fj df it a a "a uht ai hoihw .Jen if. tit .J it 4 ii r ru ii y 1 ... VOL VII. -,.tWILlirNGTON,-N-.- C, SATURDAfdEOBERl, 1873 NO. 143 I I X II 1111 j 1 1 i j i ! hn - - - . m- -at mm .m vi u - t -1 f ' . t r .f , .: 4 . i '7ahi9!isd every afternoon except Sunday. 4KA Z MANN-. Editor and Proprietor Subscription. ,n, year, in advance.., 41Minhft, in advance -1fwJ aonth. in advance... ..tuoatli. in ad ranee ;.5 oo . . 8 oo 1 50 -50 C ,rrp ndenee solicited from our friendfl pirfcs f the 3tatc, on topics of gene- j, ;nfKreit.. Political news and reports ol ,. are ijieciailv' desirable. Ktt AI)VI'XriSE5IENTS. schooTbooks, school books, school books. A me kale at LIVE HOOK AND MUSIC STORK. 117 IX' t o Merchandise Brokerage Office, ri'LL lino ofWmples constantly on band f from importers and manufacturers in Sortheru markets. ll descriptions ot mcrcbandisc, orders in'd bidsHollclted and telegraphed promptly. Merchandise bought and sold in this mftrket, orders from buyers nolicited, and wiaples left by .sellers will have prompt at tention. Time a well as eaj?li purchases negotiated, whether you wish to buy or sell, comrautii cated freely, and often with your local Brker" J AS. T. i'ETTEWAY. . Merchandise and Produce Droker. dec -J 181 tf r F. W.'EK I. DOUGIITKN L0PER & DOUGHTEN, NAVAL S T O It K S AND SOUTHERN PRODUCTS, SO. 55 NORTH FRONT STREET, Philadelphia, l'a. Orders for Turpentine Casks solicited and promptly tilled at lowest market price. Disu"cii & 215-tf DrlllBEit SiiOlV I0E TURNER wishes to inform his custo- mors and public generally, that he is now prepared to do all kind of work in his line, and would respectfully request a continua tion of the patronage which has heretofore been so liberally bestowed upon him. Janlfltf 20G Singer's Hew Family Sewing Machine. rPIIE sri'KRIORITY OF THE SINGER 1 SEWING MACHINE for beauties of stitch, simplicity ot mechanism, and adap tability to eery cla-.s of sewing, has been established in fair aim open competition in actual sewing contests, and the PUBLIC RECOGNITION of their merits is 10 be found io the numerous awards o FIRST PRIZES over every competitor at the VI ENNA ENPUSITION and Mtarly all the In dustrial Fairs in America and In Europe. silent Feed and Straight Needle and is 1 lie easiest u learn. Has "the hiiihes apjM'o-. vHl toftA Fgiiiilythe Seamstress and the' iTpssmakeiv lotm : IN DAILY L SE -1,7.! ! sold last year. -,(70! ovtr any other Com puny. " Sold on tno Installment pl..n. Terms cay and full instructione. given. J Otllce No.4, Lippitt's Row, South Front street, Wilmington, N.C. CH.tS. E. DI13BLK, ; 3-tf Manager. REMOVAL. JAS. A. LOWERY, CARRIAGE MAKER & REPAIRER. T HAVE'rcmovcd my establishment to mv nevr buildings on the corner of FOUKTII AND CAMPr.ELI, 'ear Bony IJridae, where I shall be pleased Rce my old customers and many new ones. a""iage making, painting and repairing kt!wi y oae -Horse Shoeing, and various t. . 01 17011 work done on reasonable t,aiDg had thirty years experience In ?,s business, I am confident that I can do me finest work, and give satisfaction. ALL WORK WARRANTED. sPpt.3-tf JA8. A. LOWERY. AT a - cteriic Diseases. Skin Diseas es and all kindreil Aflec tions; Hteeessfuly Treated." Jnccrs aid TtfcnoTs will be lreated with rPciflcs without the use of the knife. t'iut ?aeloao blood and butwith lit uPaln to Ue paUent, of .n s fot;treatment will be in the reach ui m communications addressed to c;,;ul meet with prompt attention. Cir o f,na ctrtlficates of cures will be sent on pplicatim. ; , (ijjnd Infirmary East Centre street, ' . .. ortK- i MILES HUNTER & CO. ROM'S INFIRMARY Special practicejor the Cure of Oncers, Tumori, Scrofula, Chronic c leers, Epilepsy, Liver Diseases, MISCELLANEOUS. THE "SILVER TONGUE.' The best ORGANS of the teed clas3 IN THE WORLD. The Best for Churches and Lodges The Best for Sunday Schools. Tbe Best for Parlors "and Vestries. The Best for Public Halls estrajyid btawjf The Best for Orchestra iyid Sta These instrument ness of tone and ielegance of appoint ment1 stand unrivalled, have met with. Unprecedented success in this country and abroad. -s - : ' M AN UF ACT UKED BY i P. NEEDHAII SOL ESTABLISHED IN 1810. Nos J43, 145 & 147 East 23d st. N Y Responsible parlies applying for agencies in sections still unsupplied, will receive prompt attention and liberai,ipdttCQnenrvs Parties residing at a distance from our au thorized ageuts, may order lrom our factory. Seud lor illustrated its-1. r xmg 26-tf TO THE WESTI TO THE VE3T1 Bclore making your urraugements to fol low the advice of the "thousand who fear already gone,"- it would be weU to consider what has been done to make the journey to your 'Homes in the West" as pleasant and free from danger as human skill and tore sight can accomplish. j By consolidation and construction, a road has bjeeji pu.Uototfeiiaf 4h hjoites t posiibre 'line fr Louis, "the future great City of the world." This line, the I ST. LOUIS & SOUTHEASTERN RAIL WAY, has-, during the past year, earned an envia ble reputation by its smooth track, prompt time, sure connections, anfl the 1 magnifi-1 cence of its passenger equipment. Its trains are made up of newfujAf0mtnJdiou6 day cars, provided with the celebrated Mil ler coupler and p'atlbrin, ipd: the JVes tin; ho;i: e air-brake. It is p s-i!ively If OI: ly iuv lunuing Pull lll'.lll i'altC l)ii w i 11 14 Hoim 1 b Curs through without change lrom Nasn vnle to St. Louis. No othurJ!!-.! preteads' to oiler such adviniagei?, either hi distance, time, Mr tqaipmeut. Why, thO, journey by circuitous routes? Do not e induced to purchase tickets to St. , Louis 9r .the West by any other line, rehierab'er that The "St. Louis & Southeastern" is the shortest, cheapest, quickest, best and only line under one management lrom Nashville to St. Louis, and is from 60 to 200 miles the shortest to St. Louis, Kansas City, Omaha, Denver, California, Texas, and all wetarn P94. f ials tlreVCar-!j cWsho4tet-Line,V& EvtWvllleV 1 1 H You can secure the cheapest rates for yourselves aud your movables on applica tion, in person or by letter, to Charles j McCabs, Southern Passenger Agent, neaf to the undersigned. W B DAVENPORT, Geneial Ticlret Asnt, StfLouis iho trouble to aaswaf CtuCSmOJis, fpuly 25 Just Armed per steamer, Raleigh, 4 NOTllBIi iayolfMr UarptfrmAfasti. Strips aim Shouide ot our own curinsr; also choice lot of Prime Leaf Lard, In 20 pound Oak Buckets, expressly for family use. Give it a trial. We return our thanks to our customers andoriends for their kind favors and liberal S?eTtef?oUb andquality of Goods. An examinatfon of our superior Stock of Groceries, Wines and LiqUors will convince the most skeptical that money can be saved by giving us their or ders. Remember the corner undertime geams's Ho e. J. H. McGARITY A CO. rim 4k J Sept -108- PARKEK ife TA VLOK j Successors tir7 rm: i A. H. NEFF, Manufacturers and dealers lu . 1 HO (THE FURNiSHW&rfOODS: Guns, Stoves, Lanterns, Kerosene, Oil TLi 4 Roo&ng done at sriort notice j Agents for Falrbanlt's Scales. . I No. 19 Front Strectr! r ' WILfflTNGTOW. N. C. novl9 i l&O-ljr umi IV" ' r mm mi . IT MISCELLANEOUS. D I P L O IsA Jn Eiiroiiery and Flntiiig Mines, It is ingenious and will meet the want of every matron in th land " . KXIIIUITION OF 1872. .j.i onulV: u uf i f, A. Barnard. Pres. Sohn E. Gavit, Rec Secy. S.tmnel D Tillsasn, Cor. Secy. : yftfi! .Nrdrkl November 20, 1S72. This simple and ingenious Machine is as useful as the Bewin Machine, and Is fast befcng'pofpulaVWilh ladies, in the place of expensive Needle work, its work being much rnoro Uuiuisoin j, requiring less time and not sone tenth ' part tbe expense. No lady's toiiet is now comp ete without it. A Machine with illustrated circular and Tall Instructions sent on receipt of f 2 or finished io silver plate for $2 75. Address, Tua Mclvs Mauulacturlng Co., 3fl0 Broadway. New York. ACrKXTS WANTED. Dr. Garvin's Elixir of Tar, Is recommended by regular Medical practi tioners and a Epeedy cure guaranteed for Colds, Cough?. Catarrh. Asthma. Bronchitis- Spitting Blood, Consumption and all Pulmo plaints. Kidney diseases and all affections ol th Urinal Organs pe fSuSi or A,c( 01 th urinal Organs perfectly harmless Alcoholic properties never known to fall per Bottle. Full particulars with medical testimony aud certificates sent on application. Address, L. F. HYDE & CO.. 195 Seve th Avenue, New York. Darts from tie Dertl; or Cnsifl AM A Book ju3t issued exposing the "pkbson ai" that have appeared in ihe New York Newspapers; their history and lesson. Styl ish vxllians fully exposed. Advertise jnenta Irora tfesperate-men to beautiful wo men; Clandestine meetings; how frustrated; The tlistory of the Goodrich tkagett the result o a A'peorsonal", Description of Liv ing Broadway Statues. Exposes social clkruption. Sent on receipt ot 50 cts. Addtcssi Uhiuua Sprinting House, 30 Vesey 8t , N. Y, rTho.fl e c k w k l tT&lOl' ortable Fam ily' 'Sfewliig '.fnchfne, on 30 Days Trial ; many advautages over all. Satis faction guaranteed, or money refunded. 5 Sfent complete ' -with full directions. Beck- with Sewing Machine Co , 862 Broadway -N. Y. . may 14 307 tf TflE NK1V ELASTIC TRUSS An Important Imvsstio it retain tue rap ture at all 'times,' and kinder the hirdest ex ercise or severest strain It is worn with comfort, ap if ket oa night und day, ef fects a permanent 'cure in a tew weeks. Sold cheap, aud sent by mail when request ed. Circulars free,; when ordered by letter sent to The Elastic Truss Co., No. J83 Broadway, N. Y. City. Nobody uses Metal r CAUTION. Ii L'Y ONLY THE GENUINE FAIRBANKS SCALES, " ! "MANUFACTURED 1SY E. & X FAIRBANKS & CO. Stock.Scales, Coal Scales, Hay Scales, Dairy Scales, Counter Scales, etc., Ac. Scales repaired 'jtromptlv and reasona bly. THIS MOST PKinKEt'T 1 -mm - ' n tin' -i -Tmiits .a jar in xif 1 iO's, EVERY EVERY VI il g,QjJj DKAWER SHOULD ranted. SOLD AT Fairbanks' Scale Warehouses, FURBANRS &C0.. e 1 GG Baltimore st., Baltimore, ."3 Camp st., New Orleans. FAIRBANKS EWING. FAIRBANKS. BROWN & CO 2 Milk Street, Boston. L . Fojy tile, ifv leading Hardware Dealers. sept 11 yr-2uwini fit. si 2 M UIUVMUII0IM llarket Streets, dec 3 169 IOTICEis hereby tven -that application will be made to the General Assembly at Its next meetings to. Incorporate the Krunswick Bridge and Ferry Company, without prejudice to the proprietors of the present ferry and causwey. October 17th, 1873 136-1m nary Complaints, Scrofula, Erysipelas. Dys- j 1M fittnrccil BAIL R01DS. CpM:. Central Rail)? a? f Goiapany , , , WILMINGTON, C, ) : : ' ::'.V MVMrVfoS ft: PASSENGER TRAINS LXAVE WILMIKGTON DAILY (EX cept Sundays) at 8:00 AM Arrire at Wadesboro at 5:25 P M Leave Wadesboro at 7:10 AM ArriveJitirUminton at.. 4jS5 P M Learerwnrnlnffton dailv fexcent ; Sunday).. 6:00 A M arrive at Laurlnburg at 5:30 P M Leave Lauriaburz at SrOOAM Arrive at Wilmington at 5.30 P M - PASSENGER TRAINS. Leave, Charlotte daily, Sunday , excepted, at 8.00 A M Arrive at Buffalo at 12.00 M Leave Buffalo at.. 1.C0 P M ArriviB at Charlotte, at 5.15 P M Irregular Lumber and Timber Trains run Tn both portion oi the Koadas? the busi ness requires. " A Daily Stasre will soon ru in connection with the trains on oth end f this Rail way. ; . , s h i&ih. FREMONT; Chief Engineer and Sup' t. imayl . . ,;, : . ,,;3U-U Piedmont AMiifelf ay. Richmond and Danville, Richmond and Danville R. W;J!N. Pifision, and North .Western. . CR. W. Condensed Time Table. Ih effect 011 and after Sundav, Oct. 12. 1878.. - !: GOING NORTH. STATIONS. ! ! 1CATL. fctPBESS Leave Charlotte ...... Air LJne Vnet'n " Salialmry Greensboro. . . . PanvlUe. ...... " Burkville Arrive at Richmond . . 8.15 A. V. ,o.eo 10.45 " 10.00 A. M. 3.30 u 6.20 " 11.35 2.17 p. m 12145 p. m. 3,12 r. m. 7.36 10.17 p. m. V IttPP3NOJSaUTlfe T7 STATIONS. EZPBKSS 5.00 A. M." 8 29 12.48 P. M. 350 4i 6.06 41 8.10 44 8.15 44 1.28 p. ii 1.45 9.18 12.20 A. M 2.S8 4.29 4.35 a. m. it Danville Greensboro Solisbury Air Line J'nct'n ( ti Arrive at Charlotte. . . - GOINGr EAST. STATtOHaU TZ VAl. LeaVe Greensboro' . . . Co. 8hops .... 44 Raleigh Arrive at Goldsboro' . 3 05 M 4.45 44 a 35 4 4 11.15 a. m GOING WEST. bTATlOMS. 1 MAIL. V... J 2 30 p. Leare ;Goldsboro' Raleigh. . .... ,5.26 f4 44 : ; Co. Shops ..... I 9.35 44 ArrlyV at Greensboro' la.2U a.m. . North Western N, G. R. H (Salem Branch.) Leave GTreeosboro 4:30 P M Arrive at Salem 6;25 P M Leave Salem. SaTOJA M Arrive at Greensboro 10:00 A 11 Mall trains' daily, both ways. On Sundays Lynchburg Accommodation leave jKIchmond ; at 9.42a. m. . arrive at Burkville 12 45 p. m., leave .RurkviHe 5.35 a. m: arrive at Richmond 8.44 a. m. P J Pullman Palace. Can on all night trains between Charlotte d Richmond, without cnange.; ; ,-; s. -m Fer Inrther information sddrecs ' 'it- - S. E.' ALLEN, ; ' j -n General Ticket Agea t. ' n,'-'t Greenaboro,N. C, I. M tv. 1ALUU11, Engineer and Gen'l 8puerintcndauL 127 RHEUIIATISII. HETJRA1BI&, PAIXS in the FAi Ac., t HAS (JUfiKD when all other remedies have failed. It is eminently a ; PAtHEY MEDICINE, And no&tnilly should b Wilt tout IL In case of sudden attacks, one bottle, will raw five dollars in doctorti bills. i For sale by all Druggists. October f-418-3t - l E 1 IL E1 C T JbCr I CJ c October 4 118-tf V - RAIL ROADS. Wilmington, ( oluabia & Au gusta R. R. .Cotapanyi Qum. 8urxRXNTnpiiiT,a; Onus, WlLMISGTOH, C.. Qt. 11, 187.. ) CIIAHQE OF SCHEDULE. THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE WJI-L go into effect at 4:30 A. M. Sunday, 13th last. ' DAT EXPRESS TRAINv(DaUy.) Leave Wilmington 4:30 A. il Arrive at Florence ......10:10 A. Jl Arrive at Columbia. . . M:00 P. IT Arrive at Augusta 8:00 P. II. Leave Augusta 4:30 A. M. Leave Columbia 10:30 A. M Arrive at Florence t .. 2 48P. M. Arrive at Wilmington 10:00 P. M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (SUN DAYS EXCEPTED.) Leave Wilmington uo P. Ii Arrive at Florence il;28 P, M Arrive at Columbia , 4 00 Ai M Arrive at Auras ta r-4S a m Leave Auras U. 4:15 P.' M Arrive at Columbia 8:45 P. M Arrive at Florence. . ............ 2:02 A. M Arrive at Wilmiagton 7;1Q A. M Passengers leaving Wilmington on the ChlO P. M; train make close connection going South. JAMES ANDERSON GenM Supt. 134-U oct 11. Wilmington & Weldon R. R. Companji Onricx GKNxsai. SrraaiirrKKDXHT, 1 i . . ." n r y i WlLifTKOTOif, N. C, Oct. 21, 187S. J CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER OCT. 20tb, INSTANT PASSENGER TRAINS on the Wll mington and Weldon Railroad will run is follows : , , y j . MAIL TRAIN. ' Lcmlvo Union tt"- Uay f uh- days excepted).-, w , . ; Ata 7.-40 A M Arrive tttroldsboro.... .. '1 1:50 A. M Rocky Mount 2:00 P. M . . Weldon 3:50 P. M Leave Weldon daily (Sunday excepted) At Arrive at Rocky Mount ..... Goldaboro ! Union Depot - EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily. . .At Arrive at Goldsboro ; Rocky Mount : Weldon.... Leave W eldon daily. ........ Arrive at Rocky Mount Geldsboro... Union Depot 9:50 A: M 11:85 A. M 1:37 P. M 5:50 P. M 11:10 P. M i:50 A. M tr.03 A. M 8:00 A. M 7.50 P. M 9:43 P. M 11:55 P. M 4:30 A. M Mall Train makes close connection st Weldon for all points North via Bay Line and Aequia Creek routes. - j Express Train connects only wjlh Aequia Creek route. PULLMAN v-PALACE 8LEEPING CARS ON THIS TRAlCTx , FREIGHT TRAIN8 will leave Wiiining ton tri weekly at 6.00 A. M., and arrive at 1.40 P. M. EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilmington daily (8undaya excepted) at 2:00 P. Mr? and arrive at 5:30 P. M. ... JL L - I 5 JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. oct 24 " j 1 ci. t a J 1 136-ti j 7 fi THIS MOST REMARKABLE QV ALL APPAIt-VTUSKS safetlmes called a mechanical paradox now used with such wonder ml snccew In -our prtudpal citiea for the cure, by cumulative exku cise, of nearly all r '. ' Chronic Diseases and Weaknesses, Is for sale by the undersigned, by whom all orders will be promptly ltflexl. , THE REACTIONARY is so constructetl that oven a child can in stantly adjust it fora person to lift any weigni, irxm,iweniy to twelve liunareu pormds. h i : i - i;-7. ii. ilr' It ! mndo sdnost wholly of Iron and eteel, weighs 1.10 poundM, and covers a space of only 20 by Inchest and although, but recently introduced, nearly l,i have already been Ohj. ' ' .; , PjItlCE flwr; 1I0XKD SHIPKI). Small books or circulars, showing its use, can be had free at the office of, the Post. I Brooklyn, if. Y. feptll-d&wtf 1. O; lioxm A. ADRIAS. : i. VOLLEttg ADRIAN & VOLLElb. ' VVHOLXCAXE UKAT.KR5 IK iiroceries and 'Liquors, . Importers of German and liavaaa Clxara, . X3X L f , , . Commissaibn Moihulit , South -East Coanxa Dock and Fboitt L Streets. ; ( ; ( WlLlXNQrON,N.C. i , UaivlBS the lariani'hest acWfcuLock of Oroueriea andLiauora In th City. Dealer wlllCndItlathslr latexeat Wgive us a call beforebuyjasUewhcre.v, : , , 7-ARRANTTEE DEEDS- On hand and feb 25 6 G HALL mm NEW ADVERTISESIEXTS. NEWGOO WILMXGToy, x. a 117? OFFER TO OUR CJTJXFX I FULL LTXE OF DRY $00J)s OF TUE FINEST Q FA UTY. The Largest Stock Broughl io ibis Marker. Npw js the time to Purchasu when Everything is Marked Down. An Inspection of quality and prices is invited. . ; Xcv, Iron Front Uuilding, corner Front and Princess 8trct't. B. WEILL. NEW CITY DIRECFURYT fVO BE ISSUED previou.s t the l air in November. Advertising mtei liberal. No collections nande until the 'entire till tion is completed and delivered. Call on or address the undersigned, with out delay. 8. ii. 1JALL, sept 1st s. WARHOL K. The following' ham"cirpioaTcTtom mended as being among our latest and bccl issues: Bluaic S?i,Ul "" 1'lK--.Song. Hays. 4(Tc y9 CMe Uomv' 8ouK' "ays. 'Neath te Waves her Bpirlt wanders. Sodc Stewart 30c. G1wf ? l0Ye to a11 at nomc- SoD- Stew ait No little one to meet me. Song. Pratt. 30c nk of mersometimcs, Maggie. 4 Song. Stewart; 50c. 80prat30c 8t&n 01 He"ven- 8on'- Sent Dinna foreet your Mithcr, Saudie. Sunt-. Hays. 40c. , h I long to sco the dear old Home. " Soiig. Stewart. SCc. Little 8weetheart comwllatcu to mu. Sou French. SOc. Mjeverj thought was of thee. Song. U;iy: Mf.par?, 8Unh ?CCeive.-s. AHofong, n'oui "Paulino." Song. Danks. :j0c. ' 8 c.??0,1,100,? a0wa 8Puo song, from 4'Pauline." Song. Daukb. :;uc. T?.Rleae thc Giris- Baritone son- frctti "Pauline." Song. Danks, 0c. "Zn!1 for thce- SoPrano hong, hmi t "Pauline." Song. Dacks. o0c My Queen ol Star- Awal... 'ivim,.' - f from Pauline." Son- Dunk. : . "" Post-Pa id, Jenny, the Flower of Kildarr. s , c. m, art. 40Ci Wb sper softly, Mother'. Dii:.. Si y Mewart. Iuspircr and Hearer ol I'rayi r Dankf. 0e. ' My love sleep under tl ie l):ii.-i'.-. PcrI.?y. SOc. OH livw d've do, ,unt iie. Stewart. SOc. II inn toii;.- Dat makes me boddlnes out. wood. f.UV. oiij.' May -'Neath the white and purple DIoaeoms. , 8oosr. Persley. . 3Uc. Norah isdrcamiug ol you tfong., rra'tt. ( 30c. Thetwoefest Rua Is mlpjinif. Sonf. Hanks 'SOc . , On Receipt Will be come home to uieht Motllci? ov. Danka. SOc. God bless our home. Song. Stewart. 40c. Get up and abut tbe door. Song. Hays. :c Does he ever think of me. Song. Hays. PjSo Come, Holy Spirit. Hymn. Danks. SOo My dear old Mother. Song.. Stewart. S0O rhavenohomf. Song. Hay?. 40i- Lost and cast away. 8onxr. Hays. Kii Poor lUtie Tim. Song. Abbey. , UOt- or she Oyster and Wine at 2 A. to. Sodi: Stew art 30c - " Come over thc billows afar. Song, i'ratt. 35c.' ' ' Saviour, Thou art ever near. 8ong. Danke. 30c ..: j The Toast BrInJisl for male voicts.Sonr. TboeL 40o - ) Pearl ol America, Caprice. Instrumen tal. KInkel. 35c Circling Waves. Initrnmental. Kinkcl. 40c Belle of Saratoga. Waltz. Fitxhugh. '.Stc Morning Zephyrs. Mazurka. Kinkcl. S5e Fannle'a Qaickatrp. Quickstep. Kinkcl. 35c Klairlaed Price. Autumn Leaves. Reverie. Instrumental. KInkel. 50c The Reapers. Instrumental Kinkcl. Merry Girls. Galop. KInkel. 0c MoUie Darlinxr Instrumental. Kinkcl. 50c- La Zlngarella. Instrumental. Kinkcl. Wc uxppy thoughts. 8c hot tie che. Kinkcl. 50c Danse Cubalne. Iostrument&L KInkel. 4uc May Pole. March. Mueller. 35o Good Humor, March. Allard. :: Fleurdes Champs, Valsc, Toncl. &0e ; Published and f tut, post paid on receipt of price, by f rL PETEltS, scptll . b'J Broadway, N X., r- 3 NEW- TURBINE 0 fz 1. L EXTIXCiKIL. C. H. fi jfjand at HOLLYOKE. M A 8 8 , b Qj jf For Ianiphlel and test report address FUURMlAM. York. I

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