern" is the shortest, cheapest, Quickest, best and only line under one management lrom Nashville to St. Louis, land is" from GO to 200 miles the shortest to1 St. Louis, 'Kansas City, ' Omaha, Denver, California, Texas, and all western points. It is also the "Chi cago phortcst Line," via lEvahsvillc. You can secure the cheapest rates for yourselves and your movables on applica tion, iu person or by fetter,- to Charles McCabb, Southern Passenger Agent, near College street Depot, Nashville, Teun., or to the undersigned, . , . v . Geneial Ticket Agent, St. Louis. No trouble to answer questions, july 25 5T-6m fcS rX A. TE FAIR 18 7 3, Thirteenth Grandi .Annual Fair t . L'l V'' : ; ! - ; fi OF THE North Carolina Agricultural Soeiety. fiOctobeir 13th! to 18tli, (1873. Ten Thousand Dollars iiv premiumj.. , New and attractive Ground. Magnificent Buildings,.- i Accommodation, for seating 8,000 people Railroad arransemenU the , most liberal ever made with.any AgrlcttlUiralox, Me- M,I1 Snnlntv In !hjAt. . Articles for exhibition transport etl FItKE, and delivered, Jrom?ino cars wiwiAu Grounds., Fare lor passengers oh railr oads in. orth omiino. TVi Tver mile.. Kxcurslon train Carolina lc per, mU&,icurslon train from every, direction dally. Pslat for the passengers wu i ru iug yiwuin. from tb city every,, fifteen, minute. Fare Hon. Daniel Yoorbees oC Indiana, W I ir ri... '"I I WWnHntffllr 3k deliver the Annual Aaurw. t Essay on the cultivation of cotton hy Da vid Dickson. Esq., of Georgia. Grand raze, distribution .of BLOODED WE33TON, the great pdSlrlar.n bis von. derfal feats of emtnrance.,. , , , t' , TWO BANDS, OF MUSIC. " . Htngle admission tb the Ground?, x Single admission Hoc children under. 12 vears0CgliHJflll WOl I 3 Bend for Premium List. , . . ;.1LT. FUL9IIlM. V ffM??T f V-. I'D' II I 8T.wn.fi iin scales. StockScales, Coal Scales, Hay Hcalcs, Dairy Scales, Counter Scales, &c, Ac. i,i,- ALARM fCASBfDRAWEft, Miles Alarm Till Co's EVERY y Merchant srrouLj) Use Them SOLD AT s- Fairbanks' Scale Warehouses, FAIRBANKS & CO., 311 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. 1GG Baltimore st., Baltimore, 53 Camp st., New Orleans. FAIRBANKS & EWING, , . - Masonic Hall, Philadelphia. FAIRBANKS, BROWN & CO.; 2 Milk Street, Boston. For sale lv all leading Hardware Dealers. sept 11 97-2tawlm- DIPLOM AWARDED BY THE American Institute .J. W. McKEE, Emljroiflery and Fluting MacliinGSj It is ingenious and will meet the wants of every matron in the land." ! EXHIBITION OF 1ST2. F. A. Barnard, Tres. Sohn E. Gavit, Rcc. Secy. Samuel D. Tillman, Cor. Secy. New York, November 2U, 1S72. This sample and ingenious Machine is as useiul as the sewing Machine, and is fast becoming popular with ladies, in the place of expensive Needle work, its work toeing much more handsome, requiring less time and not one tenth part the expense. No lady's toilet is now complete without it. A Machine with illustrated circular and full instructions sent on receipt of $3,or finished in silver plate for $2 75. Address, Tuk McKeb Manufacturing Co., 300 Broadway, New York. AGENTS WAISTXEXJ. Dr. Garvin's Elixir of Tar, Is recommeuded by regular Medical practi tioners and a speedy cure guaranteed for Colds, Coughs, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, 8pitting Biood.Consumption and all Pulmo nary Complaints, Scrofula, Erysipelas. Pys pepsia and Gout. Dysentery, Cholera-mor-bus,. Cholera and all liver and bowel com plaints. Kidney diseases and all affections of th Urinal Organs perfectly harmless free from Mineral or Alcoholic properties pleasant to take and never known to fail fnce 1 00 per Bottle. X ml particulars with medical testimony and certificates sent on application. Address, L. F..HYDE & CO.. 195 Seventh Avenue, New York. Darts from tlie Ml; or Cnjii AonseA A Book just issued exposing the "febsom ajls" that have appeared in the New York Newspapers; their history and lesson. Styl ish villians fully kxfoskd. Advertise ments from desperate men to beautiful wo men: Clandestine meetings: how frustrated: The History of the Goodrich tbagbhy the result ot a "personaL" Description oi lav ing Broadway Statues. Exposes social corruption. 8ent on receipt of 50 cts. Address, Unique Printing Blouse, 86 Vesey St., N. Y, j Tho Beckwith $20 Portable Fam ily Sewing .ttachinc, on 30 Days Tf ial $ many advantages over all. Satis-; faction guaranteed, or money refunded. Sent complete, with full directions. Beck with Sewing Machine Co.,,S62 Broadway N.Y. may 14 307 tf THE NEW ELASTIC TRUSS An Important Isvkstion. It retains the rup- 1 a v 1 i- .-i a . tore at an limes, ana unaur l ie usruesi t- erclseor..etcreit atrabi. fit ia! w4iMf comiori, ana 11 Kepi ou niui uu uaj, ce fects " a permanent cure in a; tew fWCcTiC Sold Cbean. and 6ent by mail when request- cd. Circulars free, when ordered by letter sent to The Elastic Trussf Co , .No. 683 Broadway, N. Y City. No body uses Metal Spring Trusses ; too painful ; they slip Oil too frequently. mayl4 307 tf CLEAFOB & ' KING, 1 ("ornierl y of the firm of Carraway & Cleapor) AVKopen. l a FI RST CLASS SltAVINGi atid iLVI H CUTTING HA LX)N on Alar- vt trpt. -where they will be Pleased to Wve old friends and the' public general! y. lJinr thankful ro past razors, tney nope to merit a share Of patfonwge in the future. E. II. SAJSI3Entf, Attorneyat ! . I., It's Ofh e one door west of the Court Houe. to. IliciuQltyDavjlky RipUmotl;abd Dabf HUJ?Rt $.$2l; m?kjqn,:aaa s ri NorlbiVfaEtera. N. R,Vr 3 ; X)- - 1 In efleci oti and after Stinda,. rune 15, J 1873. Leave ChadoitltU; mm I'uuauui j .... " Greensboro... S.ji1IsVttV ; i biffs-' 1.15 " Danville,. Burkvifle. ULil Tyz um$ a. ,11. Arrive at Richmond. 6.05 -'55 p M. GOING SOUTlf , I f 8TATIOH8. MAIL. ' - 1.05 i w ACCOM. .Leave Richmond 9 45 a. M. Burtvillc.:!. 4.10.1 'S? 4i Danville , 8 45 " tl.l? 3.03 A M 4.05 4 t i n , ' j Greensboro.'. jt" Solisbury , Arrive nt Charlotte. . "' GOING WKbTv STATIONS. MAIL. EXPRESS LeaIc Greensboro' . . . (.Jo. Shops . ... 11.00 ii.ia 1.40 a. i 4.3d HJllsboro " Ualeigh.4.. r. . i . mf . . . V, . . arrive at lioiasooro GOING WEST. STATIONS Exl'K&s Leave Goldsboro' "f Raleigh !; Hillshoro' " Co. Shops . Arrive at Greensboro' 2 30l M 5.2f 3.4? .iSjJ"" 'i' 10.48 A.M.J........... . North Western N, C. K. K , T (Salem Branch.) Leave Greensboro .11:20 P M Arrive at Salem 1:40 A M Leave Salem 4:40 P M Arrive at Greensboro... i ....7:00 P M Mail trains daily, both ways, over entire length of Road. Accommodation daily be tween Danville and liichmond(Sundays ex cepted.) On Sundays;Lynchbuf5Acconlhibdatin leave Richmond at 5.23 a. in., arrive at Burkville 11 23 a. m., leaye Burkvll'e 1.10 d. m., arrive at Richmond 4.1? p. in. Pullman Palace Carfr bh all night trains between Charlotte ?ni Richmond, (without change.) : 1 Fer lurther mloriiialion address .8. E. ALLEN, General Ticket Agent. . Greensboro, N. C, T. M U. TALCOTT, ' Engineer and Gcn'l Spucriutcndaut. aug 7 ' (is Office rKT&HSBUKa K. R. Co. May, 31st. 1872. nT AND AFTEI6 SUNK itib, trains " will enn hj; frtllnwR- :'ir: LEAVE WELDON. Express Train 7:30 p. m., 3:25 P. m. Mail Tram .- lit -AR3IVE AT PETJSBSBURlJ. ' Express . ' M0:50 p. 'm. Mail ' ' " 7:00 p. in'. LEAVE PETKRSBURG. Mail -"' 60 a; m. Express ? r - 83:Wp.nv. Altrtl VE AT WELDON.'' ; Mail 9:40 a, m. Express 60 p. m. , FKEIGIIT TRAINS, , , , . Leave Petersburg Leave Weldon Arrive at Veldn Arrive at Petersburg a m. , i4:00 p. 111. 1 3:(M) p. m M a. ru. GASTON TIMING Leave Petersburg Leave Gaston ' f:00 a. ra. 1 ' 1:15 p.-m -12:50 p. xn. - 8:10 p. xn. Arrive at Gaston Arrive at'Petersburg No trains will run on Sunday except Ex press trains 1 i reign ts lor uaston lirancu win Joe receivea at the Petersburg depot only oi MONDAYS. ana tuuuhjjais. The depot will be closed at 5v pua. No tmnris txrl 11 ta taAaiv&l aflr t hat hniir - ' J . Kjm Ol 1UUW je 5-tf Encineer and General Manaeer. Carolina Central RailwarComnany! WILMINGTQNy NrCt; r 1 sciiKnTjx.ii;. PASSENGER TRAINS T EAVE WILMINGTON DAILY (EX- 1 , nt antiavs at s-00 A J J sLuavt Wadesboro at . f. ... 7:10 A M Ar prc at v limingtott at.. 4 . 35 P M FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Wilmington daily (except Sundays) 6:00 A M Arrive atjaurjnbprg-at..,,.. 5i30, I AI Leave Laurinburgar. . . '. . . .K : 5:00 A M' Arrive at WUming&aj,; . ofd.3a I U r ! ! ' ?! ; Leav C brlott e ilailr. ' t o nda ys excepted 1 at .'. j ... j .i1.'. s5l.y... y.0O A 3ft Arrive at BuSalbt;,. tJ.. .. li0 M LcavJ Buualo aL..t. .4'. 1X0, IPJL Arrlvfe atfChariott atfc. W15PM Irrejrilar LrfmbcpiandrVef Trains rai. I on botb: WfKila;;!, btjy&,J f 1 A DaUj 6Uge Fkil sooarun io connexion with tub traina. both ods oftals Rail. yrJ ' '"t f.'K inn Lltn 4 v TXT A RRANTTEE DEEDS On nasd and j YY for aato t tft j t f"'!i f b? b v fa; .11 j i vm ; f i!f;'i j - Mi inw 7ns ni ,' I : ri ? niV n- K Jf: 'ciiAriOEfscrii-butfe. rpUISFOLLUWG CUDULii -WILL tw;iuiu cucci ait;u a. M.. Monday DAY EXEBfcS&AINjftiiy. If J KMioroewt. 4,,V. ..Iklu A, M lie at Columbia. ...".. 1:45 P. M Arrive ftt Florenc. . . u . i i i . ..ll.-O A. M iQ.rrivJi yviimy;ton 5: Li P. M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN liALLY !(SUN DAYS EXCEPTED,) " , Lea Wilmington 5.45 p. m Arriye at Florence. 1 1 :2"J K M Arrirc j at .Columbia ........ . . . 3;4 sA. M rArnfCt Augusta. . .... . . . . . S:20 A. M Leave Augusta-. . ;r; . .a ....... , fcsa P. M Arrive at. Coiambia 10ua P. M Arrivp fet Ftotcrice ; 2: 27 jv. M Arrive jatWflmiBgtpn.. .. .Y. ."8:00 : M Passcaiers leaving Wilrnlnton on the' 5:4i P: AL tEiliu fniakct'elosu Douuccti vn going South- JAM RS AND E TvSON, ' r . ,Gca'4Sup't. . . 6Pt9 U5-tf Wilmington & Weldoa it. il. jorcK General Sri'jentN rt.j.uiiKT, j j Wiuiihgtok, N. J.t ; Sor t: C.IHTS1 f CHANGE OF . M'J! UUv ON AND AFTEit SKPT.mb. J NUT A NT PASSENGER TRAINS ou ihu, Wil mington and Weldon Railroa.l v.ill ran us follows: - g MAIL TRAIN. Leavo Uniou Depot daily (Sun days excepted).. At 8:15 A. Al Arrive, at Goldsboro., 12:11 P. M Rocky Mount..... 3:11 P. M Weldon M Leave WMon daily (Sundavi? excepted)...;..: ,:..:".At :30 A: M Arrivo at Rocky Mount, .... 11:20 A. M Goldsboro 1:16 P. M Union Depot 5:30 P. M EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily. I. At Arrive at Goldsboro jt Rocky Mount. f Weldon. 5:30 P. M 0:33 P,- M 11:31 P. M 1:20 A. M i 0 P. M 3:25 P. M 10:43 P. M Leave Weldon daily Arriyc at Rocky Mount Goldsboro. Union Depot...... 3: 10 A. M " Mall Train muxes cjosc connection at Weldon for all points North via Bay Litre and Acquia Creek routor. .Express Train connects only with Actiuia Creek route. PULLMAN'S PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON THIS TRAIN. FREIGHT TttAlNB wiU leave Wilming ton tri-weekly- at J5.00 A. M., and arrive at 1.40 KM. EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilmington daily (Sundavs excepted) at 2:0O.P. and arrive at 4:00 P. Al. . . . JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. . 30-tf s?pt 10 " j: ?' ' WW1 mm m THIS MOST REMARKABLE o F ALL AI'PAItATLrilS sometimes cal Fed a mechan leal paradoxnow used wi t h such wonderful success In our principal cities for the cure, by ci'mllativk exek cisk, of nearly all Chronic Diseases and Weaknesses, Is for sale by tbe undersigned, by whom all Qrders will be promptly .filled. Is so constructed that even a child can in-. stantly adjust it for a person to lift any weight, iroin twenty to twelve ! hundred pounds. 1 . '" t t It is made almost wholly of iron and steel, weighs m pounds, and covers a space of only M by -xi inches; and although, . Uit recently introduced, nearly 1,j00 have already been sold. - PIIICK SKA HOXED AND SHIPPED.'! Small books or circulars, showfnsr lts use, am be bad free at the ofliecof the I'osn 1 B. If. MANN,- i 1 . , Tk .Brooklyn: fN. Y , P. O. llbx Zrf. ; 1 ifLKMi ill. i1 Sfpt, H-dAvrtf ; ; ADRIAN & VOLLERS. M nr. C race ri est and Iiquorx., ,f Jnjparters of Gprnian aad Havana C'ls;ar, "Coram Ik BionMorchaii t VsaCirtt-EAsi CJortter Dock and Fkoxt f, . . 1 ... streets.-r : ; , . t - Streets. WILMINOTCTN, IT. a !flaf lngtbe iarsesl and best assorted Stock At nrnrM-ies-and.Lianorain the Qty. Dealers 32 TiiL. Il.bVJllMf Jrannamw fcKJi! lUWI'AWUir.l K. Oonicstic Sewin- Madiim Co v t " York. STJ5A5I EN (; INKS, BOUGHS ANl) iSIACIIINKHV. nSl!inn'ir ',l J ""k'ines ;i im! -rlV&i MrAyV. anti-friction cotton i.iv enrttmt, gan.-uid Uiuluy.iw mil;.- 101 bleana stnt fonnry Hoi, 1 lu;r 711 f 1 1 v, nfWn r , . , ,. JuoMvca nnil duinmy fn-iiiOH for stm t Keiimdre University Hih School vvjif va. Slllllplltt ul kv rf. ,i 1 f.. II. iv.v 1, mi I lie Milliliter. ISCV session bPgiusSt'Pt.i 5th, W.;. For rittaf. address the Principal July t-fu- AG EN 'UK WANTED FoKTilKNKW JJOik' Epifiemic end Contagions Diseases, with the newest nod best trcadnent for all caws TJ.e only tboiough work of the luml 1U the World Linhraccs smallpox. Yellow fever cholera and all analogous diseases. No faAiily Mlife m itbout, it. and all buy it. Has -Jchronjuttoil lustrations TlubiKir't ebam r ot tbo isonM- agents. Address U K ti(Kd .,LJi 4VJ7 Park How. N Y July ili-tw MONEY AlalTapidlywil b stencil ,V Kev ,r t.'beclt outlits. Catalogues and AilllKirti.Jnl.-u A KUKM. s. M. si?nc ru 17 TTfim-ivcir wLJ)oshm. A FOUtlJNE-IInu! i;7s.eetil7riTi1giu JY .Stocks and (Johl. Capital, ?l(i tosfloi will pay k;ii toSl,ixu;i month. ' Full exrl t natiou ;sent free. W. Is. 1 11 ' Hl'.FU, , Co., Ilaqkei-s and llrolu rs, Wall hi reel', New! of k. Lox L"Js. ' 1 tfl 4190 ,M r thy Sauted! All UJJ IU vptiu classes of-working ptoi.ie, il e itlicrs3sx, young or old. make more no uiey at work foe us in their spare moments, or all uiiia man ai any 1 1 1 1 ng else. I'arl icula 1 free. Address ii tinson a- 1 o i.-i !,. 1 Afalne.j ny o.j.lw ' riUiK (UlE.V fi-isr liWKNTioN OF TII 1: 1 AG E Agents wantid everywhere KaniploH and terms tree. Address W. c WALK Kti, ltnsseiville, Ky. Gray's Celebrated Anti-Friction Cut ton Press. The elieapest,Kimplest and mst perfect cot ton orev ever invented. Send lor eireuin WAWIIINGTON IKON WORKS1, H esey street. New York, sole manula-t tire s. FOR SALE, NEK DTJOS and attachments lor all kin. Ik of bewing Machines. Cash onl. r i,,,,.,, m u- ti.n1.0H-n,K''er Express C.O.I). Addn,s D.O. MAVt:L!, Charlotte. N C., tieneial Alien 1 01 uie JionieSimtt leSewi ng Machine GRANDEST SCHERiE EVER KriUYrS Fourth Grand Gift Coiicrrr rOUTUB liliNEFIl OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARY of KENTUCKY 12,000 i CASH GIFTS $1,500,000 $250,000 lbp s--o. The Fourth (iratul Gilt Concert uuthor- i.eu uy 1 special act 01 the Legislature lor the bench t of the Public Library of Ken tucky, Will take place m Public Li bra '"y nail, at Louisville, Ky., WEDNESDAY, DLCEMUEU lj7;J. w"7 luuiwauu IJCIVCIS Vltl DC fcO I U The tickets are divided into ten coupons 01 parts. ! v At tbis concert, which wijl be the r.nnl Cst musical display ever witnessc in.thi.i Countrj'i the unprecedented earn 01 '"$1,500,000. nitidcdSuto U,000 cuh iilta, will be dk triutel by lot arnonjr'thc ticket-holder. ' LidTOF (HFT3: One grand cash gilt fcilb,oot One ;rand cash trift 100, wo One grand cash gift M),000 One gfahd cath gilt 'Jo.OOo One j;rand cash gift. 17,,Wi 10 cash gifts 10,000cach 1(K),hdj i0 cash gilts 0 ('00 each 1.0,(XXJ 50 cash gifts l.OJOeach 50,0(0 500eech. 40,000 400 each 10,000. each 1'y'jtK) iiOO each UQ(A) 100 each :;'.:au ft ea'jh 5.'0.0JO bO cisb gilts 100 cash gilts 150 cash gilts 250 cash gilts 325 eh gifts 11,000 cash gilts Totalj ;1,0C0 gilts, all cash, amounting to 11,500,000 Tbo distribution will be positive, wheth er all the tickets are sold or not, and the 12,003 all paid in proportion to the tickets sold. r PKICE OS" TICKETS: . .Whole tickets f.0- Halves Tenth, or caeh Uonton, $0; Eleven Whole Tickets lor $5U; JWi Tickets for l.OO'J ; li: Whole Tickets' for .5,000; U27 Whole Tickets lr flO.OCOJ No discount on les than .VjO worth ol -Tickets at a time. Tickets now ready for sale, and all order accdm panted by the money promptly tilled . Liberal j terms given to thoac who buy n sell again. s T1I08. E. UKAMLETTE, Agent Publ. Libr. Ky., and Manager iilii Concert; Publ. Libr Wdg., LottlsvHIcKy. y . NEW" TURBINE r , Haa' boon tested at VliJ. PA, brV r1 Id. m. ettin(i felt. c. 1:.. andUt IIOLLYOKK, MASS. hrTl JAM I.'MtMfSU V If I-' 1 B- For Pamphlet and let rt-,Krt lgddres N FRUKNIIAM. York, Pa' FOR BENT. DESinABLLVHoUHL on the HtMtlh- 2 cast corner of Kixtb and Nun streets. Appb to .hand ilron and 00J Woi kin- Maeliiiui KV.T t lf rtpMoif. Hen.l tor ci rcu !ar. ' WASHINGTON IKON WdUKs i y Vsdy street. New York. I ieparalory to the Vnivi-rsitv or Va I Mrmle (fclutli MclsUllst IT VaU Principal and jDatrm-tor in nuUhejiiaties Li C Jlrork. I) 1, H. U ji (recently Afs't Prof. Latin, U. Va '. Ifastrnetor mOrj-ck, Latin, l- ivnch. tJeriniu, Sii'1 i.hls is 0110 on,u' baling hib schools of Virginia, and presents many ad vantages lnconma rattle wiili ti.r.w.. .vf.,.i Wllinnd It to ineir luieresi. 10 given cau ibfldrebuyinIswhcr. ' ? f 7 iti; ...?. , : 1 U927 &wtl 'A ! ! f tept If tr J. H. XKFF, 1 h- mi 1 -HB' .1, - '"'' i s,f ', -m -- jf 'tit 'f'fJ.! ! - . ' fen , H ft