October 4th, 1873. Saturday, CTTYITEESS. IT 1 TTTIV- -Weather -1 Service, ffp.ifTiiQToy. October 4. 1873. (Weath er . Mh iBaroniiin,-p Wind 17..; -eter. mr I - iitu .fi5 dee NEe'tlelFalr . M JV.V" (8E iresh Cloudy j8K lresh'Lt rain If '.W.VW I OTTO 8CHUMB, Observer, U. 8 A. made thirteen arrests for the thcapcUtockof.dry goods to vflW,l , of New Ywk. t, fur tr :rsons were cnt to theMbs pita ,1 fbr the wcck. f t thn wort- jinnee ,i,irin? the weeK. Markkt Retorts. -Slaughtered for i on i.nrc 90 hnr. 38 sheen. I, vou want cheap and durable furs, l Urc, gloves, etc., goto S. Haxstlix & Co., t 15 Market street. MARRiAfiE licensed werVisstietT tb 3 fl,ite and 2 colored couples during the j,;i.t week. i. The work .of laying the tiled floor of thc Bank of New Hanover was com nicnt.el this morning. . oikbody's little red calf kicked it's a.t anl shuffled off this mortal coil last night on Princess street- Who's lost a calf? J ' . . pru.. But few earUin maiket this week, owing to the Easterly wind, which interfered materially with the fishy in terests. "' .' riiwsv. Pbehbyterian Church r-rrir Full rth and Campbell streets VUlllV J : " A Preaching at 11 o'clock a. m. by Rcv H. B. burr. Sabbath School at 4 p. m. Thl only chance of gettin g a suit of clothing, shoes, shirts, &c, at New York cut, i- to go to s. Han.tein & Co.', 15 Market street. Si. John's ChtRCH, Oef. 5th 17th Sunday utter Trinity Morning Pray er and Celebration of the Holy Eucha rist at 1 1 o'clock. Evening Prayer, at I o'clock. Tim: Forest Cemetery. Mr. J. E. Sampson, Superintendent, reports that there were two interments at that Cem etery the past week. One infant and one adult. Services at Red Cross, Rev. Mr. Morri, will be held at 10:30 a. m., and 3 and 7 p. m. At the 7 o'clock service, the Communion will be administered. S. Haxstein & Co., New York House 13 Markci street, are offering their cn-? tire stock of dry good;?, clothing, boots and shoe, at New York cost. , . tf St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church. German service at 11 a. m. English service 'at1 7$. p. m." Sunday School at 3 p. j in. Catechetical Lcc- turcs on Friday at 3 V'p. Skiff & Gaylord. This sterling Company makes Its appearance at the Opw House Monday night. Many of the members are old favorites here, and e expect to see thqni greeted with a full house. The novel , features intro duced will be witnessed with cUriosity t( ay thejeast.,' It is a mystery to Us to be solved ''Monday night how six fnl-men can work harmoniously. H abeas CoRru A;Ain. Our morn nig eotcmporaries were mistaken in Wing that His Honor Judge Russell had bound over the policeman Moses biting, who was committed by W. H. Moore, J. P., for contempt, in the sum f $100, for jbtisappeaTaucc at the next term of the Superior Court. His Honpr Cognized Whiting with security for 'is apjn;araucDfprJf4iini thte morning "ln the return !of the" writ yesterday, and to-day made an" r order discharging lc petitioner Whitinsr "from enstodv. eleu ates. At a meeting of Mount Wivet Council No. 9, F. ofT., held last evening, the following gentlemen were elected as delegates to the annual sea ja5, S. D. Hankins,-James Alderman, A- t . Northrop. ; In this connection, we. would. -state tQat the Order is represented to be in a nourishing condition, thtre "being one hundred and ninety-three Councils in lta State; Irith amfmbership of twenty, thousand. , . ev. J. H. Whitaker, alitor of the r trti,( ftj Temperancf. was present at the neting last eN4mnganddeilfrred 'Kn son of the Stale Council, to be held at Tarloro on thelOth'Novemberto wit: W. Yates. Wm. 3L Poissm. Wm. M. woquent lecture. v THE TOW II Coolish. , . Gold is 109S.'1 U f Dust increasetb. Go to church to-morrow. Encourage home industry. Money is, oh, awful scarce. Skiff & Gaylord Monday So nice, Local item are as scarce as green- backs. -'f;" ' . ?tL " Read the ""'Electric M. advcrtis nient. Fall trade has; p$n3ix$?.i$ Weill's. ' '! ' -'-!? ' Overcoats are f ery acceptable tfiis weather, at night. h Superior Court commences' two weeks from Monday! Next Wednesday is the last clay tofbring suits at Court. There were a, matter "I74jcartf in market the past week. " ' Now is the time to jeatch vcold warm days and cold nighfc' - "- . Old Rumguzzle declares he keeps tigit to be even with the times. f There are but seven daily papers in the whole State of North Carolina ! ' ! Quilp says the financial stringency has caused him to jmn out his last i7c-keL Tljc Opera House opens Monday for the season. , The merry times have come. i Judge Russell has gone to Onslow countv to hold the Court there next week., Delicious New River Oysters' are now sold at a dollar and a quarter a gallon. ' ' - The nights are moonshiny enough, but it's too cool for lovers to sit on the doorsteps now. j M Jg The Great Eastern Circui3;pays over four thousand dollars m-taxes while in this State. '" ' Dressmakers arc all busy now. Every lady in the city wants new dress es and lots of them arc getting them. From all indications we should say that Andy Johnson's " goose " was Cooked. This is rough on the old tailor. The weather is quite ' sharp, but the mosquitoes get into warm eorncrs, I come out at night to l bite a fel ler." It is said that we will have a Fair, and that everything is progressing fine ly, but we would like to hear more from Col. McKoy. The Concert in aid of the Oxford Orphan Asylum will come off on Wed- nesdav, October 22d. Thisisthe earliest week the Opera House could be ch- Judge Clarke is expected to arrive in the city this evening, and will be the guest of Judge Cantwell. He will pro ceed to Lumberton Monday to hold Robeson County Superior Court. Even a foreman on a daily news paper will . sometimes make a mistake, as our, inside dates of , yesterday bore witness. The panic has a bad effect on him, and he tried to put off payrday as far as Jossible by holding dates back. Uood boy. Hagror'a j Court. His Honor W. P. Canaday, Mayor, presiding. Daniel Pratt, charged with disoftlerly conduct, failed to appear. George McKay, for disorderly con duct, was required to pay costs. Stephen Freeman, disorderly conduct, submitted, and paid the cost. W. Marsteller, chared with disorder lv conduct, was required paJ-erAft. A man by the name of Jack Brigty, who was held to kail about six months ago, on the charge of larceny, in the sum of four hundred dollars, with.-ER. Brink and Duncan Holmes as sureties, forfeited his . bond by not appearing at Lenoir Superior Court. Two nights ago, Mr. Holmes captured him, and he has taken' temporary lodgings in jail until he can get on to Kinston. Tho Raleigh Xeics says a few day ltdnce one of the proprietors of jiatjpa per, walking and musing along Fay etteville street, was warmly accosted by an old friend who jasked, (as old people I omotimes will what is the ne ws f Th6 thoughtful man responded : ''Srvcn dol lars a year." We. would, inform that otd friend that he can obtain quite as much ticics and a great deal better teaching, at a saving rqfitwpidolbirSffvjaTibjj subscribing to The Post. ' Try it. 4 1 ' The Sentinel says the Superintendent of Public Instruction has received in formation ' that itiro i peridta e?A Pare county had, tresspassed upon the State's lands in that county and were working one hundred hands. They have already gotten out a large amount of lumber, and. if not restrained from doing so, will soon commence its remoyal. We think the Attorneys-General should at once issue.an injunction restraining the pnr- t i ti$s from disposing of the timber. ? BoAED op Aldebme. Kegular smi-montly f njeedn cJtrje'iBoarrl hi ldennen wsb held hWtTiigfit. Committee on Ordinances reported an ordinance to the effect that t ereaTter fire'irood may be piled on the wharves foot of, Dock, Market and Princess etreete; and f. that wood landed on any other wharves shall be so deposited or piled as to leave an open space of twen- t feet in the centre of the street it such wharf or dock; also ten feet on east side of the sidewalks to admit of a free passage to the river. It was further or dained ihat any person who shall vio late this ordinance, shall be subject to a .fine, of $10 or imprisonment at the discretion of the Havor. 1 . ! Communications from R. J. t Jones, Treasurer of the Wilmington Gas Light Company, and Geo. W. Price, J r. City Marshal, relative to the manner in which the street lamp lighters neglect their duties, were refercd to the com mittee on lights for report. Petition of Owen R. Hanchey, rela tive toi the establishment Of a meat market in, the lower portion of the citv: granted with the proviso ' that he pay the tax imposed by the ordinance, i - ? Proposition of James F. Post, to fur nish and put down Belgian paving bloel& jit $3, $3 20 and $3 30 per square yard, for Nos. 3, 2 and 1 respectively Referred to the committee ,on;Strccts and Wharves. "r? - f .A'-; . i Petition of J. 53o1;hurpringer, for permission to lay a track from the dock to his wood, coat "aaiilttmbcTyardl at the cpnier of Front anIulDerrysts. Referred to the committee or , Streets and Wharves, to report at . next 'meet ing; also, a petition tforvpemissiopJto erect a wooden oflBce on the above pre mises. ; Referrtd to thecommittee on Fire Department. Petition of Charles Wesscll, for per mission to erect jx wooden shed in front of his ; store on North Water gtret Referred to the committee on lire De partment, .f v' , Petition of F. M. James, requetsing that his taxes for the present year be remitted, in consequence of his haying opened Eighth street," from Wboster to Dawson, through his property, without remuneration from tjie city for the same. ! Referred to the committee on Streefejand Warvcs for report. The Committee on Streets and wharves i reported rogress in the matter of Boney Bridge, and were granted further time, j Alderman Brewington introduced a resolution extending the time for pay ment of taxes to November 1st. After some discussion the Board considered it advisable to take no action, it being uuderstood that no advertisement of property for taxes will take place until further notice, should the present strin gency in money affairs continue. The brdjmansc concerning the station ing the police was ordered repealed. Ordered that E. J. Pennypacker be allowed a credit of four hundrcct dol lars on this year's rent of the Opera Housc provided he places there a heater and makes an entrance to the family; circle, having same upholstered and painting and gas fitting done as per proposition and estimates handed in'by. nim and presented to the Board at this; meeting. It was ordered that the office of Su perintendent of the City Public Schools be declared vacant. ? Board then adjouFned. STATE ITEMS. I Charlotte has & cherry tree in bloom. Chakotte gas-works had the panic and didn't burn worth a cetit. wKjLnston brags of a horscrthat died in tlaaf neighborhood recently, aged thirty six yeiirs five months aid twelve days. A craay man in Charlotte proposes gding up in a balloon there during the approaching Fair of the Carolinas. Raleigh is congratulating itself and everybody else at the prospect of soon having lighted streets. Raleigh declares that although all tha world and his wife are intending to be at the State Fair, yet ample accom modation has been made for all. Capt. Natt Atkinson, of Buncombe, t wiU have on exhibition at the State YsSi, in Raleigh one hundred varieties of Western North Carolina apples. "See the leaves around us falling," is the iid refrain of marry of our up countty exchanges in chronicling the departure of warm weather and the ad vent of Jack Frost. Qji last Sunday night, at a revival going on at a Methodist Church in Raleigh; a very, affecting scene occurred on the confersion of a blind cirl. lhe revival seems to bedoinggreat good. Skiff & Gavlord furnished the Raleigh boys a niunber of new airs which they learned in one lesson. We suppose that the streit? gaming of Wilmingtru will. soon t have a considerable addition to their j trperfairs fuom the sanie source and-lwe 'areorry' that jvhi5tlinJ4 much in frskioB. The -Weldon -Xtu says : "We have iiJeVp ittm.MrS gVtPowelli ht iboll of cotton which has seventeen cells or compart Ifienta for, locks', all; niarkcd'and wide open. It is a curiosity ip its way and will be examinel with interest, as it will be on exhibition at the coming Fair." ' , A gpn pieman of Charlotte has a daugh ler Who is afificfed' Kviih a disease that baffles all nicdical skill, and, having heard of the wonderful cures effected by a remarkable fountain in France which is described as a perfect "Bc thesda,'? into which the afflicted have only to cast themselves to obtain a greedy and ' certain cure; has sent for a supply of the water for the use of his daughter. David Collins and Alexander Bla lock, who were on trial this week in Johnson county for the murder of Allen Jones, colored,' were found guilty of the crime and sentenced fer Judge Watts v. i 'LLHL- r-.-. 10 oe nuug oil uicti'tm oyemoer nexi. An appeaLf tothe Sojpremie Court wes aslcetl anai grranted. SneaJonff of the matter theiRalfeish Xefrsm: "Both Collins and Blalock received their sen- ience wiui maJKeqi cjnnposure, neiiner one cxhihirjnjg tbsiigiitest feeling. The motbjr1 rindf wfe of Collins and the wife of Blalock, who were rresent gave vent to their pent up feeling in a flood of l tears;audrembracing Jthe? fbrms of theuufortuhate ersons with heart touching appealiottheniercy of the Court, presented a . scene in the Court room better iraa ari described. The prishnr.eemwi as if he was unaoie io realize, mexacxoi ns acquiitai, and for 3ieveral8ewnds gaised in silent amazement on the Judge and jury with a. vacant sand foolish stare. His wife, who was also resentf-quickly hurried lrom the. Court room, and on tlxe green raised ahout of rejoicing that could be heard for a mile." Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper for this week" contains a A'ery excellent full page portrait' of Miss Nellie Grant, with the following editorial comment : Whatever political criticism may be made of President Grant even his cue- mics know tnat ne is a man; oi stronff domestic habits and tastes. It is said that in his early life ho resigned his pdsition in the regular army in order to live with his invalid wife near St. Louis. And during the war he had the quiet ambition to retire after the struggle, and find that there wa3 a sidewalk near his house in Galena. During his Pres idency there has been no lady in the land less talked about than Mrs. Grant. Her virtures are the more highly to be liked because they are unobtrusive. The face of her eldest daughter is more familiar than hers to the eyes of the people, and rumor has frequently been busy with her name, because, be ing lovely and marriageable, and the second lady of the nation, she is re garded with public concern. With her private life, her prospects and her hopes, the public has no proper business; but it is no unwarranted enterprise , for us this week to give her winsome face to lovers of art who scan our pages. It is not an extraordinary face; it is not mature ; there is a sweet simplicity about it that is very girlish. Yet in the head and figure there is some thing graceful beyond her years. We should expect a woman to say of her that she is not one to put on "airs;" and a man of sentiment wound know at a glance that she is one in whom to place unbounded confidence. Her brow de notes that she is not "notional;" the eye shows quiet, unobtrusive strength of character; the nose is that of a prac tical homebody; and the lip tells the story of an honest and very affectionate little lady. It ought to be General Grant's great est pride and pleasure to know that du ring all the years h.c has been before the public as a soldier and President he has received all the criticism that be longs :i to his immediate vicinity. In former, days the ladies of President's households were made uie sumect or every strange joke that occurred to the vulgar mind. Every laugh that went up from crowds of corner loafers on vil lage streets floated the name of some chaste, modest lady oi the capital. General Grant may thank his lucky stars that much abuse has been heaped upon him that would in former times been changed to gossip about his family. We take great pleasure in believing that the people of America respect and honor the name of General Grant's daughter as greatly as they admire her modest and charming face. It is a great er honor to be her father than it is to be President of the United States. OPERA HOUSE. PROF. WYHAiN'S Gift Exhibition ! JpoUBKIOHTBONLYrcoxnmenclng Wed nesday October 8th Matinee on Saturday at 2 o'clock. Gold and Silver Watchw.Table Set. 1 ana lly Bibles, 811vcr plated ware, and other useful ana handsome presents At every entertainment of Prof. Wyman, the Wizard and Ventriloquist, who will ap pear in new and wonderful feats of magic and novel experiments, concluding -with Wvman's laughable, llfe-movinz figures or lTAdttis;25ce4tr,eats h Dress Circle, .Kl cents. - . .. . -. Doors open at 7 o'clock commence at 8. A ' PftRaENr TO EVERY r PURCHAHEH fi.fi on At TirjKKT- wo-vijai.MS oct-3 :lh-t liATEST BY; TETjEORAPH OREGON. Jacksonville,1 October a. The correspondent of the Associated Press left Fort Klamath at 11:30 'o'clock this a. m., and by hard riding arrived here late this evening, with the follow ing report of the execution of Captain Jack and his band : Boston Charlie and Black Jim were led on the scaffold first, and Schonchiu next. They trod on it with apparent indifference, having evidently resolved to die as bravely as they have lived. Captain Jack went easily up the stair way, but looked wretched and misera ble. Their manacles had been struck off, but their arms were securely pinion ed with cords. At precisely i):4o a in., the interpre ters, Capt. O. C. Applegate.and David. Hill, explained to the prisoners the na ture of the order to be read to them by the Adjutant, and at 10 o'clock Adju tant Kingsbury read the order promul gating the sentence of the commission, and the President's order thereon, with the orders of the Secretary of War and the Department Commander in the premises. The two reprieved prisoners, Iiui nslio and Slolux, yet stood on the ground in front of the scaffold, shackled and un dsr guard. During the reading, the pinioned victims were seated on the platform of the scaffold with their feet on the drop listening anxiously, but, of course, understanding not a word of it. The reading occupied ten minutes, then the adjutant read the order and com mutation in the case of Barnsho and Slolux, and the poor fellows were taken back to the stockade, evidently rejoiced at not accompanying the others to the happy hunting ground. The Chaplain then offered an earnest and fervent prayer for the souls of the culprits, which was listened to attentively. At 10:15 the fatal nooses were placed around their necks, under the direction of Capt. Hogc it was necessary to cut off a little of Capt. Jack's long hair, which was in the .way of the rope. Capt. Hoge then bid farewell to the prisoners, and black caps placed over the heads of all the culprits. At 10:2o they stood on the drop and the rope cut by an assistant, at a signal made with Capt. Hogc's handkerchief. The bodies swung round and round, Captain Jack and Black Jim apparently dying easily, but Boston Charley - and Schonchiu suffering terrible convulsions. They repeatedly drew up their legs, but the two others seemed to die almost in stantly. At 10.28 their pulses were fell by Captain Hoge, and as this is being written they arc swinging lifeless in the air. As, the drop fell with a terriblw deadly thug, and four wretched human beings fell into eternity, a half' smoth ered cry of horror went up from the crowd of over live hundred Klamath Indians who witnessed the awful spec tacle. Wails of deep and bitter anguish went up from the stockad, from where the wives and children of the poor fel lows had a fair view of the shocking scene. Their coffins, six in number, had been placed directly in rear of the gallows, two of them destined to be un occupied, as the order commuting the sentences of Barncho and Slolux only arrived at 10.30 last evening, and pre parations had been made for their exe cution with the others. An application was made this morn ing to General Wheatoh by the -Sheriff of Jackson county, Oregon, for the cus tody of the Indians indicted by the grand jury, but was refused. NEW YORK. New YoitK, October I. John Hoard Young, money clerk in the Brooklyn Post Office, is missing. Bradlaugh declines to lecture before the AVorkingmen's Union, unless they arrange with the Literary Durcau, to which he has sold his lecture services in this country. Many members of the Union denounce Bradlaugh for hi; as thetic and Communist ideas. OHIO. Cincinnati, October 4. The financial trouble is developing a disposition on the part of manufactu rers to reduce their force and hours. Several have been reduced, and others will follow nnles next week chows an improvement. TENNESSEE. Memphis, October . Twenty-one deaths yesterday. The Masons' and Odd Fellows' funds are exhausetd, and they ask for aid from their brethren throughout the country. KENTUCKY. Louisville, October -L The German Security Bank ha noj supnded, but pays all demand. MARYLAND. KvCnv fThoimHiKibljCarrolI i deadfi I uVJhj- CABLE DISPATCHES.' ' Vt M I IT! II J ENGLAND. 1 a n roN, October 4.: i It i ropoited that Uictr,ops h: Tail-, cd, and a famine prev ui'ucriyirV , of Hungary. ,-V lh'ifni'"': EGYPT,, ! , x 1 fl ! A financial parii? H prevailing here.-.'- DIED. o.1?rl!-?,oar r'dtV -ISrMw. Hcptembm- 2UU, V ILL1A.M DOM-:, a-cd J7 years. 1U -, v:is a dqvout riirMlaTf.-antl etrMtml y tU who knew him. Ho leuvos five children n mourn liis ckiitlt. " SAM rfcOX-Ou" Sai'urday Whinjr,' Ho l,M her 4th. Mrs. SALLIK rtA.y l"b N, j;iU.;litci of Annm Sampson, In the :'d year of lu r" em Chi ri.'i i ent Chi lstiau.ivnd fell peacefully n tlvcp in Christ, Itavius tlic a-ssiirancc Avljth hur ctin- pan ion and relatives that she u?(l a bright liopoofla bk-bfecd iiiimort;ilit Uc vond The sravc. f , . . , , .. . The fifiii'ml-will Uike,jlcou konoriow at i o'clock T.M., :it Krd fross NtreoUJluuch. Tho iiiciuls of thu lamily are inviUil to at tend. ! j COMMBHCmii. vifl LM I N i T O m M A 1 1 K I IT . S A T V IX I V Y , Oct J t-;koU P. 31. SririTs TV nrr. nt !!; Nd srJc r- ported KoEX SaU:- oi , t.t.ti, oi Straiuil at 2 ;in por bbt. ' i (V at CufjJ5 Ti'Li'thitsK!A7dirt of io: , bbls ai l K lor ''ITard nnd' f-r f , Yello Dip and Virgin.- . ... t T ah Sales of :'" bbls at 2 oo pcrhbl.- -CoiloN-S;ik of Jo bales at lo'., at 10, jl at 1 T, '1 al 1.)), 12'ytJ.TvlUat h, anil Hat 17 el-, jkt pound, and lo0 " bales )f e&terday . a t tcrii o u. at iioiu 11 ld.:,.',i lJj cts. per pound. Yc. quotoj; t Low OrdinnrN-.' ' - Jo cent , r li Ordinary,- . " .., ', , Good Ordinary. Strict Good Ordi Mar v. Low Middling, Strict Iaw Middiiu;. Middijiitr, : t, SUict Middling- I I'M 17 KeecipU per iailj wad of ua.va.1 .-.tojcvi. . as dpiH'ars ou tlic bullotin.:bavd of tin?'" Produce Erliaiv' h-t. 4": ; " - Cotton, (bales-) . f ,10 Spirit Turpcntiiif. (bbl..)' .11;', Rosit., (bbkS.) i,i:n , Crude; TtuOTitror, (bM .) ' J1 Tar, (bbkv . ., - i$r, , , mm i - ' I UY'TKLIMlltAPH. NW YORK HIAUKETLJ. I ' - ? !v N i:v is . Oi i. ;. Cotton Miii' i . i id.-i !!i I v . i'iii ni'.; ' for October, I7.t"l7 7-!d: No nnbci , 1710? 17 ; n-Trinlirr. 17 o-lw.- Flour' (jiiict ;i i id -kady. WJic.U jull and nominally luv.rr. c rn 1 1 1 i I. I'oj-!. dull new nit-- '17 17 ro. I f . quiet and -teady--old steam ?Uf -'.i-jr.. Turpanline quiet at4l: Ro-in sj srt r ; $2 X for Strained. i'Fi eights Jinu. !, FINANCIAL. i;y TEfii'imiA nr. Niisv Yoi:k, () t. -i. ' . Colli opened at llO. JS"a bank flute- ., ment to-day: Stock"; .".etive. Nothing,' doing, in money. (old Ho. JCxchangt- long-, 7 ; short, J.' Government--' bonds active ut better piicc ' .'Statf.!'-,, bonds quiet. TOKEIGN MARKETS!' j - LoM.o(oarc:..1" . Javju'i:rbojOi-L'";;'V' Coil Cotton liardi -nijig. 1 UplhulL, f.;',Of-'( leans .',. Sales l-,t.MibaieH. Lnternh j ' include Op 0 bale- Aim riwan. IIreatt-.-;' rf l r it. Port of WiliilriftonC Oct. iV'lSVtJ.' ' ARPJYEU,' "t 4 Steamer I) lufchi-'on, (tarrtH)i 4 FayettcvilloTnilianis & 3IM-chi4i.' , Steamer Gov Worth, Phillips, etteville, Worth & Vorth. Schr S T Baker, Davif New Yorir, Willard Brrw, vith SjOO cks':iJt; Sehr Lhola. 31ureliwn, Joncv. Nt w York, Williams & Murrhion. Br JIarq'ue ueen f Cinnmergc, M tn dock, Havana, Harrivi Si Hbwclf.. , CLEAP.ED.- Sttamcf D Murchisrm. Garriu. FayttteviUe, WilUani & Murchteon. f Stetuner Gov Vorth, riiillip, Fay- . etteville, AVor'th & Worth. "H . 7 -,)... WHiard un.: 1 - HKL'Klll'H. 4 t PER IUYEE STEA3IW:.SJ&t-. ' , Steamec Muri-hieon Aid bhU rMu;. i b do spirit. Ido turpentine; ;1jhi ta'-. ' Steamer Vrorik-rliSLiljbls ro-Jiii'iiJ u 0 M.irit, 12 -bale varti.; . !.. ; 15XPORTt5t,''-'! t-. . . - -TTUTJ ' : t t'. ;ui- ittm- , .; COASTWISEL'1- v ,:, " ; ! Ncav York Shr Minni-J.rf bblftn rosinl uU -. h o -t . Vt . i-i;.' .Mr i

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