- ' 1 " ( -. VOL VII. .,L -UL-t i. . ' ' . , t : .. f ij-i.-jl.' j itrr ' " 1 ; r r f r- ". '. , .:; ? . " : n- ; - - - : i - i ! WILMINGTON, C:i; fWEDNESuAi ' OUTOBER 1, 1873 ,;! Bill ' I - I "" ' ' ' ' .11 II I J r ! t, -rf T- T. f.fV "f : : ' 'Oin 1 ? - I ' 1 . 1 . 1 ' ! i ! .T7 ! ' ' - 'tf I r"' T " " " ' " " - T - 'xm j ,vir atcrnjau xccpl buiii.. Tu ' i SX.. K.l:tor and Proprietor 4. jfi i rf-lvi'i'. -; , tU lit! v .4 n cc. ...... 4 ... V 1 "0 ... SO i,;, fn Ji'lvance. . in rt'f;iUMc i.Ju-e ij'Ucitod irum our frii;nis ,t Mrrfif, i tir of rcn' - r. HouTjrKKN pitouucra, v 53 NORTH Flioyr STIIK1CT, - lhila'lttluliiH,. If.'W. (r f i rpcn tine ('asks Koiicrlted AiiJ ir niii'i o Mwhamlise brokerage Oifiee, . i, !it f Mi!Mi'U;s roiistHiitly cm htn fr'.i'ii ' importiTs md nianufiictuieis iu H dfscripl .ion.s of merchnndiso, orders i,l bi.laollcited and tolegnvpiied promptly. M.-rrhaii'liso . h nvUt and sold in this ',rk t onk-rs l"rni buyers solicited, stud mipi s i( tiy-elle will have proinjJt at ntion. ' ' ' '' : Time as well s e;isb pureliasen iiotiiited, whcllier you wish to hny or sell, commii'ii-fHiV-l freely, 04 o4t'-u-r.wi4.li your kottl linker, i -' - J ' : ' '' ' .r a, t. im:tti:wav, Mereli in-wso nnd l.'ndii-3 iiroliT. ,i-h--i) lMir- UDKKilHAD CITY. iJAIL TKll!': r COUNTY, N. U. ',:iiu) 1HU3AJIU,' Proprietor. I!u; nlfmli-d 8e; Huls VM $t i'mj' ' Plaeei, ,i,,il"l .i' lieiutort, ll;ul)r, wilt "open !-u t Ik1 i 'T' ",'tiou ol gtie-Ls on Mjaday, June 16th, 1873, l rib v KNoWLED'JEDTv) VAl I HE MU3T DELIG 11 ri'UL n u l- vr r tl 1 IN Or iti (lie All nl it- i il, of Hie United St.iles! iHmie l lo he tli" terminus of the uvea-t So'itliern t'.ietUe llu'ltoad. Unsurpassed i-i-ilities lor splendid sa.ili;, P'lslilti aud liuMun. The ste uner 7, li t , "t t. Win. II. Chapin; imiiriiid''!", le.ive-i dii'icl or New Yorli. iVtil'V wcjK. Parlies wihiir to en'i rooms, will j-le ise address a ; ahove. July l:-.ni I IKK AND tflllBJSUIlANCE OAiJ BJi II eih eled at the IVjwesl current rates in the I'rtlnviiii; responsible Oompanies, on ap I'liwitioii, to .SbW VOll'CLTFK IJSSUKVNCK CUM PAN Y, Asselts $M,W.i,m .. A. l.il'JtN13, tJen'l Ins. Am., i MPKKIAIi KIliK LN.SU1CANCW COMPANY, of 1,-jadon, Assetts g,OilOo'). (iold l.VX'. HHUftG 1NSURNCK AND KANK INU CUM PAN V of Va... assets Ctil'vilt Uhl IJM1NUX JNiUit VNiJK COMl'A NT U ' Va., assetts. 5- W,U"() lil UNI-i tt KliKNAN, Ueu'l Insurance Agents, 'Jill -e Chamber of Commerce, up fctairs, Wilmington, N. C. ar in 77-ly: BAKU Hit SIS OIV J m; TURN Kit wishes to inform his cuslo- iiifis and iublic generally, that he is now repared to do all kind of work in his line. HI J would respectfully request acontinua lion of the patronage which has heretofore leeu so liberally bestowed upori him. jn IS tf , 306, THOMAS CONNOR bar room N. E. cjrner ot Mulberry and Nutt Sta. Always ou hand the bent quality of Sega I iH3 14 157-ly PAUKKH &l'Ai'LOR iJiiccessors to A. H. NEFF, ilasufacturers and dealers iu llQUaH PUllNliilUXG GOODS, U'ins, moves, Ian terns. Kerosene, Oil Tio and Sheet Iron Ware. RoDting done at short notice Agents for Fair bank's Seniles. No. 1J Front Street, WILfllNGT'ON, N . C . A Convenient Store with a Desir able Dwelling Housa Attached it hams. hi wife, to ttie. mwi liRifriuul than will sell at public auction, at Exchange Uor-JH-r, In the ctty of Wilmington, on the 22nd county of New Hanover, viz: One Ixjtknown Lot number six in block ten, and situate n the corner of Fremont and Dudley streets ani running oue hundred and twenty feet Parallel to tin Wilmington and Weldon nplroad and one hundred and eighty one t and 6ixinches at right angles to the said railroad; and. also, n amber lonr, in block number eloven on Dickinson street between rremont and Wilmington streets, and run ne hundred and twenty feet parallel rith the Wilmington and Weldon railroad and ne hundred eighty feet andsLx inches at rijht aogles with said road. .Terms cash. SOL. BEAK, SAMUEL HEAR, sept 22-l07-30d MARCUS BKAIL B IRTt'K of a power of sale vested in the undersigned by a mortgage execu--don the 1 1th day of November, A. D , 172, y Archlbaltl M. AVilliar, nnA t - - - - - - m.m tauu ui rm. i i . '- uciooer nex. at iu o clock A. M the iollowing real csUle. situate in liurgaw. on Wilmington and Wetdon Ilailroj1 in tii u ; allSCELLJUiEOUS. f 5IISCELLMEQWS. , t iiAW MVAUli. kail uuj. i r ' - - i , . - 1 1 " "' T " ' ' .. ii in. I . . m " - I The test ORGANS of the Bcel class ' IN THE 'WOULD: Thc Best for Churches arid Lodges. The Best for Sunday Schools. Tbs Beat for Parlors and jVastrkv. rSie Best for Academies and Colleges. 1 The Best for Public IIail3.: -J-, The Bent for Orchestra and tage. Thcric instruments, which for sweet-t nesa of tone and clcgaiice of appoint1 merit stand xinrivaUed, have met' with unprecedented sttcccss in tlii country and, abroad. ,j , , T-. 4. V -- n I ! K, r. NEEUHAffl & ESTABLISHED INMSib Nos J43, 145 &; 147 East 23d st. N Y- Jlesponsiblo part ies, apply iiuj fov agencies in sections still uiisupplied, will receive prompt attention au-i liberal imlujcements. Parl ies residing at ailistancei Troni cur au thorized agents, may order from our factory. Send for illubtratecl orif List: aivg -tl TO THE VEST! TO THE WESTI IJclorc making your a'r&ngerneiits id fol low the advicejof the "thousands who have already gone,"! it would be we'l to consider what has been done to make the jottruey to your 'Homes in tlxe West" as pleasant and free from danger as human skill and tore eiht can accomplish. . :., consolidation and cpnstructia?i, a rod l A been put into operation OEUie istioitost possible line from Nashville, Tenn., to St. Loui.'-, "tho future great City of the Tworli.'.' Thi s Hue, thV !" 8'L LOUIS & SOUTH EAbTEUN KAIL- WAY, hap, during the past year. earned an envia ble reputation by its smooth' track, prompt timo, 'euro connections, and the magnifi cence of its passenger equipment. Its trains are male up of liew and commodious day care, provided with the celebrated Mil ler eonpler aud patform, and the Westiug- hou&e air-brake. " It is positively the oidy liue luuning Pullman Palace Drawing-Boom Sleeping Cirs through without change irom Nash ville to!SU Lonv5..' Ho" other rme pretends to offer' suql altantagei, ieatbf r An aistance, time, ir equipment. Why, then, journey by circuitous routes? Io not bo induced W purchase tickets to St. Louis or the Afest bv anv other line, Temcraber that Tho "St. Louis & SouiUeastern" i4 (he shortest, cheapest, quickest, best and ouly liue under one- management Irom Nashville to St. Louis, aud is from 00 to iXX) miles the shortest to St. Louis, Kansas City, Omaha, Denver, California, Texas, and all western points. It ii also the "Chi cago Shortest Line," via Evansville. You can secure the cheapest rates for yourselves and your movables on applica tion, in person or Ly letter, to Cua.kl.es McCabb, Southern Passenger Agent, near College street Depot, Nashville, Teuu., or to the undersigned. Wli DAVENPORT, Geneial Tfcket Agent, St. Louis NO trouble to answer questions july 25 -Cm S rl? JK. T E JET JA. I R 1 8 7 3 Thirteenth .Grand Annual fair i OF TILL Mill Carolina AgriGultural Society October 13th to 18th, 1S73. Ten Thousand Dollar in Premiums. New and attractive Grounds. ; MacniMcent Ruildings. Accommodation for seati n 8,000 peopl e. ltu.ll road arrangements the most liberal ever made witb any Agricultural or Me chanical Society In the Htate. A nicies for exhibit ion l.ransportetl FREE, and iell-cred ifrom the cars witfdir the Grounds. m , Fare for passengers on muroaas m r.orwi r Carolina ljc per mile. Excursion trains from every direction ciany. ppeeiai irains for the nassengeM will run to the Grounds from the city every fifteen minutes. Fare 4 W m SUN only TEN CKOTSrf f Hon. Daniel Voorhees, or Indiana, will deliver the Annual Address. , . , , w . Vtssay on the cultivation of cotton by pa- vid Dickson. Esq., of Georgia. ..T Grand Prize distribution of , BLOODED STOCK , -v- ' . WESTON, the great pedestrian, in his won derful featf endnrance. ., ,f ti -it TWO 1VAND OF MUSia , . Single admission to the Ground,. , -"KKj Single admission fo. children under 12 years of ago - . - - - . . i2' Send for Premium List. - . s 3C M. HOLT, President. R. T. FULGHUM. Secy. aug ie-td . ' - - , ' " - - , : ? jBCYOSLVTHK GENUINE FAIRBANKS .SCALES, :'J ( . if ASUFACTtjRED BT E. & ;T, "FAinBATdtS UOf StockScales. Coal Scales. Hay Scales, Dairy Scales, Counter Wcales, &c, t&c. Scales repaired promptly and reasona- uiy. THE MOST.' PEKFECT AIIARM CASH DRAWER.. Itliles Alarm Xill Co's. EVERY NJEVERY' cliaiil DKAWER SHOULD - i Usi Them AUi... Fairbanks! Scale Wareiouscs, ( , FAIUB1NRS & C0, fj ! 311 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. 1G6 Baltimore st., Baltimore, j j 53 Camp St., New Orleans. FAIRBANKS & EWING, ' MaWrtic HallPuiiadelphia. AIBBArHS, ?BpOW & CO, rUv3 MillStrcetniostoii. For dale by all leading Hardware ' Dealers, septil' 97-2tawlm DIPLOMA, I AWABDKD BY TBB f'j ' j American Iiistitrxte A J. W. TSIcKEE, : T, -I '' for'' - - ' ; " V.c. EubroHery and ' Flnting- lalines. J4 It is ingenious and will meet the V&uts oft every matron iu the land." !; EXHIBITION OF 1872. j . A. Barnard, Fre. Sdhn E. Gavit, Rec. Secy. ' " ! Samuel D. Tillman, Cor, Stcy. f New York, Novemher 20, 1872. Thi3 simple and ingenious Machine is as uieiul as the sewiDg Machine, and Is last becoming popular with ladies, in the place of expensive Weedle work, iu work being nfuch more handsome, Requiring less time aid not one tenth part the expense. No Italy's toilet is now complete without it. AJ Machine with illustrated circular and iiill instructions sent on receipt ot f53 or flhished in silver plate for f l 75. I Address, The McKbb Mauutactur'ng Co.i j 300 Broadway. New York. j AGENTS WANTED. Dr. Garvinrs Elixir ol' Tar, r Is recommeuded by regular Medical practl tfoners and a speedy cure guarauteed for Colds, Coughs, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, Slutting Blood.Consumptiou and all Pulmo nary Complaints, Scrofula, Erysipelas. Dys pepsia and Gout. Dysentery, Cholera-mor-bus, Cholera aud all lifer and bOwei com plaints. Kidney diseases and all affections ot th Urinal Organs perfectly harmkss -Uiree from Mineral or Alcoholic properties -j-pleasant to take and never known to fail i-friceJlOO per Bottle. Full particulars WiH ' inedical testimony and rcertiticatea ietit on application. AddressiL. F. HYD1C h CO.. VJb Seventh Avenue, New York. Darisfroi tie Deyil; or iwi Alrnsed A'Book just issued exposing the "pkBSOH Atia" that have appeared in the New York Newspapers; their history and leason. Sttl, sh villians fully exposbd. Advertise ments trom desperate men to beautilul wo men; Clandestine meetings; how irustrated; T?he History of the Goodrich tbagktjt the result of a vpcrsonaL' Description of Liv ing Broadway Statues, Exposes social cokbuptioj. Sent on, receipt oi 50 cts. Address, Unique Printing House, 30 Vesey St , N. Y, -iy Tho Ueckwith $20 Portable Fam ily Sewing JIacliinc, on 30 Days Trial; many advantages over all. Satis faction guaranteed, or money refunded. Sent complete, with full directions. ( JBeck with Sewing Machine Co., St Broadway THE NKW JSLA.5JTIC TRUSS An Impoktakt laivasxios. It retains the rup ture at all times, and under the hardest ex ercise or severest strain. It is worn with comfort, and if kept on night and day, ef fects a xermanent- cure in a tew weeks. 8old cheap, and sent by mall when request ed. Circulars free, when ordered by letter sent to The Elastic Truss Co , No. 6S3 Broadway, N. Y. City. Nobody uses Metal prinir Trusses i too patuiut ; . tney sup on too freuuentlyi S -s l f msjll 307 tf 'CiEM'bH'&'KISG;' (Formerly of the firm or Cnrraway ACleapor) HAVE opened a FIRST CL ASH SHAVING and 1 1 A I K CUTTI N G S A lX)N-, on .Mar ket street, where tbey will be pleased to serve old friends and the public generally. Being thankful for past favors, they hope to merit a share of patronage In the future, sept 5 W lm Oflice one door west of the Court House. seplO-d&wtf frijr. i ."n i H tWarriiitpli Bailway. Ulchhxonel aoii fJafiVillci tiichmoBd and DanTSUc It. tVr. tliisioD, and fefjndenscrl Timi Tahle. In effect ba aurl afltcr Sxiiidav,.Junc 13, opiG north. AIL 2.&O.P. j' . ' f tSaltaDnry Greensboro.... f TaDtUle.J;.... J .Bnrkvllle..,.. Arrive at Klcfcmond.. 5. 5.ttJ T;' .. L15 I......... ll.1T A. It 0.1O A. M. G-lo 11.40 2.55 3.34 11.40 6.05 P. M. ttOINU SOUTH. i STATIONS. MAIL. ACCOM. Leave Kichnaend l Burkville...... ; DanvlUa....... ' . Greensboro.... . .S Solisbnry...lV A rr vti J t i Jht riOtU. . . I. 05 p. w 4.10 8 45 II. 1? 9.45 A. M. 1.20 P. M. ArG. 10pm 3.03 A. if f GOING tVKa r. STATtOHS. MAIL. EXPRESS Leave Greensboro' . . . Co. Shops . . .. HUlsbdro,,;;j. VtM Raleigh.'...... Arrive at Goldsboro. 8.20 r. m lt.00 4 1L10 f 1.4t)A: m 4.S0 " GOING WESJIV STATIONS. MAIL, EXPRESS Leaye Goldsboro . . . . Raleigh HUlsboro' ..... !k Co. Shopa 2.30 p. m .2tt " 7.47 12.05 " 10.4? A.M. Arrive at Greensboro North Western N, C. K. K (Salem JBranch.) Leave Greensboro . ... ........... .11:20 P M Arrive at Salem 1:40 A M Leave Salem, 4:40 P M Arrive at Greensboro 7:00 P M dail trains daily, both ways, over entire leagth of Road. Accommodation daily be tween Danville and Richmond(8undays ex cepted.) ' ' ' ' 1 pn Sundays Lynchburg Accommodation leive Richmond at 5.2o a. m., arrive at BTrkvHle 11.28 a. m., leave Burkville 1.10 r.jm., arrive at Richmond 4.1? p. m. Pullmap. Palace - Cat on all night trains between Charlotte "d Richmond, without ehange.) Tr lurther information address . 8. R ALLEN, General Tieket Agent. Greenstoro, N. C TI M K. TALXJpTT. tfhineer aGeu'l Spueriuteudaot. 'aur 7 68 Carolina Central Railway company I WILMINGTON, N. C, ) , - May 14, 1873. f i SCHET)XJIj"E. , PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE WILMlGTON DAILY (Ex cept Sundars) at 8:00 A M Arrive at Wadesboro at 5:25 PM Leave Wadesboro at 7:10 A M Arrive at Wilmington at 4:35 P M f FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Wilmington daily (except Sundays) fi;O0 A M Arrive at Luriuburg at 5:30 PM Leave Lauriuburg at. A:00 A M Arrive at Wilmington at 5.30 F M I PASSENGER TRAINS. t.eave Chrloltc daily, Sundays 1 excepted, at 8.00 A M Arrive at BuQal0,at 12.00 M Leave BmTal04t................. 1.(0 PM Arrive at Charlotte at 5.15 P M Irregular Lumber and Timber Trains run" on both portions of the Road as the busi ness requires. ! A Daily Stage will soon run in connection with the trains on both ends of this Rail way. .8. L. FRKMONT, Chief Engineer and Sup't. ; may 19 311-ti Come and Be Cured. NEVER ALLOW Diarrfea, l Dysentery, Cholera Morbus Or any other bowel affection lo have its own way, as serious consequences mav result. At thisseason of the vear, especially, every body should have a bottle of THE ELECTRIC in his his house. IT IS SIMPLE, SAFE AM) SIRE. into humbug: MANUFACTURED BY THE North' CaroMm Medical Company, jvn-d for Sale by all Druggists. (WU1 you have chills, when a bottle of "EJMRAR'S AGUE CURE" Wilt enrl the worst case of Chills and Fever In three days! For sale by all DrugjlsU and money re funded every time if a cure is not effected. sepUV lW-tf f VilaLn(on. Columbia & An ttsla R. R. Company : URH. SUfKRINTBNIJKMT'S OrTICK, I f Wujuinotoi. N. V., Sent. S,,lS?jt,( CHAKQE OF SCHEDBtEi j'. THE TO t LOWING 8CHEDULJ5 WILL UO into flcct at y::J0 . A. M., Monday, th Inst. ' n ' ' DAY EXPRESS TRAIN J(Daity.)!i f? Leave Wilmington . 3:to' A. fMf Arrive at WohjnceVl'J'.vl .iu;.7.1 1H0 A: M ArriTCt Coltuatbia,;. .rf.. 4:45 P. M Leave Columbia .'k46a. M' Axriyo at Florence. . . . . 4 . j . ..ll.UO A. H Arrive at Wltminctou ; i. 5:15 P. M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (9UN DAYS EXCEPTED. Leave Wilrainntou Arrive at Florence Arrive at Columbia Arrive at Augusta Leave Augusta;... Arrive-at Columbia ... Arrive at Florence ......... Arrive at Wilmiagtan... 5.45 P. M 11:2 P. M SAS A. M H-.a0A.-M 6:50 P. M 10:35 P. M 2:27 A. M AfiP-A. M Fasscnjrcn 5:45 P. M. 1 going South Passengers leavings Wilnaifltorot th 5:45 P. M. train make" eloscCOrratfctiuSr JAMES ANDEK30N, Gea'ISup't. 05 tt 6eit 9 WHralngtoi! tV Weldon it. tt. Company .v Onrics Gsmkkal SupaftiMrzniiuitf r, r WttMiHOTori, N. C, Seijt. 6.1S73 7i St Tt 'fc JUS. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTFU SEPT 'Jib, INSTANT PASSENGER TRAINS on . the Wil mirjgton and Weldon Railroad will run t a follows: MAIL TRAIN. Leave Union Depot d uly (Run- dayB excepted). At 8: 1 5 A. M Arrivo at Goldsboro Rocky Mount Weldon ... Leave Weldon daily (Sundays excepted) At Arilrv at Rocky Mount ..... Goldsboro...'... .. . Union Depot EXPRESS TRAIN. 12:11 P; M 2:11 J M 3:50 S. M "J::i0 A: M 1 l.-O A.. Mr 1:1 P. M 5:30 P. M Leave Union Depot daily..", At 5.30 V. M Arrive at Goldsboro 0:3$ P. M Rocky Mount 1 1:3 P. M Weldon.......... 1:20 A. M Ieave Weldon daily. 0 30 P. M. Arri? e at Rticky Mount r 3:25 P. M G -ldsboro 10:J:i P.'M Union Depot 3:10 A. M Mall Train makes close connection t at Weldon for all points Nort'i via Bay Liue and Acquia Creek routes. Express Train connect ouly with Acquia Creek route. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON THIS TPvAlN. FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wiim.ng tOn tri-wcekly at COO A. M., aud arrive at 1.40 P.M. i EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilmington daily (Sundavs excepted) at 2:00 P. ft., and arrive al 4:00 P. M. ,1- JOHN F. DIVJNE, tieneral Superintendent. 3Grtf s pt 10 11 THIS MOST REMARKABLE o F ALL APPARATUSES sometimes called a mechanical paradox now used with such wonderful success in our principal cities for the cure, by cuxl'i.ativk ExiUi cisk, of nearly all Chronic Diseases and Weaknesses., Is for sale by the undersigned, by whom all orders will be promptly nllecl. THE liE ACTIONAItV is so constructed that even a child cm In stantly adjust It for a person to liU any weteht, from twenty to twelve huudryd pounds. Jt made almost wholly of iron and stce', weigh 1W pounds, and covers a space of on f y 2U by W inches; and although, but recently introduced, nearly J.out) have already been sold. PRICK 51U BOXED AND SHIPPED. Small Ixtoks or c irculars, showin?' Its use, can be had fres at the olllce of the Post; 11. MANN, Brooklyn, N. V. sept H-d&wlf P. O. ItoxW. A. ADIIIAK. LVOLLEP. ADRIAN & V0LLERS. WHOUEC AU nEAIR3 IX Cirocerics and liiquom, ! Importers of German and Havana Clears, ; -AHD- Comiiiissioii Merchant , 8otrrn-EA5T Corner Dock and Froxt Streets. WILMINGTON, N. C. Ilavinz the Ianrest and best assorted Htoek nrdrnceries and IAoUors in the City. Dealer will find it to their Interest to give ua a call before buying elsewhere. mar n-u NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. . I . NEW I'OU TJ Ik -II FAl.LTKADE. ki-A'r. gtfftjftf .v, . o ' iff Mar Lei -tired t-. u i TJffR rtiscEiVnrv a Fti r, r;ro: o: f. hi-1 UE iURIvABLx; Qlp ItAT.fi S to ihp ellizanaMf Wilmiugtonniivi vicinii v. An ilisneclloii of Ihrlr s'lrwU- -fl Mti i .1.... a.nlne li fAmtliiir with iricos, that t hev CANjNOT UK UNDiilWOl.D in this ifiark'vt. A give Tid:3i a jrrjiAr:. " " 'Mf. ; J S, ITAXSTI'IN A CO.. 1 ' Vflll-lfi.: NolAMjirknsirect. TlleMiowiii'iTfemedTjJcees- menfled as hJtrg amonyout luttaacd best isruis:!- : v lU,.- . . . ,. . . iJnPf thFe 1 .eiorr.'.'.ong llayg. C5c ' Yirur uon-i yon'came llome'Sour.'- llaya 'Neith the Waves Iitr Si rif vaudcrs. Soir'-. .'Sfewart. $0c; ". ( ' .. No little fo meetiTU; Sinfr. lratf? ::r... ... 8ortlVshrjfio''thu',rars 61 Heaver.. Son-. ' trait, iiuc. t DIrina' forget yCut Mltl:er,'SaMdic.j PrW Hays: -40c. -t.J!o ". -f. ui . , u. , i lopg lo sec lue d'-arr old.IWme. un" ,r Stewart.'. '.ICc'. ' . r . Lilflo8weethcartecmvlisten to nie foii" Hrqnch. 30c. , t Mvf every thought wrs of thee. Sor.z;. ltuvr. Meii are such TJecelvtrs. Alto poi;f, fuiy lPauline." Son. Dauks. 30e. Slay not long away. Soprano fou-' fro4ii 'IPaulincV Soiir.. Dauks. :,0e: Tot please tli c Gin?. BarKonc son Trcni ' Panlifae." Hon-. Dank. :)-' Mi Heart for- thee, . Soprano sou;', from f Pauline." Song. Danks. i 3tV.' Ml tjacen Of Stars, Awake Tenor nn.r, om-ftPauline." ifoug. Datkf. 30,-.' IVist-Paid. Jetony, the Fiuner vf RHUare. Sour, t tew . Art. 40c. . Wi spcr softly, -MotLcr'a Djitg. -Soi:. , cUwiirt. . 30 i. ii,, Infeplrcr and Hearer of FrayVr. Hymn. i: panas. : ooc. " -Iv , love sleeps uudtr tLcrD;iit-en. L-Oii-. I'crsiey. We. yo: iiuw u ye uo, uu cumo. . foiig.-- cxewart. . f.vc. t makes mc noddiugs ont. Soi. May- ooa. oe. 5 Jeath-the white and purple lilu.-MMiir-. one J ersiey. soc, ?brah is dreaming ot you. ny. .y.n.. iniug ot you. oong. l'ratt. liui Is Tr i3in". Foii, Duukf.. Oe. ic sweelctt lit cOc. ii Ilceeiii Will he come hoiuct-j ninht Mutl ei? Son-. j Danks. 1 Oc. God bless our homo. Soutr. Stewart. UK. Get up and ehut th,u iloor. Song. IIuvh. ;''c ioes ue ever ininK oi me. Bong. nay-. :e Como, HOly Spirit' Hymu. Diinks. :ii; Wy dear old Mothlr. Sony:. Stewart. 3e I have no home, j Sonjr. Hays. 4V Lost and cast awuy. bong. Hays. .'iTic ; 'oor little Tim. Sonr. Ah hey. UOd w" iiic , ; Oyslcra and Wine ut 2 A. M. Sorg S'.eJ srt. 30c ' ' ome over the billows afar. Son;,-. Tialt. -doc. ' avldur, Thou art ever near Socg. Dunkr. 30c . , . . The Toa&t. Brindisi for ni;do v;ics. 'Sop', f Tonel. 40c pearl of America. Cipricc. Inetrurutn- i tal. Klnktl. .5c ' fcircling Waves. ' TfiMrflinCntal. Kinkcl. r 40c belle of, Saratoga. . Waltz. Fit.hu'h. :."ii; Morning Zephyrs.' Mczurka. "Klukil. :Vc jFannie's Quickttcp. Quickstep. Iviukcl. MarLccl I'ricc. lAutumn Lavos. Reverie. Iuitinaicutai. I Kinkel. 5Jc .The Reapers. Instrumental. Kiuktl. ',c Merry Girls. Ga!ox. Kinkcl. 30c Mollie Darlinc. Instrumental. Kinkel. 50c La Ziny;arella. Instrumental. Kinkc'. "Cc Hapiy thoughts. Scbottische. Kinkel. Danse Cubaine. Jcstrfcuiehtiil. Kinkcl. 4(c May Polo. March. Mueller. 3.r,c Good Humor, ' March. Allan!. i'Jk: Fleur dt a Champs, Valsc, Tonel. Published and tent, post l-aid cn reccii't of price, by ' " J. L.' PETERS. sept 27 U Broadway, N Y.t J IV. F. KUUNIJAI'S M NEW TURBINE H r,Uaj.becu tested at YORK, IA, b ryj " D. MJKTTI.VGKH, IT. ""j and at IIOLLYOKI-; MAHH, byfTJ JAS. I-IKIWON, II L . J i 4fv For lamphlct and Ut rtioit Cf' address N rnURNHAM, York, Vn. A DlvlttABlJ' IIOL-jC on the botith- east corner of Sixth and Nuti street". Apply to tcptis-tf j. ii. ni:ff. Coffee, IJourautl 8iignr. A A A IJAflS COITEE all grnUtv. tvfv f ntO barrel Flour,' 250 barrclti tllue, For aale by r , 22 P. AV. KEUCHXEH. hCpt 1; - ii (4

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