. . iinui f" H" i i 1 tii'-- t 1 1 r 'i 1M Sii1 ftp a W9) M II j. I 11 mm w I IM I V- J i. .' . 4.:. . .. ts .... .tM !1 -.'rijiiU 7.')- r . i ' J 1 ", 7 - .'ii;;... - -if4 VOIi'VII. -WHLHWGTON .-N. -C, SATURDM OCTOBER: 25,; 1873; '!: 4.;sVI 'V. '?;; -jV.vf, f.ni -ras1' --tj a Unr. - ' ' - -Mb .. r J: ! ."-ill ';.; .,;.h rtvctv ufterfaoon except Siindayjjlf 1 - i.K.MhtiAn. 1 rinhi.ni)tion. irt advance -$5l0u!j j-., .rmniks. In adyAnce. . . . f 3- 00 TixrecWnth' in advance ........ L'y . h m, t.h. in adranco.. .. .... .. 50 I inc - . . ' K : -! sI fj -T?4 r?rttr' I from inHrirs -.tapcl inUturc-s jft Mercridlse bought sMO fh tb i s ' ' 2!nplelicR' ty sellers - will bavo prompt at- , time Lis we-ii us cash pwrclases negUtftea, ITi "fr- andoftela ' thydur local . . Merchandise aiid Produce Broker, B ; " I. DOUanXKN, LOPER & DOUG'HTEN, N A?V A X. S T O li K S 0 53 NORTH FR6XT ys?&tigt - '". :. f." ;. orders for Ti'.cpent mo casks soUcited and nrompUy JiHd at lowest marine pricey ranrchft . . 1 1KB AND Fltife INSURANCK, CAN Jj -J .effected at-the lowest enfrent rates in the1 rolloVinjr respousjuie .uompanies; .wi " pf - Stew voiiK life insurance.' n OOMl'AN V, Assetta " -r ,000,001, - , J, A. liYHNE,- GenU Ins. A, ; , IMPERIAL yim lm-ANCEy; ...... : OOiiPAN Yoronaon, Aens $9)iK),)00,';Bold nr. n DUAifli -' " li-RNE.& KEENAN, . ' v ? ; , Cfen.'i Insttranc'e Agents. ' Office ChamheF Oorttimeroe, up stairs,' '.4 J WiiDdihgtonf ,N. " IOE TURNKR --ishfcs to inform his ,mers and pUbUc. generally, that he custo-. is now' - . . . i ..ii : . . . i . . r . .T .... i . 1 i . liriA aad would respectfully request, ft contiuunf ,tion of the patronage which has heretofore beeU 'so liberally pestovrea upon niru jan ion 20a 4- Iwii'd, Crackers nix J 1 ok tiergp:s'kegs AiD tubs; AVV LARD. v ; '. . 0 ; 200 bbls '-Cracker's Lcinoii, bu-? gar and Soda,, ' 2U boxes Aborted Cakcf-, 75 barrels and Tierces, lticC, ' . For sale bv ' . -eiit.2-2 F. V. KERCHNEU. o f ' K 1 vV. x V V I A X 1 A. H. N E F K . iI:i".:i!'h.iM iii-i s and iltMleCN 1 tj II O iTsm F tJR N l SHIN G QOOtts'f. tiun?, atovos, Lanterns, Kerosene, Oil Tin and Hheet Iron Ware. e ? Roofing done at short notic8 A-gents Ibr Faivbank's Scales. ' f No. 19 Froat Street, W I JL M I N T ON, N . J A Convenient Store with a Desir, able Dwelling Housa Attached 11 Y VIRTUE of a power of sale Vested ia O the undersigned by a mortgage execu-. ted on the 14th day of .November, v. l) , ijst VilIiauTs. his wife, to the undersigned, they will sell at public auction, at Exchange Cor ner, in tne city or wnmiu?ton, on uie zzna day of October next at 10 o clock A. Mthe followinK real estate, sitvinte in Ilnrgaw, on WUvington and Weidon liailroad, in the county of New Hanover, viz: One Ixt known s Lot number six in block ten, and situate on the corner of Fremont and Dudley stre$fs and running one hundred and twenty feet parallel to the Wilmington and Weidon railroad and one hundred nnd -eighty one feet aad six inches at right angles to the said railroad; and, also, number lour, in. block number eleven on Dickinson street between Fremont and Wilmington streets, and rim one hundred and twenty feet parallel with the Wilmington and Weidon railroad and one hundred eighty feet and six inches at right aoglcs with said road. Terms cash, , . f sol. bp: Alt, SAMUKL BEAU, sept 22 107-AXl MAKCUS BKAR. 1 IT: AT OLD8ORO, X. C. -:o: Special Practice for the Cure of Cancers, Tumors, Scrofula, Chronic Ulcers, Epilepsy, Liver Bisease; j Uterine Diseases, Skin Discus- . es and all kiiulrexl Atfcc- t i o n s suceessfulv m Treated. ?; Cancers and Tumors wiU be treated with our specifics without the use of the krjift without the los of blood and hut with lilt tlepain to the patient. Terms for treatment will be in the reach of all. All communications addressed to us will meet with prompt1 attention. Cir culars and certificates of cures will be sent on application. ' Office aad Infirmary Ea6t Centre street, Goldsboro, N. C. .? . -i,i-f DR. J. MILES HUNTER & CO.? optoberl 115-lm 1 ral intern-., A'pliticaVpes auycportQn , LYNCHBURG 1N3URA.N.CB. AND .MNK VHa t'OMPANY of Va tisisetis. etA530 lONINssURANUiG tJQMPxV mm m)W MISCELLANEOUS? "M Off! D ' W 1 li I D 11 1 ORGANS fhe best ORGANS of the Reed class The Best for Churches and I l The Best for Sunday Schools. Ebe Best for Parlors and Vestries. ; The, Best for Academies and Colleges. to Thc Best for Public Halls. The Best for Orchestra and Stage. ' y'vi- igdnvv. ir ment stana unrivalled, have met witn unprecedented , success ihS li i . i ? .M. w Ji. JL. Jtl ;iim auruau, ; - MANUFACTURED BY i;?;iNEEDHAM440Nv ITABLTHEDN,!. ; lis kosJ43, 145 & 147 East 23d st, N Y t. .j ll'ftM-?ffl.1f i Itespousible parties applying for agencies ti sex?tlont still unsnpplied, will receive prompt, attention ana noerai miuveiuenH. l'arties residing at !a distance from our au thorized agents, may order from our factory. Wend for Illustrated nrie.fi ,,j jaus tFO THE WEST! Tp,TMi Ir-- ; JLeiore uiuiviu jour itiiuuuuicHto w iui- the advice of the "tkorciiiids'rfchP)ha,v! already gone," it would be weH to consider vfhat has been done to mae the. tonrney.to I .your 'Homes in the West" as pleasant and free from danger as human.skillndfore sight can accomplish. . r By consolidation and construction, a road has boon put into operation on the shortest possible line from Nashville, Tenn., to St. Louis, "the future great City of the world." This line, the has, duriug the past year, earned an envia ble reputation by its smooth track, prompt time, sure connections, and the magnifi ceuce of its passenger equipment. Its trains are made up of nebd eommbdionS day cars, provided with the celebrated Mil ler coupler and p,atforro,ai:tUi,WeaUpgJ hou-e air-brake. , Ir, is p ssitively the oply. line jianning i'uliru:u Palice Drawing-Boom Sleeping' Car tirou?h without change from Nash vtile to St. Louis. No ofhef line" pretends !to oiler such adymtages, either in distance, time, ir .qaipment. Why, tnenj journey by circuitous routes? Do not be induced to purchase tickets to St. sLouis.or the West by any other line, remember that The "St. Louis & Southeastern" is the shortest, cheapest, "quickest, best and only line under one management from Nashville to St. LouisahoV ia trdm 60 tr' 200 miles the shortest to St. Louis, Kansas City, Omaha, Denver, California,! Texas, and all western points. It is also the "Chi cjgo Shortest Line," via Evansville. You can secure the cheapest rates for yourselves and your movables on application,- Jcrsoaor . b, letter, t QiUKJ.ES dOB.SodtnorJ Ii&engir 4lict tiear College street Depot, Nashville, Tenn., or to the undersigned. W B DAVENPORT. Geneial Ticket Agent, St Louli. No trouble to answer questions. ' july 25 57-6m EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, ) Statsof North Carolina. i Carolina. V Ralbh. 4 PROOIft If A T1TYN BY THE GOVfiRNbR. Wiisreas, Official information has been received at this Department that FRANK MALPASS, late of the county of New Han- that the said Mat pass has fled the State, or so conceals himself that the ordinary pro cess of law cannot be served upon him : Now, therefore, I, Tod R. Caldwell, Governor of the State of North Carolina, by virtue of authbrit?.U&ne feested fetf UwVdp' issue this my Proclamation offering a re ward of THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS for the arrest and delivery of the said Frank Malpass to the Sheriff ot New Hanover County, in the City of Wilmington, and I do enjoin all officers of liie law. and all good citizens of the tate to aid in bringing said criminal to justice. Done at our City orRMgh1, bfi. the -28d day of September, A. 1)., 1873, and L. s. in the ninety-eighth-year of American Independence. ?. ! TOD R. CALDWELL. By the Governor. J. B. Neath ert, Private Secretary. Description Frank Malpaes is a native of North Carolina, flwleet eight Caches high, a zed 35 i years, sandy hair, 'smooth face, little or no beard, and small blue eyes. - aep-35-law4w ?Jt ff -fi.4l. Star copy once a week for four weeks and forward hill to Executive Department. I Ti!if,,n,iiiHii!!m!S Mtt 4 ' . . """ " " " ' ' ' - DISCELL4NE0CS. I t '1' isro IsA. A.i 'AildSff'riistitute I J. W. McKEE, FOR Embroidery anl Flntlng nacMnes, 'iUsJoKentoWJiBiLwlJL meet the-MBta Sohn E. GaTit, Rec. Secy. Samuel D. Tillman, Cor. Secy. New York, November 20, 1S73. This simple and ingenious Machine is as useful as the sewinir Machine, and fs fast lrtttidptt!aHwffh ladies. In the place oi expensive needle work, its work being much more handsome, requirini; less time and 'not One tenth paHHbe expense. No lady'a toilet is now com p' etc ; wiont it. A Mochine with illustrated cfnrular and full lnstrucfdWsent'ib receipt of $2 or umsnea in stiver piaie tor 3 v- AddressTai&fcKBEfanulacturlQ; Co., ... ... -sorjBfdJtaway. New Yoi York. AGENTS WASTTJBID. 1 "?'Dr.rGarvin?s?!'Elixir of Tar, Is recommended by regular Medical practi ttojvets' and a speedy chre guaranteed for Colds, Coughs,9 Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, Spitting Biood.Consumption and all Pulmo nary Complaints, Scrofula, Erysipelas, Dys pepsia and Gout. Dysentery, Cholera-mor-bus, Cholera and all liver and bowel com plaints. Kidney diseases and all affections of th Urinal Organs perfectly harmless tree from Mineral or Alcoholic properties ony sent on application. Address, L. F. HYDE & CO.. 195 Scve th Avenue, New York. 'Darts Ma MMii: or Cnpia Abused A Book just issued exposing the "pbxson axs" that have appeared in the New York Newspapers; their history and lesson. Styl. Ish villians fully bxposed. "Advertise mentR from desp.efae men to beautiful wo men; Clandestine meetings; how frustrated; The History of the Goodrich tragetvt the result ofa, V'perspnsrL'' Description of Liv ing Broadway Statues. Exposes social corruption. Snt on receipt ot 50 cts. AQOreravUnNue printing House, 36 Vesey 8t , N. Y, " Tho JJeckwith $2U Portable Fnm Ilir'cwiifiitAcfliUic, on 30 Days Trial ; mauy advantages over all. Satis faction guarauteed, or money refunded. 'SeMVeoraplete' Wlth' foll directions. Beck with Sewing Machine Co., 862 Broadway N.Y. . , ' may H307tf yifYnf . to !-,( i THE NEW ELASTIC TRUSS An Important Invention. It retains the rap turd'afill'trcnea, and liuder the hardest ex ercise or severest strain It is worn with -comfort,iaodif kept on night and day, ef lie'ct8 - aperhianent! ctlre in a tew weeks. Sold cheap, and sent by mail when request- ed.. Circulars free, wheu ordered by letter Broadway, N. Y. City. Nobody uses Metal Spring Trusses, too. gainful ; they slip oil too frequently mayi &j( u CAUTION. BUY ONLY THE E. & T FAIRBANKS & CO StockScales, Coal Scales, Hay Scales, Dairy caies, counter scales, &c, &c. (Sales repaired jr6mptly and reasona- ' i u trka most per kect i ALARM. CASH DRAWER. Miles Alarm Till o'sa EVERY IWi J EVERY Merchant mm Use Them Warranted. J Jl SOLD A:Jl Fairbanks' Scale Warehouses, FAIRBANKS & CO., L. J 311 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. fi6(fealtimotjfst Baltimore, Camp St., New Orleans FAIRBANKS & EWING, Masonic Hail, Philadelphia. For. sale by all leading Hardware Dealers. sept II! yr-ztawjm m mi 1 'KtlM'. KINS, (Formerly of the firm of Carraway & CleaporJ HAVE open ed a FIRST CL Aas SIIAVINQ and HA lit CUTTING ALOON, on Mar ket street, where they will be pleased to serVeotd friends 'and the public generallyi Being thankful for past favors, they hope to merit a snare ot patronage in tne future. septa ? 'J3 lm Corner' 4tli and Market Streets, easant to take and never known to rail rfcLO0 ter Bdltlft. Trtilir iiaet Mats,' fmrfdicil testiinov feadi certilcitJb JV - W H T? .m If . 1 TUNlHQ.&.MU3I04l dee 3 169;' ; .?-ti!if - I ::: di Caroir Central fiintar-Cofipany WlLMINliTONjlN; V-vl t"' . t May 14, i73. ) 1 v S)itT XJ - -ww i ' E f i ' T.- ' rlf r V PAS3E NaER'TR AINS , 1 r- 44jLWfiTQN "DAILY (EX XJ fceDt-Sundav8 ai: : : K-fll A'M Arflf f at Wadesborp at. 5:25 P M Leave. Wad esboro at. . . . . : . : . . ' 7:10 AJ M Arjiya'atmal,: 1 !'; -FREIGHT TRAINS, t Leiife Wilminigton dkily (except 'Hilt-. 6:00 A"M , , PASSENGER TRAINS: ! Lekve;:(daail6tteaiy; sSays excepted, at , 8.00 A'M' Amve a Buffalo at . doatT.,.,,.-.18.00,M at... . t . ... . ... ...LCO V M , lotto -a.,:.,.! i.l54P M Leava Uuflakxat... Arrive at Charlotte IrregalarLumbot and;Timbcx Trains run on both portiotis!of the Road as;: the basit ness requires i(. 'ui i tj? hj . . , . ..f. A uaiiy.stajrefWiu sootfcrua in connection wit the t trains, on ; loth cods of ; this BaiV wiyfc ,! i- ta i-j'int? si''. ' . , - -. - , , -U i .t FREMONT, '.. ' i rift i t.Chilrf" Rntrineerand Rnn'i. mayslSi V." -...? . , t ' .v: . , , 311-M : .PieamolitrAir-Xine ' fT---: i .J J-':Ju Richmond and, DtUihohniofad'imct': ; Danville K. VY., N. Division, and North Western N. C. R. W. fi.Iii fi i , i .! r- j . t i -i'i (V i !l Coi -1 !. tt.1. ft ii " i-1 RAIL ROADS. 1 1 w 1 lh."S Arrive at Liurlnburg at;. 5:30 CPM Levfi4ujinbur2r ar.1. ... . : v; . : TcW A'M ArHWatmmgtfm at,:r;i.;! '. :' 5.) Ml Railway. ; In Mocl oh, and after Simtla y (0ct712 TT, f " GOING NORTH. fi ' I STATIONS, MAIL. , f 1 EXPRES, Leave.ChajrlciieV.,,i. 10166 ki S.15 aC51 ; Air Line Jfnet?ntl0.06 f 1 8. SO ; r , Salisbury,. IQuCOam: 10.45 j i .;? Greensboro. ... 3.30 12.45 p. it. , Mo i Daqvilio.,... 6.20; , 14 3,12?' M. " Burkville...... 11.35 '" A rrive at Richmond . . 1 , 2.17 p. m j 10.1 'jj GOING SOUTHi , . f-i . i . , -4 . i . STATIONS. 1TA.IL. EXPRESS Leave Richmond. . . . . 1.28 p. m 5.C0 a. m. Burkville:..:.. 1.45 839 " ! ,siDantniej. ;-;.,f. J.18 t 12.48 PL at. ; Greensboro.:.. 12.20 A. to 8 50 SolISburyi..;.. 2.35 I .06 ,. . ' Air Line J'nct'a 4.2& ' 8.10 " Arrliiat Chariotte.n.1 435 a. m. 8,15 ".) ' j;;.-. r:;::.V0amQ.BAiST;:. . ; stATioW. 1?' n;i ''WiiL. 1 :' Leayo Greensboro . . . t S Ho a. m ? CO. Shops.,.. 4.45 ? ,,.Raietgh..;v.;v; 535 .1..:.!... Arriye at Goldsboroll.l5 a. m j SITfTIONS, ' ''tMAlL. . ' : Leave Goldsbro. . . 2 30 p. m i - Raleig-h...'..: a26 " f " uCo, Shops .....f ,35. . . .;. . . . . . Arrive at Greensboro 12.20 a m North Western N, O. K. K Jo " rt? ; (SALEMv34MfCH.) ' Leave G reensboro .... . . . . 4: 30 P M .Arrive at Salenl..a 0:25 P.M Leave Salem . i . . i. . . .' ..... :.S:00JA M Arrivcat Greensboro. ..... .'. . . ,il0;00 A M .i , . - , ' , ,;.i . . - i i, . Mall trains daily, both ways. ;. On Sundays' Lynchburg Accommodation leave? Richmond at.0.42a.- m., arrive at Bttrk villa 13 45 p. m. leave ; B urkviUo 5.35 a. m.V arrive at Richmond 8.44 a. m. f , "Pullman Palace Car oa all night trains between Charlotte d Richmond, (without ehaage.) I'i' i! . .,...- .. ; iFr further information address . j . ,t U ,t-; S. E ALLEN, ,. f.-s -n-'J General Ticket Agent. u .f u Greensboro, N. C. T!M -R. TALCOTT, , . Engineer and Gen'lSpuerinteiidaot. , oct 15 ,-'. I .i'A; It , 127 -tf. ; jb.;uB f NEORALGIA .t PA11V8 in the &c, it- THE :i ELEOTRIQ HAM CURKb wheuYal I other remedies ,liavefaileL,(,lt i&cuiluently a FAMILY 'MEDICINE, .'. .. A a. t ; -And no family should be uilhout iu In-cae of sudden attacks. One bottle will ravJive dollars in doctor 'p bills. r - For sale by all Druggists, ; ; E JE JEi "B 0 .R'I?Oi iu . fl tOliivt f t ft; if lib .1 . ' " f ln ,1 i Wilnington. Colonbia & Aa Gatf. 8UPKRlNTXNDX3fTS OmoL. jl , r Wilmjnoton N. C. Oct.. 11. 1872.! f f J T5 CUAriQE OF 01 Us .-in Tns Foixoflfio schs nufJt; I DAY"jE?REg3 iTKArN, (Dally.)' 6ivWilmlhtP. i w 4:Sf A. M Arrive at Florence ..10: 1Q A. M Arrive at Columbia. 4l00 F.'M' Arrive at Augusta .'; ':: . . .1 OO'P.'M; ve Auttfsla r.l'W. . W.I.I . .1 4:80 A. il Leave Colandtbia. tf iV. t a L. J Uhaa A. ?Mf Arrive at Florence...!,.,.... ,..;&43P. Jd; Arrive at .WUmiagton - - - .10:00 6. k NIUUT BAPRESS TRAIN DAILY (8UN 1 DAYB EXCEPTED.! i t IvefnVilmingtdi.'.j..'i;-,X ClOPj kf ArHve at Florence. 11:28 P. M Arrive at Columbia 4.00 A.?M Arrive at AucrusU.. .TtT. . .TTT. 8:45 A. M Xeavor Atlfrusta I'i .. . .V. ..... i . . 4:15?. If Arrive at CblambiaJ,i..U 8:45 P. 1 L Arrive at Florence'. . . r. ......... 2:02 a; Arrive at Wilttfiagtonv ;"J . . f V HW AI M . JPae'senrerfi; Uattrig rwilmiagton on' the 6: to P. M. train make close connect! oa going South. " r, ft IT l t JAMES ANDBRSON4 ;n M GennSup't. pet 11 124-tf f'Ui iTHIS.:MQST; AK ?ALL7 1 AWAft dmctin' a mwiwuutsw purju.y'r-iow uscq ,wiiii spen wonaer.itti.,sji cities for the cure, cisEof nearly all tihronici'DiSeasea lidvWeakrisJ 'fk for sale by thr) : nndorfcfued, by whom all, oraers wiu oe promptly niieu. '..v i, ' ' -I I. 'IHliifl : .1. JO S it (,.'.. n . ;l " TJEIEJ ' REACTIONARY 1 -: . is -so cohstrudted that even a child can in stantly adjust it; liar, a person to lift auv weighty from twtenty. to twelvo. huudred pounds. .'. ir , . It is made almost wtiolly 5f lroft and fctceL weigus i.u poumis, ana covers a space oiauiy 20 by 36 inches; and although;' but recently imrouuceu,, nearly , juu nave already been sold. ' ' - ' i:4 l It i price sioo, bOxedaS'D SHlPPil."f Small books or circitiars, fallowing its use, can be had free at the Offlcp of thp Post; ; rcwkb'n, N. tllrl&wtftj, . if'. t. 'rio2f9. sept. A. ADRIAN. f - rr : -T-- ' 1 r ;' H. VOLLEjtg ft i n AlirtlAN ' 5t VUlilil!illSi' ' WHOLKC ALB DEALERS IN 1 Groceries ftncf Liquors. : ' "- - - ':' K: ' 'T Importers of German and Havana Cigars, 1 Comixiisssion -Meiachnnt'' South-Kast Cornkk Lock and Fkont ' Streets: - ' ' of WILMINGTON, K. C. IT Having the largest and best Assorted HUiek of Groceries tand Liquors iu the City, Deader will find ft to their Interest to give ui call before, buying elsewhere; - " : n mav 17-tf k 1 Singer's Mew Family Sftw.inE HaphlnG. THE SUPKRIOmTY OF tHK ftiGElt EW1N . M ACUINH Jor beauti ; of stitch, simplicity of mechanism, and adap tability to every class pf sewing,' lias, been established in fair and open competition in KECOQNI'i.'iMN rf?thir jjits.W "lo be found i rf tb ndmerotw awards tt .FIllHT PRI5?Fy vec every, competitor at the VI KN NIA fix 1 fJilTif i an iC h rly anjuue In dustrial Fairs in America and in Kurdpe.' Hilent Feed and, $truht Needle and is the easiest to learn. HaS-the highest apnro- vai ior ine raniu t-ami iv. the Hetuntrewi at Dressmaker.,, lSW,00uT I IN. .liAlLY.ti 21!,7o8li sold kit year, : 4o,(nvT oWrTaily other Company. ir, ',, , , " ; 5- Sold oa tbdlnstaiimehf tMti . 'Ternis A 3- OrhcoNo.4, Uppltt's Row, South Front ota v u m uvkiwu o tif aj t , Wilmington, N.C, i octi-t ; , f i ,Aianyg X SCHOOL DOOICS, A' :r v ... SC!i00L,D00I(S, 4 SCHOOL DpOKC. LAIU1K A N 1 -COMl'lTKTfe A5MORT meat of School Books Just received, and fot LIVE UOOK AND ,HlL4lC st0L ; ocl 3 HAVdOiU PURCHAHED HR tliIllG HTUlUfi of Messrs. (Jreen A IJnffpa Third atreetopposlte.nty Half. ITwTlllceep constantly on hand atull assortment of ' :- r 7r .q rt': ; i,v,'t U,i j:t'tA . Whicli; will4e. fold at low prices for OASll . and every effort made Xo uiexlt.'ftsharerof public patronage; KutilCitHlorr rnamuleed and ail Me3lcinerfaiTftnted W bthele!it f that can be pu rchaAet. Corti peteti t lirngguts will havee uargeaiwe uusinev-,M lu. : 1 ;!.-3'tj-f 1 r Carefully Vrd.ctfyttoiifsottndeda all bonr..IAT Olf XKiHTtV i n rt f , OCtMtt ? r JALLa C J1LNLW. niternni kfflEUUL LHEW ADFJERTISEIIENTfj. - - 1 ftv NflW. GOODS! .' ( K T iff. 1UU L A VMZESS A' VWMXE.OF DRY CtOODSA , pFiBE FINEST QUALITY. : lui,. ; in. -.fir, ,y , ' J . . .ft in!.' i i.j j;; .... -.,t;. j ' T?lie Largest Stock" Brought Jo this ei. ;i7 Noisjto c? EyprIiiag4s Marked Dn! ' ! . ? An Jrispctfon'bFM . , . . , tlB 1HV11CU. ; Kcw 'Irorf Trbht5 Btiihlirifr, corut r "ront And Tdhcbss Street: ! ; i 'f ' ' i t..L : ; T . ; , , , . I I .lTTITfl ntniw mntinm.'inw HEW CITY.DIRECTURY, BE ISSUED previous to thtf iu November. Avertls.iij ra tea liberal. ' KpoIIqclions mjvdc until Ihc, ciitlrc tdi. tlnlSconilclaudUllvfrcd. ,(J - ( t pall oil or aOdre th.o uudi iMKicd?,yiLh. nil t.i fii9vc'i.fii.i.i . . , tj i i' iim i i H.T WAttlt6ciC. , The followihi; 'named? pieces arc recom nfended asbcinganiong our latest and beet i.di:-vf,.r. ,,;,.,,, , ; 111 II l IV L Why ;doh't yoa comcf' Home, 8ong. Hay. ifiy iRjre 9 11 at home, Song., Stwtt, No little ohe te meet mo. 8og;iPratt.'5i0c Think of me sometimes, Maggie. . Song. ; Stewart. , 30c. Soaiv!Shone the Stars ot Heaycn. 86nrl pratwQc, Pinna forget ycur Mlthor, gandicl' rSon. "JO. TUt, I long to see the dear oldTIomu. Sop- Stewart. 3Cc. 1 Little Sweetheart coma listen to inc. floui French. ,Ar Men are such Occeivem Alto iodi fioui VPUno.,'? 8ong, ,pank6., SQc. . Stay npt loDg away, Boprano -sbag, from ' Pauline.?- bb-.JDanks. OcT J F mB11 S1'" Baritone aong,, from J "Pauline." 8ong. Danks. 30c. My Heart for theea Soprano; song, (from fujine ' Song. Danks. 30c. ' f Mydeen'of Stars, Awake. Tcndr so) r, i XromfPadlina.", Song. .Danke.i ', jPot-paidir; i. it(If.;jf , Jenny, th Flower of Kildarc. Sour, fj tew- ; art. 40c. 1 i Wh sper eoftly. Mother's DviDL'.'-Sofcir. Stewart, f ; , rnsplh r arid Hearer of Prajcr. lltinn. Danke. u30b. a .i-a , ., f. i, , ove sleeps under tbe UalcA. Soug Ol !i'Uow:ldys do, Aunt Sul.. goug, Stewart. ., 30c , Dat makes' tnchodditigs out.' 86bg;, May wood. 30C. .? -...j ., i -u 'Neath the white and purple B1ob6ojji3. - i Semr.x Pcfsley. , 30c - ; llgg1 Jsreamjn of ou. Song. ' Pratt. j The sweetest Bad ia miasiog. Song. Danka f;.'- cue. On Jtcccjiit , f f - Will, he come home to night Moth t r Soiifr. Come, Holy 8pirit. Hymn. Danks. DUti My dear old Mother. Song.' Stewarts 30c Song,, Hajf. 40c-' 8oug. Hays. 3r,c Song. - AUUry. 30t 1 haves no home. . Lost and cast away. Poor3 little Tim: j' ' Of fllC - ' " I i Oystef-s and Winoat J A. to. , Song fitcw art. -30c . , Come over the billows afari ' Song. ! Pratt. Savipur, Thou art ever near. 80011 banlc The Toast Brindisi for male voices,. Song. Pearl bt "America. Caprice j taL Klnktl. 35c . Inst rumen- Circling Waves. Instrumental. Klukcl. 40c "; "' " 1 J. Belle of Saratoga, Wallz. Fitzhuh. :cc Morning Zephyrs. Mazurkai Klnkel. -jftc raanies Qaickatep. laickstap. : Kin ktl v c850 .-.j,I r.;c '. .,.( I Marlccd Price. j, ; , Autumn LcareA. . Reverie, IuatrnmcnM. KlnkeL 53c ' 1 TheileaperB. lnttrumental. Klnkel. :rc Menr, Girls, ,., . Galop. Klnkel. 30c Mollid Darling. InstrtimcaUl.' Klnkel. SQa df 1, y .t- ,.1? j?.Sf ni'ui , r La .ZingareUa. ; InstrumentaL KinkcX SCc Happy thoughts. Schottlscbe. Klnkel. 5)c Oanse Cabalne.' Insrrtmeat&L- Kiskel. -40c MayPolc . ... , ...March. Mueller, 35c Good Humor, j March. ABard. S5c Flear des Champs, - ? Valw, - ToncL . 50c . Published and senk post paid . on receipt Of price, by " T - f ' J. L. PETERS.' . sept 27-tf . , Broad way, N Y. , : n ;----- . v jl--.:. 1 , , 123"-. r1' 'ftrV" TURBINE1 -&3- Qlfbeen teked'at Y6lH?rA.'b'vS 1 nd at llOLLYOKU, rM ABS 4, brTT . .n; , . jas "KMKisuiv. ui' r fcT J 1 or Pamphlet and test report addresi N P IrUTtNTlAM.' -brk: I'a!" uoanieas our home. Song. Stewart., ,40c. Get up and shuttbe door. Song. Jlays. ti5c Doea be ever thin k of me. Sonir. Hava. i I f Vn- ( - f .'..!- 1.. -if-