1 Sf ptcdby tlio Pro- . .......Extra No. 1 IiOW li . , t. .' v.xtr ? - v,- WILLnNGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, HOBnfiBR ' 26,' 1 873 VOL VIL 1 1 I - ! I f -l L- w - :' PV4ttcraoou except Sunday. tt .Editor and Proprietor feir,iQ advance " lK,ey ,he in advance..- ,h in advance ,VJaoDl'Jur . i!n;tpf1 from our friends Won topi. of gem, .0 roUtical .ocw and reports cl ! W'v"-'-"""- ! ! SCHUUL uuuiw. SCHOOL BOOKS. ... vN, (.OMl'I.aK assort 1' .Loollsjt rccclvcJ.aiulfoi ,l VI? 11- Kerehandbc Brokerage Office, c nuMlfs coiisUinMy o land Li it.ur:Murrr.s n, ft F from ftiirdert lroui -buyer hoLk-IU;i ,. ium! lUtiou. KrvlwsUlobuy or sell, cojnmnul- i .... .... i nun m:iv urcuuttivu, I. ....... iiMitl iii I ml '.r; n,i iHt;u wiiii your iocui J VS. T. I'KCTKtVAY, Merchandise aui Produce. I. DOUOHTEN JA)VER & DOUGHTEN, N A V A -L. I' u Jtv iii o 1NU SOUTUt:K" l'KODUCTS. Pliiiadeiyliia, tor TniTentine Casks solicited uud promptly Ailed at lowest market, pace lUt V rf . OBIL'RSER wiblics to Jutornt hih casU mere and public generally, tliut tie is now tiiKpscto doatl Rind of work in bis line, tion of the patronage w hich lias heretofore beta so liberally bestowed upon him. juKtf aw MM Family Sewing Maciie, THE M rEKI'llITi OF TlltiWINUr.K 1 SEWIN'G .VU'HIXC for beauties of witch, simplicity of mpehumsm, and adap tability to every clas of sewing, has been established in fair and kiw. competition in actual wving cou.u.,.., arid tin- rUHiU' nLUXiNITKtX of -their 'merits is to hr .bond in the mim'Tou.s awards o 1'IJIST JUIZES over everv competitor at the VI- u'vt I'vn.. -ri't,.i. . i . i-.li .i... l.. j-w.UjAn.i.iiiiu. ana ritu' iv uu uif iu- Sileot Fewl and htrai-;ht Needle and is ..JheeasiesUo Imrti. Has the liihes apin .(ortlie Family, ttie .Seamstress and the smaller. 1 .12-; ,( M!J : ! ! IN DAILY UtSlO ,py sold last year. tVT0! ov.r any .t.ierfompany. ' JfrWd'ontui' Installment pl.n. Terms jasy vl full iust,nict"-cMis irlven " 'JftieeVn I I.ii.mtt'M Utt-ue S..ntli 1'i-ntit street, Wilmington, N. C. ' , 0ct'0-11 Janagcr. I REMOVAL. i JAS. A. LOWKHY, IAGE MAKER & REPAIRER. I m,' oni)vrd n.ye.stablishmcnt to "'i ikw bnikliii-s an the corner of Vnuurii AM) CAMPP.KUE STS. fepoui'r,ri d;-, where I shall te pleased my old customers and many new nttseinakiii-, j.alntiugaud repairing Umi; . 'orse Shoeing, and various ""US Ot iron M .1 .............. i. ahnwil d thirty .seats experience In WSHS.i1 ata oatidcjit, that i can do U1tr JAS, A. liUWlflttY. Il'S INFIRMARY AT GLDSBORO, M. . :o. 1, Practice lor the- Cure of ,J;rs'. Fpilriy, Liver. Disease.-, . wwnne Disease-, Skin Discus- " ana all kindred Affec liouri eucveBtulv i ruauu, &r?Ind ?umoil uil oe treated with C ifSJ08B of l'lood and but with lit- 6 c Patient tfV? treatment will be in the reach "riling munlcations addressed to 'tnfl?-Slh Prompt attcution. Cir oiiDniK.ertlucatc8.of cures will be sent boJo VnrQlary East Centre street, ottobcM J Mlhls HUNTER & CQ. U5.3in .iMtflOl books MISCELLANEOUS. THE SILVER TOH&UE.1 1 The best ORGANS of the Reed class IN THE WORLD. The Best for Clmrclics and Lodirc?. The cst for Sunday Scliool. Tbe Bwt for Parlors and Ycstrks. The IJest for Academics and Colleges. The Ucrft for Public Halls. Tlie Ik'.st for Orchestra and Stage. These iustrunicnts, which for sweet ness of tone and elegance of appoint ment stand unrivalled, have met with unprecedented success in this eountry and abroad. MANUFACTURED Jl Y I P. NEED Hp & SON. KSTAIJLLSHED IN 1810. Nos ) 43, 145 & 147 East 23d st. N Y Kcspouhibie parties applying lor aenciea in section still unsuppllcd, will receive prompt attention and liberal inducements. Parties residing at adifstance from our au thorized agents, may order irom our factory. Scud for illustrated urhte list. auj; 28-tf TOTHEVESTITOTIIEVEOTI i j Uelore inakinjj: jour arrangements to fol 'ow the advice of the "thousands jwho have already gone,' it would be we'l tQ consider what has been done toake the journey to your 'Homee in the West" as pleasant and free from danger as human skill and fore sight can accomplish. By consolidation and construction, a road has been put into operation on the shortest possible; line from Nashville, Tenn., to St. Louis, "the future great City of the world." This liuc, the ST. LOU13 fc SOUTH EA8TEKN KAIL WAY, has, during the past year, earned an envia ble reputation by its smooth track, prompt time, sure connections, and the magniti ccnee of its passenger equipment. Its t rains are made up of new anil commodious day cars, provided with the celebrated Mil ler coupler and p'atfortn, aud Ihe Westing hou ; :ir brke. I: is ps-i'ivcty he oi.ly j lirie i mining I'nlim tn P,il .c,; Dr.iwtus;- tio nu Slapping Car? tii ou :h without t hange Irom Nasa vi 1 1 to St. Louir. No other p etends to offer such advantages, either in aitancet time, -r equipment. Why, then, journey b circuitous routes V Do not be induced to purchase tickets to 8t. Louis or the West bv auy other line, remember that The "St. lionis & Soutlieasteru" is the shortest, cheapest, quickest, best and ouly liuc uuder one management from Nashville to St. Louis, and is from CO to 200 miles the shortest to St. Louis, Kansas City, Omaha, Denver, California, Texas, and all western points. It is also the "Chi cago Shortest Line," via Evansville. You can secure the cheapest rates for yourselves and your movable on applica tion, in person or by letter, j to Chakles McCaub, Southern Passenger Agent, near College street Depot, Nashyille, Teun., or to the umlclea.w B J, (Jcueial Ticket Agctit, St. Louis. No trouble to answer questions. july 25 j b-Gw . Just Armed per Steamer Raleiuli, A NUTIIEU invoice of JIaiMS, IJreakiast Htrips and Shoulders, of our own curing; also, choice lotofl'rime Ijtr.if; Tard. 111.D puund tak Buckets, expressly lor lamily use. Give it atrial. 1 AW return our thanks to our cufelonu i.s. and friends for their kind favors and libera patronage extended our new euterprize. and aro determined noMobo outdone in prices and quality of .ioods. An exaiuluation of our buperior stock of Grweries A lues and fdauorsw ill convincetheuiostskeptlcal that money can be saved by giving us their or tiers Remeiuber tU,u curuer under the Seaman s H-e J. H. McJaKITY & CO. Sept21lW- ! parWk x:a. aoU A. NEFF, Jlauuhtctureriaud deaieif iu U0U8R FURNISHim GOODS Uuns, Stoves, Lanterns, Kertfene, Oil Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. Roofing done at snort notice AgenU for Fairhank's Scales. tr ' m r iu c T fl W N C 150-IT nov 10 UXIVJATSD ' Sim . uIISCELLANEOUS. IPLOM A II AAiAii JJ L J. HIS American Institute J. AY. McKEE. FOIl Emlroiiery and Flnliug Mines. It is ingenious and will meet the wants of every matron in the land." KXI11BTTION OP 1S7J. . I?- A. Barnard, Pres. Sohn R. Oavit, Hv Secy. Samuel . Tillman, Cor. S ey. New York.. NoVcin'i-r-ai -This simple aud iasreniou-. Mat-hlne is us uselut as-the sewjn-x M..svhioy od fs fast Jaanl!'p..;pti'iar with ladies, in the p!aec Ot expensive Needle w.i-k, its work being much more ban l.--om, r.-iju'rinjf less time and not one tenth part me expense. So lady's toilet is now e- npiete. without it. A Machine with illu-tnu-d circular tnl full instructious .sent dm r -eeipt of i or finished in silver pi ne lor $1 75. Address, Tue McKee Manulueturhig Co., 3f)0 Uroadwsv. New York. AOENTS WANTED. Dr. Garvin's Elixir of Tar, Is recommended by regular Medic.il practi tioners and a speedy cure guaranteed for Colds, Cough?, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, Spitting Blood, Consumption and all Pulmo nary Complaints, Scrofula, Erysipelas, Dys pepsia and Gout. Dysentery, Cholera-mor-bus, Cholera and all liver aud bowel com plaints. Kiducy dieeases and all affections ol th Urinal Organs perfectly harmless tree from Mineral or Alcoholic properties pleasant to take and never known to fall Price $100 per Bottle. Full particulars with medicul lestimony aud eertilicates sent on application. Address, L. F. HYDE & CO.. 105 Seve th Avenue, New York. Darts from the Dcyil; or Cupift Ateel A Book just issued exposing the "i'BB.son als" that have appeared iu the New Vork Newspapers; their history and lesson. Stil, ishmllians FULL! exposed. Advertise ments Irom desperate men to beautiful wo men; Clandestine meetings; how frustrated; The History of the GOODKien tkageoy the result of a "personal.' Description of Liv ing Broadway Statues. ExrosKs social CcoiKUPTiON. " Sent on receipt ot 50 cts. Address, Unique Printing House, 30 Yesey St , N. Y, Tlio Beckwitii SDl'oi tnble Fam ily Sewing .rlachinc, on 30 Days Trial ; many advantages over all. Satis faction guaranteed, or money refunded. Sent complete, with full directions. Beck with Sewing Machine Co., bd2 Broadway N. Y. may 14 307 tf THE NEW ELASTIC TRUSS An Important Isvention. It retains the rup ture at all times, and nnde-r the hardest ex ercise or severest strain It is woru with comfort-, and if kept on night and day, ef fects a perniatiem. cure in a tew weeks. Sold cheap, aud sent by mail when request ed. Circulars iree, when ordered by letter sent to The Elastic Truss Co , No. 683 Broadway, N. Y. City.- Nobody uses Metal Spring Trusses ; too p iiuful ; they slip oil too frequently may 14 307 tf cA.tJ'rioiN. HC V ONLY THE GENUINE FAIRBANO SCALES, MANUFACTURED BY Ei K T FAIRBANKS & M, STAJWAKn SCALES. StockScales, Coal Scales, 11 51 y Vealc s, Dairy Scales, Counter Scales, Vc, Ac. Scales repaired promptly ami tvasunar blv, r Tiiio Aiosi PKiii J.t i1 ALARM CASH DRAWER. Miles Alarm Till Co. EYEK Y fSim EY EH 1 firrjtl ffiQMrsxt Merchant , !5lIOUI.I' Use. Them "1 B 1 1 K A W KK - 'lUilll If XJ1I It! Warranted. SOLD AT Fairbanks Scale Warehouses, FAIRBANKS & CO., ,;il BROADWAY, NEW YUKK JtW r.altiiuorc st., Baltimore, lam' t., New Orleans. FAIRBANKS & EYVING, MaoiiM- Hall, rhiladelphia. FAIRBANKS, BROWN & CO.; 1 milv fitieei. Voatuu. For sale by all leading Hardware Dealers. D tawlm Emm UN1NG.&.MUS1C Corner 4L-tli and Market Streets, 169 dec3 without DfCIl present ferry and causwuy. October 17th, le'l l.TWm As. 4k T( 'Eis hereby given that ap.pvatwu IS will be made tolle c.;em,ral Assembly -t it-- nelt iiKtothter to ineorporat4; the tirJti1 Bridge aSnT, mice 10 uiBKiuFiiw,D RAIL ROADS. Carolina Central Railway Company WILMINGTON, N.-C., ) , May U, 1873. i f-r i r 1 z ' - 'k-"T . , ' ..k -I. PASSENGER TRAINS f EAV WILMINGTON I)AIlV i Pt Sundays) at. . . ; . 1 a)A m at Wadesboroat....; 5c35.PMH JLi ce Arrive Leave Wradesboro at 7:10 A M Arrive at Wilmington at 4:351' M FRElGHT-TftAI NS. Leave Wilniiiigtoir'ArallyKexcept T i i Sundays)..... 6:00 A M Arrive at Lauriuburg at.,, . 5:30 ,P M Lea ve Lau rinburjc at ............ . 00 A M Arrive at Wilmington at..,, .3. ':. aao. p M PASSENGER TRAINS." Leave Charlotte daily, Sundays : ' - excepted, at. . b.to A M Arrive at Buflala at. t. . ; 13.00 M Leave Buffalo at 1.C0 P M Arrive at Charlotte at 5.15 P M Irregular Lumber and. Timber Trains nin on both portions of the Koad as th busi ness requires. ' , A Daily Stage will soon run in connexion with the train on Voth ends of this Rail way. . - - S. L. FREMONT, Chief Engineer aud Sup' t. may la - .. w ; ail-tl Piedmont Air-Line Railway. .. . . w Richmond and Danville, Hichuiond and Danville R. W N. Di?isio; and North Western N. C. R. W. -o- Condensed Time TaDle. o Iu ett'ect ou and after fcJunday, iJct. 12, . 1873. GOING NORTH. STATIONS. MAIL. HXPKE6S Loave Charlotte.. 10.00 p. M 8 15 A. M. 8.30 44 10.45 . 44 rj:.45 p. m. 8,12 p. M. 7,3ti " Air Line J'net'nj 10.06 44 it t( Salisbury IO.CGa. ac 3,30 ' ikiiO 44 11.35 44 lireensnoro. . .. Danville Burkvllle Arrive at Richmond . . 2.17 P. M 10.17 p. m. GOING SOUTH. STATIONS. MALL. EXPRESS Leave Richmond ..... I 44 Burkvllle 44 Danville ' Greensboro...". 14 Solisbury 44 Air Line J'nct'n Arrive at Charlotte, . . 1.38 P. M 1.45 44 U.18 44 IJ.'JO A. M 5. CO A. M. 8 2 44 12.4S P. m. .:J50 . " k0t 8.10, 41 2.38 it 4.29 44 4.35 a. m. 8.15 4 STATIONS. Leave Grens,boro' . . . Co. Ijops . . . . c Raleigh Arrive at Goldsboro'. 3 04 A. m 4.45 44 831 " U.lo A. Ml . OOING WEST. STATIONS. I MAIL. Gi'dhoro . i '3 30p4m. Kaleigh. . . . .. j 5 2t. ' Co Kln.p j y.35 !...' Afiv- :t. 'ireeiiiboro" i l2 20 a m i.... North Western N, C. R. Jt (Saj.em Branch.) Leave G reensboro 4:)0 P M Arrive at Salem. u,2j P M Leave Saicm ... (. . , . . . $00;A M Arriv- Ht treeusbofo 10:00 A M Mail trains daily, both ways. On Sundays Lynchburg Accommodation leave Richmond at 0 42a. m., arrive at Burkvllle 12 45 p. m., leave BurkviBe 5 35 a. m., arrive at Richmond 8.44 a. m. ' Pullman Palace Car on all night trains between Charlotte Richmond, without change.) For further information address S. E. ALLEN,; General Tieket Agent. G reensboro,, N. C. T. M R. TALCUTT, Engineer aud Gen'l Suucrintcudant, oct 15 V41 RHEUMATISM, NEURAL&IA. PAIXS iu the FAOK, Ac, THE Hajs CL'KKD when all other remedies liavo tailed., Xt is eminently FAMILY MEDWlNg Aua no lamily hould b without it. 4 cas of sudden attck.one bottle will ae ttve dollars in doctor bJlh. For sale by nil UruggUt. October J-Uilt E 1a E T n i v Octo RAIL 41 , Wllnington. ColonMa Si An-1 Rnsta K.' R.j pnttany.; ' .' Gn.'SrjpKBnmniiTix Orwicw .-' ' WiturKOTOif, iXJih U ,11, 1873. f f wm A K A a H A M H CI1W10E- 0FrSCilE09LE TnK??WNftS',,!W' l Jty r,. wrir UA1 EAltKSS iKAlN.fyaiiy.) Leave WihaingtonjM. . ...-4:U) AtM Arrive at Floret cf....,r.f ..V. ...i0:1X. M Arrive at Colombia. . . . : .'J. ..w P: ir Arrive at Augusta .r;iiSi0aj, MJ Leave Augusta;: . . i .i . . . ; . AjSf. Leavo Columbia. T.;10r-i0 -A. M. Arrive at Floreace.,,.:. . 2 4SP". L Arrive at Wilnunton . . . . . . 4&tKr L M NIG liT BXPRJCSS -TRAIN JJAJLTi WUN- DATS. EXCEPTED.) - av Wilmibgton . . . . ;1 .,. . . 10 P. M Arrive ftPhrence,..vv. ,..., vUl2S Pi M J Arrive Arri ve at Columbia ... . . .: r 4.1X1 A & ttt Augusta .(--. ".,fM $;43eA. M Augusfa. v, :'. . ... : -V. c-iwm i at CdlumTMa ; ; .:. : I .'. 9 M Leave Arrive at Col Arrive bt norchce. --.iljl M Arrive - at WilmiHgtotJ f ..... ; . 7;10-A. M Passeuircra leading WiltiugtoiX ju -the 10 P. M. traluLualu close connection going South,. . ' ' james Anderson, . , GenMSup't. out u - ;t -e . ; 124-u , Wilaington & WeldJii It R. Company. i OFriCB GkNBRAL SUPJtRlNTKNDaNT, 1 WILMINGTON, N. C, Oct. 24.lS7a.rtO CHANGE OF StllKDlhE. ON AND ASTER OCT. 2tth, INSTANT PASSENGER TRAINS on theWii mington and Weldon Railroad will run as follows: MAIL TRAIN. , " Leave Union Depot dMly (Sun days excepted).... At '7:40 A. M Arrive at Goldsboro. . ........ - 11:50 A. "M Rocky Mount 2:00 1. M Weldon 3:50 P. M Leave Weldon daily (Sundavs excepted) .".At 0:50 A; M Arrive at Rocky Mount.... . 11:35 A. M Goldsboro 1:37 P. M Union Depot 5:50 P. M EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily... At 11:10 M Arrive at Goldsboro,,.. 3:50 A. M Rocky Mount f:03 A. M Weldon. 8:00 A. M Leave Weldon daily 7 50 P. M Arrive at Rocky Mount. . . . 9:43 P. M Gidsboro. Itt&S P. M Union -Depot. . 4:A-rM Mail Train maues ciopc couxiection At Weldon lor all points North via Jiav Line and Acq uia Creek route. J Express Train connects only with Acquia Creek - route. PULLMAN'S PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON THIS TRAIN. ; ! FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilming ton triweekly nt .(K) A. M.. and arrive it 4.40 P M " . , , , EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS will leavd Wilmington daily (Sundays excepted) at 2:00 P. ft and arrive at 5:30 P. M. JOnN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. IWMt wmm. mm n THIS MOST HEMAKKABLE 'y? .ALL. A lrAKATUfcES omletimes called a meehanictil paraddXnow used wltll such wonderful tutnx'st in our principal cities or the cure,, jiy 1 V-Hl't ATlvi: kxeu cisk, of neiirly all ' j Chronic Diseases a ml Weaknesses, i.s lor siil- by I hi" mulersid, by whom all order will be promptly lilted, is sa coiiiii'ucled lhafevcu, a (yiild rail iu staiitly adjus:t it for' peiVon to lift any weight, from twi--li W ' twelve t hpmlred. poundt:. , ... ,1 It ii madi almoat v holj or Lril aiitl ste?l, weighs i;! pounds, atid cdver jipave ufoiily 20 Vy :: luela. ; and alth'Uitx; iHtjreteutly introdueeil. nearly .'y already hecM aold.. .;.".!, I Jll.ll liniA Ul IlltHlrtir, .li7TT 111, I8 ll.-V, i.'... . . I I . '. . . . . . . .-. m . . v la . 1 'ff.,i.rln.v 4. A ... s, i'howlna; itg n ce of the.Po$'l'. II. MANN.. can fni hU'l free nt the office of XhoVtiT. JJroiiktyn.V. . srpt ll-d&uti A. ADK1AN, ? rt.,yOLLER9 ADRIAN VOLLERSu ; wholk'alk ukaveks in liirorrries and liiquor Importers of German and llavwna ('Ijhtn, AND j Oo l mil i a s i OJi AT oich a 1 1 1 SouTUEA'f txvRXEu.meK and Fkokt Jitrevts. ' WILMINGTON, N. C. Having the largest and best assorted stock of (iroceries and Liquors In the City, lcsdem will find it to their interest to give u a cll before buying elsewhere. mav 17 -tf: WARRANTTEE DEEDS- On hand and for sale feb 25 S G HALL .' 1, j -1- -t j t " m" TT' VllJIflfjii T.nnni Aitmii Em NEW ADTERTISEIIGNTS. THANKSBIYlIf G By IU ErccUencjfy the Governor of Xorti Carofhw. 1 :x 1 x tti Vk depa iT. ment, lLalelsh, October 22d, 17.. Wilehkaj!, The icople 0 Sorth Carolina have been "atHmdittitty blessed d u rim; t he paat 5rar, and the tvfth .lath 3 h Ulod lxiui Sy of nil the products of lis poll so Inn! tnbganioTMof tbe husbandman nr Jillcd to PiSOT iituuaiHc onicrpi ises; ami 111 1:1. vs. luuYi-eii, uuijpruai lecllngs aiul koo1 will (have ina jrreat. measure be'ii restored in our midst, ami no plague, pcstilenedor lamiue. ma uMimuur ciaie: jnow, iiiereioreas )t itoronies n. a xratofnl people, to rciidcr Uianks to Almishty litxljor ihoeaud auni IxTless other blessings showered uini n- hi Hit jrrejit mercy, I, Toil 11. Caldwell, Covcr norof North Carolina, in obedlem e to !:vv. nndlii 5onfonnir- with uulu)urtl pr iiet, dp appoint aud set apart .Thursday,, November 27th, 1S73, as a day of publio Thanksgiving thriiughdu"i the State; and 1 "dp caintslly Invite lhech-r grot. every denominatiou id ien tlnn respective houses of worslOp on said day. And toeTiort Uiefr oolxgratIouKtoliujubie tliejusclyes be(oroUc -throne or the cvei living OodL ami remlerJifiitb Him pi-alev T'hiafiiutlyl due; -invoking for them fVJves, their ,tate and their w hole conntry. I U6 guidance and pjSotectiou tbroaaliout all tlmutQcoiiK. , , "jconidvltt ti sin 4 unto the lord, ltu; juakeioyioluoivto thoiloek; of our sal vation. ' - 1 ; ytis eouxti before h U prcaeucc Aith tnankisv:lvin?r, and make a Joyful noi-.e unto JMia.wltlrisolms.',l . , . . , teit.,l1?fi,Jr 01 V:dcU;l!. ou this the 2'?d a3TV??t4ljcfAinii Dwniini one thousand Kaiinuuareauua,;venty thrco.and l!i the nlnoty-eJ-htb-ycar of American ludenen deuce . . n TU1 It. e -aldwi:ll. By ihe Governor r ( ' J,AKBIi!,11!V.' riivat sceretary. oct ?W l4I-4t --. J IMlE. , -1 5,000" sacks t?a It; 8,000 bushels Corn: 1,000 bushels Oats; 300 bales Hav; 1,000 bushcli 3ilt;a'f; 300 rolls IJaggiim: i 1,000 bundles tics; 800 Spirit Casks; 2o0 barrels Olue: 1,1-KlO bundles II oop lion: 200 papers liivets; 1 '30 boxes Cheese; 123 barrels Mullets; 00 barrels' Flour; boxes Dry Saft siI-; 10) boxebinoked Shies and Slpnih.h r-. ! .w 12j barrels Sugar; 400 bags Coll'ec all gradrs; 125 boxes Tobacco; 30 barrels and half barrels Snort; 100 boxes aud barrels Cracker; AO cases SnufT; 7o barrels Rice; 200 cases Brandy lVacfies; 150 cases Schnapps; ,150 dozen buckets; 50 boxes Candy; 125 boxes Candles, &c. For sale bv F. W. KERCMOK. r oct 27 mi REDING0TES yy E ARK NOW MAK IN"; TII KsK sr f . l.SH ARTICLES for our eustonn i. Will do well to call at .Mrs, sTir( K ami exam ne samples. nress-.JiaLutx 4- . IN ALL ITS LATEST fftTLEK. i Mrs. STR0CKS' i Miliiu rt mnl srxx-Mn;ini .ll,, . oct.lStf , Princess Street, EvanV lUock. GIFT CONCERT. For life 'Tteucdt Ami under lh? nu.ii i s oi The Cac Far Agricultural .vi tiation. rHK UX1)EI:sI;NEI, having 'i.. . i, - IHiintcd by the Executive ommittee of do above Association, to make lln- nee arrnngei n eri I k for a i i I FT N' (J I-: I IT d u ri n : the next Auuul Fair, respectfully holu it contributions of articles suitable for pri.e Fivelinndrcd prizes will be dftrimted ! the' purchaser of t Elects, and tin trie ud., oi the Ax-iatioa an; coulidently lxllydjUpon to, fuxiush the prizes. .Vn.Mhiug from ; thousand dollar hor.--' to a hoop -i rt be acceptable. J'he name's of all conti u tors, lO'-'ethir with their business crd an 4 the amount of their donation, will he pu' li&hediu jaiuihlet form ;(nd nidely ditrih uted. The prizes will beexniled during V:: Fair. Those wishing to avail themsc; m of this most eliective inodo of advertising their bufeijJt, will please "UN.inunieatf with the biibseriber durlu the month oh November a the list or prizes should bo published on the first of Dceeiubi r. Tin distribution will be made on tbe !:( I-y of the Fair, December 12th. All ontribulioii should be addressed to 1 Dr. THOMAS b CAKK. Box "M, Wllmiiitr;:, 2.". v.. oet 28 STAR FRICTION MATS. E ,n i:ilY HOUSE SHOULD JIAYE them. For Nile bv CEO. MYERS, 11 and 13 Front strc t oct 30 M