I f . . .... . , r ? - - 1 - ' " , ' ' ' 1 ,1 . ' J j f ' t M i " , , ' . ' ' , ' " 4. ..J; - VOL VII. WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, - DECKER 17, .1873 , P. I 0 i : ...... . 1 1 . i ii i . gljc (gwmttjg Post piued every afternoon except Sunday, lea C MANN.. Editor and Proprietor jAH3 subscription. . :n .ivance ..$5 00 imeyear, .u months, in advance.... ,iree months, in advance. n, In arl'ance. . . . rlrrespondence solicited from our friends parte of the State, on topics ofc gene "i ntcrest. Political news and reports ol 0ps are espciallvdesirablc. NKV A VlUTlSIMlENTS. 3 00 1 50 50 MISCELLANEOUS. THE SILVER TOMUE.5 0BGANS The best ORGANS of the Reed class IN THE WORLD. Merchandise Brokerage Office, ,n r Hue of samples constantly on hand Ffrom Importers and manufacturers in Northern markets. All descriptions ot meruui-li orilcrs wr.hn.tidise bought and sold hi this StS orders from buyers solicited, and s"l?opS left by sellers will have prompt at tention. Time as well as cash purchases negotiated, Jpther you wish to buy or sell, commuoi- freely, and often with your local Broker. JAy T FETTEWAY, Merchandise and Produce Broker. ,ec -A) 18 U . HTrLwPEU I- DOUGUTKN L0PER & D0UGHTEN, $ X VL STORES ANU aOUTUKKN products, HO. 55 NORTH FRONT STREET, Philadelphia, l'a. or.ltrs for Turpentine Casks solicited and uromptiy nuea ai iowsu iUo.v. i'"---march 3 Zld'u SiSer'sNew Family Sewing lactone, stitch, Bimplicity ol ineciianism, uuu au tab dlity to every class of sewing, has been Sublished in fair udn compet ion in Mtual sewing contests, and the I ULLIC 11ECOGNITIUN of their merits is to -bp found in tlie numerous awards ot MlM PHIZES over every competitor at the v l EN'XA EXPOSITION and nearly all the In dustrial Fairs in America and in Europe. Silent Feed and straight Needle-and is the easiest to learn . Has the highest appro val for the Family, the Seamstress and the Dressmaker. 1,2J0,U00!!! IN 1 A Uf f ''LliToR!! sold last year. ,bt0l ovei any 0tSlPonluc installment plan. Terms easy and full instructions given. S- OfliceNo.l, Lippitt'sKow, boutht rout street, Wilmington. N. C. TWIIPT v oct3-tf Manager. MISCELLANEOUS. ! 1 33 IP LO lL AWAHDED ET THIS American Institute J. W. McKEE, fop. Embroidery and Flutiag KacMnes, ; ' It is ingenious and will meet the wants of every matron in the. land. HXIIIlUTlnX OF l.7-. tiblin E. f?ai ,"Rv Si-cy. " " I JSiUiiuel I. Tilhn, C'Or. St-cy. i Newtyork, NrtvMir 20. 1ST2. Thi simple arul injrcni'Wi Machine is as usetu! as the sewing M n-.hine. and !s last becoiu-ng I'oj'ii'.r with ladies, in the p'ace of expensive Needle work, its work being i'mniii mrtn tiiinrisiim". n-iiijirinir less time and not rne tenth part tbe expense. No iladys toilet is now complete without it. 'A Machine with illustrated circular and, 'full instructions sent on receipt of $3 or ifinished in silver plate for $2 75. Address, Tut: McKee Manutactur'.ni Co., 300 Broadway. New York. iBAILi.R01DS. Carolina; Ceitral, Railway Company w ,. WILMINGTON, N. C., ) ' f May 14, 1873. f 'I j V A iJ . i KL HAIL ROADS. Dr. Garvin's Elixir of Tar, The Best for Churches and Lodges. The Best for Sunday Schools. Tbe Best for Parlors and Vestries. j3 recommended by regular Medical practi- Tho PSpt for A pidemies and Colleges, tioners and a speedy cure guaranteed for liie Jbest ior ivcaaemicb ami uc0w. nrt1,a nnil(r)ia r.ntnrrii. Asthma. Bronchitis. .The Best for Public Halls'. Spitting Blpod.ConsnmpUon and a 1 Pulmo- nary (Jompiamts, ocroiuia, xrybipemo, wjo The Best for Orchestra and Stage. pepsia and Gout. Dysentery, Cholera-mor ... , bus, Cholera and all liyer and bowel com- rri.n incfrnmonh which lor SWCet- I ..1 v-Anr,v ,iicP!ieis ond nil affections 0.1100 ju.;niiuv...) - uiaiuts. j : - no of tone and elegance of appoint- ot th , Urinal Or-ans-perfectfy harmless ncas ol tone anu en0 w 1X tree from Mineral or Alcoholic properties v, nnri vsillp.rl. nave met with :.niM..fnnifi mil np.vp.r known to fail itorl al1f.npa in Ibis country I Price 51 00 per Bottle. Full particnlars unprecedented success in thi country edicaf testimony and certificates sent onapplication. Address, L. F. HYDE CC UU., 1VO OCVe'.lU AUUUO!i'v; x iiiv Darts from tie Devil; or unjid AMsel A Book just issued exposing the "person- A.L8 tnat nave appeal cu iu uvv xvT iu" their historv and lesson. Styl ish villians fully BXrosED Advertise ments from desperate men to oeautnui wo- Wilminsrton. ''Columbia & Au- dsla R. R Company. 5 Ga. SUPIiINTBSDENTT3 OFFICB, I Wilmington, N. C, Oct.. 11, f NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW GOODS! . . .. t T . . .... - . CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. tiSnii FOLLOWING SCHEDULE WILL JLaiatPi-eucCT-at km a. ai., ;sunaay. DY EXrKESS TKAIN, (Daily.) :'CTlEiDX5T-f'Ei . ' tri PASSENGER TRAJN3 ; f , t t? vo toti wiv nTftM niTI.Y UU cept Sohda js) at...'. ..... . M A M Leave Wadesbpro at. a. : . i. r iU ' a. -www . -A i i.".'ri.i,i . . Arrive wuminjaou ai.. . . . Leave Wilmington 4:20 A. M FREIGHT TRAINS. Arrive et Florence lu:iu A. M I Ai-ifnot I'nlTllnhill ..1MI JW Leave Wilmington daily (except Arrive at AncustaT! 8: 00 P. M . BanJW...r..-.-;-.r.M-. Leave Augusta.... 4:30 A. M. Arnvcatturinbnrgat.......... JJJ Leavo Colnmbia. ..' 10:30 A. M Leave Lanrg at . ....... :WAM J Florence..., .. 2 -ISP. M. '"SStouvV' Arriveat Wilmington...., 10:00 P. M Leave Clharlbtte llyrSnndays 'r! ; NIGHTJEXPRES TRAIN iMILY (SUN .tii..f . i . .DOAlflS DATS EXCEPTED.) Arnve at Bnffalo at ... . . .. Af-iK Leave Wilminctou 0:10 P. M ;Leave Bnffalo at..:....V.f l.to rw Arrive atFlorence 11:23 P. M lArnve at Cnariotto at. ; ... . o. Arrive at Colnmbia ...... Jrfeerdlar. Lumber and Tlmoer xrams run Arrive at Augusta on both nortlona of the Road as the busi-, 1 Leave AncniRta : 4: 15 P. M ;68Teqnires. I Arrive at Columbia 8:45 r. M ADanyotage win soon run in couueunuu Arrive ftt If lorence :ua. jm. with the train on both ends of Ms .Kail-. I Arrive at Wilmington 7:10 A. M :10 P. M. train make close connection going South. . W E I L L , WILMINGTON, N. C. W OFFER TO OUR CITIZEN A JA.K OF DRY GOODS, OF THE FINEST QFA I. ITY. The Lariat Slock Brought io thi ' Market. way. may Vi S .r.. FREMONT Chief Entrineer and Sup't. m i ' 311-tt WfiilinmiHkMiiiirRirtlwm oct 11 JAMES ANDERSON. Gea'l Sup't. 134-tt and abroad. MANUFACTURED BY I P. NEEDHAM- & SON. ESTABLISHED IN 1816. tmcnXS irom uusperaiu uiv;u uwiuuiui . riinnni'inn mpptinirc- how frnstrated: I MOnn nf a "iif.rsfiniil." Deserintion of Liv- Responsible parties applying for agencies ;r"adWay atatucs. ExrosES SOCIAL in nVTtteiu ioKRSSf yaat on, receipt pt 50 cts. VSSePs iSildhS- St TmstSnce from our an- Address Unioue Printing House; 3U Vefeey tlforized ngent-s, may order Irohi our factory. st f N. Y, Head for illustrated nriee Ut. aus b-u rolUeckwitU iorliible l am- tiv Sowing .flachine, on 3(J Days TO THE WEST! To THE WfcSll Tt..M aw . I a -uritli full rhre.f.tions. BCCK- TIV Ricboioud and Danville, Richmond anxl Danville R. W., N. Division, and North Western Ni C. R. W. Wilatoou & Wcldon R. R. Consjmny. Office GfiwanAJ. upjb:bintbndsnt, t WlIAIINGTON, N. C, Oct. 21,1S73. I triinr:i . . r..n ,i :....;. ..n . I Ucnt UniMII OTP. Willi Hill UllW.UUUO. Bctore making your arrangements to ioi- ewin- Machine (Jo., WW Broadway low Ihe advice. of the "thousands who have j N v. may 11 o07 tf nironriv p-onc it would be weu to consiuer what has been done to make the journey to HI II IT um Ml HUM Ml a IARY in! AT titm vr'.vv KI.ASTIR TRUSS An M. JkM.MM - - - ' " , wuat ua& ucvu uvu - - - Important ikvestion. it retains rup- your -'Homes in the West" as pleasant and ture at alt llnBeSt ami uuder the hardest ex free from dancer as human skill and lore- ercise or severest strain It is worn with ireciromu fa comfort, and if kept on night and day ef MRht can accomplish. fectg a permanonr. cure in a lew weeks. By consolidation and construction, a toau cheap, and sent by nrail when request- has been nut into operauou uu w buw.v. . ea vjircuiars ireu, wukujwiuww "-It I . 1143 1 . , t t sat I onf t, T,f Minstir Truss Co . No. 683 I Leave Richmnd. ... . possible line Irom rmsnYiue. uu.. Y. Citv. Nobody uses Metal - Borkville ... I ! .?5 CHANGE OF iSCnEDDLE.' Iii effect on and after Sunday, Dcc. l, J FASSENGEil TKALNa on the Wil . . acmows. - i-mingion uuu vy e:uou ivauruaa wui- run b & s I follows: '' ! " i MAIL TRAIN. exi'ukss liLeave Union Depot daily (Sun- I. i i. i 4 i. rv. in A Xn . . i aays exccpieu i.tj". "i 8 35 A. m. h Arrive at Goldsboro J 1 l:-r0 A, M 8.60 I Rocky Mount . ii:tK) l'. Al Weldon. .' o;to r. m Condensed Time Table. GOING NORTH. STATIONS.' Leave Charlotte. . . . 4 4C ' Air JJneJ'netfafi!1 Salisburv Greensboro.'. . . TJanvillei:.:!.;. Burkvllle...... Arrive at Riccmond . : MAIU .7.00 p.U 10.09 i4t ,2,15 1.1m. 5.28 . 11.40 v i2.32 P. M tiGOING SOUTH." 3,27 p.m. 1L02.P.M .At 8TATIOM8. MAIL. ttOliDSBOIKO, JV. . -:o. Special Practice for tho Cure of Cancers, Tumors, ocroiuiu, Ulcers, Epilepsy, Eiver Diseases, Uterine Diseases, Skin Diseas es and all kindred Aftec t i o n a guccessfuly Treated. ivnm,ri: and Tniiiuis wiii oc treated with our specifics without the use ot the knile, without the loss of blood and but with lit tle pain to the patient. Term for treatment Ai:i be in the. r neb nf all All c m?irinieati ;hl e.-H' ' 1o us will meet with prompt alien! on Cir eiiUrs and ccrllttitort ..f r.ue will be MMit ou application. Oiliceaad liitlmi ry t.it Centre stretl,. G ildsboro, N. C. UK. J. Ml I.Ed 1H' NT Eli vV O. October 1 11.') Mm Broadway, N. Y. City. Nobody uses Metal Spring Trusses ; loo panuui ; mvy too frequently. may 14 o07 tf UUV ONLY THE GENUINE FAIRBANK'S SCALES, MANUFACTURED BY Louis, "the future great City of the world." This line, the . " j ST. LOUIS & SOUTHEASTERN RAIL WAY, hns durinir the tast year, earned an unvia ble reputation by its smooth track, prompt time, sure connections, and the magnifi cence of its passenger equipment. Its trains are made up oi new anu cumuiuu day cars, provided with the celebrated Mil- E. At 1 FAIKbAMlS ot tU. ler coupler aud p'attorm, anu iub t touuS- house air-brake. It is possitively the only Hue iunriing Pullman PaHce Drawing-Boom Sleeping Cars through without change irom Nash vi'.l ? to St. Louis. No othr liye pretends Io offer 3'ieh adv urates, either in uistance, time, -r piipm nt. W by, then, journey byeirtiutou., routes? Do not be induced I., .purclne lickets to St. Louis or the Wet bv auy other line, remember that Tbe "St. Louis & Southeastern the shortest, cheapest quickest, best and only line under one management iroiu; Nashville to St. Louis, and is irom ou io 200 miles the shortest to St. Louis, Jvansas 44 Danville " Greensboro.... " S61isbnrv...... Air Line J'nct'n 1.48 p. v 1.58 9 53 t L16 A. M 3.56 44 EX1'RES3 Arrive at Charlotte. . 1 ,A30 A. m 1 0. 00 4 4 GOING EAST. I HAVE removed my establishment-to my new buildings on the corner of JAS. A. LOWEKY, CARRIAGE MAKER & REPAIRER. I FOURTH AND CAtrBELL STS. Near Bony Brldsc, where I shall be pleased to see my old customers and many new ones. , ... Carriage mating, painting nd.rePi"n neatly tTone. Horse Shoeing, and various kinds of iron work done ou reasonable terms. . lr. Having had thirty years experience in this business, I am confident that 1 can do the linest work, and give atisfactloii. ALL WOIIK WAUllANTLn. ept3-tf JAS. A. LOWLR. JOE TURNER wishes to inform his custo mers and public generally, that he is now prepared to do all kind of work in his line, and would respectfully request a continua tion of the patronage which has heretofore been so liberally bestowed upon mm. Jan 16 tf 206 New Extra Mess Mackerel ND NEW EXTRA SALMON, In kits for family use, at 3EO. MYERS, lb" South Front street oct UUR ADVERTISING RATES Are put down to the scale of PRESENT PRICES. Lfci 1 1 " 1 . , ..,).. 1 ; ; STATIONS ' ' MAIL. i ,i - 'i - ' i Leave Greensboro' ... 2 00 a. m . . 4, . Co. Sliop9,.,. 3.55 41 , 44 Raleigh.. 8.30 " Arrive at Goldsboro,. 11.40 a. m GOING WEST. STATIONS. MAIL. Lea? Goldsboro' ,., 6.00 m - - "Raleigh. ...... 6.C0 4 k..... 4 Co.fvbopa U...'. 10 28 41 A- v- at Greensboro Vl.'W a.m m-frrr -til iul I ' p-..----. 1.15 P. m. I Leave wciaoij oauy ounuays Arrive at Rocky Mount womsDoro... Union Depot EXPRESS TRAIN Leave Union Depot daily .. .At 11:10 P. M . - Til ft f Arrive at uoiusooro Kocky Mount. . . wcidon. . . I a a vk W p.l don d ai 1 v. ArriV at Rocky Mount.,. . W'lasDoro... T ! 1 Trnin miitc; rKw. ronilCPtlOn at Wo.ldon lor all points N(.rth via Bay Line and Acquia Creek routes. Express Train connects only with Acquia Creek route. PULLMAN'S PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON THIS TRAIN. FREIGHT TRAINS wiil leave Wilming ton tri-weekly at 6.00 A. M.i, and arrive at 1,40 P. M. EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilmington daily (Sundays excepted) at 2:00 P. M-, and arrive at 5:30 P. M. 5.03 A. U. 8.28 44 1.03 r. M. 4 00 44 0:50 A: M 11:35 A. M 1:37 P. M 5:00 P. M 3:50 A. M i:0;i A. M 8:00 A. M 7 50 P. M 0:43 P. M 11:55 P. M 1:3J A. M HtrtoirRrainss. Coal Scales. lLiy Scales, Dairy ! North Western N, C. R. R (Saleji BiiAifcp. Leave G rectisboro 4;:J0 P M Arrive at Salem 0.25 P AI tv. .-sulcm f:00!A M Arrive atGreensborow v. 10:00 A M fail trir HaiIvI hoth. ravs. . . -' J . ""V , tn 4nntavR l.vnphhnr)' Accommodation i leave Richmond at 0.4Jj.a. m.. .arrive at oct -1 JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. YM ti Citv Omaha Denver California, Texas, Scales. Counter Scales, &c , 4t, M BnrktiUe T2 45 p.- nwleaye BurkvUe 5.35 City Omaha, Denver, w n o , repaired promptly and reasona-f m arrive at Richmond 8.44-am. . and all western points. It U also the cm i i i i . panrnm Palace Cam on all night trains THIS MOST REMARKABLE M!rn Shortest Line." via Evanevillc. -tr . . . . f . - You can secure the cheapesu rates ior yourselves and your movables on applica- tinn m nereon or by letter, to c. o- oxn- kett, Southern. Passenger Agent, Postol' flee Box 242, Chattanooga Tenn., or to tnc undersigned. w R DAVENPORT,. Gcnetal Ticket Agent, St. ouis. No trouble to answer questions. , july 25 ! ? 57 0m Tnt I -nYiiTrnrf 'riOTI AOTHKR invoice of Hams, Breakfast ... . . 1 cl,l,lnro nf rUT ClVT CUrinff: Strips uu Duuumio, - j -i,a Slsi, choice lot of rrime Leaf Lard In 20 pound Oak Buckets, expressly for family We return our thanks to our .customers ami friends for their kind favors and hcral Pi. oTnLi not to be outdone in prices and niiaiitv of Goods. An examination or anilq"aiiX;tf flroceries. Wines and money can be saved by giving us tneiror d Remember the corner under the Seaman's Home. ,rnT?TTV Ar ITl- Sept 25108- blv. THE MOST I'KIU'KCT ALARM CASH " DRAWER Allies Alarm Till Co's. "Panmn Palace Cam on all night trains; (F ALL APPARATUSES sometimes between Charlotte ,M Richmond, iwithont;. VJ mt.cliaulcal MnuloX..IU)W uscd with cnange.; snrh wondorful success in our principal Fer lurther inxormauonaaaresB cities for t lie cure, by cumulative exku- . , B. JS ALLis.iXr . CisK, of nearly all General Ticket Agent. Chronic; : Diseases ana wcaKncsses, EVERY Merchant should! EVERY ffittMrfiZB 'f ' Greensboro. N. C T. M. R. TALCOTT, ! . Euiiineer andGcn'ISpncrintendant. dec 10 : . . ; .. 170 MDVDEKE Mm ti.A IT aWarrantedJ ; FOR RHEUSATISM, NEURALGIA, j Is for sale by tho undersigned, by -whom all orders will be promptly filled. THE REACTIONARY SOLD AiH I j Fairbanks' Scale Warehouses; FAIRBANKS & C0 j v 311 BROADWAY, NEW,YtnK 1GG Baltimore st., Baltimore: PAINS In the FAivIS, Acc.j THE E OTBI O f I TT AS CURED when all oilier remeoica ! Mn 'Have failed. It is eminently a f : i -i m n sr. it",w ji luauot , . ' y ..... ; . . . . FAIRBANKS & EWING, I " !SIasonic Hall, Philadelphir FAIRBANKS, BROWN & CO.; - FAMILY MEDICINE, :;vj PAKKEH ea TA .1 Successqrs to A. H. NEFF, i .Manufacturers and dealers in HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS Guns, StovesLanterns, Kerosene. Oil Tin ' and Sheet Iron Ware. Roofing: done at short notice Acrenta for Falrbank's Scales. . .- . -i NoJ 19 t'ront StrccU' novl9 ia-V . , .'II And no family should bfi without! t. In case 2 31ilk fctrcet, osioil i offia4den . attacks . t i j.n.i. i n.i. For sale by all leading Hardware j .no vnttlf will SiLVti Ave -1 I dollars in doctor's bills., . stmetod lhnt even a child can in- ilstantly adjust it for a pcr.son to lift any 'I . . .- .... ..... 4 . 1,..,!,... lilliull'i'll welkin, jioiu iv.t.iii i'i i pounds. It is made almost wholly -f iron and sU !, ..-..;,ri.c i ;n i..iii..ls. -liul ciivcrs.'Lsnii'Oofoiily iJybylic inches; and nUhou'h. but recently introduced, nearly i,rj nave unwuj sold. PRICE SI0O, llJXKD AND SIIIPPKD. timoii tw,:.- rr cirv iibus. si.owins its use, can be had fre-J at tlic olll-e f the I'.'r. Brooklyn, V. sept ll-d&wtr j'. o. Uox jfA A. ADUIAJS. VOLLJUS ADRIAN & V0LLERS. WHOLEE4LE DZALEB3 IN ' Groceries arid liiqtiors, Now is the time to Purchase when Everything is Marked Dawn. An Inspection of quality and price;; ...-It is invitea. New Iron Front Biutdiiiir, corner ' Front and Princess Street. B.WEILL. sept 2u .. nc-tr ; 9(1 ()()() CONTRACT .SHINGLES', ju-t arrived. Also a new lot ol Oak and Pine AVood, at fny Wood, Coal and Lumber YurU, Corner Front and Mulberry streets, dec3tf. J. A. hi;UlN'GElt. IN"ST011E. 5,000 sacks Sail; 8,000 bushels Corn; 1,000 bushels Oats; 300 bales Hav; 1,000 bushels Meal; 800 rolls Bajrpnir; 1,000 bundles Ties; 800 Spirit Casks; 250 barrels Glue; 1,000 bundles Hoop fion; 200 papers Rivets; 150 boxes Cheese; , i 125 barrels Mullets; SO0 barrels Flour; ' '. ' 05 boxes Dry Salt Sides; 100 boxes Smoked Sides nnd Shoulders. 1 25 barrels Sugar; 100 bags Coflcc all grade.-; 125 boxes Tobacco; ( oO barrels and half barrels Simfl"; ' 100 boxes and barrels Crackers; 50 cases Snull; . , , , 75 barrels Rice;, , 200 cases Brandy Peaches I 150 cases Schnapps; dozen uncKets; 50 boxes Candy; 125 boxes Candles, S;e. For sale by F. W. KEltCNEPv. oct 27 ll'J- THE YOUTH'S j . C O fcTP 'NT 1 0 1ST ; A WEEKLY PAPEIl I'Oll Y o ix n gT X3 o o p 1 o AND THE 1 A 2VE I JL. V . THE COMPANION" aims to beia lai'ovitc in every family looked for ea gerly, by the yoniig folks, and read with interest by the older. Its purpose is to interest while it amuses -to be judiyioti.-., pr.'ii'tic:;, cnsiblt-: aujl to have pil'y h riiKinent worth, wiiile it atlra"s lor the hour. i It is liandsoinely illustrated, atid ha... 'or contributors some of the m-ost at tractive writers in tlie couiitfy. Amom: these are : " Edward Eircrleslon. Dr. I. I. Hayc:-, Prof. Jas.lVeMille, Louise C. Moulton, Louisa i 31. Aleott, " Sophie May," licbeeca 11. Davitf, C. A. Stephens, C. nV. Flanders, Ruth Chesterfield, S. S. 1 Bobbins, M. A. Denison. Jts reading is adaptel to the old and young, is very varied m its character! spriirhtlv and entertaining. It gives Stories of Advcn- r-tones of J Ionic ture, and School Life, Letters of Travel, Talesj, Poetry. Editorials upon Selections , for lec currcnt Topics, Lunation, J Historical Articles, Anecdotes Puzzles, Biographical Sket- Factsand Incidents, ciies, Religious Articles, Subscription Price, $1.5). Specimen copies sent free. Address, I PEBRY MASON & CO, 41 temple 1'lacc, Loston, MO&a. tf A' iVe. r,S0LT35EJ'I VOICES obtained Irom l ourlK of dill'erent StateK for desertion. (i nublic-itv reouired. Nockarue until divorce granted. Address. :-L HOUSE. Attorney, nov 2A if I'Jl, Ihoadway, N. Y. sept 11 4?" 6ctober -ll&-St n Is ' r t TUNING & MUSICS E L E OT I O CornertJi and.MarkeWJtoM. . ! "!;- w rni f dec3 ill 'i A. - Importers of German and Havana Cigar". CoramissiorL Mercjliant South-East Corbet; Dock and Fbojtt Streets. WTIL3IINGT0N, X. C. . . . j,. i c hrfit atsortet KLoek of Groceries amLLiquors in the City, Dealer will find it to their interest to give us a call before buying ciscwnerc. may. x -u. "TTTARRANTTfcfi DEED3- On hand and ieo r i , . -I! STAR FRICTION MATS. tVVEUY HOUSE SHOULD HAVE - ' ft t oct 30 For sale by GEO. MYERS, 11 and 13 Front street it tf v j The EvLMXti PohT has a line city circulation and is, consciuentlv, a first class advertising medium. Merchants take Tun Post home to' their families to read the news of the day, undisGip teen by most ot tnc icaumgo p u ut the city., ' ! "' 1 v 1! JO -Juki r -fs ...