iff IM : I 4 i"A .: NnN. C, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1873 MP NO. ' I iaiw-- t vv Vjftf 3 HO 5S42CC' ... 1 50 I" 50 fcSe on to,., ! f 1' nnnr,TTTKN. PR'S , VJrt"". market, price. ... 53! Rrokezaffc Office,' ol laerdumtlise, orders KKuJiclt-srai.l.capruaiptly,. (L bouglit s,Jd.,'1V -IV-tlcr-s trill have prompt at- Lji .scaj nun Uass uol iAIJ, P id often with yourJogal; J IS T. 1'JiTTK VV A V, 4 ; .) ill'1' kti;tui!rt Hiu or. will be open W June 16th, 1873. nJttlEDtyPTO BE TUE MUST DELIGHTFUL IF BAfrili!NC iiotK c ui iiir i nits i i-si-aics : U lis ti'iiimuis i)( the great rififio Riulroii'l. ru surpassed forplendil sa;ilui, Fi?hiug and luncfi'xIiic.Cipt. Wm. H.Chapln; la, l&iver di it cL i iew Yurk ris'iln: lu .-n-c-i ; room:;,' trill PUFIKE IN'siTi: i i,' f .A m .lis i'lrttheloffrstcunrnt rates iu tile p.onsihle Coin pun les, on rir- WiS.AV r'' " "n 1 1 1 s. y gt., '"-'M'lii. 'KVK fc KI-TKN-ANj ill wi I liisuraiK'.j AenFs; "ruf Uomuicrcoj up stairs. 0 iinnngiou, is. C. tli- "fc --j, niiiL ne is now rmful!y re,,mst acolltiutt , Pa;ronae whicl! l,;ls heretofore lyttoA-ed upon him. 206 VTS and llicc. AND TUBS - Lemon, 55u- nUs Crac'lc'rr Zit 911.1 ' '-."lit, Aborted Take, aiul Tierce, Kiee, b-cessops to l 11 SEFF, rs an J dealers in 150-lv m- 7s uas" Aitached !toVn V :i0 vested lu V H Willii, ,'llbcr 1 , 1S72 oU fA . u'ail)s nnri MA 6'( i i' Hip n i . , "UI u, J. Cor- lll't ;u li ' m lho 22 ud aid ?i,nS"' 5rJ1 beteen iirfi(f and sS1' r "Wrojt,! Ti. lnchesat V . Htr , ""Hash. . V - THE "SIITER-'iTOW?J ORGANS The best ORGANS, of . tke Reed class IN THE WORLD. ! tt Best fbr-CUtiraMIg;! oess pf touo pnd clegan'ce of ajipoint - and broafl. TT''-VhP4' t ' y I MANUFACTURED .BY' '.Vm tP. NBSBHaWSffH. ! 'l N03 4J,140 fiTlY Hiasc ' .s t horlzed agefitsjTna Krfmm3fy SenoTfof Ulastratea urftj., ty Ai U Delore making orfr arWijtoincntiraiajtfL- already gone," it would be, w'l to contTJer what has been done. to .mkp thejouuity to vbtar 'Ilomes in the West' as pleasant afadc free 'from danger as 'humati aud iore- sigUt can accomplish. ' By consolidation and conBtrnction, a roid has been put into operation on the thortest pqssibie? line from NaslrilTenn., togt IjquIs, "the future great City qfijc world.'' Thi li.ue, the 11 ( ' 8T.; LUU13 &r 30UTUEAST:iiN 'HAIL WAY, has, during the past year, earned au eh ble reputation by its smooth track, prompt timp, sure "connection, and the inagnifi- rcjenpe of its passenger 'equipments . Its trains areioade up of iiew and. commodious la(y;cars, provided with the celebrated Mil ler coupler and p'atibrni, and the Weft'iug houfcc air-brake , , It is po&si lively the only lne iu'nnim( rnllmsn Palaft lrriiwinp-Bt3om ' aleemur MISCELLMEOUS. Sl.l .-x i.l inn onnl I fV ' W of Vi is' 9 'il- ' 4 In Bocti!H, still uxipliH rwelve 3 . JlAIRBANKS,. BROWN & CO.: Parlif'feRMintinAft ... 2 Milk fetfCCt. Bostoll tw iXsuitVNcK 0iTM?Xi i through .without change from I,ash !c to St. Louis. No other line pretends fo Offer such advantages, cither in, di&tancc, time, or eqajiiment. Why, then journey by circuitous routesi ' Do not feor induced to ipurchWe tickets tdSt. iLoHis r the West by any other lipe remsmbeMhat .The "St. Iaf&Soyifea'slern'' is (he shortest, cUeps, quickt, betau ny hut? under one ma Daymen t from .Nashville to St. Louts, and; is from 00 to 200 mites the shortest to St. Louis, Kansas City, Omaha, Denver, CJaliforjUia, Texas, and all(western points. It is tlso the Chi cago Shortest Line," ia,Eyanfeuie. . , You can., secure the ' cheapes i; Tatcs for yourselves and your. movables on. applica tion, in person or ' by letter, to Chaklks McCabs, Southern , passenger' 4nt f n?ar College street Depot, Nashville. TenD., or to the undersigned. " I ' 1 ' W B DAVSNPORT, Geneial Ticket AgentrSt Louis, Ho trouble to answer qucsttonsi I ? ; 4 july 35 f j 57-Gm Tliirtccntli Grand Annual Fair OF THE j j ' North Carolina Asricnltnral Society, October Vm 'lUhT 1S73. Ten Thousand Dollars in rreniluini?. Now and attractive Grounds. j Magnirioent Uuihllngs. I ! 'Accommodation for Beating 8,000 people. Uailroad arrangements the imost' Jiberal eA-er matte with arry Agricultural or Me chanical Society In t he State, Articles for exhibit ioh transport ett P-RETK, and delivered from the ears within the Grounds. Fare for piissengers on railroads in North Carolina ijc pec mile; Excursion trains from every dlrectlorf daily. Hwcial trains from the city everjr nfteninjlnutes. ;risre I nnWTl'VI'PYTV! " "i A H w. 1AJ1 A . ! Hon. Daniel Voorhces, . of Indiana, will deliver the Annual Address. i Essay en the cultivation t cotton by Da- tiq jJicKKon. or weorgia. . Grand ITire distribution of BIXJODED STOCK. ' "... T! : . . , WEHTON, the great pedestrian, in his won- aeriui ieats of endurance. TWO, BANDS OJC MUSIC, Single admission to the Grot rotmd. - i.rn Single admission for children under 12 years or ago. . j m, , .j.n 2 Send for lremlum List. ffj 1 1. AL molt, president. R. T. ULQHUM, Secy. 1 aug 16-td OVTJTIOIV. I BUY OKLY THE GEHJIIlfE FAffiBAP'S, SCALES, . MANUFACTUIIED BY E. & T FAIRBlNtf 1 & U. 4fW!c?vI, CobI Scales. Scales, Dairy CoPter: Scales, &c, &c. Scaled reDairGfl nroiTintlv ;inrl wnjnnn. ht nn A TIT 1.1 1 ,fl2ilcs Alarm Till Co's. pffcRY EVERY iStiui2 iHfoio a iuiiaiiL DHAIER 'should Tlj - ' I un Warranted. ,;;BOLDiJT Fairbanks' Scale Warehouse it ! FAIRBANKS & CO.,, Si i ' IntOAWAY, NEW YQRK. ; 1G6 Baltimore st.. Baltimort?. It at FAIRBANKS & EWING, 1 1... I 00 O0fMttftft?:Hall , .Philadelphia. lf:Fi)r sale tyyall leading Hardware btH y7-2tawlm DIPLOMA, AWJLUBao BY THE Ainci'ician !tnstituto ;) J. .W. McKEE, " ron Embroidery ani Fluting; lactiucs. " It is ingenious and will meet the wants of every matron in the land." 's EXHIBITION OF 1S72. F. A. Barnard, l'rco. Sohh E. Gavit, Kec. Secy. Samuel D. Tillman, Cor. Secy. New York, November 0, iS72. This simple and ingenious Machine is as usejul as the eewing Machine, and fs last becoming popular with ladies, in the place of expensive Needle work, its work being much more handsome, requiring less time and not one tenth;pa.rt Hie expense. No lady's toilet is now complete without it.--A Machine with' illustrated circular aud lull instructions sent on reeeipt of $3 or liaished in silver plate for $3 75. . Address Tilk McIvbb Manulactur'ug Co., 300 i3roadwy. New York. VCfJi!?TXS 'WANTED. . Dr. Garvin'3 Elixir of Tar, Li recommended by regular Medio 1 practi tioners and a ppeedy cure guaranteed for Colds, Cough?, Catarrh, Asthma, Brouchitis, Spitting liiood,Consumption,axid all Pulmo nary Complaint?, Scrofula, Erysipelas. Dys pepsia, ana AuU Dysentery, Cholera-mor-bus, Chbjeriajiflall liref md boweli com plainta ilJifildr5 diseasea nd all affections ot th Urinal organs perfectly harmkss treerpm Mineral pr.AJeoholic properties " ; 1 i & .1. .-j; j 1 i . . : a. 1 1 pieasauno uae na never kuowu 10 r-tricel 00 per Bottle. Full particulars With medical testimony and certificates eentcnRrpUcdpif-i! Adttrcss,Xu t . Hii)i & CO.. 105 SevoJtA AvVnue; New York. Darts rromtlie Devil: or Cupid Aliased A Bodk just issucdf exposing the "pbrson als" that have appeared in the New ork Newspapers; their hietory and lesson. Styl ish vill.ia.ns, ruLLY exposbd Advertise- ments trom desperate men to beautiful wo men; Clandestine meetings; how lrustrated; The History of the GOODaiCH TiiAGEny the result of a personal." Description of Liv ing Broadway Statues. Exposes social cokkuption. Sent oir receipt ot 50 cts. Address, Unique Printing House, 36 Yescy St , N. Y, . - . Tho Dockwith 20 Portable Fam ily Sewing, .rlachinc, on 30 Days Trial ; mauy advautageu over all. Satis faction guaranteed, or money refunded. Sent complete, with full directions. Beck with Sewing Machine Co., mi Broadway N Y. may 14 307 tf THE ELASTIC TRUSS An Important Ikvestiox It retains the rup ture at all times, and under the hardest ex ercise or severest strain. It is worn with comiort, and if kept on night and day, ef fects a permanent cure in a lew weeks. Sold cheap, aud sent by mail when request ed. Circulars free, when ordered by letter eut to The .Elastic Truss kjo , ixo. vo-j Broadway, N. Y. City. Nobody uses Metal Spring Trusses ; too painful ; they slip oil too frequently. may!4 307 tf CLEAPOR & KING, (Formerly of the firm of Carraway & Cleiipor) XT AVEonened a FIRST CLASS SII AVING I I ,:n,l H AIR :UTTlNCi.SAUX)N. on Mar ket htreet, where they will be pleased to serve old friends ana me puuuc generauy. Being thaukful for past favors, they hope to merit a share of pawonage in the future, sept 5 m i3 lm Ofllce one door west of the Court House. seplO-d&wtf ALARM n a c n UttAAVfl'tl RAIL ROADS. Pieiiont Air-Line Railway. Richmond and Danville, Richmond and Danville R. W, N. Division, and North Western N. C. R. o , Condensed Time Table. . oJ 1 ; In effect on aatl after Sundav. June 15, 4it 187S. STATIONS J aiAIL. AlCOM. Leave Charlotte ...... 2 50 p. k Salisbury 5.02 44 : Greensboro L15 " I . . . Danville . . . 11.17 a. m, 6.15 a. m. Burkville 3.5J4 11.40 Arrive at Richmond.. C.05 ' 2.55 p. m. WOING SOUTH. - r-- 1 -4 , 4. i 8TATIOSS. MA1I. ACCOM. Leave Uichmend ..... 1.05 p. m 9.45 a; m. " Burkville 4.10 1.20 p. m. Danville 8 45 Ar6. 10pm " Greensboro... IL17 M 41 Solisbury...;.; 'J.C3 a. m t....... Arrive at Charlotte. .. 4.05i , GOING WigSl I STATIONS. MAIL. EXPBESS Leave G reensboro' . . . 8.20 p. m 4' Co. Shops .... 11.00 44 44 Hlllsboro'.... 11.10 h 44 IJaleigh ....... L40 a. m , Arrive at Goldsboro. 4.30 44 .. GOING WEST. STATIONS. MAIL. EXPRESS Leave Goldsboro' ...A 2.30 p. m f Baleigh..i.A. 5.2a-:44 ! llillsboro' T.47 44 - 1 " Co. Shop 12.05 Arrive at Greensboro' 10.43 a.m North Western Jfff.G. K. It (Salem BnAkcrr.) Leave Greensboro 11:20 P M Arrive at Salem 1:40 A M Leave Salem 4:40 P M Arrive at Greensboro.. 7:00 P M Mail trains daily, both ways, over entire length of Road. Accommodation daily be tween Danville and Richmond(Sundays ex cepted.) On Sundays Lynchburg Accommodation leave Richmond at 5.23 a. ra., arrive at Burkville 11 28 a. m., leave Burkville 1.10 uv ra., arrive at Richmond 4..J? p. m. Pullman Palace Cars on all nieht trains between Charlotte j"d Richmond, (without cnange.) Fc-r lurthrr information addrce.R S. E. ALLEN, General Ticket Agent. Greensboro, N. C. T. M R. TALCOTT, Engineer aud Gen'l Spucrintendaut. eng 7 t8 Carolina Central Railway company WILMINGTON, N. C, ) May 14, 1873. f SCHEDULE. PASSENGER TRAINS T KAVE WILMINGTON DAILY (KX Ji eept Sundays) at.. 8:00 A M Arrive at Wadesboro at Leave Wadesboro at. , Arrive at Wilmington at 5:25 P M 7:10 A M 4:35 P M FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Wilmington daily (except Sundays) 6:00 A M Arrive at Lmrinburg at 5:30 P M Leave Laurinburg at 5:00 A M Arrive at Wilmington at 5.30 P M PASSENGER TRAINS. Leave Charlotte daily, Sundays excepted, at 8.00 A M Arrive at Buffalo at 12.00 M Leave Buffalo at l.tO P M Arrive at Charlotte at 5.15 PM ; Irregular Lumber and Timber Trains run on both portions of the Road as the busi ness requires. A Daily Stage will soon run in connection with the trains on both ends of this Rail way. S. L. FRKMONT, Chief Engineer and Sup't. may 10 511-tl Come and Be Cured. -o- NEVER ALLOW Diarrliffia, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus Or any other bowel affection to have its own way, as serious consequences may result. At tiilsseason of the Year, especially, every body shoukLhave a bottle of TflfLECTRlC in his hi i house. , IT IS SIMPLE, S.y-'K A XI) SURE. IsTO 1TC"MJBI7G! MANUFACTURED BY THE North Carol ina Medical Company, VTL) lOIi Sale by all Oniists?. W H Y IWill you have chills, whn a bottle of " FARRARS A G UE CURE " i Will cure the wort case of Chills nridi Fever In three days! For sale liyall Druggists and money re funded every time if a cure is not effected. sept 15 IW-tf I EiitMHa'a5ii3 1 1 LewreaM It iH'X RAIL ROADS. Wilmington. Colnnibia !t u- usa R. R. Company. Gut. 8t7rKKinmnBNTs Onici, I Wilmington, N. C., Sept. 8,1872. f CIIANOE OF SCHEDULE. jrpiIE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE VILL JL KOinta effect at 3:30 A. M. Monday, th last. 1 ! sDAT EXPRESS TRAIN, (Daily.) Leave Wilmington . . . Arrive at Florence. . . Arrive at Columbia.. Leave Columbia .... Arrive at Florence. . . . S:?0 A. M ..11:10 A. M .. 4:43 P. M . tf:40A. M ..11.20 A. M Arrive at Wilmington . 5:H V. M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (SUN DAYS EXCEPTED.) Leavrj Wilmington '5.45 P. M Arrive at Florence .1 i 1:22 P. M Arrive at Columbia 3:48 A, M; arrive at Augusta 8:20 A. M Leave Augusta ; 5:50'P; M Arrive at Columbia 10:35 p. M Arrive at Florence 2:27 A. M Arrive at Wilmhagton 8:00 A. M Passenrers leaving Vilmingtou on r the :o r. wL. train make close conueeti on going South. 1 JAMES ANDEKSON, Gen'i BnpH. sept 9 j5tl ; Wilaington & Wcldoa R. 8, Conipiiny. Off ICS GKNEKAL SurnniNTEKUENT, ) Welmington, N. C, Sei't. 0. Ib73 j ivaascisrir mt CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER SEPT. '.,!, INSTANT PA8SENGER TRAINS on the Wii mington and Weldon Railroad will run 6 follows : MAIL TRAIN. Leave Uuiou Depot daily (Sun days excepted ) At 8: 15 A. M Arrive at Goldsboro 12:11 P. M Rocky Mount 2:11 F'. M Weldon 3:50 M Leave Weldon daily (Suudavn excepted) .".At .;30 A: M Arrive at Rocky Mount 1 1:20 A; M Goldsboro 1:10 P. M Union Depot 5:30 P. M EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily. . . At 5.30 P. M Arrive at GoJdsboro .);:;; p. M Rocky Mount 11:31 P. M Weldon 1:20 A. M Leave Weldon daily 30 P. M Arrive at Rocky Mount 3:'J5 P. M Gildsboro 10:13 1. M Union Depot 3 10 A. M Mall Tram makes close eonm-ction t Weldon lor all points North via liiy lAnc aud Acquia Creek routes. Express Train connects only with Aciuia Creek route. PULLMAN'S PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON THIS TRAIN. FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilming ton tri-weekly at 6.00 A. M., and arrive at 1.40 P. M. EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilmington daily (Sundavs excepted) at 2:00 P. M., and arrive at, 4:00 P M. JOHN ft DIVINE, General Superintendent. 30 -tf s pt 10 THIS MOST REMARKABLE yV ALL Al'I'AHATL'.SKS sometimes called a mechanical paradox now used with such wonderful success in our principal cities for the cure, by cLnr latum-: kxj;i; cise, of nearly all Chronic Diseases ad Weaknesses, Is for sale by the undersigned, by w hom all orders will be promptly filled. THE HE ACTIONAliY is so constructed that even a child can in stantly adjust It for a person to lift ny weicnt. from twenty to twelve hundred pounds. It Is made almost wholly of iron and steel. weigh 110 pounds, and covens a mcc of orilv 3) by : Inches; and although. luL recently introduced, nearly J.nuo have already been sold. riUCL 51' I10XED AND SITIPPLD. Small books or circulars, showing its uc. can be had free at the olliee of the iMsx. .s. II. MANN, JJnKiklyn, N. Y. sept ll-d&wtf 1. . iio.x ?.r A. ADRIAN. H. VOLLEHH ADRIAN & V0LLERS. 7 ;i, WliOLEU PEALF.liS IS C4roccrie.H autl Iiquor, Importers of German and Havana Cigar?, Ann Commission Merchant South-East Coanru Doer and Fboxt Streets. WILMINGTON. N. C. of Groceries and Liquors in the City. Dealers will find it to their interest to give us a call before buying elsewhere, mar 17-tf 1 Zi? NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW -''FOR Tilt:' FALL TRADE. IHr1 Xo. to j'Ukri 'S'lxl '' - n,A Vll KKKl VKI--A-VVW.iN K 1 ' ' j i NOTIONS, K t CLOTIUXi; Whkh they cllcr C yvri rr5"r i.VT wl.111 lW. t!iM ILev f' tilVE TIILM-VTULVU ; , , , 5. HA N.SIKl N Vc t'u r yPf; . . No. 1 Market st reef' ! Tnc; following n initd pieces lire feconf mendeef as being among bur latest and t et issues : ' ' - , . Ivlitsic ' w,11'1' 1 tUSiirg, .Hays. 35 Why don't you ccme Heine, Song. Hays 40 c. r i J JO ays. 'Neath the Waves her Spirit waud era. Som. Stewart. 30c. GlVcf my love to all at home, Soug. Jtcwrrt . oO C N little one to meet me. Song. Tt alt. 30c Think of - me BomctimeS, Msggiu. Souir. bte-art. 30e. . , Softly shone the Stars ot litavtu: Song. Sent uinna rorgvt your Mitbtr, Sadie Hats. 40e. Song. I long to see the dvar od Home. Son- Stewart. 3Ce. ' LiFren?bC30cCart Cln'' -k'to inc- 2og. My every thought was of tliee. Song. U. M?M,r?. 6UU Receivers. Alto ?ong, fiotn Taulihe." Song, Dunks. ;:0e. I Stay not long. away. Soprano pong, from Pauline." Song. Danks. 'SUo. T?.F,,ctctbe Giri- Rariloue pong, irgin "jc." Song. . Dauks. COe. My Heart for thee. Soprano fong, froth 'Pauline." Song.. Hanks. 3t:c. My Queen of Stars, Awake. Tenor son - from -Taulinc." Bong. Danks. 30c."' Post-Paiil, Jenny, the Flower of Kildare. Sonr. EtOw art. 40c. Wh sper softly, Mcthur's Djiug. Sot;g. Stewart. 30i. r Insj.irer and Hearer of Prayer. Jltfun. Danks. 30c. ' My love sleeps under the Dahis. Song. Pd-sley. 30c CM IloW d've do. Aunt uslc. Soiig.-- btewart. 30c. Dat makes me nodding out. Son". May- woou. ;jue. Neath the white and purple B1 eoiii . Sodl'. PersleV. ,;0e. Norah is dream" iur of von S'i.: l'nir -, . j.. ...... oUO. Thesweelest Uud is miskJiig. Sung. DauWu On Kcccspt j Will he come home to nieht Mother-' Sum-. Danks. 3Uc. God bless our home. Soir, lewart. Ke. Get up and ehnttbe c'oor. Smg. llavs. :rc Does he ever think of me. Song. Hays. ;.5c Come, Holy Spirit. .Hymn. Danks. 3('c My dear old Mother. Song. Stewart. 3Pc i nave no nomc. Son. llaye. 4fk Lost arid 'cast -away. Sos Mav. Poor little Tim. . Song. Abbey.- otk;. or the Oyelcrs and Wine at " A.' M. For-' Stew art. 30c ; : - Come over th'; billow!rfar.,,Spng. Pratt. . 35c. ' ' Saviour, Thou ait, ever near. Soj g. VditK 30c ' , ' r The Toast. Rrindisi for nia!e voicts. Sonr. loneli- 40c Pearl ot America. Cirice, lustrameu- tal. Kiuk'cl. 1 35c Circling Waves. Instrumental. Efukcl'' 40c " ; ielle of Sratoir.t. (Wait. Fifzhn-'h. Morning Zephyrs; Me.urka. Kiuktl. 35c Fannie' s Quickstep; Quickstep. Kinktl. Marked Price. Autumn Leaves. Reverie. Instrumental ' Kinkel. 5Jc The Reapers. ; Instrumental. Khikcl.. 35.'. Merry Girls. . Galoj. Kinkel. . ::rv Mollie Darllr.g. Initrdmentul. Kinkel. pt)c. - ' ,., La Zingarclla. -Inhtrnmenlal. Kinkel. .'c Happy thoughts., tfchottMcbe. Kinktl. 50 , Dansu Cubaincluatru mental. Kinkel. 40a . AlayPole. March. Mueller., 35c Good Ifnrnor, March. Allan!; Flenr des Cham;p, Vilge, Toncl. tA)c r Published aDd rent, post paid on receipt , bf price, l y ' J. L. PETERS, . , sept 27 tr 500 Uroadway, NY., M NEW TUtfBTNE ,IIas been tested at YOItl, PA, b?fV1 ,; CTj D. ETTlN-GEn, C. K.t ' and at HOLLTl KIT, ' M" A!R H byfTl JA.S. KMEUSOX, II E. tj- t- or nimpmei aim wss report Kaddn ss N V BtTRNIIAM. York, l-aj IOUUEX1!. DIvSlHAIiLti llor.SK on Ihc Hon si- east corner, of Hixtli and Nun t-l rectn. , 1 Apply to " tcpt hv-tf , . , . J. 1I..NLTTV Coflec, Flour and 8tjg:ar. Aff BAGS 'COFFEn-rxll sttfd. UO- i of,,) barrel-Flour, ' r ' , ' "f50 "barrcli -Cane "f "fJ '' sept 2i ? F. W. KEKCHNSR. JJL Hi Jtlil n.l A I I , V I :T-1 b'AU I? A fV 7 . v Axxi.. iiixi w Liny ot w llmintrton and MclnJIyj -I i ..f f 1 - s i '- - , . I -