. I VOL VII. . . .. r.. ... . v if,i5' .1 .A. .j -'i - , , - zfZ3tf , WHJpNGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1873 N0il58 .... n t ; i u i : ; L gjjc (f vtnlH P0 ..ttbifeUwl every attcrnoon fcicept Sunday, ygd KANfi-Editor aha proprietor jAM Subscription. ... 4r iu advance .ujT.hs, tn advance rbrc.. oitiiitli-i, iu advaucj. . ..$5 UO .. 3 00 .. 1 50 50 t it in auvauic r t i ........ i.. il t-tl I rm rm r ( rip.nnfl .irrc?!""' 1 y ,c all i'ar r,l inU-rcit. Political news and reports ol 2re i'S'" ; i.tily desirable. ,KW ,U)VKKTISBHENTS. SCHOOL BOOKS, . SCHOOL BOOKS, SCHOOL books: A N I rOMTLKTE ASSORT- V .Ttit Ol" 1 ' )i 1 nJ'JA J U.L I aiiv v HB1XB15RGKUJ LLVK JVJUK ANIi -UUKIC STORK. 117 Merchandise Brokerage Office i i r i 1 1 o of samples constanMy on hand T irom importer and nianulucturers in Northern markets. u ilpsoriotions ol merchandise, orders &ud bids solicited and telegraphed promptly. Merchandise boiicnt and sold In this .Arke orders Irom buyers solicited, and Smples left by sellers will have prompt at tention. Time as well as cash purchases negotiated,' whether you wish to buy or sell, commuul Mtwl hticly, and often with your local Br0kCr J AS. T. PETTFAVAY, Merchandise and l'roduce liroker. U ir. W. LMl-KU I. DOUOHTEN LUPEli & DOUGHTEN, N A V , .L S T O It K tS AN'H .SOUTHERN l'RODUUTri, yo. .Vj XOimi bllONT XTLiEKT, riiihidelpln'a, I'h. i H'iI- i Inr Turpentine Casks solicited ;md CI -imiptly tilled at low .-st niarket pric e, i march ' , -l'-tf J'H TIIKNI'IU wights lo inform his cuhlo--mcia and publn -enerally, that he is now prepared i do all kind or work in his line, mid would lespecllully rc'iucsl. a con tin ua i ion of (lie palroiiM-o which has heretofore v iu .-t liberally bestowed upon him. jauitilf 206' SwnNcw Family Scwine Hacblnc. I'm: srri;i;i ki i v of i n i; sinc.i;k I sKWI.m; MAt'lIIM'; for beauties of -lib it, simplicity of nieeh;inisni, and adap tability to every class of sewing, lias been 'taVli-lied in fair and open c ompetil ion in :n:tnal sewimr conte-st;, and the I'I.IMjUJ KKO i N ITI N" of their merH'i -. t 4 i'und in fin- nitun rous awartls or l-UISP I'HIKS nver r erv eonipetif or at the t LN A ).XT,tisTl!)N and nearly all thejn-lu--tri;U Fairs in America and in Kuropc. ilcnl Feci ami (-iiraiht Needle-and is !lu-eaMt i m learn, lias (he Inches' iipiu-' -flnr Hit- liniii . the N-un-tres and the l'rsstn;(ker. I i.ui ; j lAIIA" rsfi' -T'.T:! - nil hist .eai-. 1,7: ovr niiy, ether 'iiiiaii, . t-r old on ih'- iHSlArinienl f in. Terms ' i-yainl lull invfi uetiuns ;i veii. llic No. I, Lippill 's Kow, South l iout M'-ct, Wilmington, .N. ;.' ci i.vs, u. iii'.r.Li:, REMOVAK I ASV A. LOWEH Y, CARRIAGE MAKER & REPAIRER. I HAVE removed my establishment to my Jiew buildings on the corner of f i R)UHTH AN1 CAMPBELL 8Ti. Near Bony Hridze, where I shall be pleased to see my old customers ana mauy new ones. L'arrlase makinjr. painting and repairing neatly done. Horse shoeing, and various kinds of Iron vork done on reasonable terms. Having had thirty years experience in 'Ins business, 1 am eonlident that I can do the finest work, and give satisfaction. ALL WORK W'ARUANTKb. ept.J-tf J AS. A. LOWER Y. IT AT -:o: "V VV JT An. HUNTERS iniARY Special Practice for the Cure of Uiurers, Tumors, Scrofula, Chronic I Uyrs, Epilepsy, Liver Diseases, Uterine Diseases, Skin Diseas es and all kindred Affec t i o u s suecessfuly Treated. Mincers aod Tumors will be treated w'rth r cities without tho use of the knife, Without the loas of blood and but with lit l,Jalu to the patient, oi - ,.ms ,or treatment will be iu the reach l All cimmunication8 addressed to u will meet with prompt attention. Cir lirs and certificates of cures will he sent on application. Office and Infirmary East Centre street, , dJR. J. MILES I1UNTER CO. 0iX rl -115m MISCELLANEOUS. ,., ;' THE "SILY1E tTOHGHE' ORGANS The best ORGANS of the Beed class IN SHE WORLD. The Best for Churches and Lodges! The Best for Sunday Schools. Tbe Best for Parlors and Vestries. The Best for A.cadenfi 03 and Colleges. The Best for Public HalK The Best for Orchestra and Stage. These instruments, which for sweet ness of tone and elegance of appoint ment stand unrivalled, have met with unprecedented success in this country and abroad. -MANUFACTURED BY i p: needham & son. ESTABLISHED IN 1846. Nos J 43, 145 & 147 East 23d st N Y Tlcsnousible parties anDl.vinjr for airencies in section still unsupplted, will receive prompt attention and liberal inducements. Parties residing at a distance from our au thorized agents, may order Irom our factory. Scud for illustrated urice list. , !aug 2-tr TO THE VESTI TO THEVE&T! lielore makiuy your arrangements to fol low the advice of the; "thousands who have already gone," it would be we'l to consider what has been done to make tho journey to your 'Homes iu the West" as pleasant and lrcc froiu. danger as human skill and lore sibt caii accomplish. By consolidatiouaud coustructiou, a road has bceu put into operation on the Bhorteet possible line from Nashville, Tenn.. to St. Louis, "tho future great City of the world." This line, the I ST. LOUIS & SOUTHEASTERN KAIL WAY, has, duriug the past year, earned an envia ble reputation by Its smooth track, prompt time, sure connections, aud the magnifi cence ol" its .passenger , equipment. Its trains are ina'le up of new and commodious day ears,' provided -with 'the celebrated Mil ler coupler and p'aHorni, nud, the Wc&lin liouse air-brake. It is possilively tin-, only line iiiiiiiiug I'ulluiAii Pa 1 ice. lia wiiio-.m ItvpSng (J.id Miroub wifiioul. change Irom Nasn viile to St. LouU. No other Hue p-etends to oiler such udvdniaee, either iu niotauce, time, 'u tiuipu'ieut. Why, then, journey by circuitous routes? Do uot . be induced to purchase tickets to St. Louis or the West by any other Jinc. remember that The "St. Louis & Southeastern" is the shortest, cheapest, quickest, best and only line, under one management Irom Nashville to St. LouU, and is from 00 to 'J00 miles the shortest to St, Louis, Kansas City, OmahaV Denver, California, Texas, and all western points. It is also the "Chi cigo Shortest Line," via Evans ville. You can secure the cheapest rates for yourselves and your movables on applica tion, m person or. -by ; letter to CniBlss McCadc, Southern Tassenger A Rent, near Collejre street Depot, , NasliTirierTca.Vr to the undersnrned. : - m :... W B DAVENPORT, Geneial Ticket Agent, St, Louis No trouble to answer questions july 25 57-6m Just ArriYen per Stealer Baldil jfNtH'H Elt involjce of Hams, Breakfast tstrlps and Shoulders, of our own curlmr; also, choice lot of Prime I;af Iard, in 20 pound Oak Ihrckets, expressly for family use. Give it atrial. We return our thanks to our customers and friends for their kind favors and liberal patronage extended our new enterprlze, and arc determined no-ttobe outdone in prices and quality of Ctoods. An examination of our superior Stock of Groceries, Wines and Liquors will convince themost akeptieal that money can be saved by giving us their or ders, i Remember the corner under the Rcanian's Home. . ' ' ; i. H. 'McGARlTY CO. Sept 23 lijS- . f i , PARKEK & X'AlVTXiOK, Successors to A. H. NEFF, -' JianuCacturers and dealers In UOUiiB FURN18UING GOODS, Guns, 8toves, Lanterns, Kerosene, OH Ti:i and Sheet Iron ware. , RoDltng don A at snort notice Agents for Fairbanks Scales. - - ? -' -; . No. 19 Front Street w i ii n r n uf on, it.' c nov 19 lMy MISCELLANEOUS. DIPLOM AW'ABUIO JlV TUB AiiioJ'iean Intitvit o J. IcKEE, Embroidery aud YMm Machines. ' It is iuenieu and will meet the .vauts of every matron in the land." KXHICITluN uK 1x72. F. A. Barnard, Pres. Bonn E. Gavit, Uio Secy. Samuel D. l illman, Cor. Secy. New York. November 'JO. 1S?J. This simple and ingenious Machine is as useful as tin.'. ?rving M ( Ihhc. and is last becKiinit popular wuh l.uln s, in the p'aee Of exiK-iifci ve- 'Needlu work, work beiog much more tmudout -, r-qu rin lees time and not one ten' h purl the expense. No lady t-nict i.s now cmp i;tc wjithout it. A Machine with i'lu-t ra'ed circular aud lull iuotruc: ions Bent on receipt of $3 or finished in silver plate lor $2 75. Address, Iuk McKes Manulaetur.u Co., yOO Broadway. New York. A(rMXT WANTED. Dr. Garvin's Elixir of Tar, recommended by regular Medical practi tioners and a speedy cure guaranteed for Colds, Cough?, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, Spitting Blood, Consumption and all Pulmo nary jomplaints, Scrofula, .Erysipelas, Dys pepsia and (J out. Dysentery, Cholera-mor-bus, Cholera and all liver and bowel com plaints. Kidney diseases aud all affections ol th Urinal Organs perfectly harmless Iree from Mineral or Alcoholic properties' pleasant to take and never known to fail Price fl 00 per Bottle. Full particulars with medical testimony and certificates sent on application. Address, L. F. 11YDE & CO.. 195 Sevc. th Avenue, New York. Darts from trie Devil; or Cupid Alrnsed A Book just issued exposing the "person als" that have appeared in the New York Newspapers; their history and lesson. Styl ish villians fully exposkd. Advertise ments trom desperate men to beautiiul wo men; Clandestine meetings; how Irustrated; The History of the Goodrich tragedy the result of a "personal." Description of Liv ing Broadway Statues. Exposes social Corruption, Sent on receipt ot 50 ets. Address, Unique Printing House, :JG Vesey 8t , N. Y, Tho Beukwnh $'0 I'oitable Fam ily Sewing Machine, on 30 Days Trial ; many i-.dvautages over all. Satis faction guaranteed, or mouey refunded. Sent complete with full directions. Beck with Sewing .Machine Co., Soi Broadway N. Y. may 11 307 tf THJE NEW ELASTIC TUUSSAN Important Invention". It retains the rup ture at all times, and under the hardest ex ercise or severest strain His worn with comfort, aud if kept on night and day, ef fects a permanent cure in a tew weeks. 8old cheap, and sent by mail when request ed. Circulars tree, when ordered by letter sent to The Elastic Truss Co., No. t8o Broadway, N. Y. City. Nobody uses Metal Spring Trusses ; too painful ; they slip oil too frequently. mayi -u u caution; HI V ONLY IMF, GENUINE FAIRBANKS SCALES, M A N I FAt TUKED liV K. & T FAIRBANKS & Vit. 'IP? StoekScules, Coal Scales, Hay Scales, Dairy Scales, Counter Scales, Ay., Av. Scales repaired pnnnptlv and rea.ona- TICK .MiWT I'Kli i'K "V ALARM CASH DRAWER. itlilcs Alarm Till Co', EVEliY EVERY ffuXMrsitl Herclanl-!'K:' sirouii- Use Tliem WarrauletL SOLD AT Fairbanks' Scale Warehouses, FAIRBANKS k CO., 311 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. lialtinioro t., Raltimort', ." Camp st.. Now Orleans. FAIRBANKS & EWING, Masonic Hall, Philadelphia. FAIRBANKS, BROWN & CO.; 2 Milk street, Koston. For sale y all leading Hardware 1 ealers. sept 11 :'7-2lawIni. 'WTUNING & MUSIC Corner 4tli and Market Streets, dec 3 K 169 "V"OTICE is hereby jriveu that application jlM will be made to the ieiieral Assembly at its next meeting, to incorporate the Brunswick Hridge and Ferry Company, without prejudice to the proprietors of the Ill O -TUNING & MUSIC? I present ferry and causwnv. October ITlh, 1ST:. l:lm !s ftiiti roads; CafDliia Central Bailway Uompauy , , , . WILMINGTON, N. Ci, f . S-T MayH, 18TJ. ), PA8SNQ& TRAINS .'. fJtAVE WILMt&OTON DAILY liCX A-i cent Sundays) st 8:00" A M Arrlre at Wades bo ro at . 5:25 P M , 7:10 A XI . -1;35 P M Leave Wadesboro at. ...... . Arrive at Wilmioelou at. . : FREIGHT TRAINS, Leave Wilmington daily (except Sundays) tfcOO A M Arrive at Lnurinburg at 5:0 PM Leave Laurinburg at '. ?:00 A M Arrive at Wilmington at 5.J0 P M PASSENGER TRAINS. Leave Charlotte daily, Sundays excepted, at 8.00 AM Arrive at Buflalo at. .13.00 M Leave Buffalo at 1.C0 P M Arrive at Charlotte at 5.15 P M Irregular Lumber and Timber Trains fun on both portions of the Koad as the busi ness requires. A Daily Stage will soon run in connection with the trains on both ends of this Rail way. 8. L. FRKMONT, Chief Engineer aud Sup'l. may 10 311-tl Pieimout Air-Line Railway. Richmoml and Danville, Hichtnoud and Danville 11. W N. Division, and Nortb Western N. C. p. W. Condensed Time Table, In clil-ct on and Jiftcr Sundav, Oc t. J, 187J. GOING NORTH. 6TATIONS. mail. EXPRESS Leave Charlotte 10.00 p. m b.15 A.JJI. iS.ZQ 10.45 " 12.45 P. m. " Air Line J'uct'n: 10.06 41 41 li Salisbury Greensboro. . . . 10.CG A. M. 3.0 " fi VII u Danville. JT12 1. Arrive at Richmond..! 2.17 p. h i 10.17 p. m. GOING SOUTH. STATIONS. MAIL. i EXPRESS Leave Richmond Burkville " Danville.. " Greensboro.... 1.28 P. M 1.45 ' 0.18 13.20 A. M 5.C0 A. M. 8 2i " 12.48 P. M. S 50 44 0.06 41 8.10 4 it i Solisbury j ;2Lo8 xir Liue d'nct'u 4.20 Arrive at Charlotte. 4.35A. m. H.15 " GOING BAST. STATIONS. MAIL. Leave G reeusboro' . . . ' Co. Shops Raleigh.. Arrive at (4otdsboni". ii 05 A. M 1.45 ll;lA','iMi;.!: GOING WE&T. STATION.-. MAII Lnn. Goldeboro' .... 2 '60 v. m . . . KaleiKh I 5 2i . . . ' Co. Shops . . . 1 1 4i& Ann'' at Greensboro" j l i 2- a m. . . . North Western, rN, C. R. It (Salem Branch.) Leave Greensboro 4:ij0 l M Arrive at Salem 0.25 1' M Ieave Salem $:00A M xrrive at Greensboro. 10:00 A M Mail trains daily, both ways. On Sundays Lynchburg Accommodation leave Richmond at 0 4ia. m., arrive at Burkville 12 45 p. m., leave Burkville 5 o5 a. ra., arrive at Richmond S.44 a.4n, Pullman Palace Car on aU night trains between Charlotte "d Richmond, without change.) Fer turtber inloraalkm address S. E. ALLEN, General Ticket Agent. Greensboro, N. C. T. M R. TALCOTT, Eiigiaecr and Gen'ISpucrinteiidaut. oct L5 127 PAIXS in the FAC-E, &c, THE ELECTRIC HAS CURED - wheu all -'other remedies' have failed. It is eminently a FAMILY MEDICINE, Aud no family should It without it. Jo case ol .sudden attack, one bottle will fave live dollars in doctor'M bills. For sale by all Druggists. oetober 1 18-St E - L. E ELECTRIC. T R I C October i llvtf RAIL ROADS. Wilnin&tou. (olurabiu & Au gusta K. R. Coapany. linn. Sujxuimtkndbmt's OrricK, - Wilmihoton, N. C.,Oct: 11, 1873. f CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. rpUEFOlLOWINU SCHEDULE WILL X -ointo ellect at A. M., Suuday. Pith ics. ,.V, DAY EX VRESS TRAIN. (Daily.) Leave Wilmington...... 1:10 A. M Arrive at Florence. . 10:10 A. M Arrive at Columbia. . . : . . . ." ::.(K) P. If Arrive at Augusta . ; ;00 P. M. Leave Augusta 4:S0 A. M. Leave Columbia 10:20 A. M Arrive At Florence 2 48P. M. Arrive at Wilmington 10:00 P. M NIGIIT EXPRESS TRAIN UAILY (SUN DAYS EXCEPTED.) Leave Wilmington 0.10 P. M Arrive at Florence 11:28 P. M Arrive at Columbia.... 4 00 A. M Arrive at Augusta S:45 A. M L Leave Augusta 4:15 P. M Arrive at Columbia . 8:15 p. ! Arrive at Florence 2:03 A. M Arrive at Wilmington 7:10 A. M Passengers leaving Wilmington on the G:10 P. M. train make close connection going South. ' JAMES ANDERSON, Oen'l Sup't. oct 11 124 tl Wilciington & Weldon R. R. Company. Owticfl General Scpsrintendent, i WitMrNGTON, N. C, Oct. 24,1873 ) r. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER OCT. 2(tb, INSTANT PASSENGER TRAINS, on tbe Wil mington and Weldon Railroad will run as follows : MAIL TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily (Sun days excepted) At 7;40 A. M Arrive at Goklsboro 11:50 A. M Rocky Mount 2:00 P. M Weldon 3:50 P. M Leave Weldon daily (Sundav excepted)..'.: At 0:50 A. M Arrive at lioeky Mount . 11:5 A. M - Goldsboro. J::S7 P. M Union Depot 5:50 P. M EXPRESS TUAIN. Le:tve Union Depot daily .. .At 11: JO P. M Arrive at Goldsboro o:50A. M Rocky Mount i 03 A. M W.ldon... b:00 A. M Lenvr. 'A ddon daily 7 50 T. M Arrive it Kocky Miiul 0: lo P. M li -ld.sl.op 11:55 P. M Uniou Dci'ot 4:30 A. M Mall Train nmhcR close connection at Weldon lor all points Nortb via Bay Line and Acquis Creek route. Express Train connect e onlv with Acquis Creek rotitK I'HLLMANH PALACE SLEEPING CAICS ON THIS TRAIN. FRE1UI1T.TKA1NA will leave Wiuuing ton tri wetskJy at4.0OA. M, and arrive at 1.40 P. M. EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilmington dailv (Sundevs excepted) at 2:00 P. M . and arrive at 5::j) P M. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. 130 tl ocf24 THIS MOST REMARKABLE AliL Ari'AItATU.Sl homeUmes called a mechanical parudox now used with such wonderful success in our principal cities for the cure, by clmli..vtivk exer ci.sk, ot" nearly all Chronic Diseases and Weaknesses! Is for -.if by the undersigned, by whom all orders will be promptly rilled. rjUIE ACT IONA lZT is s-.) enstru-t-l that oven a child can in stantly adjust it for a person to lilt any weight, from twenty to twelve hundred pounds. It is made iUmot wholly of iron and steel, weighs l.yi Hunds, and coverHti spaecof only 2i ty -'Ai inehes; and although, hut recently introlueei, neiirly l.um have already l-eu bold. PRICK UJXKIl AND .SiilPrEI. . Small biKks or circulars, showing it use, can be had free at the oMij-e of the 1'ost. H. II. MANN, . Brooklyn, N. V. fpt 11 dJcwtf A. ADRIAJ.. I. O. liox JSfJ. li; VOLI.KRS ADRIAN & V0LLERS. WU0L.EE 4 L.K DKAL.KKS IK (piroucrie and Liquors, Importers of German and Ilavaua Ctjjarw. An Commisfriion Morchunt South-East Corner Dock and Fkost ' Streets. WILMINGTON, N. C. " " r -v mm Having the largest and best assorted 6Uck of Groceries knd Liquors in the City, Dealers will find it to their interest to give us a call before buying elsewhere. mav 17tf WARKANTTEE DEEDS- On band and for nale feb 25 9 G HALL NEYT ADVERTtSEEIENTS. THAHKSG1YIHG" PMCUIIp. Uy Ith Krx(?tHcgt(tc i;?tCw'tAurtM tirothtn. i. , KXIXCTIVKDEPAinli0:;, IUlel5h, October dlfe'1' have been abundantly ble.tUirlu-tbr past year, and the earth UthimM JHmriV tcously of nil the product of 4u fu! the rarners of the husbandman are nmto5. ovcrtlowine; and the lndttsfj-loua nvhaui has realized a rich reward fi.r h i .CX every class of our popniaUun prouwrodlnV all laiubiblc enterprises; and Wit -;' is. above all, fraterual feelings and tfolTwlll 1 - - a oi x4 have in a i in u xmt niea&ure ueeu restored lii our Idst.and no plague, pestilence of famine is visltcil our State: Now, therefore,' a n raid has iKHromeK us. a srratcful lxonle. ti ron.u( thanks loAliitigbty God for thecantl non rwrlcss other blessings showered. upon um in Ilia srret mercy, I, Tod JC 04ldwel7, idvei nor of North t 'aroJlna. in DUxtaincc iQ u , and in conformity with an honored pit - deut, do appoint and set apart M ; :, -, 7 1 1 Thursday, November; 27Ui, 167H, as a day of public Thanksgiving UiroufehotiT I tbe State; and 1 do earnestly Invite the clei, ucuaminauon 10 open-incir respective houses of worship on Said day.' and to exhort their congregations to humble themselves before the throne of Uie ever liyinf God, and render unto Him praise which are Jnatly due. Invoking fortlrem-' selves their state nnl their whlc country. His guidance and protection throughout all time to come. , .,; "J) come, let us sing tin to the Lord, let ni make a Joyful noise to the Rock of nr sal vation." . "Ietus come bo Ion Mm prcwrico- with t t iiaiiksgl vlnsr, anl make a Joy lui noise unto I him with psalms." ,t?i-.?.rl Done at the city of Raleigh, on this the 22d day ofivtober, Anno Domini 6ne thousand eight .hundred and Keventy three.and in tho ninety-eighth year of American Indepen dence. 1 I., ...c..!.v,,r: ." ' A'-VELU IN STORE; rt: n 0,000 wick."s iNilt; 8,000 bushcU Corn; 1,000 bushels Oats; . 300 bales Hav; . 1,000 busheb Meal; o00 rolls Bagging; 1, 000 bundles Tics; SCO Spirit Cask?; 2o0 barrels Glue: X 1 ,000 bundles Hoop I rOfi ;' 200 papers Rivet; . - , J doO boxes Cheese; . . , . , i ,7 ; 12.3 barrels Mullets 800 barrels Flour; ' Go boxes Drv Bait .Shle?J u loa boxex Smoked Side mid Shoulder: ' l'2o barrels Sugar:. t .,t1 , 100. bags Coflccall jrraf.lg . 125 boxes Tobaceor' ' 30 barrels and half barrclShtffr;k t ' iW boxes and barrel Cracker hi o0 cascsSlJufl;; ' ,,. .r. r,iir 75 barrels Rice; , cases Brandy ltic.'7 bXJ caseH Sehnapp2-';'1 "1 100 dozen buekeLsr )t?- i -. ' X boxes Cahdv; l2o boxea Candle.-, -. , For Nile bv 1 iUil ot i . --ifi 'i' liyi--r'.i ' tc ,'i V77 4;d Trji E.EDING0TES H'Aiii: N.rt- m.s 'Ms!) Tiu&yW ft . 1 ft i hi:" TtVj'f r. 1SH AKTP f .1 lol our ;ulyM-f n f y Will do well loiallHtMrK.WritOtlCtifr'iV.t" CMtiM'jie samples. t r i r i fd IN ALU 1TH UATK afVl"' ; -'Hill M?0 Mrs.. STBOCKS'., MiHnr.'j andj)rt -jfyfifw Jl,Antx X oct is tf , Princess .Street. j;aT Jock- GIFT CONCEjS;! For the lieueflt and under MkrplT's of The Cap; Fiar Akullural 'XsC' cialion. fMIK UNHEItsKlNED, having Utii aj.-7 iminted by the Executive ( kjuiiittce of, the above Association, to make the' ncceiaary1 arrangements for a iIFT tHJNCEUT during the next Annual Fair, respectfully solicit . contributions of article aultable for pric. Five hundred prizes will be distributed 'to'! the purchaser of ticket, and the friend or the. Association are eouAUently relied uioi to furnish Hie prizes. Auythips from a thousand dollar hora to a hooiklrt will be ncceptable. 'flie naiHOs of all contribu tors, together with their Mtslii&sseard aau the amount of their donation, will bo p). lishedin janipblet fonn and widely distrib uted. The prizes will iHjexhltotl during the 1 air. Those wishing to avail tbems-lve4 of this ;inot ellective moilw of t adverlisUig their business, will plcae eontinuiiletc with the ubser1ier during the rh'ouUi, of November, as the list of prizes ! should I' publifehed on tlie flrt of ieccinberv 'fay distribution will le made on the Uutt day fj the Fair, Dec-emWr 12th. AH contribution should be addressed to - ' V Dr. THOMAS B. CARR. liox tu, Wilmington, N. . . I ' r .4 lv-H , ;t STAR FRICTION MATS. --T i" ' - 1 tit ,nKRV llUUE HUULl,HAVi; VtJT .aW bf :' ' 't i . II and "4 Vmit .street.. -tf oct 30

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