; 4. t v I i ' li! .... A i .. i t i s . r h IS VOL VII. WTLIOTGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER: 14, 1873 . ' . . . - : - J- i " -. . - , i ; j i 5Vry ateraaor, except supa. .Us ASiN.lFdVtor and ropfieor rth-rriltion. SiibWription . . . ii : ,i Vit 5 00 -.i.j in qiimre 3 .00 jiMtlrt, in adv-ue . ;.. 1 50 Tionth, io jiati.-:, ., -- 50 . PIVn,,.mtence ?o Melted from our friends inar' of the SrT-, on t-p:- of irene ' ,,,. PoHtifv "w a-d r.-;)irlh i fM;i,;1M; f...,M..!-v SCHOOL BOOKS, SCHOOL BOOKS, SCHOOL BOOKS. A N D COMPLETE ASSORT- : ,i ,,i -.-1km l 1J. .:.s ju-:. rcoc;.v-l, and foi LIVK LOOK! AND MUS1U STOitE. Mercliaimi.se Brokerage bificc." ; .. Nihiplc.'' co'isliinlly on hand r Vr.'i:ii"iV-'ll"J' 11,1,1 i'-,ii""Jlc(,ir,-J,s in Viiftii'-'ii !'i:U'iv;is. .i,.,,.i-intiMim oi ni.-ii-iif.mli.-c, orders solicit :md Kleniphed promptly. M,;.vh:tM,li- ;nxi l and soid in tliis :m ii v i i '' li'.atioii. Ti-iiea-i u'tll :i c;sli puivhses noliated, Wilfi iK'l" ll 'Ju.i wi i-ui, W....MU-,. at.'.l fri-c!y, :i 1 1 l oiicu v.iin juui 'j r J v - i . .... ... T,i-n-niMl' 4 M.-i-chiiiidiso hu.1 l'roduce iiiokr. .! .. 1 . i I. I Ij v 1 . 1 L- I 4 f j... W. I.p.-iU I. DoUUHTBN LOPER DUUGHTEN, x a v v r. s t o li i: s .Ni SiLfnii-:ilN rilODLXTS, .V :,') SOUTH FliONT XTKKET. Piiilailulpliia, I' v., j; l. r.-; i': ir Tiu'pon'ine Casks solicited aud p.siiiiily tided at iovest jnai-ker. irice. lUt. TUUNi:ii wislies to iui(rm nis iuisu- mors and public generally, that he is now prepared to do all kind of work in his line, aud would respectfully request, a con tin ua- lioa of tliw patronage which has heretofore beca so liberally bestowed upon him. jan Hi tf 206 Supr's Hew Family Mm Machine, 'I'liK srrKiinmrrv ov tiif. sin(.;kk Miti-li, siiiipliciiy ol inechanisin, and adap- taldlshed in .'air an i open competition in .tctual sewing eontests. UJiO the Pl'HI.If Il.oWtN I i'l N of their meiits is io be t- 1 - - I , ' I 1 ,4. "uini in me uuincrous ;tuaus nu.i I'UI.rX over every ompetttir at the VI HNNAKXl't sl'i'iuN and i.ta !y all the In lii:rlal l-'ah-s in Am riea and in l-iirop;. :i(?nt l'ii'. I una ir.iibt Neeille nnd is !iilaest ii u-.;:-. i. ' lias lilc iiullfs aiipro- 1 ur the K-inii v til.- ;..!:.! i-i'ss si ud tJie I'rosmker. I.'.'' v'm: ; ; i.X 'DAILY CSK -''"'!: s .i ;i: vcar. ; ,' ! dr any !' 1... I f s.u.1 on i ir rnstahmnr p! 'l'etins ';; ;!,(! fuii i di i tii ! e i ven. ' !lk-i.- Nd,i, Jappui's ti , .-vmlh I'roiit "!i'f-t, N lhuingtun, N. v H AS. i:. DIIHILH. Manager. REMOVAL, tAS. A. LOWEKY, CARRIAGE MAKER & REPAIRER. j HAVE removed inv establishment to i nir new buildings on the corner ol loi KTll AND C'AMIT.ELL STS. j'-ir Hony l'.tid.-e, lie re I shall he pleased ' m-c my old cusioiners and niat.v new yurrm-o ma'jing, p-itnting and repairing 'iy ''pur. ilorse Shoeing, and various ot iron work done oa reasonable u nis. , Having had thirty vears exporienoe in fuiMness. I am eontider.t that I can do i.ucsl work, and ive it istaetion. AtiL WOKIv WAIiUANTK". 'il " .1 AS, A. I A IWERV. AT fecial Pratitiort for thw niiro nf ..in.-...- e . . ,. . ... 1 umors, ,oroiiila, t liroiuc ''vis. i;ulepy, Liver Diseases. L terine Diseases, kin Diseas s and all kindred AttVe t i o u s succcssiuly T rented. Li0cc: and Tumors will he treated with -eeciiies without the use ot the kuit'e, .-o.-t iht lo.e of blood aud but with lit- Jw to the patient, tnis lor trpatrvinrit 1... i., ll... .--a. .1, j , -All e Tuaxauieatious addresse 1 to vi' , wit" Prompt atteutiou. Cir- un . iiiuai j i tuit-s nui ng scut I'i'ifc03'1 Intirmary Eaet Ceutrc street, 0ot .R- J. MILES HUNTER cV CO. MISCELLANEOUS. THE "SILVER TONGUE.' ORGANS The bast ORGANS of the Reed class T IN THE WORLD. A The Best for Churches and Lodges. The Best for Sunday Schools. The Best for Parlors and Vestries. The Best for Academies and Colleges. The Best for Tiihlic Halls. The Best for Orchestra and Stage. These instruments, which for sweet ness of tone and elegance of appoint ment stand unrivalled, have met with unprecedented success in this country and abroad. i i . MANUFACTURED"" BY E.P. NEEDHAM & SON. ESTABLISHED IN 184G. Nos 343, 145 & 147 East 23d st. N Y Kcsponsible parties applying for agencies in section still uusupplipd, will receive prompt attention and liberal inducements. Phi ties residing at a distance from our au thorized agents, may order Ironi our factory. Send lor illustrated trie.e. aug 26-tf TO THE WESTTTO THE WEST! lie-tore making your arrangements to fol low the advice of tho "thousands -who have already gone," it would be we'l to consider what has been done to tnako thejoirliey to your 'Homes in the West'' as pleasant and free from danger as human skill and loie sight can accomplish. By consolidation and construction, a road has been put into operation on4he shortest possible line from Nashville, Tenn., to St. Louis, ,4the future great City of the world." This line, the dT. LOUIS A SOUTHEASTERN RAIL WAY, has?, during the past year, earned an envia ble reputation by its tmboth track, prompt time, sure connections, and the magnifi cence of its passenger equipment. Its trains are made up of new and commodious ay e ir, provided with the celebrated Mi! Icr C'l ipl.-r and p atlormj and t jie Went in- hoa.-e air brake. I Ir, is p is-i:ive!y Mn- ot y line innniug Vulini ;ti r I ej Dr.iwi:i-B in lepUj Li.irs lh oiudj without hatige trom Nash vi 1 1- to tft. Louis. No other line p-etends to oiler s'.icu iid v in atfef , either in distance, time, -M- qaipui. nt. j W by, then, journey b circuitous1 rou'.ee? Do not be induced to purchase tickets to St. Louis or the West by any other line, remember that Tlie "St. Louis & Southeastern" ' is the shortest, cheapest, quickest, best and only line under one mijai;ement from Nashville to St. Louii, aud is frum 00 to 200 mile the shortest to St. Louis, Kansas City, Omaha, Denver, California, Texas, and all western points. It is also the "Chi ci&o Shortest Line.M via Evansville. You can secure the cheapest rates for yourselves and your movables on applica tion, m person or by letter, to Charles McCabs, Southern Passenger Agent, near College street Depot, Nashville, Tenn., or to the underpinned. WB DAVENPORT, Genet al Ticket Agent, St. Louis. No trouble to answer questions. "July 2o 57-Gm Just Armea per steamer Raleigli NOTIIEIl invoice of Hams, Breakfast Htrips and shoulders, of our own curing; also, choice lot of Prime Leaf Lard, in '20 pound Oak Buckets, expressly for family use. Give it atrial. We return our thanks to our customers and friends for their kind favors and liberal patronage extended our new enterprize, and are determined not to be outdone in prices and quality of Goods. An examination of our superior Stock of Groceries, Wines and Liquors will convince the mosfeskeptieal that money can be saved by giviujc us their or ders. 1 Remember the corner under the Seaman's Home. i J. II. McGARITY & CO. Sept 23 liS- PARKElt & TA YluOil . - i Successors to A. II. NEFF, Jtlanufaclurers and dealers iu HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Guns, litoves. Lanterns, Kerosene, Oil Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. ' Roofing done at snort notice Agents for Fair bank's Scales. i No. 19 Front Street WILMINGTON, W. C. nov 19 150-ly MISCELLANEOUS. 33 I BLO'M-A, i AWARDED ny TUX ' I Aiiioriean Institiito J. W. McKEE, FOR Eibroiiery aai Flntins llacWnes. " It U ingenious and will meet the want of every mtron in the ld " EXirrBrTlON1 OK ISZ2. F. A."BamardVPr- Sohn E. Gavit, Reo Secy. Samuel D liiJmsu, Cor. St-cy. New York, November 20, 1S72. I This tituple aud ioirenious Machine is as uelul as ih : wexvin Machine, and fa laaV-f becrHjiii popular wilii ladies,: in the place of expend ve. eedle work, its work belBJf much more lia.id-o:n r iii riugiea time and not one ten h pot the expense N0 lady'e toilet if now c nop ete without it. A vlaehine with i'm-t rated c'trcular-and lull iustruc-ion sent on receipt of $2 or finished io itver pltte for $3 7V Address, Tub McKaa Mauutactur'n Co., 800 Broad v. New York. Dr. Garvin's Elixir of Tar, I- recomaicnded by regular Medical practi tioners and a speedy cure guaranteed for Colds. Coughs, Catarrh. Asthma, Bronchitis, Spitt ng Blood. Consumption and all Pulmo nary Complaintf, Scrofula, Erysipelas. Dys pepsia and Gout Dysentery, Cholera-mor-bus, Cholera and all liver and bowel com plaints. Kidney diseases and all a flections of th Urinal Orgau3 perfectly harmUss free from Mineral or Alcoholic propertiea pleasant to take and never known to fiXl Price f 1 00 per Bottle Full particulars with medical testimony and certificates sent on application. Address, L. F. HYDE & CO.. 195 Seve th Aveuue, New York. Darts from tie Devil; or Cupid Abuse! A Book just issued exposing the "person als" that have appeared in the New York Newspapers; their history and lesson. Stil ish villi an s fully KxrosED Advertise ments trom desperate men to beautiful wo men; Clandestine meetings; how frustrated; The distory of the Goodrich tragetjt the result of a 'personal." Description of Liv ing Broadway Statues. Exposes social Cl eruption. Sent oa receipt of 50 cts. Address, Unique Printing House, oG Vesey 8t , N. Y, "oBeckwith S2b"lor table Fam ily Sewing Machine, on 30 Days Trial ; many dvautages over all. Satis faction guaranteed, or money refunded. Sent complete with full directions. Beck with Sewing Machine Co., 86'3 Broadway N. Y. may 14 307 tf THE NEW ELASTIC TRUSS An Important Ihvsntios. It retains the rap ture at all times, aud under the hardest ex ercise or severest strain It is worn wito. comfort, and if kept on night and day, ef fects a permanent cure in a tw weeks. Sold cheap, and sent by mail when request ed. Circulars free, when ordered by letter sent to The Elastic Truss Co , No. 83 Broadway, N. Y. City. Nobody uses Metal Spring Trusses ; too painful ; they slip oil too frequently may 14 307 tf 0 liL'V ONLY THE GENUINE FAIRBAHK'S SCALES, MANUFACTURED BY E. & T FAIRBANKS & 0. StockScales, Uoul Scales, Hay .Scales, Dairy Scales, Counter Scales, &c, &c. Scales repaired promptly and reasona bly. TH K MOST PUKl'KL'T ALARM CASH DRAWER. Mile Alarm Till Co'. EVERY Merchant SHOULD EVERY OKAWER Use Them Warranted. SOLD AT Fairbanks' Scale Warehouses, FAIRBANKS & CO., 311 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, loo Baltimore t., Baltimore, 53 Camp ?t., New Orlean. FAIRBANKS & EWING. M;ionic Hull, Philadelphia. FAIRBANKS, BROWN & CO.; 2 Milk Street, Kotou. For sale by all leading Hardware Dealer??. sept 11 ' IT-Jtawlm TUNING & MUSICS Corner 4tli and Market Streets, dec3 189 "YOTICE is hereby given that application -will be made to the General Assembly at Its next inoetiujr, to incorporate the Brunswick Bridge nd Ferry Company, without prejudice to the proprietors of the present ferry and causwwy. October 17th, 1873 l-lm fluMrtctl RAW ROADS. Carolina Central Railway -emu!; May 14; p 'Uni.fil fiit PA8SENQER TRAIN8 , , fiXAVB WILMIXQTON, DAILY (JfiX- jlu cepi ounaays) at s:oo a At Arrive at Wftdfehnm t . . K P If Leave Wadesboro at 7:10 A M Arrive at WilminKton it. . . . .f , . 4:35 P M FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Wilmington daily (except Sundays) 6:00 A M Arrive at Lsurinburg at 5:30 F M Leave Laurinburg at.... 8:00 A II Arrive at Wilminjrton at 5JSO P li PASSENGER TWAINS. Leave Charlotte daily,' Sundays excepted, at 8.00 A M Arrive at Bnllalo at v 12L00M Leave Buffalo at. 1.C0 P M Arrive at Charlotte at ............ 6.15 P M Irregular Lumber and Timber Trains ran on both portions of the Koad as the busi ness requires. ; A Daily Stage will soon ran in connection with the trains on oth ends of this Rail way. 1 .' 8. L. FBJCMONT, i .Chief Engineer and Sup't. may 10 Sll-tt Piedmont Aic-Liire Railway. Richmond and Daif Hie JBim6rid and Danville R. W., Division, and t North Wcstari it Condensed Time Table, 111 eflect ou and after JSundav, Get. 12, 1873. " - , i GOING MOUTH. STATIONS. tLkllt. t BXPBB8S , ; , . t i . -.i Leave Charlotte 10.00 p. m 815 a si. ' Air Line J'nctn 10.06 " 8.30 if Salisbury 10.00a. m. 10.45 Greensboro. . .'. 3.80 . 12.45 r. m. " DanTillAi;Ji( 6L f ?ii iar. m. . Burkville !11.35 j 7.3 Arrive at Richmond. . 2ttT p. M 10.17 v. m. GOING SOUTH. , 8TATIOB8. UATXi. j EXPRB8S Leave Richmond. . . . 1 i.28 p. m 5. CO A. M, 4i Burkville...... 1.45 ' 8 29 " 11 Danville....... 3,18 I2.4ap.i. Greensboro . I . . 13.20 a. m 3 SO j " " Solisbury 2.38 i.C6 AlrJUne J'nct'n 4.29" 8.10 " Arrive at Charlotte. . . 4.35 Ay, j.8. 15 .L,,. STATIONS. MAIL. Leave Greensboro' . . . Co. Shops Raleigh Arrive at Goldsboro'. 3 05 A. M 4.45 " 8 3" ' , 1115 A. u GOING WEST. STATION, J Mk.lL.. L-!ir (Jo! dehorn' 2 p. m Raleigh. 5 26 " Co rfhopa .U. vm&i t:;?A. Ar'iv ;tt (4reen!bro V. 2i a m North Western N, C. R. R (Saloi Branx'h.) Leave Greensboro 4:30 P M Arrive at Salem 0.25 P M Leave Salem :fjA M Arrive at Greensboro 10:00 A M Mail trains daily, both ways. On Sundays Lynchburg Accommodation leave Richmond at U42a. m., arrive at Burkville 12 45 p. m., leave Burkville 5 35 a. in., arrive at Richmond 8.44 a. m. Pullman Palace Cars on all night trains between Charlotte Richmond, (.without change.) Ftr further information address 8. E. ALLEN, General Ticket Agent. Greensboro, N. C. T. M K TALCOTT, Engineer and Gen'l Spuerintendant. oct 15 127 fHc -9 RHEUMATISM i VAIXS in the FAi Jb, &c, THK ELECTRIC H AH CURKU when all other remedies have failed. It is eminently a ' FAMILY MEDICINE. Aud no family should be without It, In case of sudden attacks, one bottle Will rave five dol lars 1 n dcxrtor's bills. For sale by ll Druggists. Iff E ELECT T a i c October 4 118-tf RAIL ROADS. Wilcington. rolonbia & Au- ffusfa R. R. Company. G, SuFaK.WTaHDKHT's Or nos, WtLkntarox, N. C, Oct.. ll, 1872. f CDAriaS OF CCIlEDUtE. THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE WILL ointo eflect at 4:30 A. M., i?undsy. Wth inet. DABfPfivlRAlNv(PtUj.) Leave Wilmington 4:20 A. M Arrive at Florence 10:10 A. M Arrive at Columbia. s.00 P. if Arrive, at Augusta 8:00 P. M. Leave Augusta. . 4:80 A. M. Leave Columbia 10:20 A. M Arrive at Florence .. 2 48 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington .10:00 P. M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (SUN--DAY8 EXCEPTED.) Leave Wilmington 6.10 P. M Arrive at Florence 11:28 P. Id Arrive at Columbia 4 00 A. M Arrive at Augusta 8:45 A. M Leave Augusta 4:15 P. M Arrive at Columbia 8:45 P. M Arrive at Florence....... 3:02 A. M AxrlTe at Wilmington 7:10 A. M Passengers leaving Wilmington on the 6:10 P. J. train make close connection going South. JAMES ANDERSON, Gen'l Sup't. oct 11 124-tl Wilnington & Weldon R. R. Company Ombl GXNXXAL 8rPIOlIHTXiiX)KNT, 1 WrunNOTON, N. C, Oct. 21.1873 J J 16 CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER OCT. 20Ur. INSTANT PASSENGER TRAINS on the Wll mington and Weldon Railroad will run as follows : .- 'l MALL TRAIN. Leave Uiiiou Depot daily (Sun days excepted).... .... At 7:40 A. M Arrive at Goldsboro. ..;.... 11:50 A. M Rocky Mount 2:00 P. M Weldon 3:50 P. M Leave Weldon dally (Sundav I excepted)........; .'.At 0:50 A; M Arrive at Rocky Mount 1 1:85 A. M Goldsboro 1:37 P. M Union Depot 5:50 P. M . EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily... At 11:10 P. M Arrive at Goldsboro 8:50 A. M Rocky Mount.... . 6:03 A. M Weldon 8:00 A. M Leave Weldon daily 7 50 P. M Arrive at Rocky Mount. 0:43 P. M 4 1 .Goldsboro 1 1:55 P. M 3 Union Depot 4:30 A. M Mail Train makes close connection at Weldon lor all points North via Bay Line and Acquia Creek routes. Express Train connects only with Acquia Creek route. PULLMAN'S PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON TH18 TRAIN. FREIGHT TRAIN8 will leave Wilming ton trl-weekly at 6.00 A. M , and arrive at 1.40 P. M. EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS will leave WilmiDtrton dally (Sundavs excepted) at 2:00 P. M., Mid arrive at 5:30 P M. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. 130 tf loct THIS MOST REMARKABLE o F ALL APPARATUSES sometimes called a median ical paradoxnow used with such wonderful success in our principal citie9 for the cure, by (Tmii.ativk "kxkk CI8E, of ifenrly all Chronic Diseases aud Weaknesses, Is for :ilc by the undersigned, by whom all orders will be promptly tilled. Y TliE REACTIONARY is so constructed that even a child can In stantly adjust it for a person to lift any weight, from twenty to twelve hundred pounds. It in made almost wholly of iron and steel, weighs l-'JU pound, and covers a space of only 20 by ifi lnchex; and although, but recently introduced, nearly l.twu have already been sold. PRICE h, R0XED AND SHIPPED. Small books or circulars, showing its uscf in be had free at the office of the Post. can a x-i r a v v nronklyji, N. Y. V, O. Box JSK. sept 11 d&wtf JL ADRIAN. ri. VOLLERg ADRIAN & V0LLERS. WHOLES .LaM. Dmkl.T.SA m froceriCA and Liquor. Importers of German and Ha vac a Cigar. Ck)iiiixiit3sioii Jercliunt Boctu-East Corneb Dock and Fhqxt Street. wiLMixoTON, y. c. Having the largest aud lct aw)rtel Stock of Groceries and Liquors in the City, Dealers mltflnd It to their interest to give us aeau Itf1nd It tn iUrir before baying- elsewhere. may 17 -u . TXTARRANTTEE DEEDS- On band and W tor sale feb 25 8 G HALL. S-sjv u fl i i n ir NEW ADYERTISEnENTS B'J His Excellency ttie Gotrriidro Xorth Gtrotma. I, EXECUTIVE DETAJtlIXfT, "weigh, October 23d, ifra, . MV Jin us carta bath vloklmi inn. - . teously ol aU the products sll n the rarnrThVSK-" JZZJjZ, T ,,cu rewara lor nm labor, and eveypr class of, our pomilaUoa prosvereaxiL aU'laodabl tnterprWs: ana Wmert.as7- r ' above all, fraternal feelings and Roodriri' ' a ra aeaure ben. rcsjLoxd in our midst, and no plague, pestilence or ram In o ' ' has visited our State: Now, tbefetoreTai It becomes us a grateful ptoolci to render -thanks to AlmlgLty God lor these aVd num berleu other blessings showered upon us In Ills srreat mercy, L, Tod It. CWweJrTtiowVr- ' nor of Jiorth tarollns, in obcdieacto law and In conformity wiUi an houored prece dent, do appoint and set apart Thursday, November 27th, mCV' ' aaaday of pubUc Tbankagtving throvehont . the Ht ate; and I do earnestly Invite tbecler gy or every denomination td open their respective houses of worship, on Ttaid dy, and to exhort their congregaUonstOhumbio trMmselves before the throne of the vca living God. and render unto- Him prMstf 1 ' whlco are lastly due, invoking for them-ct solves, their Htate and their whole oountrn r " His guidance and protection throughout all 1 . "O come, let us slog unto UioLord, let s t eajoyfal noise to the Rock gf cwjwlt 1 . vation." . . . ';;. H4lHto5f.fomo telarc.hU prcaonee Wltlvti-n n"m with pfrnlmRke a i0ytuX noUe nuu ' wrtlS city of K1' on this thoMir niX.?K?r' A5no 1)0011111 -ne thousand . ntSV? ftMd Myenty -three, and in the , ' ninet -eighth year of American Iadepen- 1 dence. I ..... t x4i rt TOD R. CALDWKLI. , By the Governor : . ?, , Oct 50 Hl-4t , ; ) ; in stoke: o,000 eacks Salt; 8,000 bushels Ckirn; 1.000 bunhols Onr- I : 300 bales Hay; ' ' 1.000 buri1 Miwl 300 rolls Ifammr-" 1,000 bundles Tie; , 800 Spirit Casks; 250 barrels Glue; 1,000 bundles Hoop Iron; 200 papers Kiveta- . . ; ' i lov doxc3 unecse; 125 barrels Miilltds 800 barrels Flour; ' ' 65 boxes Dry Rilt Siclcii; i 100 boxes Smoked Sides and Shoulders: 125 barrels Sugar; - , j 400 bags Coffee all grade; , ' 125 boxes Tobacco; 30 barrels and half barrclH Snufl; 100 boxes and barrels Crackers; 50 cases Snuff; 75 barrels Rice; 200 cases Brandy I'eaclic; 150 cases Schnapps; 150 dozen bucket; : 50 boxes Candv; 125 boxes Candfes, &c. For sale bv 1 F. W. KEKCNEH. oct 27 nu REDINGOTES yyrE are sow making th i-e st v i. fSH ARTICLES for our customer. SADIES Will do well tocall at Mr.NTRO K'J nml exam : ne panj pies. - IN ALL ITS LATEST STYLES. Mrs. STR0CKS' Millinery and Dre Mal iny Jtoom, oct IX tf Princes Street, Evans1 Dloctr. GIFT CONCERT For the Rcueflt and under the auspices of The Cape Fear Agricultural Asso ciation. rjWE UNDERSIGNED, having been ar iwluted by the Executive Committee of the above Association, to make the 'necessary arrangements for a GIFT CONCERT during the next Annual Fair, respectfully solicits contributions of articles suitable for prizes. Five hundred prizes will be distributed to the purchaser of tickets, and tho friends of the Association are confidently relied upon to furnish the prizes. Anything from. a. thousand dollar horse to a hoop fcklrt. will be acceptable. The names of all contribu tors, together with their business card and the amount of their donation, will be pub lished in pamphlet form and widely distrib uted. The prizes will be ex hi ted during the Fair. Those wishing to avail themselves o f this most effective mode of advertising, their business, wIU please communicate with the subscriber during tho month of November, as the list of prizes should be '' published on the' first of December. The distribution will be made on the last day oX the Fair, December I2th. All contributions should be addressed to Dr. THOMAS 1). CARR Box 01, Wlluiiugton, N,C. 137-U oct STAR FRICTION MATS. EVERY HOUSE SHOULD HAVE them. For sale by A -1 ' GEO. JIYEKS, 11 and 13 Front street. . 1 oct 30 . tf 4- :