ry t V o n i HI ?i;4 113 riflHH I CI n 13 I 11 III! Wll I . a. r . . -' HI is M i r n i - 1 1 VOL 'VII. MINGTON. N. C, SATURDAY :w!TflMBER 27, 1873 V - - - 1 I I mii m Arm wl XI l 4 - . 111 I I I II 7 I I I I II! :iot kTH m c V I lr Jill II I I ,.,auJ every afternoon except tjuu! t. , --5 ' MANN.. Editor and Proprietor J ,tj' Sah-MiripUoii. ... s,.u, mi advance ID AU vanoc o r., ninths ,n I .V) ,.,.,! i. iu A.liaii'.-.. -VI , l (ill Ml 'A II r"MW.vi " -r .. -... ..-. ..r- ol the Utc, on t of gelft, Political new a d reports il . pr rinl'v riesiraMe. NhVt i)VtjlimNlCJliTv H' p V K I'KR. I. IeUHTK DOUGUTEN, A v A IL. - S T O R K Vs A SI) SOUTHERN PRODUTS, v N OUT II FRONT STREET, riiiU'lelplii.i, Th. , - ,111 ' i V ,,, r- . , k;..inr l'rr v ;tu; II VM ijihv, Vk-u 11 ' B, k k imsk'S"? f'C and i runs l;;i:ilI0Ni) JltfmTWrUBAL iK ,s V')KKS AND HTOVK COMl'ASl', 1IJ), 10J3, KWJ, 10 JO Caut f trebt. oiuck: N. -5 TENTH 9THEET. Tliis 0tnp;itiy ofTur to the peop'e of Vir--inn ati'J lh Mu! liein states ;v larjje line of of -.. ls of llu'ir own niaiiuI'Mcture for pri , , "as c!i':i :ai on terms us liberal as can i..;li-i'lo! :y.y lox'them establishments. In .ti liiioii lo Stoves of a'l elass;s, we make n -inrecHH-l Works a specially. Kldiits, i,rt'S Hollow Ware, .Siench Traps, Soil 'i;p.', Sa4 Iio:i, tVc , always on han-l; and w-.i Elicit tlie attention of dealers to our ,iiiiti 'ni enterprise. . Send lor circulars and ni'iir lists. i s t " uineii-im Merchandise Brokerage Office, rl'hlj line of samples constantly on hand " trom iniporlers and manufacturers iu :.'.irtli"i n in irkets. All ik'-eriptions of merchandise, orders aii 1 kii ls solicited and telegraphed promptly. M'Tcliin lise houyht and Bold iu this muket, orders from buyers (solicited, 'tml veiipl' s left by sellers will have prompt at- .t'ution. Timoas well as cash purchases negotiated, wiiet her you wish to buy or sell, conimuui ntcd freely, iuiii; ofteft" with your local U'-.jlUT. JAW. T. PETTK WAV, Merchandise and Produce Uroker. Ice J) 1X1 tf lIlltlMKti noa S, MO 11 K J I 1 A 13 CITY. CAUTEUET COUNTY'S N. 0. CiUKLES HIBBAUD, Proprietor. Thi splendid Sea Side Water in?; Place, Minuted at iieiuiort llarhor.. will be open i n the reception of guests on Monday, June 16th, 1873. IT 15 ACKNOWLEDGED TO LIE THE M03T DELIGHTFUL BATHING "ii tiie Xtf;nt.Wdb:M, of th United States V I -tine" I to be the terminus of the t;reat southern Paeitic Railroad. Unsurpassed utilities tor splendid Kaillug, Fishing aud l'''(hiij-'. The ste uner Zodiac, t 'apt. Win. H. Chapin; "imiiiiiider, leaves - direct ior New York, every wek. ' ' i'aities wishing to (jusjag i, rooms, will please address as aboe.? t July 10-3m it If 'I 11 HAND FIUC INSURANCE ( 'AN RE Hlucied at the lowest current rates in the t'Mluwins; responsible Compauiea, on ap I'Uaiiion u A'KW YORK IJTE INSURANCE t'JMl'AN V, Asselts J),U0U,(X)6 J. A. HVRNE, Gen l Ins. At., 1 Ml hill A I , F I UE 1 N SU KAN CE tUMPANV, of Eoudon, Asset ts iw... y,J00,xw. Gold ANellBURG INSURANCE AND BANK 1"U L'OaIPAN V of Va assets W5,3;30 "LI D03HN1UN INSURANCI2 (X)MIA OS Va , asfcetts, 200,0W UnCNE A KEEN AN, jLlcn'l Insurance Ageuts, Oflee Oh unber of Commerce, up stair?, Wilmington, N. C. arlH 'Ty w;inl .tVsouitvtioix, miila., I?. -h Instituliou having a high reputation r hoiiorble conduct and professional skill. -hug Surgeon, J a 1IUUGIITON, M D. nis or i'ounS nien sent free of charge. iress. Howard Associat ioit u J South Ninth St, Philadelphia, Pa. J TURNER wishes to luform his custo mers and public generally, that he Is now 1 'Spared to do all kind 'of work in bis line, 4U wwdd respectfully request, a con tin ua- a of the patrouago which has heretofore 'Q so liberally bestowed upou him. jan 18 tf 206 TllOMAB CONNOR ' I . ! SAR ROOM - E. corn-ir of Mulberry and Nutt Sts. A! wys on hand the best quality of Sega i 157-ly Successors to A H. NEFF, -Manufacturers and dealers in QJ0Vi5B FURNISHING GOODS, . Stoves, Lanterns, Kerosene, Oil Tin y. , m and Sheet Irpn Ware firipdditf to, fchdrt notice1 f ) " Agents for Fairbank's Scales. ... No. I-Front Street. n( Ul'IU-TOK. ,If. C. S1ISCELLANE0PS, , TP "SILVER TONGUE? ORGANS ; , The best ORGANS or the Reed class IN HE ? WrORLD. ,,.,., . .;,,iWi,!rLMj jiiHjU MB1" ' ; ,- A jTZr-if 1 . The Best fbrrGhun&es andXpflgas, llic Lc.t for Sunday Schools. Tbc Rc.it for Parlors and Vestries. The Best, for Academies and Collect s. The Best for Public Halls. - .. TJie Best for Orchestra and St;ige; ' Tliqsc instruments, wliich fori sweet ness of tone and elegance of appoint ment stand unrivalled, have met with unprecedented success in this country and abroad. ? I MANUFACTURED JBY E. P. NEEDHAM t SON. ESTABLISHED IN 1S4G. Nos )43, 145 & 147 East 23d st, N Y Responsible parties applying for ajteucifes in section still unsupplieil, will receive prompt attention and liberal inducements. Parties residing at a distance from our au thorized agents, may order Irom our factory. Send for illustrated nriee list. aug 'JtJ-tf TO THE WEST! TO THE WEST! Bctore making: your arrangements to fol low the advice of the "thousands who have already gone," it would be well to consider what Iia3 been done to make the journey to your 'Homes in the West" as pleasant and Irce from danger as human skill and fore sight can accomplish. By consolidation and construction, a road has been put into pe ration-on U&&bxkrtcst possible line from Nashville, Tenn., to St. Louis, "the future great City of llic world." This liuc, the ! mm ST. LOUI3 M SdVTa&AMz&t? 11AIL- ! way; bus, during the past year, earned an envia blc reputation by it3 smooth track, prompt tira- sure connections . and the magnili eeuce of its passenger equipment. Its trains are made up of new and commodious day cars, 1'xrvided with the celebrated Mil ler coupler aud plallorai, aud the Westing house air-brake. !" ' ' i It is possitiYely the only line running Pullman Palaee : Drawing-lioorn Slepjjh Cars through without chauge tronM Nash- Aille to St. Louis. No other line pretend to offer such 4f ailuy8vcihEj tiiptce, 'time, or equipment. Why, then, journey by circuitous routes? Ior tfot te iud arced to purchase tickets to, St. Louis or the West by any other line, remember that The "St. LouiS65rtaeatcin" is the shortest, cheapest, quickest, best and only line under one management Irom Nashville- to St. Louis, aud is from 00 to 200 mile3 the shortest to St.' Louis, .Kansas? City, Omaha, Denver, California, Texas, and all western pomta. It i also the "'Chi-' cago Shortest Line," via Evans ville. Toucan secure the, cheapest rates lor yourselves and your movables on applica tion, in person or by letter, to CuAnur-S McCabb, aonthtPasngrgetft vfta r College street Depot, Nashville, Tenn., or to the undersigned. . U WB DAVENPORT, GeneiallTicket Agent, St. Louis. No trouble to answer questions, july 35 8TATK Jb; V l JtiT ' Thirteenth Grand Annual Fair 1 OF TUE North Caroliuaigricnitnral Society, RALEIGH, N. C. October. 13th to 18th, 1873. I Ten Thousand Dollars in Premiums. Kew and attractive Grounds. Magnificent Buildings. Accommodation for seatin? S,000 people. Railroad arrangements the most 'liberal ever made with any, A?rricultural or Me chanical Society in the State. Articles for exhibition transported FREK, and delivered from tho cars within the Grounds. . . Fare for passengers on. railroads in ortn Carolina lHc per mile. Excursion trains from every direction daily. Special trains for the passengers will run to the Grounds from the city every fifteen minutes, rare deliver the Annual Address. Essay bn the wfltl vatiO at JcoUotx ba Vf vki Dickson, Esq., of Georgia, VJUJ Grand Prize distribution; of BLOODED STOCK. " J, . 'L WESTON, thegreatpedest-ian,in his won derful feats of endurance, j L: . - i TWO BANDS OF MUSICi ' ' Single admission to the Grottnds, Single admission for children under If , years of ago. j "c . Send for PremWm'IiUt.' T. M. HOLT, Ireident. It. T. FULOIIUM, Secy. , aug 16-td , , MISCELLANEOUS. IU Y ONLY THE GENUINE FAIRBANK'S SCALES ,.tt t 3i ANUFACTURED BY ' ; J E. & T FAIRBANKS & C(f.' ockScu! esCoal ScalcgI lajaj ajr Ccalcs, Counter Scales, &c, &c. Scales rcrirxr ,vf tl jrea- n XJIE MOST Eiii tO. , i; U ff ALARM' C'AnU'DRAWi: EVERY EVERY Mfirnhniit UK&WtK SHOULD i Use Them Warranted. SOLO A.T Fairbanks' Scale Warehouses, FAIRBANKS & CO., 311 BROADWAY, NEW Y iiv. 16G Baltimore st., Balthnore,, 53 Camp t.ew Orleans.' FAIRBANKS & EWING, Masonic Hall, riiiladelpliia. FAIRBANKS, BROWN & CO.; 2 Milk Street Boston. For .sale bv all IcadiiiGr Hardware Dealer.- sept 11 J7-2tawlm D I P Li O M Al AWAKBEl) BY TUB American Institute. I J. W. McKEE, FOR Eiiroitery ani Fluting Mines. 'I It is ingenious and wiil meet tho wants of every matron in the land." J EXHIBITION' 1S7J. : ! F. A. , Earuard, Fits. Sohn E. Gavit, Rec. Secy. Samuel D. Tillman, Cor. Secy. ; New York, '.November 'JO, 1S7. This simple and ingenious Maeuitmfia as txs4lul as the sewing Machine, and fs fast bctoniin iopulur with ladicsj in the'prace of expensive JNeedle work, ils work being much more huudsome, . requiring lees time ant not one tenth part the expense. No lady's toilet is now conlplete without it. -A Machine with illustrated circular and full instructions sent on receipt of fp(Oi finished iu silver plate for $2 , ? Address, The McKkb MaMulactur'.ni; Co., o00 Broadway, New Yrk. Dr. Gartin's Elixir, pf Tar, ; Is recomraeuded by; regular Meditia I pfa,elr-1 Honors and a peeuy .cure guarani,uvu ior Colds. Couirht. Catarrh. M thina. BroncUitie, L Spitting Biood.Consumptionindi aUFulmo- nary Compiaiuts, seroiuia J!.r3'6ipeiary' pepsia and Gout. Dysentery, Cholera-mor-bus, Cholera and all liyer arid bowel cpniM, plaints. Kiducy diseases and all 'aflVctiQns: ol th Urinal UrgunpcrfueUy.harniUs -r-iree from Mineral or Alcoholic prbperties -t-pleasant to take and never known to XaU irice 1 00 per Bottle., Full particulars with medical .testimony and certificate; sent on application. Address,' Lv.F. HY"DK & CO.. ZW SeveLth Avenuct New York. Darts from lie Defil; or Cnpil AMsM A Book just issued 'cxpoMng the PBasoN als" that have appeared iu the New ork Newspapers; their history and lesson. Stii. isu villiatss rulfcV BxrosED.' Advertise' mcnlfl from desperate men to t)eautitul wo fnen; Clandestine meetings; how frustrated; JThe History of the goodehjk TUAsnr the result of a "personaL" Description of Liv ing Broadway Statues. Exposes sociAli coKBUiTioN. Sent ou receipt of 50 cts, Address, Unique Printing House, S6 Vesey 8t,N. Y, Tho Bcckwith $20 loi table i-'tim'r lly JSewiug .tlachinc, on "30 Days Trial many advantages over alf.' Satis faction guaranteed, or money refunded. 8ent complete, with tall directions. iJecK with Bewing Maehiuo Co., tXU Broadway N. Y. m may 14 tf TIIJE NliW J5LASTIC TlttfSS An t uretl t Si Qtidl r tlSldttfe1 Lercise or severest, strain. 1 js wpn ,is wprn wit a iew wiTR! fects a permanent cure in a Sold cheap, aud eent by mail when request ed. Circulars free, when ordered . by letter sent to The Elastic Truss Co,, No. 633 Broadway, N. Y. City. Nobody uses 'Metal Spring Trusses ; too painful'; they slip oil too fr4dently. ' M mayl4 307 tf , 5LBAF0R t KINOlf Ijij (Formerly of thelirmof Carraway ACleapor) HAVE open ed aJi'IRST CLASS SHAVING aad HAIR CUrflN G AWON. on Mar ket street, .where, they will be pleased to serve old friends audita public eenerauy. Jiein thankful ro past.Xavorsv tA?X,hQpe,to imerit a share of patronage in the fuiare. sept 5 !-lm i;. 15. SAMIEIC -A.tj,l:oriieyaui Ofllce opa dor wsl of the Court House. FeplQ-dAwUv. 1 ILLCffl JzS. NPiciiDEitAli-Eiki&iiwm " I ? ft -ri(lll . J . ' i -Tf ' im' I 1 RicL mond uLnllu,cuuioBJ ml D4illyR. VT., IXpit&lo and f : North WesTcrif1!!: C.R. W. wl Condensed Time Tabic. o ' ' ' STATIONS. 'if Leave Char lotte,'. . , . , . ': Salisbury 41 eehsrjord. . r: "j iiurviU9,j,. HJ Burkville Ariive at Richmond.. X 11. 5.0J " i...... 1115 .. llL? A Mt4.15 A. M. ' 11.40 6.05 2 55 p. GOING SOUTH. I L 111 HL ! rn. t - " TT-rSt - ' ' n fiXJyions, jMajlu a.ccom. . Leave iiichmewj.,..., ,3LQ5,p n y.45ju M.. 44 'Burkville.' 4110 j 1.20 p. it. f t,llairillft.... -V. UHvlOfK 'i4 Greensboro.. '..11.17 " 44 ,SoRsbufj...... 2LCSA. m ArrivcAt.Charlottew. . .4Xfi ? .y. GOING WEST. ,. .v , , H , ,. . ... STATIONS. MAIU EXPRESS -Leave Greensboro' . . . S.20 r. m 1 iJ ,x;a Shops .... U.0O- 44 Hillsboro ... 11.10 .......... 44 Raleigh...,. 1.40 a. m, Arrive at GoldsborO. 4.30 (.... STATIONS. MAI. Lcay; Gldaboro it.. 3 sa r. m .5.20 44 . 717 v ti it Co. Shops .4M&05 . s Arrive eJk Green shoxo lQt48 A.I. . Nortii WjBseni k; (SAiLERfe'ANCir.) Leave G rccnsDoro .. .....11:20 P M Arrive at Salem... i. 1:40 AM Leave Salem 4;4(J liMt Arf ive at Greensbgrp, fr n. , , . . . .?j00 P M Mail trains dailv. both wavs. over entire f length of Koad. " Accommodation" daily be tween Danville and Richmond(SOndays ex 'cfeptedj'' -"Tfct'I ! ? - On Sundays Lynchburg Accommodation leave Richmond at 5.23 a. m., arrive at Burkville 1123 a. m., leave Burkville 1.10 o. m., arrWe af Richmond 4.17 p; n. Pullnan Palace Cars on all night trains between "Charlotte 4"d Richmond, without change) Fer lurthcr taformation nddreps 8. E. ALLEN, General Ticket Agent. Greensboro, N. C T. M H. 1 ALCOTT, Engineer aud Gcn'l Spucrintendaut. aujr 7 Oarolina Central Railway esmpany WILMINGTON, N. C., ) May,ll, aS73. f SCHEDULE. PASSENGER TRAINS r; SAVE W1LMIXGION DAILY (EX- JJi cept 8undays) at 8:00 A M Arrive, at) Wadesboro at., . 5:25 PM Leave Wadesboro at 7:10 A M Arrive at Wilmington At. 4:o5 P M f FREIGHT TRAINS. Loave"Wilriilngt6n daily (excnt Sundays)..., 6:00 AM AErI?e'at llfln'rinyurg at...... 5f30P M i.davc LaurinbUrg at ft:00 A M irrive'Ht Wilmington at 5.S0 P M j , . PASSENGER TRAINS. LfaVe (Jharjot'te daily,' uuda3;s' exx;jt;nte4, at.....'.,,... . 8.00 A M Krrive at Buffalo at...; .12 00 M Leave Buffalo at l.fO P M Afrive at Charlotte at. .i .it:$ f f. . 4;l4fPsM Ir regular Lumber and Timber Trains run on both portions of the Road as the busi-', ness requires. , A Dailyv8tage will soon run iu conned ion with thf train on oth ends of this Rail way. .. J,X.yFRKMmT, Chief Engineer and 8up't. may 19- i j- , iJlltl i mfr . i . ' ' r-- r Come. and,. Be. Cured. J EVER ALLOW Diarrhia'; ' (zhdera Morbus Or any other bowel affection to have its own way as serious consequences may result. At h' iaiReason of the vear, especially, every body.sh'oultf h4ve a bottle of T I ELECTR1C iu his his hou.se. IT ism?leSsXPe anjure. NO IITJMBIJGr! f3lAlkXUtTlififetj"ftY THE ! 1 ikorth .Carolina Medical Company, Sale by all Dmigjriste. Will yoKt have chills, when a bottle of W ill cure the worst case of Chills and Fever l- ur svie ujr iui Aruggisis ana money rei funded every time if a cure Is not effected.' I RAIL ROADS. Wllaioglon. Tolambia k lu usla,RR. Coqiiaii)'. Gun. 8urEK.iMTK)iLXNTB Drvicx, t WiuunoTOK, N. C.,,Sept.. S, 13572. j' CHAHQE OF SCHEDULE. r-pilK FOLLOWING 8CH ED ULK' WILL JL t-o into cilcct at 6.M A. M ., Monday, th iat. : V ,,. , ,. . DAY EXPRESS TRAIN. ri Dally.)! ' UaTo WOmitifeton 1 1. . ... . . . ik'M A. M Arrive at Florence.. w ..11:10 A. M Arrivc'at Columbia...'....;.."..!. 4:43 TV M Lcavo Columbia ,l; . .i 6:40 A. M Arrive at Florence U 20 A. M Arrive at Wllmlflcton.... ..7. ... S:lVp. M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN uAILY (SUN r DAYS EXCEPTED.) Leave Wilininjjlou Arrive atFldreuce Arrive at Columbia Arrive at Augusta LcaVe Augusta Arrive at Columbia. . ...... ,, 5.45 P. M .. 11:22 P. M .. biAM . S:20 A. M . 6:50 P. M , , 10:lWi P. M Arrive at Florence 2:27 A. M Arrive at Wilmington li:00A. M Pisscnjrers leaving Wilmington Oh the 5:45 P. M. train make close connection going South. JAMES ANDERSON, , Gen'ISup't, , 6ept 9 i5-tf Wilmington &'We.don R. R. Compciny. Ojnricn Cenebal Supjirik tehpent, CBAL Surj&RIKTEHPENT, I r, N. C, Sept G.1S73. j WatirNGTOK, CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. 'AN AND AFTER SEPT. Otb, INSTANT J PASSENGER TRAINS on the Wil misgton and Weldon Railroad will riih bH follows: MAIL TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily (Sun- - , days excepted) At 8: 15 A. M Arrive at Goldsboro 12:11 P. M Rocky Mount 2:11 F'. M Weldon 3:50 M Leave Weldon daily (Sundays excepted) At 'J::30A:M Arrive at Rocky Mount 11:20 A. M Goldnboro 1:16 P. M Union Depot 5:o0 P. M EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily... At 5;o0 P. M Arrive at Goldsboro 'JM'i 1. M Rocky Mount ' ll:.?4 P. M Weldon . 1:20 A. M Leave Weldon daily 6 30 P. M Arrive at Rocky Mount 3:25 P. M Geldsboro. 10:43 P. M Union Depot 3:10 A. M Mall Tram maKes close Connection at Weldon for all points North vvi Bay Line and Acquia Creek routes. Express Train connects only with Acquia Creek route. PULLMAN'S PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON Til IS TRAIN. . FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wiiming ton tri-weekly at 15.00 A. M., and arrivc fit 1.40 P. M. EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilmington daily (Sundays excepted) at 2:00 P. M.. and arrive at 4:00 P. M. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. sept 10 mmm r THIS MOST REMARKABLE 0 P ALL APPARATUSES sometimes caJled a mechanical paralox now nicd witli such wonderful success in our! principal cities for the cure, by cumulative kxku cisk, of nearly all Chronic Diseases and Weaknesses, 1 Is for sale by the undcrigm"'d, by! whom all orders will be promptly tilled. j tihg iiEA.cxio:sviijY is no constructed that even a child can in Ntantly adjust it for a perwm to Hft any weight, from twenty to twelve hundred, pounds. It Is made almost wholly of Iron and steel; weight 1-'J0 pounds, and coversaxpaceof only 20 by ' inches; and although, hut recently introduced, nearly J,UUU livt already bctu old. PRICE S100, BOXED ANI) SHIPPED, ;'' 1 ' t t Small looks or circulars, showing .Rj mic, can be had free at the office of the Post. rs, showing .it lee of the Vtixi ti. IL MANN. 4. IL MANN. . .. t T?rooklyn, N. Y. Sept 11 dvtwtf A. ADRIAN. ' ri. VOI.LEH ADRIAN & V0LLERS. s . ... i r.. , ' ,! Ciiroccrios and .,liqmrji,fJ Importers of German and Havana Cigar', Anor -' " ' i Sotrra-EUJST CoRjrini Docx: and Fjunrr) t' . 4- ptreeta, . , f , WILiONaTON.Ji.C. ,M i " 1 Having the Uresst nd xi aortel 6Uk Arfllflndlf tothelt interest. tdglvoua svcatl before buying elsewhere. ffll m NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. pomcvtic .Sewing Machine Co., Now BOILERS jAkD ' MAlllNEllY,' KtUoBary- and PorLah'.i'Hfemn lnginesuud liollris, Gray's unti-lrietion cotton pre. clrculur. triuic ami mnrnv snw i-nu. . i..' taillncd sn-;jir ivins, narrow t;ui" z . r VT -1 " v 1 1 J v" u j; i u i w, s uau caur kll.i.v.l -t I ........... .1 i . ... ji olives -Hinl (luimiiy cHgimii iur Mrxel Jiiu ininintfput'poyeN, ne llU lifl . Ifa A... I 1 ..... 1.1 wand iurnfl Irannnil io4 Working Mseiiiiicrv rcoiul oi every uescri pi uu. Send lor circu i ; WASlHNCiTON IRON WORl a r. vS, . . W Veifey btrcct.New Yvrfc. Kemiwre University .High School , Amherst, c li, Va. PrvriaMtry to th ITntvtMly of Vsu 1 f A oii-ovic i,ji5uii iieuaijist irucior in urirk, Iutin, French. Germaii I Jjotany. This is one oi the k-adinjr. hlpli i)ls or Virginia, uud presents man y iul itactslneoiiinarfthlc with imo nfnih.rj an ch van Students also received for the summer. New session begins Bcpt.iotli, isili. Forcntafognc. addtcwi the PrirKipnl j uy LNJ-fw A GENTS WANTEJJ 1'ORTIiE NKW BOOK Epiicmic and Contagion Diseases, with the newest and best trcatmcut for nil cases The mly thorough work of the kind in toe world Hmbraces umall pox, yellow fever,cholera aivtl all analogous diseases. No family saft? without it. and all buy it. Has 24chroanaticilln.stratious Thebbmentchanct: ofitlc season f'r aRents. Address II K Good speod& i0,"dl Park ltow,lsT Y July XiMw MONEY 1:pidly wYtU tftcuci I IsflvVv t'v Check Outfits. Catalogues rfnd full partioulars PP.RfcX s. M. bmuu, 117 Hanover street, Boston. k'OttTUNK-Hnw! By spectilatiiiK ii iStocks and Gold. Cupilul, 10 to J1U0: wUtpay $100 to $1,000 a month. Full expla nation sent free. W lIr,KI.L a Cxx,-Bankers and Brokers, yj Wall hireet, NqW York. Box 22s2. ' ' . . . . Vtfl Oll P.er tlav! AKfntti waii tod! All UldilU UJ6U classes of .working people, ol eiUA-rsex,young-)ffnl;inakcmort;n'u)tHfy at t!trHcr Ss iu tlieir tilarw inwueiUs, oral! the time, than atanythlngelse. Particulars freei Address ci Stinsyn Sc Co, Portland. ailHc' July 20-lv THE GREATEST INVENTION OF THE T AijiK. AgeuLs wanted I'Vervwhcic Samplos and terms free. Wa1kki," 1 lusse tville, K y. Address W. t'. Gray's Celebratod Anti-Friction Cot ton Press. Tho'cheapcst.slmplcst and mot-t h rfcot cof tonjscrew ever invented. Send lor chvular, WASHINGTON IRON WORKS, (,0 Vesey. street. New York, sole manufacturers. r o il sale; NEpBLJKS.and nltacbmcjulv for all kinds f Hewing Machines. 'ash orders promptly flllod or sent per ttxpros C.O.J). Address IX O. UAXWELU CJiarJotle. N C. iouetal Agdntofth e Hotns 1 1 utile Sewing Math inc. 0 R A fi D E STV J5 C HE W E EVER Fourdi (irand, 'Gift Concrrl J'OR THE hENEFIT or THC PUBLIC LIBRARYof KEHTUCKY 12,p00. CA&H OlVTii ' $1,500,696 ' TJmJ Fourth Grand Kit Convert nutbar izei by special act of the L' RlsIature lor the' btnelitof the Public . Library of Ken tucky, wiU take place uu Public Library Hall, at Louisville, Ky., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER :), ISTTJ. Only sixty thousand tickets' will be sold The tickets are divided into tcu coupons or parts.. , , ..... . 'At tLIe concert, uLlch Will be .the grand est musical display ever witnessed iu thi.s country; the unprecedented sum 01 j $1,500,000. . flhldul into 12,0OQ cash gills, will ItUi trtutyd bvof among the ticket hoUen. 1 ' LIST OP GIFTS: Onb grand cash gilt.'. . i 250,OOa Oneftraud canh rift;..i i.. . One grand cash gift.... loo.Oou 60,00O 'im I7,-X 100,000 150.001) iO.CHXi l.j.OOU .V),000 One jcand cuh gilt. . One grand cash irift . . , f 10 cash gift $!0,000 each ' "AJ cash gtlta 5 f00 each 50'caah gilts b0xah gilU 100 4ashgilta 150 cash gills ... Ji-VO cash gifts 825 Cah gifts ll.LWcaiU'giltd I, mi) each..., 400cacU... yj(0 each . . . . J10 tach.... BXJ each... Id ea'.-h.... Total, 12.0C0 tilte.l. all caL, . ' ' j amounting to ,1 fl,500,COO The distribution will le'poiltirc, wheth er all tho tldkets are sold or trot, and the 12J0O3 ififls ill paid lu propoMiou to the tidkeU sold. PRICE OFTICKXTS:. , . Wfaola tickets t0; Halves?; Tciitlu, or each Coupon, $.5; Eleven Whole Tickets for 500 ; 22i Tickets tor 1,000 ; n: Whole Tickets for $0,000; 237-Whole. Tickets . for $10,0.0- Ko discyuot oa.Jers tluta tooa, worth of Tickets at a time. , , , ' "idvcts now ready for ealc, and all onlefi, accompanied by the moaey promptly filled I Liberal terms given,? to those. wh bny w eeI again. . - i . 4' ! . TllOa. . IJRAilLETTE, Agent Phhl. Llbr. Ky., aad Manager Gift I Concert, fubl. Llbr. BIdg.J Louisville, Ky. 5 X. l, iSUUI2A3r J newturbIne a gllas been testod at TCflSK, TA, byrV D. 31. ETTING Eli C. E . Q Jftm at. J10LLYOKE. p I A S b , bylTl iT ' J AS. EMERSON, H 1 " lkin For Pampniet and test reirt y oddrei N KIJUltNHAr, York-, Ph'K FOR !RET. 'T 'l' V f .DEs;RABL1: IIOi: on the South catt cf OMjr f t Sixth and Nuu streets... f ! ''i .Appir to 1 it J. II. NEFP, II B1STI7-U r I t . ... , . f j v'...i,-'J i- t v 7 I -

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