raocma iIaikoti it - "V. L w feJ ' t L fill II ! : : r.'Tv V v AX J r r WILMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1873 NO. -16?, (2 VOL - 19 ..nnnri except Sunday. 5iSedCJ! .Editor and Proprietor r:::::.: . V . ..iv-mce I solicited from our friend? iallv desirable. 0 BUUMi gGHOOL 000Kb, SCHOOL BOOKS. , v S D COMPLETE ASSORT u-d received, and foi j ..;1.;1((K ANL, Mrsrc sTulli:. 117 ise Brokerage Office. m of ; , -nuiheiurevs in , ,,.:.-.-!i;nul:-.v order;: "hts will i'--e proii.pt at- "Die? - " ).e. -.ii rj-l pnr-has ne-oU.'uccl, . vlv Mill oUeH -"ul I V S. I . il' I ' i ' v - 1 ' - i -ixr - ..K.L.iii' 1S1 tl I. DOL'3HTlN LOPEft & BOUGHT EN, ..... A V A Ii o T Iv 1j AND SUliriil-'.itN PUUDIX'T, Phiiadeli'Uta. I' a. 0lir. t.ir'j'urpontiii"- C.u K? 'ii'-ited iud L.muii';!vflil'-"-lat loivcbt uiarket pnee. mudi'i -lj"u 1 1; v .-lk lo in lorm iii '.rilslo - ' a;eaudi'Ublie -eueraliy, tlmt liy io uow p fiwi to Jo all Uind of v. ork iuhiiiue, uJwuliire?pccU"ul!y re'.iuc-t ; conthjua tiuuuf the i-aUui-ae n liich Lnjs hcrotofure teanltbL'rally d upon him. ll Tltt, si, Tl K!'i;ri Y Ol' TU1..; HlNCiLlt l.otwiNW :f itlliN i". fur beauties of ! stitch. slmplloit ol mechanism, and adap ' tabSlitv tij every cla-- of sewing, has been cittbliiheil ia fair aaul jh i'.i -ii pet Itioti in Khal eaJinr c-;... ...... a..t t lie TCiUJC HK'H.iVITroy of their merits is io 13 I'un'i in tliu uui!i'-i"uus u'.vunls o l-' 1 1 1ST rRI7 f.or everv coiiip'tii'.)i- iit I lie I ONAFM'fi.SllI'i'X aii-.l uta y all the In dustrial Fairs in AtiKiir-i au't in MuVope. f Ileal 1'ei-a and Strain lit. Xeedleand is iiieentlest :o loarn. Ha.; tin: liiltes '.qipro- MiMinnv l,nin' , i ir' s m:i -r r - : ::'.l i Ik iTMsuufter. i.'i'o.a ; ; i t.!t,V (.'sli . 1 1 ; uVv r itnv i ;.t i tMarlAimpuip, . "-.ihlouin'j lii?allu.-ii! .; .t a) hiki ma u.nii'Ji(--i. L'lM-M W 1 'ttlec No. I, I.i n i 1 1 t's i: . w , r- i ; 1 i ' n ; t wwi, WIlmiigtuii'N. r fii.vs. i.. nimsu:, wtti Jbut'.si'jr. REMOVAL. A. LOWEKY, MlifiE MAKER & REPAIRER, I H.VVE reni')ed my esLablithinout to m w bmldin-s on the eoruer of foUKTU AND (JAMlT.Ki.L 8'J.'s. SJ0,,y 'd-'c. win re I slmll be i leased a-t my old eustomeri and many new la'G matin- p uuiiu ;unl repairing Jnd ?lQ' li" Shoehi-. and various erro" 01 lr!i work done on reasonable lla'l tii in v vears experience In hpti., !10ss 1 am coundent that I can do "wst work, ami -ive satisfaction. ALL WoKlv WAUIJANTKH. J"u JAS, A. I.OWEUV. mm AT Pecml Prat-tifo tor the Cure of i-'y-r-v a- r, ' eii:.;v:- t ro!ii!:;. L lironic. ' I 1 ! ll i . : v.-" S r.ij'ii 'CCr. . i : r v: e ifl -nnc Pi-c;ih-. Skin Disoa-- and ail "kindred Ailbc t i .n u-jet-'t''.ilv T r c a. t y tl, i' 'iu'- be tn.ated vitU ''ovt nCs,VUkout luc o fuo knife, i"in li;,Io3s of blood and but with lit .t5"111 to tbe patUut. aliminr trumeui will L-e in the reach wiUm Vommauicatlons addrccse 1 to u!araact Prompt uttcution. Cir- pyiicAtio?1115 01 c'urcs wil1 bc sent ,'2j,dvlnirmary East Centre street, C. octo''V J- MIIjES HUNTER ,: CO. 1 a iJ - MISCELLANEOUS. THE SILVER TOMUE.1 ORGANS ! The best ORGANS of the Reed class IN. THE WORLD. I he Best for Churches and Lodges. I The Best for Sunday Schools. ! The Best for Parlors and Vestries. The Best for Academics and Colleges. The Best for Public Halls. The Best for Orchestra and Stae. rhese histrunicnts, which for 8yeet- n i .f f.vtin nTfl nln.Miicn Af" omtninf nooi tone and elegance ot appoint- ment stand unrivalled, have met with unprecedented success in this country and abroad. M A X U F ACT U IlED B Y E, P 10ST A I L IS TIED IX 184. N0S J43, 145 & 147 East 23d St- N Y Kespousilde part les applyinr for ajreucics in sections htill unsupplicd, will receive promiH attention audllberal inducements. I rurtics residing at auisianco rrom ourau- thoried n?outs. may order from our factory. fSeud lor illustrated nrirolist. aus 2ti-tf TO THE WEST! TO THE WEST! - rJ. l - unoiu m.iu; jUt - Uw the advice of the "thousands who have :ilr :!i!v -oiit-" it would be well to consider ! NEEDHAM SON what baa been done to make the journey to comfort, and if kept on night n.l day ef . A1 ... , t j iects a permaueir. c:r.e in a leu weeks. your 'tiometi in tnc v est as peanut uu gold cUcapi and gunt hv maii vracu rctpiest free from dausrur as humau skill and lore- ed. Circulars free, when ordered by letter ti"ut cuu iccomtdiab has been put Into operation ou me snoricst. possible hue from Nashville, Tcuu., to St. Louis, ,'the future great City of the world." mis line, tnc I ST. LOUIS & SOUTHEASTERN BAIL- 1T 1 I VAi has, during the past year, earned au euyia uu.i.i JW., r. - " hie reputatiou by its simoom tracK, vrompi I time, eure coumictiuns, apd the magnih ceucc of its passenger equipment. Its trains arc male up of new and commodious day car?, p-ovided with the celebrated Mil li r e.i'ipb r and p'alform, and the Westing h n. e air iirake. I: is i p-i ' i v"i v ih-ot;lv Hue! tunning i ii I : in 1 1 PjI ,ci Draw'mg-Uoom Sleeping tirouii witiiout change from Nash-f T ., , iJI ,i vii lo st 1-oui-. 7 oiucr ;iue pjet;uuo. io .-tit : Midi adv uitager, either in distance,; time, -H i-juipni :t. Miy, then, journey by cireuitous routes? Do not be iuduced t. iiiirrhaho ticket to 8t. Louis or the . West by any other line, remember that Tiio "Sr. Louis & Sontlieatitern" i the hhortcbt, cheapest, .uickest, best and only line under one management lioni Nashville lo St. Louis, and is from 00 to 200 mile? the tthortest to St. Louis, Kansas Citv, Omaha, Denver, California, Texas, and all western points. It i also the "Chi- .cjgo Shortest Line," via Evans ville. You can secure the cheapest rates for yourselves and your movables on applica tion, in person or by letter, to C. o bal- liBTr, Southern Passenger Agent, Postoi flee Box 242, Chattanooga Tenn., or io rue undesigned. w DAVB.Npol,T; Geneial Ticket Agent, St. Louis No trouble to answer quesuons. 57-Gm july 2o Jnst Aravett per Ste.aier RaleigU, i NoTItEU inyoioe qf llanos, Bvpakfast Strips and Shoulder of our ;opc urins; iNo choice lot of Prune Leat Iaid, in -U i'UWo rotSmSi? ttank- to our customers ! and friend, for their kludvaini tbera iviiroiiaee eiieuueiiuiu ww..t ;..", . p!llTr Li .mt.inh( outdone in prices ! ,i r, ,iitvf(;oods. An examination of our s upenior Stock of Groceries u A nea ana I louors will convince tUemost skeptical that money can be saved by giving us their or- dOl'S. .. . i.iii.i Cwiniiin'R Remember ttie corner imuu UoU10' j. H. 3lcO AH1TY A CO. Sept-Wi- . j pXekeS Ttl Yloii Successors to A. H. N K F F , .Uanufuvl lircl!i aud dealers in uouas furnisiujsg ooods Guns, Stoves, Lanterns, Kerosene, Oil and Sheet Iron Ware. Roofing done at siiort notice Agents for Fairbanb's Scales.. No. 19 Front Street J WILMINGTOX, N f 'gj nQV 19 i MISCELLANEOUS. BIPLOM JLY AWAKDE1) BY THE AiAiericaii Institute J. W. McKEK, FOR Enibroidsry and FMiiis lacsiiues. ," It ia ingenious and will meet the wants of every matron in the laud." EXHUUTh N K 1.-7 , , ,v ' F. A. Dun. ml, Pres. ttohu v.. Gavit, Rv. Secv. Samuel -I.). Tillman, Cor. Secy. New York, No uib"r 'Jo, 1x72. This sdnipK' ;uui ine.'.iiiu Mac Mm- id us useful i tiiu sowing -Mm-ii'mr. :-nd lust becomia: ;'i!i ;u wiiu i i!i- -. mi the !aee oi expensive rseeoic w.-l, m- work teintr much more hau l.-om . ( i in- less time and uot one tenth part w.- expense. No lady's toilet U unw hi up'. without it. A MaehiEC Avith il5a-t r.i'ffl eircular t'.ud full instructions. t-ent o,! r- eipt ot or finished io Oliver pKiie !oi . j 75. Address, Tuts Mo Kick Mauu!aetur;usf Co., oO.i Broai.lwav, New York. ApKNTff WAyj'KD. Dr. Garvin's Elixir ol Tar, Id recommended by regular Medical practi tioners and a speedy cure guaranteed for Colds, Coughs, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, 8pitting Blood, Consumption and all Pulmo nary (Jomplaiut?, Scrofula, Lry&ipelas, Dys pepsia and Gout. Dysentery, Cholcra-mor- DU8, Choiera and all uycr r.nd bowel com plaints. , Kiduey diseases and sill affections Ot th- Urinal Organs perfect 'y harmless free from Mineral or Alcoholic properties nleasant to Tiike, and never LnnwnXiri fnil fricc $1 00 per Bottle. Full particulars I WIIU meOlCai tC8ULQO!lV ailil C i! UllCateS lpnt on Hn,...n A(,;,rP v HVnic & CO., 1D5 Seve tu Avenue, New York, nQPtrj fumn tlio Dotnl- nn Pmiirl AhiiPOfl uui it) liuni iuu ju u t it . ui uupiu nuuouu A Book just issued exposing the "rEKSOK- als" that have appeared in the Newiork Newspaper?; their history and lesson. Styl ish villi an s fully exposbd Advertise ments from desperate men to beautitul wo men; Clandestine meetings; how frustrated; The Historv of the goodhicii tuaoeot the result of a "personal." Description of Liv insr Broadwav Statues. Exposes social Ccubuption. Sent on receipt ol 50 cts. I Auurcss, unique rrinimg nouse, ou v csey CL J . Tlio Beckwilh 'U l'ortublc Faui- 4v s(?winr .flsichinc on UO Days . 111rtT;v ...-iviutii.-s ove- all Satis J"al , i an a U. ,t e, o. . I. Satis faction guaranteed, or money refunded. Sent complete with lull direeUons. Beck with Sewing Machine Co., 662 Broadway N. Y. may 11 607 tl THE NEW ELASTIC TRUSS-An Imi'oktant Ikvention. It ictainsthc rup- lurc at aii times, and under the hardest ex- ercise or severest strain It i worn with seut to The Eiastie Truss Co., No. 583 iOQ frriueutlv. may 14 Mi u OALT-TIOIV. r.rv only mi: n tiitttt itti n k inn A TlTVCI 0 UbflUluii I ilitiDillm 0 MAM rACTl REIMiV p av rr. A CO. LJt tv r Stock Scales, Coal Scales, 1 In y Sea les, I a i ry Scales, Counter Scale, Ac. Ac Scales repaired proinptlv and icu-.uua- bly, ilK Mot!' I'Kltl H i ALARM CASH DRAWER. Jliles Alarm Tali Co' . EVERY Mercbant snouL,r Use Them EVERY Warranted. SOX,I3 AT Fairbanks' Scale Warehouses, FAIRBANKS & CO,, 3X1 BKOADWAY, NIV YOIK Hit! Baltimore st,, Ihitimore, V3 Camp st., New Orleans. FAIRBANKS & EWING, Hall, rhiladelphia. FAIRBANKS, BROWN & CO.; 2 Milk Street, Boston. K.jr W all leadiui; Hardware " ' Dealers, sept 11 :7-2tawlin rTUNING & MUSICS Corner -d-tH and Market Streets dec 3 r.rid'o and Ferry l'o(prny, S$p lector W 4 present fcvry ;aud cae.,u i. . r October Lib, li.a AJJ 1 " 'in m i -i 1 i-g-.-Jm'W!! .jj LbI c5N RAIL ROADS. Carolina Central Railway coijany , WILMINGTON, N. C, ) May 14, 1873. f PASSfiNOER TRAINS I SAVE WILMINGTON DAILY 1KX- Lj cept Sundays) at .x:W A M Arrive at Wades bo ro at V M Leave Wad6boro at .a-.W A M Arrive at Wilmington at . P M FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Wilmington daily (except Sundays) ...... tAHA M Arrive at LaurlqburR at... . S:3D P M, Leave Laurinbur at. . . . . ....... f ft-. 00 A M Arrive at Wllminctott at. P M PASSENGER TRAINS ? . Leave Charlotte, daily, Sundays e'. excepted, at. tf)AM Arrive at Buffalo at 12.00 M Leave Buffalo at.., 1.C0 PM Arrive at Charlotte at 5.15 P M Irregular Lumber and Timber Trains run on both portions of the Koadlas the busi ness requires. A Daily Stage will soon run In connection with the trains on oth endspf ,this Kail- - j . may li) S. L. FREMONT, Chief Engineer aad Sup't. f 311-tf Piedmont Air-Line Railway. Richuiood and Danviile'lilcbuiond and Danville R. VV., N. Division, and t Nyrtb Western N. C. R. W. Candciiseti Time Tal)K Ju ctlbct on and after Stunlav, et. J2, i S7:J. - GOING NOKTH. STATIONS. MAIL. EXl'BESS Leave Charlotte " Air Line J'uet'n " Salisbury..... 10.00 r. m 10.0U 41 10.00 A.. M. 3.W 8. 15 A. m J5.K0 W 10.45 '.f " Greensboro. I2,li; m. V it DanvUlci... J 6M ;-' "3,13i, m. 7 " iurJ( vuio . 'UIs,t ' j Jeayc i cmgii aaiiy Sunday Arrive at Richmond, , S.1T r. m il0.'7 r. m. i excepted) Ai GOING- 80 UTH. STA.TIOR8. MAJIi."' Leave Richmond " Burkvllle .1.28 r. m! 5.00 a. m. 1.45 44 8.29 41 DanviiLj 9. IS 44 Greensboro 12.20 A." ii 44 Sollsburj 2.J1S 41 Pi 1 r. m. r,.W 44 0.00 44 " 4 4 A i vijine lact'tH "i WO Arrive at Charlotte.,,! ;L35a. m, , 6.15 V" aoiNGEaST;1 3 i STATIONS. MAIL. Leave Greensboro' , . . " Co. Shops .... " Raleigh 3 05 A. m I . 4.45 " . 8 :r 14 , . Arrive at Goldsboro', j 11.15 A. u. STATIONS, MAIh. Lf-n- GoldftlVoro' 2 MO p. m Kaleijrh ; 5 2", " Co. Shwps ; iJ-s " Arriv-' sit (irecnsboro'll iSVU m. North Western N, C. ft. (SAI.KM l15AXCIf.) Leave Greensboro , , , 4:':0 P M Arrive at Baicm . . . . Leave Sak-iu ....... . . . . U;25 P M . ...J-:00,'A m ...10:00 A M Arrivoat (irceusboro Mail trains daily, both ways. On Sundays Lynchburg-Accouiuiodat ion leave Richmond at 9.420. in., arrive at Burk ville 12 45 p. n., Icayo Rurkvil'e 5 y5 a. nr. arrive, at lUchruoud S.44 a. m. Pullman Palace Car on alrnhiht trains between Charlotte "d Richmond, i without change.) Fcr further information address , ' 8. Ev ALLEN, General Ticket Agent. Greensboro, N. C. T. M It: TALCOTT, Eugiueer and Gen'l Spucrintendaut. oct 15 . 127 RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, PAIXS in llie PAWS, &c, THE ELECTRIC HAS Ct -llLlLi i tu .u oilK V r iitive folleu. Hi- riainently n otluv rtiuedie FAMILY MEDICINE, Vud no familv should ben ithout it. Ii ase oi"udden utiaek,one bOtt'CAVdUavc tive dollars In doctors hills. Fo.r sale by U JifH October 4 UtMt ' - --?p i if a fi nwiwm i ci o " ii T I Qcto RAIL RODS. Wilaingion. Columbia & Au gusto R, R Corapany. Gbk. Supkhin ten dent's Office, Wilmington, N. C, Oct.. 11, 1872. 1. . CHANGE Or SCHEDULE. rpUE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE WILL X jio ialo; cllect at 4::;t A. M., 'Sunday. lath 5 nut: - t"v-- DAY' KXyUKSS TRAIN. : Daily.) Leavo Wilmington Arrive at .Florence Arrive at Columbia Arrive at AngHSta Leave Aurifta Jeavc Columbia Arrive at Florence Arrive at .Wilmington . . . , ... 4::.o A. M 10:10 A. M j -.OOP. M S;0; p. m. .... 4. MO A. M. 1!.':20 A. M 'J 481. M. 10:00 P..M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (SUN DAYS EXCEPTED.) . Leave Wilmington Vl0 P. M Arrive at Florence.. , 11 P. M Arrive at Columbia , 4.00 A. M Arrive nt Augusta . . . . r 5 "8:45 A. JW Leave Aurnsia. 4V15 P. M Arrive at Columbia S:45 p. M Arrive at Florence 2 03 A. M Arrire at Wilmington 7:10 A. M Passcuirers' leaving Wilmington on " the 0:10 P. M. train make close connection going Sonth. ! JAMES ANDERSON, Gen'l Snp't. I oet 1.1 124-tf I Wilmingt iii & Weldon R. U. Comfumy. Ornos Genekal ScrisBiNXENOKT, i Wiuiinoton, N. Oct. 2f, 1873 j CHANGE OF SCBEDDLE. ON AND AFTEi: OCT. 2idh, INSTANT PASSENGEll TRAINS on the Wil minglou and Weldon Hallroad will runes follows : 11 AIL TKAIN. Leave L'uiou Dcj)ot daily (Sun days excepted), ; At 7:40 A. to j Arrive iioldiiboro. , 1I:,.0 A. M 2:00 P. M f 'Htocky Mojmt I WcOaon :j;Et P. M ::.0 A: M 11:35 A. M 1::? P. M 5:50 P. M Arrive at nocicy Mount Goldsboro Union Depot EXPRESS TRAIN Leave Union Depot daily. . .At i t:lo P. Al Arrive at Goldsboro :i:5u A. M Reeky Mount i:03 A. M Wei don... S:00 A. M Jv.a'.c Weldon daily 7 50 P. M Arrive at Rockv Mount 0:43 P. M G-hisboro 11:55 P. M Union Depot 4:o'J A. M Mail Tram maRcs close coii.MCction at Weldon for all points Nort'.i via iiay Line and Acquia Creci routes. Ejprsgs Train connects only with Acutiia 1 Croek route. PULLMAN'S PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON THIS TRAIN. ton tri-weekly at 0.00 A. M., and arrive at 1.40 P. EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilmington daily (Sundays excepted) at 2:00 V. M., nnd arrive at 5:30 P. M. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. UJO-tf Oet 21 THIS MOST REMARKABLE Ol ALL APPARATUSES souietimes railed a nirrhanieal paradox now used with such wonderful surveys in our nrinctpnl cities tor the cure, y r.M l i a Vl kxku cisk, ol nearly all Chronic Diseases and Weaknesses, Ts for sa- by the undersigned, by whom all orders will be promjitty Jilted. THE REACTIONARY is sr enislruc!t, that even a child can in stantlv adjust it for a person to lift any weigh i,- from twenty to twelve hundred pounds. It is iinuli' almost wholly of iron and steel, weisrhs I J'ijxmnds, and covers a spnee of oulj 20 by "J i inches; and although, but recently introiluccd, nearly Jjxni have aUeady been sold. PRICK. si'-S UUEi AND .SHIPPED, small WoJxs or irculars, showing its ue. can 'ie had free at the olllce of the Pst. S. II. MANN, ihooUlyn. N. V. .sept 11 dwlf P. u. IJox 2: if. A. ADltlAIS. H. VOLLEUg ADRIAN & V0LLERS. WHOKJ.' Vi-E MAiJCKS IN -ropcric nud Tiiquors, Importers of German and Havana Cigar. AND Commirftfioii Morehuiit South -Kaht Corneu IXk'k and Fko.NT Streets. I 11311 uio., . v;, ! H:ii;.i Hie largest and best assorted .Slock o Grocrics and Iaquor.s in the 'ity, JeJilen i will llnd it to their intercut to give nk avail i belore buying elsewhere. I mav 17-tl WARRANTTEE DKEI3- On hand and for sale leb 25 6 G HALL NEW ADFERTISE5IENTS. Remembfer . THE 3rd OF DECEMBKH Tlu.f wli.j propiNc investing tand ii-i : does not ?i in tickets for ilu- i FOURTH OKAND (HIT coNCFin' 1 j toi: i ii i . KtN'rrn or i iii: jPUBLIC LIBRARY OF KENTUCK.Y. T. . . , bicli c-nies oil' in Loui- il!e on iljv :M ! Oeecmbrr mxt, lmv- no tjm to 1,,... OXJmY 00,000 TIC Kills ham: hekn 11 li, vi LsOOO Cash (.i in.-. A'liU NIlM, in i t 2i 1,000,000 will in: Disrijini n;n .s i oli.ows: LIST OF HFTS : One V. rand Cash Gift ' Vne Grand Cash Gift '. " One ta-and Cash Gift... One Grand Cash Gift One Grand Cash Gilt " 10 Cash Gilts 10,(H each". 'J'JCash Gifts r),(XX) each ' " on tUish Girts 1,000 eac-Ji. so Cash Gifts :m each... .' 100 Cash Gifts -400 each... .... fio.iv-o .... li?0,oim .... G0,1KX) , .... us,tw. .... nm .... UKi.oon li),(JOO' .VJ, -w.oeu tlWfk 4.7 .a ro,ou ..... .'CiOO i.x vusn t.irts ;m each 250 Cash Gilts .whj eech. :" CaslvGim; KX each .. ll.ooo cash ; Girts 50 each. "0,om v uoie i; okotg. S.A t'oupouH, (Temhs, . Fortick.ots or Information, address' Airent labile Idhrary Kcntiu kv, f.oul8villc no if " i. STORE. ",000 sacks Salt; 8,000 bushels Corn; 1,000 bushel Oats; . 300 bales lfciv: 1,000 bushels ileal; 000 rolls Iiargiu'j-; 1JM0 bundles ties;" X00 Spirit Casks; . i'A) barrels Glue; 1:000 bundles Hoop I icii; J'MJ apcM.Kivet; 150 boxes Cheese; ". : ' lbarreirIutlt; ' S00 barrels Flour: -fio boxes lry S;lt Si'.Ivs; KM) ,,,v. s Smoked Sides and Shoulder-:. 1 3 barrels Sujrar; loo bn-s L'oftcc all -rady.-; l"Jo boxes Tobaeeoj' :'. barrels .and half bnr)-eJ S:iiuirV loo loxes and barrels CVatrkers; o0 eases Snull; 7o barrels Jfiet; 200 eases Brandy Pearlies 150 eases Schnapps; ' 150 dozen buekets; "iO boxes Camly; 1'2) boxes Candle-, !:. For sale bv - f. w. x:ns;i. et 'll jpj,- REDING (iTES E AltK N V MA K I .(, I 1 1 1 .. A I iSH AL IK I . ! lor our r u I r,if i. Will ! well torallat M i sT' :r '( K f.l r,iMi ne sa'lipl . - l N ALL lis LATENT SIA LI.n. ' a Mrs. STR0CKS MiU'nii rij ittul I )rt -- M'il;iitf 'fount--. oct Is ii Pj iiucsH s(re t. livujts' Illoi l;. gift (;()Mvi-:irr. For the P.enerit ul nmler the uu.pU-rs f The Cape Far Agricultural Asso ciation. 'jUIE UNI)ERsI;Xi:if having been :ip- lujinted by the Executive Committee 'pi t fit above Association, to make the nceoVarv arrangements for a GIFT CONCERT during the next Annual Fair, respectfully solicit-, contributions of articles suitable for pri.e.. Five hundred prizes will be distributed t the purchaser of tiekets, and the friends of the Association are conlldentl.v relied upoji to furnish the prizes. Anything from a thousand dollar hoise to a hoop skirt will be acceptable. The names of all contriha tors, together with their business carc amii the amount of their donation, will W pub lished pamphlet form and wldUy distrib uted. The prizes will be exniUti during the Fair. Those wishing J.o avui-1 1 hem le or this most etlectlve Ukotirc of ndvertisiiig their busines, will ph-au. communlcalr" with the uboriter-during the mouth ot Nooiiber, as t lie lit of prizes should 1c published on the first of Jcecmbor. Tin distribution will be made on Hit; lutJay oi the Fair, December l'th. All contributions should be addressed to Dr. THOMAS ii. CARK. U-JX 'M. WilliiinglCC, Ii.r Lm-U STAR FRICTION MATS. i 1n i:KV IftJt rri: SIIOI LU ifAVL: J thrill. I'oV -:llr lv GK'i. MVL'KS: i ; 11 at!l L" 1'ront aticv( oct u'J (