Sr 3 wft mail 13 f , L? , I - - i : 4 S i' . 2 vol vn. WILMIN,aT,ON, N. C, FRIDAY. 26. 1873 jiff ru;i ,t- f. .'in,' Norm ifir.n iT '(, :(1 -1 f V Wis rai c h i : . r f ! i . . i fl.'J -'lit- 5 aL? a Ji i i . . .'j'l-vcry i't:: U'.n except 3tmd.iv. '. j M..NN'..Fditor and Proprietor snb'-eript.on. , ,;-i , ,1(1-. '15 I V.i'H. i $: 3 ! 50 50 . it 'i' 'li:it;l frm " 'rir,nd.S Hi" .:', t JM ol gcn " !it:''i' 'w- --d reports ol ....(i?.i!iy !".ViraM. , ,v i. run. t. i; rr"..N rOPGK & DOUGHTEN. , a VAL STORE S VNLI .SOUTHERN PRODUCTS, y SOUTH FRONT STIinET, Philadelphia, Pa. ,i..,, (! ru'i'OiiMii'i "tslts solicited an i tiil-t at. lowcM. mariwet iricw. 1' , , 2-tf t i h ;s jar, t'rc.-s. !t:cu VKi i".v, Vice lf s, t; r. h aiv'n.s 8'C and Troas. RtrilVIoXO ARCHITECTURAL n;,)V WORKS AN'D STOVK COMPANY, l.iW, 10)1, 1UX Caky Stiieet. ,rll.E. N. 5 TENTH 8TKEET. ThH )inp;i!iy oll't r to t li! people of V'ir--ini.iiiii'i tiif uOiPi n .States a large line of Unt' their own man n fact lire for pri- ivTas '!i':ip anl on terms a.s liberal as can 'f :'' Nortlicrn e-slaijlishment s. In i l liiioii to stoves ol :vl classes, we make r-!i'tectiul AVo.-ks a specialty. Fronts, urates Hollow Ware, Stench i mps. Soil irons, etc., always on hand; ami ,v iiiicit On; atU iiinm of (huilers to our .liiih tii enteririe. Send lor circulars and ,,rif' lists. iuncU im Merchandise Brokerage Ollice, ri'Iili li"'" (,r satiples constantly oti hand fr. mi linporters ana immtfacturers ifi N'oilh-'i u in u kets. All ileseriplioiis ot merchandise, orders ;unl biiU solicited and telegraphed promptly. M.'ivh.uidise bought and sold in this nMrlo't, order-; trom buyers Konciteci, ami vi'iiples left by sellers will have prompt at tention. Time as well as rash purchases negot iated, whether you wish to buy or sell, commuui crtfl freely, and often with your local ijMker. .IAS. T. PETTEWA Y, Merchandise and Produce Jirokr. .Iih: -M 1S1 tf MO.liEJ.LWAD CITY. CA UT ElilC V COUNTY. N. 0. CiUtlLISi HIBBARD, Proprietor. This splendid Sea Side Watering Place, Mtu.iled at Ueititort Harbor, will be open l ) ttie reception of guests on . Monday, Juno 16th, 1873. I r IS ACKNOWLEDGED TO DE THE MOST DELIGHTFUL !i th" Atlantic coast, of the United States! iV'itinel to be the terminus of the great SouMiern Pacific Railroad. Unsurpassed Utilities for splendid sailing, Fishing and luthiug. The steamer Zodiac, Capt. Win. H. Chnpin; foiiunander, leaves direct lor New York every week. Parties wishing to cugago rooms, will please address as above. July 10-3m INSURANCE. J 1KB AND FIRK INSURANCE CAN BE erlW b'd at the lowest current rates in the following responsible Companies, on ap plicatiou to SEW VOlilvLIFE INSURANCE COMPAN V, Assetts $20,000,000 J. A. HYRNE, Gcn'l Ins. Agt., iMPKRIAL FIRE INSURANCE COM PAN Y, of Ioudon, Assetts $i),000,000, Gold lAXCllP.UUG INSURANCE AND BANK ING COMPANY of Va.. assets f45,330 OU) DOMINION INSURANCE COMPA N O' V'a., assetts. $200,000 liYHNE & KEEN AN, Ueu'l Insuranco Agents, Otfice Chamber of Commerce, up stairs, Wilmington, N. C. acs la 77-ly Howard Yssssoeiation., I?liila., Ia. An Institution having a high reputation r honorblc conduct and professional skill. Acting Surgeon, J B UOUOHTON. M D. iMys for young men sent free of charge. Address, Howard Association ' No -J South Ninth St, Philadelphia, Ta. mys I 30-J-3m J0K TURNER wishes to inform his custo mers and public generally, that he is now Prepared to do all kind of work in his line, ad woald respectfully remtest a continua tion of the patronage whieh has heretofore ?ea so liberally bestowed upon him. Jn l6tf - 206 THOMAS CONNOR Bar room E. corner of Alulberrj and Natt Sts. Ajwayg on hand the best quality of Sega J 4c U 157.U Barker x a. vlor Successors to A. H. NEFF, lanufacturers and dealers in U0USE FURNISHING GOODS. Uun, Stoves, Lanterns, Kerosene, Oil Tin ana sneet iron ware. Roofing done at short notice Agents for Fairbanks Scales. No. 19 Front Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. aovij 150-ly MISCELLANEOUS. THE "SILVER TOMUE.1' ORGANS The best ORGANS of the Reed class JN THE WORLD. OIW ''ill? V The Best for Cicelies and Lodges. The Best for Sunday Schools. Tbc Best for Parlors and Vestries-. Tlic Best for Academies and Colleger. Vriie Best for Public Halls. r The Best for Orchestra and Stage. : These instrnments, -which for sweet ness of tone and elegance of appoint ment stand unrivalled, have met with unprecedented succeso in this country and abroad. ' : 1 MANUFACTURED BY E. P. NEEDHAM & SON. ESTABLISHED iIN 1SK. Nos J 43, 145 & 147 East 23d st. N Y Responsible parlies applying for agencies n sections still unsupplied, will receive prompt attention and liberal ioducements. l'arties residing at a distance trom our au thorized agents, may order lrom our factory. Send for illustrated mice list. aug 2(i-tf TO THE WEST! TO THE WEST! Betoro making your arrangements to fol low the advice of the "thousands who have already gone," it would be Well to consider what has been done to make the journey to your -'Homes in the West" as pleasant and rce from danger as human skill and iorcj sight can accomplish. liy consolidation and construction, a road has been put into operation on the shortest possible line from . Nashville, Tenn., to St. Louis, "the future great City of the world." ThH line, the ST. LOUI3 ifcfSO0TH EASTERN RAIL WAY, has, during the past year, earned an envia ble reputation by its smooth track, prompt time, Euro connections, and the magnifi cence of its passenger equipment. Its trains are made up of new and commodious day cars, provided; with the celebrated Mil ler coupler and platform, and the Westing- house air-brake. It is possitively the only liue ' iunniug Pullman Palace Drawing-Boom Slecpin Cars through without change lrom Nash ville to St. Louis No other line pretend to offer such advantages, cither iu distance, time, or tqHip'mat. Why, f then, journey by circuitous routes? Do not be induced to purchase tickets i" to St. Louis or the West by any other line, remember; that The "St. Louis & Southeastern" is the shortest chtopeitf iitttckcst, best and ouly line under one management lrom Nashville to St. Louis, and is from 00 to 200 miles the shortest to St. Louis, Kansas City, Omaha, Denver, California, Texas, and all western points. It is also the "Chi cago Shortest Line," via Evansville. You can secure the cheapest rates for yourselves and your movables on applica tion, in person or by letter, to Charles McCabe, Southern Passenger Agent, j near College treetDepoe, Nashville; Teun., or to the undersigned. General Ticket Agent, St. Louis. No trouble to answer questions july25 ; 57-Cm fcs r3? A rJO JS FAIR 1 S 7 3, Thirteenth Grand Annual Fair OF THE North Carolina Agricultural Society RALEIGH, X. C. October ikh to 18th, 1873. I Ten Thousand Dollars in Premiums. New and attractive Grounds. Magnificent Buildings. . a vmmn.iitlnn for seating 8.000 people. Railroad arrangements the most liberal ever made witn any Agricultural or Jit i MrMitv In the state. Articiea for exhibition transported FREE, and delivered from the cars within the Grounds. . . i i.-o frr nn.s(rn stpts on railroads in Nortn Carolina lUc per mile. Excursion trains r.. .iirtlon dailv. Special trains for the passengers will run to the Grounds fw. thftdtv every fifteen minutes. lare 11 V w 1 rV C "J" i ' l CT Hon. Daniel Voorhees, of Indiana, will deliver the Annual Address. Essay on the cultivation of cotton by Da- .u -ni.-svr Van rf rrplR. V Grand T pfiesribVUon of BLOODED STOCK WESTON, the great pedestrian, in his won derful feats ni enauranoe. Sinr1amli1nfTt(yt.tl0CArOindK 50c Kiniri iLd mission for children, under 12 Send for Premium List. T. M. HOLT, President, B. T. FUL9HUM, Sety. ug 16-td MISCELLANEOUS. CAUTION. i;UY ONLY THE GENUINE FAIRBANKS SCALES, MANUFACTURED BY E. & T FAIRBANKS & 0: Stock8cale. Coal Scales. Hay Scales. Dairy Scales, Counter Scales, &c, &c. Scales repaired promptly and riona- Diy. TIIK MOST PERFECT . ALARM CASH DRAWER. Miles Alarm Till Co's; jlj EVERY t,rj,.ZA EVERY Mercuant DKAWEH illOUJLD Use Them Warranted. SOLD AT Fairbanks' Scale Warehouses, FAIRBANKS & CO., 311; BROADWAY, NEW YOEIf . 166 Baltimore st., Baltimore, 53 Camp st., New. Orleans. FAIRBANKS & EWING, . ? lasonic Hall, Philadclpliia. FAIRBANKS, BROWN & C0.Ji: : 2 Milk Street, Boston. For sale by ail leading Hardware Dealers. sept 11 !7-2tavlm DIP L O JML-'Ji AWAUDBD lir THE ' is American Institute ' J. W. McKEE, FOR f Eintroiicry and. Fluting HacMnes. It is inKcnious and will meet the wants of every matron in the laud." ,.' , EX1IIDITION OF 1S72. F. A. Barnard, Pres. Sohn E. Gavit, Rec. Secy. Samuel D. Tillinau, Cor. Secy. New York, NovqmherO, 1S73. This simple and iniieniqus Machine is as uselul as the sewing Machine, and is last becoming popular with ladies, in the place of expensive .Needle work, its work being much more handsome, rcuuirinsr. less time and not one tenth part the expense. io lady's toilet is now complete wimoui it. A Machine with illustrated circular and full instructions sent on receipt of &ior finished io silver plate for Ih. Address, The Mauutacturms Co., 300 Broadway. New York. AGENTS AVATnTTJED. Dr. Garvin's Elixir oi' Tar, Is recommended by regular Medical practi tioners and a speedy cure guaranteed for - . A . - 1 A ? 1 Colds, Cough?, Catarrh, Asunna, oroncuuis, Spitting liiood,Cousumption and all Pulmo nary Complaint?, Scrofula, Erysipelas, Dys pepsia and Gout. Dysentery, Cholera-mor- Dus, cnoiera ana an iiyer ana uuww tuiu plaints. Kidney diseases aDd all alfections ot th Urinal Organs perfectly harmless tree from Mineral or Alcoholic properties pleasant to take and never known to fall Price $1 00 per Bottle. Full particulars with medical testimony ana ceruncaies sent on application. Address, L. F..UYDE & CO.. VJb Sevei th Avenue, New York. Dartsfrom tne Devil; or Cnjil Abused A Book just issued exposing the "person als" that have appeared in the New York Newspapers; their history and lesson. Stil ish villians fully exposed. Advertise ments trom desperate men to beautiful wo men: Clandestine meetings; how frustrated; The History of the Goodrich TKAGsnrthe result of a "personal." Description of Liv ing Broadway Statues. Exposes social corruption, oeni on receipt oi w cts. Address, Unique Printing House, 30 Vesey St , N. Y, ; Tho BeckwitU 20 Portable Fam ily Sewine jlachinc, on 30; Days Trial : manv advautaees over all. batis faction guaranteed, or money refunded. Sent complete, with full directions. Beck with Sewing Machine Co., 86i Broadway N. Y. may ii out ii TIIE NEW ELASTIC TRUiW AN Important lnvasTRw. lit rnf firj)- ture at all times, and under the hardest ex ercise or severest strain, it is ftop, &ti.h comfort, and if kept on night aaif$j re fects a permanent cure in a lew weeks. Sold cheap, and sent by mail when request ed. Circulars Iree, when ordered by letter sent to The Elastic Trusa Co., No. 683 Broadwav. N. Y. City. Nobody uses Metal Spring Trusses ; too painful ; they slip oil too Irequentiy. mayi out n CLEAPOR & KING, r (Formerl y of the firm of Carraway & Cleappr) XX AVE opened a KI R8T CLASS SIIAXG II and I LAI K CUTTING SALOON, on Mar ket street, where they will be pleased to serve old friends and the public generally. Being thankful for past favors, they hope to merit a snare oi patronage in me imure. sept 5 f f Im , E. O. SANDERS, Attor ney-sL-t-Hi slw , Office one door west of the Court IIou. seplO-dJkwtf HAIL1 ftOAft IIS ' ' "KHstaf'AiMiiii! Railway; .tl II fill t? , ;?: r .-. - , . .,;,you.,w;.c;n,w. jm n uc use m l line "l auie. -1 jln cfet on a&djafter Sunday, June lob ,i . ... ... r MUkHQ NOKTiL, if STVTKWS-. - r- ir aill Jls&'pi ,lciftj?l -i .... KicwnotKl axapanvllc, Uicljmond ana ,pA JL M biar4;and-: : MAIL. , : At COM. ,2.50 P. Kr....V... s.oa " 1.15 " Leave Chkrl6tte.'.r.,i Salisbury.,... ."j Greensboro... Danviner.;. Mr B4rkUIe.i... ftt.iT a. mi 6.15 a. ir: 3.34 . 05" f 2 55 p. M yrrive at Richmond. GOING SOUTH. , . ; r ) STATIONS. , I MAIL. ACCOM. : - Leave Ulehtnaud. ... . 1.05 p.; m .9.45 a. m. " Burkville, 4.10 "1.20 p. m. Dauville....... 8;4bfr' ArCIlOpkl . Green&bofu 11.17- ,lS " Solisbury 2.03-a. m A rri ve ht Charlotte.:. 4:05 " STATIONS.'' ' 1 MAIL. EXPRESS Leave Greensboro' ... 8.20 r: M Co. Shops . j. . 11.00 i4 .....iii. ' ... Hillsboro'..... 11.10 , .....,... " I?aleigh. 1.40 A. m . ... .V Arrive at Goldsbortfil 4.80 -tt-";AiJ' " ' GOING VVEbTi, Ail stations. - "Wail. I BXPRESS1 Leaye Goldsbpro . , . . I 2.30 r. m ......... . ' - Rldelgh.'J.'.'VlrPSSO ' 'Ki.'i..J.-l il Hillsbor ,7.13,, "I, Wm;rfi l Co., Shops..... 12.05 ...1...... A rrivih at GrcensbOTOsm4 X.M.fV'. V. . CM'.U IU i -r f-m.r tr-rm 1 r1TT 'I Mail trains dailv. both waTB.-eyer entire wee? DirrivlHi andchmbnu(s8nday fcx Cfptcd.) nru'T"r .. On 8anday-LyuburgAccojQllnodation leave Richmond at 5.2'd a. m., arrive at BurkviUHll 23 ,a. ul, loaye Burkvillo 1AQ n.-iB.j, arrive At Richmond 4.17. p. m. Pullmart Palace Cars on all night trains between Charlotte "d Richmond, (without change.) Ff Jurther ieJarmatKJiadd'ce8, j f 8. E. ALLEN, ., ( General Ticket Agent Greensboro, N. C, T. M K. TALCOTT, - Engineer and Genl Spueriutendaut. aug 7 . . 08 Offick Pktersburo It. It. Co.l ft My. 31st. 1872. ON AND AFTER ifUNE 3RD, THE trains widl-uns follows.; . Pxnress Train 7:W p. m. Mail Train 3:25 p. m. ARRTVR AT PETERSBURG. Kfpress A .' I iff jfldBO p. OT, Mail :w p. m. ' LEAVE PETERSBURG.,, Mail . 6:30 a.m. Express 3:50 p. ni. ARRIVE AT WELDON. I Mail 9:40 a. m. Express 6:50 p. m. FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Petersburg &00 a. m. Leave Weldon 8:00 p. m. Arrive at Veldn 3:00 p. m Arrive at Petersburg 2:20 a.m. GASTON TRVINS. Leave Petersburg (5:00 a. m. Leave Gaston ... I , l:lop. m Arrive at oaston isw p. m. Arrive at Petersburg 8:10 p. no. No trains will run on Sunday except Ex press trains .-' Freisiits for Gaston Branch will be received at the Petersburg depot only on MONDAY'S and THURSDAYS. ' ' The depot will be closed at 5:00 p. in. JNO goods will be recaivecl aixer inai nour. J. C. SPRIGG, - Je. ft-4.f , Encineer and General Mansurer. Car oM? Central MWH CoiHpany! WILMINGTON, N. C, ) V J SCHEDULE. PASSENGER TRAINS T" EAVE WILMINGTON DAILY (EX I j cept Sundays) at ' 8:00 A M Arrive at Wadcsboro at.. P M Leave Wadesboro at 7:10 A M Arrive at Wllminrtou at 4:;i5 P M . " S'REIG&T TRAINS., Leave Wilmington daily (except . 8uodays)f.-....,... G.0Q AM Arrive at Laurinburg at. . . .. . 5:30 P M Learfc Latiinbnru if. . . g d .v J . ;0O A M Arrive at Wilmington at . . . . . .... 5.30 P M PASSENGER TRAINS. -I Leave Charlotte daily, nndays . excepted, at !. &00 A M Arrive at Buffalo at 12.00 M Leave Buffalo at....... 1.C0 PM Arrive at Charlotte at ; 5.15 P M , lrregolar Lumber and Umber Trains run on both portions of the Hoad aa the busi ness requires, i A Daily Stage will soon run Id connection with the trains on both ends of this Rail- . Si L. FREMONT, Chief Engineer and Sup't. may 19 . . 3U:U uUi i . .- WARRANTTEfi DEEDS- On hand and Veb25 : , 'a g hall i Leave.Grcensboro '.VV.V: . .'..'..IttiSO'P M ATrivu' iaf Salem ...'il. .: . . . .1:40?A-Mj 1 pave 'Salem i www wnn ww wiAi4(ViPi M f A ,rafi io ifcil ji.iiiimii arrr rnuj . j CHRTlpE OF &CffE0Cflf ,r ' nPfl-: FOLLOWING .SCHKHULE, .WILL? X to Into eficct at 3:30" a. V.. Mon Ihv. 3"' DAYEXtKESa TRAlIff.ttJaliy.) J nr Leave Wilmington 7:?rt A-. Xf? Arrive at Florence.... ..illi A,r M I Arrive at ColnmJbia. . , . k ....... 4:45 P.if I ArriTe at Florence. ...... . .V. . '.ill 0 A; M Arrlve'sfWllmiHton.... .i-15:15? p; V w uuui. ............... NIGHT EXPRlSS TltAlN DaiLa'1i4(3UN- i Leave WnSjU;..- 5.45 P. M Arrive at Florence . . 7. . .7; . . .t? 11:22 P. M Arrive atjColnmbl..,: ui. A, M Arrive ot Augusta 8:20 A. M Leave Augusta.,. 5:50 P. M Arrive at Columbia 10:355. M Arrive at Florence ,2.27 A. M Arriye at Wilmiagton 8:00 A. M Passehircrs lcavinc: Wilmlnirton on the 5:45' Pi it. train make close connection going South. JAMES ANDERSON, .,,1 ,GenU Sup't. ' 05-tf i : ' -. ' !. ) , ; , . sept 9 Wilmington k Weldon ft. fl. Company. ,Ol7ics General Svpi-kintendknt, WttuiwaTON, N. C., SeLC.1873 j d n iii CillNGEOFStlfliiyijLK ( ' i ! ' ! iN AND AFTER SEPT. 0LK IKSTANT VLf PASSENGER TRAINS ouT the Wll mington and Weldon., Rail road U1 run ca follows: . MAIL TRAIN. ' Leave Union Depot diiy (Sun- ; days excepted) . .". . . . ... ... At b: 15 A. M Arrive at Goldsboro ... k. ... t 12:11 P. M. ; Rocky Mopnt..... '3:11 P. M Woldo....i. f 3:50V;M Leave Weldon daily Mondays excepted) .... .At 9:30 A: M Arrive at Rocky Monnt ..... 1 1;20; A. M Goldsboro 1:1 CP. M Union Depot . . '.V ; P 5-.30 P. M EXPRESS TRAIN. ! ' Leave Union Depot daily. . .At 5:30 P.'SI p. M ii;:u P. M( 1:30 A. M Arriv? at Goldeboro Rocky Mount v eld on Leave Weldon daily . o airp. M Arrive at Rocky Mouut '3:25 P. M Gildsboro......... 10:13 P. "hf A Unioa Depots u:l0AM Mall Train maKes Close connection at Weldon for all points Noilh via Bay Lf ne and Acquia Creek routes. . Express Train connects only with Acquia Creek route. PULLMAN'S PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON THIS TRAIN. !?.: FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilming ton tri-weekly at COO A. M.. and arrive at 1.40 P. AL EXPRESS FREIGLtT TRAINS will leave1 Wilmington, dally (8 and ays excepted) at 2:00 P. M., and arrive at 4:00 P. M. , , , . f . li JOHN F. DIVINE, r General Superintendent, SC-tf sspt 10 tfi ii THIS MOST REMARKABLE 0F ALL APPAKATUSIvS sometimes called a mechanical paradox now used with such wonderful success In our principal cities for th cure, by cumulative exkk cise, of nearly all Chronic Diseases and Weaknesses, Is for sale by the undersigned, by whom all, orders will be promptly filled. THE REACTIONARY; is so constructed that even a child can In stantly adjust it for a person to lift any weight, from twenty to twelve hundred pounds. r It in made almost wholly of iron and teol. weighs l;0 pounds, and covers a space of only. 20by;ja inches; and although, but recently, introduced, nearly l.wo have already been; sold. PRICE $100, BOXED AND SIUPPLD. t Small books or circulars. Knowing its use, can be had free at the ollice of the Post. H. II. MANN. . Brooklyn. N. Y. ! sept 11 dAwtf A. ADRIAN. P. O. Box 2W. ; L VOLLER8 ADRIAN (l V0LLERS. . WHOLESALE DEALERS 1JC Cirocerictr and Liquorx, Importers of, German and Havaua Cigar. Commission Merchant SouTH-EAarr CoBincs Docs and Fwwrrf Btreeta. , M t . ,f,r,. i WILMINGTON, N. C i'H. Having the 1 arrest and best aiortd Stoeli of Groceries and Liquors In the City, Dalerf will find it to their Interest to given a call before buying elaewhere. , - - I maYN-tf ,,1 I . . : r-ir .,t ? .. r ... mm US NE?1DVERTISEMEN'T!fl V rufl tr C5 rr rv.- .11 AGENTS WANTED. .r.U TOE PATAIilCI'V j- -i.viiuiv xr. York. . . . s l nr. S'l'EAM ENGINES, ' UOILEKS KS) MACIIINEl'. Stationary and Portable sicnm liiRfnfun'nd Boilers, Uray s, anti-friction coittMi Circular, irrfng aml mulny siw mills; i o'rfa le and stationary ilourlng mills, susareauo jilll! nmt lir5ar jnins, narrow gaue loeo mUvft abxk Umnmy engines for Mrtit roads nn mininirnnrroi;r i.oa-ni,.? aand Iron ami Wood Working Machinery ""AsirtIiW5S?JJe,ul n,r Circular. ' wex street, New. York. Kenmore University Higii iix)vi 3l i Amherst, C If, Ya. . Frtjpnrafory t the University orVWlf mrodf (Matla Meilallist TJ" Va), Prlnciraland Insfriiotor in hiathematica, II C Drock, J; jl, it. U a. (ivwntly Afs't Prof.: Lttln, V. Ynf.l Instructor in Clreeic, Latin. French; German f ' and Botany. ThLs is oaiq oi tho KaUine hlcli chools of Virginia, and presents Irian y ivt- ' vantages incomparablo with thMteOfothfi-s students also reeclvcxl for tho summon New ov.-jiwn uj-Kiiis oeiv.i.tu, ia,a.uor cataiouu. dtlil we 4K.i Tm n l n l . ' . ; July 20-4 w AGENTS WANTED FOltTllK NENYTiOOK'' Epiiemic M Contagions Diseases, with the newest and best treatment for all cases The only thorough work of tho kind in the world Embraces small pox, yellow fever,choleraand all analogous diseases. No ' fhmily safe without It, and all buy it. llus 31 chrom&tleij lustrations The bluest chann of the seasonff-r agents. Addresw H S Uood- 5--..i?p!2iJ!0lX. Jiy sn-iw M0NKY Made" rapidly with tecTrTtKev avhaji Check Outnu. t;at.iloueH and fiill particulars FREE. H. M. Bi'kxckk, 117 Hanover street, Boston . , AIOKTUNK-How! liy speculating Mi Stocks and Gold. Capital, tin to HV wUl pay $ipo to $l,ooo a month. ) Full esphi Bation s"cnt free. W. F. lit HI 11 ELL a; Coj,! Rankers and Brokers, ajWall street New,Ypr)c. Box 22S2. 'i f tfl 9fl P?r doyirAtsiTteluT All Pd IU vP6U classes f working people, oi. either sex.younj' or old.make more money at Work Tor us in their fpare moments or all the time, than atanythitiKclse. Particulars free. Address G tttinson & Co, Portland, Maine. . j u ly2"J-lw , flHK GREATEST INVENTION OF THE JJL' AWE. Agents wantett everywhere. )mpka and terms free. Address W. C. tt ALnrn, xvuam; t villi:, ivy. fiy'S Celebrated "Anti-Friction Cot 3 ton Press.' be eiieapest,8lmplest iand most perfect cot- Ion screw ever invented. Send for circular. WASHINGTON IRON WORKS. CO Vesey Itreet, New York. polo manufacturers. L Q R SALE, rREDLES ond attach merits for all kind' f Sewing Macl dues. Cash orders irotnptly illed Or sont jer Express C. O. D. Address u.rMAJScWttLL, Charlotto. N- C, General Lgvnxoi me Jiome.HLiuujescwing .MacliintT I BAUD EST. .JSC HEM E EVES KHUVu. Fourth Grand Gift t'onccrt rOHTHB BENEFIT OF II1K 'OBLIC LIBRARY of KENTUCKY L2,000 CASH GIFTS $1,500,000 The Fourtn Grand Gift Concert author- zd by special act of the Legislature tor he benelit of the Public Library of Iveu- jtucky, will take place in Public Libra) Hal', at Louisville, Ky., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 0, 173. 'Only sixty thousand tickets' will be pold The tickets are divided into ten coupons or parts, i At this concert, which will be the grand est musical display ever witnesso' in tliia country, the unprecedented sum oi n $1,500,000. divided into 12,C00cash gifts, will ba dis tributed by lot atflong the ticket holders, j H3T OF GIFTS : I One grand ca6h pilt ?J50,C(0 One grand cash irift.. 100,000 50,000 li'j.OCO 17,500 100,000 15U,()0J 50.0C0 40,000 40,000 45,000 50,000 ::-J.5CKJ 5Ji.00O One grand cash gift , One rahd cash gift One tcrand caih gi ft : 10 cash gifts 10,000 each SO cash gifts 5 OCKJ each 50 caeh gifts 1,030 each SO cash gilts 5u0 each 100 cash gilts 400 each 150 cash gifts o'JO each 2.!.0 cash gilts L'OO each 325 cah gifts 100 each 11,000 caeh gilts 50 ea jh Total, 12.0C0 gilt?, all c.b, .amounting to ; 1,500, COO The distribution will be pocitivc, whctUr, er all the tickets are sold or not, and the 12,001 gift ell paid iu proportion to the tickets sold. PRICE OF TICKETS: Whole ticket 50; Halves f 25; Tenths, or each Coupon, to; Eleven Whole Ticket for $500; 2:1 Tickets for $1,000; 113 Whole Tickets for $5,000 ; 27 WhoJe Tickets for $I0,0C0. No discount on lets, than $500 worth ol Tickets at a time. Tickets now ready for sale, and all orders accompanied by the money promptly tilled. Liberal terms given to those who buy t j sell again. TIIOS. E. BUAMLETTE, Agent Publ. Libr. Ky., and Manager Gift Concert, Publ. Libr. BIdg.. Louisville, Ky. fi NEW TURBINE l r;iI;io becntcfetcd at. YORK, PA, bvfVl IT D. M. ETTINGER, C. 11, Q Jaud at I10LLYPKH, 3IAS,S, byTj L1 JAS, EMERSON, II K. x For ramphlet and test rei)rl addresN KllURNHAJf, York, Vn.) i.t FOR RENT. - . . . f I ".,.. ... f.DESIRABIJI llOL'SE on the South east oorrier of Klrth and Nun streets, v ' " Apply to tept l-tf J. IL NEFF, L D . i. r.