.. V - - y s ' - -- - . - f t . ? t : 'a151'" a''-'-4 v' ' f flt. M ! Ml i I ?. ' .1 XI . : 'Hi 'tr nip vol m ! vi tt-S NO. 148 g -y - fx r t- jh- -. - -j" M t) T T ?j 1 i' f i A Kl o 'I V lino. I I T 1 I I I I : : " : t t Solo adrfyU-?ytfj 1 r ,,,,' ., ::- ' hi $ - r ' 1 Tbed every afternoon except Sunday. . ifti C MAfiN Editor and Proprietor ffear in advance . . S -. . . 5 U0 O00 .L m advance 3 00 a;j ai9aiUD r'lree months, in advance ' in idraace... 1 50 50 line nwu w r rrooodence solicited from our friends 2l parU of the State, on topics of gene-..-rHt Political news 'reports oj are espi.e:ailT desirable. TsEW ADVKRTiSEHRNTs. schooTbooks, school books, SCHOOL BOOKS. ,jAKGi: AN D COMPLETE ASSORT t f school Hooks just received, and for A DIP'1 sale at I.tVK BUOK AND MUSIC STORE. 117 "Merchandise Brokerage Office, imti Ii line of samples constantly on hand t from importers and manufacturers in Northern i.aarkets. l descriptions oi merchandise, orderH aBd bids solicited and telegraphed promptly. Merchandise bought and Hold in this market orders from uuyers bonaieu, ! mn& left by sellers will have prompt at- teution. . IX iwfh to buy or sell, commuui- rcatM freely, and oiten wiw Brker' JAS. T. PETTEWAY, Merciiandi.se and Produce Broker, dec 20 161 tr w t f. w. loi'ek i ucuoiiTEN LOPER & DUUvjrHl&N, .T , tt , r T T? 1 4 N A V T5 x w xv xj AND SOUTHERN PltOOUCTB, NO. 55 NORTH FRONT iSTRWET, Philadelphia, la. Orders lor Turpentine Casks solicited and promptly lilled at lowest marKei price marcn 245-tf BARBER IIOI'. I0E TURNER wishes to inform his eusto- mcrs and public generally, that he is now prepared to do all kiud of work in his line, and wouiarespecuuny request. wuuuu- uon or the patronage wnicn nas ueroioic ginnrov'cp Hour TqhiiIif fipwinir MgnhiiiP UlUgUl 0 11 U TT 1 ulllllj WU IT 11& iliUUUXUUi rpUK SUPERIORITY ,OF THE SINGER 1 sEWlNCi MACHINE for beauties of stitch, simplicity oi mechanism, and adap- tabilityto every class of sewing, has been I established in fair aWtheUBLlft f their merits is to be actual sewing contest' IIKCOONITION of found in the numerous awards or FIRS r EXNA EXPO;siT( )N and nearly all the In- dustnal lairs la America and la Kuropc. Vi t- Urf, 1 nnl Utt4ii.rht V noil 1 0 O rwIWl HipPiisiPt in iP.ir.. TTiis; tlio li itrlitf. annro- I VHlforihe Fainily .the Seamstress and the Hivssmaker. lJtMMI! ! ! IN DAILi USE 2M,7.58!! sold last year. I.yi70! ovr any .'fflcoNo.ltLippiU'sKow, south Front- street, Wilmington, N. C. OIIAS. E. DIBBLE, octs-tf Manager. REMOVAL. JAS. A. LOWERY, CARRIAGE MAKER & REPAIRER. I HAVE removed my establishment to - my new buildings on the corner oi FOURTH AND CAMPBELL UTS. Near Bony Rrldsr, where I shall be pleased Jo ee my old customers and mauy new ones. Carriage mailing, painting and repairing neatly done. Horse Shoeing, and various kinds uf iron work done on reasonable lerrns. Havinir lunl lhirtv vmr mc noripiifie in thif business, I am confident that I can do me nnewt work, sunl give satisfaction. ALL WORK WARRANTEH. eptS-tf JAS, A. LOWEUV. H HI llli AT (uOIjDSBOIIO. N. . -:o: Special Practice for tho Cure of tancer-s. Tumors, fcH-roiuIa, Chronic lTlccrs, E)ilcpsy, Iiver Diseases, Uterine Diseases, Skin Disease es and all kindred Affec--Hons sueccssfuly Treated. Ldncere and Tumors will be treated with ur epecifics without the use of the knife. Without the loss of blood and but with lit t'e pain to the patient. Terms for treatment will bo in the reach f H All communications addressed to will meet with prompt attention. Cir culars and certificates of cures wUl be sent on application. Office and Infirmary East Centre street, Mdsboro, N. C. DR. J. MILKS HUNTER & CO. October 1 115 3m, HUNTER'S INFIRMARY siiscelLaNeous. 4- THE "SI 9 7 The best ORGANS of the Reed class IN theS worlbj . The Best for Churdies and Lodges.: ; The Best for Sunday Schools.' ! Tbe Beat for Par.lors and Vestries ' ; ' The Best for Academies and Colleges. The Best for Orchestra and Stage. 'These instruments. Vhici fOr swpet- ness oi tone aua eiegancer oi appoint- meut atand. unrililled,:iiave met with . : ? 1 g ' . country unprecedented success in tnis country una aoroau.. MANUFACXUKED BY E."P. 1 SON. ESTABlllSHED IN 146. f 1 4 Nos j 43, 145 & 14? East 23d st. N Y Responsible patties opplying fop agenpiesi In sections still unsuppliedi vnil refecsites prompt attention andUberatoaucemems. parties residing at a distanco frPm ourau- thorized azentsmav order from our factory. Send for illustrated DrioollsjUvYi.;,, auS 26-tf TOTHEWEST! TO THEVESTI Beiore making your arrangements to fol4 low the advice. of the 'thousands who have already gone," it 'would, be well to consider what has been done to make the journey to your Monies In'ine 1Vest" W pleisant ab'd tree from danger as human skill and tore- sight can accomplish. ' 1 S gv consolidation arid construetioni a road- has been put Ihto operation onf the enoriesi ible line fromj Nashville; TJenrf.,to Sf f-ouis, "the future great City of the world. " This line, the . , , . . , , , st. Louis & southeastern rail WAY, has, during the past year, earned an bl reputation by iU Smooth tfcck, i 1 J T , ., o ' enYia- prompt time, sure connections, and the magmn ceDCe of its Panger equipneut. trains arc made up of new and comuiqiiotB day cars, provided with the celebrated Mil ler coupler and pHUform, and tby VVttmg- iinn. nir-lirake -1 ll is l)?S51?tveV Tile Oi. JV line iiinniug puuraiu pa4Cc Driwing iioom p'ng . 1 XT Cars th ough wHhout rhaugo rom Nasa ng vule to St. Louis. No other !ine p eteuds to offer such adv iiitages, either in ui--tancct time, -r . na'.pmvnt. Why, then, journey .' . 1 , a i ,by circuitous routes? Do not be induced to purchase tickets to St. .Louis or the West by any other, line, remember that The "St. LotiW & sWtnUstera" is the shortest, cheapest, quickest, beet and only line under one inauagemeutX from Nashville to St. Louis, and is from bO'tb 200 miles the shortest to St. Louis, Kansas City, Omaha, Denver, California, Texas, and all western points. , It U also the ,,Chi- cigo Shortest Line," via Evaneville. You can secure the cheapest rates for yourselves a'nd y6ur movables on applica tion, in person or by letter, to Cn.uu.E3 McCabb, Southern Passenger Agent, near College etreet Depot, Nashville, Tenn., or to the und$re.ignexh . , VB DAVENPOKt, Geneial Ticket Agent, St. Louis. No trouble to answer questions july 25 , 57-6m Jnst Arriyett per steamer Ralelfih ' -ft " N OTHER invoice of Hams, lireteftist Strips and Shoulders, of our own cw4ng; iilso. ciioicc lot of Prime Iietif Ijaru, nr 'JJ pound Ouk liucKets, expressly ror larrrray tfse. tiive it atrial. . AVe return our thanks to our custonrers and friends for their kind favors and liberal tjutronace extended our Bow entcrpriz-ViMi arft (iRiermineil not U JLe outdone in orf ces anu uualitv or ikkkis. ,n exarainauoir oi our superior Stock of Groceries, Wines and Liquors wiHconyiuce tpemo6f,SKepiiciu mai moneycan te svea oy giviug us tutu w dprs. f Remember tliecorneri under tne tienmaas Home; J. II. IcGARITY t CO, Sept 23108- ' PARKER TA JifJL.Oli Successors to A. H. NEPF, Manufacturers and dealers i u 1 HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS ' Guns. Stoves, Lanterns, Kerosene, Oil Tiii ' ana aneeb xruu rr Roofing i donfi ftd sUort notice ' AsentB for Fair bank's Scales. . No. 10 Proat StreeW - w iiiiu I w a t or,-ir.;C.;; . ,f" , r't'u ii null NEEDHAM . . if! ; XWjLSDfiDBT' TH3 mericaii Institixte : J fry til .lr -.;.( -t rj 4 mm littery ana, aiming liacnmes. It is ingenious and will meet the grants ,-.11'. - . oi ovcit matron m tne'iana.v. ir,f ...i Ti JSXHlBIlUOiM QF ISIM , '..f., , I LS'x il7 .-ii.-4-1 Barnard, Pres. 8ohhjEL. dvC .RecJeey.'. " . ' - ,Bdiocr;i u. iiiiman, uor. Beey. ?- i j Ji, r Ntr Y'orktoiveinber20, 1S72.JJ . i uu tiiupie lujfcutOQS fUucume js as usejuliis.tUiicrff MfcViu pjd.Js last becnpjjjqi'uUxvitludi, in .the p ace of xciiSfiy.; Need Us" w'ork ,' h vlbrk being muL-i liKfrii liyn.laoni , r. ja fiajr leJs time arid itoT oh ten:li' pirt iiic expense, sfio ladi'U luiKeufe 'v.'nWiffmx ele. witUoat L A fU(1!)iur:WtU; i lu-trittt-ci, circular tul iVKtricfjou sent ou receipt of $2 or nnfebwl ili siH'er'tjTate for ?i ?'. ' ' Addrt-teS, Tilii-WcKsB Mauutactur'.njc Co., i ' ' - :i00 l3roadw8Vi New York. . i Dr.3 Garvin's Elixir of Tar, - Is frecomoiended .by regular Medical practi Uojncra and a 6peedy cure guaranteed for Colds. Couch?, Catarrh. Asthma. Bronchitis. fipitttrig Blood.Consumption and all Pulmo nary Complaints, Scrofula, Erysipelas, py$- pepsia ino Gout, Dysentery, Choiera-mor-!tas, Cholera and all liver and bowel com plaints. . Kidney diseases and all affections ot'th1 Urinal Organs perfectly harmless iree from Mineral or Alcoholic nrOperties bleasant to take and never knQwn to fail rrrie f 1 00 per Bottle.. Full particulars with medical testimony :jud certificates sent on appljcatiou. Address, L. F. HYDE 4&.CO.. lUo eve' th "Avenue, IS ew York. Darts, from the Devil- or Gripift Auused W Book just issued; exposing the "person als;' that, bare appeared in he JNcw York Newspaper; their history and lesson. Stil ish villians fully exposed. Advertise ments from desperate men to beautiful wo men: Clandjestine meetings; how irustrated; TheNHjatory,of tho GCODiiicn tuagethy the rfcaqUof a.'oerQnal." Description of Liv ing : tBroadway . Statues. Exposes social Ooit'OTTiON. Sftrrt on' tcceipt' of 50 cts 4.ddresP,,i Unique 'Printing libae, '66 Vcsey Tho BecEwith ZV 1'uriable r am. ilyiiiSdwins jJachiue, on 30 Days Trial i many. . itdyautagea "over all, Satis faction: g.ua.ra'uteed, or money refunded, eht'cbmplcte 'with'full directions. Beck-1rity-' "Sewing Machine Co., 8W Brpadway THE N.EW ELASTIC TRUSS An iMPOKivvN? Ihventiox. It retains the rnp- tu'reiit all times, and under the hardest ex ercise or severest straiu It is worn' with comfort.' and if kept ou night and day- ef fects a ijermanent cure in a tew weeks. Bold cheap, and sent by mail when request ed. Circulars free, when- ordered by letter sent to The Elastic Truss Co., No. 083 Broadwav. N. Y. City. Nobody uses Metal jBprinff Trusses : too painful ; they slip off Too trequenuy. raayitaofii 1 i i - ;' i CAUTION. GENUINE FAIRBANKS SCALES ! ' ' iff ANUFACTURED BY -.?,. E T FAIRBANKS & 00. StockScales, Coal Scales, Hay Scales, Dairy Scales, Counter Scales, &c, xc. Scales repaired promptly and "reasona , " bly. . . j : , THE 31CST 1'EJiFEl T ALARM CASH DRAWER. SlilW Alarm Till Co'. EVEHY Mtr, J EVEHY UlerelianU Use Them j Wan an ltd. Fairbanks' -Scale Warehouses, FA! KB INKS & CO., 311 BROADWAY, EW, YORK. ' 1GJ Baltimore st., Baltimore, r:j Camp .t.. New Orleans. "". FAIRBANKS & EW1NG, I : Masonic Hall, riiiladelphia. FAIRBANKS, BROWN & CO.; 2 Milk Street, Voton. For salo bv all leadintr Hardware Deal sept 11 7-tavIm PIANO! -Xs.cz q y rssi -WauoTUNING A MUSICS Corner irtli and Market Streets, dec 8 169 "VTOTICF2i;shei-eby given that application will bo. made to the Jeneral Assembly at Its nest meeting, to incorporate the Brunswick liridge and Ferry Company, without, prejudice to the proprietors ol" the present ferry and eausway, October I7tn, 1873 1 fitlMfC f J est a it M m a i v i. mr i BAILEOAPS. l .!' ?f 'i I.-.-, !, r - t-:., . 1, ,r rir-"rrv, , rf Iters "Tl i . V. : : j L;EAV,WILjlfeTbK pXitf i cept Sundays) it:. ... . . .. .Jc00 A'M Arrivrat,WdesborQ a ........ 5:25 P,M Leave Wadesboro at...;.... 7; 10 A M Arrive at VYilminjctou at 4:35 P M : ! - ;'s;.Sisi6W trains;.. Lei c; Wil mingtoii : daily ' except aunaaysif.,; . ; , , . . '... : . . . . . $:w a m Arriye.atLstirihbuy at';.'. 5:30 P'M Lei vcilAdrin burg at.'.i- ..U R:00 A M Le Arrive at Wilmington at. . .. PASSENGER TRAINS. Leave Charlotte 1 daily, STrndays excepted, at:;':;..' .. .....J 8.00 M Arrive at ButLdo at... . .13.00 M "" Leave. Buffalo at.:;......;. L.C0 "P.M iArrive at Charlotte at ; .- i 5.15 -P M irregular Lumber and Timber Trains run on both portions of the Road as the busi ness requires. h- A Daily Stajre will soon run in connection' witn tne trains on oothends of this llail way. ' S.X. FREMONT, Chief Engineer and Sup't. may iy . . 3U-U ' i . - i Pieflmbiit Air-Line Railway. ; KicUmond and Danville, Richmond and Danville R. W., N. Division, and North Western N. C. R. W. -o Condensed Time Table. . 7 In eii'ccL on and after Suiidav, - Oct. 1, ; - -1873. GOING NORTH. . STATIONS. MAIL. EXrXESS Leave Charlotte ..... . 10.00 p. m 8.15 a. m. Air Line J'net'n 10.06 " 8.S0 . Salisbury ...... 10. 00 A. m. 10.45 4t ' Grpensboro.. .'. 3.80 ' 13.45 p.m. 44 Danville..... .. 0.20 4 3,13 p. tf; i 44 . Burkville...... U.35 44 j 7.5 44 Arrive at Richmond.. 2.17 p. M 1 10.17 p. m. T GOING SOUTH. ( : : . ; ! i ' , .', STATtO8. ' ! . MAIL. EXPRESS Leave Richmend. 1.28 p. m 5.00 a. m. 1 44 Burkville....... 145 " 8 2J 44 ' 44 Danville....... 9.18 44 12.48 p. m 44 : Greensboro 13.30 a', m ? 50 44 Solisbury 2.38 44 ..06 44 44 Air Line Jnct'n 4.29 44 . 8.10 4 Arrive at Charlotte. . . 4.35 a. M. 8.15: i 44 GOINGKAST. STATIONS. MAIL. Leave Greensboro' ... 3 05 a! m Co. Shops .... 4.45 44 1 44 Raleigh... 8 3" 44 .......... Arrive at Goldsboro'. 11.15 a. m , rt ., GOING WEST. STATION-. I MIL L- -tv- Gold.lor ; '2W v. m. iiMkiigh . . . . . j 5.2o , " i . . Co shop .....i J.:i5 " ; . Arriv at Greensboro I ' 2 ) m. . North Western. N, C. K. U (Salem Branch.) Leave Gieensborp 4:30 I M Arrfe atf Sareni . . . .f. . f. : .5 P M Leave Saiem. ..:0(J'A M Arrive at Greensboro.. 10:00 A V! -Mail trains daily, both ways. , ' On Sundays Lynchburg Aeconiniddatittn leave Richmond ,at 0 4Jj.a. m , arrive at Burkville 13 45 p. m., leave Burkvil'c 5 35 a. m., arrive at Richmond 8.44 a. in. Pallmiu Palace Carp on all night trains between Charlotte Richmond, without change.) ! Fer lurther iolormation address S. E. ALLEN, General Ticket 4gi-nt. Grceosboro, N. i T. M U.jVALCOTT, Etinineer ahdGertM BpuriutL-ndant. oct i5 f , s f , RHEUMATISM, NEURAL&IA. PAl.NS.iii Ihc FA-K, Ac, Tin: 11 have tin led. It is eminently FAMILY MEDICINE, And it liiinily siiould ha wilhon' it. In r;ts of sudden auaeks, one bottle will avu livu dollars in doctor's hills. For sale by nil Druggists. October 1 Il.S-;it E EL15CTHIC. T It ,1 C ' October 4 ll-tf :.: x . ,i ,,B4IL.R'pAD, ;..'",' , Wilnlnton folonbld -& An- 1' ' Grj.:SCPEarKTxiDiirTi Omcm I CaAFiSE JJF-SCHEDOlFi' !: m-ii- 'iifjuji - rt T rqpilE FOLLOWING SCJIB0ULX WILL JL j i o into effect at -ftSO A. " M.,' Sundtf I'Hh itU' ' - toio- !.'.;' ; al ' . DAY EX Jf RE3S 1 RAIN. (Daily.) Leave Wilmington ;j4:a Ai M Arri ve at ilorence 10:10 A. M Arrive at CniumbiaHl. :i U ,;l . .. SKX) P. U Arrive; at .Angu'sUIitV . . S.O0 P. M. Leive Augusta .... 4:30 M.. Leave Columbia . c. ... ; i . -...it. 10:20 Ai 11 Arrive at Floreuce'. , . yx : 2 4SP M. Arrive at Wllmiagton. .10-.00 P, 11 v ' ' ' ii .. 'mH j jj. ' " NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY. (SUN DAYS EXCEPTED.)' -Leave Wilmington . . . , L ..... . ft 10 P. M Arrive at Florence 11.-2SP. M Arrive at Columbia '41: 00 AV M Arrive at Augusta S:45 A. M Leave Augusta 4:15 P. M Arm e at Columbia ; 8:45 P. M Arrive at Florence. 2:02 A, 1C Arrive at Wilmington... 7:10 A. M Passenirers leaving ' Wilmington on the 0:10 P.M. train make close connection going Soulh. JAMES ANDERSON, Gcn'l 8npt. oct 11 124-tt Wiisiiitgion & Wcldon R. R, Company. OKPlCK USNSHAL SUPKltlliTaillJXNT, 1 WriansoTON , N. C, Oct. 34, 1873. ) CMANSE OF SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER OCT. 26th, INSTANT PASSENGER TRAINS on tho Wil mington and Wcldon Railroad will run as toiiowe : MAIL TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily (8un days excepted). ......At 7:40 A M Arrive at Goldsboro,,....... 11:50 A. M Rocky Mount..;.. 3:00 P. M Weidon 3:0 P. M Leave eldon daily (Sunday? excepted).. .......At 9:50 A: M Arrive at Rocky Mount 11:.S5 A. M Goldsboro... j . 1137 P. M Union Depot i..... 5:50 P. M ! EXPRESS TRAIN., , Leave Union Depot daily.., At 11:10 P. M Arrive at Goldsboro 3:50 A. M Rocky Mount. . ... fr.03 A. M Wvidon., . 8:00 A. M Leave Weidon daily 7:50 P. M Arrive at Rocky Mount. . . 9:43 P. M Goldsboro......... 11:55 P. M Union Depot .. 4:30 A. M ' Mr.il -Tr&in makes close connection at Weldou for all points Norih via Bay Line and Acqnia Creek routes. Exprcc's Train connects only with Acaula Creek route. . PULLMAN'S . PALACJC SLEEPING CARS ON THIS TRAI. , FREIGHT TRAINS win leave' Wiiming ton tri-wekly at COO A. M., and arrive at 40 r M. , , EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS wiU leave WilmJngtrtn dallv (Sttnday6 excepted) at 2:00 f. V ird arrive at 5:80 P. M. JOHN F. DIVINE, Genera Superintendent. 130 ti THIS MOST KEMAMABLE ' y? ALL APPARATUSES Bomclimes called a nieflmnleal paradox now used with such wonderful success in our principal cities for the cure, by ci'mulativk kXEU cisk, of nearly all Chronic Diseases and Weaknesses, ...... is for ;tl" hy the underpinned, by whom all orders will bo promptly tilled. is s ; constructed that even a child can in-.-tantly adjust It for a person to lift any weight, iioui twenty to twelve hundred pounds. It i made almost wholly of Iron and steel, weighs punds, and covers a space of only hy :5 inches; and all hough. lnt recently introduced, nearly JJXJO have already been so!d. PRICK $U, HJXKU and suirrED. Small ho khoi- circulars, showing Its use, can be had free at the oil ice of the ioT. si. 11. MANN, lirooklyn, N". Y. scpi ltdn(f 1. O. liOX JfKK A. A DIU A ? . H. VOLLERg ADRIAN & V0LLEKS. WUOLK4LE IJEAL.KK"i 1 roL'rrae and Liquors, Importers of German and Havana Cigar, - ASD- Comniis5?ioii Merchant SouTU-East Corner IXx:k and Front Htreets. WIL3IINGTON, N. C, Having the largest nd UiMrtcd hlxrk of (tnxrries an I4uor in the City, Dealers will rind it ta Miir Interest to give us a call before buying els; where. , may nytf ' WARRANTTEE DEEDS- On Laud and for sale , . feh 25 A G HALL ii HE17, ADTERTISEOENTS. THAHKSBIYIHG PROCLAUAflOH. : Mjf 1IU Exttlkncy,tie Governor. of Nyrth EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, Ralelxh, October 220,1873, SJ Ru?danty blevsed durtn- the 11 ESSjHi8 rth hath yielded boun-, , teouaiy of all Uw producU of iu koU o that A " toe garnera of the husbandman are Ailed to . . overflowln ; and the Industrious mechanic h realUed rich, revrard tor hi hibor. and every class of oar popalaUon prospered in 1 7 all laudable enterprises ; and wuKitK.i M Buuioim, uwcnuu teeuugs anu good wilt , ha ve in a great measure been restored In our midst, and no rlaru&. MstiienM a? fomina has visited oar State: Mow. therefore. il becomes tsu (rratcfal people, to render thanks to Almlcnty Uod for thews and num- beness.otner blessinirs showered nnon us iti :r. L Tod IL Caldwell. fovr. nor of North Carolina, in obedience to law and in conformity with an honored prece dent, do appoint and set apart liirsflay, November 27th, 1873, as ft day of public Thanksgiving throughout tho State; and I do earnestly Invite tho cler gy) of .every denomination to open their C9UVCUTS uousea ox . woreuip on saia a ay, and to exhort their confrpntionH tn humiL themselves before the throne or the ever livintT iiod. and render onto lllni nraises which are Justly due, invoking for them selves, tnelrfcjtate and their wbolo country, His guidance and protection throughout all time to coma i 0 come, let us sins unto the Lord, let lis makeaJoyfal noise to the I lock or oar sal vatlpn," , MLetns come before his presence with' thanksgiving, and make a Joylul noise unto him with psalms." . Done at the city of Raleigh, on this the 221 d,ayu?tctobcr no Domlui one thousand eight hundred and seventy three, and in th ninety-eighth year of American Indepen dence. n TOD R. CALDWELL, , By the Governor: J. B. Neathekv, Private .Scorchiry. oct 30 lll-lt IN STORE. 5,000 .sacks Halt; 8,000 bushels Corn; 1,000 bushels Oats; 300 bales Hay; 1,000 bushels Meal; 300 rolls Bagging; 1,000 bundles Tics; 800 Spirit Casks; 250 barrels Glue; 1,000 bundles Hoop Iron; 200 papers Rivet; 150 boxes Cheese; 125 barrels Mullets; S00 barrels Flour; 65 boxes Dry Salt Shies; 100 boxes Smoked Sides and Shoulders: 125 barrels Sugar; 400 bags Coffee all grades; 125 boxes Tobacco; 30 barrels and half barrels Snufl; 100 boxes and barrels Crackers; 50 cases Snuff; ! 75 barrels Rice; 200 cases Brandy Peaches; 150 cases Schnapps: , 150 dozen buckets; 50 boxes Candv: 125 boxes Candles, &c. For sale by F. AV KERCXEK. oct 27 HO 4 REDINGOTES yr E ARK NOW MAKING TIIKJSK 8TYI ISH AliTICLKS for our customers. jLadies Will do well tocallatMr.HTROCK'.SiHl cxam'jie sumples. Dt88'Jflakhig IN ALL TH LATEST STYIJs. -a Mrs.' STR0CKS' Millinery and JJrew-Midiiuj Jluoutt, oct IS tf Princess Street, Evans' lllock. GIFT CONCERT. For the IJeneflt mid under the auspices of The Cape Fear Agricultural Asso ciation. rjMIE UNDERPINNED, havlui np- poiuted by the Executive Cutumitlee of the alxvc Association, to ntake tbe necessary arraugementK for a UI1-T CONCERT during tbe next Annum! Fair, respectfully boliciis, contributions of articles suitable for prl-Ari Five hundred prize will be distribute! to. the purchaser of tickets, and the fries1 ol tbe Association are confidently relied uiion. to furuisb the prizes. Auylhins from u thousand dollar horse to a hoop skirt will be acceptable. Tlie names of all contribu tors; together with their business card ami the amount of their donation, will be iu lishedin pamphlet form and widely distrib uted. The prizes will be exulted during th Fair. Those wishing to avail themsel ves oi' this most cllVctive mode of mlvt-rlisin their business, will please coiiiinuijlcufc with tbe subscriber during the month f November, as Die list of prizes should he published ou the first of December. The distribution will be made on the lust day of the Fair, December 12th. All contributions, should be addressed to ' Dr. THOMAS 13. CAKK. 1;tti, WilmiugCou.N.r. oct 5 I JT-ti STAR FKICTION MATS. " VVERY HOWE tfllOU-U iiAvn thcni. For iile by , GEO. 3IYEIW, 11 and 13 Front street, oct 3(1 tf

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