Vv rjii f. ' j ' - --'. 'S infill" , ., . ., ' ! '- II - " ''??7'--';?i?r1: ' " . , VOL VII. WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1873 NO. 171 &)t (imuu0 Post. ,tubisaed every af ternoon except Sunday. jttK9 "3. MANN. .Editor and Proprietor Subscription. ,)ne year, in advance 15 00 Six months, in advance. 3 00 T-arec months, in advance 1 50 Le month, ia advance : . . 50 Correspondence solicited from our friends m an parts of the State, on topics of gene ral interest. Political news and reports oi crops arc especially desirable. SCHOOL BOOKS, SCHOOL BOOKS, SCHOOL BOOKS. I.AKGE AND COMPLETE ASSORT - A meat of School Books just received, and foi sa-le ft 0 UHBNSBKKOISR'S LIVE JJUUK AND MUSIC STORE. .ocU J1" Merchandise Brokerage Office, 1!ULL line of samples constantly on band 1 frooi Importers and manufacturers iu Northern markets. All Inscriptions ot merchandise, orders ami bids solicited and telegraphed promptly. Merchandise bought and sold in this market, orders from buyers solicited, aud samples left by sellers will have prompt at tention. Time as well as cash purchases negotiated, whether you wish to buy or sell, communi cated freely, aud often with your local Broker. JAS. T. PETTKWAY, Merchandise and Produce Broker, dec 20 181 tf U F. W. LttPKH I. DOUGHTKN L0PER & D0UGHTEN, N" A. V A L STORES AND SOUTHERN PRODUCTS, NO. 55 NORTH FRONT STREET, Philadelphia, la. Orders for Turpentine Casks solicited and promptly filled at lowest market price. march 3 24u-tf BVLUIEMt SHOP. JOE TURNER wishes to inform his custo mers and public generally, that he is now prepared to do all kind of work in his line, and would respectfully request a continua tion of the patronage which has heretofore been so liberally bestowed upon him. janl6tf 20G . , Sitter's Hew Family Sewing Machine. rnjiE SUPERIORITY OF THE SINGER' L SEWING MACHINE for beauties of stitch, simplicity of mechanism, and adap tability to every class of sewing, has been established in fair and open competition in actual sewing crrts3T,s, and the PUBLIC RECOGNITION of their merits is to be found in the numerous awards o; FIRST PRIZES over every competitor at the VI ENNA EXPOSITION and nearly sill the In dustrial Fairs in America and in Europe. .Silent Feed and Straight Needle-sand is the easiest to learn. Has the bighes' appro val ror the Family, the Seamstress and the Dressmaker. 1,200,000!!! IN DAILY USE L'i;t,7iS!! sold last year. lo.'JTO! ovtr any other Company. Sold on the Installment pl.ui. Terms easy and full instructions given. 4p Oliice No.l, Lippitt's Row, South Front street, Wilmington, N. C. CHAS. E. DIBBLE, oct 3-tf Manager. REMOVAL, if AS. A. LOWEBY, CARRIAGE MAKER & REPAIRER, I HAVE removed my establishment to my new buildings on the corner of FOURTH AND CAMPi'.HLL STS. Near Bony Bridge, where I shall be pleased to see my old customers aud many new ones. Carriage making, painting aud repairing neatly done. Horse Shoeing, aud various kinds of iron wjrk done on reasonable terras. Having had thirty years experience In tins business, 1 am couiidejit that I can do the finest work, and give satisfaction. ALL WORK WARRANTED eptSlf JAS. A. LOER. mm AT :o: 1 Vir-.x- - i in II INFIRMARY IlllUEillfl Special Practice for the Cure of Cancers, Tumors, Scrofula, Chrouiq Ulcers, Epilepsy, Liver Diseases, Uterine Diseases, Skin Diseas es and all kindred Affec t i o u a euccessfuly Treated. Cuncers aud Tumoiis wui be treated with our specifics without the use of the knife, without the loss of blood and but with lit tle pain to the patient. Terms for treatment will be in the reach of all. All communications addressed to us will meet with prompt attention. Cir culars and certificates of cures will be stjnt on application. Office and Infirmary East Centre street, Goldsboro, N. C. DR. J. MILES HUNT Ell & CO. October I ' U5-3m MISCELLANEOUS. THE SILVER TON 60 E.' ORGANS The best ORGANS of the Reed class IN THE WORLD. , The Best for ChurcB&i, and Lodges. The Best for Sunday Schools. The Best 'for Parlors and Vest ries. The Best for Academic's and Colleges. The Best for Public Halls. The Best for Orchestra and Stage. These instruments, which for sweet ness! of tone and elegance of appoint ment stand unrivalled, have met with unprecedented success in this country and abroad. MANUFACTURED BY E. P, NEEDHAM I SON. ESTABLISHED IN 184G. Nos J43, 145 & 147 East 23d st, N Y j . Responsible parlies applying for agencies in sections still unsupplied, will receive prompt attention and liberal inducements. Parties residing at a distance from our au thorized agents, may order from our factory. Send for illustrated oriee list. aug 26-tf TO THE WEST! TO THE VEST! 1 Betore making: your arrangements to fol low the advice of the "thousands who have already gone," it would be weU to consider what has been done to make the journey to your 'Homes in the West" as pleasant and free from danger as humanj skill and lore sight can accomplish. j By consolidation and construction, a road has been put into operation on the shortest possible line from Nashville, Tenn., to St. Louis, "the future great City of the world." This line, the ST. LOUIS & SOUTHEASTERN RAIL WAY, has, during the past year, yarned an envia ble reputation by its smooth track, prompt time, sure connections, and the magnifi cence of its passenger equipment. Its trains are made up of new and commodious day cars, p-ovided with the-celebrated Mil ler co ipk r and p at form, und the Westing-hoti:- e air brake. , ' . It is positively the ouly line iunning I'lillmtu Palace Drawing-Boom Sleeping Cars through without change jlroin Nashr vule to St. Louis. No other line pretends to olTer such advantage, either ia distance", time, "r iquipmeut. Why, then, journey by circuitous routes? Do not be induced to purchate tickets to St. Louis or the West bv anv other line, remember that The "St. Louis & Southeastern" is the'shortest, cheapest, quickest, best and ouly line under one management from Nashville to St. Louis, aild is from GO to 200 miles the shortest to St. Louis, Kansas City, Omaha, Denver, California, Texas, and all western points. It is also the "Chi cago Shortest Line," via Evansville. i You can secure the cheapest rates for yourselves and your movables on applica tion, iu person or by letter, to C. S Bau kktt. Southern Passenger Agent, Postot flee Box 242, Chattanooga Tenn., or to the undersigned. . W B DAVENPORT, Genet al Ticket Agent, St. Louis. No trouble to answer questions. july '25 57-Cui Jnst Arrived w steamer Raleigb A NOTHER invoice of Hams, Ereakfast scinnlilfrs. of nnr own rurincr? also, choice lot of Prime lAaf Iiard. in 20 pound Oak Buckets, expressly for family use. Give it atrial. ' return our thaukS fo our customers and friends for their kind favors and liberal patronage extended our new entorprize, and .i,.i.,i,,n.i nni tr l ontilone in nnces and quality of Goods. An examination of our superior csioc. oi uiw-wim, " . Liq uors will convince the most skeptical that money can be saved by giving us their or- Remember the corner under the Seaman's Hme J. H. McGARITY & CO. Sept23-10S- ' PARKEK ife XiV Successors' to A. H. NEFF, jlaaufacturers and dealers In HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Guns. Stoves, Lanterns, Kerosene, Oil TUl and Sheet Iron Ware. Roofing done at snort notice Agents for Falrbank's Scales. No, 19 Front Street W I JL H INOTOKt'Ni C. -, IJOV19 ..lHMT. MISCELLANEOUS. DIPLO IsA AWARDED BY THB American Institute J. W. McKEE, FOR Embroidery and Flntiiig Macbines. It is ingenious and will meet the wants of every matron in the land." EXHIBITION OF 1872. F. A. Barnard, Pres. Sohn E. Gavit, Rec, Secy. Samuel 1). Tillman, Cor. Sfcy. New York, Novembers, 1S72. This simple and ingeuioas Machine is as useful as the sewing Machine, and Is fast becoming-popular with ladh-s, in the place of expensive Needie work, its work being much more handsom-', r.Mju ring less time and not one tenth part the expense. No lady's toilet is now complete without it. A Machine with illustrated c;rcular and full instructions nt on receipt of $'2 or finished in silver plate for $2 7. Address, Tub McKue Muuutactur"njr Co., 300 Broadway. New York. ACrENTS AVAlSrrKlU. Dr. Garvin's Elixir of Tar, Is recommended by regular Medical practi tioners and a speedy cure guaranteed for Colds, Coughs, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, 8pitting Blood.Consumption and all Pulmo nary Complaints, Scrofula, Erysipelas, dys pepsia and Gout. Dysentery, Cholera-mor-bus, Cholera and all liver and bowel com plaints. Kidney diseases and all affections ot th Urinal Organs perfectly harmless iree from Mineral or Alcoholic properties pleasant to take and never known to fail Price fl 00 per Bottle. Full particulars with medical testimony and certificates sent on applica-tion. Address, L. F. HYDE & CO.. 195 Seve- th Avenue, New York. Darts froileleyii; or Cupid Abused A Book just issued exposing the "person als" that have appeared in the New York Newspapers; their history and lesson. Styl ish villiatss fully bxposed. Advertise ments from desperate men to beautiful wo men; Clandestine meetings; how frustrated; The History of the goodbich tragetvt the result of a "personal." Description of Liv ing Broadway Statues. Exposes social corruption. Sent on receipt ol 50 cts. Address, Unique Printing House, o0 Vesey St , N. Y, The Beckwith $20 Portable Fam ily Sewing jrlachinc, on 30 Days Trial ; many advantages over all. Satis faction guaranteed, or money refunded. Sent complete with full directions. Beck with Sewing Machine Co., 8S3 Broadway N. Y. may 14 307 tf TIIE NEW ELASTIC TRUSS Am Important Invention, it retains the rap ture at all times, and uuder the hardest ex ercise or severest strain. It is worn with comfort, aDd if kept on night and day, ef fects a permanent cure in a tew weeks. Sold cheap, and sent by mail when request ed. Circulars free, when ordered by letter sent to The Elastic Truss Co , No. 683 Broadway, N. Y. City. Nobody uses Metal Spring Trusses ; too painful ; they slip oil too frequently. I may 14 307 tf CAUTION. BUY ONLY THE GENUINE FAIRBANKS SCALES, MANUFACTURED BY E. & T FAIRBANKS & (JO. StockScales, Coal Scales, Hay Scales, Dairy Scales, Counter Scales, Ac, fcc. Scales repaired promptly and reasona bly. THE MOST PERFECT ALARM CASH DRAWER-, 'Miles Alarm Till Co's. EVERY Merchant should; Use Them EVEUY ffitiMrra! frwwJEJttiuJi UA WkK UUU II 1J11 Warranted. SOLD A.T Fairbanks' Scale Warehouses, FAIRBANKS & CO., 311 BROADWAY, NEW YORK 1G6 Baltimore st., Baltimore, 53 Camp t.f New Orleans FAIRBANKS & EWING, Masonic Hall, Philadelphia. FAIRBANKS, BROWN & CO.; 2 Milk Street, Vostou. For sale bv all leading Hardware Dealers. sept 11 'JT-tawJm i3 l-'IMIM Corner ,4tli and Market Streets, dec 3 i 169 "VI OTICE is hereby given that application XX will be made to the General Assembly at Its . next meeting, to incorporate the lira ns wick Bridge and Ferry Company, without prejudice to the proprietors of the present ferry and causwsy. , October 11th, 1873 : : 138-lm r S3 An. 1 M- RAIL ROADS. Carolina Central Railway Company WILMINGTON, N. C, ) May 14, 1873. f SCHEDUBE. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE WILMINGTON DAILY (EX cent Sundays) at 8:00 A M Arrive at Wades bo ro at 5:25 P M Leave Wadesboro at. 7:10 A M Arrive at Wilmington at 4:35 P M FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Wilmington daily (except Sundays), 0:00 A M Arrive at Laurinburg at 5:30 P M Leave Laurinburg at 5:00 A M Arrive at Wilmington at 5.30 PM PASSENGER TRAINS. Leave Charlotte daily, Sundays excepted, at 8.00 A M Arrive at Buffalo at .13.00 M Leave Buffalo at 1.C0 P M Arrive at Charlotte at 5.15 P M Irregular Lumber and Timber Trains run on both portions of the Koad as the busi ness requires. ' A Daily Stage will soon run in connection with the trains Tn both ends of this Rail way. S. L. FREMONT, Chief Engineer and Sup't. may 10 311-tf Piedmont Air-Line Railway. Richmond and Danville, Richmond and Danville R." W., N. Division, and North Western N. C. R. W. Condensed Time Table. -o In effect on and after Sunday, Oct. 12, 1873. GOLNG NORTH. STATIONS. MAIL. EXPRESS Leave Charlotte 10.00 p. m 815 a.m. Air Line J'nct'n 10.06 4t 8.30 Salisbury 10.C6A. m. 10.45 " Greensboro.... 3.30 " 12.45 r. m. " Danville 6.20 " 3,ia p. m. " Burkville 11.35 U 7.36 Arrive at Richmond . . 2.17 p. m 10.17 p. m. GOING SOUTH. - STATIONS. MAIL. EXPRESS Leave Richmond 1.28 p. m 5.00 a.m. 44 Burkville 1.45 44 8.29 44 " Danville 9.18 44 12.43 p. m. 44 Greensboro 12.20 A. m 3.50 44 44 Solisbury 2.38 44 6.06 44 44 Air Line J'nct'n 4.29 ,44 8.10 44 Arrive at Charlotte... 4.35a.m. 8.15 44 GOING EAST. STATIONS. ' MAIL. Leave Greensboro ... 3 05 a. m Co. Shops 4.45 44 44 Raleigh 8 32 " Arrive at Goldsboro. 11.15 a. m GOING WEST. STATIONS. MAIL. Leave Goldsboro' 2 30 p. m 4 Raleigh. 5 26 44 44 Co. Shopa ,9.35 " Arriv- at Greensboro' Vi.2K) am North Western N, C. R. R (Salem Branch.) Leave Greensboro 4:30 P M Arrive at Salem 0.25 P M Leave Salem 8:00!A M Arrive at Greensboro 10:00 A M Mail trains daily, both ways. On Sundays Lynchburg Accommodation leave Richmond at9.42a. m , arrive at Burkville 12 45 p. ni., leave Burkville 5.35 a. m arrive at Richmond 8.44 a. in. Pullman Palace Car on all night trains between Charlotte Richmond, without change.) Fer iurther information address S. . ALLEN, General Ticket Agent. Greensboro, N. C. T. M. R. TALCOTT, Eugiucer and Gen'l Spuerintendant. oct 15 127 Jb'UR RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, PAIiVS iu the FAUIS, &c, ' THE ELECTRIC H AS CURED when all other remedies have failed. It is eminently a FAMILY MEDICINE, And no family should be without it. In case of sudden attacks, one bottle will fave live dollars In doctor s bills. For sale by all Druggists. October 4 1 18-3 1 E OT T a I c ELE Octo RAIL ROADS. Wilmington. Columbia & Au gusta R. R. Company. Gks. Superintendent's Omcx, I Wilmington, N. C, Oct.. 11, 1872. f CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE WILL go into cflcct at 4:30- A. M.. 'Snndaj, 12th inet. ' j DAY EXPRESS, TRAIN; (Daily.) . Leave Wilmington . . . 4:SQ A. M Arrive at Florence ...10:1G A. M Arrive at Columbia. M:00 P. H Arrive at Augusta. S;00 P. M. Leave Augusta 4:30 A. M. Leave Columbia 10:20 A. M Arrive at Florence a 48 P. M. Arrive at Wilmhigtou 10:00 P. M NIGRT EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (SUN DAYS EXCEPTED.) Leave Wilmington 6; 10 P. M Arrive at Florence 11:28 P. M Arrive at Columbia 4 00 A.1 Arrive at Augusta 8:45 A. M Leavo Augusta 4: 15 P. M Arrive at Columbia 8:45 P. M Arrive at Florence 2:02 A. M Arrive at Wilmiagton 7:10 A. M Passengers leaving Wilmington ou the 0:10 P. M. train make close connection going South. JAMES ANDERSON, Gen'l Sup't. oct il 124-tl Wilmington & Wcldon R. R. Company, j OfilfiCE GENEUAL BUPJftllNTENDENT, JE GEHEliAL BUPEUINTENDENT, 1 IINQTON, N. C, Oct. Sl,lSTo. J WlLl ! i - m " - CHANGE OF SCHEDULE, ON AND AFTER OUT. 20th, INSTANT PASSENGER TRAINS on the Wtf mington and Weldon -Railroad will run as follows : MAIL TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily (Sun days excepted) At 7:40 A. M Arrive at Goldsboro 11:50 A. M Rocky Mount 2:00 P. M Weldon 3:50 P. M Leave Weldon daily (Sundavs excepted) .".At 9:50 A: M Arrive at Rocky Mount 11:35 A. M Goldsboro 1:37 P. M Union Depot 5:50 P. M EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily.. .At 11:10 P. M Arrive at Goldsboro , . 3:50 A. M Rocky Mount 6:03 A. M Weldon 8:00 A. M Leave Weldon daily 7 50 P. M Arrive at Rocky Mount 9:43 P. M Geldsboro 11:55 P. M Union Depot 4:30 A. M Mail Train makes close connection at Weldon for all points North via Bay Line and Acquia Creek routes. Express Train connects only with Acquia Creek route. PULLMANS PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON THIS TRAIN. FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wiiming ton tri-weekly at 6.00 A. M., and arrive at 1.-40 P. M. EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilmington daily (Sundays excepted) at 2:00 P. M., and arrive at 5:30 P. M. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent, oct 24 136-tf THIS MOST REMARKABLE ALL AlTARATUSEtt sometimes called a mechanical paradox now used with such wonderful sun-ess in our principal cities for the cure, by cum-ulativk exkk Cisk, of nearly all Chronic Diseases and Weaknesses,. Is for sale by the undersigned, by whom all orders will be promptly tilled. is so const rucifd that even a child can in stantly adjust it lor a person to lift any weight, from twenty to twelve hundred pound. It is inal- almost wholly ot iron and steel, weighs pounds, iiud covers a space of only 20 by -Wi inches; ami although, but recently introduced, nearly I ,! have already been sold. 1'IUCi: 51 KOXKD AND .SHH'l'Kl. Small oks or circulars, showing ils use, can be hal fr-o at ih- office of the I'osr. fc?. M. MANX, Hiooklyn. N. V. nt i ' t 1 1 -. : .v w i j J. o. l U) 2 w. A. ADRIAN. H. VOLLERq ADRIAN & VOLLEPiS. WHOLEr; .LE LS tiroccrica and Liquors, Importers of German and Havana Ciifars, ASD- Conimissioii vlei'diant Soutu-East Corner Dock and Fboxt Htrccts. WILMINGTON. C. Having the largest and best assorted Stock of Groceries and Liquors in the City, Dealers will find it to their interest to give n a call before buying elsewhere. may 17-tf ' v 1 . 7 TTTTARRANTTEE DEEDS- On hand and VV for sale feb25 S G HALL NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE 3rd OP DECEMBER. Those who propose investing (aad who does not?) in tickets for the FOURTH GRAND GIFT CONCERT FOR THE BN'EFIT OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF KENTUCKY, Which comes off in Louisville on the 3d ONIiY GO,000 TICICE'lS ! : , ! . . HAVE BEEN ISSUEW, AND 12,000 Casli GHits, AMOCN'TIXG TO j ' WILt, CE DISTI5IBUTEU AS FOJ.LOW : LLST OF GIFTS: one Grand Cash (iltl MSi"i0.(M ouo tirand Cash Gia kxmmw One (.rand Cash Girt tT0J)t) One Grand Cash iift 2T!uou One Grand Cash Gift 17 jm wywji Gifts o,om each ltw,0U '-.:Vr,,v v.1.1" "J1 "c" l io.utiu ;:.mv - 50,01 JO uHJsii miiih iw cacu 1U0 liush Gifts IV) Cash Girts :Gasu Girts XZ Cash Gifts 4tiu each 300 each 40,000 flO.OOO 82..50O 530,000 x ecch loo each ill AQpIi Jl.MJ0 CashGilXs W holcrrickets. Couiions, (Tenths,) 5. , . lOLEVKN TICllrf; FOR $000. 01 uuncisor lniormauon, ad dress .t,, tT.,,os- k- uitAJdLiriTP:, Agent Public Library Kentucky, Louisvlllo Kyi UOVi 110tr IN STORE. . v .i. 4 .... i,wu sacks Salt; 8,000 buslicls Com; 1,000 bushels Oats; 300 bales Hayi 1,000 bushels Meal; 300 rolls Bagging; 1,000 bundles Ties; 800 Spirit Casks; r 250 barrels Glue; 1,000 bundles Hoop Iron; 200 papers Rivets; 150 boxes Cheese; 125 barrels Mullets; 800 barrels Flour; 65 boxes Dry Salt Sides; 100 boxes Smoked Sides and Shoulders. 125 barrels Sugar; 400 bags Coffee all grades; 125 boxes Tobacco; 30 barrels and half barrels Snuff; 100 boxes and barrels Crackers; 50 cases Snuff; 75 barrels Rice; ' 200 cases Brandy Peaches; 150 cases Schnapps; 150 dozen buckets; 50 boxes Candy; 125 boxes Candles, Ac. For sale by A F. W.-1CERCNER. oct 27 119 REDING0TES. E ARE NOW MAKING Til EHE 8TYJ I.SII ARTICLES for our customers. Will do well to call at Mrs. 8TROCICW and exam ne samples. 1 M)r ess linking K IN ALL ITS LATEST STYLE8. Mrs. STR0CKS' Millinery and Drces-Mal ing jR(joinift oct IS tf rrlncess Street, Evans', Block. GIFT C For the Ileueflt and under the auspices of The Cape Fear Agricultural Asso ciation. rjMIE UNDERSIGNED, having been lap pointed by the Executive Committee of the above Association, to make the necessary arrangement for a GUT CONCERT during the next Aniiuol ljair, respectfully solicits' contributions of articles suitable for prizes, live hundred prizes will be distributed to the purchaser of tickets, and the friends of the Association are confidently relied upon to furnish the prizes.. Anything from a Hirtiisntiil tlrtllnr lirv i linnntblrl ...III be acceptable. ,Tho names of all' con tribu- 4 . . ... . I ..III. i I. . 1 1 t .. '. wis) iuj,iiii' 1 nun luiu Lrusiiie curu unci the amount of their donation, will bo pub lished In pamphlet form and widely distrib uted. The prizes will be cxiiilcd during the Fair. Those wishing to avail themselves of this most effective mode of advertising their business, will please communicate with the subscrltjer during the month o! November, as the list of prizes should be L11 I At MB 4. puuiisiieu uu liiu iii&b 01 in."cemocr, jne distribution will be made 011 the last day of tlie Fair, December lith. All contribuUous should be addressed to . " , T)r. THOMAS It (!AHH Vox VI, WilmlustcntI7.0. oct2S STAB FRICTION MATS. ; pJVKKY 1I0USESU0ULD 1XAVE lUt'Ui. - ' v - 4 For sale by V : "' V.V GEO. MYERS, 11 ana it Jtront street oct 30 . '': ONGERT -1

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