k ff VOL VII. , . yvTLIuINGTON, N. C, MONDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1873 r . N0137 r.i m it gljc Evening iJost "PobUhed every afternoon except Sunday. ifK3J MANN.-Editor and Proprietor JA Subscriptiou. in Advance 00 in arK-ajiee J w 1 i gix poui"t months, in advance 1 oO ine month, in France ............ ;. . 50 rnrrMf,ondcnce solicited from our friends n .11 parti of the State, on topics of gtmc lftl interest Political jiows and repoxtsM crop re especially dwdrable. "Merchandise Brokerage Office, ,,fi r line of samples constantly on hand F from importers ana m.-uuiu;iurer m SortUern aarkets. Ml descriptions of merchandise, orders ftU7l bids sotie ed Und UietjrapUod promptly; Merchandise bought and sold in 'this ...ml rket orders irom uujeiw ouci;o, mm tentiou. Time as wHl cash purchase! negotiated whether you wish to buy or sell, comrnuui cated freely, aud often with your local Brker J AH. T. PETTEWAY, Merchandise and Produce Broker, dec 2J 181 tf I. DOUGIITBN LOPBR & DOUGHTEN, NAVAL STORKS AND fiClUTIIBUN ntOnUCTB, no 53 no urn front street l'liilailulpliia, Orders for Turpouliuo auJ;s solicited and promptly tilled at lowest market price. inrch;i ai5-tr INSURANCE. i IKK ANi FIKK INHUKANCE CAN lib .tiW-.ted at the lowest current rates in the following responsible Companies, on ap plication to NEW YOKK JilFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Assetts MXM),W J. A. UYKNE, (jicn'l Jus. Azl., IMPEKIAIj F1UK lNSUKANCli COMPAN Y, of Ijoudon, Assetts $9,000,000, Jod LYNCHBURG INSURANCE AND HANK ING CO MPANY of Va.. assets $15,.).0 0I,1 DOMINION INHURANOK COMPA NY Oif Va., assetts 2X,000 BYRNE & X15ENAN, . Geii'l Insurauce Agents, OtUey Chamher of Comnieice, up stairs. Wilmington, N. C. " amjltt . Z7!' u n is i: it siiw i . J OK TUKNER wishes to inform his custo mer aud public generally, that he is now prepared to do all kind of work in his Hue, and would respectfully 'request a continua tion of the patronage which has heretofore been so liberally bestowed upon him. Jan 16 tf . , Lard, Crackers and Rice. 1 OK TJEROE.S, VXD TUBS- MO l.VKI). : ; UOO bbls Crackers Lemon, Stir. gar and fxla, . 20 boxeii Assorted Cakes, 7) barrels and Tierces Bice, For s.tle lv opt '11 KEJKIXElv SUfOOoSUI-'S tu . A. H. N K F K. rinutviiij.ui wr aid 'ie.kierfH iu UOjzt: FUUNliJUNG GOOD, Uuus, stoves, IjaJiterus, Keroseue, Oil Tin aud Sheet Iron Ware. iiuotlng done at siiQTt notice A.gents for Fair bank's Scales. No. it Front Street, W I L Jl i N ii T 4 N , N . C. novl - l-iv A Convenient Store with a Desir able Dwelling Houss Attached BY VIRTUE of a power of sale Vested in the undersigned by a mortgage execu ted on the llth dav of November, A. 1) , 1ST2. by Archibald It Williams and Martha J. Williams, his wife, to the undersigueJ, they will seli atpublie auction, at Kxchango Cor ner, in the city of Wilmington, on the 22nd day of Oetolx'i" next at 10 o'c'.ock A. -if., the following real estnie, situate in lkirgaw, on Wilmington and Weuloh Railroad, in the county of New Hanover, viz: one Ix)t known is Lot number six in block ten, and situate on the corner of Fremont and Dudley st roots and ruaning one hundred and twenty feet parallel to the Wilmington' and Weldon railroad and one hundred and eighty one feet and six-inches at right angles to the said railroad; Rod, also, number lonr, in block number eleven on Dickinson street between Fremont and Wilmington streets, and run oue hundred and twenty feet parallel with the Wilmington and Weldon railroad and one hundred, eighty feet and six inches at right angles with said road. Terms cash, SOfi. HEAR, SAMUEL BEAR, nept 22 107-OOd MARCUS BEA R.. TfinT iiFimiAiv AT :o:- Special Practice for the Cure of Cancers, Tumors, .JScroiula, Chrouic LMcers,- Epilepsy, Liver Diseases, Uterine Disea?es, Skin Diseas es and ail kindrecj Aflec tionb uec8sfuly Treated. : - Cancers and Tumors will bo treated with our specifics without the use of tuU knife, without the loas of blood and Hut with lit tle pain to the patient. ... .. Terms for treatment will be in the Ycach f all. All communications addressed to, "s will meet with prompt attention. Cir culars and certificates' of cures will be sent on application. :--r ; Office and Infirmary East ' Centre street, viuiasooro, N. tJ. ; t. -. i j Li" DR. J. MILES HUNTER. & CO. October 1 - H5m MISCELLANEOUS, THE "SILYJRHiOMfi.p.' t "The best ORGANS of the R3ed class, , The Bcsi for Cliurclies'anrl Lrodges.' The Best for Surfdajr Schools. Tbe Best for Parlors and Vestries. Trie Best for Acatlemies and Colleges, The Best for Public IlalL. The Best for Orchestra and Stage. These instruments, Which for sTreet ness of tone and' lalegdtiee of appoint ment jstand unrivalled, have met with unprecedented success in this country and abroad. ; MxYNUEAOTURED BY E, P. NEEDHAM -& SON. BSTABLISHED IN 1846. Nos M. 145 &' 147 East 23d st. N Y Responsible parlies applying for agencies in sections still unsnpplied, will, receive pudrnfrt attention and liberal iDducemetits. Parties residing at a distance froirt ourau thorized ngents, may order lroxn our factory. Sed for illustrated oriee list. aug 26-tf TO THE WEST! TO THE WEDT1 $cRre uiakinj; your arrangements to fol low the advice. pftUe'thousands who have already; gone," it would be well to consider what has becu done to make the journey to 1 your -'H-omes in tbe West'1 as pleasant and lreo from danger as humaa skill and lore sight can accomplish. ' ' , . By consolidation and construction, a road has becu put into operation on the shortest Possible ; "line from ;Nashville, Tenn.. to St. Louis, vtW future great City of the worli." This Ho eg hp . - ,, .. f "... ST LOUI3 fc " SOUTil EASTERN KAIL has during the pasiyeaf, earned air 'envia ble reputation byitnVpoth track prompt, time, surjp ,conujclioas, ..aodllje magnifi cwnco of its paronger equipment. . Its trains are inadc np ofewand commodious day cars,. provided with the celebrated Mil ler coupler and ri'ilforra, and the Westing hour e ir brake. I' is p )siiXb'elY the only line mnning Pnliunu Pai-I; idriwifg-Booni Sleeping Cars tli-ouh without change Irom iash viil to t. Louis. ' Ko, other line pretends in oiler such advantage,' either in distance, time, r equipment. VVhy, then, journey by circuitous routes? Do not be induced to purchase tickets to St. Louis or the West by any other line, ;reiaeniber that The i"St. Louis & Soutlioastern" is the shortest, cheapest, quickest, best and only line under one management irom Nashville to StJ Lonls, and is from 60 to 200 miles the shortest to St. Louis, Kansas City, Omaha, Denver, California, Texas, and all western points. It i also the ,Chi cigo Shortest Line",'' via Evansville. You can secure the cheapest rates for yourselves. and your movables on applica tion, in person or by letter, to, Charles McCabs, Southern Passenger Agent, near College ctreet tDepot, Nashville, Tein., or to the undersigned. V U DAVENPORT, (Jcucual Ticket, Agent, St. Louis. No -'trouble to answer questions, jul 25 ; ' - 57-6m EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, Stats or North Carolina Ralkigh, Sept. 23, 1873 73. ) 2Y. BY THE GOVERNOR. Wuekeas, Official information has been received -at this DepaitmieAiy that FRANK MALPASS, late oLthXounty ot New Han over, stands! charged ith the murder of Edward J. Wlkt of said county; and that the said'Malpass has fled the State, or so conceals himself .that the ordinary pro cess of law cannot be served upon him : Now, therefore, I, Tod R.' Caldwell, Governor of the State of North Carolina, by virtue of authority in me vested by lw, do issue this my. Proclamation offering a re ward of THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS for the arrest and delivery of the said Frank Malpass to the-Sheriff ot New Hanover County, in the 'City of Wilmington, and I do enjoin H officers of the law and all good citizens of the State td aid in bringing said criminal to justice. Done iti bur City of Raleigh, on the 23d day of September, A. 1)., 1S73, and l. g.Jath. niiaty-igiitb.y ear of American ' Independence. ; " ' ' t;V: ' 'TOD R- CALDWELL. By the Governor. . J. B. Neatuebx, PrivatC;5ecretary. , ; Description Frank Matpas is a native of North Carolina-. hTOrleUeJffnt inches " T T smooth face, little or no beard, an d small Dine malfblueeyes. : seT-25-law4W i. -f .f - 1 Star, cony once a week for lour weeks and forward bill to Executive Department. ORGANS JlL MISCELLANEOUS. r 1 1 l o m a, AWAKSSD BY THS American Institute J; FOR Embroidery and Flnting HacMnes 1 " It Is ingenious and will meet the "viafltf of erery matron in the land." a . a 1 KXHIBITION OF 1872. . F. A. Barnard. Pres. & conn Hj. uava. tec. oecy. Samuel D. Tillman, Cor. Secy, f4 New York, November 20 This simple and ingenious Macbio useful as the sewing Machine, ixukhnM' becojo5n2:ioiular.wtth ladles, in the ol ace Of extensive -If eedle work, its work being mueh more handsome, requiring less time and;not one tenth part the expense. No lady's toilet is now comp'ete without it. A Machine with illustrated circular and full instructions sent on receipt of $2 or finished in silver plate for $3 75. Address, Tub McKsb Manulactur'.ng Co., 300 Broadwsv. New York. AGfENTS WANTED. Dr. Garvin's Elixir of Tar, Is recommended by regular Medical practi tioners and a speedy cure guaranteed for Colds, Conghe, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis,' Spitting Blood,fJonsumption and all Pulmo nary Complaints, Scrofula, Erysipelas, Dys pepsia and Gout. Dysentery, Cholera-mor bus, Cholera and all liver and bowel com plaints. Kidney diseases and all affections ot th Urinal Organs--perfectly harmless tree from Mineral or Alcoholic properties pleasant to take and never known to fail .Price 1 00 per Bottle. Full particulars with medical testimony and certificates sent on application. Address, L. F. HYDE & CO.. lt?5 Seyei th Avenue. New York. Darts from He Devil; or Cupifl Abisel A Book just issued exposing the "person als" that have appeared in the New York Newspapers; their history and lesson. Stil ish; villians fully exposed. Advertise ments from desperate men to beautiful wo men', Clandestine meetings; how lrustrated; Ttye History of the Goodrich tragett the ine Broadway Statues. Exposes social corruption. Sent on receipt of 50 cts. Address, Unique Printing House, 3(i Vescy St , N. Y, Tho Bcftkwith $20 1'ortable Fam ily Sewing .tfachinc, on 30 Days Trial ; many advantages over all. Satis faction guaranteed, or money refunded. Sent complete with full directions. Beck witb Sewing Machine Co., 852 Broadway N Y. . may 14 307 tf THE NEW ELASTIC TRUSS An Important Invention. It retains the rup ture at all times, and under the hardest ex ercise or severest strain. It is worn with comfort, and if kept on night and day, ef fects a permanent cure in a few weeks. Sold cheap, and sent by mail when request ed. Circulars free, when ordered by letter sent to The Elastic Truss Co., No. 683 Broadway, N. Y. City. Nobody uses Metal Spring Trusses ; too painful ; they 6lip oil too frequently. may!4 307 tf BUY ONLY THE GENUINE FAIRBANKS SCALES, MANUFACTURED BY E. & T FAIRBANKS & CO. HTJtJVBJIRB SCJlXiJES. StqckScales, Coal Scales, Hay Scales, Dairy Scales, Counter Scales, $c., $c, Scalea repaired promptly and reasona bly. TIIK MOST PERFECT ALARM CASH DRAWER. Ifliles Alarm TUI Co's. EVERY EVERY Merchant DRAWER SHOULD Use Them Warranted. SOLD AT Fairbanks' Scale Warehouses, FAIRBANKS & CO., 311 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. 166 Baltimore st., Baltimore, 53 Camp st., New Orleans. FAIRBANKS & EWING, Masonic Hall, Philadelphia. FAIRBANKS, BROWN & CO.; 2 Milk Street, Boston. For sale bv all leading Hardware Dealers. sept 11 ii7-2tawini CLEAPOR & KING, (Formerly of the firm of Carraway & Clcapor) H AVEopened a FIRST CLASK SHAVING and HAIR CUTTING S A LOON, on Mar ket street, where they will be pleased to nerve old friends and the pnblio generally. Being thankful for past favor-, they hope to merit a snare oi patronage in the future. i septa 05 lm O.TUN1NQ.A MUSICS : ; Corner 4tli and Market Streets, dec3 ie !-"'.' I - , tltX!Ua 5 HAIL ROADS. Carolina Central Railway company WILMINGTON, N. C, I May 14, 1873. f SCHEDULE. PASSENGER TRAINS EAVE WILMISGTON DAILY (EX cept 8undavs at 8:00 A M Arrive at Wadesboro at 5:25 P M Leave Wadesboro at. 7:10 AM 4:35 P M Arrive at Wilmingtou at . . FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Wilmington daily (except sunoaysi u.oo A At Arrive at Laurinhurg at 5:30 P M Leave Lanrinburg at A:00 A M Arrive at Wilmington at 5.30 PM PASSENGER TRAINS. Leave Charlotte daily, Sundays excepted, at 8.00 AM Arrive at Buffalo at 12.00 M Leave Buffalo at 1.C0 P M Arrive at Charlotte at 5.15 P M Irregular Lumber and Timber Trains run on both portions of the Road as the busi ness requires. A Daily Stage will soon run in connection with the trains on both ends of this Rail way. S. L. FREMONT, Chief Engineer and Sup't. may 19 311-tf Piedmont Air-Line Railway. fi Richmond and Danville, Richmond and Danville R. W., N. Division, and North Western N. C. R. W. -o- Condensed Time Table. -o In eflect on and after Hundav, Oct. 12, 1873. GOING NOKT11. 8TATION8. MAIL. EXP1CESS Leave Charlotte 1 10.00 p. m ' Air Line J'nct'ni 10.00 8.15 A. M. 8.30 44 10.45 44 12.45 p. m. 3,12 p. m. 7.36 44 10.17 p. m. ti Salisbury IO.CGa. m. Greensboro 30 4 Danville 6.20 44 Burkville. 11.35 44 Arrive at Richmond.. 2.17 p. m STATIONS. HAIL. EXPKESS Leave Richmond. . . 41 Burkville.... 44 Danville 44 Greensboro.. 1.28 p. m 1.45 44 y.i8 44 12.20 A. M 2.38 44 4.29 J." 4.35 a. m. 5.C0 A. M. 8 2'J " 12.48 P. M. 3 50 44 Solisbury Air Line J'nct'u 6.06 8.10 8.15 it 14 Arrive at Charlotte. . . GOING EAST. STATIONS. MAIL. ! Leave Greensboro' . . . Co. Shops 44 Raleigh Arrive at Goldsboro' . 3 05 A. M 4.45 44 8.32 " 11.15 A. M WEST. MAIL. GOING STATIONS. Leave Goldsboro' Raleigh 44 Co. Shops Arrive at Greensboro' North Western N, C. K. (Salem Branch.) It Leave Greensboro 4:30 PM Arrive at 8alem 6:25 P M Leave Salem ,8:00JA M Arrive.at Greensboro 10:00 A M Mail trains daily, .both ways. On Sundays Lynchburg Accommodation leave Richmond at 9.42a. m., arrive at Burkville 12 45 p. m., leave Burkville 5.35 a. ra., arrive at Richmond 8.44 a. in. Pullman Palace Car on all night trains between Charlotte "d Richmond, without change.) Far further information address S. E. ALTLEN, General Ticket Agent. Greensboro, N. C T. M R. TALCOTT, Engineer and Gen'l Spuerintendant. oct 15 127 ; RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, PAilVS in llic FACIi, &c, THE ELECTRIC AH CURED when all other remedies ive failed. It is eminently a FAMILY MEDICINE, And no family should be without it. Incase of udden attacks, one bottle will rave live dollars in doctor's bills. .For sale by a 11 1 Jrugibts. October i Ils-St E Li HI C3 rr I T ! C October 4 11S-U j I 2 30 p. m 5.26 44 UL35 44 12.20 A m. RAIL ROADS. Wilmington. Colombia & Au gusta R. R Company. GUH. 8UPKHINTXtfDKKTS OrVICK, I WlLXINOTpN, N. C, Oct.. 11, 1873. ( CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE WILL o into effect at 4:30 A. M., ;8undaj, 12th inet. DAY EXPRESS TRAIN, (Daily.) Leave Wil mington ....... Arrive at Florence Arrive at Columbia Arrive at Augusta... Leave Augusta Leavo Columbia. . . ; Arrive at Florence. . L Arrive at Wilmington . . . . 4:20 A. M 10:10 A. M s00 P. M 8:00 P. M. 4:30 A. M. 10:20 A M 2 4SP. M. 1O.00 P. M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (8UN DAYS EXCEPTED.) Leave" Wilmington 6:10 P. M Arrive at Florence 11:23 P. M Arrive at Columbia 4.00 A. M Arrive at Augusta 8:45 A. M Leave Augusta 4:15 P. M Arrive at Columbia S:45 P. M Arrive at Florence 2:03 A. M Arrive at Wilmington , 7:10 A. M Passengers leaving Wilmington on the 0:10 P. M. train make close connection going South. JAMES ANDERSON, GenM Sup't. oct 11 .124-tf I rPTTTO Timcrn TITTIT TIT T)T () V ALL APPARATUSES sometimes called a mechanical paradox now used with such wonderful success In our principal cities for the cure, by cumulative exeu cise, of nearly all Chronic Diseases and Weaknesses, Is for sule by the undersigned, by whom all orders will be promptly tilled. rriT;K REACTIONARY is so conslrueted that even a child can in stantly adjust it for a person to lift any weight, from twenty to twelve hundred pounds. It is made almost wholly of iron aud steej, weighs l-'iu pounds, and covers a space of only 2-J by :H; inches; and although, but recently introduced, nearly 1,000 have already been Bold. PHICK Sim, i;t)XKI AND SHIPPKD. Small books or circulars, showing its use, can be had free at the oflice of t he Post. H. if. MANN. i Brooklyn, N. Y. sept 1 1 difcwff P. O. BOX2UU. A. ADRIAN. If. VOLLEUh ADRIAN & V0LLERS. . WH0LEC4LK DEALERS IN Groceries and Liquor. Importers of German and Havana Cigars. AND Commission Merohunl Sodtu-Kast Cornbr Dock ainl Kkoni Streets. WILMINGTON, N. C. Having the lamest and best mkoi1.c4I Stock of Groceries and Liquurs in the City, Dealer, will nna it to their interest, to -i ve w a. call before buying elsewhere, mav 17-tf Singer's New Family Sewing Machine, i riUIE SUPERIORITY OF TIIK SINiF:it X SEWIXt; MA.CUINK for beauties of stitch, simplicity of mechanism, and adap- laointy if every ciass or Rowing, nas been established in fair and open competition in actual sewing contests, and the PUULIC Ri:ci.M l lo. or their merits is to bo found in the numerous awards ot FIRST PRIZES over every competitor at the VI ENNA EXPOSITION and nearly all the In dustrial Fairs In America and in Europe. Silent Feed and straight Needle and is the easiest to learn. Has the highest appro val for the Family, the Seamstress and the Dressmaker, l.aw.om!!! IN DAILY USE. 21!,7"s!! sold last year. '.,"' ! over any other Company. jbt&" Sold on the Installment plan. Terms easy and full instructions given. ip mice iN o.i, Lippitt sitow, south Front street, Wilmingtor in, J. C. CHAM. E. DIRBLE, Manager. oct :tf SCHOOL BOOKS, SCHOOL BOOKS, SCHOOL BOOKS. LARGE AND COMPLETE ASSORT. A ment of School Books just received, and for sale at LIVE UOOIC AND MUSIC STORE, oct a 117 .A. OAHD. I! AA1NG Pl'RCHASEI) THE DUl'G 1 I STOKE of Mesrs. (Jreen A King, on Third street, opposite Oty Hall, I will Keep constantly on hand a full assortment of Drugs, Medicines, AND FANCY ARTICLES, Which will be sold at low prices for CASH, and every effort made to merit a chare of public patronage. Satisfaction guaranteed and all Medicines warranted to be the best that can bepurchaed. Competent Druggists will have charge of the business. PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully and correctly compounded at all hours, DAY OK NIGHT. oct 18 tf JAME C. MUM.! sA SI in! mm III IllrUi NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW. GOODS! W E2 I Hi Hi y WLMIN'GTOX yy'c t -1 WE OFFER TO OUR CITIZENS A full Use of dry goods;' OFTimrixixTQUAr:m ' The Largest Stock Brought, to m s Market. Now is the time to Purchase when Everything is Marked Down, An Inspection of quality and prices is invited. , 'av iron rrout liuilding, evrner Front and Princess Street. 7 13. WEILL. scit29 , ; n3-tr; HEW CITY DIRECTORY. rpo BE IS5UED, previous to the Fair-In November. Adyertjjdm; raWlibcrai., No collections mxuio until the thllid rXlU tion is comhcleil and iblivcred., Ca.l onbrnddreKs Hit undersigned, with out delay. g. HALf, ' t:-l)t 1st , E. 8. WAUHOOK. Thofbllowiag n&mcd pieces arcrecom mended as being among our lateetand beat issues : Music Julia, 'tis of thee l-winjr.oirK. HavB. af,c Whvdon't you come Home, Song Ilay. 'Neath Uio Waves her 8pirib Wanders. 8obl'. ! SterwarL 30c. Give toy love to all at home, Song. Blewert JJO c. ' ' ' No little one to meet mu. Song. Pratt. ;ijc Think of me 6omctfmc6, Maggie. Song Stewart. aOe. SoftlTBhono the 8tars ol Heaven. 8ong. Fratt. "Oc. s Sent" Dinna forret your Wither; aaodio. Song, liays. 40c. . I long to sec the dear old Home. Son:. StewarU -aCc Little Sweetheart comw listen tomj. Eon ' ' French. 80c. My every thought was of thee. Soog. Hay 35c. Men are such Ucceivets. Alto foiW. fibui "Pauline. Song. Danks. iiOc ' : i Slay not long away. Soprano song, from "Pauline." Song. Danks. 30c; To please tbe Giriw Baritone eoug, from Pauline." . J3on Danks, U0u" My Heart for thee. Soprano song, from 'Pauline.V; 8ong. Uanks. Wc. My Queen of Stars Awake. Tenoif ton ' from Pauline." Song. Dankp. - i:d'-."' Post-Paid, Jenny, fbe Slower of Kildarc. bong, 'f few art. 40c. i , Wh gper poftly, Mothur's iMing. Sonj.'. -Mewait: :!(.v Inrpirrr and Hearer of 1'ruycr. Hymn. Hanks. COe,. j , My love Bleeps under tle Ha iter. Song. . Perley. 80c. . . ,! How d've do. Aunt Siuie Roig. Stewart. 20c. 7 ' T)jt makes m.e noddioge oat. Song May wood. J0c, , , 'Neath the white and purple " Klo'vcoms. Sosg. Persley. ,30c. j Norah is dreaming ol you. Song. Pratt.' The sweetest Bad is missing. Song. L)auk On JXcceipl Will he come home to night Mother? Sorjr. Danks. 30c. God bless our home. Song. Stewart. 40c. Get up and shut the door. Sorig. ilavs. ".'Kc Does he ever think of me. Song. Hays. 35c Come, Holy Spirit. Hymn. Danks. 30e My dear old Mother. Song. 8tewart. SOc I have no home. Song. HayiH 40c Song. Havs. 3Tc Lost and cast away. Poor little Tim. or the 8ong. Abbey. 30c. Oysfers and Wine at 2 A. Jri. 8oDg. Stew art. , 30c Come over the billows afar. Song, i'ratf. 35c Saviour, Thou art ever near. Song. Dank?. 30c The Toast Brindisi for male voices. Sonir. TooeL 40c ., , s Pearl of America. Caprice. InitruraeD- tal. Klnkel. 35c Circling' Waves.: Instrumental. KInkt). 40c BeUe of Saratoga; Waltc , Fitxbugn, 35o Morning Zephyrs. Mazurka. Klnktl. 3.c Fannie's Quickstei. gnlckstao. Klnkel. 35c... . flarkccl Price Autumn Leaves. Reverie. Instrumental. Klnkel. 53c The Reapers. Instrumental. Klnkel. Cm: Merry Girts. . Galop. Klnkel.-30c MoUie Darling. InftrtimcnUl. .Kinkcl. La ZlDgarclla. InttrumentaL Klnkel. U0c Happy JhoagUU. Schottische. Kinkcl. 50c Danse Cubalnc. Instrumental. KJnkcl.'40c My Pole..! t 'j '' March. Mueller. Ste Good Humor, March. ' Allard. Flcur des Champs, Valec, Toocl. 60c Published and sent, post paid on receipt of price, by . . J. L. PETERS. sept27-tf Broadway, M Y., n. p. iwiutfnAai'H j M -NEW TURBINE H 2,fas bet-to tested at YORK, PA, byfV CTji- i4 Mi ETT1NGER, CV H ; j M Jand at IIOLLYOKR MASS, byrTj 'j.s. emJ-xjbon', ii'u' lt1 aFor Pamphlet and tewt report laddrcfs N FBUUXlLM. YoVki paT f I 4

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