i . r . .teo( rjitiiwr?) ,k .oTsvrivjiw fO I J 1 1 tl rm vvLjy J t-i 4 1 ia.: i r-v :a ra r en . .: ku c ir im PL TO WILMINGTON, N. C TUESDAY, NOVEEEBEE 4, 1873 V-gj Ije (gticnino Post MISCELLANEOUS. i ii u Li i ii i nil t ii n u ii it. Kd every I . i '! MANN.. Editor and Proprietor subscription. ... in advance ?5 u0 tks, in advance 3 oo Theibest ORGANS(oJ thfefReeclasa months, in advance 1 f IN THE WORLD, ' t oath, in advance .. .nondence solicited from our friends 25! of the State, on topics of gene reit. Political 'news and reports ol rt especially desirable. ooTbooks5 school books, school books. UUitf A N D COMPLETE ASSORT - f 8ohool Books just received, and tot v (IfilXSBERCrER'S LIVE BOOK AND MUSIC STORE. 117 The Best for Ghurclie and Iyxlges. .. , The Best for Sunday School. -Tbe Best for Parlors and Vcsfries. The Best for Xideiiics And?ollg! The Best for Public Halls.. ; The Best for Orchestra and Stage. These instruments, ,tvhich for sweet ness of tone and elegance4 'of appoint- inent stand .unrivalled, hare met with .'an.iiso bemsht and sold in this unprecedented- success in this country ..iora from buvcra solicited, ana nnr nhro:u u .f -if L r ..ii -..ill Invo ni-ninnt. nt. I 31 A Vk AGTUKED B l , oc u.!! !is rnsh purchases negotiated. .tsrMToSii ej p NEEDHAM, I SON-. srehandise Brokerage Office, line of samples constantly on band i importers and manufacturers m xn markets. " MISCELLANEOUS. j 'AlericaiV' Institute f ? ; pj, WJMeKEE, EmltfliiErr, ani Flfitiag liadiiiies; ' It i ingenious and will meet the -svftuts of Icycry mtroh In the land." I ,l '.. EXHIBmON UF 1872: 1 ' 'fr f. A. Barnard, Tre.' Soiitf-E.,GaTltt-KecrSecy. 'r 1tu: ; -iflamie l.. ,IH!ran, Cor. ?Jrcj. . . ;-, i'Mi'j r SicvrjYorii, .November 30, 187, sjrpple'.a'nd iliuhlpus Machine is' as ftrV as theewrp .M bipe.;sahd fs.faat befco?3insriKiMl'i?'W4th'' lalie, in the place of drpeosivjir needle Work. it xydrlt beinir aukl iitit..wni.ti:u'Ji iurL tiie tSDeiise.1 ,iOi iVtbfitvtmv r.hu etc fthbUtit:f 1 k .r. laiv i li) ii AHjicnifit? wiifrfiHu-fraXedr- cVrttUMr anaT hill 1 iifstrtiCcSdhkJtunt oii receipt of $ & oc ., . . . .. . . - i ,i . : . j. Is fexfomnieyded by'fegalairMedldal ptati iioners and a speedy eurur guaranteed fr CWi; Coqh?, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, ; pitUng;iiiood,tJou3uxnptionandalirulmo7 forpsla and, Gout. " Dysentery, ChpIefA-mor-busVGboloTa'aiid all ltyer and bawei com plaints. Kidney diseases and -alii affection oi thiUripal CirgansrTerfectrj'..harinU6flJ ftree rom! Mineral or Alcoholic properties j l-f pleasant to take and never known to rati -4Fricq $1 00 "per Bottle.1 Full tiartlcfclarsl wim1 uieuicai xoanuiony ana ueruncnieB sent on appUcat ion. Address, it. P. flXD CO j :l,dcveT th Avenue, iew York. t- . c rn r ISTT 1 7 A V Merchandise and Produce Broker. ) 181 If ESTABLISHED IX 184G. i i. doughten Nos ) 43, t45 & 147 East 23d st. N Y ItesDonsible Pai ties applylnj: for agencies in sections still unsupplied, will receive V. L9PER. LOPER & DOUGHTEN, V T q t c prompt attention and liberal Inducements, i- -LJ -- v-y Parties rcsidinir at a distance from ourau- ctttxtvi T.nnnTTf thorized agents, mayortTerlrom our factory. .nv ouuiiim. ..v. i Send for illustratea nrlco. iit. ; aug zo-u 13 N0RTI1 FRONT STREET, Philadelphia, Pa. rs for Turpentine Casks solicited and tly nlled at lowest market price. :i5-tr barb a: it ssaosv TO THE WESXrTQ THE WETl Betore making your arrangements to fol low trie advice of the "thotisands who have already gone," it would be well. tOtconsider what has been done to make the j6urney?tb your -'Homes in the West" as pleasant and free from danger as httmau skill and ibrc- TTRVEFt wishes to Inform his custo s aud public generally, tbat he is now sight can accomplish. ed to do all kind of work in his line, By consolidation and construction, a road juld respectfully request acontinua- ua3 ueen pTlt into.bpeTation on tbe shortest : the patronage wnien nas nereioiore p035iblc iiae fr0m Nashville, Tennu. to St. D UDerany oesiowja upou uu. Loui6f ..tue.futuregreatCity of the, world." ZZ - This line, th nc Iffpw Pamilv Spwinir ManhiiiR bt. louis & southeastern kail 1 i) HUH 1 UlUliJ WUI! 'Ug, iiiuuumui WAT I ' srpr.RlORITY OF THE BINGEIl has, during the past year, earned an envia- KVlN(i MACHE for beauties ot ble reputation by its smooth track, prompt y to every ciato of e win?, lias been J time, cure coDnectIon$tana tneinagnun; J ished in lair and open competition in 1 ccnc tspftftSeafrer qtSTpmetxu- - Jtsi UMfeTf1 u!eiran?eruJ is to oe trains arc mad up of newud commodious In the numerous awards oi FlRSf -v cars, provided with the celebrated Mil- ?KSyZZ: ler conpler'anb p'.,lforh, ,nd the We,tin nl Fairs iu Ann riea an! in luiop.'. Ikhi-c air -br.ike. 1 " L'..l ...,.1 r I Vi.oilln IK I 1L 1 veil aim 'iiui,ui; . . . I.. ,1... , , . 1 lit... ii.tillillir lest to learn, ilas the hi-lies appro- i'- t' U) ; - 'V-.. the Faniiiv, the S.-amstress and the v,,'!,,,.,,, , ICC )-. win - Ho -:n ! p'Ug i .. ...... . -v ' i i r i ' i - i. - i !Vld hraV: "v'rany ou without - hange from Na,a- I'oini'iuiy. vnle U St. Louii. v .Nofother liue p uiends w.i.l ..... r... 1 1 ....... . 'I'.irmi: ' nd full instruction, jiiven. hT such idv u.e. cithci noi.ta. cJ LMllceNo.l, Lipi)itfsKo.v,s4)utUMoni timtM- ,ioUvrtieWii Nvfey. i thefu', jfiBirbeyi Wilmington, , DIBBLE, hy eireultou routes? Do not' be induced tf .Manager. ' lo purchase tiekes to St. Louis or the West by any other line, remember that The "St. libuis & Southeastern" is the short cstcheapes'fi quickest, best aud only litiVi. under. ' ouo , rnaLaa;cmeqtf) lr,om Nashville to St. Louts, aud isfruin 00' to J00 miles the shortest t-o St. Loius 'lUjSai City, Omaha, Denver, California, tTexas, and all western poin.: It U also the Cht euro Shortest Line."ivia' Etansvillei -''! ' You can secure trie,,' cheapest rat'of' tot yourselves aud yon removables od' applica tioa, in pcroa ot by lU.crf t CllAJH.ES McCabe, Southern1 PmjrAtiicati College street ; peppt , aahVilfeAw'irW fitlo' V i AS. A. LOWEBY, RIAGE MAKER & REPAIRER. AVE removed my establishment lo f new buildings on the coiner oi L'UTH AND CAMPBELL S'TS. Bony r.riuye, where I shall be pleased c my old customers and many new riatre tnnteing, palnt'iug and repairing y lonv. Horse Shoeing, nml various ! oi iron work done ou reasonable . "iuc; had thirty years experience In usiness, I am confident that I can lo tiest work, and give at isfaetion. ALL WORK WARRANTED. .J-tf .TAS, A. LUWKRV. liTER v 1 1 INFIRM ARY AT ial Practice for the Cure of crs. Tumors, Scrofula. Chronic cers, Ejilcpsy, Liver Diseases, rtorino 'Disuses. Skin Di-cus-C"i and all kindred Arl'ec t i ) n s uecesfu!y T r e a ted. icers and Tumors will be treated with pecitics without the use ol tlic kuitV, )ot thfc k)is ot blood and but with lit lin to the patient, ruis for treatment will be iu the tvaeh I- All communications addressed to ill meet with prompt attention. Cir s aud certificates of cures will be sent pllcation. ice and Infirmary East Centre s'uett, lro, N. C. DR. J. MILES ilL'NTEll & CO. ober 1 H5 3m s Deyii; or CEDid Auneft A Book" just Issued exposing the7 "?b86A- axs" tnat nave appeared in tno wew xort Newspapers; their history and lesson. Stti- ish vixLiANs jfullt .exposed.. Advertise ments from dPSRerate men to beautiful wo men; Clandestine'meetiugs', how frustrated; The History of the GOODHica: TitA&ETY the result of a "perebnal." Description of LiT- ing . Broadway (Statues. . JExposes socxai CtBRUPTiON. ,.cent on receipt ot 50 ets. Address, Uijjque Printing House, 6 Vescy St:, N. T, " ' Tho BeckWith $20 Portable Fam- lly sewing Jlachiue on 30 Days Trial ; many advantages over all. 8atis- laetion guaranteed, or money relundea. Sent comDlcte. with full directions. Beck with Sewim; '.Machine Co.. 863 Broadway jn. I. may l ov( u Impoit4.T'XYBsxio?. , ,It retains ttw rap ture;at all times, and under the fcardes.t ex ercise or severest strain. It is worn, with comfort, and if kept on night and day, ef fects a permaueht cure in a lew weeks. Sold cheap, and sent by mail waen request-; ed. Circulars free, when ordered by letter sent , to Tbe" Elastic Truss Co., No. 683 Broadway, N. Y. City. Nobody uses Metal Spring Trusses ; too painful ; they slip off ,GAUTION. GERUINE F AIRE AUK'S SCALES . fj") t" ir vto' k 'TTriiPT n! CO. v. - FAIRBANKS -il. - : 2 HIP SOMJbXiS. RAIL ROADS. :il r. WILMINGTON, N. C., V VT6. ) Carolina Central Railway Goipany roN, N. c, My It, 1873. ff ' Schedule. ; t f. . -PAS3ENQER TRAIN8 tl SAVE . WILMINGTON DAILY (EX- XU cept Sundays) at 8:00 A M Arrive at Wades boro at 5:25 P M Leave, Wadesboro at . . 7:10 A M JAtrlve' at Wilmington at. ....... . 4:35 P M FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Vrticdlngton daily (except it Bandars) tj. .i ....... . 0:00 AM Atrive Laurinburg at. ........ . 5:30 P M I'yVLafcrfttmr a'H . .i i S:00 A M ArriTeVHmlQgtonut...; 5.30 PM Leave Charlotte' dailv. ; Suudavs J iexcepted;'tr.... ...iw.i 8.00 A M Airivo at Buflalo at., 13.00 M Leave Buffalo at . 1.00 P M Arrive at Charlotte at 5.15 P M Irregular Lumber and Timber Trains run pn both portions oi the Koad as the busi fats requires.' ' 1 A Daily Stasre will soon rua in connection with, the trains on both ends of this Rail- -; . . L. FREMONT, Chief Engineer and 8up't. may 19 : : sn.tt jr PiedioHt Air-Line Bailway, Ilichmbnd and Danville, Richmond and Danville R. W N. Diyiaion, and North Western N. C. R. T. Rail roads; y ; M new iftVERTisEMENis, Wilnington. Colombia &.Aup us(a R. R. ConpanJ; 6U. SUPXRINTX5DEHTS OmcL l Wilmihgtow, N. CM Oct.. 11, 187a. ) i ft I -if, tit??TrrA o r ! iviJjjnxojyjx, x. c CIIANQE OF SCHEDULE. THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE WILL go into effect at 4:30 A. M.f Suudar, lith inst. DAY EXPRESS TRAIN , (Daily.) Leave Wilmington 4:30 A. M Arrive at Florence. ..10:10 A. M Arrive at Columbia H:tt0 Pj Jf J - j Arrve at Augusta 8;rap, M. Leare Augusta : 4: to M IV Leave Columbia . 10; 20 ArrlTe at Florence .. 2 43P. M. Arrive at Tthalagl(m...ii:iXlI:l'h(k( p;q NIGHT EXPRESS tRAliiAitt t8tftf- DAYaEXCJIPTBD. ir, !ai U't Leave Wilmington . . . f 6aQ P. M, i Arrive at Florence : . . . ll:3 PL Ml Arrive at Columbia U Arrive at Augusta. ...... S;45.ii Leave Augusta 4:15 Pf m Arrive at Columbia 8i45Pir Arrive at Florence f . 2.03 A. M Arrive at Wilmlagton 7:10 A. M4 Passengers leaving Wilmington ion the G:10 P. M. train make close connection going South. " ,J c JAMES ANDER802t;v: Gen'ifsnp't. m-tf FULL LIXE OF DRY. uv 1 wTiirrnxEfrr.QVAi.irY - A m""! i oct 11 WilQington & VVcldon R. Rr Companj. r WnjiiKOTOw, N. C, Oct. 24,1873. 'j 1 -Condensed Time Table, i In eftect on uud . after Sundav, Oct. 12, : 1873. GOIfiG NORTH. Colleg V B, DAVENPORT, " 1 : (ieneial Ticket 'Aeenti'StJ 'Louis'.'"" No trouble to ansyr,4ftiQ, : fjf J Inly 2" " ' 5T-bm 8tooVScalep,Col Scales, lly .Sqiilfs, Dairy 4 Scales, Counter Scales, &c., &c,. , . .,' T 5ealC;sTCoi;urctl promptly auid rcusona- ALARM' CASlORAWkH: I STATIONS. KAIL. EXPRESS - i ' i ii . ... i ) Leave Charlotte 10.00 p. m 8.15 a. m. " Air Line J'n jw'r 10.06 8.80 44 Salisbury ...... 10.00 a. M. 10.45 Greensboro 3.30 " 12.45 p. m. : 44 Danville 6.20 8,12 p.m. 44 Burkville il.35 44 7.36 44 Arrive at Richmond..! 2.17 p. m 10.17 p. m. ; GOING 8QUTH. BTATIOHS. HAIL. EXPRX8S Leave Richmond ..... 1.28 p. u 5.00 a. m. i u Burkville...... 1.45 4 8 29 44 44 ; Danville.. a. 18 44 12.48 p. m. , ,. Greensboro,... 12.20 a. m 3 50 44 t Solisbury...... 2.38 .08 44 , u- AlrXine J'nct'n 4.244 8.10 44 Arrive at Charlotte. . j 4.35 a. m. 8.15 44 GOINO EASTT ST ATIOK8. . HAIU J 7" Co. SUops 4.45 44 j 44 Raleigh 8 3J 44 Arrive at Goldsboro. U.Ioa. m.. "GlMNtJrWEST. STATIONS. MIL. .L'-i'vr (ioldsboro .... 2 K) i. ,M Raleigh. i o.2i i -4- Co. Shops '.1.35 44 Ai iiv at Greensboro' li 2 a m. i . CHANGE OF SCHEUCLE. N AND AFTER OCT. 2Ctb. INSTANT J PASSENGER TRAINS oa the Wil mington and Weldon Railroad will run as follows: ' ' 1 " MAIL TRAIN. Leave Uniou Depot, daily (Sun,; days excepted) .'. At 7:40 A. M Arrive at Goldsboro -11:50 A. If Rocky Mount.,... 2:00 P. M Weldon 3:50 P. If Leave Weldon daily (Btmdavg excepted) .".At 9:50 A:.M Arrive at Rocky Mount . . . .'. ll:35A M Goldsboro,. ...k : li37 P, M Union Depot 5;50 P. M EXPRES8 TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily. . .At : 11:10 P1M: Arrive at uoidsboro - 3S5U AM Rocky Mount 6:03 A. M, Weldon..;.....'. . r&WAlM Leave Weldon dally... i..,..r.rr .-:7.5tP:M-J Arrive at Kocky Mount , 9:43 P. II ij A. (AAA i f Unien Mail Tram makes close connection .at Express Train conaects only with Acquia -i 1. TTT T T UT A W'fl PIT iTP SLEEPING CARS ON THIS TRAIM. Just ArriTei'iler St.eainiifRaIe!f VNoTiiKll invoice of Hams,J mxjakfast .Strips nnd-8iKuIders: '0f oftT orww'torlrisr: also, cboif 1M, Of Prl me TX'af rWd.'in J pi)und Oak Ritcfcets, extvesfety' r5 lHWliy use. Give it a trial. v,--i -nfM Wo rfetnrn oUr "thanks to otir .rurtomCrs and friends for their kind favws'acnd liberal patronage extended our new enterprijje, nwd are determined not to be "6utdone tmnices andinalitv of Uoods. Art examination' of our superior stock of Cfroeerle,-Wl ties and Inq uors wl 1 1 e n v ince t he most skeirtlcal lliat money can be- sared by gtvinjrns tneiror dersi "lS ' '"- ltemeiuber tho corner undertbe Seaman's Home. b .T. IT McGARITY & CO. Sept ril 10&- - t PARKEK to rAYLOK i North Western N, C. R. K ', , n (Salem Branch.) Leave Greensboro 4:U0 P M Arrive' at Salem 0.25 P M Leave Salem J'rOO'A M JArrive.ajt Greensboro 10:00 A M tf'f ii" v Mail trains daily, both ways. 1 On Sundays Lynchbunjf Accommodation leave Richmond at 9.4'ia. m , arrive, at iBur,ktUlel4r p. m., leave Burkvil'o 5 35 ia. m., arrive at Richmond 8.44 a. m. Pullman Palace Caf,tm all night trains between Charlotte " 4 Richmond, without ichange.) - ' " - - t ! Fer lurllfer inlortoaitori address ' 8. E. ALLEN, ! GWdfaTTicket Agent. Successors to A. H'NEFF; Tl Gun?, Stoves, Lanterns, Kerosene, Oil Ti i and Sheet -iron Ware. -,' i i-. ' Roofth done' at short noti?e Agents for Fairbank's Scales. No. 19 Front Street ' r. t f, i-.vj io v.ii '( : i.f.n ,iif-i.H a : , g e.! i i lxWiiBal tint ore U Jialtimore, t-i (FAIRBANKS & BWING. v' '--'FAIRBANKS, BRWN' & G0 t daut. t i? ar' mWiihia',.. n .iJari 9dJ .law W wm ) t rj'i? 'iginritcd. ! ?wd IMi- FV)ilt "ITiindln?,0' WMrW J : v.i xanx ,qBto7VVKlII.j rj '' ' f'''jj'un''i.nn illl Lrn Mittm.J til NBW HJITY.DIREGf DRY. o: .-fa po BE..7&SUPfrtieyiaua I the YtW M loVmber.' MlriklAvt'fli!l 7.r. L , f -r.k r4 -Vaj- M;:t!..f soeollccUoiLs.made ujitUJJie tuiUrniii. COmplctetl aii d d el i W01J? p. ri M 1 witevJte" fi4ri,h- tl)tt:iS jotit delay dlto -nlftjjAX.fc,f J ) t Pt i8t vs-&mm$k. ,The following named plcua,ajM'Te;aai,;; .njended as being faaoTigt U VjEWid best ossues .iH in Tn!?iy Music " , ma "Jtilia. 'tis of thee Lsiny....Suii.N.avfi Why dontrydt?erieffid7ligiiays. jKeain me waves ncr Spirit wanders, ong. ft ii'9iri ! Stewart 30c. (Jive myjpye Jtali ate, aongwa, . No little One to meet mr Rom- Pm(f Vi,. ThlnJoofm&feometimeBikMajratej") Sdaijfi 1 Stewart 30c 10 Mys W ?lfytytK' a V" ( I lenatoe vke deacJ ofdrHoraei: Supai-dt aiittleweefh'eart ctofinifi&itfmfr AftP" FREIGHT TRAINS will leave. WiimiDg-i ton tri-weekly at ft.00 A. M.. and ajrive at 1 40 P. M. 1 i .7 - J EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS will leaW Wilmington daily (Sundays excepted) at 2:00 P. md arrive at 5:30 P. M. Meare-ine; lloaveit; nAHe f enpr; it? dfc. . 1 44Panline., Sohg. Dank. 30c.'.., Stay not lorn: away. Sorarib1 f'btfi fc'dfti1 GildsDbro..r.....f; -lttSWlM J VftuliM .SQngDanka.... ... m Depot. . . y-r?43a4u: M,H Pleas'6'th,6 'OlrTs7.; 'BlritonC o'lijf; flh im?Hrm? .?MYdT il WmP iff,s,!"HF ' . TV41 if ew sofHyrOJ vrtbeflst rn ( . JOHN F. DIVINE. oct 2i -''.?A General Superintendent. I t'-; now, u uo. autu sum ., ISO f f 4 ' Stewart. tOc. s ' . . P' utBKcs mc uodiinf out. .?oiii; wood. oUc.. . 'Meath ithe white and purple l!k'.-;iiis. i Sohg.' 'Parsley. 3tX". ' Norah i dfeamiug .ot you, -?oi)-: . L'tMkt. t SOc. - ' . . Tbcsweelc'st Bad is mi9ing. Hoir-r. dhITj . 0c. r ,f On Receipt . . . Will he come home tu nighl Molhti? $jul, . 'Danlis: IM' wf 1 ' Godiblcsv-eorhatuut long. .SLcwaiikn oct 127 i Mttfc tr-ot; oston. For sale Vy all lcalinir llanlware -ru-i!jj- ; Dealers; ...f ; .i:U'i' "y ljt"-J ' tsil .h ru l..j ,i tT2taw4fUi - - i ' ; - '"f 1 t - it.u 1 : - l VI I. .VI I M (t TiO N, N. C. nov 19 tr : : v . t ( lii'jj iiOR !:TfflEDMIfrai; ; NEURALGIA, PLI X iu! the FAC'U, A c, ; . - ' '''' " . THE 1 ' -1 . "FT va lati ft. ati ftak. tr XTOTHyd btv?by gif ou' tbt ajjplJCHtioni i will be malc Utle General, Acsjembly! witliout prciufUce to.therHifVietbrs oftfeej l.'W-lr 4 October 17th, 1T3 itimi-lm i.i;iajEl) wlieu ali olber remedies Uvtlco.: 11. js cnjiuoiuiy a i Hi 1 n- . ' FAMILY MEDICINE, Aud nofaniilv should b without it. In uf of sudden attack, one bottle will vave nvc dollars in doctor'ullls. For sale by all J'ruggists. October fir3t Is E TIllS MOST REMARKABLE:; w . 1 1 . F ALL AlTAUATUSluS,; mctincJ failed a mechanical paradoxnow ul vthjJ such wonderful success in our principal! cities for the cure, y 1 mcmhn k jtXRa- J cisk, 01" neaili ,ull. . Chronic Diseases .jiiitl ;Wie4tos, Is for s:lc by the undersipned, y whom all orderh will be promptly ti 1 1 c 1 f-. T1H K RE A.CTiaN-AJS hi h ! is s.i const ructc.l that eVchVcfiiM jirf Im. stantly adjust it for a, pcrstm to lltt piiyw weight, from twenty to twelve hundred" pounds. 1 , ': 7.. .4 It is mad- almost wholly of iron and steel,' weighs l-JO K)uiuls, and covers a space bfotif1 2") by Indies; and altboujrh. but recently introducetl, ncnrlyl,iM have already locn sold. . : - f , prick ci, r. JXKD and kuiPrt.U. small books or Hrcitlars. s!i6wd1i If lis; can be had free at the office of the Post. t , , jiriiklyju..N'yi seji 11 diVwit P. o, liox "! A :. -October 4 ll-tf A. ADRIAJ. t. VOLLEUS ADRIAN 6: V0LLERS , wnoLKALKDCALriis rw " 1 ii roccrics and tiiditbr. Importers of German and Ha vana XJlffrv4 AJIJB ;., '. ,rr South -Kat Uoiuiek Dock ami fiu )A .Streets. - 4 - m; f - Vi Iii WILMINGTON, gfCv, . Ha.viiiif Uie larrct aud best ivvja lcil fciyck rr jrrcric and i.iouors In tne c'ltv, Deafersl wUl flnditio tbir InteresV la clVet, A1 before buying elsewhere. WARRANTTEE DEEDS- 0n! hn3 and! for sale - " " -f ''H feb 25 U HALL i btdtici Holy 3tH3rt.tuo llira. lainWsjutv-; i Jxst and t&a Twyii titwull iklayW joSdS! nd 4Tnc a!f ?AT il'Wov Sav14irTIotii4H 4er (Uo(grT)cJaf k. iTuoaVLitlUrn, Ciretftg 'Wvcw ntttramtatefio nitaMcu. 6elb?of Saio? wSu. ' WAX. UorAlniehyri: 'blnAvbrkm i Hkiy( l, Wai-Uctir Priced r ; 1 r Auf ufn'n teaW. ' -keVcfleV 7 1 nslhlm A'Ui ; ,HlnfceU-i3c' i ! .-r; ;r- Mollie Darling In&trumeiital. ..JMakti) SOc ntglfcOa. ItfttWMenHL,Kidkiiil fH.- nruWTTgdDd -tiipoft itd 01 set aif t tiVi&H . it ;.L. PEi i.-.--'sXn-Ui'i't 'iliroadirayW t- vnrMrTT;rT?trfrf i3rft iiW.TA -C TiEWtffTURBINE t jlld at liui.iinmr-,. -u - p r? , u . i j tlsn iXliMiiV'fr lna rfTl ;-FbrpJtAihktiU,tesl rrwrt if4dreMN,jr RliliXijAi. y,rk, lJf

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