' t ' i . - - v--c ; ...... j- ; : . 7 - r- VOL VII. WILMINGTCp, N. , Gi,' TUESDJY ,KEEIUBR 30, 1873 NO, 1 1 4 r. .t. 4 ., --ifl ever) Ktctiiuou except cumis. j, ,. . l A NN.. FdMor mid Prrpri5tor ' Nulriif ion. . ,,-r, in aJv " - f-r " ,, :!(.', f ' - - ,f ... y. ..,-!!-, (I K t'l". . I -') ,:ir ! "n '... . . . ' .50 ,rr. . clicOf-d f rtm unr' ripn-r . "I l" t-.tTo, o trlpXC Of gl U'V ,, i I'htic-il new a'-d reports .. . . id'.'v j'1e?ira,'tf-. 1lpER & DOUGHTEH, A V A Lt fc T o 16 k w wi southern products. -,1 XORTIl FIWNT STIiERT, I'hiliwlelphi.'v, I'h. ,,. i riri'''ilne!i "ashfs solicited aad , iifi.lK loWc-umarkei price. f t - r h - u i ! J ' U r ( ke r a f t? i) fii c e t . J : ........ .. ' ' . i .,ini uii(")i t"is aii'l iiiiiiuliiclurers in i! il' riptions ot incrchamllsc, orders ,1 i,i'lso!icittHliuid tclcrphcd prompt!y. (, , han li loiivrht and sold in this p k.t, mhIit- liMin hnyers solicited, and , ni;. l' it iy -' lit-rs will li;ive prompt at. unuii. im'j :is v, el! ;i cash purcliases negotiated. n-l:ctljfr you wi-ii in niiy or sen, cotmiiuni- I I'rt'cly, Mil ulii'ii with your local ijr.ikr. . Mcicliaudlso uii'J Prod u ee JJrok-r. , ) is i tl .MJKKJIKAD CITY. C.lUTKliKV COUNTY, N. 0. ViLVi 1II3BARU, Proprietor. ".i- -)! .'ii.l i" l s-:i Sidij W.iteiin I'lace, mic I at, i; iuion tiarnor, win no open r tli" 1 1' ' -pUoii ot guests on Mon-lay, June 16th, 1873. r IS ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE THE MOST DELIGHTFUL LI I, I J3 AT LJUrvCjr i tli" AM.iutic co4id., of tlie United states! -ii!i-1 t iy (lie teriiiirms ot the great ititlnTii i'acitic Ksvilroad. Unsurpassed uililiis lor .splendid sailing, Fishing aud Utiuni:. i'lic stiMiin r 7. '!i i'-, Cipt. Win. H.Cbapin; mmii'l r, le.vvcs direct or New York .TV VC:k. 1'arties wishing lo tMigag-: rooms, will ic ;i'l'lrcss a a'ove. jnly lo-;5m IiMSUKlNtE. 'di;.VNI KIRK 1N.SUKANCE (.'AN HE " rllccted nl the lowest current rales m the l!iviusj i '(."sponsible Coinpauies, on ap ('icitiim to NKW VUKKLIFE INSUIvANCE LUMPA N V, Asset! s J2.,O.H),iXH) .1. A. BVIiNE. (ien l Ins. Agt., :.MPKKIAIj F1KK INSURANCE MPANV, of London, Assetts lt,(HK,')K), tiold km hbuik; INSURANCE ANJj bank ing ruAlPANY ot Va.. assets fili.:0 IMMIN1UN INSURANCE COMl'A- xl ( Va , assetts. ?J'JU,lHiO B1KNE & KEENAN, Gen'l insurance Agents. oh in i 'i ""uiber of Commerce, up stairs, n cLh Wilmington, N. C. 77- ly J 1 L UN KR wishes to Info t hn is now f -rs -id public generally, tu.. ""1 pared to do all kind of work in . ' i wuuld rpcttlully le iuest a t'ouU. ot the patronage which has heretofou cu m liberally bestowed upon him. Jan in tf 'HIOMAS COiMNOR 3AR ROO Ivd f. E. corner ot Mulberry and Natt Sts. nil tin inl I tin lw.nl n,,.ni ..r (j . 4fic,, 157-U Successors to . H. NEFF, lanufacturers and dealers in iou.it: Fuumsuiyu goods, hi. Stoves. Tjintpi-ns - Kenvwme. Oil Tin and sheet Iron Ware. Hoofing: done at short notice Agents for Fairbank's Scales. No. ID Front Street, WILM1NIJTON, H. C. nov li) 150-ly i Convenient Store with a Desir able Dwelling House Attached BY VIRTUE of a power of sale vested in the umlersiimfHl hv a mortr:i.-r ptmii. r. in tlm Mtv nf UMImlnfftnn . ). 1 of October next at 10 o'clock A. M., the .flowing real estate, situate in Burgaw, on Mliniujiumand Weidon Railroad, in the unt y of New Hanover, vir i ne Ixt known v' Ljot number six in block ten, and situate a tin. corner of Fremont and Dudley streets 'al runnin? one hivndnd unit turont v foat Mallei t tllU Wilmimrlnn nn,l U'aMnn "ulroad and one hundred and eighty one nd six inches at right angles to the said an V Bna also, nomber ion r, in block umuer eleven on Dickinson street letween 'euiout and Wilminston streets, and run imodrotvtvfeeV parallel with -i ,' ;lunlred eighty feet and six inches at J "'o angles with said road. Tennseash, 4 Mf HEAR, SAMUKL liF.AK, MAUCUS BKAR. rp i.'-l7-3.Hl on uie Htti oay or November, A. D , 1872, J ' Archibsdd H. Williams and Martha J. illiams, his wife, to the undersigned, they "U svli at Dublic auction, at Kxrhnnarp t-or- MISCELLANEOUS. il n i t u Ti ti . n n it (i it n il T 11 E Jjtt TUflUUk" ORGANS The best ORGANS of the Heed class IN THEj WO&ED. Tlic Best for Churches and Lodges. The Best for Sunday ScKooK" ;i Tbc Best for Parlors and Vestries , The Best for Acadeinies and Colleges The Best for Public. Hall5. '; A:' ' Tlie Best for Orchestra and Stae. These i psfrunieiife -vAiich f(fr Jics.i of tone and elcgrinPec of appr)int mcnt stand unrivalled, have Jiiet with unprecedented isucccrio in this country and abroad. I MANUFACTURED BY liP. NEEDHAM SON: ESTABLISHED IN lS4b Nos J43, 145 & 147 East 23d st. N Y Responsible parties applying for agencies In sections still unsipplied. will receive prompt attention atrd ilberal'fndnoements. Parties residing at ti distance1 from our au thorized agents, may order lrom our factory. Send for illustrated Drie.fi aug 2U-tf TO THE WESTITO THE WEST! Beiorc making your arrarinldits tbTol? 'ow the advice of the "tb.ousaud who have already gone," it would be we'l to consider what has been done to na3& thofirney to your -'Homes in the West", as pleasant and tree from danger as human skill and lore sight can accomplish. ' J ' By cousoliaauonand construction, a rou has been put into operation on, the fehortest possible line from Nashville, Tenn.. to St. Louis, "the future great City of the worli" This line, the : ST. LUUI3 A SOUTHEASTERN K'AIL I WAY, d?nVt TiKjfi has, duriug the past year, earned an envia ble reputation by its smooth track, prompt time, sure connections, anil the magnili-ccoce- of its passcuger equipment. Its trains are male up of new arid coin in odious day cars, provided with the celebrated Mil ler coupler and p'alform, aud the Westing houte air-brake. ! It is possitively the only line tunning Pullman Palace Drawing-Boom Sleepiug Cars through without change lrom Nash yilloto St. Louis. No other line pretends to offer 6uch advantages, either iu distance, time, r equipment. Why, , then, journey by circuitous routes ? Do not be induced to purchase tickets to St. Louis or the West by any other line, remember that The "St. Louis & Southeastern" is the shortest, cheappl, gnjeestbect and only line undifr one management from Nashville to St. Louts, and is lrom 00 to i 200 miles the shortest to St. Louis, KausasJ City, Omaha, Deuver, California, Tcxa?, ' all western points. It is also the "Chi g sortest Line," via Etan&vMle. cago i. 6CCure the cheaie6t rate? for You can , . anu 3Tur movables on applica yoursc u letter, to Cuarles tion, in person o. J . a t assenger Agent, near McCabk, Southern j. , " . 77 ', . r, x ghvine, leun., or College street Depot, x to the undersigned DAVLf,RT. . Genei al Ticket Agent, S No trouble to answer .lueetions. T T E A I Tlr 1 Thirteenth Grand Annual Fair t Off THE f p North Carolina A2ricnltnralSociety 12ALEIUU. y. C. October 13th to 18th, 1873. Ten Thousand Dollars in Premiums. New and attractive Grounds. Magnificent Buildings. Accommodation lor seating 8,000 people. , lLailroad arrangements the most liberal ever made with any Agricultural or Me chanical ociety In the state: vtI vv. Articles for exhibition transported FHbU and delivered from the cars within the Faro for passenger on railroads la Carolina per mile. Excursion trains from every direction daily, special trains for the passenger will run to the tirounds from the city every nfteeu minutes, tare only TEN CENTS. Hon. Daniel Voorhees, of Indiana, will deliver the Annual Address. - Essays on the cultivation of cotton by Da vid Dickson, Esq., of Oeorgia. , ' jj. (irand Prize distribution of BLOODED ST,MJK. ' ' WESTON, the great pedestrian, in his won derful feats of endurance. - TWO BANDS OF MUSIC. , . single admission q the (iroands, .flc Single admission for children under 12 .imrsnf Hen.- i fii. . ; i t 'jC tf 1 Send for Premlunvl.isi., n it Jr. -A .'If r t Wnr.T rrident. I R. T. FDLQHtTM Heey. ang ie-td ' 1 j ' EIISCELL1NE0US. f , ntrto2iir tiijc MASUFACTORED BY l ti ..... HtkScales.doSealeiiay les, Dairy ucales, Couu ter .Scales, Ac., etc. . . , Scales repaired promptly and rcaspna- my. - THE MOST PEKFECT ! ' MARM CASH. DRAWER. flu lrtinJL EVERY Herclant - SHOftliD tls' Them SOLDAT ;f?-v Iairhanks' Scale Warehouses, FAIRBANIiS & CO., , 311 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. ' 1G6 Baltimore stk, Baltimorek , 53 Camp st., Sew Qrlcarl : , FAIRBANKS ,& EWING. ( (i Masonic al), hidela. FAIRBANKS, BROWN & CO,; 2 Milk street, Bostonj For sale bv all leatling Hardware ; i Dealers. tsept 1 97-L'tawliri 33 I P Li O M J ' AWABi&D'irr -rbtn : ' American Institute I J. W. fcKEE, fir ' '.' roii EfflMory. ani FlntiBt lacliiies, of every hiatron in the land.' ' ' ' ' ' " j KXnlBITION OF 1S72. j. A. harnardjTies. 1 Sohn E. Gavit, Rcc.' Secy. iiamticl D. Tillman, Cor. tSrcy. ' New York, November HO, 1S72. . This simple and ingenious Machine is as uselut as the sowiDg .Machine, and Is last beconlinir. popular, with ladies, in. the place of expensive Needle work, its work being much more handsome, requiring less time and not one tenth part the expenso.' No lady's toilet is now complete withoutit. A Machine ffihmtf8tratfcdl'cut;tflaTf an4 300 Broadway. New York. AGKNTS AVAJSTXD. , Dr. Garvin's Elixir bf Tar, I recommended by regular Medical practi tioners and a epecdy cure guaranteed for Colds, Cough?, Catarrh4 Asthma, Brombitis,. Spitting Blo6d,0onsum prion and alt raitno-' nary i;ompiainis, ecroiuia, jj.rjtipua,jB pepsia and Uout. Dysentery, unoicra-mor-bus. Cholera and all liver and bowel com plaints. Kiduev diseases and all affections ot th Urinal Organs perfectly harmU.6S lreefrwtti1 Mineral or Alcoholic properties pleasaut to take and jiever known . to lail T-ttVicefLOQ per Bottle- Full particulars yijth medical testimony aud certincates sent on application. Address, LJ HYDE t CO,, life Scvei th Avenue, Mew'lfoik. Darts from tie Mil; or Cupii Aftusdfl A'Book just issued exposing the "person als" that have appeared iu , the New Y ork Newspapers;,theie history and lesson. Srih ish villiaks fTVLLY EXPOSED. Advertise ments lrom desperate men to beautilul wo men; Clandestine, meetings; how Irustrated; The History of the opobBicH TiiAGEnr the result of a "personal." Description of Liv ing Broadway Statues. Exposes iSOiA coKBDPTioN. Snt .on receipt ot 50 cts. Address, Unique PrintiEg House 36 Vesey St , N. i, Tho Bcckwith $20 Portable Fam ily Sewing JlacJiinc, on 30 Days Trial ; many advautages over ; all. Batis faction kuaranteed, or money' refunded. Sent complete, with fall directions, Beck with. iAWlai iiachine Co., 863 Broadway THE NBW ELASTIC TKUS-An iMPp&TANi; ivESTio'. It reUins the rnp ture'at all times, aud under thfl tardeat ex ercise or severest strain. It is worn TTltb comfort, and if kept on night and day, ef-, fects a permanent, cure in a lejv, weeks, Sold cheap, and sent by mail when request ed. Circulars, free when ordered by letter sent to The JClas tic, .Truss Co No. 65 Broadway, N. T. City. Nobody uses Metal Spring Trusses ; too painful; they slip off too frequently. ' inayU 307 tf ; CLEAFOB & KING, j (Formerly of the firm of Carraway ACleapor) T TAV E oien ei a FI RST CLASS SUA VINO XlJ and HA 111 CUTT1NU SAUWS, on Mar ket" street, where they will be pleased to serve old friends , and the public generally. Being thankful lor past favors, they hope to merit share of patronage in the future. septS ' ' DO lm E. B, : t I onice one door west of the Court Hooe. sel-dAwtf i - gi . . tull instructions sent on receipt of $2 or fifilned in silver plate for $11: ! ii Address, The McKkb Manufacturing Co., 111 1 ' -' 1 ti 17 ! iot l'u? SSliTS gicbmontl and Danville, RiclimoBd and I t ,W 1 . fc-'1- t Y f?? r C. H.-W. , J in cilfttm tan4 after gundav, Juuc lo, I MAIL. At COM. , . . . " u . w,cvnr . . . I ureensboro. . . V- Danville - ' liurkville 1.15 " 11.17 A. M G.15 A. M. a.34 " III. 40 6.tt5 2.55 P. M. Arrive at Richmond. r STATICS, , At CUM. 9.45 a. ic. 1.20 r. m. ArG. 10pm .Leave Richmond 1.05 p. m 4.10 8 45 11.1? 2.03 A. m 4 05 tufH iura.viiie Danville ' yM .Oreensboro ' Solisur.I.... Arrive It. TlrTrPtrc. . . WEST. MA LU EXPRESS 80 P. M 11.00 " 11.10 " 1.40 A. M 4.30 STATIONS. Lwive Greensboro' . . . ! Co. Shops.... UiUsboro Raleigh , Arrive at Ooldsboro'i GOINti WEST. STATIONS. MAIL. EXPRESS Leave Goldsboip';.v V: Raleigh..:..:.: Hillsboro Co. Shops Arrive at Greensboro' ,2.30 p. M 5.26" ' 7,47 12.05 10.4 A.M. North Western N, C. K. K : i ' (Salem Brancii.) Leave Greehsbofb. !. . . . . . i 11:20 P M Arrive at Salem 1:40 A M iieave Salem. r. 4:40 P M Arrive at Greensboro 7:00 P M Mail trains daily, bot)i ays, over entire length of Road. Accommodation daily be tween Danville and Kichmond'Sundavs ex rr-f cepted.) On Sundays Lynchburg Accommodation leave Riehmoud at 5.23: a. m arrive at Burkville 1138 a. m., leayc Burkville 1.10 n. m,, arrive at Richmond 4.17 p. m. Pullman pakiqe CarA. on ail night trains between Charlotte d Richmond, (without Iffir,!, rTiriiluc rmi"vr J ULtJ j !, ns i General Ticket Agent. . ' a ? ' Greensboro.' N. C T. M K. TALCOTT, itigineer and Gen'l Spueririte ndaet. aus 7 44i 68 Carolina Central Railway Company 08 SOlIEDTJLIi:. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE WILMINGTON DAILY (EX cept Sundays) at 8:00 A M Arrive at Wadesboro at. 5:25 P M Leave Wadesboro at 7:10 A M Arrive atiWjJmimjtou at 4:35 P M ' ! Freight trains. Leave Wilmington daily (except Sundays) o.oo A M Arrive at LquYiobarg at. . . . '. 5:30 P M Leave LauHnburg at &:00 A M Arrive at Wilmington at.... .... . 5.30 PM 4 n a 9 t w T n t r 1 1 m .t Leave Charlotte daily, Sundays exceptea, at n oo a m Arrive at Buffalo at 12.00 M Leave Buffalo at l.fO P M Arrive at Charlotte at 5.15 P M Irregular Lumber and Timber Trains run on both portions of the Koad as the busi ness requires. A Dairy Stage will soon run in connection with the trains ou both ends of this Rail way. . L. JTKKMONT, Chief Engineer and Sup't. may 1'J. 311-tl Come and Be Cured. -o- NEVER ALLOW Diarrhoea, 1 . Dysentery, - Cholera Morbus Oranj" other lowel a flection to have its own way; as serious consefiuences may result. At this season of the vear, especially, every body should have a bottle of THE ELECTRIC . In hs his house. 77 ' SIMPLE, SAFE A XI) SERE. into irtrBtGr! ' f MAN UFACTUR EI) BY TU E North Carolim Medical Company, VN"I3 FOR Sale by all I3ruiist. t ! i &Tlt.focffiavl cliiilkjwTien a' bottle of 1 TARRAKS AXIVE CURE" TATa cure the worst ciwe of Chills and Fever in three days ! For sale by all Druggists taml money re funded every time if a cure f not effected. ept li i- K-tf RAIL ROADS. Wilninlon. iolunibia & ,4u aa R. R. Compauy. 8UrBiUNTBNIKKTS OrriCR i WuatiKe-row, N. C.3 Sept.. 8, 1ST2, f CIIAI10E.0F SCHEDULE. X co into tfloat ato:J0 AJ MoatlaM Leave Wilmlnirton . . o::v0 A. M ...11:10 A. M -. Hi 1 M r.fi:4D A. M ..11 liOA. M . '. 5 :1- r. M LApivq at Florence...;... Arrfvoat Columbia, Learn Columbia. Arrive nt Florence . . . . . , Arrive at Wilmington.. - 4 NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (SUN DAY8 EXCEPTED.) Leave Wilmington Arrive at Florence . Arrive at Columbia Arrive at Augusta .., Leave Augusta Arrive at Columbia . Arrive at Florence Arrive at Wilmington . 5.45 1. M . 11: T. M 3:4!) A. W S:20 A. M . 5:50 p. M 10:l5 P. M . 2:27 A. M .. 8:00 A. M Passengers leaving Wilmington oi tlie oA) P.M. train make close connection going South. JAMES ANDERSON, GenTSnp't. 6cPt9 05-tl Wilding on i Weidon R. R. Company. Onrica General Suphrin ten punt, i WamNOTON, N. C, Sept. 0,1 S73. v&siSiEm CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER SEPT Ulb, INSTANT PASSENGER TRAINS on tlic Wjl mington and Weidon Railroad will run ib follows : MAIL TRAIN. Leave Union Depot d dly (Sun days excepted ) At b: 15 A. M Arrive at Goldsboro 12:11 P. M Rocky Mount. 2:11 p. M Weidon 3:50 f. M Leave Weidon daily (Suudavs excepted ) .".At U : : JO A : M : ooiaDoroi.v:.t..; - 1.10 P7M Union Depet.. .... - 5:yo F. M EXPRESS TRAIN. ..', Leave Union Depot daily... At 5:30 P. M 0:33 P. M 11:31 P. M l:'20 A. M 0.30 P. M 3:25 P. M 10H3 P. M Arrive at Goldsboro Rocky Mount . . , Weidon Leave Weidon daily.'. Arrive at Rocky Mount. . G'.ldsboro Union Depot... 3:10 A. M. Mall Train makes ciopc connection at Weidon lor all points North via L5ay Line and Acquia Creek routes. Express Train connect only with Acquia Creek route. PULLMAN'S PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON THIS TRAIN. KRElGflT TRAIN8 will leave Wpmhig ton tri-weekly at 6.00 A. M., aud arrive ut 1.40 P. M. EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS win leave Wilmington daily (Sundavs excepted) at 2:00 P. M., and arrive at 4.00 P. M. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. SO-tf s pt 10 THIS MOST REMARKABLE y? ALL AITAUATL'SIiS sometimes called a mechanical paradox now used with such wonderful success in our prim-ipnl cities for the cure, by cf mutative exejc cise, of nearly all Chronic Diseases and Weaknesses, Is for sale by the undersigned, by wuoiu ail orders M ill be promptly tilled. THE RE ACT 1 027 JYT't V is so coiiKtrueled that even a child cau in ntantly adjust it for a person to lift any weight, from twenty to twelve hundred pounds. It. is made almost wholly of iron and jtee't weighs i:;o pounds, and covers a space of only 20 by :W Inches; and although, but recently introtluced, nearly J,om have already beeu sold. PRICK SHJ", L'JXKD AND Sllll'l'l'. Small books or c irculars, tdiowing iU use, Ciin be had free at the ollice ol the Post. S. 11. MANX, IJroklyii. N. Y. sept 11-dAwtf P. o. IktxiW. A. ADRIAN. H. VOLLEKfc ADRIAN & V0LLERS. WHOLE LK DEALE3.S. 1 1 Groceries and Liiiuor, i Importers of German and Havana Cigars, AJCD Commission Merchant South-East CoRicmt Docx and Fr.oicr Street. WILMrNOTON, N. C. Having the largest and best assorted Stock of roceries and Liquors in tne ctty. Dealers will find it to their Interest to give us a call before buying eisewnerr. - mar 17-tr mm new jprftrrisgnms. -t- MP iOrA?s3? hKND FH.UTAI.or,VK. Domestic Scv.imr ,Machiiu. r,. .,, York. STEAAl INtVi'lVES. . - l - r- i... .... ' " ui.ll. - : li) Voc-y strtj Nv York. Kcimioru University Ifigii School July 'J-iu AGENTS WANTKlVluJiWl KNJUV p., T, ,, Altaic 2nd Conlasions Diseases. -pt cd A Oov.i l'ark How. N Y july ll- lu MONEY riV'Vik'" 11 !.' u"m'1 v iy ,. ,, . t ho Jc Outfits. L'ntn fviu's nnl lull particulars 1 UJ It;. . M. b -ENCKit 117 Hanover street, Jlosfnn. "tAii, u, A rullTU.E-H,w! v specular iniTm" wi pay ?iii to?l,CC0a monih. Kuil V, ;!: liatioii Kent free. V. lli;i;i:i.i i I Co., inkers and Krofcofs. "wVi TTrec VrZiU a0,' fhaU a'J-bliiKelse. l'arllVtilar.. Ma1oAUdUSH G ftlilso11 Co,. Portland, 'riTESi'-lliVKNTUiN OF Till; 1 AUb. Aentfc wanted everywhere Sainplb) and terms free. Address y r WAm-:n, Hussoivmii, Ky. Qrayl3ciebrafedlLnti:i 1 ton Prcs. atrect,jtfewJVork, gole inarmlaetui f i s i;irs. l-H. mioTi, nf4 f h,,,M s- sli or.h rs proinpilv QBAHDEST SCHEME EVER KHOVfi. Fourlli raud Gift Conci i ! t'oii tug uicNEriT ui" 'i ui: PUBLIC LIBRABTof KENTUCKY 12000 CASH (ilFT.S $l,5vjo.ooo 2ho,ooo"iop ?.-o. I he Fourth Jraiid .Gift Concert aullior iz'.'d by special act of tthu Lcyijli-lun lor the benelit. of tin- Public Lii):.f, v Ken tucky; will take place in I'nKi.'v LH.ra'-v Han. at LouUviiJt, Ky., WEDNESDAY, DKCEMUZli ., Only sixty thousand tickets Will 1 1 1 v i 1 . 1 Tbc ticket; arc divided into teu counoiii i parts. ' . At tLis concert, -which wil! 1 r- t!,.- f r.t est musical di.-pbycer vvl:in.v' i id 'm cvuutry, tue unprecckiitcl ium oi $1,500,0001 divided into lJ.CoJ cash iriiu. wiii !,..-,.. tributed by Jot umontr the tb l t-t-i.cl ' LIST OF Clr'lS; " ' " ' Statibpa. v ami TorUUIc am Eii-iui -md leWl vfatfo:iry Itourlir;; mills, m im mills 4cd rtfcjri!;!, narrow inot lvis a,,,! dui.ijuy tnginos j'"r m ru roads ndmininepnrr-owTewirad Mcou i bund Iron a,ut V,WJ .Wurklu J -Mil him 1 every cliwrlptlon. Seru! for p!r ir1' J t school of Vir-iuia. and prest-nts m m v ,7 stu Ksr; inp.""'j win, tho, o; o Vm.1;': case Tho tftwl trdauu-nt for;,li a the uo h ' ,t,,,nmi,,l1 w,,rk r ''" f?,-ni i ?ri l limbraoes small j.ox. yellow fev or cholera and all analogous .11-0 amily safe without it, and nllbuvH if" U)J lUj vPZjU elasses ofworkin- people oi Llli h,crJPutytttUB or old.make more money a t WOrk for US 111 their simrr. ..,.,......... .....i One grand cjIj trilt U;i . One rund cash irirt.. 10o'mo One graud cash gi!t wW, Oue graud cash gilt. One grand cash gift lb rafeUgilta .?10,0H)eaclj. :X) cash gift.1 5 00 ) each . 50 cash gifts 1 ,0.0 each . irO each gilts .OOOeecu. KXJ ca;h gillo 40'Jtach. 150 cash gifu :m each . 260 caU n'ltlb 'jo tach . 325 cih giHs TOO each. 11,00J cojh tfifts eah . J7, ,(: PNJ.MJJ l."(l,H 5o, ooo' 40, HO IU.Om; 5LlU) Total, Pi.OCO gilts, ,11 ca!i amounting to l,500,CWJ The distribution will bj positive, wbcU. cralltLe tickt-ts y re hold or not, ;::;,J tie 12,00) gifU til paid In proportion to the tickets sold. PRICE OF TICKETS: Whole tickets 50: Halves?; Tetitb:, or each Coupon, to; Eleven U'liolo Ti kel:. for foOtJ ; 2A Ticket or $1,000 ; 1!:; Whole Tickets lor5,000; 227 Whole Tl for liOO.O. No discount on lat th.ia 'A' worth ol Tickets at a time. Tickets now redy for Bale, ai;d all orders accompanied by the moLey promptly LUcd . Liberal terms iriven to those hlj buy r sell agu:.i. TIIOS. E. RRAMLETTE, Agent Puhl. Libr. Ky., and .Manager Oil! Concert. Publ. Libr. Hldsr., Louisville, Kv. X. I Bl'RXKAM'S fj NEW TURBINE rIIa been te.Ud at YoUK,. l'A, brl " D. M. ETTINiiEU. . IT , " and at HOI,LViKIT, M ASS. bpTi X- For Pamphlet and tct reioi t HntHrcsN V IJUUNIIAM, Vorlc. I'ti FOR KliXT, DIISIIIABI.;: llorsi; on t3,ie .'Mrttlh cat corner of sixth and Nun streets. J. II. NEFF, i " ' 5 1 ' 'fill H . I I

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