WILMINGTON, N. C. Saturday. October 4th, 1873. The courage and enterprise of man kind is offered, in the explorations of Africa, a nobler field than in the icy regions of the poles. While all admit the advantages of the Northwest pas sage, if it could be found, it is extreme ly doubtful if the present state of science and knowledge can make the discovery. But Africa affords a splendid scops to that adventurous spirit which makes the goal of to-day the starting post of to morrow; which is never satisfied but in action, and which makes one discovery the stepping stone for others. That Unknown domain, inhabited by Unknown men, will be removed from the map 5 et, and perhaps the great African de- ,crt will go the way of the great Amer- ican ucscrt wmcn aoucu me gcogra- mic UI uur y""11-. - Thc wonderful enterprise of Chicago I lias never Been oetter illustrated man i in the Industrial Exposition which was I openeu in ma city on me tn 01 oep- i tcmber. bix months ago the suggestion was made that Chicago have an Expo-1 vition, and in less than ninety working I days a structure of Wood, glass and iron I was begun and hnished. Ihe size oi 1 this magnificent building is nearly dou- I blc that of thc Bonton Coliseum, which I was supposed to have been the largest I in the world. It covers more than five I acres of ground, being eight hundred icct in length by two hundred in width, I and its cost was about a quarter of a 1 million of dollars. I The visitors on the day of thc open-1 iug numbered about twenty-five thou sand, and the articled on exhibition were numerous. Resolved, That We recognize in the Liberal Republicans worthy coadjutors, and we cordially invite them to unite with us in pur ellorts to restore pure government in our fcftate and Federal M( I 111 1 II 1SI ri MII1S. . .1 I : x 1.1 The rWo is tho. final resolution of the Democratic State platform adopted at Utica, New York, which assembled on the 1st instant. As Hans Breitman pays, every one that reads it may run. .The cordial invitation, falls upon the cars of the dead, aud no invocation can rof-itll a soirit which has so Ion denart- ( in tl.o i hrPhnl,l tvhirh divide the past and thc present, the Democracy calls upon those which exist only in the realm of thc first for assistance, forget ting that it, too, must shortly join them. These calls of dotage, upon comrades who arc no more, arc exceedingly mel ancholy, for they show that no prepara tion is being made for that awful change which must so soon be made. Oxford Orphan Asylum. The following are the contributions to the Asylum for September, 1873 : Misses Jenkins and Eddins, $215. Henderson Lodge, No. 229, $98. Collected by W. D. Faucett, $54 40. Buffalo Lodge, No. 172, $40. Gatcsvillc Lodge, No. 126, $22. Col. David 31. Carter and Kapp of Reeds Lodge, No. 108, $20 each. Mt. Energy Lodge, No. 140, $15. Ladies of Conccrd, $12. Citizens of 3Ianson, collected by J. A. Flemming, $10 50. Capt. J. B. Timberlake, Rev. John Mitchell, Dr. E. Burke Haywood, Dr. I W. T. Walters, J. G. Lash, J. L. Ful-1 ker.-?on, Mr. Cash, Dr. T. H. Tritchard, .Tonesville Lodge, No. 227, Rev. J. S. Purefoy, So each. R, A. Wommack, 3. Rev. Junius V. 3Ioore, W. L. London, Dr. W. T. Brooks, 3Ir.Cah, D. Wester, A,,IV1Iincrson-?Irs,Jsabclla E,liot and K. K. Ciwyn, 52 each. Miss SnhiaMallett, $1 .V). w . T. 1. "XlT: 1 1 : . . 1 CI. iHMllI VIHUIH, IT III lillIJ?OOrO, ?1 07. Dr. Wingate, H. E. Hcaden, I. V. Rlum, E. T. Blum, W. T. Vogler, J. H. Zevele, J. A. Vogfcr, T. B. ifeutnit, H. W. hore, 1j. Jiutner, ri. w. ISiirrow, .T. V. Clinard, Mr. Cash, Dr. Young, Aiexanuer cnatnam, J. r?. lieli, Air. Cash, Rev. F. H. Ivey and Rev. AV. B Kovall, 5?1 each Articles in Kind 1 barrel of flour, Dixon & Purefoy; yards Alamance plaids, Holt & Moore : 108 pounds bat ting, J. Turner Morehcad : 29 bushels of meal, citizens of Manson ; 1 box of merchandise, citizens of Concord : 1 box merchandise, ladies of Poplar Tent cnurch, cabarrus count v; 1 lamb and 1 ham, J. M. Howell : 6 chickens, A. B. Montague; 1 furnace, smoothing iron and writing ink, Grandy & Bro.; Onion ens, sugar and noe, T. I). Crawford & Co.; Cabbages and potatoes. Mrs. Jon- athan Osborn ; Pickles and beans, Mrs. Josgpk P. Hunt; Hominv and meal, a friend. Contributions gratefully received by J. T. Mills, in Raleigh, of A. 1). Cohen, EDITORIAL BTJDGBT. Advices from Africa announce the; capture of a white man by the natives rpHREE teachers to teach .School in B . m 'II.' wnile proceeding westward on tne Lon- I go river. From the description of the man, unaries Livingstone Deueve it is his son. Special dispatches from St. Peters burg report that a rapture has occurred in the relations between the Govern ments of Russia and Japan, growing out of the question of the proprietorship of a portion of the Saghalien Island. Spanish dispatches from all sec tions of the country represent that a much better feeling prevails. The re- establishment of discipline in the army served to restore confidence in the abil ity of the Government to suppress all insurrections. There is intense excitement among the settlers and stock men in the Ar- kansas valley, south of Pueblo, on ac count of depredations committed by roving bands of Cheyenne Indians, who have already wantonly killed several hundred head of cattle. Thus far no murders are reported, but the Indians have visited a number of houses and carried away blankets and anything else they discovered, and destroyed other propcrty. Many families sought safety in Thc Bchooh dismissed, and scouts are going over the country collecting men, arms arid ammunition je London Times of Friday, in an editorial retrospect of the late Amer- ican financial panic, says the reckless ness ami dishohestv lately characteri zQg tne management of; some of thc great undertakings of America, have induced a chronic nervousness momen tarily liable to become acute. Even Americans, says the Times, are not all as 8mart men as daring speculators. The Tunes thinks the danger has passed vr ik r..nt v. i;Hrai anrl finnn. jciai causcs are Hable to reproduce it at any time. A country with an immense fieid for enterprise, and comparatively limited capital, is always liable to pan ics. Improvements made in Western communications are most useful and profitable, but may cause further trou ble. The entire blame for the disaster rests upon the unsound monetary sys tem of the country. The naval examining board, after a recess of upwards of a month, resumed its sessions Thursday, and examined for promotion Ensign W. Kimball. Com modore Wyman, United States navy, was ordered to temporary duty as a member of the naval examining board, vice tJommoaore ratterson, wno na taken command of the Washington navy yard. Lioutcnant Commander M. L. Johnson, United States navy, has been ordered to the receiving ship Sabine, at Portemc-uth; N. H. Assistant Pay mas ter Nicholas H. Stavey has been detach ed from thc navy yard, Boston, and or dered to duty in the Asiatic station, per steamer of 1st of November, from San Francisco. Chief Engineer W. F. King and Second Assistant Engineer A. Kir- by have been ordered to the Oc?sipee. The leave of absence granted the follow ing named officers has been extended : Captain May H. Stacy, 12th infantry four months ; Colonel Gpo. L. Andrews, 25th infantry, six months. The reception of delegates of the Evangelical Alliance, at the Young Men's Christian Association in Yew York, October 2d, was attende4 by an immense crowd. Flags of all na tions were displayed, and thc names of Calvin, Knox, Wyckliff, Bunyan. and Edwards were in gilt letters over the platform. Rev. Dr. Adams delivered the opening address, welcoming those rirrsent from this country and from ftbroa(i :n tnc name of the Christian nnnnla nf fill a nfrr n e V1 1 vrf-rtf 1 7onc e Lord Alfred Churchill responded, being greeted most heartily. He read a con gratulatory addres from thc London branch of the Alliance, and said he be lieved the cood results of this lAlliance would be felt far and wide. Rev. Dr. Stoughton, of London, said they came A ' . .. , not to settle any ecclesiastical qnction, I nr nmnnnnrl ntIV rlnntna M 1 1 r. mnrd v I L "J'""" ""J "C " " - -J I met to express their riews on religions mflt-- -rv s. i Vinlnn .if irn.vi 7' "7' , r, was PPy to comc to thls dasslc laud I oi religious noeixy. ur. juorrer,oi cenin: I Dr. Fusch, of ParR and others, followed. A little boy being instructed in morals by his grandmother, thc old lady told him that all such terms as "by jroll, " by jingo," " by thunder," &c, were onlv little oaths, and but little better than profanities. In fact, she said he could tell a profane oath bv the prefix " by." All such were oaths. " Well, then, grandmother," said the hopeful, " is 'by telegraph,' which I see in the ?uewW7' g t i ' the 7 "that nb' W " " .I.l The Srnfiue saw a dfopatJli which stated that the receipts of the Great Eastern Circus at Henderson, N. C, on Thursday afternoon, amounted to G,000. Who cares for a panic in the money market when the circus comes ? HEW ADFKRTISEIIENTS. cape Faar Townthip Male or Female. Ap- ply once H hcott, Chairman School Committee! October 4 ONLY LOOK AT OUR CLOTHING, A T THE PRESENT LOW PRICES. CHEAP GOOD SUITS, HANDSOME DRESS SUITS, SILK AND SOFT HATS, BOWS AND TIES. MUNSON & COM City Clothiers. October 4 118-lt RHEUHATISM, ' NEURALGIA, PAINS in the FA It;, Ac, THE ELECTRIC H AS CURED when all other remedies have failed. It is eminently a FAMILY MEDICINE, And no family should be without it. In case dollars in doctor's bills. For sale by all Druggists. October 4 I18-3t I E ELECT RIC i October 4 lis-ti OPERA HOUSE, TWO NlpiS Ollly, OCl. Dill 811(1 IB, THE WORLD FAMOUS SKIFF dfc WAYLOBD'S MIISTSTPIKLS AND HUVSfS BAND. SIX END MEN, 3 Bone Players, 3 Tamborinists A feature never attempted by any similar organization; together with Prof. Weod- land's PEKrOKMirsii uuus. iveryimng entirely new. ADMISSION Dress'Circle. SI: Parquet Cir cle, 7" cents; Family Circle, 50 cents; Gallery 31 cents. Heats for sale at Box Office daring day of show. oct 6 - - 5 1 " " ' SCHOOL BOOKS, SCHOOL D00K8, SCHOOL BOOKS. A LARGE A N D COMPLETE ASSORT- ment of School Books just received, and for sale at LIVE BOOK AND MUSIC STORE, oct 3 J17 100,000 IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC SE- GARB. Clear Havana's. 3 for 25 cents. Reina Victoria, 2 for 25 cents Carefully selected for our trade, At GEO. 3IYERS. 11 and 13 South Front street. SC) 22 107 Just Received E X SCHOONER ANNA II. UAKKEIi, and now discharging at our wharf, 50,000 NORTHERN BRICKS. To be sold in lots to suit purchaser?; CEO, H. RAHKER A CO. October 1 ll--3t Hoop Iron, Spirit Casks and 4ltie. 1 FxAO RDI- IIOor HtOX 1, 1, 1UUU u TXtH 1 U S, "it Casks 1,000 Spirit Casks, loO barrels rugar, For ale by sept '22 F. W. KERCH N ER. LEMONH. 25 BOXES LEMONS, geo, myers', At srpt 22 11 and 13 Front t. Corner 4tli and Market Streets, dec 3 NEW ADVERTlSEUEl NEW GOODS! , WEILL, WILMINGTON, N. C. WE OFFER TO OUR CITIZENS A FULL LINE OF DRY GOODS, OF THE FINEST Q UALITY. The Largest Stock Brought to this Market. Now is the time to Purchase when Everything is Marked Down. An Inspection of quality and prices is invited. Xcw Iron Front Building, corner Front and Princess Street. B. WEILL. sept 29 113-tf General Insurance Agency. , Liverpool and Lonflon and Globe Fire Insurance Company. Gross Assets over - -Assets in the U. 8. over $20,000,000 00 $4,O00,!JU0 00 -o- All losses payable immediately upon re ceipt of Batisfactory proof, without deduc tion for interest. Virginia Fire & Marine Insnrance Co. OF RICHMOND, VA. Assets $300,000 00 an old and reliable Company. Other sterling Companies will soon be added to their agency, T1IOS, URJBiHF, Murphy's Building Princess St.. between Water and Front streets. oct 1 115-lw Mullets, Mullets. BINFOUD CROW fc CO'S. you will findlarge fine MULLETS, for sale low. Fresh arrivals every week! from the seashore. They also receive fresh Groceries by every ii steamer and sail vessel, and will be glad to have their friends give them a call. TIES AND ! BAGGING Always on hand. SOUTH WATER STREET, i AVilmington, N. C. sept W Administratrix Notice. TTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I x have this day qualified as administra trix cum testinunto annexo before the Judge of Probate lor New Hanover County on the estate of SUSAN J. WILLIAMS, de ceased, according to law. All persons having claims ag;tusl said es tate are herebj notifled to file them with me within oe year from this date, or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of payment. All persons owing the said estate are re quested to settle at once. ITT 'f K Til, "fir A L'TTJ if T Administratrix c. t. a. Wilmington, N. C, Sept, 27, 1873. sep 30-law6w THE BEST WW CHEAPEST. Tbe Southern Artificial Stone Company PAVINt; AND BUILDING STONE FOR Side-Walks, Curbing, Flowing and all other rurposes for which Real Stone is Used. One-Half the CosHf Real Stone! "Cxtensivriy used In w York, Philadel- j phta. a asfclngton. Ktiltiiin. Baltimore ana otner large elites. PRICE LIST SIDE-WALK TAVEMENT : Per Foot. Natural or granite color, less that 50 snare feet o0 cents Natural or granite color, over 50 and less than I0U square feet .15 Natural or granite color, over 100 A. less than aw square feet Hi " Natural or granite color over 200 and less than d00 square feet W " Natural or granite color, over oOO and less man i,nw square feet to " Natural or granite color, over 1,000 square ieet .3 " In alternate blocks, with different colors. 8 cents per square foot additional. The lonndation (which should be of sand) to be prepared for us, or we will do the same at cost mr a wniien euaraniee win De given bv this company, warranting the .tone to last lor five years. JuniM u. kkain, President. ('HAS. C. BUTLER, Sec y and Treas'r. No parties are authorized to make col tions for the Company, except bv order signed by the president or Secretary and Treasurer. Lescriptive Pamphlets can be had and or ders lert at this office. sept 17 103-dtf Jnst Amren per stealer Raleiti NOTHEIt invoice of Hams, Breakfast S trios and Shnnhl also, choice lot of Prime Leaf Lard, in 5) pouna uucKets, expressly for family usr. uitc il u iriHi. AVe retlirTI OUT thantc tr rnr ciKtmnnr. and friends for their kind favors and liberal patronage extended our new enterprise, and are determined not to le outdone in prices and quality of (ioods. An examination of onr superior stock of Groceries, Wines and Llquors,wilI convince the mot skeptical that ffifiuvf ui?n uv.tn giving us tneiror Remembfr tA.e ri rner unHorlhit Coo nm' Home. ' -- J. H. Mc"ARITV A CO, NEW ADyfihnsEaENT.; Dr.Ar SMITH r?GQ., WHOLESALE AND iBETTAlfe Dealers in 't FURNIT F RE . Utt AVAREROOM" AT ALL, TIMK4 i contain an unrivalled assortment of Fur niture of every description of all styles and PRICES, combining the rich and elegant. The medium prices, suitable for country dealers. We invite the attention of the public to our stock, and can otter WELL MADE " RELIABLE AND SUBSTANTIAL P FURNITURE, at the lowest prices. ' We also mannfacture and have constantly on hand all kinds of Mattresses,- Redding, Window Shades, Wash, BUndsJand Doors. 6 CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS of all grades and newest paterns. Salesrooms: North Front between Prin cess and Chestnut sts., WilmingtoH, N. C. oct 1 n-tr UD U V MOORE'S RURAL, NEW- U. Hi It YORKER, the great Illus trated Agricultural and Family Weekly, is the standard authority upon practical sub jects and a high toned literary journal. Only oUa year less to ciud. ureal premiums or cash commissions to agents, liuneen numbers (Oct. to Jan.) On trial, for only FIFTY CENTS! Premium lists, &c sent free to all trial subscribers. Address D. D. T. MOORE, New York city. UPW DflfW Now ready for agents, Home Mi If DUUA Iife in the Bible. By Ianiel March, D.D., author of "Night scenes in the Bible"' and "Our Father's House." of which nearly 1(X),0000 copies of each were sold. send for circular. ziEiiLttK & M L'UKUi, ")18 Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED, 1 flfl Farmers Rrd r armers' Sons during the 1UU Fall and Winter months to do business in their own and adjoining townships. Busi ness respectable, easy and pays well. For particulars, address S, S. SCR ANTON A Co., Hartford, Conn. yOEisrs WANTED. 8KND FOB CATALOGUE. Domestic Sewinjr Machine Co., New York. Gray's Celebrated Anti-Friction Cot ton Press. The cheapcst.simplest and most perfect cot ton screw ever invented. Send lor circular. WASHINGTON IRON WORKS. 60 Vesey street. New York, sole manufacturers. THE BEST PAPER. , TRY IT!!! The Scientific American is the cheapest and oest niustratea weeKiy paper published. Every number contains from 10 to 1-3 origi nal engravings of new machinery, novel inventions, bridges, engineering works. architecture, Improved farm implements, and every new discovery in chemistry. A year s numbers contain pages and several hundred engravings. Thousands of volumes are preserved for binding and ref erence. The practical receipts arc well worth ten times the sucacription price. Terms f:j a year, by mail. Specimens sent free. May be had of all Newsdealers. PATENTS obtained on the best terms, models of new inventions and sketches examined, and advice free. All patents are published in the Scientific American the week they issue. Send for pamphlet, 110 page, containing Laws and full directions for obtaining Patents. Address for the paper, or concern ing Patents, MUNN & CO., 73 Park Row, N. Y, Branch office, corner F and 7th streets, Washington, D. C. STEAM ENGINES. BOILERS AND MACHINERY. Stationary and Portable St eam Engines and 5oners, uray's antl-rrlctlon cotton press circular, gang and mulay saw mills: porta ble and stationary flouring mills, sugarcane mills ana sugar pans, narrow gauge loco motives and dummy engines for street roads and mining purposes, new and second hand Iron and Wood Working Machinery oi every aesenjmon. ena ior circular. WASHINGTON IRON WORKS, (30 Vesey street, New York, ITinircinrc HINGE cone burner MxKr l- OKSUN CHIMNEYS, made Dy pll 31 is & at wood, produces the lar- A. 1 1 1 A. A S m ... eswiKnu lan ueuseaon any coal oil lamp or sale by all lamp dealers. Wi 1 1 IV M mis, uiris ana uoys vJiVLXjll, wanted to sell our rencb and American jewelry, books, games fcc., in thsir own localities. No capital need ed. Catalogue, Terms, Ac, sent Fkke. 1. u. v iiKKKY m. tj., Augusta, Maine. TSYCHOMANCY. or SOUL CHARM X ING." Hew either sex may fascinate and gain the love and affections of any per iMju wrj ciimv, inxia.ii uj. xnis simple men tal acquirement all can possess, free by mail for 2i cents: together with a Marriage Guide, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies. A queer book. 100,000 sold. Address T. WILLIAM A CO., Publishers, Philadelphia BEST AND OLDEST FAMILY MEDICINE SAND FOOD'S Liver Inviorator, A purely Vegetable Cathartic and Tonic; for dyspepsia, constipation, debility, sick head ache, bilious atacks, and all derangements of liver, Stomach and bowels. Ask your Drngglst for 11. Beware of immitations, tfi fn Ofl per day! Agents wanted! All wJ IV waU classes of working people, of either sex,young or old.make more money at work for ns in their spare moments, or all the time, than at anything else. Particulars free. Address G Stinson fc Co, Portland, Maine. oct l bTf. fuller; City Bill Poster, mp is mm UTon. All orders left at the Opera Hoae will be promptly attended to. ept 27 112slm Jlisscs Barr and James riU-. re-open their tk:hool on Monday , October fjtlu Mbs. M. S. CUHING will continue. in charge oi the Musical Depart ment, sept 24 tf 11EVT ADTECTlSEaENTS. oliool NEW STOCK AND ! - Off i AT . LOVE'S BOOK ST0HE. a. 13 oct 3-lw HUNTER'S INFIRlRT . AT CJOLDSBOnO, w. c. Special Practice for the Cure of Gui ccrs, Tumors, Scrofula, Chronic leers;, Epilepsy, Liver Disea. T ' i : . U es and all kindred Aftec ', tioiiH buccessfuly Treated. Cancers and Tumors will be treated with our specifics without the use of the knife without the loss of blood and but with lit tle pain to the patient. Terms for treatment will be in tbe reach of all. All communications addressed to us will meet with prompt attention. Cir. culars and certificates of cures will be sent on application. Office and Infirmary East Centre street Goldsboro, N. C. ' DR. J. October 1 MILES HUNTER A CO. 115 3m Singer's Hew Family SewiDE Macbine. stitch, simplicity of mechanism, and adan tability to every class of sewing, has been established in fairandnnon rvnmuiiiti. i actual sewing contests, and the PUBLlr jxr-vuwuiiiu.x oi ineir meritf is to be (,uniV.,n tnc numerous awards -of KUlsT Pltlf4 over every competitor at tlie VI. ENNA EXPOSITION andncifly all the In dustrlal J airs in America and in Kurone. Hilent Feed a nrl Ktmiht 'Mmia....i . the easiest to learn. Has the highest appro val for the Family, the Seamstress and tbe 2IVo8!! sold last year. 43,670! over anv other Company. . ST Sold on the Installment plan. Teinm easy and full inatructions given. -ay- Office No.4 Lippitt'a Row, South I rout street, Wilmiugton, N. V. CHAK, E. DIUHLK. oct i-tf . MaiiHgr. Brother Jonathan, ALAKGL FAMILY PAI'LH, IS PUBLISHKI) WEKKLY At J1..3 a Year. It has been enlarged to 32 long column. SSir 5ST Pit paper In the world. 141 WliLAHS in greenbacks giren to one out of each fifty new subssribertj. Specimen copies sent free. Our Book Catalogue sent free. Send cash orders to BroOicr Jonnth'xn Publishing Co., sep 2i-tl Beekman t..N.Y. WILMINGTON HIGH SCHOOL, Fifth Street, behveen Ann tml Nun, ITILL, RE-OPHX MONDAY, Octtiber bib, TT Tuition lor tho Scholastic year of nine months: Primary Department, 51; Inter mediate riass, f&); Higher Kngtlh nd Classical, m; German or French, 2i ; Inci dental charges, 25 cents per month. Prof. J. H. TALLU IlfcT, German and French. Miv J. N. HINTON, Primary Iepartment. spe2t9 m-tr J. N. HINTON, Principal. Corn Meal, Hay and Oatf , 8000 BUSHELS COR 1,200 barreln Flour, 850 bales Ha v,; 1,000 bushels Out For sale by sept 22 F. W. KERCHNEK. TAKE YOUIX CHOICE. Jl'Vhl, LINE OF THE IATEST STYLES OF Fancy Cassiieres ant Yatiip, CLOTH, DOECKKI AriD DEAVER, Just received. Cut by the latest Fall nni Winter Fashions to uit the most "FntiJi ons taste.", Also, Gents' Furnishing Goods ot all descriptions', at the Merchant Tailor ing Establishment, No. 6 North Front etreet. sept 13 :5m W. F. WENZEI. SUNDRIES 100 BAGPUIME RIOCOFFKK 50 IJoxerf Factory Cheese, 20 Barrel Apple. Low for Cash, ' GEO. MYER.S 11 and 13 South Front t. seit 22 107 BUILDING HARDWARE. T OCK8 HINGES, BOLTS, c, of ever description. Agency for the eelebrated Shaler s Sash Holder and Lock. It will not get out of order or wear ont in a life time. NATH'k JACOBI'S, Hardware Depot, No. Market street Doono, BASH, , '' BLINDS, PAINTS, OIL8, , GLASS, VARNISHES, ' I . . , Ac. Ac, t i Hardware Depot, No. t Market St. 4-lf -Books uiajr to

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