1 i " - . . "s ..n I -r ,t - n 5 ? ; ;ry ' ii--4 kmi -v IX w ; in - I i 1 ; . I . I 1 rrTr".TT F "VMr ..' v- ' J A f WW -m - .. WmiM . . - I II' I . -1 V LV; 117 " X-iiJ'.-- x H rH l-M I-ittl la-. -.-,1 (.'.,.,. ,. J U , I-1 rj fi r i n . rr t-. i i .---- i v4--tr VOL VIIv" NO. 156 - ' - , - . . . . - P . .1 , i' , , . , : U - - ' ' J ' - ' v i Vi :i - WTTiT.TnvrnniA-Kr . : at n TvrnATn at: . wniroTvroTOTAf. ?;t errs Ajea sabscfiption.',' ? .-Anths. in advance 1 T months -th. in adrance 50 . f l; nonience solicited from oar friends school BpoKsf ; A ;;; ; ; saBGOL BOOKS)-w v v SCHOOL BOOKS. i-miJi ,VNI3 COMPLETE ASSORT- Bit-' , I sale at Ol't Merchandise 'Brokcrager OlRco; ii'j jj v j ... i:.w. ,r Hiinls. c(m:i.nt,rv on hand n Hi V74 . - f fro'Q. importers and manufacturers in Vortlicra markets. it;;i :,u-. I .n jccripUons ot meiytuMidi.sG, orders, ad bids solicited and telegraphed prompUy.! "srit (ncl 'sold in this n'irket uriiprsf from -buyers Kolicitetl, and SmDlcileft by sellers will have prompt at- teation. .;, i , ; cash iturcJiusos lLegotiated, h to buy or sotl, (biamuai- catPtl freely, and olteu with .your local Broker. i i.nt.iir X' Merchandise and Produce Broker. (l.!C 181 tf- K K. W.,L'rJiSli , I U'JUUUTBH LOFEti & DOUGHTEN, $ A. V A X S T'O RE S nd soyjrTjUiSRN i products, SO 55 A-OATi FRONT STREET, Pliiladelpliia, Pa. ir.iiiru ihriTfitinntine'Caisk8 solicited and , promptly nlled at lowest marKei. price. i' j ' ; , mareus , 10E TURNER wishes to inform, his custo-4 ' mer and public generally, that he is now prepared' do all, kind of work in his liner ad vrQvipebtSally !ifiucs a contlnna tion of tho patronage which has heretofore been so liberally' bestowed upon him. ' ion ir i.fi-TM . . . . .; 208 . Siiier's Kew Family Setiiij lacSine. THE SUPERIORITY- OF THE SINGEft li SEWING : MACHINE for beauties of Mitch, simplicity of mechanism, andadap- tability to every cla of sewing, has been established in rair ana open com pennon iu at.nfl.1 sowing contests, and the PUBLIC RECOGNITION of their merits is to be: I'RI OTW over ex-ery1 Ctffripetl Cbf Hit 'the VI-EXNA-MXPOSIT10N and-Karly all tho In- dustrfttairsin AmeMAMid mKurtpe iaast. veax-j, .45.U7U! oyr any oineccnripany. , , ..--.., M$bUl on'tiyc Installment pi in Terms easy anHrull4nsfri4iUoa given, i V . ? S- Office No.4, Lippitt's lio vv, South Front s-treet, Wilmington. JS. C t oct3-tf . Manager. i JAS. A. LOWERS, CiRRIMBstAKpRlAPEPAIflEI I HAVE removed my cstabusnmciu io L ay new buildings on the corner, ;gf , : F0 UUT1 L AND OAMrBKlX' Sl4 Silehi'Feed tnd traigut Weenie anu ie, tlioeaBWSt 10 learn, Has tbe.higlics. appro val lotiite Pamiiy; tho "Seamstress arid the Dreslwuiceiv - I.'2JJ.(KX)L! ! IN DAILY; USi; .iD.minsoid Nefr LiiiWvIrlMlltMoTleo the undesigned. . ' ' sec my old customers ana maoy new ones. ; 1 - ' . . Carriage nuking, painting and repairing pestly .duiiej ifbrsi Stioeiiig,and various Kinds of iron work done ou reasonable iU5. . i , .' (i i : 1 lav. il JL mm Vt, rl f S Si . tjjV. -o: .. Special Practico lor the Cure of Cam era. Tumors,- rierbfulit. : CJirbuie, L"Uem, iE)ilq)sv, Liver Iiscase,V Utermp Disejwe, Bkiii Dieafe- , . i5e4 and all tiiidrocl Aftec- ! t io n s--stcec4fuly n --. , i To:pa ted, . - ' - " : v ; i.. tt t, 4 Queers aud Tttmors-wUl"be treated wth pccllic; w LthdUl: lh!e uss of Uid khlfc, ithout the lous of blood and but with lit 1 epain to the patient, i . - f ii Terms for treatment will be ! in the realcu iall. All communications addrcsseSto u will meet with prompt attention. Cir culars and certlllcatee of cures will be sent 0,1 Application. . r Office and InQrtnary East Centre street, )ldsboro, N. -C.4 iu- had thirtv venrs experience Tnn4 lmirnri won OtonnlOT, UulPlfrh hrbcviw6undciutiiiVdo JUbl . AlilTutt JUa lOluauiuij uatw&u, i.t,. -iiiriiiii i HI! HUN 11 r i,IIUMiUU AT I)K. JMILES HUNTEltCO,-, , tober l , . , ;f. : ln' T ri, ,.t msCELLMCdtif, THE:"SILYEB TOllGUE.' ;1 Ii;; ff Vi best 0KGAN5ttJi Pqedjels IN THE WURLU. -p wUl Oi 4fTs; . I ft arjlV fc tf The Best for Churches aod Juxlges. The Best for. Sundayf Schools. ... I TbBest for Parlors aud Vestries; ORft a ns i i I n sr i r ii W il It ' ill'tltmiiii) Tlio T?ost for Aoiflpmios nnd Cfdlpfrp Ppsia and Gout. Dysentery, Cholera-mor-ihc iscbt lor Acaaeniics ana yoiieges. bus Cholera and all liver and bowei com- " ! M" ' i -t;.i i .ii - ir.. .i ! fThe Best for Public Halls. L fil .a j .;(.jt,!ij -tr- . if 4J4 I The Best for Orchestra and. Stage ! nf fnnr nnrf AWartroi-nfiannoinr- lltSb 01 tone dna elegance appoint ment stand unrivalled, bava met. with : . . unprecedented success in thisLoitirtry and abroad. - 'li i ; MANUFACTURED BY ' EblVBLlfeHEii IN 184G. N0S J43, 145 & 147 East 23d St. NY , IlcsDousible parties aDDlyinjrTor agencies in section still: unsupplied, will receive prompt attention and liberal inducements. Parties residing afr adistance from our au- thorized agents, may qrderfrom onr factory. Send for .illustrated urice liHt TO THE WEST! TO THE WE8T! - Before making your arrangements to fol- .. S , , .. . . Jow; the advice of thVtUQusands who have already gone,' it would be we'l to consider what has been done to make the journey to ITV 1 v o iao.ar.f '... your i 'Homea in the West" as pleasant and tree from danger as human skill and fore- I I - 1 . : n t An 4Vo hA'toat I uos ueeu y ul iuiu ujiciouuu w u duv. possible line from Nashville, Tenn., to St. ir. 'sqoteeasin i1ai- Vi: '---.y uI"'''- '" ' hi rpnutation br its smooth track, prompt time, tare conbections, and the; magnili- cence' ''6f ' its r ' passe?er! equipment. Its traihs arc made uvjrqf qer and commodious jcarsy.proTiaeaun wie.ceieuraieu r f 1 LPullmiU Palace ) raw ug-Boom Slurping fCars through without 'change from Nasu- kfcjjle to ;St:rLdais.,f No- other line pretejids WI offer such adviutages, either iu distance, time, pr equipment. . Why, then, journey bylcircuitous routes f. Do not be induced to pdrchasc tickets to St. Louis or the We6t by any other line, remenibr that ; is the sUortest, cheapest, quiekesiVhest and only 'line under one management lrom Nashville to St. Lpuis,' and is from 6Q to 200 nlites th shortest to St. Louis, Kansas City,,.6maha,' "Denver, 'California', - Texas, and all western points. It is lso the "Chi cigo Shortest tlae," via Evancville. n .Yod can; secure the cheapest . rates for ypursislves and yourtaovaWes on tppllca- f.tibnin person or by letter, to Chabxks MgCabs, Southerft fissenger Agent, near Gollege street Depot, Nashville, feniL, or Gcneial Ticket Agent, St. Louis. Not rou bit to answet questions. f ... Strips and Shoulders, tif our tjvh curing; flioicft lot br Prime iA-.if Ijard. in 20 pound Oak Iluckcls, expressly, for , family u4 Give it a trial. ;r r .f rl r c return our idivuks io our cuswiu and friends lor tneirKiua iavors m uwra . .1 tt a! I f r r..,?ii,nri,ir sifvb of firoceries. AVlnesand Lia uors Avill convince the most skeptical that moueycan be saved by Ktarp their or- 'l&menibertiie cbriicr under the RcamaiPs ! .-8eit23-4USf PArSB& O4 VXiOK ' Successprs to .... Sideetv i ? -. . . . : . .-wpkp-AM n sT"s4 1 TI 1 1 l'i;-'l..!l ".'- f.' J-"?i"aH' .-I , ; -.i.i senterorJaJibancalca ; : ;i ojd. io Front Street ... , rler coupler and p'atforra, and the Westing H-it l-UJ6ltUeiyuthe;oi,iy Hue iiiunmg 7i-,"...""!.,: f Lull i,. ; , iKitxonage extenueuourncw cnw:rpriiM;, auu arc determined not to be outdone la prices nf i-;ooris. An examination oi . W i Lltf tW O TO If, If . C. :!U l?,1;::,.?' Ji, ,7 MISCELLANEOUS. ,7 3D IL, oiim; JL ; rs'! AW1UDID BY THS American Institute 4 . J, W. McKEE, FOR prpilery Mi Flntiuj -Mines. ingenious and -srill meet the wants nf Avntv matron r fha Tirii4 " EXHIBITION OF 1872. F. A. Barnard. Pres. Sohn E. Gavit, Ree. Secy. . .. l IV 'l'tll i o . .. Siew York, ivovcmner u. isia. - JJU simple and iuuenious Maebine is as -LVHeiul as aewir'ir M ichiuvj. and is last Decohiimr. :(juiar witli iadie, in the place r0f iXweusivi: iNwdle work, i!s work being u'lnudx more h:iud-mi , r iu rin less time t s ,UUtijpT one lea' it pari tnc expense, no iQ'Jad), toilet is now ctni ete without it. 4,c,,,l'e v,u 'iu-traed circular aud w ' fuTI instruction stut ou receipt of 3 ojr luiisuea in silver pute lor 7-. , " Afldrrfi?, Tue McKeb Mauulactur'u Co.y 300 liroailwav. New York. , AGKXTS WANTED. i.," Dr. Garvias Elixir oi" Tar Is recommended by regular Medical practi tioners and a speedy cure guaranteed for Colds, Cough?, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitii, Spitt'nej Blood, Consumption and all Pulmo nary Com plain tp, Scrof ula, Erysipelas, lys piwnw. , jviaoey aiseases ami a i auecwoua Oi th Urinal Organs pcrlectly harmless tree from Mineral or Alcoholic properties pleasant to tasc ana never Known to iau Price $1 00 per Bottle- Full particulars wnu Medical testimony ana certiucates gent on application. Address, L. F. HYDE &C0.. PJoSevc th A venue, Mew York. Jl ' Darts from- tie Deyil; or Cnjid AMsed A Book just issued exposing the "ruBSON als" that have appeared iu the New York Newspapers; their history and lesson. Stil ish villi an s fully EiPOSED. Advertise ments trom desperate men to beautiful wo men; Clandestine meetings; how frustrated; The History of the goodiuuh tragett the result of a 'personal." JJescription of Liv inc. Broad wav Statues. Exposes SOCIAL CVKRUPTION, Sent on receipt of 50 cts. Address, Unique Printing House, oti Vesey 8t , N. Y, Tk0 Keck with 82l l'oi table Finn- switi" Machine on 30 Dayi "J V advwU-es over all Satis Trial , many tes our all aatis Days Sent complete with full directions. Beck with Sewing Machine Co., S63 Broadway . r. may 14 6'JT ti T "n fiiiv, f " Important Ikykntiox. It retains the rup- t e at all tlme3i anti uader the hardest ex- ercise or severest strain It is worn with comfort, aDd if kept on night and day, ef- fects a permaneno cure in a tew weeks, R . . . . Bent b h reauegt. e(j Circulars free, when ordered by letter sent to The Elastic Truss Co., No. 683 r P ... x . , i 00 frequently. inayi ou n . -1 a TlfpioN GENUINE FAIRBANKS SCALES MANUFACTURED BY E. & T FAIRBANKS & CO. StockScales, Coal Scales, Hay Scales, 1-iry Scales, Counter Scales, vc., vc. Scales repaired promptly and rou.ona- blv. tub most ri::iFi:i r ALARM CASH DRAWER. mies Alarcsi rrill Cd's. EVERY . EVERY - - - Li HercM DRAWER: Use Tliem 4 Warranted. SOLD AT Fairbanks' - Scale Warebouses LMIDniYh'S Jlr M 311 Ibroadway, new yoiikj ltjfJ Baltimore r-l., Ballimore;1 03 Camp St., New OrlcukJ Masonic JIal!, Philadelpbiiii FAIRBANKS, BROWN & CO.; L Milk Street. 6rt6ti. For alc iv all leading Hardware, 7 Dealers. sept 11 ,J7--tawlm 2fc3 wca rj & .L ? WTUNING-& MUS!04 v and Market Streets. doc , s,t . -r? -i69 . "VTOTH'K is hereby given that application j will bo made to the General Assembly at its next meeting, to in corporate rho Urnnswick Bridge and Ferry company, without prejudice to the proprietors oflhe r resent ferry and causwny. - 'f1 5 iyaMfC?t mWl; I p4 sVI. P'lwa . October mh,l 136-lm 12122x1 Carolina CeiMt CJrJli 11 1:1 iy l id fUzi 4 PASSENQ ER1 T Ra'iNB' ' 1 LEAYR WILMIXGTOJ DAILY (EX jeevt SuudatWFatlli. .b:.;i'i!8:0O A M Arrive at Wadesboro aU, . . . r 5:25 E LM Ieave Wadesboro at . . 7:10 A M Arrjve at Wilmington at 4;3$ 'P)M f FREIGHT TBAINSvi) io mi- Leave VVflmltonrdaiLT-(-ir!Pit , .. : . .. Arrive at Lsurluburir at :J?V 5:3b V M' Leave Lattrinbprjjat,..,,..- , :00 A M.l Arrive at Wilmington at:.' . . . . . . '5.'P'M f iPASSENQERTltALNB. - n 's , Leave Charlotte fdailj? SuWays excepted, at... "8.00 A M" Arrive at Buffalo at 13.Odl.ldr Leave Buffalo at2r.st. V ,1X0.P M Arrive at Charlotte. aL'.;. ..?H :?.5.I5ilM Irregular Lumber and Timber Train rail' on jboth portions bf .thfe io4d as .Ihp.husiv ness requires. :.t - - . i A Daily Stage will soon run in connection!) witn me trains Qtf foth.ends of, this Kail- WaV. V:it',;!lf- '- -l ' ' ''.kMiJpJV .fi .- ' 'if t .5 f. Chief .Engineer and Sup't. . may'l9t ' T ' ' 'i8iVtri Pieflmont Air-Line r itlMf m 1 1 kntlkim X Ilichmontl and. t7auvilie, IUchriroutlBtid' ,b.i. n'Jll iWi.v t r North . Western W: C. Tt. W: Condensed Time Table. f 1 111! 6 If In effect on and aftei" BunSay, (ct! TtT1", goIng' N6kTii.MTt STATIONS. MAiLt -f Borates Leave Charlotte.. . lp,00p. H lO.Od 8 15 a. at 8.S0-' l ' 10.45 12.45 E. M. Air Line J;nct n Salisbury.-. fj... grjeeflsboro.., anvilie it IO.CtjA. kj ,3.30 6.20 ' Ui 3,12 P. M. 10. 17. p. m. U.35JJ Arrive at Richmond.. 2.17 P. rM ... r GOING SOUTH. f ft 8TATIOH8. MAIL. express' t- ri Lcave Bldhmrfnd.j. , ; 5. cq a: irV Danvllld ,nril Greensboro.,. 12.48 p, M. 3 50 " 45.06 M it Solisbury.;.... Air Line J'net'nj 4.29;., Arrivglt lilxafkitleu i ii?5 m STATIONS. r 'A mail: Leave Greenaboro,' . . Co. ShopV.V.V V f'RaieigliiXV.iL atnjLM i pj -p , Arrive at Goldsjboro' . 11.15 A. M ...... si.jy T- GbiMd West, 'c ! STATION. Lfcave Goldsboro' V'4 -Raleigh. -. y.lt I' Co. Shops ..... Jrrivt-!at Greensboro' 2 30r,-m:.LV Pi 20A"Mf.' : North'lsterni NCi maXTl (SALKM BllANClf.) Leave G reensboro ... 1 f 4r0- P At ro .............. , i ? tri r ft i t.vi.'tpiM ......... ...... .brOOj A m sbor. , v 10:00 A M Arrive at Salem . Leave Salem Arrive at Greensborp?. Mail trains "daUyf both -ways. Oh Stfndays Lynchburg Accom ui odation leave Richmond at 9.42a. m., arrive at .Burbville t3A-7leafejIB;irK.tiii 5 35 .. ra., arrivie,attichmond $.44. an. A .Pullman Palace Cars tffittnu&lrt aius For further information address f v7Vs. Fallen , General Ticket Ageut. h -y i yUrddhsboro, N. C, T. M R.-rTALCOT,T, Engineer and Gen' 1 Spuerintcudauf. Oct '15 A ' , ' " " - - 127 $yrr JnoQ fo3 , , ; "Hfl.T,.,,,; ? I i T-ui.rtl- 'taiflil bn :i ..J-! j I" I'M .!. ftf-ipf.!! lrK.II tit VrlJNH'l" ' JUp.I v f M iiVAiVl t I A i ' l A I i"ifT" Vt'A lwr A- PAlf4ft1M!Sfbf4c; THE j l.";, W,.'. ',','.!;..,' 'A Uf ! I p.Vfc CUllKU when all other remedies 11 havo-fiwieUjjliiiuiiuenijIya . . J :w'f'Fi(MIIjY MEDICINE;' " JU, Jti.. plf:i..f ;.- tfyi.j fan. , ,j ; , Aml,nofaiflly.8lTOii(t4n withoiUrir.-IitcafcC. Of fcmTdeW attek.Joie UutUe- wiU j54 AVQ dollars iri'ctB'iiplii.! ;.i,t p-.:j,,; . ,; For a!e y lr,a?gifct..r- , - -v t'-i t October 1 118-t m ..r JC.ptiJiK.-y TrflWlt? .ri -- i i M -. t)jM2 V ' 'y I 'I.i I x t Ul rw TVoH ' Qctoberll8-tf,,V -lr -JfAn I a 1 1 1 - 1 Railwayi T-'W. ' " i j mm H M -.1 1 1 f i l , RAIL ROADS. WUiningtoii ColnWa & Au- Ge. S.CJPBRrilTKin)BHT 8 OrfTCB, ,?WVirfr3id, N, C Pet.. ,11, 18Ti f r CHAflQE OF SCHEDULE, 03 fnMfXLLOWIHG SCIIDULK Vltir JL gO,int x cHCCt at 4:.i0 'A;' M., gnday; 12lh'ifest. r- iDATpXPiaS,KAIN1ri)aily,) Leavo Wilbihfcton f f 4. . 4:S0 A. . M Arrivf at Florence ... J... 10:10 A. M Arrive at ObiuVnoraVvt . . . .4 . 2. l XAX) P.'M rArriva at Fkwece . . 2 48P. M.; Arrive at mimlasfoh ; . . : . . . 1 : .lfcOO P.' M ' 24fl2"r ' tiTO'.l - 1 ,..f ' aiuuijsArJiMa iriAiiN uAiLi reuri- fl lU1t i tt Vfl tfvnoiypvn . 1 i uaxu aavJK xatu.l rlieaiicWltafngtottU . . . fi;10 JP. M Arrive atiflpfenco. 11:28 f. M ArrivS a( Cplumbia..'.. . ..; 4.00 A. M Arriro, at Ahgdsta . 3. i . . . . t ;45 A. M Leave Agusta.v 4: 15 P. M Arrive at Columbia. . . .' 8:4& P. M AfcvejatlFloretecei..w.-.i 2:02 A. M Arrive alt.WilmiBgton. 7:10 A. M "Bscncrjs .cayipg Wiiiniogton 6n 'the ft;10. P 'jtl.'ii'ain "make- elose' connection go." oouiu.f.7? jj -r , i . fi: . JAIE3 ANDERSON, ' ;rc: r. ! ' .V ' Ocnl 8up't. t oet tlj ; ; ,.,' .:i 124-tl r WilalngtonT & Wldoi7lR71l. i- any. M''UirricB Ubnebal 6tTPafNTirDiT, 1 ' 5Wn.ii(Tot., N.lC,Oct(2i,lS73 J, rg JSSt. . 2 CflANGF SCHEDULE. N AND APTEK OCT. 2U), INSTANT Vjf TA8SENGEE TRAINS on the Wil mingoa and WTeldon Kallroad will tun as follows : ' ' MAIL TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily (3un : days exceptedl At 7:40 A. M Arrive at Goldsboro.. 11:50 A. M Rocky Mount..... 2:00 P. M ;' : . i Weldou... 3:E0 P. M Leavd Weldoh daily (Sundays ' excepted)...'.,,.. Af 9:50 A: M Arrive at Rocky Mount ..... 11:35 A. M ... Goldnboro......... 1:37 P. M 1 j 4 , EXPRESS. TRA4N. Leave Union L?eyqt dail v-. .At 1 1:1 6 P. M Arrive at Goldsboro . . ... 3:50 A. M Kocky Mount 6:03 A. M j.-f f. ; n fWldon ... .. 8:00 A. M 7.50 P. M 9:43 P. M Leave Weldbn dally. Arrlfd at Rocky Mount i i. Gldsboro, 1L55P, M Union Depot L I Mail1 Tralnw makes close connection at t w uwu WWVb. . . in Welflonf for all points iiorth via Bay Line and Acguia Cjreek routes. 1 Express' Trkln connects only with Acquia Creek it route. -PULLMAN'S PALACE SLEEPING (CARS QN THIS TRAJN. FREIGHT .TRAIN8 wtll: leave Wiimine- wmin-wveny i t.w .., ana am ve at ni i EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS will leave 'ilTntncrtAn 'flnllv RnTSVt p-roTltvr1 if p:6d r.tt.nd arrive at;-Wp P, M. ,i? , juiir r. uiviri5, !-,., cneral Superintendent, f. 130-tf Will rim axNiaau THIS MOST REMARKABLE F , ALlT :. APPARATUSES sonietimes Il ; -:J-i'U) : ' . ! ; 1 caaioda me-l)amcal paradox now used with sich, ,w.oudei-rul success In our principal cities for the cure; by cumulative oeh- cEsk, of nearly all ; . CIiiOiiicj'DBeai'tis antT Weaknesses, I foif sjUebi; Lhc ptuidersined. by whom all ! order he nrooiptly tilled. il sfi'iistfuclo.l that even a child can ln- lirai!iauijrist1H Mx a porwn to lift any v$i)-tT trom jtwmty to twelve hundred t rUmUtle.iliiitst wltollvof iron and steel. I ffimUdialriioit wlkjlly of iron and steel. . cili IX'lrKuftds. atid covers a Kpaccof only iju bi'TKi.wnohc.s; auda I though, but. recently introduced, nearly'l,'.) have already been i UVJE tl,. irjXEl ANil SHIPPED. I hmn,l,bpks or ) rculars'. showlpg Its use, tdii be' li.it free at the oUice- of the Post. I ' rnv. '.i ; r. i 1 ;i. t4. 11. MANN llrooklyn. N. 1LVOLLEU8 ADRIAN & V0LLERS. 'HOLiriLK JDEAI.ERI IK I " I it roqc r ici jiiitl lilq 11 oris, ; iiflpofcjpccs of Germap i and Havana Clgam, JCSlJ CommigsiodHePoltant ! , I'll'. f.,t.-i Squtu-East Corneb LKx k and Fkoxt I M ill nlV . ,f . . . , . Il WUinlillialartaiul bet aiworteU Stock f wfirocerH;diiiQUorsln the City, Ixwlers j wUlflndittAhelrihterCTt to give us a call before buying ei?wnere. -r , . , ... ; - k-L-' :rXRRAJTTBE DKEDS Ob band and YY'fo,rlena ',KV'-' 1 it 'f7cb f ? V -!: ,-0 BALL AttlAdgvsta..,..f,. ,3:00 PM. Leave, Ajufeusta , , . . . . . . . . . ; 4:S0 A. 11: Leave' Col uinMav. IV. . . . . i-j.Khao Al a n ! NET7i ADVERTISErJEI THAHKSGIYING PEOCLinATfl. B'J ITts Eetrltaici, thc Govknor of Korth 1 ' N Carolina, f KXECUTlVE'DElWttTMEyT, Raleiffh. Oetoher 22il. 1 ha v w9' SJWlfc Korth' C5ar61Ia A ICOUSiy Of all th nrrvlnH. n jtp.k.. . p.T.a.pTp.i-T i !"u,ul,Jl are miea i Almvfl All - fmlrhnt f.nlli. ... jj j . . . have In a trreat measure iwn T.iI':J1' ' " miUKt,aiut no plague, jest Hence orfamin-"'' . thanks to Almighty tioil for theanUaUin? '' lierless other blessings showered mtbn Ms fn v; ' ,, i Ills great mercy, M, Tod It. Oildwell vofr(,: , , . , iior of North "..roliii, in oltedicaee to law 1 kl' r and in conformity with Hn honored pre.' iutu Thursday, November 27,th!' 1S?1. 1 w' as a day of public Thanksgiving throughout, r w , . i " " thetatc;audldoearnestly,invitothecIci;V . 1 ' y of every denomination Jto Topcn'"thc3V''0 respecUye bouses or worship on said rixjrjf. f. and to exhort their cngiatIonBtolxuiibt4 . ' . themselves before the throne of 'lthe,CTCtl'i"M '7 livlnf God. and render unto! llliti indtLMwti' r. in whicnare juaUy' due,iinvolilrur ori Viora7fft selves, their tato and their, whole TOlBtry;i, ' 1 ills guidance and protectfun throughout altd-C-n jix timetocome. Jiv.; .-m: r.;-i, .it tnanlwttlvlnir. and Uim witb psalms." " -1! v, , day of October, An no Domini onothouani 1 l'1 , cieht hundretl and KAvriif tr.rtiww. d.f i. iiiTl Oil) .vri hluety-clgbth year of Auicricaii' lild(Tii.-tx fr W uence. i , , . .4 r . . t , TOD It rALD Wf ILfi'I l f '' ' By the (Jovcrnor: . T , iof mtxj:x iArKKr rrlvatoftfwivUiry. ., j ..f IN STORE. 'li I ;'!- .sacks idtr- 3,000 bushel edM' : 1,000 bUsheU Oats r 300 bales HaV: ' 1,000 bushel Aleal; i ' ;? 300 rolls Bawing; ' . , ? 1,000 bundlesTies; ; - 800 Spirit Casks; 250 barrels Glue: ,vi . 1,000 bundles Hoop Iron,' I 200 papers Rivets; . " ! 150 boxes CJieese; - 5- . 125 barrels MuUet , ! 800 barrels Flour; ; T , ; 65 boxes Drv Salt Side:','JJf V! 1 100 boxes Smoked Sides and Shoulder: V V ' 125 barrels Sugar; ? fr?.4j ; .400 bags Coffee aU grades; 7?,. , i 125 boxes Tobacco: : ' 30 barrels, and half barrels Snull; ' ,,"f v:' 100 boxes and barrels Crackers;., f 75 barrels Ric:-. 200 cases -Brandy Teaches; ,': , , 150 dozen buckets; ' ' ' - 50 boxes Candr; ' 125 boxes Candles. &c ' . ,-i ' i ; , ' For sale by - '-: V 1 F. W.raRCKEil.-7H Oct 27 r vt, 4104i,,;V;,r.H r i i. i, ,f,r EEDIN60TES : s E AKE NOW JLVKING TlESJ? tojyrj.p . IIf A ItTTCLES for our cus'tomerr o j - f , , , , r LADIES' wTi Will do well to call at Mrn. STHOtiSnd1 ' exam'ne samples, 3- IX A LI ITS LATEST STYLES, -ii " ' - rsi tii Mrs. STEOOI&'mv J , if.; oct is tf Princess Street, Evans' liloclc j GIFT CONCERT. f J '' t - ; . , f j , For the Benefit and under the auVpiccs" of ' The Cape Fear Agriculturalj;Asbfln ciation; ; f--f arrangements for a GIFT CONCERT d4iffjpo the next .nnual Yair,; resiKpCtmUyjMIirlHtJ eontrlbntions of -artlelof aujablc ,for, prices. , , live hundred prizes, will, be dUtriOutedH'i the purchaser of ticket, aud Jfnii MeinlJi'h ' the .Vssoclatlon arc! eoufTderrtly ixliycd.:iivi. to furnish tho prizes.- AAytUlugr frprnj a, thousand dollar horse to, a hoop kirt w ili ' be acceptable. The names of, all 'cohtfllMi'p5 tors, together, with their bn!rieH rard muV the amount of their douatiou. wmAf . pu'f lishediu iximphlct foruiaud)idcK- dUtrib' . utcd. ,Thc prizes will "be lexhill durVijg fat" Fair. TIioko wishiug to avail thciiikcnVofo thi most edeelivo liwdc' df f udwini; j, their biisiiiosStLW-ill please, coii)tiiui;icaly with the uscribcr .during the inontlxot November, as the llt of prizes' shoultf tA;f published' ou the t rWt' of December; f'li ; distribution will be tuadoeii thehus, dq of the Fair, IXveinljcr; 12th. AH cunlrl Vutloim should be addressed io ' . " l-' '"V" Dr. THOMAS B; (IAKRa1 ; Uox 91 ; Wllml nftoo, Hi ft' STAR FKIGIION 'M ATS. J ' ?VERY HOUSE SHOULD JiA,Y theni;?. t'-J ''ii i .- t4mj ' For balf Iry1 . , ' " ; " i ' v ' -: 7 I. xiT '' I. .silt, r . t OEO. MY ER 1 ll'aud Front street. , - flUIE UNUElWiGNEl;. liuving Utvu ai- ' pointed by the Executive Cojnmjttco. of t be . above Association, to make tuc'neccslaVy '' ' ; . v tin r j 'T '7 i'v'W Hfri''!ri;':' t rv,Lu-. i . - -2, fit r .'?o - .. . ""' ; . I. 'J wifj I . 'I- t' r.J.iil. is : - . -nJ