MISCELLANEOUS. FIELD CROPS. 1873. GENERAL AND SPECIAL PREMI UMS FOR FIELD CROPS. The following General and Special Premiums for Field Crop, will be awarded at the Fifth Annual Fair of the Cape Fear Agricultural Association, to be held in the Fall of 1873 : GENERAL PREMIUMS. COTTON. For largest crop of Cotton upon four (4) acres or more of upland, with statement of qual ity of soil, mode of cultivation, amount and kind of manure used.the time of plant ing and variety of cotton ; the land to be measured and the yield to be vouched for by affidavit one bale to be exhibited : Premium, $100 For largest crop of cotton upon one (1) acre of land, regulations same as above : Premium, $25 For largest crop of cotton on one acre, by a boy not over eighteen years of age, $20 CORN. Far largest crop of Corn grown upon four (4) acres of upland or lowland. Regulations same as for Cotton : two (2) bushels to be exhibited as sample : Premium, S-jO each For largest crop of Corn grown upon one (1) acre of upland or lowland. Same regula tions as above : Premium, 520 each For largest crop of Corn on one acre of up land or lowland, made by a boy not ver eighteen years of age, $20 each WHEAT. For the largest yield of Wheat from five (5) acres, under same rules and regulations lor Cotton and Corn two bushels to be exhibited : Premium, ?23 OATS AND RYE. For largest yield of Rice, Oats or Rye, same regulations as above; two bushels to be exhibited: Premium, each S20 POTATOES. For largest crop of Sweet Potatoes upon one (I) acre; one-fourth to be dug and two (2) bushels to be exhibited as sample : Premium, 810 For largest crop of Irish Potatoes upon one half () acre ; same regulations as above for Sweet Potatoes : Premium, 810 TEAS, &C. For largest crop of Ground Teas upon one acre ; Premium, 2j For largest yield of Stock Peas upon one acre; for largest yield of Turnips upon one acre ; two bushels of each to be exhib ited, under same regulations as other crops : Premium, each, 10 HAY. For largest yield stock pea vine hay on one acre; one bale to be exhibited: Premium $20 For largest yield of native grass, one bale to be exhibited; quality and quantity to be considered: Premium $20 The grass must be eut from land cultivated for hay. Largest yield of red clover uprn one acre; largest yield of cultivated grasses upon one acre; one bale of each to be exhibited: Premium, each $20 To the farmer who raises and applies the largest number of bushels of compost ma nure to, and by eacn horse, mule or ox, used in the cultivation of his farm, the quality to be certified to by two or more competent witnesses: Premium $30 All the rules and regulations specified in the foregoing premiumt must be complied with. Affidavits and certificates, as required to be filed by the General .Secretary, when the articles are entered, otherwise the award ing committees will withhold the premiums .Largest yield of each of the lollowing ar ticles of fruit -find vegetables, to be proved by affidavit and submitted to the committee. Garden Peas $5 Cucumbers 5 Tomatoes 5 Asparagus 5 Radishes. o Beets 5 Cabbages 5 Spring Irish Potatoes 5 Gellery 5 Cauliflowers 5 Peaches 5 Pears 5 Grapes, Scuppernoug, Mich., Flowers and Concord 5 SPECIAL PREMIUMS By the Navassa Guano Company, of Wilmington. 500 pounds Navassa Guano for the best yield or corn from lour acres of upland. 500 pounds Navassa Guano for the best yield of cotton from four acres of upland. 500 pounds Navassa Guano for the best yield of oats from four acres of upland. 500 pounds Navassa Guano for the best yield of sweet potatoes from four acres of up land. 500 pounds Navassa Guano for the best yield of peanuts from four acres of upland. The Navassa Guano to be used alone for the above premiums, or only in combination with plantation manure or vegetable mat ter. Samples of the crops named must be exhibited at the fair of the Cape Fear Agri cultural Association. Yields of crops re quired to be properly authenticated in ac cordance with the regulations of the Asso ciation, and decisions to be made by com mittee appointed for the purpose by the As sociation. Competitors are required to furnish the General Secretary with a detailed statement of application and culture. By DeRossett & Co., Commission Merchants and State Agents of the Carolina Fertilizer. 1,000 pounds i Carolina Fertilizer for the largest production of cotton to the acre. 1,000 pounds Carolina Fertilizer for the larg est production of corn to the acre. 1,000 pounds Carolina Fertilizer for the larg est production of wheat to the acre. GOO pounds of Carolina Fertilizer for the largest production of peanuts to the acre. 100 pounds of Carolina Fertilizer for the largest production of sweet potatoes to the acre. 400 pounds Carolina Fertilizer for the largest production of turnips to the acre. The above premiums are for crops pro duced by the use of Carolina Firtilizer only. and the awarding of said premiums is left discretionary with the Committee of the As sociation, unaer tneir rules. Competitors will be required to furnish us with detailed statements of mode of ampli cation, and culture, and the results; and the awards of the committee will be fulfilled by shipment oi the Fertilizer as directed, upon receipt by us ol the above required state- menu. By Vick & Mebane, Commission Merchants & General Agents iorwnanns ouperpnospnate, StarPhos phate and Bahama soluble Guano. One ton Whann's superphosphate for the largest production or cot ton to the acre. One ton Star Phosphate for the largestfpro- duction of Cotton to the acre. One ton Bahama Soluble Guano for largest nroductien of Cotton to the acre. The above premiums are for crops produ ced oy me use oi enuer oi me above Ferti lizers alone, or only In combination with plantation manures or vegetable matter. Competitors are required to furnish the General Secretary with a detailed statement oi uieir moaes oi application ana culture. Commission Merchants A General Agents mr me ooiuoie sea lsiana .uuano. one ton Soluble Sea Island Guano, for the largest yield of Cotton to the acre. one ton Soluble Sea Island Guano for the largJt yieia or Cora to the acre. -The above Premium o.r for rmnv nmHn ced by the use of Soluble Sea Island Guano alone, or In combination with plantation manure only ; and the awarding of said pre- T ouwonary wiin tne com mittee of the Association, under their rules. uompeuwn are required to furnisn the General Secretary with a detailed statement yu iuc4 uuns ui eyuiaiuon ana culture. PROPOSALS. S TATIONERY. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. V, 1 ITK. Y , 173.J Office of Secretary of State Raleigh, N. C, Sept. 45th In pursuance of law, sealed proposals will be received at this office until the first day of November, 1S73, for furnishing the fol lowing amounts and kinds of Stationery, to wit: 150 reams Book Paper, sized and calendered, Z1X3S, 4-j IDS. 61 reams Iegal Cap Taper 'Zi (S 37 4 5 15 4H 45 10 13 36 Fool's Cap Paper letter Paper, Congress Com. Note Paper, Congress Billet Note Paper Account " Enrolling " Flat Letter Flat Cap Medium " Demy " Tax List Paper, sized, 22xoi, GO lbs 20 reams Letter Paner. 14 sheets. Litho- erranhed Head. 5 chancres reams Letter Paper, whole sheets, Litho- grapnea iieaa, o cnanges 1 ream Com. Note Papsr, yz sheets, Litho graphed Head 2 reams Packet Note Paper, y sheets, Lith- graphed Head 1 ream Packet Note Paper, whole sheets, Lithographed Head 3 reams Blotting Paper, large sheets 18U reams Wrapping Paper, brown, heavy 2l reams W rapping Paper, Manilla 2), Reams Envelope Paper Buff 4 reams JianK jsote faper 9,000 Envelopes, No. 10 XXX, white 2,000 500 2,000 28,000 1,500 3,500 1,000 2,000 2,500 9. 8, t a, 4' 4. 4 Buffs ' White ' " open ends " 12, XXX, white, Lith craDhed. 2 chances 13,000 Envelopes, No. 10, XXX, white Lith ographed, 5 changes 8,000 Enyelopes. No, 9, XXX, white, Lith ographed, 3 changes 1,000 Envelopes, No. 8, XXX, white Lith ographed 8,500 Envelopes, No. 7 XXX white, Litho graphed, 3 changes 14,000 Envelopes, No. fi, XXX, white Lith ographed, 4 changes 3,000 Envelopes, No. 5, XXX, white Litho graphed, 3 changes lJ4gross Congress Tie Envelopes, assorted sizes 10 dozen Cloth lined Envelopes, assorted sizes 12 gross Lead Pencils, Faber, No. 2 1 dozen Lead Pencils, Faber, No. 1 2 gross Lead Pencils, American, No. 2 4 dozen Lead Pencils, Faber, red and blue 50 gross Steel Pens, assorted 4 " " " Star 1 " " " Magnesum 7 " " " Washington Medallion (i " " " Falcon 4 " " " Gillots404 2 " " Gilliots, 303 1 " " ' Spencerian, No. l 4 " f" " Spencerian, No. 2 4 " Quill Pens, Congress. V, " " " Italian I " Quills 1 Quill Pen Mender 10 gross Penholders, cedar swell I gross Pehholers, guta percha 7 bottles Pounce 45 sheets parchment, first quality 25 yards Vellum, Linen II boxes Newspaper Wrappers, large G3 boxes Newspaper Wrappers, small V, dozen Paper Folders, ivory I dozen paper weights, lasn y dozen Paper Cutters, tin I dozen Spungc Cups, Glass 7 lbs. Spoueo 5 dozen Pencil Sharpeners 3 Arm Rests, very large 3 sets Drawing instruments 10 quarts Black Ink, David's itt quarts, Writing Ink, Carter's 18 quarts Writing Ink, Arnold's 5 quarts Writing Ink, Maynard S 36 ouarts Copvins Ink. Carter's Wi gross Stanford's Black Ink, in 2 oz. bot tles 3y dozen Carmine Ink, Conger & Fields l.-j copy press 15ooks, icuer 20 Brushes, for copy press 13 dozen Spools Red Tape 50 sheets Oil Paper, for copy press 28 gross Gum Bands, assorted VA gros Mucillage, Stickwells, 2 oz. Hat. hot. 30 pints Mucillage, Stickwells 12 Mucilage Cups and Brushes 8 Ruling Pens j 5 Cork Screws ! 10 Inkstands, large glass, for office use j 78 pounds Twine, Flax, Large 27 pounds Twine, New Zcland 2 Twine Boxes 25 Boxes Eyelets 6 Eyelet Punches and Sets VA gross McGill's Paper Fastnurs 21 Papers of Pins, assorted 2 Diaries, 1874, pocket size 1 pair P. O. Scales 2 pair Fairbank Scales, to weigh 4 lbs 2 pair Fairbank Scales, to weih 15 lbs l!4gross India Rubber squares 2y dozen Erasers, steel, ivory handle I H gross Paper Clamps, Swartworts, 2 & 3 6 India Rubber Rulers, Hat, is inches, t (4 44 44 44 j. 44 jj 44 44 (4 44 ) 44 j 1 Wooden Ruler, brass edge, 21 inches 4 Bankers' Shears, large 4 Bankers' Shears, small 7 Pocket Scissors 1 Flexible Rubber Ruller, 18 inches 1 Pocket Rule Ivory 30 box Notarial Seals, gilt, 24 inches 12 boxes Notarial Seals, deep red, inch 10 boxes Notarial Seals, blue, 2y, inches 12 boxes Notarial Seals, green, 2y inches 5,000 Notarial Waters, 2y inches 12 Memorandum Books 2 dozen Rubber Heads, for pencils j 150 Registration Books, 2 qrs, llat cap, poin ted and ruled I 50 Blank Books, 4 qrs, flat cap ruled ' 20Ccsh Books, 4 qrs, cap ruled 230 Poll Books, 2 qrs, cap printed and ruled 20 License Books, 0 qrs, demy, printed forms 15 Apprentice Bond Boks, 4 qrs, cap, prin ted form 20 Bastardy Bond Books, 4 qrs, cap, printed form 15 Administrator's Bond Books, 1 qrs, cap, printed form 15 Guardian Bond Books, 4 qrs, cap printed form 20 Money Order Books, 4 qrs, cap, printed form ' r 230 Justices Dockets, 4 qrs, cap, printed form 5 Marriage Licenses, 6 qrs, Demy, printed form 25 small Indexes, 4x12 inches is Minute books, Co., Com rs, 8 qrs, demy 15 Summon's Dockets, 8 qrs, demy 15 Judgment Dockets, 8 qrs, demy 15 issue Dockets, 8 qrs, demy 2 Criminal Dockets, 8 qrs, demy 20 Minute Dockets, 8 qrs, demy 15 Alphabetical Index Docket, 8 qrs, dcrav 10 Execution Dockets, 8 qurs, deruv 20 General Index, 8 qrs, demy , 12 Marriage Records, S qrs, demy 40 Records of Deeds, 8 qrs, demy 5 Records of Wills, 8 qrs demy ruled 10 Records of Accounts. Sors. demv ruled t o Records of Settlements, 8 qrs, demy ruled I 10 Records or Orders and Decree', demv, ruled g 10 Records All writing paper, and paper used in blank books to be perfect, animal sized and lol'ts drled; to weigh not less than ten pounds to the letter ream and in proportion thereto. All bids must contain samples of the sev eral kinds of paper proposed to be furnished and state distinctly the price per pound or ream of each kind. Books and dockets marked to bo in half binding, leather back and papers sides, those marked 9 to be in full binding Russia backs and bunas. Further information in relation to books can be obtained at the office of the Secretary of State, where samples can also be seenJ All articles to be delivered before the first day of January, at the Capitol building, un less otherwise agreed by the Secretary of State, Contracts will be awarded to the lowest bidder for each class offering sufficient se curity. WM- H- HOWERTON, tept 20 td Secretary of State. THE GEEAT SHOW FIKST ! ! ivrorviAY. oct. 13th. : , t , . . Three Performances ; At 10 1-2 A. M., aii 2 1-2 M 7 P. H. LENT AT LAST. . THE NEW SENSATION FOR THE SOUTH. I FIRST GRAND BOUTHERN TOUR OF LENT'S RAILROAD LEVIA THAN, UNI VERSAL'.LIVING EXPOSITION, GREAT AND ONLY N. Y. CIRCUS AND METROPOLITAN MUSICAL BRIGADE! Which will give three grand holiday exhibitions at Wilmington, Monday, October 13tb. THE-7 WONDERS OF THE WORLD IN A GAS-LIT CITY OF TENTSJ An army of Men! A Legion of Horses! A Continent of Canvas! The Globe in Captivity! Tro Monster Special Express Trains of Menagerie, Museum and Arenlc Marvels. 5$ 1 , o o o 5 o o o Permanently invested in Established Zoological Gardens with 500 Animal captives in 30 Double Dens. , Iu a separate, vast and brilliantly illuminated Amphitheatre, with safe and equally elligible seats for over 5,000 spectators, the three steadfast Star Arenas of THE GREAT CIRCUS OF THE GREAT CITY, For the past seven successive winters the only triumphant equestrian competitor with the caost aristocratic and popular metropolis amusement, and the one and only continuous legitimate Circus, with a local habitation and New York name. Always presenting, in undivided rivalry, the most distinguished physical beauty and Equee tnan and muscular genius and Heroism of two continents. THE 5 FUNNIEST FELT-CROWNED FOOLS. A World's Horse Fair of priceless thoroughbred Steeds, and atomic Arabian and Shetland Ponies, unparall 3led in presence, spirit and educated action; MEMNON'S MUSICAL JUBILEE ! By the twenty live Solo Masters, combined in martial band and operatic orchestra, led by Mr; HENRY PAGE, the Cornet King. THE MASTER MANAGER'S ORIGINAL EQUESCURRICULUM AND HIPPOZOONOMADON? Including a colossal quadrupedal Company of uerfbrmine horses tiniest trick uonies. educated elephants, elk, goats, buffilo, antelopes and apes, and a canine college of wonderful riding and acting dogs. A FEATE GLASS DEN OF TWENTY MAMMOTH SERPENTS Festooned in whose crushing folds appear, in both performances, and parade the mysterious and intrepid h , s ; U 1" t 1 ? ; ZANGA, STANLEY'S AFRICAN INTERPRETER ! While in the open Den of MONSTER 1SH A TV E T E K, H23U IiEO Performs his Huge and savage Bengal Tiger Pets. POSITIVE AND IMPARTI AD PROOF Or the proportions, resources and merit ot the greatest of great Showa is furnished in the unanimous Praises lof the Press and Public ! Huge Highway Holiday Parade, Led by the PEERLESS MUSICAL BRIGADE, in the movinc Mountain of Gold. p,C00 LEVIATHAN CHARIOT, with the thrilling Tableau of H ERR LEO in the uriiiuiu Aitivio auu uivra. iu iae awiui rvinon's lien. ThA vhA o c anew era of Alegoric Art and Animal Sensation the golden age of tspectacu!.? display. CIRCULATE THE GOOD NEWS THAT THE G II E A T EST SH 0 W O N E A R T H IS CoMINO; and note the liberal r. iwnwv mrv vv ... ; DR. A. H. LINDLEY, SURGEON IIT CHIEF TO CHARLOTTE, N. C, Branch of Dr. Kline's ,Mrhiladel phia Belle vue Hospital," at the Brgrent re quest, and to accommodate the afflicted who desire to consult him at or near their homes will be at the following places on the days' named below, where fie desires to meet all who are afflicted with chronic long stand ing or obscure diseases especially CAN CEJR&, TUMORS and ULCEUS, diseases of the eyes and ears, constitutional blood dis eases, and diseases of the nervous system. He cures fits, spasms and convulsions; also, neuralgia, rheumatism, and diseases of the heart, lungs, stomach, bowels, kidneys and bladder. He operates on CLUBFOOT, Fis tula and nies. - ' Dr. Lindley has made the treatment of chrome diseases bis especial study, and his large experience, both in hospital and pri tax ana p vate practice, enables him to cure a large per cent, of the most stubborn cases. He and his co-partners are well known through out tne South, through their cures of can cers and other chronic diseases. Fees lor consultation, $1 00. Charges for treatment always moderate. s Lumberton, N. CL, Rowland's , hotel, OcW 17 and ia Wilmington, N. C, Purcell House, Oct. at. Whiteville, N. C, Maxwell's hotel, Oct, 21. Fair Bluff, Principal hotel, Oct. 22. Marion, S. C, Marion hotel, Oct, IB. sept 18 " 10;;.fW' JAS. A. LOWERY, CARRIAGE MAKER & REPAIRER. I HAVE removed my establishment to my new buildings on the corner of FOURTH AND CAMPBELL STS. Near Bony Bridge, where I shall be pleased to see my old customers and maoy new ones. k Carriage making, painting and repairing neatly done. Horse Shoeing, and various kinds of iron work done on reasonable terms. Having had thirty years experience in this business, I am confident that I can do the finest work, and give satisfaction. ALL aVORK WARRANTED. sept 3rtf T JAS. A. LOWERY. DON'T TOIL AWAY YOUR LIFE FOR LANDLORDS. BUILDING LOTS for sale in healthy and desirable localities on Church, Nun, Ann, Orange, Dock, Chesnnt, ulberry, Walnut, Red Cross, Rankin, Dickinson, Wood, Char lotte, Sixth, Seventh, Wilson, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth and Thir teenth streets. Satisfactory time given fo payment. Apply to JAMES WILSON. Or in his absence to , WM. N. HANKINS. 0 Market street. feb8 26-tf QUARANTINE NOTICE. The following Quarantine Regulations will be in force from and after the 1st ol June, 1873, until further notice : 1st. All vessels from Porta South of Cape Fear will come to at the Visiting Station near "Deep Water Point," and await the inspection of the Quarantine Physician. 2d. All vessels having sickness on board on arrival, or having had sickness during the voyage, are required to come to the Station for inspection, without regard to the Port from whence they sailed. 3d. Vessels not included as above will proceed to -Wilmington without detention. 4th. Pilots are especially enjoined to make -careful enquiry, and if not satisfied with the statements of the Captain, or if the vessel is in a filthy condition, they will bring the vessel to the Station for further examination. , , , : , 5th. Pilots wilfully violating the Quaran tihe'laws are subject to forfeiture of their branch, Masters of vessels to a fine of Two Hundred ($200) Dollars a day rof'etetjhlay they violate the Quarantine laws, and all other persons are liable for each and every offence. ' " T 6th. All vessels subject to visitation un der these regulations will set flags in the main rlging port side. F. W. POTTER, Quarantine Physician Port of Wilmington, N. C. lO-Sat's&Wed'stlstNo v - may SO BIRD CA.&ES, SHOVELS, SPADES, HtfES, PITCH . ! , . FORKS, Rakes, Trace Chains, Ac., Ac., at NATH'L JACCHPI'B Hardware Depot, No. 8 Market street. The American Farmer. This old standard monthly journal of agri culture begins a new volume January 1st. successful of American agriculturists con tribute to Its pages. It is practical substan tial, reliable! Subscription $1.50! a year. To clubs of five or more, onry f Leach,' 'Very handsome premiums for clubs. Specimen number free. SAM'L SANDS 2fc SON. pub ishers, Baltimore. Mm dec31-d&wtf rpHRKE lOTS ON 8IXTH STREET BE- . i t ' ; ' " ;. . , m -r. . ; tween; Church and Castle streets, ixl65 feet each, for sale. , ,j ,? , t Apply, to , ' J AMES BRO WN, s s Real Estate Agents '. f r 233-tf., CLARENBOK SALOON ! South side, at foot of-Market St. R. J. SCARBOROUGH, Proprietor. Beat "Wines Sc Liquors always ; 't on Hand. ,- ;!, Meaf s, furnished at all Hour and Ifvtise lepkopen Pay and Right. -XS&KtoPUe wi,h the beK Baltimore and Philadelphia Bee, weekly,, Oj-stcrs, whoti in a.-on, of , Uie Ixt, rr. especial aitenuon is paip Desiaes lhat given the stable crops to Stock breeding, Fruit STEAMSHIP LNK -Jr Li , , NEW '- YORlt, SAILING TUESDAYS AND tRlDATR FRQM. NEW YOR1T, AND WEBNEb DAYS AND 8ATURDAYS FROM WILMINGTON. TIIROUGII CONNCTIONN WIT ALL RAILROADS LEXl)lN(; OUT of ttii-mint6n No oassengers taken. Freint appi j BARRT BROTHERS. Apnls ma 2ti I IT- BALTIMORE AM) WILBINQFUJ "A A- , SEMI-WEEKLY STEAMSHIP LINK. CompoeeU of the flrst-class Steamship V. J. Foley, Capt. D. J. Price Lucille, Capt. I. S. Dannett Rebecca Clyde, Capt. D. c Child ' Will hereafter sail from Baltimore evry Tuesday and Friday and from Wilmington every Wednesday and Saturday, connection at Wilmington with 'the Wilminjrton Co! lumbia and Augusta, Wilmington, and wel don. and the Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford railroads; also the several lines of steamers to Fayeteville, ; Giving Througli Bills of Lading, To all points in North and South Carolina. Georgia and Alabama; connecting at Balti more with the Baltimore and Ohio and the Northern Central railroads forjill points in the Vest and Northwest, and with steamers and railroads for Boston, New York and Philadelphia. , , , , A. D. CAZAtTX. I Ajsems, Wilmington, N,-C. AndRks & Co, Agents, Baltimore. dec 31 ; ' !. J92 Philadelphia" and Southern Mali" Steamship Line. rjHE FIRST CLASS STEAMERS' PIONEER, '5 TONS Caplam JOHN WAKELEY, TONAWANDA, 850 -TONS, Captain C. C. WIIiTBANKS form a weekly line, and sail alternately from Philadelphia and Wilmington every Tues day morning, at V o'clock. THROUGH BILLS OF LADING Given to New York, Boston, Providence, Fall River, Portland and all point in the New England States, at as low rates as by any other route. Aiso to Liverpool, London, Antwerp, Bremen, Hamburg, Amsterdam, and all points on the continent and east coast of England, Through rates from Philadelphia to all points In Nortlr Carolina, South iiaroUna, Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi and Tennessee, at as low rates as by compe ting lines. , .For Freight engagements, and rates apply to WORTH A WORTH, Agents, ' Wilmington, N. C. J. M. I oiwu ee, Superintendent. Or to . . , WM. L. JAMES, General Arent, 2J7 and 239 Dock Street, Philadelphia, i JuneS ' ' 1 i ! t S1ISCELLANE0U8. JOir PRINTING in all its branches, . ' ' ' . : i NEATLX EXECUTED" by- S. G. HALL. practjcaljob pjRrjsrTjaai, fG BEEN PRACTICALLY engaged e printing business for nearly twenty sels con$dentof, his ability to please omers. in the years rs, fee his customers. i Particular aittenttoii gtvi'to7 COMMERCIAL PRINTING i ' , suclr as . BILL, HEADS., i CARDS, . ' J MOlTllLY STAT JBM EHTS ' CHECKS," "r' !"! lUETTEI HEADS, ? KECEIPTS, Ac, BAH HOAD , PPIIO, "'p - In moat of its'branches. , . , t , I m i i His oice is supplledT.ylth Entirely, New, iMatr . of th very , ; ?, Latest Styles, ani ; FsMoes, And he GUARVNTEES ATIftFACTION 1 t ,. ''in au.cases.if - ( Wedding Cards, j . . I 5 'Imitations .Ac. Ac Of thy Latest Styles, TERMS MODERATK Office on Princess Street between Fr t and Second. WILMINGTON If. C ll o, gept 13 99-tf majlft-tf.