mnn:mu hU'd un P . tt,L i.-il Jii bi ir in 1 7 ' ..V.; I T?i .rftJ-t is'f'0 t'i .Kf,h -'.. u-"u.v l X ) L'AA" 4 MM""! .' 12 ?ftodt 1 HIM 11 1 . ... T . ....! .. .t till jJii-ii oi t- VOL YIL..-.; -::.;;-,'. ' N. C, FRIDAY,' OCTOBER', 24, 1873 i ii ' r .... ma-. m - , 4 I r I ' T, ? ; - i!g i . T I - X-J- '- -r r . - .- . uM J- MANN,. Editor. and IVppriV":, ' in advance.; 4 v. J. ,500i ee moutbs, tn advanco..... ; 1 oO montb. in aaTance rrrepondent iifltedjrom ir friends one 10 ntereit. Political news and reports oj especial! v desirable. ,f..; 1 . r . -.-T- t Merchandise Broferage. Office, r r lino of samples constantly on haiyj F from importers and ' rnrtuf:ictUrors in tlieru uarkets. ' tii descrffbnS 'oi5 meTlinnais k)nl;i s , I I.Klli' iiuna telegrupne.1 promptly. xipHwiidl boti-ht ' and wld; in this itm : orders lroiu buyers .solicited, and r" I.''- hv sellers will have prompt at- Kro. tsh to bity or eM, commottl- freely, and ofteu wilU your local Bker- TAB. T. PETTKWAV, V Merchandise and Produce Broker. dec3 . lbit. K k7w. 'r..PKR.' "I: DOUQHTEN LOPER & DOUGHTEN. V A VAL STORES AN I' sslTTIIKRN PRODUCTS, yn .VO.7 J202VT STREET, . I' i lelpliia, Ta. Orders lor luipeaiiue Casks solicited and promptly rilled ;U lowest market price. , march 3 INSURANCE. I IKE AND FIRE INSURANCE CAN BE l effected at the lowest current rates in,the folloWfns responsible Companies, oa ap- S?KWl YORK LIFE INSURANCE ' COMPANY, Asset ts 20,000,0W J. 'A. BYItNE. Gen'l Ins. Agt., IMPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, of JLondou, Assetts g!,')0,U(JO, Gold LYN'CHIUTRU INSURANCE AND BAA'K,- .YXCHBITRU INSURANCE AND BAIN 1 ING COMPANY of Va.. assets 8(l5,:i ILL) DOMINION INSURANCE COill' NY Oil' Va., assctts. J2iJ0,i BYKNE & KEEN AN, C1' I''JV ULU DOMINIUM irsuKa.JiS Gen'l Insurance Agent s, Office Chamber of Commerce, up stairs. Wilmington, N. C. aus(16 , t 77-ly lOE TURNER wishes to inform his custo- J uicrs and public 'generally, that he Is now ; prepared to do all iin.l of work in his.line, and would 'respfcctltitly le-iyest. x contihua--' tiou of the patronage wliicli fins heretofore 2 beeu so liberally bestowed upwn Uim. JanlBtf- , . '2f)Q A-A- : -i - 1 i- f ! Lard, Crackers iuicil&ice.j 1 OR TIKUCES. KEGS AND rum ifc'v LAUD. ' 5 200 Lids Cracker. Lcinoii' u-i g:ir and Sod;!, i J bupves Vij;iled Cuke ' barrel nud . 'ierc liicL. Foe .sale by : , . ept 22 b W. KlivJHNiCU. PAHKhJK L A V LO U $ I A. H. NEF-K-, - tlanutUctuiei'K uud tiunlcrs iu HOUSE FUUXUill2ia (J0OD:y., j ttuns, otoves, Lauto iis, ;K ue, OH i : ! ai&lfsheet Iroi Wsre. : " i Rojliiig dono at short notice Agents for tairbanfc'8 St-ales. No. ltf Front Street, H I I. M N ii T i N , N , V. novP f ; L --' . t rfv-U A Convenient Store with a Do sir able Dwelling: Hous Attached - BY VIRTUE of a power of sale vested in the underpinned by a morti;tjeexeUh ted on Win llth ilay of November, A. !' , 7t, by Archibiikl II Williams and Martha. I. NYilliums, liis wife, to the undersigned, they wiU sell tt public liuotion, t Exflmn' Cor ner, in Mm city of Wilminjrlon, on tbe 22ml day of ctoner next at b olm-k A. M., the following reAllestKie, slxiata4n Rurgawoii Wlhning1orfaul Weldbn Railroad, In the connty of New Hanover, viz.: t )nc-1 .ot. k nown v Lot number six iu block ten, and situate on the corner of Fremont and Dudley street and running one hundred and twenty feet parallel. to the Wilmington ail Voldon raih-oud; and one huutlred nd c4zlityone feet and six inches at right angles to the said railroad; and, also, number lour, in block number eleven on Dickinson street between Fremont and Wilmington streets, and run-, one hundred and twenty feet parallel with the Wilmington nnd Wcklon railroad aild one hundred eighty feet and six inehes at right aogles with said road. Terms eash, . f . v f sor BEAU,, . , pepCJ-i-l!r;4i.Xl 'MARCUS BEAU. AT GOJLiSUORO, IV. . -:o: Special Practice for the Cure of Cautw, -Tumors,. -Scrofula Chioiiiq Llcer, Epilepsy, Iaver Diseases, : Uterine Diseases. Skin Diseas es and all kindred Aflec tions sueee5.sfulv Cauccrs and Tumors will be treated with our specifics without the use of the knife vithoui th loi of blood acd ut with lit-, tie pain io the patient, .Terms for treatment will be ,in the reach of all. Air communications addressed . to us will meet with prompt attention. Cir eulars and certificates of. cures will be sent onappUcfthtn. ttf Office and Inlirmary East Centre street, Goldsboro, N. C. , if. DR. J. MILES HUNTER COl tn October 1 '115-3UJI . i INFIRMARY The Wst'ORGiS of the Ree olas9 riM. - T i. 1 . 1 T .1 f '.The Best for -SurjcUy Sclidols , Tbe Best' fcrjjrs and yesttics. The Best for Academies atid Colleges. The Best for Public Halls! h : , . s The Best for Orcliestra and Stage. ; These instrumentis, wjiich for sweet ness of tone and elegance of appoint-? jiient stand ; uuriy ailed, have met with .unprecedented success in this country 'and abroad. ' ! MANUFACTtJBED BY !E; P. iEDHAM & SON. , ESTABLISHED IK 184G. Nos J43, 145 & 147 East 23d st. N Y ; r :r ' , - . Responsible parfie4 applying for agencies in section still tinstipplied, 'will receive prompt attention fetid liberal, inducements. Parties residing at a uisuvnce jrom our au- thorized asents, may order lrom our factory; Send fordllustrated orJ list. ;, aug aj-tr TO THE VEStlT tt THE VE0T1 Before making your arrangements to fol ow 'the advice ofhe 'lthonsarids who hare already gone," it wjoujd b well to consider what has been dona to make the journey to your -'Homes in. the West" as pleasant and free from danger as human skill and lore sight can accomplish. By consolidation and construction, a rod lias been put into 'op.erratlon on the shortest possible : f rom Nashville, Tenn.. to St. Louis, "thefuture great City of the world." Tlui liuei thV; :;t ' V - j ST-i itlia aLTTHEASTBRN KA1L . r uu ,-,v.- -w-aWAY, 't,. i j bis, during the past year, earned an envia ble reputaUou by its smooth track, prompt tunr, sure connections, : and the magnifi cencer: of its passenger equipment. Its truius are niade of? of new and commodious diy'car6,;i;pyidcd with the celebrated Mil ler coupler and p'alform, andthe Westing-hou.-e air brake. 1 - - It, i-j positively the only line tunning ullnuu Police Drawing-Boom Sleeping Curs tluouxh without change lrom Nash-viili- to St. Louis. No other line pretends to oiler jj uc u a dv intages, either in distance, tuue, or equipment - Whyi then, jouliiey by circuitous jrohtes t Do not be induced to purchase .Aicket5f to St. Lonis or the v est by an v otuec line, rememDcr mat The "Ht; Louis & Southeastern" is the shortest, cheariestj quickest, best and only line, ..under f one management from N'asuvilhj to St. Louis, and is from 60 to 300 mites the shortest to St. Louis, Kansas City, 'Omaha, Denver, Cifprnla, Texas, aud all western paints. It is also the "Chi cago Shortest Line' via Evansrille. You can secure the cheapest rates for yourselves and your movables on applica tion, in person or by letter, to Charles McCabs, Southern Passenger Agent, near fjollegc street Depot, Nsshville, TenD., or to the undersigned. W B D, AVENPORTr : Geneial Ticket Agent, 8L Louis. ; No trouble tq answer questions. FXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, State of North Carolina, : Raleigh, Sept. 23, 1873, r3, ' BY THE GOVERNOR. Whsreas, Official Information has been received at this Department that FRANK MALPASS, late of the county ot New Han over, stands charged with! the murder of Edward. J. walker or. said county ; nnd that the said Jialpass, has fled the State, or so conceals himself that the ordinary pro cess of law cannot be served upon him : Now, therefore, I, Tod R. Caldwell, Governor of the State of North Carolina, by virtue of authority in me vested by law, do issue this my Proclamation offering a re ward of THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS for the arrest and delivery of the said Frank Malpass to the Sheriff ot New! Hanover County. In the CUy of Wilmington, and I do enjoin all officers of the law and all good citizens of the btate to aid It bringing said criminal to justice. . Done at our City of Raleigh, on the 23d day of 8eptember, A. f 1)., 1873, and L. s. In the ninety-eighth year of American independence. ! i TOD E. CALDWELL. Bt tb Governor. i 'JJ B. Nbathbrt, Private Secretary. DEscBipTibjj --Frank llalpaia is a native pf Nqrth. .Carolina,, five feet eight inches high, a?ed25 years, sandy fcafr. smooth tkoov JUUe or no beard, aad mall blue eyes, i sp-23-laww, 'hi vf f't , - St&c cpy once a- week for' four weeks and forward bill to Executive Department. -i ' U i ' ' ''"..' 31LSCELLANE0US. r ,1 P L O ML J AW&KOBO HI TUB. '. ,V , Atnericaii Institute'" J . j: w. McKee, : ' ' for .Emlroilerr.aad Flntim Hacbiaes ' It is ingenious and will meet the wants every matron m the land.' i .EXHIBITION OF 1ST2. - . F. A. Barnard, Pres. 8ohn . Qarrt. Rec Secy. i i. Samuel D. Tillman, Cor. Secy. ; New York, November 20, 1S73. This simple and ingenious Machine is as uelul!asthe sewiDir Machine, and is last becowins popular with Udie, in the place J of txpcniiive Heedle work, its work, being 1 iif ucu wvn; uauuAUiu m(u riUK cjs uutv , and, hot i one tenth part ttic expenac. No A Machine with illustrated circular and full in6truciioDs &ut on receipt of $2 or finished io silver plate for $'2 75. Address, Tue McKbb Mauulactur'.ni; Co., 300 Broadway, New York., AGENTS -WANTED. Dr, Garvin's Elixir of Tar, Is recommended by regular Medical practi tioners and a speedy cure guaranteed for uoias, uough?, Oatarrh, Asthma, Uroncuitia, Spitting Blood, Consumption and all Pulmo nary Complaints, Scrofula, Erysipelas, Pj8- pepsia and Gout. Dysentery, Cholera-mor-bus, Cholera and all liver and bowel com plaints. Kidney diseases and all affections ot the Urinal Organs perfectly harmless tree from Mineral or Alcoholic properties pleasant to take and never known to fall Price $1 00 per Bottle. Full particulars with medical testimony and certificates sent on application. Address, L. F. HYD) & CO.. 1U5 Sever th Avenue, New York. - ( Darts from tie Devil; or Cupid Abused A Book jast issued exposing the "person als" that have appeared in the New York Newspapers; their history and lesson. StIl ish villi an s fully BXPOSED. Advertise-: ments trom desperate men to beautiful wo men; Clandestine meetings; how frustrated; The History of the Goodrich tragedy the result of a "personal." Description of LLr ins Broadway Statues. Exposes social corruption. Swat on receipt ot 50 cts. Address, Unique Printing House, 36 Vesey St , N. Y, ' . Tho lleckwith Portable fam ily Sewing jdachinc, on 30 Days Trial ; many advantages over all. Satis faction guaranteed, or money refunded. Sent complete with full directions. Beck- with dewing Machine Co., 862 Broadway N. Y. ! may 14 iKJ7 tl THE NEW ELASTIC TRUSS An Important Invention. It retains the rup tnre at all times, and under the hardest ex ercise or severest strain ' It is worn with comfort, and if kept on nig-ht and day, ef fects a permanent cure in a lew weeks. Sold cheap, and sent by mail when request ed. Circulars free, wheu ordered by letter sent to The Elastic Truss Co., No. 683 Broadway, N. Y. City. Nobody uses Metal Spring Trusses : too painful ; they slip oil too frequently. inayi mh h CAUTION. BUY ONLY THE GENUINE FAIRBANKS SCALES MANUFACTURED BY ; E. & T FAIRBANKS & 0. iwmM BTJiJYn&Rn SCMES. StockScales, Coal Scales, Hay Scales, Dairy Scales, Counter Scales, &c, &c Scales repaired promptly and reasona bly. THE MOST PERFECT ALARM CASH DRAWER. Miles it la r m Till Co's. EVERY IWitw' J EVERY Merchant SHOULD Use Them DRAWER Warranted SOLD AT y Fairbanks' Scale Warehouses, FAIRBANKS k CO., 311 BROADWAY, NEW YORK 160 Baltimore st., Baltimorb, 53 Camp st., Sew Orleans FAIRBANKS & EWING, Masonic Hall, Philadelphia. FAIRBANKS, BROWN & CO.; 2 Milk Street, Boston For sale bv all leading ifiirdware Dealers. sept 11 07-2tawlm CLEAPOR & KIN&, (Formerly of the firm of Carraway & Cleapor) TT AVE opened a FIRST CLASS SHAVING n and HAIR CUTTING SALOON, on Mar ket streeL where they will be pleased to serve old friends and the pnblic generally. Being thankful for past favors, they hope to merit snare 01 patronage in tne iuture. sept o IO lm Corner -4rtlx and Uarket Streets, dee 3 - - l&- TO ' ' Sir . TmBrag u. .. ; Carolina Railway 1 ' ? WILMINGTON; ff: C. J -1 'VVy-v -ifl f tr-f' rASSENQER TrtAlNS ' T. SAVE JLJ cept Bun andays) at:, i . .".U . . ..'ie& AM;: Arrive at Wadesboro at . . , ri ; . , ; 5;24 V, Mi Leave Wades bo ro at. Arrive at Wilmington at . . . V.r4:85 IrM FREIGHT TRAINS. tn J Leave Wilmington daily (except 8undays) &0OAM Arrive at Liurinbtfrg at .' . 30 P Hi Leave Laurintturg at j; j::. i . tcOO A. ml Arrive at Wilmington at 5.30 PM PASSENGER TRAINS. I KM Leave Charlotte daily,' 'Sundays excepted, at '.'-. 8.00 All Arrive at Buflalo at .12.00 M Leave Buffalo at . . . .' : . . . r. ...... . 1.00 P M Arrive at Charlotte at...,..., 5.15 P.M Irregular Lumber and Timber, Trains run on both portions of the Koad as the' busi ness requires , i .-j v .:. j; t(, A Daily Stage will soon run in connection with the trains oh both ends of this Rail way. " 'ui .riil-T !!;. :. ,sLwI?rkmo.n; . .d Chicr Ehgtneer ahd Sup't. 1 may 19 t:; Piedmont Air-Liue T7 Richmond and Diitiyiilc, Richmond and r Danville R. WI; lt.!T)i vision, and North Western O. R. W. "" -o Condensed Time Table. In effticLoiir ajid after Siindav. Oct. 12 GOING NORTH- mm STATIONS. MAIL. EXPRESS Leave Cfiari6tte...;l0,j00y: k&15 a. m. " Air Line J'nct'n 10.06 8.30 " Salisbury ilO.CaA-M. 10.45 tT Greensboro 3.30 " 12.45 pH. " Danville ...'.;. t C20 3,12 f. m; 41 Burkville 11.35 44 j 7.36 44 Arrive at Richmond.:! 2.17-p. M 10.17 p. m. GOING 8QUTH. STATIOHS. MAIL. EXPRBf ' ' 'ii'i 1 ' Leave Richmond 1.28 p. m 5.C0 a. m. 44 Burkville 1.45 44 8 2'J 44 44 Danville 'J.18 44 , 12,48 p.m. ' 44 Greensboro.... 12.20 l.' Mf 350 4 44 Solisbury..,... 2.38 , .6.06 i4 44 Air Line J'ntt'nt 4.29. ' 8;10 44 Arrive at Charlotte. . . 4.35 a. m. 8.15 44 "goincJust. t ": . 1 i. . , . .i. 1.: . STATIONS. j MAIL. : L-...: t fVfr- i Leave Qreensboro' . . . 1 3 05 am I 4 Co.' Shops k . . 4. i i j ; 44 Raleigh..AV.. 8 32 44 Arrive at Goidsbofo.lTl5 a. m GOING WEST. 77 7 STATIONS. '"''"mIu . " ' Leave Goldsboro''. .'. . 2' 30 p. m Raleigh ! , . 1 6.1 - I ; :. . . 1 w Co. 8hop j 9.35 44 I.......'.,. Arriy e at Greensboro 12.20 a,m: j . . . . ...... North. Western N; R. .IV. Lieave ureensooro . . : ; . iti . ; . Arrive at IjJaleni Leave Salem..... . V'.; I.. .. . Arrive, at GreensbQrb ... 4wi0 P M . . 0:25 P M ..8:0OfA M .10:00 A M Mail train ft dftllv. hoth ware Oriubflkys Lyiicnbtirg AcloliBiodation lpmr Richmond . at fl &AiJL. . . m . Arrive At, Burkville 12 45 p.m., leave 'BuxkyiHe .135 .T-i 1 . : 1 . ) J a . . t a, rn., arriTe at itrcaratsia ot a4.n1. - Pullman Palace Cart On all night trains between Charlotte Vd Richmond, 1 without cn&nge.; a .j Fer further luformation addrrt -j" ; 1 n ' i.-i' S. E ALLEN, 1y . General Ticket Agent. t n--.t m . Greensboro, N 0. ! T.1 M R. TALCOTT. - . w , Engineer and yen' t SpuerintendanL 15 .:'., , ' " " V27; oct tf:t n. RHEUMATISM,' ;;NE0RAI,&iA, PAI1V9 lit the FAtJK, Ac, Tir IS f rl ' - - 1- ; . . ' ' I . . TT'AS JRKD when nil other remedies XX have failed. it is eminently a "V AMILY? MEDICINE, And no rami!? should be wllhbut It.' Dcase of sudden attacks. e bottle will f aa Ave dollars irf doctor's 1f ills, i I , , For sale bjr all Druggists. October 4 JUKUr , , r , . ' 'j.- . ..IB " ' i . .0;. A .. . . . nt'.J 1 rat ? c (-.?;.' .1 i - , f '-a l'.t. .d . RAIL ROADS. 4 ! Wilmington, lolonbia Au it't'f . fitJknfwowi rt, C,)uet4 iv, ib7A I . . I.... I a- : f r r ! .CHANGE OF SCUEQUIE, f Hll k FOt t6 WIKd ' BC IIEDTTLE WILL) Jj xjoflntorefieet, at'4;3a .4 I8ofuiry. iin itit . fltefcrfW fawns' Tieave Wilmington f a..m atTioieiicr.tjr'. .;.;t.v.:;;iOfio AVii'i tArrfre arrive ai ivuguoia ( o:w r. 01. Leave Augusta ;. . . I . ! 4:04f.' Jieaye Columbia , 10:20 A. M Arrive at Florence IV .......... 2 48P. M. Arrive at .Wilnfiairtoi . . , . . H lOD E. 11 lilGHTiPRtsar' Tit Air iIatlt' fsuN- a TT a tt v n n n LeaVo' Wiimingtoir.f.v)..i.i'..r.' 6At PM Arrive at Florence... . . .f s il:2S P. M Arrive at Columbia.....: .. 4.00 A. M Arrive at Ancmsta.'. .1: uy ASA m Leave- AngnsU ... .4; L5 P.H . Arrive atColnmbla . : : .'; ... !A5 P. M' Arrive at Florence j; . i .-. ; . j V 3d A, M AxriVe at ;WUngton.. .r . . M xassentrers leaving wumington on the :10 P. M.- traltf aBfi' closeconnefctI6ris oing South. j w 'i.. JAMES ANDERSON, Gen'l BupH. LOCt 11 .1- Wilaiftgton1 & Weldon Rl R. j.' 4 Office Genera Scfjbrixtbmdbnt, WjcunHOTOH, ' N.' C?, Oct. ' 1873 CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER OUT. 12tfc, INSTANT PASSENGER TRAINS on the WU mington.and Weldob Railroad will run so follow6:j ., r . , . f MAIL trAIn. ' ' ' - r 5 Leave Union Depot dully (Suu-. days excepted) . . ; . ; .'. . . At 7:40' A. ll Arrive at GDldaboroi. . . ; 1 1 U:&0: A M , - ; Rocky Mount. . . 2:00 P. M Wcldon....'.'.:..-.V '3:50PIM Leave W oldon Maily (Sunday , , t, excepted) . .".At 9--50 A: M Arrive at Rocky Mount r 1135 A. M i GokhborQiitul... 11:37. M Union Depot,,.,,. 5K) P. M. . EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Unibri'Depot : dally .''.'.At" l,lb:Z0 P. M Arrive at Goldsboro 3....;;., i 3:37 A. M , f Rocky Mount 5:58 A. M Weldon......... . " 8:00 A. M Leave Weldbn daily. . . . u , i800 P M Arrive at Rocky .oun., . , y:48 P. M . ! GeldSboro.... ...... r ll: 50P. M 4 Unioti Depot.... r.rl 4: Co A. M Mali Train,; makes oiose connection at Weldon for all points North trio. Bay Line and Acquia Creek routes. Express Train conHcets only with Acquia Creek route. PULLMAN'S 1 PALACE SLEEPING tCAKS, ON. T918 TRAIN. FREIGHT TRAINS will , leave Wjiiuingr ton trl-weekly at 6.00 A. M.,' feud arrive at EXPRESS JRElGIiTr TRAINSiUlvajVr Wilmington daily (Sundays excepted) at 2:00 P. M: ind srHve bt 6:00 P 'It. TOiiiV F. DIVINE, .V encm W 8uperin'lcndnt.M oct 11 .. W Hi f THIS MOST REMARKABLE b' . AL L 1 A ITA UAXl sl souitiroe cal IWf a uieHianical paracibxiw mod "iitl j such womterlul success in our principal cities' for the mre; hy rrwrkATi v:? kxer4 citoi; nearly ;Ui,( .., .y j., ,f i Chronic Diseases and Weaknesses; 1 .? '- J; If ;t;-!J w. ( ' lif --ft in.; , Is "for nalfl'tvy tho undersigned, by whom all wderwilbc promptly nlletl. , , t THK RE ACTIONAUY Is so eonstrnckyt tlmteVtn nehihl ui tni .Lautly,, lor it. perMHi to 11 it any weight, from twenty to twelve hundred - It fs inado almost wholly ol ljn ami U-i, weighs l.lt3poumU, and covers a fpace of only 20 by &l inches; tind tilthooah, but recently introduced, wparli- JJW bave already beeti sold. ' ' ' ' ! nticj: mrt, roxrf:i) and shIited. ,mall books or circulars, howIntf it use, can be had free ai the office of the Post. H. II. MANN. " Jlrooklyn. N. 'i sept U-U.tvt( U. Box 2W. 1 A. ADRIAN. i iiUJtL.VOLJLXE9 if' 1 i Ciroccrics and Mqtiorti, '-H .l-ililt.rrii ' if ' Importers of German ad ilavana Clears, , Coiiini s s 1 on jVXerch an t South-East Corker Dock; and Fnoirr ' ;' 'Wtreeta. ?': ' ilavius fhe largest And best assorted Stock W Grecerles aod Liottora in t&e CltV. Dealen . J will find It to Uielr Interest to give urn a call before buying elsewhere. III 1 i 1UI jiff, NEW AUTERTISEMENIS. 2 GOODS! i-t )!.- ,-,"1 "W" e ill; n .' 1 wjuiitiutroxxic. V '"A The Ldrt SldcF Brought to .llils Marker. Now 18' the time to Purch abe when ! 'Bvetytriliig. Marked Down. ' . An Inspection 'of qualitv and prices is invited. ! New (Iron Front Building, corrur Front and Princc Street. ' ' HEW CITY DIRECTURY. J3E ISSUED previous to the 1'air hi November. Adverlising rates liberal. , Nq collections' mado until the entire cdl 1 ! , " " tiou i opmpleteflaud delivered. . j Call on or address tho uudcrsijucd,' with- pat delay. . llAUi, sept 1st - r ' E. B. A"ARIlOCK. ( The following named pieces are rccoiu knended as being among our fatcaUnd best Issues : Music 7 wilVti8,.of lucC I slngTT.Soug. ilays.Xc Why don't yen domo Home, Song. Dais. ' JZ j .,: ,,,,, f Neath the Waves her Spirit wanders. Song. I 'Stewart, 30c. ' ':- ! - 1 ... ,r Give my loy,e to all at homo, Song. Stewart : 30 c, :No little onW to Wet no. Song. Pratt. "0c Think flf me sometimes, Moggie. Song, i Stewart. 30c. Softly shone the Stars of Heaven. Son" ! .fratt... 30c. . .. , , Z Sent Diflria 'forget your ilithcr, Sandic. Soj g. ' ; l UayiiTOa ' t. . c .!'?. T aner ta nr tlw. .1...... . 11 j -Stewart. 3Cc. Little Sweetheart tomJlsteB lo iiit 8oul' dTrencb-SOc. My every thdnghr was of thee. Soi.jc. Havd o5c. Men are such UtMMiivra...AIlo yuug, liuiu 44rauline." Sog,. ,Dauk. o0,c. Slay not long awayv Sopraio soug, from Taurine,' 8ong.' Danks. IX. To pleasetlie Giris. Barilono soug, iiiow 4Panljnc.'; Song. Dauks. J0c.. My Heart for thee. ' Soprano song." Wfn' -VPatfiinq." 8ong. Danka. .Wc. ' My Queen of Stars, Awake Tcuor rung, from 4Paulinc." Song. Dank?. PosMPafii; Jenfay,' th Flower of KHdan n art.,; 40c:. ,;. . ., Wh.spcr soflly, Mother's lin. Sotr " Xewait. :)0.:. i Inspinr hn.1 Hcaierol l"iuxi. ,lltuu.r. Danks. 0c. -My love sleeps under the Dtiitm. Sou" t - t'ersley.; 30c. . . . ' , Oh: riow d've do. Aiuit 13u,ic. fcttr7'." atewart. '00c. D t wakes &c uoddjuo out wood. 30c. Song ;;May Neath the whiter sad purple lJIooins. -- Bona. Persiev. Mc. Norah i dreaming ol you Sn. Trutt. 'SOcV'- "' '. j . . . , .' The sweetest Buu is luUsing. -Song. Dauks eoc. . 1 An 'Receipt Will he come home to night Molber? oiig. 'Danka. oOc i God bless our home. Song. Stewart. 4c Get tip and shut tbe door. Song. Hav. 35c Doa he ever think of me. Sonff.. llajp. S5e Comc Holy Spirit. Hyruo. Danks. 'c My dear old Mother. Song. l Stewart. H0c I have no home . Song. ,lUy. iVc Lost and castaway. Song. Hays. 35c" Poor littte Tim. SongJ Abbey. .T0c OF tilt " ' Oysters and Wine at 2 A. Mi Song riUw art. 50c Come over Ihe billows afari Song.' Pratt. i';35e. " --t -'t 8aviour, Thon art ever near. Song. Danks. 30c '' The Toast. Rrindisi for mule voices. Soug. .Tonel. 40c , Pearl ot America. CupVicc. Instrnmeu- tal. Kinkcl. 35c Circling Waves. Instrumental. Kiuktl. 40c Belle of Saratoga. Walts. Fitzhuh. .'Vic Morning Zephyrs. Mazurka. Kiuktl, :ioc Fannie's Ojiicketep. Qafckstap. Klnktl. '35c. Jflarked Price. Atrtumn-Leaves. Reverie. 1 Instrumental. KinkeL 50c The Reapers. Instrumental.' Kinkcl. r,:c Merry Girls, Galop. Kin kel. oc. Mollie Darling. Instramectal. Kinkcl. 50c La Z in gar el la. Instrvmental. Kiak&l. X)c Happy Ihoughta-.Schottiache. Kinkcl. 50c Danse Cubafne. Instrumental. Kinkcl. 40c Alay Pole. ; .. March. MueUer. iic Good Uamor, March. Allard. 'h' Flenr des Chsmpa, Valsc, ' Toncl. 50c - Pmblished and sent, post paid, on receipt of price, by J. L. PKTER8. ept 2T-tl 5W Broadway, N Y., M NEW, TURBINE ' rvj ,D. M. ETTINGEIL C. 11. f"- I Tahd at IIOI JTOkK, Jf A H S V b.v filTt t I'-' t Hl''lftt)OAV It ,..-, 5,. For Pain ph lei and tet.t reiort laddreh N F, DUItNHAM. NEW :i . 7 .. v .; rOmUBFJXfM QUALITY 1 t "i ; -1 j f ; 1 j ; ; v October tiUt&ia.stui-u .-:,i .. .. . i