i fifUc.Til'df vm 0 .mnxzwwxwk mi) m is- I 1 1 I I I 1 II I I I I 1 r J VOL' Vil WILMINGTON, N. C3 MONDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1873 no; ii 9 Pi W : 1H tW& r- L. ' lf:l " M : ; "- r- r j - -: - j.hhfl every aiteruoon except Sunday. iES .j ( ANN.. Editor and Proprietor , A Subscription. , ,,.. yr.ir, lu aJt.-i'icJ. "b ..v'.n.MiUi, inadyauce 3 00 r,.,. monthJ, in advance 1 rf,'-ip.)idf.'n'ce solicited from our friends in i'! t " ' I I i rW Pf i ' - - ,,, , .-spf-riri'.lv desirable. -rr K1V U)Vi;KTiSKHKiNTs. ? tOPSR & DOtJGHTENl V v v A L. f5 T O 11 K s asu southern product:-?, Y(A V NORTH FRONT STREET, . lkila.dclpUiaj fa. is for Turpentine C;isks solicited and ,.miiil"tly II 1 1 I at lowest market price. Hi-irrli ; 215-1 f Merchandise brokerage Office, v',. li"'- of samples consta nt ly on hand f 'from importer and maiiulact urers in 'orl In rn markets. ll descriptions of merehandise, orders and bids solicited and telegraphed promptly. Merchandise bought and sold in tills wuk''t, orders from buyers solieited, and samples left by sellers will have prompt at t eutioii. Time as well as cash purchases negotiated, whether you wish to buy or sell, comruuui nited freely, and often with your local Broker. J AS. t. ,pi-;tt ew ay, Merchandise and Produce IJroker. ducJf) y isitf lllIlBVltl liorrs!-, MOLtEJIEAD CITY J ART till KV C0L NTT, N. 0. 5 HIBBARD, Proprietor This splendid Sea Hidu Watering Place Mttnktl ;i.t Pie in tort Harbor, will be open or the reception of guests on Monday, June 16th, 1873. IT 15 ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE THE MOST DELIGHTFUL on tli'1 AH-infi'- i-oast. of th United blalfx! IH'stiiud lo be Hie terminus of the great i.r.-i. ti..itii It 1 1 1 ri ' 1 1 1 nmirn.wpil facilities for Bpleiidid Hailia, Fishing and. ..,v..a.i. vr,., M ,m.,. commander, leaves direct lor New York everv week. Parties wlshinj; to engaj;.? rooms, will please address as above. july 10-om INSURANCE. I IFE AND "FIRE INSURANCE UAH liJi J oltPfltPil at. llm lwfisit. r.nrrfiiil, ratH in t.hfl IFEAND'FIRK INSURANCE CAN BE following responsible Companies, on ap plication to NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. AssettS 2(J.OOO.000 IMPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE itiAlf II X.T If ..ft 1 A 4 i I aiu.uuun, .000. Gold bYNUUHURG INSURANCE AND BANK- j . . . " I ' . I 1NG COMPANY of Va., assets S615,;J30 Cars through without change lroin Nash- Is recommended by regular Medical practi OLl) DOMINION INSURANCE COMPa- V. . . , . I t.ioners and a'speedv cure guaranteed for NY or Va., assetts. ?200,OUO XT XT gk tn T . ii. AOilk iA u 1 11 YKNE & KEEN AN, Gen 'I Insurance Agents, Office Chamber of Commerce, up stairs, Wilmington, N. C. ant; lb 77-ly It A HIS SllOl. JOE TURNER wishes to inform his custo- 4 mers and public generally, that he is now been so liberally bestowed upon him. jan 16 tf 206 I,nifl nn Itipn . - , Vf J. 'rjivurjo, JVrVjtO vxy x xjvj iiOO bbls Crackers Lemon, Su- 1 gar and fcioda, -0 boxes Assorted Cake, 7o barrels and Tierces Rice, For sale bv K-pt 22 " F. WT. KEKCHNER. Successors to A. H. NEFF, .vianufvcturers and dealers in ROUSE F URN WHIN G GO 0D8, Guns, Stoves, Lanterns, Kerosene, Oil Ti:i and Sheet iron ware. Roofing done at short notice Agents for Fairbank's Scales. No. 19 Front Street, WILMINGTON, N . C . nov 19 150-ly A Convenient Store with a Desir able Dwelling Housa Attached T Y VIRTUE of a power of sale vested in ij me unuersiymed by a mortase execu ted on the nth day of November, A. JO., is-, by Archibald H. Williams and Martha J. Williams, his wife, to the undersiened. they wmwu avpuoiic aucuoa, ai ,xcnange our- ner, in the city of Wimington, on the 22nd 1 H,i,rf Vi,i .?i'i. a v i, I . til II A . I A . 1 I w.ulwul1 c.vfc in,vxu kiwr. a. vi., we uuwiuK i tin tsiiiif. Miuuic in JiLiriraw. 011 i . . . : . i i ... i i " I T,rit HiimVrdc1'4r in hlrwb- ton unH citnnro I on the corner of Fremont and Dudley streets ana runnins one nunarea and twenty leet parauei 10 tne Wilmington and Weldon railroad and one hundred and eighty one ieei unu sixincnes at risrnt antrles to the said railroad; and, also, number lour, in block number eleven on Dickinson street between rremout and Wilmington streets, and run- one hundred and twenty feet narallpl with the Wilminsrton and Weldon railroad and onehnndreti elarhtv feet and six Inches at. -i . 11. 1 . 1 , i T" v. mju iiKAi SAMUEL KEAR. sept 22 10T-9M MARCU BEAR. prepared to do all kind of work in his line, only hue under one management irom wtu medical testimony and ccrtiucatcs Arrive at Wilmington at o..u and would respectfully request a continua- Nashville to St. Louis, and is from GO to sent on application. Address, L. F. HYDE PASSENGER TRAINS, tion of the nsitronacre which has heretofore onn m;ipa thn siinrtpM tn st: Lonis. Kansas & CO.. 1U5 Seventh Avenue, New York. Leave Charlotte daily. Sundays MISCELLANEOUS. THE "SILVER TONCtUE." OKGANS The best ORGANS of the Reed class IN THE WORLD. The Best pr Churches and Lodges. The 'Best for Sundav Schools. The Best for Parlors and Vestries. Tlie Best for Academies and Colleges. The Best for Public Halls. The Best for Orchestra and Stage. These instruments, which for sweet ness of tone and elegance of appoint- tand unrivalled, have met with ment sh unprecedented success in this country and abroad. MANUFACTURED BY E. P. NEEDHAM & SON. ESTABLLS.il Kl) IN 184b. Nos J43, 145 & 147 East 23d st, N Y Kespoiusible parties applyinir tor agencies in sections still misapplied, will receive prompt attention and liberal inducements. Parties residing at a distance from our au thorized agents, may order lrom our factory. Send for illustrated oriee list. ang a-tf TO THE WEST! TO THE WEST! Belorc making your arrangements to fol- 'ow the advice of the 4,thou3ands who Lave already onc," it would be well to consider Avbat has been done to make the journey to your Glomes iri the West" as pleasant and lree from daner as human skill and fore sight can' accomplish. By consolidation and construction, a rn id has been put into operation on the shortest possible lino from Nashville, Tcuu.. to Sk Louis, 4'thc future grcatCity of the world." This hue, the ' ST. LOUIS & SOUTHEASTERN RAIL WAY, has, during the past year, earned an envia- ble reputation by its smooth track, prompt J time, sure connections, and the magnifi- . r t Tfc CCnce Oi its passenger equipment. IIS I trains are made up Of new and commodious I Antr rr ra nrAvi A nr Tx? t.tl ttlf. P.fM pbrated Mil- uI ..v.v ...v- , 1 ftlln1,r nnfl nlnlfnrm and the WCStinJT- hOUSC air-uraKC. . " is Possitively the only line lunmug ... . . . I runman iraiacc uiawiug-uuuui u'i"u6 1 I -w w-r i m n I -v -x r- I nir VII IP Tfl 1 .fill 1 -i - II III 1 1 I . I tV , ii w mw. " ' A I to offer such advantages, cither in distance, j timo nrpnn nmpn VVhv. then. lOurDCV I by circuitous routes?. Do not be Induced VI 111 w J A, VM ma wa-.a ,MJ1 9 to purchase) tickets to St. Louis or the West by any other line, remember that . , """T"? aTlf1 is the shortest, cheapest, quickest, best anu City, Omaha, Denver, Calitornia, lexas, snd all western points. It is also the 44Chi- - & cago Shortest Line," viavansvuie. Mia fnr yourselves huu juui uiuvuuiw vu "Fl"11"' r. 4 " tion. in person or oy lciier, it 11111, McCabs, Southern Passenger Agent, near flolleire street DciK)t. Nashville, Tcnn., or -w r to the undersigned. Y 15 UAVJtNrUUl, Gencial Ticket Agent, St. Louis. No trouble to answer questions, july 25 57-6m SM?TE FAIR 1 3 7 3 , Thirteenth Grand Annual Fair OF THE North Carolina Agricultural Society, RALEIGH, N. C. October 13th to 18th, 1873. Ten Thousand Dollars in Premiulns. New and attractive Grounds. Magnificent Buildings. relation for seatins 8.000 people. T?niirr! tt rransrements the most liberal over made Wlin any vgricunurai ur ohonioai Kfviptv in the Htate. ' Articles for exhioition wransponea r nca. and delivered from the cars within tne . .In urauuus. Fare for passengers on railroads in North -nr. hn nor miip. F.Tcursion trains -j Is, r 7"Z17i irum cycrj uucvuuu .1.. -c, titi 1 1 Tm tnthA I irnnnris! .1 flftaon minntos Varfl nnlv TP.V f'KTS. ill v ci Hon. Daniel voornees, oi maiana, wm deliver ine Annual auurcss. Essay on ine cuiuvauuu ui wuuu -'c- I vid Dickson, Esq., of Georgia. I Cirand lTize aii STOCK. WESTON, the great pedestrian, in his won- j derful feats or endurance, I TWft HANDS OF MUSIC. I Ktnrle i admission to the Grounds ."50c sin crip nrtmission for children under 12 I . . . t ?1r send foe 1'remium X-.1SI. I T. M. HOLT, President. I K, T. FULGIIUM. ecy. aug lb td ; SIISCELL4NE0US. KL Y OXLY THE GENUINE ! FAIRBAHK'S SCALES MANUFACTURED BY E. & T FAIRBANKS & 10. Stock Scales. Coal.Smlos. It:iv Senlrs Dnirv Scales, Counter Scales, fcc., ice. Scales repaired promptly and reasona bly. THE HOST-PEKKKtT , ALARM CASH DRAWER. Miles Alarm Till o's. E EllY J EVERY Mercliaiit j DRAWER aiioiiLu v Lnnn Warranted. SOLD AT Fairbanks' Scale Warehouses, FAIRBANKS & CO., 311 BROABWAY, NEW YORK. 100. Baltimore st., Baltimore, 03 Camp st-., New Orleans. FAIRBANKS & EWING, Masonic Hall, Philadelphia. FAIRBANKS, BROWN & CO.;' 2 Milk Street, Boston. For liy all leading Hardware Dealers. !7-2tawfm sept U DIPLOMA, AWAHDBU LY TUB American Institute J. W. McKEi;, run Emftroiftcry and Fluting MacliinGS. 44 It is ingenious and will meet the wants Of CVC1J UKitiUU 111 tlw. lini! i;xl umnu.N or is-'. F. A. Barnard, I'res. Sohn E. Gavit, Rec. Secy. Samuel D. lillman, Cor. Kecy. New York, November 20, 1S72. This simile and ingenious Machine is as uselul as the sewing .Machine, and Js last becoming popular with ladies, in the place of expensive Needle work, its work being much more haudsome, requiring less time and not one tenth part the expense. No lady's toilet is now complete whuoul it. . .!,; ..rith illustmt.prl pirpiilar and juii instructions, sent on receipt of $2 or finished in silver plate for !t2 7-1) r.... . -kir lt,.tr.. r.. AUUress, Hiu aiauu.u.us r., (J-(JiN JL' W Uii -L Jxj 1 Garvill'S Elixi Of Tar, cure guaranteed for nlQ nrrba I Qtarrh AT. ma. nrf IIIC'.II 1 . " - . . .1 T gpting Biood.Consuinption andallPulmo- LU1US. J UUl WVWt " 1 v"-. X narv (lomniaiiits. ocroiuia, xiyoiuvJiuD, "jo - J X r ' , Pepsiauud 0ut. Dt.CboIm.moj- , Kidney diseases and all affections I If laillLL?. JllUUV T w I pleasant to take and never known to fail rice $1 00 per Bottle. Full particulars Darts from tlie Deyil; or Cnpii ASised J r A Book just issucu exposing uiu - I A1.S that haVC appearcu in ine iev xora. xcYfapei, wen moix, -""'w I ish VILLI AJIS FULLY EXPOSED. wi.i.iAs.B x .un.x i mfintR rora aesnerate men 10 uuuuinui wu- men; Clandestine meetings; how Irustrated; f ,r UA lY,::ruXC result of a "personal." Description oi liv ins- Rroadwav Statues. Exposes social rifitRT7PTiON. Sent on receipt ot 50 cts. Address, Unique Printing House, 3G Vesey St., N. Y, Tho lleckwith S20 Portable Fam ily Sewing Machine, on ju uays Trial ; many advantages over all. Satis faction guaranteed, or money refunded. Sent complete. With full directions. Beck with Sewing Machine Co., b&i Broadway N. y. may 14 aui tt THE HEW ELASTIC TRUSS An Important Invehtion. it retains tne rup ssUtTVu 5t comiort, anu n Kepi on uigui uu uaj, w fects a permanent cure in a tew weeks. Sold cheap, and sent by mail when request prt rirrnlara free, when ordered by letter sent to The Elastic Truss Co., No. S3 Broadway, N. Y. City. Nobody uses Metal Spring Trusses ; too painful ; they slip oil too irequentiy. tl r CLEAP0R & KING, (Formerl y of the firm of Carraway & Cleapor) H AVE opened a FI RST CLASS SUA V I NG and ILYIH CUTTING SALOON, on Mar- , T tt,or.t ,..v1(,r thr.v will hp nir-KPri tn keti st re pt, wher e th c 1 be I Kerve old inends ana tne puonc generally. I Tfoiv, tha.nl: fnl fnr luiAt f:vors thev hone to i . ; . v. I meni a SUiire Ui iiuuu.isc iu iudjui RPDt a J-- im wj j urunujuswiiiwv Corner 4th. and Market Streets, dec 3 168 ,SaaAS ITllLBfETII in DL4 h IT ROADS. Pietoont Air-Line Railway. Hicbnaopd and Danville, Richmond and Dauvilic R. W., N. Division, and Nortb Western K. C. R. W. I o : (Oondensed Tiine Table, In cflbot on and after Sundar.Uune 10, : J ) MiOifelG (iOKTU. ' STA.TIOMS. MAIL.. M COM. Leave Charlotte . I . . .. ,l Salisbury " Greensboro.... 4 Danville. ' Burkville Arrive at RicLmoud . . 2.50 p. Ml 5.02 " 1.15 41 11.17 A. u 0.15 A. M. 3.c4 11.40 41 0.05 " 2.55 p. M. GOING SOUTH. STATIOHS. MAIL. j ACCOM. Leave Richmond 1.05 p. m 9.45 a.m. 44 Burkville 4.10 44 1.20 r. u. 44 Danville 8.45 44 ArG 10pm 44 Greensboro 11.1? 44 14 Solisbury. 2.03 A. M Arrive tt Charlotte. .. 4.05 44 GOING WEST. STATIONS. MAIL. BXPKESS Leave S reeniboro . . . ' Co. Shops 44 Hillsboro'.... " Raleigh Arrive at Goldshoro'. 8.20 p. m 11.00 44 11.10 44 1.40 A. m 4.30 GOING WEST. STATIONS. MAIL. EXPKBSS Leave Gddsboro' . . . . " Raleigh 44 Hihsboro' 44. Co.Shopa Arrive at Greensboro' 2.30 p. m 5.26 44 7.47 44 12.05 44 10.48 a.m. Nortk Western N, C. R. R (Salem Bea:ncii.) Leave Greensboro 11:20 P M Arrive at Salcni 1:40 A M Leave Salem.. 4:40 P M Arrive at Greensboro 7:00 P M Mail trains daily, both ways, over entire length of Road. Accommodation daily be tween Danville and Richmond(Sundays ex cepted.) On Sundays Lynchburir Accommodation leave Richmond at 5.23 a. m., arrive at Burkville 11.28 a. in., leave Burkville 1.10 o. m., arrive at Richmond 4.17 p. m. r ullman Falacc Cars on all nittht trains between Charlotte ?"d Richmond, without chance.) !Ir,hrr C1A;iW, General Ticket Agent. Greensboro, N. C. T. M K. TALCOTT, Engineer and Gcn'l Spuenntcndant aug 7J- 68 Carolina Central Railway Company WILMINGTON, N. C, ) May 14, 1S73. f SCHEDULE. PASSENGER TRAINS t EAVE WILMINGTON DAILY (EX- IB . . . r I M I : t" I J li i31A LAlAtl VDI Ob.i.t . v.vw I , .....x4- Qnnni7o ot X1 INI J rVl Arrive at Wadcsboro at 5:25 P M 1 i-Rove Wartesooro at ciuam I " - . ArriTC Wi.miD1!ton at... . 1:35 P M FREIGHT TRAINS. Arrive at Laurinburg at 5:30 P M Leave Laurinburg at f:00 A M r m excepted, at 8.00 A M ArrivA ttt Hnffuln at 12.00 M Leave Buffalo at 1.C0 P M Arrive anjnanoue ai o.xo z m i Tnni, T.umhPr nnrl Tlmhrr Trains mn on both portions oi tue itoaa as ine ousi ness requires. . r;i,r at.rariii mn n minnnftinn wlth tbG trains on both ends of this Rail- ? S. L. FREMONT, Chief Engineer and Sup't. 311-tt may l'J FOR RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA. PAIIVS in the FACU, Ac, THE ELECTRIC T 1 AS CURED when all other rcmedits J 1 have failed. It is eminently a FAMILY MEDICINE, ' And no family should be without it. In case of sudden attacks, one bottle will pave live dollars In doctor s bills. For sale by all Druggists. October 4 Il-ot Ii E ELEC T I I O . T R I C October 4 118-tf RAUL; ROADS. ; . , . Wilningtori, CoIunDia Au gusta R.R.1 toppiny. WlLMIRGTOW, rN. C, Se)t.. Sista. I CIIAUOEOF. SCHEDULE.: Tfli;FOiW)WlIfg 8CT4EDULS WILL UOinto eflect.at 3;50 AT M.. M on day, Lcavb Wiiminffton. .V:tVt 20 A; M' Arrive at Florence..-. tvw..c. -It. tl: 10 A. M-j Arrive at Colnmuia. . ...... . . 4:45 P. M Ieavi Columbia: . . . . . . . . .! . . . ; ii:40 A. M Arrive at Florence, i. ......... .,11.20 A. M Arrive at Wilmington.. , ... 5:15 P. M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (SUN DAYS EXCEPTED.) Leave Wilmington 5.45 P. M Arrive at Florence 11:22 P. M Arrive at Columbia... 3:4S A. M Arrive at Augusta 8;20 A. M Leave Augusta 5:50 P. M Arrive at Columbia 10:35 P. M Arrive at Florence , . . 2:27 A. M Arrive at Wilmington 8:00 A. M Passcutrers leaving Wilmington on the 5:45 P.M. train make close connection going South. JAME3 ANDERSON, Gon'l Sny't. sept 'J 'J5-tf Wilmington & Wcldon R. R. OiricE General Supjbbintendsijt, ) Wilminoton, N. C, Sej.t. 0,1873 f CHANGE OF SCREDDLE. ON AND AFTER SEPT. 'Jtb, INSTANT PASSENGER TRA1N8 on the Wil mington and Weldon Railroad will run sb follows : MAIL TRAIN. Leav'3 Uniou Depot daily (Sun days excepted) At Arrive at Goldsboro Rocky Mount.. ... Weldon Leave Weldon daily (Sundav jjzzythc av MiAa a t 8:15 A. M OvrlvJDOrO Union Depot EXPRESS TRAIN. cave Union Depot daily. . .At 5:30 fv Ml 5:30 P. M Arrive at Goldsboro 0:33 P- M Rocky Mount Weldon 11:34 P, M 1:20 A. M' Leave Weldon daily Arrive at Rocky Mount. 0:30 P; M- 3:25 P. M Gftldsboro.... ..... 10:43 P. M Union Depot 3:10 A. M Mall Train manes close connection at Weldon lor all points North via Bay Line and Acquia Creek routes. Express Train connects only with Acquia nreek route. PULLMAN'S PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON THIS TRAIN. TTRTTTflTTT TRATMR will leave Wiiminc. ton tri-weekly at 6.00 A. M., and arriTe at 140PM . , . . EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilmington daily (Sundays excepted) at 4:w r. ai., ana arrive at i.-vu r. i. JOHN F. DIVINE, Uener&L&uperintendent. 3G-tf sept 10 wmmm itrtTK II It mum V THIS MOST REMARKABLE O F ALL Ari'AKATL SKS sometimes called a mechanical paradox now used with Kilt II WUUUUJIUI BU tW.l ill Ui I'liiivii'Mi cities for the cure, by cu.mltlativk kx.ku- cise, of nearly all Chronic Diseases and Weaknesses., Is for sale by the undersigned, by Avhom all orders will be promptly filled. TUP: REACTIONARY is so constructed that even a child csm -in stantly adjust it for a person U lilt any weight, from twenty to twelve . nunuicu pounds. It is made almost wholly of iron and steel, weighs 15') pounds, and covers a space of only 2")by .W inches; and although, but recently introttuce!, nearly nave aircauy dh sold. PRICE I, 15DXED AND SHIPPED. Small books or circulars, showinir its use, can be had free at th" omco of the Tost. s. H. MANN, Brooklyn, . "i . sept ll-d&wtf I. O. Box A. ADRIAN. H. VOLLERg ADRIAN & V0LLERS i Groceries and Liquors, Importers of German and Havana Clars, Commission Merchant South-East Corn eb Dock and Frokt Streets. W1LMLNGTON, N. C. tjat.1 n or V,o loforpct and hpt ojianrted Stork of Groceries and Liquors In the City. Dealers wiU find it to their interest logivcu acaii before buying eisewnere. mar 17-tf -t- -77- T.lllll n mm Mill! UU NEW ADFERTISEHENTS. 7 ' NEW C-J- ( O T) S - FOR THE FALL TRADE. . MAXST,JKIA-'. co., ; Xd. lo Mirlit Mnrf, 1 XIA-TRECKIVKI) A Fl'LT. LINY: t)J , Kit t l , M .r: ' ' ' 4 ' 7 CLOTHING, kc, :e!.. Which they oiler at REMARKABLY CHEAP RATES to the citizens of Wilmington and vicinity. An inspection of Jheir stock will convince. lV17x-l,.,oftt familiar with prices, that Iheyi CANui BE UNDERSOLD, lu thi.s uuirkctJ GIVE TJIEM A TRIAL. S. HAXSTF.IX A- CO.. No. 15 Market street. sop -tf The following named pieces are recom mended as being among our latest ami best issues : Husic Julia, 'lis of tbec I sing.. .Song. Hays. G5c ' 40c Jn Cmi Uome' 8onff' UaJ8' 'Neath the Waves her Spirit wanders. Song. Stewart. 30c. f 11 Give my love to all at home, Soug. Stewart 30 c No little one to meet Think ox me sometimes, Maggie. Soug. wiv n ai jv Softly shone the Stars o! Heaven. Song. a, awt. out. Sent , Diona forget your Mitljcr, 8andie. Song. Hays. 40c. ' ' I long to see the d-.ar old Home. Soul' Stewart. SCc. 8' Little Sweetheart com listen to mc. Sour. French. 30c. My 'every thought was of thee. Song. Hovf. Mf.are, 6Ufu Deceivers. Alto pong, ftom 44Uaulirie." Song. Danks. SOc fatay not long away. Soprano soifg, from 44Pauhne.' Song. Danks. COc To please the Girls. Baritone son . from 4Paulmc " 8nnc llnnl. My Heart for thec. Soprano somr. f-om ttS"S - "PfuRhc." Song. Dks. aOc." o:50 t. M My Queen of Stars, Awake. Tenor son:: 4IWA,1M). from "Pauline." Song. Dank?. 30c. . urt. 40c. Wh spcr oftly, Mother's Dying. Song. ; Stewart. 30c. Insplrer and Hearer of Prayer. Hythn. DanKS. 30c. . I - My love sleeps under the Daises. Song.-- ; t ersiey. wc. Ob! How d'ye do, -Auut Susie. 8ong, Stewart. 30c, Dat makes mc noddings out. Song. May- woou. oUC 'Neath the white and purple Blossoms ong. rerstey. we Norah is dreaming oi you. Song. Pratf. I rr' . . . , , . , , AUC wwiwji uuu is raissin-. cong. uiuks -uc- Oil RCCCillt wJl b,c come home to-night Mother?, Song. Danks. 30c. I ou mess our name. song, atcwart. uc. I Get up and shut the door: Sonir. llavs. 35e I Does he ever thlbk of me. Song. Hays. 35c Come. Holy Spirit. Hymn. Danks. 30c My dear old Mother. Song. Stewart. 30c l nave no nome. song. Hays. 4oe Lost and cast away. Song. Hays. 35 c . Poor little Tim. Song. Abbey. 30c or the Oysters and Wine at 1 A. M. Song. Stew art, boc Come over the billows afar. Song. Pratt. 35c. Saviour, Thou art ever near. Soog. Danks. 30c The Toast. Brindlsi for male voices. Song. Touel. 40c Pearl ot America. Caprice. Instrurhcu- tal. Klnktl. 85c Circling Waves. Instrumental. Kinktl. 4UC Belle of Saratoga. Waltz. Fitzhugh. Vfr. Morning Zenhvrs. Mazurka. Kinktl. 3Ce I Fannie's Ouicketep. ('uicksUp. Klnkcl. I va larked Price. Autumn Leaves. Reverie. Instrnmeutai. KinkeL 5Jc The Reapers. Instrumental. Kinkcl. 35c Merry Girls. Galop. Klnkcl. 30c Mollie Darlim;. Instrumental. Kiukcl. 50c La Zingarella. Instrunfental. Kinkcl. 30c Happy thoughts. Schottiscbe. Klnkcl. 00c uanse Cubainc. Instrumental. Klnkcl. 4ic M8y Pole. March. Mueller. 35c Good Humor, March. Ailard. 3.x: Fleur des Chami, , Vals, Toncl. ox; Published and ecnt, post paid on receipt of price, by sept 27-t! 5'J9 Broadway, N Y.f M NEW TURBINE pt) jlias been lencd nt yokk, l'A, oyrj D. .L ETTINGER. C. E.. M and at HOLLYOKE, MASS, b -Hj J.VS. EMERSON, II K. For Pamphlet and tet report ort address N F BURNIIAM, York FOR RENT. DESIRABLE, HOUSE on the South east corner of Sixth and Nun streets. i t Apply to sepfl-tf J. IL NEFF. Coffee, Flour and Sugar. Add 'BAGS COFFEE all grade. tJV 1,200 barrels Flour, . ; 2T,0 barreU f Jlue, For sale hi ' . , sept 22 F. W. KERCIIER

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