' Y y J ' ? J-L ' 1 . '' . - 1 1 I ' j . . . ., . ; r-?-n --m-'' -11 "K'l" i-L-ll-i? i - - . ..... ... , - . r- J1L1V " ;':-tu'V TrPi j " ;:"7.:t" 'j - ' ,mv. '. m r nrr ! ..: .. 1 m 1 ! 0 'nlMtNGTONv N. G, THUBSDAYyEp6-187 ' NO.,147 i . -. . -rz t : -. - . cr m ? 1 t ,.r Tocnt Sunday. ?a!) WANN Editor and Proprietor . .ioii('.e vear, . . S X) .1.- in liJ lau--" . IB"-- ' .1. in A.'lvancc.. ,nrtenM'80licueu nu iii0t!i.WHHv durable. J i w1 hp mot in advance. 1 50 50 aiSCELLANEOUS. THE "8I.UR'MH'&1,; OR&ANS the best ORGANS of he Rcetijelass SCHOOL BOOKS, SCHOOL BOOKS, SCHOOL BOOKS. it A N U CXMPLETE ASSUHl Miscellaneous. id: ;c1hju1 BookK just received, and for V " It is Ingenious and will meet the crania of every rnStron in the fand.,? i . .. j A- Barcacd, Frus. i -'Si.il l TUlmHVLW. Secy RAIL KOADS. ij o Carolifia Central Railway Cofflfa&y; kltl liar SUB .-.i J, : . -,'f .i --; -- ' ' f fjTf;.-";r i- 1 RAIL ROADS. NEW ADVEETISEOENTS. Miiuingtoj foiWa & An" THABKSBIV1HS PROCLAUATIOH. Till ibtf eipfrl4c Wt : schedule: PASSENGER TRAINS' f. Kl" flaw RiTi'ERIJiTKSDBXT'S . OniCX, wiiknieToit,; Oct.. Jl, IbTi .n- CHAS8E OF SCHEDULED AND MUSIC STOKK. 117 At Merchandise Brokerage Office, r iin of samples constantly on hand import and manufacturer in L' Sorthern markets. ot v'iv t' r'.i(ie workVUs.-vrork being HiMt:ilt -Hl.tOHilr irt 14. e tS(KifcdC no !:t-4fi::UBtjiHow mv v wilful, it, r A rtifliin.' , wu(-ji!' dv .VccMlar' W)d lull ,iijWc'iu Ant ou ruc-ii t of 3 or iinisliVd : i silvr.r iS7 ilc fm AdaA-st; Tlife' MoKfc MiuVulactuf .ni: O)., iJ road wsV. New York- -- ! ACTENl'Br WXXJ Dr.? Garvin's Elixir of Tar, ded bv l-Lirular iledicjl practi At . " 4. tionere and epeeuyr curt? guaramwu m ia flnnhp. Catarrh. Asthma, Bronchitis, 8 pitting liiood.Cousamption and all Pulma- - , - j c-i V.o!nAlai: Tire. nary uomptainie, ocroium, juijojiao, Thr lost for Academies and College. nholer auti all liver and bowel com !intK Kidnrv diseases and all alfcctions The Best for Public ilalis. ot th Urinal . Organs-perfecUy harmless . ,x .li fmo from MincrA or A cobolic properucB The Best lor urenpsira aiiu oiagu lu u and never known to fail rrun-n ;fr,miPnts. which for sweet- Pricef 100 per Bottle. Full particulars iiivov ui-i""' 7 I ... a- .1 .... 1 i 1 rf ai"krnint ness 01 tone aim ciigaavu n 1 ul (Tept Sunday's) at . Ar?ivuat Wadcsboro at. iJtfivo Wades boco it,.. .. ' Rrrivo at Wiluiiugtou ut FltETGUT .TRAINS..; r -AtV - "' i .DAY EXPRESS TRAIN. (Daily.) Jj'iiV VYriiuiugtoa. . . - r -iO A. Al Ky? Fornce..l .,.. iV.'lftlO A. M The Best for Churchy and Lodges. The Bet for Sunday Schools. Tbe Best for Parlors and -Vestries. ' v. Vilminfrtore dailV excel t ! ' Suiidavs).. A.'M I Afirjv'o at JurinburK .U.. . . A. Leave Laurhur,; .i. .v.... :00V:AI Arrive ut Wilmington at. . ..: . . . . b.W-F ,.! PASSENGER TRAINS. ' rT.anvi Pharint.fW' dallvJ !Sliud&"VS - ' i- excented, at..l 8.00 -A At Arrive at Buffalo at. 12-00 M teave Buffalo at,.. 1.C0 P M Arrive at Charlotte at 5-15 nl Irregular Lumber and Timber Trains run on both portions of the Road as the busi- nPAa rnnnirps. A Daily Stajjc will soon run in cunuauuu with the trains on ooth ends 01 xnis juu- way r-Anrii.v- nt -ColumMa Arrive, ut AHusia. ...... .. Arji-hr st Horcoce.... orders i.y.H.licn . tnrcit luuiDv.. .lliS!?! telegraphed promptly Merchandise bought, nnj sold m vms rket, orde' fha prompt at- VHU J and often 1 . . 1 Ui tention. Time as well whetheryou wi rated ireeiy, Broker. pKTTEWAY, Merchandise and Produce Bnjgr. Uee 20 " " " . I. UOUGIITEN L0PER & D0HGHTEN, N A VAX, S T O II K S AND SOUTHERN l'KOUUCTB, ....... f.i T rrl NOR TH FROJyi o L lifJjiy 1 , ment stand unrivalled, have met amui unprecedented .success in jthia country and abroad. MANUFACTURED BY s ' E. P. NEEDHp 1 .SON. ESTABLISHED IN 1846. ' Nos J 43, 145 & 147 Eat 23d st. N Y Responsible parjies app ylng f1..11!?"! in sections still unsuppliccLV w ill redtjeyp itnd liberal iinducements. Parties res dins it a distance from our au 8eud for illustrated oncali'-t. -b u With medical testimony ana ceruuaM sent on appliealion. Address, L. F. HlUL & CO. lwi eve th Avenue, ew Darts froitlie Devil; or .GmiiiAW a -Rrti.-ixtet iiaued e.-snosiner the "pebson- Ats" that have appeared in the New York Newspapers; their history and lesson. Sttl ishvillians f'uiat exposbd. Advertise ments trom desperate men to bcautitul wo tirt'oti . nianriPKafmft nieetinffs: how frustrated; The History of the goodiiich tuagetvj: the resui t of a porsonal.' ' Description ol Liv iriaT Broad wiw statues. ExrosEs social ClimtTTTrox. S-'nt on receipt of 50 cts. Address, Uniipie Printiug House, o0 Vescy ies S .N, Y, may 10 S. L. FREMONT, Chief Engineer and Sup't. 311-tt Pieimoiit Air-Line Railway. ":00 T M . 8:00 KM. . 4:80 . Tkf . .,10;20 A M " 2 48P. M. ArrtImltofrV! V . ;J i.". .10:00 r.' M NIGtiTBKPRtSBRAlN UAILT: (BtlN-DAYS- J1XCB&TSDU-): v . ' ' . i Lcavo .Yilming toil .r . . - . , 4 .,. . . 610 P. H Arriv: at Florence ...... v . . . . . ikzo r. rri-f- Mt Columbia" .'."".T.. 4.00 A. M Arrive ut Augusta Leave Augusta Arrive at Columbia Arrive at Florence ........ Arrive at Wilmiugton.. Parscners leaving Wilmington on the 0:10 P. M. train make close connection going South. K JAMES ANDERSON, Geu'l 8up't. ocill j Bj Hh ExceflaxYiJyihe Governor nf S'orth ' ' Oarofina, EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, Raleigh, October 22d, UTJ, r WiiEREAs, Th people of North Carolina have been abandanViy blessed durlnj the peat year. And the earth bath, yielded bonn teou&ly r uil the prod net of iut coll so that the garners of the husbandman arc tilled to ovfrflowlnr; and the Industrious median l has rcallied a rich reward for his labor, and every clawi of our population prpcred in all laudabki enterprises; and Wjii;i:ka. aboreall, fraternal feeling and good will nave in a jrreaL measure ocen restoreuiu our midst, and no. plague, pestilence or liunluc. has visited our mate: Now, thercRre, a t becomes u, a Rratefnl iveople, to -render tbanka to Almighty Ood fur tuce and num ber less other blessinss showered uion us In Jils jrreat mercy, I. Tod iu ciuwen. tiover norof North Carolina, in obeilieUcc to law and in conformity with n honored prece dent, do appoint and set apart Thursday, November 27th, 187;, 8:45 A. M 4:15 P. M 8:45 P. M 2:02 A. M Richmond and Danville, RicAmoud and Danville R. W., N. Division, and North Western N. C, I. W. WUsaiuiloa & Weldon R. R. Companjt ST, MB day or puouc luaangiTiux hiiwiikihuu the State? and 1 do earnestly luyite the cler gy of every denomination to open their respective- houses of worship on said day, and to exhort their congregations to humble themselves before the throne of tho ever living God- and render unto Him praises, which are Justly due, Invoking for them 1 selves, their State and their whole country. His guidance and protection throughout all time to come. I , . , A ' " n wimp let ii insr unto the Lord, let n 7:10 A. M make a joyful noise to the Rock of our sal- "Tietus come before his presence wuu nankmrlvlns:. and make a Joyful noise unto him with psalms.'' Done at the city of Raleigh, on this theZM day of October, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and seven ty -three, and In the ninety-eighth year of American lndcpcn: dencc TOD R, CALDWELL. Bv the Governor: J. 11. Nkatheky, Private Secretary, oct Hl-lt Oktice General Scpsbimtbhdbmt, Wir.iiiNOTON, N. Ck Oct. 2i, 1873. o Condeiised Time Table. -rv' r?" "2i" "S3. W ut ' 7- yo. -j Philadelphia, t'a. urpeniiiie wuvv irTSolileckvittt t Portable lir KtVlllr Jl ICUUIC, Vll mum v f n -O for promptly tilled at lowes rket nricc. v . , I r- . . - TOTHEwEStlTOTliEEST! Betoro making your srrangeuint3 fo)- Jow the advice of the "thousands wuo uae already gone," it wouiu uc,wu. w what has been done to make the journey io ur -'Homes in the West" as pleasant auu a 1 ..LIU nnrl (nrf. free i'roui danger as nuuiuu sm 6ight cau accomplish. , i . mill n, r-nnRrtlidationaudeousirueviou, has been put into operation on hp. shortest possible line from Nashville, fienn.. iv Louis, "the tut ure great qityjof the world. This line, tlio ST. LOUIS A SOUTHEASTERN RAIL WAY, BAUBIi SWOP. TURN Kit wishes U) Inform Jus eusco JmeJs and public generally, that he now prepared to do all kind of work in his line, U ;wi rnsnuctfnlly request, acontinna- " ;P4.,W which has heretofore UOU Ul HHJJWw a- been so liberally bestowed upon him Jau 16 tf Star s flew FaiilvSewiMlacMiie. . ...r, dnrintr the past Vear, tarne ,uk-h, simplicity of e M time, sure, connections, u d au en via all. Satis- nded. Beck- rf1 . 1 . ,rnr.- nM V All t.U.r eS OVCT X J " " frt, .ru;ii-.inUH-ii. or money iciuuub u-i4tMv.if.to. witb full aireetions with Sewing Mscmne- o., oi- m .y; ,. . may itoui n. ' i.i .1. . ..rm,w,i niiFirj cr A w In etlect on' and after Sunday, Oct. li, 1873. GOING NORTH. EXl'UESS STATIONS. THEtfEW jSLASTIC TUUSS-an ? liiPorAST lMVEWTioN. It retains tbe rup- 4, tnre at all times, and under the hardest ex- l" . ..;.. If 5c wrirn With ;ise or severest miu " , , t infort, and if kept on night and day, ct ts a permnneu'. cure in a tew weeks. Id cheap, and sent by MAIL.. ercise ur severest strain com feet T.u,Z:LU !,,... when ordered by letter sent to The Kla-tie Trufis Co., No te Broadway,, N. 1 . .city. xoi kkijt u00 . Vnfi Trus,e, ; too P -l ; th,y ,p oil tbo Treipieniiy. . .. fTCCAUTlQIN. UUV ONLY TUB OEHUINE' FAIRBANK'S SCALES, I ' XIANWACTUllEU BY k;m T EAIRB1NRS & C. .... ut ir t. k i.vprv ciiibs vji ..r. ; I r,,y r 1 1 n 1 1 m p n I . us . i; i,;.i i , Vtiir and open competition m eeuce 01 us pams"' 'i aSS 'uVulgnle1 and thi PUBLIC afe ffiaac up of new and coiumbdiouf j KIXHHiMTiUN' of merits s tj. bJ provided with tbe celebrated 'Mil S;ver;:Si XtVi- Sr and ifonn.aud. Uie We.ting- kw K POSITION and wtarly all the in- . - i intrii ' Kairslii Vmerieaand in Europe. n..u-e oir brake. "sueni Feed and Struilit NV-?" It is pmveVy. JUe o.dy , tuning, the easiest to learn, lias the lu.W'he uppro- iw..?im!.liO'ui :H-p.nj5- : L.,miiv tiip Seainsiress-aiiu umuni i m -v. . r lijl.lam: ! '!'Ki.iHiii! ! ! I N DAILY USE t.ollJfU withVut ' harige Irom NVso J!!',7":! sold last other Company year. 4-",()70! uVii" any Terms t i;-'dontneInst:illnientpl.ln. Term: isv and lull Instruction g ven. ir- i Mliee No.4. Lippitt's uo w, South 1 iou street, Wilmington,. y mvA iiraungvi. oct -Mf Vide to St. Louis. No other line p-ertnuo to ouvi snch dvi.weA, either i.. distance, .r j liptmnt. Why, tueu, joiuuuj routes? Do not ne inuuecu to St. Louis or uie tibie, by circuitous to tmrchase tickets J AS. A. LOWEKY, CARRIAGE MAKER & REPAIRER. I HAVE removed my ebtablishinent to I my new buildings on thcicornei oi FOURTH AND CAMPiiELL STfcj. Near Bony Hridsse, where I shall be pleased to see my old customers and many new oues. , . , Carriage makin;:, painting: and repairing neatly done. Ilorsr Shoeing, and various kinds of iron work done on reasonable terms. . . Having haeL thirty years experience in Ihn business. I am confident that I can do the finest work, and give atlsfacUoii. ALL WORK wARHANThn . .IAS. A. 1A West by auv other: line, remember that ; The "St. LotiH SoutHeru I U the shortest, cheapeet, quickest, best and ....w line under one management ironil v- .V.,.ii.. 't;, st txui& and islTrSniK) TOU lllUlUIillv miles the bhortest'to St. Louis, Kansas Denver. California, Texas, and all western points. It is also the "Chi i.ro Shortest Line.V via Evunevllle. Yon ran secure the cheapest rates for j L mmiiihWnn. nnnlica- yourseives auu 3 uui t uiuij"v -r -tiou, in person or by letter, to Chakles McOabs, Southern Passenger. A t,,ner, nrtn..r street Depot. Nashville, Teun., or to the undemgned. b wVjp(poRT.. n. neial Ticket Ajrent. St. Loui6. No trouble to answer questions. july25 j Leave Charlotte. .'. . Air Line J'net'n lU.Ub Salisbury Greensboro. . . . 44 Danville ,l Burkville xri ive at Richmond . . 10.00 p. M it 8.15 A. M. 8.o0 10.C0A. M.jlO.4;) " 3.o0 " 12.15 p. M. O.iiO ' 1 3,ia p. M. 11.35 14 I 7.:i(i " 2.17 p. M 10.17 p. m. GOING SOUTH. STATIOSS. Leave Richmond. .. BurkvU!6;.i. 1 1 DahvilT: MA II. Greensboro. . " Solisbury ,l .: Air Line J'ncV'u Arrive at Charlotte. . . ' GOING EAST" y'- - , t -t t 1 f STATIONS. I MAIL. 1.2S P. M' 1.45 " U.1S u" i2.20 a. m , " 4.35 a. m EXPllKSS 5.(0 A. M. 8 2u " 12.48 1. ;; 50 ' .0n 8.1U b.15 M ! StoekSeales,'coalScales,Hny Scales, Dairy Scales, Counter Scales, &e., tfee. Bcalco rcnaii-cd 'promptly and rcauna- 1 K!.. Leave Greensboro'-, , , CO.. Shops .... ,l Raleigh Arrive Goldsboro' $ 05- A. M 1 4.45 r:. , 8 3 " ' 11.16 A. Ml STAiiONi. M ; pit if a GOING WEST. L A r ' i v Goldshoro -.,. il-i!e!rji 1 Co ."ill'H - ; j .it GriM'n.-!.in)' i -o f. y:-i5 t ' 20 M. North Western N, C. R. it COANGE OF SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER OCT. 20 tb, INSTANT PASSENGER TRAINS on the Wil minton and Weldon Railroad will run as follows : MAIL TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily (Sun days excepted) At Arrive at Goldsboro.. Rocky Mount Weldon.. Leave Weldon daily (Sundays excepted) ' At Arrive at Rocky Mount ..... Goldsboro Union Depot EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily.. .At Arrive at Goldsboro ; .... Rocky Mount V.ldou... Lt. n . ? Weldon daily, -. . ArriS'i at Rocky Mount...... G 'ddsboro ; ' 1 Union Depot.... . t ram makes close connection W-ldon tor-ali points Nortb .tna Bay Line ibu Actfuia Creek routes. Ekprese Train eonaeets only with Acquia r... ...it- route. PULLMAN'S P ALACK SLEEVING CARS ON THIS TRAIN. FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wiiming ton tri-we. klv At 6.00 A. VI , and arriye at i.4o r y. , . P".VRKS FRFKHIT TRAINS will leave WirnstaKton daily (Suntlays excepted) at 2:00 M , -vnd a,rr?.ri-. at 5; 30 P. M. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. 130 11 7:40 A. M 11:50 A. M 2:00 P. M 3:50 P. M 9:50 A. M 11:S5 A. M 1:37 P. M 5:50 P. M 11:10 P. M 3:50 A. M li:05 A. M 8:00 A. M 7.50 P. M J:43 P. M 11:55 P. M 4:30 A. M at IN STORE. ",000 sacks Salt; 8,000 bushels Corn; 1,000 bushels Oat.v, 300 bales Hay; 1,000 bushels Meal; 300 rolls Bagging; 1,000 bundles Ties; 800 Spirit Casks; 250 barrels Glue; 1,000 bundles Hoop Iron; 200 papers Rivets; 150 boxes Cheese; 123 barrels Mullet.-; 800 barrels Flour; , 65 boxes Dry Salt 100 boxes Smoked Sides and Shoulder 123 barrels Sugar; 400 bags Coffeeall grades; 125 boxes Tobacco; J 30 barrels and half barrels Snuff; 100 boxes and barrels Cracker;-; 50 cases Snuff; 75 barrels Ilicc; 200 cases Brandy Pcache; 150 cashes Schnapps; Tf0 rlozen buckets: 50 boxes Candv; 125 boxes Candles, &c. For sale by F. W. KEKCNEK. oct 27 HO Le;fve Greeusboro . . . . Arrive at Salem Leave Salem Arrive. at Grengburo. . km V M ..0.25 V M ..W:(H;. M , 10;(K A M TJIR tOST Plitrl K'" A L AR M CASH LMWftR. 57-Gm 3Iite Alarm 'iHil . i;v:uv Use Them j flUMftCJl EVEUY MAIEE Vrranted. Mail trains daily, both ways. On Sundays Lynchburg AcconiuiodatJiUi leave Richmond at u.ja. 111.. uin Burkville 12 4o p. m., leaye inirKMi-c . a. ni.. arrive at Richmond 8.44 a. m. Pullman Palace Car? on all night trains between Charlotte Jwd Rieiimond, .without change.) Ftii- lurther information .nddres S. E. ALLEN, General Ticket Went. Orecnst'oro, N C. . T. M W. TALCOTT, Entiinceiaud Gen'l bpuenuiemianv. 0 THIS MOST ItEMAKKABLE -1 ALL A rr A It ATUS IS soUJCUiue ept3-tf mm INFIRMARY AT (iOLDSBOKO. X. . :o: Special Practice for the Cure of Home, r in, era Tiimnrs ScrOtllia. IITOUIC Ulcers, Epilepsv, Liver Diseases, Uterine Diseases, Skin Diseas es and all kindred Affec t i o 11 s successfuly Treated. Cancers and Tumors will be treated with our specifics without the use of the knife, without the I03 of blood and but with lit- t! natti in tht-tt4titnL .Twnw for treatment will be in the r.ach of all All rommunicatious addressed to us will meet with prompt attention. Cir culars and certificates of cure6 will be sent ou aimticfttion. Office and Infirmary East Centre street, Just Armea per Stealer Raleisii, MOTHER invoice of Hams Breakfast Strips ami wnouiuer, ui V t Vr,i n '"i alsoT choice. lot.oflMjuclAjat l M . ......1 KnCKPI.S. Cl " uuuuu . r.. - - - - ' "v. 41: "hair- if nur customers 7l Vrhmds for "their kind favors and liberal fUlll in' . , nnunir 7H nnn ivilmn:i're extenueu our ui r4fdeVe?rntned not .to be outdone in . prb ind (iiialitv OI wkws. ............ -( our superior "'tiiUluit moi??cSn tved ly giving u their or ders. , ...i,rHoe'iiiLiiii"s Remember ine cpi iM ; J. IT. McGARITY A- CO. Sent ii-lus- Successors to A. IL NEFF, Manufacturers and dealers in imrrsiK UTTKNISIIIZI O G CODS, - ----- rkM XI, UUU9T , i,n Warp Roofing done at. short notice Agent for Falrbank'a Scales. NoL 19 Front Street SOLE) AT Fairbanks' Scale Warehouses, FAIRBANKS & CO., 311 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. IGo Baltimore st., Baltimore, o3 Camp st.. Now Orlcanr-. FAIRBANKS & EWING, Masonio Hall, rbiladelphia. FAIRBANKS, BROWN & CO.: 2 .Milk Street, T.oston. For sale by all leading Hardware Dealoi-s. sept 11 .. RHEUMATISM. NEURALGIA. PAIXS in Hie FAC i:, Ac, ci!: d a lii.-chanival paradox now used yith sueti Wtiuderful success In onr principal fines n-r ihe mre, by tuit i.ati ve KSKK (. isk, ul nearly all ' riironic. Diseases and Weakutrises, 1 1... ...Lvtki nt! fur m'- i.v the unaerniifu, "3 uu' ki s will be promptly nneu. I Oil TIIIC REACTIONARY twelve hundred TUK ELECTRIC H AS (TRKl) when all oili.-r have failed. It is eminently remedies is s constructed that even a child can In- th- ...liiwt it. for a person to lift any weitflu, from twenty to DOlltlds. 1. ;.. ..,..,1., ..Hiwxt w iki'.Iv o f iron and steel wei "lis l'yV pounds, and covers a pace of only ..,.1.?- ,: i.w i,.v :oil siltbonirh. but recently rntriMluced, nearly 'l. have already been sold. PRICK M', i;jxi:d AND SHIPPED. Sm;(U I'ookv r eireubus. howinjj its use. be'hnd fr'- :it the oinre n 111c 1 . S. H. MANN; i?rMklyn, N. . r. o. iio can pi ; ! -LV w 11 a. Ai)i:iA. r 11 ia t-i orJ! Fujg t U 1X111 W..on" Corner ttli and Market Streets, . 169 dec -OTICEis herejy given that application will be- made to the uencral Assf1""';, . is - . . . i ..rt.irijirotP Till mee i ins:. iu iinuii""". - lllv N at. its next l)iiinivirk 1 without prejudice to the proprietors o FAMILY, MEDICINE. And no family should wit hou jt- 1 ;;.t; of sudden attacks, one bomcwm-"- dtillars in doctor s biii. For sale by,lllrugists. , October 1 Ut E L. K c C T R I CJ . R I C 11. VOLLEttfl ADRIAN & V0LLERS. WKOLKILEDEALF.iW IS roriTit ami Ijiqucirs, Imprters of Ucrman and Havana Cigars, -AMI- Coiiimission Meicliant South-East Coknkr Iock and Fno.'rr streets. REDINGOTES. TK ARE NoV MAKING TIIli: ;T t.- IH ARTICL1X for our customer. SADIES Will d well to call at Mrs. STlIUt K'te and cxani'ne sample. I Drcxs-Makiiig ljc ALL 1TH LATEST X Mrs. STR0CKS' oct 1" tf Princess Street. I . vans iwock. GIFT CONCERT. For the Itviiefll and under the auspice.-! of The Cape Fear Agricultural Am- ciation. rpilK UNDtlUIONEl, havinj; been ap pointed by the Executive Committee of i In above Association, to make the ueceKir arrangements for a GIFT CONCERT during . the next Aunuil Fair, respectfully solicits contributions of article suitable for prize. Five hundred prUe will be distributed to the purchaser of ticket, and the friend of the Association are confidently relied upon to furnish the prUes. Anything from h thousand dollar horse to a hoop skirt will be acceptable. The name of all contribu tors, together with their business card and the amount of their donation, will be pub lished In pamphlet form and widely dlutrlb uted. The prizes will be exulted during the Fair. Thone wishing to avail tuemselven oi this nuwt effective mode of advertising their business will please cotiimuiilwli with the subscrPK.T during the month ot Xo ember, as the list of prize should lc published ou the first of December. Tho distribution will Ihj made on the laH day or the Fair, December 1-th. All oontributloiiH should le addrewed to Dr. THOMAS H. CARR. WILMINGTON, N. C. 1 lavina the lareefit and .Ai Groceries and Liquors in the Cit , Dr to thrtr inieresi iukhc u- of rill tirnl It before luylns cdsewhere mav 17-tf - W feb 42fi :RRANTTK DEEDS- On hand and .:t ltjx t'l, WllmiugtOJ, N. i'. 137-tf STAR FRICTION MATS. PVERY HOUSE SHOULD JIAVK them. For sale hy GEO. MYERS, ott30 11 and lo Front trcct. -tf i I Goldsboro, N. C. ' DR. J. MILES HUNTER & CO. 1october 1 K5 3m : ' - m, . f ...... - -,.-., i uiv vv" v i w October 1 ll-tf novl9 Wjf