WILMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY, DM5BI1BB3, 1873 NO. 179 v 1 3fc vn. iAfP IrtUccl from oar fncnda UUcacws and reports ol t ------ " f JCHQOL BOOKS, SCHOOL BOOKS. I AND COMPLETE ASSORT- Books just rowiveJ, and fca i . ltI)!j0KAND MUSIC STOKE. krfso Brokerage Office ' . f samples constantly on hand fiportew and manufacturers ia f i ,rintioas ot merchandise, orders iffind telegraphed promptly. fflloni from buyers solicited, and fl"(lby sellers will have prompt iit- u MWcdascaisli purchases negotiated, jfSly, an J otlea with your local i- . Iji i v or Nci . fi.-immiui" , m--AS. T. PKTTMWAY, ' jierctewdise and Produce Broker. I. DO UUUTICN iLOPEa & DOUGUTEN, 'h V U S T O 1-i P.; a "... I 0i sou n i HiiN puo i cots, ZXQliTil FLWNT STREET, 1 I'liiLvlclpliia, Vlu leis IbrTnrncuttue Casks solicited and i,lytilled at lowest market prices, 'lurch J - . ifi3-tf IfiHcyrainilySewiagMacMflc, superiority ov the singer ISEWLXG MACHINE for beauties of ffics, simplicity ot inecaanism, ana auap- amtr w every class oi sewing, nas ueen jiiWisbed iu fair hji d i3?.i competition in Mat ewin cont4s, und the PUBLIC KC0GNIT1UN of their merits is to be iari In the numerous awards ot FIltST SIZES over every competitor at the VI SSA EXPOSITION and nearly all the In itial Fairs in America and in Europe. Seat Feed and Straight Needle and is Easiest to learn. Has the h ighest appro- wihc family, the Seamstress and the iltssmafcer. 1,'MW'!! IN DAILY USE. W! sold last year. 45,070! over any Aft Company. Ir Soldoa the Install men t pbui. Terms V and (tall instructions jxiven. ; frOfiiceNoj, Lippitt's How, South Front rat, wuiningion, JN. U. CIIAS. E. DIB RLE, -tf Manager REMOVAL. Jas. a. lowery, ilASE MAKER & REPAIRER. UVE removed my establishment, to ynewbulldinss on the corner of feRTH AND CAMPBELL STS. K Bony Bridge, where T r1ih.1I be wleased Jny old customers and many new jrrtaM matins, painting and repairing H ,ne' Horse Shoeing, and various ofiron work done on reasonable aving had thirty years - experience in 'Business, I am confident that I can do uvworfc, and -;ive satisfaction. WORK W ARlt ANTE ' . pl5tf J AS, A. LOWKUY. SIEil'S UflBHARY AT W Practice for the Cure of ' .. ... r - 'j ' luuiora, croliila, Chronic in ilePsy Liver Diseases, ytenae Diseased, Skin Disease 6s and all kindred Aflcc tions succeasfuly Treated, sli2iaTKl Tuu,oiy wlu 00 treated with pecitics without the use of the knife, J2 w the patient. IL am lrcatment will be iu the roach m communication addresses to rsinH ctwitl1 Prompt attentiou. Cir ppjJiflcates of curea will be seat SSSVQ!rmary Et Centre street, tobeM J" MILES NTEK & CO. li545ui fiSaa5wS-sles to inform his custo med ?;illbUc generally, that he is now WiSV0 411 klaa of work in line, of th ,PCCtfu11 re(lest a continua soliw aas which has heretoforo l8 rally bestowed upoa him. : - ' . r 206 MISCELLANEOUS. THE SILVER TONGUE.' OKGANS The best ORGANS of the Reed class IN THE WORLD. - The Best for Churches and Lodges. The Best for Sunday Schools. ' Tbe Best for Parlors and Vestries. The Best for 'Academies and Colleges. The Best for Public Halls. The Best for Orchestra and' Stage. . v These instruments, which for sweet ness of tone and elegance of appoint ment stand , mirivalled, have met with unprecedented success in this country and abroad. MANUFACTURED BY I- I P. & ESTABLISHED IN 18 1G. Nos 143, 145 &J47 East 23d st, N Y Responsible parties applying for agencies in sections still unsupplieU will receive prompt attention and liberal inducements. Parties residing at a distance from our au thorized agents, may order from our factory. Send for illustrated iri-.n list. aug 2(i-tl" TO THE WESTITO THE WEST1 Licioro making your arrangemeuts to fol low the advice of the "thousands who have already gone," it would be wcU to consider what has been dene to make the journey to your 'Homes in the YVcsf as pleasant and Iree from danger as hiirnan skill and fore sight can aceoriipli6h. , By consolidation and construction, a road has been put into operation on the shortest possible line from Nashville, Tenn., to St. Louis, "the future great City of the worli." This line, the 8T. LOUIS & SOUTHEASTERN KAIL WAY, has, during the past year, earned an envia ble reputation by its smooth track, prompt time, sure connections, and the magnifi cence of its passenger equipment. .Its traius are made up of new and commodious day cans, provided with the celebrated Mil ler coupler and p'atforin, and the Westirig lrue nir brake. It, is positively the only line lunning Pullman P.dico UrawiniJ-Boom Sleeping Cars through Without change lrom Nash ville to Sft. Loijis. No other line pretends to offer such advantages, either iu distance, time, or cqnipmeut.. VVhy, then, journey by circuitous routes ? Do not be induced to purchase trckets to St. Louis or the West by any other line, remember that The "St. Louis & Southeastern" is the shortest, cheapest, quickest, be6t and only Hue under one management from Nashville to St. Louis, and is from GO to 200 miles the shortest to St. Louis, Kansas City, Omaha, Denver, California, Texas, and all western points. It ia also the "Chi cago Shortest Line," via Evansville. You can secure the . cheapest rates for yourselves aud your movables on applica tion, in person or by letter, to C. S Bak kext, Southern Passenger, Agent, Postot flee Box 242, Chattanooga Tenn., or to the undersigned. VVB DAVENPORT, Geucial Ticket Agent, St. Louis. No trouble to answer questions, july 25 57-Gm Just AtriTBt pr steamer Raleigh A NOTIIEIi invoice of Hams, Breakfast Strips and Shoulders of our owncurinjx; also, choice lot of Prinle Leaf Lard, in 20 pound Oak Buckets, expressly for family use. Give it atrial. ' We return our thanks I tq qur customers and friends for their kind favors and liberal patronage extended our now enterprize, and are determined not to be outdone In prices and quality of Goods. An examination of our superior oiock oi groceries, v Hies uuu Liquors will convince the mjost skeptical that NEEDHAM SON money can oe savea Dy giving us metr or tiers Remember the corner under the Seaman's Home. . J. IL McGAItlTY & CO. Sept 23-1QS- Successors to A. H. NEFF, ja.anufacturers and dealers in II O USE FURNISIIIJN G GOODS, Guns, iStoves, Lanterns, Kerosene, QU Tin and Shee$ jrpa Vfwfr ' Roafing done at snort notice ' ' - i---, : - - j . Agents for Falrbank's ScalcsJ No. 19 Front Street, v v I ju si I If G T O K N C . noY 19 . - ' . - MISCELLANEOUS. DIPLOMA, t AWARD SD BY THE American Institute Ji W. McKEE, FOR Eilroider j ant Fluting; HacMaes. " It is ingenious and will meet the wants of every matron in the land." EXHIBITION O 1S72. . F. A. Barnard, Pres. Sohn E. Gavit, Rec. Secy. i Samuel D. Til'man, Cor. Secy. New York, November 30, 1S72. This simple and ingcuious Machine is as useful as the sewimr Muchine. nd fs fast -oecomin T ixiiiiilar wit h !u4ios. ia. the n.'sr of Expensive Needle work, its work bi-inif f Xauch more hazid.som--.. r' iiu:rinir less timo and not one tenth put tiio expense. No lady's toilet is now eo'r.p'cte without it. A Machine with illu.-thitcd circular and full instructions -nt on receipt of $3 or finished in silver p!-te lo- ?J 7". Address, This VIcivKis Manuhictur'ng Co., b'OO Broad wa v. New York. AG-ENTS WANTRD. Br. Garvin's Elixir of Tar, Is recommended by regular Medical practi tioners and a speedy cure guaranteed for Colds, Coughe, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, Spitting Blood, Consumption and all Pulmo nary Complaints, Scrofula, Erysipelas, Dys pepsia; and Gout. Dysentery, Cholera-mor-bus, Cholera and all liver and bowel com plaints. Kidnc' diseases and all affections of th Urinal Organs perfectly harmless tree from Mineral or Alcoholic properties pleasant to take and never known to fa'.l Price $1 00 per Bottle. Full particulars with niedical testiinonj7 aud certificates sent on application. Address, L. F. HYDE & CO.. 195 geve- th Avenue, New York. Darts froiTHMl: or Cupii Aisi A Book just issued exiiosin the 'Jrienoo AI.S" that have appeared in the New York Newspaiere; their history aud lesson. Sttl isn villians fully exi'oseo Advertise ments trom desperate men to bcautilul wo men; Clandestine meetings; how Irustrated; The History of the uooimicii TKAGBny the result of a "personal." Description of Liv ing Broadway Statues. Exposes sociax. C6kruition. Stmt on receipt of 50 cts. Address, Unique. Printing House, iiG Vesey 8t , N. Y, """Tiio IlcokwitU A'oitJible 1'aim jly .Sovillg .Kachinc, on '30 Days Trial ; many jdvantages tver all. Satis faction gu iranlrcd. or money refunded. Sent complete with full directions. Beck- with ewiug Machine Co., 8i Broadway N. Y. may 14 307 tf THE NEW ELASTIC T1&U3SAM Imi'oktant l?vi5:iTiox. lyretaius tbe rup ture at all times, and nu Jy- the hirdest ex ercise or severest straiui It ii worn with comfort, Dd if kept on Jlrtaud day, ef fects a permanent "rare lt teW weekir. Sold cheap, and sent by mail when request ed. Circulars free, when ordered by letter sent to The Elastic Truss Co , No. 683 Broadway, N. Y. City. Nobody uses Metal Spring Trusses ; too painful ; they slip off too frequently. rnayU 307 tf BUY ONLY THE &ENIHNE FAIRBAMK'S SCALES, MANUFACTURED BY E. k T FAIRBANKS & 10. StockScales, Coal Scales, Hay Scales, Dairy Scales, Counter Scales, &c., &c. Scales repaired promptly and reasona bly: THE MOST rEltFECT ALARM CASH DRAWER Miles Alarm Till Co', EVERY Merchant SUOULDl Hum! EVERY" DRAWER Use Them Warranted. SO Hi 13 AT Fairbanks' Scale Warehouses, FAIRBANKS & CO., 311 BROADWAY, NEW YORK 1GG BaltiTnorp st., DaUirnore, 5,3 Oamp st., New Orleans. FAIRBANKS & EWING, Masonic Hall, Philadelphia. FAIRBANKS, BROWN & CO.; 2 Milk Street, .Voston. ! For sale by all leading Hardware Dealers. sept 11 07-2tawIm Corner 4tli and Market Streets, dec a 169 NOTICE is hereby given that application will be made to the General Assembly nl lis next meeting, lo incorporate the Brunswick Bridge and Ferry Company, without prejudice to iho proprietors of the present ferry andcauswy. - . ' October 17th, 1873 - 13C-lm . RAIL ROADS Carolina Central Railway Company WILMINGTON, N. C, ) MajJ.IJ SCHEDULE. PASSENGER TRAINS T EAVE WILMIXGTOS DAILY (EX- JLj cent Bandars) at.. .. &UUAM ; . 5:25 P M 7:10 AM . 4:35 P M t Arrive t Wadcsboro at Leave Wadeftboro at Arrive at Wiiminjstou at . . , . FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Wilmington daily (except bundays).... Arrive at Lnurinbure: at....- 6:00 A M 5:30 P M Iaxivc Laurinburg at , . . . . 5:00 A M Arrive at Wilmington at. 5.30 PM PASSENGER TRAINS. Leave Charlotte dally, Sundays excepted, at.... 8.00 A M Arrive at Buffalo at 12.00 M Leave Buffalo at . 1.C0 P M Arrive at Charlotte at 5.15 PM Irregular Lumber and Timber Trains run on both portions of the Road as the busi ness requires. A Daily Stage will soon run iu connection with the trains on both ends of this Kail way. S. L. FREMONT, Chief Engineer and Sup't. may 19 311-ti bushings ijianijajl OF PARLIAMENTARY PRACTICE Rules ot proceeding and debate in delibe rative assemblies. An indispensable hand book for every member of a deliberative body, and the authority In all the States. "The most authoritative expounder of American parliamentary law." Charles Sumner. Price, G3 cents. Sent br mail on receipt of price. Address THOMPSON, BROWN & CO., Boston, Mass $20 OO SAVED! To mct the urgent demand of the times the FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE CO. have determined to REDUCE PRICFS, and will hereafter sell their 570 Machine for f ji), and other styles in proportion. THE FLORENCE is the ONLY Sewing Machine that reeds the work backwark and forward, or to right and left, as the purchaser may prefer. It has been greatly IMPROVED AND SIMPLIFIED, and Is far better than mi y other machine in the market. .,; -i IT IS NOW THE CHEAPEST. Florence, Mass., Nov., 1, '73. Agents wanted. rich FAnnmiu lauds. FOR SALE VERY CHEAP! THE BEST INVESTMENT. No .Fluctuations ! Always improving in Value! The "Wealth of the Coutry is made by the Advance in Real estate, NOW IS THE TIME ! Millions of acres of the finest lands on the continent, in Eastern Nebraska, now for sale many of them never before in the market at prices that DEFY COMPETI TION. Five and Ten Years Credit Given, with Interest at Six per cent. The Land Grant Bonds of the Company taken at par for lands. They can now be purchased Hta large discount. J83r-Full particulars given, new Guide with new Maps mailed fre by addressing. O. F. DAVIS, Land Comniiss.si. ner UP H H, Omaha, Nkij C I Q a day guaranteed t Agents. Address iP lO ( i M -i'LLiVAN & Co,S St Paul street, Baltimore, Md ITlli I fl U 11 f N K F, lUfliN R F IU UtMA'tt W)USUN CHIMNEYS, made by PLUME !fc AT WOOD,, produces the lar gest liuht. Can be used on any coal oil lamp. for sale oy an lamp aeaiers. lSYCIIOMANCY, or soul Charming." X How either sex may fascinate and gain the love and affections of any person they choose, instantly. This simple mental acquirement all can possess, free by mail, for 25 cents; together with a Marriage Guide, Egyptian Ora-ie, Dreams, Mints to Ladies. A queer book. 100,000 sold. Address T W1L LIAM & CO, Publishers, Phila. )l7ViTVn?TVr MEN, Girls and Boys -W UlMAjiN wanted to sell our French and American jewelry, books, games &c., in their own localities. No capital need ed. Catalogue, Terms, fcc, sent Free. p. O. VICKERY A CO., Augusta, Maine. SANDFORD'S Liivcr Invig-orator, A purely Vegetable Cathartic and Tonic; for dyspepsia, constipation, debility, sick head ache, bilious atacks, and all derangements of liver, Stomach and bowels. Ask jour Druggist for it. Beware of immitations. FOR RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, PAIIVS in the FAU1S, Ac, THE ELECTRIC H AS CURED when all other remedies have failed. It is eminently a FAMILY MEDICINE, And no family should te withouti t. In case of sudden attacks, one bottle will ave five dollars in doctor's bills. For sale by all Druggists. October 4 J18-3t Ij E ELECT C I .0 I o. Octo RAIL ROADS. Wilmington. Columbia & Au gusta R. R. Company. Gbh. BupfianrrxiiDBXT'a Office, 1 Wilminoton, N. C, Oct.. 11, 1S72. f CHANQE OF SCHEDULE.' T11E FOILD WING SCHEDULE WILL Rolnto effect at 4:30 A. M., ;Suuday, VUh inst. DAY EXPRESS TRAIN. (Daily.) Lcavu Wilmington Arrive at Florence Arrive at Columbia. . . . . Arrive at Augusta Leave Augusta Leave Columbia Arrive at Florence Arrive at Wilmington . . , .. OA. M ...10:10 A. M ... S OOP. M 8:00 P. M. . 4:30 A. M. ..10:20 A. M .. 2 48P.-M. ..10:00 P. M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (SUN DAYS EXCEPTED.) , Leave Wilmington f;10 P. M Arrive at Florence 11:28 P. M Arrive at Columbia 4 00 A. M Arrive ot Augusta. 8:45 A. M Leave Augusta 4; 15 P. M Arrive at Columbia 8:45 P. M Arrive at Florence 2:02 A. M Arrive at Wilmington..... 7:10 A. M Passengers leaving Wilmington on the 6:10 P. M. train make close connection going South. JAME3 ANDERSON, Gerrl Sup't. oct 11 124-tf Wilmington & Weidoii R. R. Company. Orsricn G2neu4Jj BupitKrNTjiaujEii'r, i Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 21,1873. ) i CHANGE OF 8G1IGDULB. ON AND AFTER OCT. 20th, INSTANT PASSENGER TRAINS on the Wil mington and Weldon Railroad will run ae follows : MAIL TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily (Sun days excepted) At 7:40 A. M Arrive at Goldsboro 11:50 A. M Rocky Mount 2:00 P. M Weldon . . . . 3r&4 PvM Leave Weldon daily (Sunduvf excepted) .".At 0:50 A: M Arrive at Rocky Mount 1 1: 5 A. M Goldsboro.; 1:37 P. M Union Depot 5:50 P. M EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily... At 11:10 P. M Arrive at Goldsboro. o:50 A. M Rocky Mount 0:03 A. M Weldon 8:00 A. M Leave Weldon daily 7 50 P. M Arrive at Rocky Mount.' l:43 p. M G ldsboro 1 1:55 P. M Union Depot 4:30 A. M Mall Train makes ciopc connection at Weldon for ail points North via Bay Line and Acquia Creek routes. Express Train conwects only with Acquia Creek route. PULLMAN'S PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON THIS TRAIN. FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilming ton tri-weekly at 0.00 A. M., aud arrWe at 1.40 P. M. EXPRESS Fit Kl (11 IT TRAINS will leave Wilmington daily (Sundays excepted) at 2:00 P. M.. and arrive at 5:30 P. M. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. 130-tf oct 24 THIS MOST REMARKABLE ALL APPA11ATUSES sometimes called a mechanical paradox now used with such wonderful success in our principal cities for the cure, by cumulative kxeu cise, of nearly all Chronic Diseases and Weaknesses, . i Is for sale by the undersigned, by whom all orders will be promptly filled. THE REACTIONARY is so constructed that even a child can in stantly adjust it for a person to lift any weight, from twenty to twelve hundred pounds. It is made almost wholly of iron and steel, weighs 130 pounds, and covers a space of on ly 20 by 36 inches; and although, but recently introduced, nearly 1,000 have already been sold. TRICE 100, BOXED AND SHIPPED. Small books or circulars, showing its use, Can be had free at the ollice of the Pot. S. II. MANN, Brooklyn, N. Y. sept 11 d&wtf P. O. Box A. ADRIAN. il. VOLLEKk ADRIAN & V0LLEJRS. i ' WHOLES LK DfcAI-EiiH N Uroccrie assd Liquorv Importers of German and Havana Cigar . -AMD-Commission Morcliant i South-Easx Corner Dock and Fkont Streets. i WILMINGTON, N. C. Having the largest and best assorted Stock of Groceries and Liquors in the City, Dealers will find it to their interest to give us a call before buying elsewhere. may 17-tf WARRANTTEE DEEDS- On hand and for sale . . , feb25 , SO HALL NEW ADFERTISEEIENTS. ; NEW GOODS! W E ILL, wilmixgton n. a WE OFFER TO OUR CITIZENS A FULL LINE OF DRY GOODS, ' OF THE FINEST QUALITY.' The Largest Slock Brought to this Market. Now is the time to ' Purchase when Everything- is Marked Down. An Inspection of quality and prices is invited. Nuw Iron Front Luilding, corner Front and Princess Street. sept 2'J 113-lf 20.000 C'NTIlACT smXULKX, just arrived. Also a new lot of Oak and Pine Wood, at my Wood, Coal and Lumber Yard, Corner Front and Mulberry streets, dec 2-tf. J. A. SPRINGER. e m cml or vi' J jKJ 1j LU U 1j Ll . Those who propose investing (and who does not?) in tickets for the FOURTH GRAND GIFT. CONCERT ron the le;keit ov the , T1TTTIT T rt T . fUBLlu ,L1mAki ,U1 KENTUCKY, Which comes off in Louisville on the 3d December next, have no time to lose. OJVIiY 60,000 TICKETS HAVE UEEN ISSUED, AND AJIOUXTI.Nti TO 1,500,000 V.'ILL EE mSTi:ii;UTEI as iollows: LIST OF GIFTS: One Grand Cash Gift One Grand Cash Girl One Grand Cash Gift One Grand Cash Gift One Grand Cah Girt 10 Cash Gifts S10,IMH) each'.'.'.'."." :)Cash Gifts .",(MK) each 7 Cash (iifts 1,XK) each so Cash (iifts .-j00 each. 100 Cash (iifts 400 each I i0 Cash (iifts ,joo each LV0 Cash Gifts 100 cccli :-") Cash Gifts 100 each ,...52."0,(.iOO .... J0O.OUO .... 50,000 .... .... 17jOO .... 100,(K)0 .... irmm .... 50,000 .... -10.000 .... ,oon .... 45,on ... 50,01 M .... It'M ... 5"0.0(Kj 1 1, Cash Gifts ryjeach. Whole licfccls .M). Coupons, (Tenihs.) , KLKVKk TICKK'IS FOH ' . V- , ,, , , i;"s. K- liRAMLK'rTK. Agent Public Iiibmry Kentucky, luivillo Ky. nov,i 1K;f IN STORE. 5,000 sacks Salt; 8,000 bushels Corn; 1,000 bushels Oats; . 300 bales Hav; 1,0C4) bushels Meal; 300 rolls Ragging; 1 ,)(H) bund les Tics; 800 Spirit Ca.sks; 200 barrels Glue; 1,000 bundles Hoop Iron; 200 papers Rivets; ( 100 boxes Cheese; 120 barrels Mullets; t 800 barrels Flour; t) j boxes Dry Salt Sides; 100 boxes Smoked Sides and Shoulders 1 20 barrels Sugar, 100 bags Coffee all grades; 120 boxes Tobacco; 30 barrels and half barrels Snufl 100 boxes and barrels Crackers; 00 cases Snuff; j 70 barrels Rice; -200 cases Brandy Peaches; 100 cases Schnapps; 100 dozen buckets; 00 boxes Candy; 120 boxes Candles, &c. For sale by F. W. XERCNEU. 1 oct 27 119-- 4B.SOLTTK DIVOKCRS obtained from J. Courts of diliereut States for desertion. Ae. No publicity required. Nochargc until divorce granted. Address, n Ar n. HO CSK. Attorney, nov 2-tr mt Broadway, N. Y. STAR FRICTION MATS. LWERY HOUSE SHOULD HAVE For sale by GEO. MYERS, ' 11 and 13 FroDt street oct 30 M . The Evening Post has a fine city circulation and is, consequently, a first class advertising medium. Merchants' take The Post home to Ihcir families to reaa the news of, the day, andiscip seen by most of the lcadingo pie of the city. . I