i .M-s WILLIINQTON, N, C, WEDNESDAY Mi'SBER 19, 1873 VOL VII. NO. 158 v " ri " 1 i j 11(11111111 .-t,..-..,- l ,. J i .... 3 P TfrtZI f l-H I U b Vii.: V bisked every afternoon except Sunday. .Irs r MANN.. Editor and Proprietor jAMEa - snbscnplion. . rr. in advance $5 UO (Jill- J - x mo111 .outujh in advance. . , 't m r-.rea months, m advance 1 oO 50 ' . rt..t.'i. in advance ill p' ' t:ii: Slat,' on topics of gene- iitic il r.ew ;'.! reports .m r W iOVIJRTISEMENTS. icHOOL BOOKS, SCHOOL-BOOKS, SCHOOL BOOKS. Vi;..-; AND COMPLETE ASSORT- A 111'.'" it A L ROOK A2D iUUJC &TUUE. 117 Merchandise Brokerage Office, ,- J nil- iu siiupavi evmuiui i.y uu iuiuu ri.:itTii ' ui. ei--. i descriptions ot merchandise, orders in Merc'.iandise market. orders. bought and sold in this from buyer.- solicited, and jllei rfwill have prompt at- samples lol't by teution. Time us v 11 as ea.-di purchases negotiated, wl ctii'-i" 3'n wish to buy or sell, communi cated freely, and often with your local HrdkCr J AS. T. PETTEWAY, Mcrohandl.se and Produce Broker, dec 20 lyl tf S F. 'V. LOPEll LOPER & I. DOUCIITEN DOUGHTEN, NAVA-.L. STORES AND SOUrilELlN PRODUCTS, 53 NORTH 'FRONT STREET, Philadelphia, Viu Orders for Turpentine Casks solicited and irDiuptly rilled at lowest. market price. march S 215-tf B VII 15 1: 21 SfllOP. IDE TURNER wishes to inform his custo- mers and public generally, that he is now prepared to do all kind of work in his line, and would respectfully request a continua tion of the patronage which has heretofore been so liberally bestowed upon him. jan 16 tf 208 Siiip7s New FaiiFSGWiM Machine. THE SUPERIORITY OF THE SINCiER L SEW1NO MA.CH1NK for beauties of stitch, simplicity ot mechanism, and adap tability to every class of sewing, has been established in fair ami Q2eu competition in actual sewing ccu.v.,-, r.a the I'UP.LIC HKCOiJNITP N f their merits is to be found in the numerous awards o FIRST PRIZES over every competitor -at the VI ENNA EXPOSHTON ami latarly all the In dustrial Fairs in America and iu Europe. Silent Feed and Straight Ncedie and is Hie easiest to leant. Has the highes appro- . val tor the 'Famiiv. the Se-amstivss and the dressmaker. J.m.h,)'! ! ! iN DAILY FSE 1 i,7S I ! sold last year. " J ') . otli'er Com pan . v. Sold on tne Installment pi over any Terms uaay'aud full iustruclioux given. 3 Olliee No.l, Lippitt o ltoy South Front street, Wilmington, N.f. CI LAS. E. D1RISLK, .-t -;-t t .Manager. REMOVAL, JAS. A. LOWERY, CARRIASE MAKER & REPAIRER. 1 HAVE removed my establishment to my new buildings on the corner ol fourth and campbell si. NevirBoiiyiP.tidze, whero 1 shall be pleased lo see my" old customers and many new eilcs. Carriage making, painting and repairing neatly done. Horse Shoeing, and various kinds -of iron work done on reasonable l-'rais. Having had thirty years experience in 1 Ins business, 1 am confident that I can do lao fuitfst work, and give satisfaction. AM, -vhuK WARRJCNTE". , ept 3-tf J AS, A. JiU e-Ki- 7 lllrl AT -:o: Special Practice for the Cure of Cancers, Tumors, Scrofula, Chronic Ulcers, Epilepsy, Eiver Diseases, Uterine Diseases, Skin Diseas es and all ksdred Affec t i q n s suceoafulv ii Piiui i m !iijnii!int Cancers at.d Tumi in do treated witU our 6pecidcs without U use of tiio knife, without the los ot blod and but. with lit tle pain to the patient. Terms for treatment wi be in the rcAcfc of all. All coraniunleatns addressed to ua will meet with prouipatteution. Cir culars and ccrtiftatea of tres will lie sent on application. . oaieeaad Infirmary Laacutrc street, Galdsboro, N. C. UK. J. MILES mii; t CO. October 1 lL5-3m MISCELLANEOUS. THE SILVER TOBGDE ORGANS The best ORGANS of the Reed class IN THE WORLD. The Best for Churelies and Lodges. The Best lor Sunday Sehools. The Best for Parlors and Vestries. The Be.st for Academies and Colleges. The Best for Public Halls. The Best for Orchestra and Slage. These instruments, which for sweet ness of tone and elegance of appoint ment stand unrivalled, have met with unprecedented success iii this country and abroad. MANUFACTURED- BY E. P. NEEDHAM & SON. ESTABLISHED IN 1846. Nos )43, 145 & 147 East 23d st. N Y I : Responsible parties applying for agencies in sections still utisupplied, will receive nroraDt attention and liberal inducements. Parties residing at a distance from our au thorized agents, may order from our factory. Send for illustrated unnellet. aug-ii TO THE WEST! TO THE WEST! Belore hiaking: your arrangements to fol low the advice of the thousands who have already gone," it would be we'l to consider what has been done to make the journey to your -'nomes in the West" as pleasant and free from dancer as human skill and fore sight can accomplish. By consolidation and construction, a road has been put into operation on the shortest possible line from Nashville, Tenn., to St. Louis, "the fature great City of the world." This line, the - ST. LOUIS & SOUTHEASTERN RAIL WAY, has, during the past year, earned an envia ble reputation by its smooth track, prompt time, sure connections, and the magnifi cence of its passenger equipment. Its traius are ma le up of new and commodious day cars, provided with the celebrated Mil ler coupler and p'alfurm, and the Westing- hoa?e air brake. It, is positively Hie only line tunning PuMmin ld ice Drawing-Boom tslop ng Cars tlnougb without change irotu Nasu- vule to St. Loiiis. No other !ine pretends to oil or such adv .images?, cither iu distance, time, or iiiutpment. Why, then, journey by circuitous routes? Do not be induced to purchase tickets to St. Louis or the A. West hv any other line, remember that The "St. Louis & Southeastern" is the shortest, cheapest, quickest, best and only line under one management from Nashville to St. Louis, and is from GO to 4J00 miles the shortest to St. Louis, Kansas City, Omaha, Denver, California, Texas, and all western points. It is also the "Cbp eigo Shortest Line," via Evanevillc. Yon cau secure the cheapest rates for yourselves and j our movables on applica tion, in person or by j letter, to Charles MoCabs, Southern Pa$6enger Agent, near finite. street DeDOt. Nashville. Tenn.. or D a ' ' to the undersigned. W B DAVENPORT, Genet al Ticket Agent, 8t. Louis, No trouble to answer questions. jury' 57-Gm Jnst Arrive! per Steamer Meih AXOTIIEII luvotce of Hams, Ureakfast .Strips and ShoulderSj of our own curing also, choice lot of Prime Leaf Lard, in 20 pound Vik Buckets, expressly for family use. Give it atrial. We return our thanks to our customers ami friends for their kind favors and liberal patronage extended our new enterprize, and are determined not to be outdone In prices and quality of Goods. Ah examination of our superior Stock of Groceries, Wines and Liquors wi 11 convince the most skeptical that money can he saved by giving us tneir or tiers Remember the comcf under the Seaman's Home. j. H. ImcGARITY & CO. Sept: -103- PARKEK & TAYLOii Successors to A. H. NEFF, Jlanulactureri and dealers In BOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Guns, Stoves, Lanterns, Kerosene, Oil Tin , and Sheet Iron Ware. Roofing done at aHort notice . ' gen ta tax Fairbank's Scales. No, 19 Front Street MISCELLANEOUS. DIPLOMA, AWARDED BY TUB American Institute J. W. McKEE, FOR EmlrOitoy aM Fluting MacMueS. ' It is ingenious aud will meet the Wftnts of every matron in the land." ( F. A. Barnard. Free. Sohu E. Gavit, Rec. Secy. Samuel L) lillnin, Cor. Secy. New York, November 'JO. 1S7J. This pimple and inuenious Machine is as useful us the aewi'njr Machine. nd Is last becominjr popular witb ladies, in the place of expensive Needle work, its work being. much more handsome, requiring less time and not one tenth purt the expense. No lady's toilet is now comp'ute wiiiriut it. A Machine with illu-'.r tu-d crcii'ar and full instruction sVnt. u r--vipt !' Jor finished iu silver pi te tor Address, 'I'm: McKus Vlauutvetur'uir Co., l00 Broadway. New York. AtiKXTS WVT'slGlJ. Dr. Garvin's Elixir of Tar, Is recommended by regular Medical practi tioners aud a epcedy cure guaranteed for Colds, Cough?, Catarrh. Asthma, Bronchitis, Spitting Blood, Consumption and all Pulmo nary Complaint.', Scrofula, Erysipelas, T)ys pepsia and Gout. Dysentery, ChoJera-mor-bus. Cholera and all liyer and bowel com plaints. Kidney diseases and all all'ections ot ths Urinal Organs perfectly harmless tree from Mineral or Alcoholic properties pleasant to take aud never known to fail rncuiou yur ioine run riiicuiuis with medical testimony aud certificates sent on application. Address, L. 1 . IlYDh & CO.. rJo ticve th Avenue, rscw xorK. Darts from "tie Dcyil; or Cnpifl AMsei A Book just issued exposing the "person als" that have appeared in the. isew XortL Newspapers; their history and lesson. Stil ish villians fully exposed Advertise ments from desperate men to beautiful wo men; Clandestine meetings; how frustrated; The History ot the Goodrich tkagedt me result of a "personal." Description of Liv ing Broadway Statues. Exposes f social corruption. ent on receipt oi, ay-, cis. Address, Unique Printing House, SO Vescy, st , n. y. Tho Beckwith Portable Fam ily-Sewing Jlachinc, on 30 Days Trial ; many advantages over all. Satis-, faction guaranteed, or money refunded. Sent complete with full directions. Beck with Sewing Machine Co., 852 Broadway N. Y. may 14 307 tf THE NEW ELASTIC TRUSS An Important Isvestion. It retains the rup ture at all times, aud under the hardest ex ercise or severest strain It is worn with comfort, and if kept on night and day, ef fects a permanent cure in a tew weeks. Sold cheap, and sent by mail when request ed. Circulars free, when ordered by letter sent to Tbe Elastic Truss Co., No. b&3 Broadway, N. Y. City. Nobody uses Metal Spring Trusses ; too p-iinful ; they slip oil too frequently. may!4 307 tf CAUTION, BUY ONLY THK GENUINE FAIRBANKS SCALES, MAXI FACTl'llEI) BY E. & T FAIRBANKS & DO, ST.lJYBlltn SCALES. StockScalcs. Coal Seules, 1 lay Hcalcs, Dairy Bealess, Counter Seules, Ac., .Ve. Joules rcpaircl proiifptlv ;iiil reasona bly. mi: .mst i-.cr ALARM CA8H DRAWER. MileN Alarm Till Co's. KVKKY VAIY Merchant DRAWER SUOULIJ Use Them VVarrantcd. SOLO AT Fairbanks' Scale Warehouses, FAIRBANKS & CO., 311 BROADWAY, NEW YOlllv 100 Baltimore rt., Baltimore, oo Camp st., Xew Orleans: FAlRBxNKS & EWING, Masonic Hall, Philadelphia. FAIRBANKS, BROWN & CO,; 2 Milk Street, Boston. For nle by all leading llartlafg Dealers. sept 11 (T7-2taw4n &oc3jOvr?sis TUNINGS MUSICV Corner 4?lx and Market Streets, dee 3 : : - r t o ifTriMrc.cti! 1 JUS "VTOTIOE Is hereby given that application Jj will bo made to the General Assembly at Its next meeting, o iueorporato stho Brunswick Rridge and Ferry Compsuijr, without prejudice to the proprietors of the present ferry and causwity. ' October 17th, 1S7J li-lm RAIL Carolina Central Railway compny WILMINGTON, N. C May 14, 18TJ. j II JlfT ri PBbW I; 1 PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE WILMINGTON DAILY EX -eept 8undaje)at. 8:00 AM Arrive at Wadcsboro at 5:35 P M Leave WadcsborO at . i' 7:10 A M Arrive at Wilmington at. -P M FREIGHT TRAINS, '' Leave Wilmington daily (-xcepl Sua days). j. -t i ..i 4i.LH) A M Arriyjcrat Lnurinburg at. 5:U0 I'M Leave Laurinburi? at.?.v . . . &:00 A M ArriTlS at Wllmuwttoo at. t . ao, P M .ASSENGERTRAIS va Charlotte .daily, Sundays 1 Leave excepted,' at. . VSJjl i X. . . 8.00 A M Arrive at Buffalo, atk . . , ; 13-00 M Leave Buffalo at . . . V'. . .......... .' l.Cff P M Arrive at Charlotte at. ..... I . . . . . 5. 15 p M lrregalar Lumber and Timber Trains ran on both portions-of . tho Road as the busi ness requires; ' ' !A Dail Stage will -soon run in connection with the train? on both ends of this Rail way.' r :r' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' S. L. FREMONT, 1 Chief Engineer and Sup't. may 10 . ' II , Sli-tt PieOmoiit Air-Iiiie .RaWay. Hicbinond and DanvIITe Riefamdnd aud Danvnre' R. W.i division, and' ' mrtb Western K. C. R. W. ' f 1 ,: ' Condensed Time TablcVT 1 In ett'ect on aiidjafter SuiidayOcti 12, 187.. GOING NORTH.. STATIONS. i EXriiESS LeaveChirlotte 10.00 p. H 10.06 r " , 10.06A. if. 3.30 "1 6.20 11185 8.17 Pi m 8.15 a. m. 8.80 " , 10.45 12.43 p4 M. 3,12 p. M. 7.S6 " 10J7 p. M. Air LinetJ?nct'n Salisbury Greensboro.... it s Danville. 1: t nni.L.niA Arrive at Richmond i. GOJNG SOUTH. MAIL, . KXPU9SS Od vrr HinnmArifl IT v UJ 7 U 4 i , . BdrkviUe;:.1,, 8J39 12.48 P. M. it ti Danville Greensboro..., SollsbtrrtA.?.. 0.18 12.20 1 ass V:l Air Line J'nct'n 4.29 4.35 a. m. 8.10 8.15 Arrive at Charlotte. GOING EAST. j STATIONS. MAIL. Leave Greensboro' . . . Co. Shops .... Raleigh Arrive at GoldsboroV 3 05 a. M I ; 4.45 ' I 8 3; " i 11. la a. m GOING WEST. STATION. I MAIL ! L- (o!dlHr, Kaleitf W . . 2 :;0 o 2i' J.35 Ml Co. Shupi Aniv. at (ireeiishnn' j 1 J 2-1 a m North Western N, C. K. H (.Salem -.Huancij.) Leave Greensboro Arrive at Saicm. . 4:M V M . 0.25 P M .S:(K)A M 10:00 A M Leave Saieu. Arrive at Greeusboro. Mail trains daily, both ways. On Sundays Lynchburg Accommodation leave Richmond at 0.42a. in., arrive at BuikvilJe 12 45 p. in., leave Burkville 5 L.'u a. in., arrive at Richmond 8.41 a. m. Pullman Palace Cars on all night trains between Charlotte cd Richmond, without change.) ' '" - Far iurlber information address 8. E. ALLEN, General Ticket Agetit. Greensboro, N. C, T. M K TALCOTT, Engineer and Gcn'J Spuerinfendant. oct 15 127 RHEffHATM lEDRILSIM THlv ' ' EL.EPT.BIC U4 D-,wheu all iLli'f . re tilled ies liav lied. A IlJs emladuBy4i S 1 1 FMllhX MSDI0INE, Aud nofamily should be wtthoal it. Jn ease of sudden attacks; one bottfe Wilf pave five dollars in doctor's bills. j For sale byill Druggists. , T , . October Jl8--8t a. . t . I I m it ill j ; - i'R )''' ci'i ELTE O T R1 1 O a m W - RAIL ROADS. Wiloington. Colombia & Au frusta R. R. Company. G. SUPKBINTKKDEHT'S OrIC, ( Wilmington, N. C, Oct.. 11, 1873. f CUAtlQE OF SCHEDULE rpil FOLLOWING SCHEDULE WILL -L ;ointo eUcct at l:o0 A. M., .Sunday. 13th inst. DAT EXPRESS TRAIN, (Daily.) LeYK Wilmington..... 1:0 A. M Arrive at. Florence 10:10 A. M Arrive at Columbia - 00 P. M An-ivtv at Aogusta S;OJ P. M. Leave Augusta 4: A. M. Leave Colombia . , 10:30 A. M Arrive at Florence.. 3 48P. M. Arrive at Wilmington 10:00 P. M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN JJAILY (SUN DAYS EXCEPTED.) Leave Wilmington UOP. M Arrive at Florence 11:38 P. M Arrive at Columbia 4 00 A. M Arrive at Augusta 8:45 A. M Leave Augusta 4:15 P. M Arrive at Columbia 8:45 P. M Arrive at Florence. 2:03 A. M Arrive at Wilmington 7:10 A M Passcutrcrs leaving Wilmington on the $:10 P. f, train make close connection going South! - J TTAMES ANDER80N, I i . uen ioap i. ioelj-ll 124-tl Wil&tagion k Wcldon R. R. . Company. Or?ica General Superintendent, i WO.MINGTOIT, N. C, Oct, 34,1878 ! . : . - 1 . i a Change of schedule. ONT AND AFTER OCT. 20tb, INSTANT PASSENGER TRAINS on the Wll mington and? VVeldon Railroad will run as follows : MAIL TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily (Sun days excepted) At 7:40 A. M Arrive at Goldsboro.. 11:50 A; M ' ' ' Rocky Mount 3:00 P. M ! W61don.. j 3:50 P. M Leave Weldon daily 8undav excepted)....., .....".At 9:50 A: M Arrive at Rocky Mount 11:35 A, M Goldsboro.. 1:37 PJ M Union Depot 5:50 P. M EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily... At 11:10 P. M Arrive at Goldsboro 3:50 A. M Rocky Mount 6:03 A. M Wcldon 8:00 A. M Leave Weldon daily. . . 7.50 P. M Arrive at Rocky Mount 0:43 P. M Goldsboro lt:55 P. M Union Depot 4:30 A. M Mall T ram mau.es close connection at Weldon lor all points North via Bay Line and Acquia Creek routes. Express Train connects only with Acquia Creek route. PULLMAN'S PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON THIS TRAIN. FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilming ton tn-weekly at .oo A. vi., and arrive at 1.40 P M. EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS Vlll leave Wilmington daily (Suudavs excepted) at z-.W f. VI . nu arrive at 0:b0 P M. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent, oet 21 13-tf THIS MOST REMARKABLE 0 l" ALL AlTARATL"Sl-i fcOUicUuicB called a ineehanical paradox now used with such wou'erful uceess in our principal cities for the cure, by iLMl i.ATiVE kxku cisk, of nearly all Chronic Diseases and Weaknesses, I for by the ifiuh rsicnf il. by whom all orders viil he pro.nptly rilled. THK ACTIONARY i.s s.) eontruetel that even a child can In stantly adjust it for a person to lift any weight, from twenty to twelve hundred pounds. It. is made almost wholly of iron and steel, weighs l. pounds, aud covereaspaceofonly 29by.'; Inches and although, but recently lut roduued, nearly J.OUU have already been sold'. ' VllH. K HJt, RjX1-:D: AND SHIPPED. Small btoks or circulars, showlnj? its use, can be had free at the olhee of the I'usr. S. H. MANN. Urouklyn, N. Y. sept H-dAcwtt l O. llox21W. A. ADRIAN. H. VOLLEKq ; ADRIAN & V0LLEES. WUOL2!A.L DEALXSS IK i roc it ics and Liquors. Importers u German and Havana Cigar. -AXI- Oomriiirfsion Tcrcliant ' South- 1-Tast Cornxk Dock and Frost streets. WI LMIKGTON, N. C, Hailnjj the largest and bet n?wjrtel Slock of Groceries and Liquors in the City, Dealers will find it to their interest, to give ua a call before buying elsewhere. ' mav I7-tf ' '' ' . t i immrr i"rmm i i wwiiinnBi r"- a WARtfANTTEE DEEDS- On hand and for sale ' 1 feu 25 S O HALL NEW ADYEBT1SC!1ENTS. THAHKSGiyiNfi PROCLAHAJION. By Ifis ExccUcHcy,thc Governor of Xwth Carolina. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, , Ralelzh. October Is;;:.. - - . U " I IIS (rvvj'IW Ul .'Ul III UITJllUf iia c Deen ubmnluntiv hicvi .inri h .:. ",'V prouuew or us soil m Uiai lt "uauuuiuau uru Jill (.u l ?I-rilMlu; a,?d. t,lc industrious inechanln has realized a rich reward lor his laijur. Hiwi cxry class of our population pnpcrcd In all laudable entrmrl above alJ, fraternal Ucllugs and good will uu uiu reai measure occn restorvdmour midst, and no plague, pestilence or Uunine. iua vising uur i5wie: rsow, inercrorcs as 1t M-comts u? a sratcfnl peuple, lo rtndti bcrlcMevtheablcMdlisrs showered nnou us in Uitreat mercv I, -Tod H. Caldwll, Gover nor of .North Orroliiui. in ntuiliiiit. i and in oulirinit v .with i n luiiwirpii nr.. deal, do appoint and set apart Thursday, November 27th, 1873, as a day cf public Thanksgiving throughout the State; aud I do earnestly invite thoclei- gy or every denomination to open- their respective houses of worship on said day, and to exhort their congregations to humble - uieniseives Derore the tnronc or the ever living God, and render unto Him praises widen are Juatly due, Invoking forthcui arlves, their Htate aud their whole country, n is guidance ana protection tnroughout all time to come. i "O come, let us sine unto the Lord. Jet u make a joyful noise to the Rock of our sal vation.' j j,;, "Let us come before his presence "with thanksgiving, and make a Joylul noise unui u:mwuap8aiiDS.". Done at the city of Rnleigli.' on thi Chettd day of October, Anno Domini naUumsan eight hundred and seventy-three, and'lu the ninety-eighth year of Vmerlcah. ' InUcpcii dence. TOD It, CALUWELLi Dy the Cjveruor: J. B. Nkatheky; rrivatc Secretary.' ' oct ;-Hl-u , IN STORE. 5,000 sacks Salt; 8,000 bushels Com; 1,000 bushels Oats; 300 bales liav; 1,000 bushels Meal; 300 rolls Bagging; 1,000 bundles Ties; 800 Spirit Casks; 250 barrels Glue; , 1,000 bundles Hoop Iron 200 papers Rivets: it ' 150 boxes Cheese: 123 barrels Mullets: barrels Flour; boxes Drv ftalt ShW 100 boxes Smoked Bides and Shonfdcrs: 125 barrels Sugar; ' 400 bags Coffee all grades; 125 boxes Tobacco; 30 barrels and half barrels Snuff; 100 boxes and barrels Crackers; 50 cases Snuff; 75 barrels Rice; 200 cases Brandy Peaches; 150 cases Schnapp; 150 dozen buckets; 50 boxes Candy; -125 boxes Candle, S;e. For sale bv F. W. KEKCXKLJ. oct 27, ny REDING0TES E A Rl : NOW M A K I N G T 1 1 ST IV. IS11A I JTlt f .1 ;s for our ctisli.ittvrs. Wjll do well lo fall at Mrs. S J;m T N aii.l exam ne samples. T ... in all'm-h LATLST SSTVLLs. .. Mrs. STK0CKS' ; oct hstt Princess Htreel. Dvans' llluck. GIFT CONCERT. For the. Itencnt ami under lh:; au-pi , of The Cape F.jar Agrieullural Abw dalion. fJUU; UNDElWH-iNJiD, haviutf .btvu ap pointed by the Executive Committee of tho above Assoiatlou, to make the ncccsury arrangements for a GUT CONCT.'HT durluc; the next Anmnl Kair, resicct fully sollcitn contributions of articles suitable lor pric. Five hundrcil prizes will be distribuitd Up the purchaser of tickets, and the friends ol the Asociatlon an confidently r-llrd moi to furnish tho prizes. Anything from a thousand dollar horse to u hoop.-Uirt will be acceptable. The names of all contribu tors, together with their business card and the amount of their donation, will be pub lished in pamphlet form andwldoly dUUrlb uted. The prizes will be exhited. during Oiv Fair. Those wishing to avail themselves or this most effective mode of advi-rttht their business, will pk-ase coumilb with the subscriber during the. month of November, as the list of prizes should bo published ou the first of lecenibcr. The distribution will be made on the last tluy or the Fair, December 12th. All contrlbutioiri should be addressed to Dr. THOMAS 13. CAKK. RoxOl, WllmingUX, IC.'O. 127-tr oct2S STAB FBICTION MATS. EVERY HOtJSll SHOULD JIAYE ti,i "' v;-- lUVIIIt r a i For talc by ; i , GEU. 3IVE1W, A 11 and 13Frout fctnre ... ' - uctSO Hi W I L M I HiG T Q N V QOV IV t 1 c. 150-ly OctO t. -