MX. Paua otAmoTiaar, .Jeo(f rniiiiur! tnlTs t . . . VOL VII. WJLMNQTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9, .Ntt(-140 i fid i "... . t v( i I -J nu I- fnj v'lvSla if' - ' 1 1 ..'' ' - ...... U ' .; 1 '"" '' l - ' . ' . u' J ,J . . . ii).'(o j ,;j , , . , , , " ' . I , ! gjjc (gtucmno Post. plbUbed every iternoon exceptSunday. YEd -'5." itANJf . .Editor; and Proprietor A , Subscription. . in advance...:. . . .-i -iv- j-x months, in;advance. ? y-- - A 3 riree month, In advance . . . .... . . 1 50 (jwe raontb, ia ad ranee. , . . . . . . . : 50 rarresuondence- solicited from our friends ,-iffh state, on tonics of eene - - iVntertUi. -Political sewfc atd reports- oi SCHOOL BOOKS, t ; - SBMOOL B90LKS, ; . m;r. A N I) rQMi;Lin i: A-ORTi i JlRIXERCtvR' j, 1 "efi;LL4itt6 or'iaiiapte .tSjusiau-tii:. ou :,hand . f fWm imiiorttr u'ikt -liinnufucitarer. in : Northern kty-.x . y::.-'-- i . -Merchandise bQulVfc aiif sold in thia .,iarlrft. orders lrom ouvm noiicuea, 4u ",ampl'esieft 'by" sellers 'willxhnvo' prouipt at- t rnt.lon. TlmeaV wtlJ ah eusli purjiiai-K UPKotriUed, wlretbertyou wish to buy. oi' ..-sell, coimuuui oaWd, freelyv and oltt-q ylth your 1jch4 . JA4i. T.VrE'rfEWAV, K.F.ff.WPER I.-DOUGIlfEN L0PER"& DOUGHTEN, N A V A X, S T O It hi i$ . AND SOUTHERN PRODUCTS," .... .... !- ifMiTTi wm-TV otjjjWT . . . . X AJL AA 6vVa m uv y . Onler Tor Turpentlae CasksoIlciteU auU trnm nt 1 V rtilod at lowest market price. i r -- . - wii march 3 BAIIBER SHOP JO E T 17RN' E 'wish os to inform his custo mers and public generally, that he is uow prepared 1j do all kind of work iu his line, ad would respectfully request a,continua-' tionof the patronage which has Heretofore been so liberally bestowed upon. him. Jan 16 tf 4 PARKEK Vfe mLOK Successors to . ..' '.- S A. 1L N E FF; ' 4a a afiteture'rs and dealers lu iiousE Fmixi.iiiiyu goods, :ms, iuv, uuwiis, tverosea. oi. ; ananeev iroo ware. . , Ro )flng done at Short notice i ,-. - ..Agent? for Falrbauk's Sealos. No. 19 Front Street. w I l n t ; to n . s . c !s New Family Sewing MacMne. rrun superiority of Tin: singer . J SEAVIXO MACHINE for beamies of stitch, simplicity of mechanism, and adap tability to 'very cJas of sewing, has been established in fair and open competition in actual sewiue contests, mid the PUBLIC rjEcoGXITJLON of their merits is lo bo found in the numerous awards o; FIRST PRIZES over rverv competitor at the VI KNNA EXPOSITIO'N and aenrly nil the In dustrial Fairs in America and in Europe. Silent Feed and straight Needle-and is theeasiet to learn. Has the highesr- appro-' val lor the Family, the Seamstress and the lTessmaKer. ! in daily I ki; othe?Company!St y" r,57'J! ovtr :l."y ! College street Depot, Nashville, Tenn., or 5,Sollon ihe Installment plan. Terms ' to the undersigned.1 ' -easy and nill instructions given. ! V li DA VJSiN POUT, it K W PR1"-.' lio w' Soulh 1-1 -o"t i Genei al Ticket Agent, St, Louig . street, Wilmington, S.L. mvtv So trouble to answer quesUona. octS-tf . ' ' " Manager. july "- , , oT-0m OURDOUBLE STORES 11 Hurt lit Frniit I I aUQ r111 iree, I j ! SHOCKED WITH A LA MS E ASSORT- ! MEXT OF rnoifi; ! into minus AT VERY LOWKr-T CAM I Pitll KS. Daily OueiiinE of Fresh Groceries ! ..JM'l attention to our curerully seictec! f CORDIALS and CHOICE WTXE cu.iile usc togeOier with our brands of "Rlue Grass," "Ikwcn" and UQCOR?,B,U nnd rtne StOCk f ELGVNT At (tEO. 31 YEUS, ! i 11 ami 13 South Front street. 1 ot t MISCE(;;; : ORGANS The bst 0K(JANS efithfl Reed cliw , 1 Tht liest for Ciiurchps and' Lodges , ;Tho Iicst ibr Sundnvl Schools. . TVe Best for Parlors ixnd Vestries. - Tire Best fyr Jdeiiies inl Colleges) The Best for Public Halls-. ! The Best for Orchestra mi'd' Stage. These luatruiWifcjJiwliW ftteet 'ness of tone and elcsranec of apix)int ment stand unrivalled, have met vcith 'unprecedented Micces.1 in thw country and abroad.; MANUFACTURED BY L:.sTABHSliEl) IX ,1640...,. Nos 145 & .14T East. 23d st, N Y Kcs-ponslble parlies tppbing for agencies in' sections still uhtfttppfied, will receive prompt attention and liberal inducements. Parties residing at a distance from our au thorized ageuU, may order irom our factory. 8end for illustrated Drira aus 26-tl TO THE VESTI 10 THE VEST1 ... J ' j fr. . ; ; - lSelore makiug your arrancuicats tb fol low the advice of th thousands who have already goue," it would be well to consider w hat has been-Uoqc. tOAmake the journey to your Mlomea in the West" as pjpasant and irec from danger as hnmau skill and fore sight can accomplish. ' By consolidation and construction, a road ia been put Into operation on the shortest possible line from 'ashvUle, Tenn.. to St. Louis, , 'the future "great City of the, wo'rt&V i This line, the . ' . t ST. LOUia & SOCTIi EASTERN RAIL , - v - WAY, ; has, during the past year, earned an envia ble reputation by Us smooth track, prompt ktime, sure connections, and the magnifi cence of 'its5 passenger equipment.' Its trains arc made up of new and commodious day car, rovidei, Titjhstbe ceLabrated Mil ler coupler and pat&rfnvjfnd -tli WeBting- ltoue ir-brake. lt is t)0ltlvelv theotlv line launin r J ... Puilruiu Police L)idwiug-Uoom Steeping Care thvoah.ivho' ciiange Irom Nash- vine lo St.- i.ouisi " sso otner line preienas to oiK-r such itdvintageis, cither in distance, tiriie, ir cqnipmeut. ' VVhy, then, journey by circuitous route ?J Do hot' be induced to purchase tickets to St. Louis or the West by any other line, Remember that Tlie "Ht. Lon'is & Sbntheastern'' is the shortest, chpipeat, (Uiickdstbeet and only Hue under ouc management irom Nashville to St. Lpuis, an is from 60 to 300 miles the shortest to'. St. Louis, Kansas City, Omaha, Denver, California, Texas, and .U western points. It i also the "Chi cio shortest Lino;" viw EyauByille. You can secure f.h& ciieapttstr rates for yourselves and you movabies on applica tion, in persoa or 'by letterv to Cn McCahe, Sonihcrn Paasange'r Agent, near EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, t State oi NoBTn Ciboi.ini, .Raleigh, Sept. 2:J, 1S73. ) 4 PROCLAMATION ,f.T BY THE GOVERNOR., WucivEis, Oilkiil information has been' received at this Department that FRANK MALPAS3, late of the connty ot New Han over, stands charged Ith the murder of Edward J. Viaei of said county.; aad that fhi ertM fntrms ha h Stati- nr so conceals himself that the ordinary pro cess ot lawjcaouot oe-servea npon,mm : 'Sqyv, thfMpre, ,li Ttp H- CilktfL, Governor of the State r North OaroJuti, by virtue ot authority in me vested by lw, do issue this mv Proclamation! offering a re ward of THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS for the arrest aad delivery of the said Prank. Malpass to the Sheriff" ot New Hanover County, in the City of , Wilmingtou. and 1 1 do enjoin all officer of the laW and, all good citizens ol the tftate to aid in bringing said criminal to justice. Done at our City of Raleigh, qn the J3d day of September, A. ii., ,1913, and i. s. in the ninety-eighth year of American Independcpee. , . TQli JL ADWLL. Bv I he Governor. ' j "J. B. KeatuekIV Private Secretary DescaiKTiOK ranlt AiaipafB is & native, q of North Carolina, live loet eieht iuchea i htjru, azed J years. ndy nair,' mooui ..?.. 7 a .ni4tim.iiMft.MM face, little or no bferd, and, imall Map.eyes. sep--J5-law4ir j ',' , . ,. ,,7, Star capy once a woek for four weeks and forward bill to Exceativo Department. MISCELLANEOUS. DIPLOMA, AWARDED BY THE American Institute J. W. McKEE, FOR Mroidery ani Fluting HacMiies. "It is icgeDioas and will meet the wants of every matron in the land." EXHIBITION OF 1S72. F. A. Barnard, Pre. Bonn E. Gavit, Kec. 8ecy. - ' j Samnel D. Tillman, Cor. 8ecy. ! New York. November 30. 1S73. i This simple aud insrenioui Machine i useful as the 6ewinjj Machine, and is fast Decomln iopuiar with ladies, in the place of expensive NecdSe work, it work being much more handsome, requiring less time and not 'one tenth part the expense'. :No ladjr'8 toilet is now complete without H. 3. Macniue with iuu.t rated full finished Dr. Garvin's Elixir Of Tar, la jrecommended by regular Medical practi- tioners ..and a speedy cure guaranteed for, Colds, Cougue, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, Spitting. Blood.Coneumption and all Pulmo nary Complaints, Scrofula, Erysipelas, ftya pepsia and Gout. Dysentery, Cholera-morons, Cholera and all liyer and bowel com plaints. . Kidney diseases and all affections ot th Urinal Organs perfectly harmless -4fee from Mineral or Alcoholic properties --pleasant to take and never known to fall -r-Pricefl OO per Bottle. Full particulars with medical testimony and certificates, sent on application. Address, L. F. HYDE U COw lW&Seve- th Avenue . New York. He Devil; or Cnpii AMsetl A Book just issued exposing the ,iebson als' that have appeared in the New York Newspapers; their history and lesson. Stil ish villuss fully ExrosEu." Advertise ments from desperate men to beautiful wo men; Clandestine meetings; how frustrated The History of the goodbich tkxgett the result of a "personal." Description of Liv ing Broadway Statues. Exposes social CoKBUFTiON, Sent ou receipt ot 50 cts. Address, Unique Printiug House, 86 Vescy 8t, N. Y, Tno Beckwitb $'-t0 Portable Fam ily Sewing .flachiuc, ou 30 Days Trial ; many advantages over all. Satis faction guaranteed, or money refunded. Sent complete with full directions. Beck with Sewing Msxihine Co., $ixi Broadway N. Yr may 14 307 tf THE. NEW ELASTIC TRUSSA Impoktant Imvektiox. It retains the rap ture at all times, and under the hardest ex--erclse or severest strain. It is worn with comfort, and if kpt on night and day, ef fects' a permanent, cure in a tew weeks. Sdld eheap, aud sent by mail when request ed, Circulars free, when ordered by letter sent to The Elastic Truss Co., No; .083 Broadway, N. Y. City. Nobody uses Metal Spring Trusses ; too painfnl ; they slip off too frequently. may 14 307 tf X-r, CAUTION. GENUINE FAIEBANK'S SCALES, . ,U MANUFACTURED BY , E. k T F1IBBANRS & 00. sTwnmn scmjes. StockScales, Coal Scales, Ha y Scales, Dairy Scales, Counter Scales, &c, &c. -t . Scales repaired promptly and reasona- :v .' , h TI1K nosr rKrtci Alarm cash drawer. tliles Alarm Till Co's. EVERY HerchMt ,, SlIOULU Use Them EVERY DKAWER Warranted. SOLD AT Fairbanks' Scale Warehouses, FAIRBANKS & 0., oTl -BROADWAY, NEW YOliK lCj Baltiiuorc stj-'Baltimore r8 Camp st., New Orleans FAIRBANKS & EWING. ' Iaonic Hall, J'liilaJelphia. f FAIRBANKS. BROWN & CO.: I 2 Milk Street, Boston. Fur sale ly ;ilt Ieaditicr Haixlwaiv Dealers. septil y7-2tawim Corner tH apd Market atreets. V0UCE ik hereby triven that aiDl!catlon LJt i ,wm uc mae u ute general -Assemrjiy fat its next in re tic ir. to Incornoraic the isranswicK Bridge ana Ferry CVwnpany, without prejudice to the proprietor of the present ferry and causxvsy. . - October Hia, IS73 V. : 13a-lm if,. instructions sent on reeeint of Wof' Kritwiftcav r - r X'. .(r(.it.M t in silver plate for $3 75. ; n-ivr. i oJi.V-." r'o vr Addre, I he McKrb Co., ; lnrinburK at :QO A M ' a c TrFL BrwWv 5ie Ark- I Arirc -Wilmington at o.OO P.M - i iii rn i i -nrm-m-f mm RAIL ROADS. 1 i : r - - 1 . . . A, A T Carolina Central 'Eaitotomjairr: ! r Maj l4, 1873. f SCHEDULE.1 PASSENGER TRAINS L(EAVE WILMINGTON DAILY (EX Qept Sundays) at .. " 8:(K) A M Arrive at Wadetboro at . . . '. . .'. . . v : P M Ieave Wades bo ro at i . . j, . , . I 7:UX A M Arrive at Wilminjctou at.... .i. 4:ikP M FREIGHT TRAIN'S. Leave Cfraribtto. daily,' SnnrfayB excepted, at..... .......... S.00 A M Arrive at Buffalo: .12.00 M Leave Buffalo at.. . . w mu aaA avsiL u ....... f v A. mM. Irregular Lumber and Timber Trains run on both portious of the Road as. the busi ness requires. A Daily Staire will soon run iu connection with the trains on Soth ends- of tbie! Kail way. .-:-.. - : . L..piK.MoNT,,i Uiiivf KngineerandSupt. . may I'J ' . 311-ti Pieflmont , Air-Line Railway, ii ' .-c nut i Richmond apd Dauil,:Hiclimond anl BauvUlc'tl. XDivisvon, 'an'd North Western N. C,,H. W . Condensed Time Table, i ' . . - ' O' In ell ec t on and after Sunday, (Jcl. i, r ViOlKG xNUHTH. " MJLlL. Leave Charlotte u j . .-. . ta.cupM 10.06 IO.OGa,. M. $.30 6.20 ;'' 8i 15 A It , b.30 " 1CT.45 , i?.45 r. m. -3fTJp.'M. Air Line J 'nt'n r SaJUbury ...... 1 Greensboro.... Danville. . . . 4 Burkvilleji..i. Arrive at RfctaQoad 2.17 y, m ,j 1017 r. m. GOIiNG SOUTH. i BTATIOaS Leave Richmond 44 Burkville.. " Danville.... urecrlsuOrrT it A rl. nfi'J'n'ni 4 9U 1 5 1f Arrive at Charlotte. . .J M.j, ll5 " GOING EAST. "' WATiowa. MAIL. Leave Greensboro' . . . Co. Sloops .... " Raleigh., Arrive at Goldsboro'. 3 05 a. m 4.46 " i. 4 1 ll.lQA. )l .J. GOING' .WJGST. STATiOS. MAIU l. ac Goldsb'oro 2 30 p. Raleigh . " Co. iihops ! y.35 i Airiv- at Greeur-boro'ili.l am..... North WBsteni N; 0 R. R (Sai;em Branch.) Leave Greensboro . 4:GQ P l ;2o P M Arrive at Salem.... . Leave Salem . . . . . Arrive at Greensboro .....!?:00;A M 10:00 A M Mail trains daily, both ways. On Sundays Lynchburg Accommodation leave Richmond atU.12a, m , arrive at Burkvillc 1:3 45 p. ni., leave BurkviHc 5.35 a. m., arrive at Richmond .5.44 a. m. Pullman Pulace Carp on all niifht trains between Charlotte "d Richmond, (without change.) Fr.r lurthfr iuiormation address 8. . ALLKNy .General Ticket Agent. Greeneboro, N. C, T. M it. 1ALCOTT. Envrineer and Gvn'l Spuciirtondatit. oct 15 1-2; RHEUMATISM. 'NEURALGIA, i - I ' t f ' i - AIVlli lIlC r.(T, A., , 7 ; 1 Till. . ' ' 1 EUECTHIC HA Cl'UKli viiei nil nliw:r n iuciie-i have 1";U!'1. it i enliheiifry a ' FAMILY MEDICINE, ot .sudden attneKoMe bottle M ill kivi five dollars In docOirtjiJis. ! For title by xll Irinfit. EGT'R 'I O , ! I f t ..'.' '' ."' -" ..V . . I . - circular-aiid I u. -avo. Yim?nrvi, i4lwiiri..wt: -r ' MAIL. EJl'KBSS .. 1.23, f, 5.CQ a. m. .. 1.45 v 8 29 : .. 918 A 12. 4. m. MinvBanMMM. i .1 c.i i.or&. Mr o civ I: . RAIL R0iD,v ... ; . - . :ii'f: H - sir. - 3 -v ; rpaErouowiNq'sOiiKOUu: waau. Je cWmingto,n. . . , . . . 4;S9 A , M Arrive at Plorence . ?. . . ..10:r0 A. M rtlvCMl CDlumbU. ...t:t0P. U Leave AunetY. ! v.. . . f ?. . . t 4::J0 AJM. Leave , Columbia. . . .-. v . . i :.. 10:20 A. M Arrive at Florence . . L 48 1 M. Arrive at WilmtajrtoD1.1. .': .10:00 P.' M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAtS MAILT (SUN-' DAYS XOPTD.) Lcavo WiUoington,....' .10 P. M Arrive at Florence. . , 11:2S 1. M Arrie at Columbia. .......... .i'4:(0 Al M Arrive at Augusta. . b:45 A. M ! Leave Augusta , 4: IS v. M Arrive at Columbia 45 P. M Arrive t Florence 2:02 A. Arrive at Wilmington. . v 7:10 A. M Pa?ccDors tcavinir '"VVllminfrton on the 0:10 P. M. train make closer connvetion gohi Scuth. JAMES ANDERSON, ,cn'l Sup't. Wilmington Weldoo R. R. vompany. OITIC2 USMSRAL S Cr JJKIH TXN D N T j , Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 21,1373 . i i OOCnEDPLKi ' i ON ANI) AFTER OCT. 2GLb, INSTAN'P PASSENGER TRAIN on the Wil mington aiid We! don Railfbad vill run as fbllOWS : i I .. ! 4! 1, r. :; V.'. ;.-. ;,MAi,TRAiN.? Leave Uui oat Depot ; daily- (5ub-j flays excepted)...'. .. At TU Al" Arrive at Goldsboro. i -ihuO A. M Rocky Mount 2:00 B. M ' Weldon .......... V ' ,; ' ' ; 3:50; P. M jjuae v maon aaiiy sunaavs 1 n excepted)., x.f,v.f.", At 50 & M ArrK-e at4 Rocky Wtitiff. ... f t$f SO "S " GoldboTo:.;ijfi.. ij M .Union epoij..,. .. 5:5(y P. M ; ' express ThAV.i. ' ; Leave Inion Dep'ot dalfy. . .At tYjotf'H Arrive at Goldaboro.i.. r 3:kA.'M Rocky Mount .,,, , , 6.0'SA. M Weldon. . 'fttX A. M Leay Weldon daily.... ,.t. , f 7 0 P. M Arrive at Rbeky Mount. " 0:43 P, M rT: adsVor,...v.,.T. .''i atpt'M wil,l.r&in JLuftKcg ciosc r.onu-elion at We'ldori lor1 alV iwvlb North 'i Ba9 Line t . I J J 3 ! 1 ' f f. i-Wftg i ioquaxreK: rauLji.. ffijfpres6 Train conjuects onii' with Acunia' Cr6ek route. PULLMAN'S ' PALACE SLEEPINGCARS OXTHiaTRA. ton tri-weekfy at o.OO . M., and arrive at . -K vi - v;- -i . ESPRE88 FRElOUi' TRAiNwlJlieav Wiltuiricton dailj iduniavfe :cepteJ)Jat.' ti:00 v. M .f.n Rmto'w t'.W V M. JMHN;F. DIVINE 1 "ineral uperiiM r iToi t. ' net . 13ii-tf THIS 3I0ST REMARKABLE qF all APPAi: ATTfis -'some'rtml call' i a iiK-i-iif.nicul ininuloi-mtw ir-si w illi ueh "woncU-rful kimvm- ?h oir prineiptil I cities Uir the -mv hy j f .Hi vti i: ki.j: ! ci!-. of ii".-;irly air - ' t i r ' j Clirojiif .DiseaM'. und Vr't'akue vscs. . . , . ... , , . . , !. i- al; J.v.iUe Ubucrtu-iMl, )y shwm at!. nr.J.T- will 1" pr-ifiiptlv IlTlil. f7'' .... .,: ri 1 1 10 ivrno-NAiiv j is si cont riicitti Uut: etii ;t-i:lu',J o:m ? 1 . 1 (i 1 1 ( I t . , . J i n t if t". . r o ikiif., .n 1k Tiff O lit" ' ju . iiir. M om tu.-iify i i w .-ive Juindnl ' pound j K is inn 'lealui wl1olty.,rllr..n;u; j w( l:; ouu1k, ;ihi4 jvjirpn.i4aoij4oit!y j JHiy :! iix-ij.-; an l :tl t h'urli . l-'it n-rnriy I S"1"1' n,, : r-'"" 01, ; V.r.r ... t, ..- ,v -. j.,t.T.t.,.rt' . . I s. . il mann, v. :p!. fl UA-WtY iT. K JJUx'JV. A. ADKIAX. ii. VOLLEUs ADRIAN o: V0LLERS. WnOLEtEIFatTTv? IT j wrotinw AMMM.UI 9, . Importers of (rtrman aul iIHna Cja, -ajj I " soft h-Eabt X)i'.$eb Dot jc and Krottt. vvninrPGrrcpi. n. c L-Ltstotat ,'Pltra before buying elewbtre. 'r "!. ! o niav 17-t , , ' - j TfT AttilAWirTE f?T EOl OOluLd and I : : mm: ILa. ing the JXCUbt aud,bW I orUroTiesartdxJtatn'u i i'J f.r1, r will did It to Uilr'lutrrei: to ehvi NEWDVERTISEMENTS. NEW 8! W E I L L, iVUfiStiTOX. X. i . itll Lixe of mtv c;M,r The Largest Slock Brought to Nowrjs the time to Pnrcha vvheii 'Everything is Markeiov 11V jAn Inspcctiouof quality and J) rifts is invited. NeVf ilt.n I'rnni . liiiildih:.-. m la '; Front and Pi inc. Stm t. --NEW CITY DIRECTORY. V, tiM n fo col lection si m. el..' until. lb- i i tion i cuniplti. U aiul ilcli , vt-.j. nil uii r inUlrc ((jul kilay,;i s, 1 M-iij,,. nii- , N t...:WALl;!. ! i:. WA IlKOOlCLiM ' sept ltt Tho foilowin n&ruci til. ces are reoiM! nuinded as b-vMhivmbuur aiul Ihm SrrtLee lVLi.'lScj iV' Whyi Aoufyon ecmio Houxr Boih;'i uevi Neath Ihetvavca hornlrit Wariicrh''SfoT 4dtewart30c; -'Hn 1- Qypve to all UV.home, fiong.' ttnw Not little tine to meet me. crxt.- pn-ft .loc t:m30erCtjm, b' ' CU fiolUvahcme the Btare ol Ut aven. ' rlouw sm'" ' LMHfca rbrj?et ycAir Mtber, feai?' f..f aya. 40c. .-, . , 1 lontf to fete the U.ur old Moiih-. .1 8tewart."8Cc; ' ": LittWwefatlieartbrulihtn tome. iu -Prencb. 30c. M tevry th6tir!ft HKSof tfc V'C t f.'f " ... . . . , : en are. such Dccciitii. .it. .,:.-, ii Patilirfe.Sonvr. lans. ?:0c " ' .47Paullne." ,8on. TjnL?. 4 Ttf pleliO the Ulris..' UnVrfenc iitJ , MPai.lir.rt II U I, ..' .... . U lin1 Nnnir il.l.'. . "II . . Heart-or, tnee. -Soprano -onj, f m," mv i.jueeo, oi .tw,, Aij. ') t-uw v m from. "Pauline.", fv-ji-:. i.o.k-.f . . a vat-A'aill. . n art .'We r . - . V. !; .Lx. V, .. ... tca.r' - Iljrtrvr '" ul ; ; ll.n rrr" of 'a . i tii.i. J Dankt. UJe4 IV love i-Ieei.j U!:.:t r , rVrder. Ui I How, jLi'vel. .n;.t mi k' Stewart.' 20e. f Um maeK me nmldu -s i.nt. wood. :ujc. Seatli the whit- and purpi.- ll.- . i Son. Perley. Nornh is dreainiii-' ot yr.i r-n-. i 30c' ' I 1... Th3 8vroete.5L iiuu is ni?-iii- On Itcceifii Will he come' home ti n!i! Moih. .': i r . Dankw. ,'joe. God bleft rur home. .Son.: ieJVart. ".i Get up rtnd ghut the door. Som;. HAv. iWeg hwever think ofine. Son?.' liav. Como, Holy Spirit. Hymn. Dauk-. My dear old Nfot7i r. ni. .f-war. I fiavoriio honif. &rai;. '- Hayj. .41. Poor lit tfe Tim. S."n-. Kb .' v. .( . Of'llir f)yter. and Tn?ir..t .?"A. ".ir. v t .,i , . . ! -rt.J-uUc V ,1 ,J 4 Come over tu-.-.hiilowr .....r. : ' li.lf. , Saviour, Tj i rt ever f.-jac. $n.4. Hu.. 30c TheTo-jvr. Iir1h'?i-1 h r in ;!c v ?-. t U . ii Jjoneli -l.,' i .,. . t ,. Tif:- Kink clf'W Circling ':e. 4' Lo': 'iiu .nul. -Kujni . p, :He of;i ' Wf. FIHh. Mortrinif fafatark.u K i il: . ranme tAuickeU :, ''ji-r..t.... k; i.i. f larked -"Price. 'autumn Jfavcs. KVetle. xrisiriici- t i . .... i hwlnkcl. o.e , The Keaper. IrMnumuiul. tuk' 1. . ' Merry (It ris. Ualun. Kinkel J ' i Mollie Darlinz. 'Iti-iruujtr.ul. Kinlivl. . ! 50c ia cmaretia. inMruiutmur. istnc. : Happy thou uhU, Scb uttiM.-h. Kiul.v. ' Uanse Cubaiue. lur-.trumeuj. 1 tv'.i.kt! May Pole. March. Mueller. :, I PubHsIiadaiid tost pa! on n'.e,; btpt Mi iJU liroad way, plffaw'lMn te ar TottKi I'A. l'lfV mtiIX: XL.isnI'LSl1L:iL.. Iv. r1- -'jToHiiiphret aii.1 Vw r U rM waddreii N l -CllHNUAM, torkj I'lV

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