SJi;'- . ' ' f it f I 7f III"' I 4 ri J f -tj , . t - r I 11 2 . ... i ! ., . , ' VOL. VII. WILMINGTON, N. C., SATURDAY, DECEMBER, 20, 1 873 NO. 185 ""TV! ; ; r v. x. ; . .... . . . y-' i r?rt revw l i I J-.4 fife ihzi VI fc3i'i v f . : n twl 11 Z-I I ruhiaued every afternoon except Sunday. viK3 U. MANN.. Editor and Proprietor Subscription. : no ycat, in adf aiC'4. .(. X $5 CO ii -nonius, in advance 3 00 '.tree wonihs, in advance 1 r0 . int- tuont'i, in advance: 50 rresionds"tie' solicited froia our friecda in H parts of the State, on topics of gene ral intereit. Volitical news and reports ol ..r.,m are rt:wiallr. l.lrahlc. MerehaDduf Rrpkeragc, Office, Mil,!, f Haul pies constantly m hnud f fn'ii importers mid lannufact-urers i;: ll .cs.'fiptin MierrlMM'l isu, ur-W-rs an l v.l 9)liitd a't t,clc-4railieii promptly. MMV.haudis txtlht .and Kold in thts iiirkl. orders from buyers soliMt,el, ;iriI K,inpi'?s left by sellers will have prompt at tention. Timtj as woli as cash purcliasus nyijtiated, whtlier you wish to buy or sell, couiinuui ratnl freely, and often with your local Merchandise and Produce Broker. dw3). 181 tf- :i W. b-PER I. DOUGI1TKN LOPER & DOUGHTEN, N V iV S T O U 111 S and riouniERN rROjucrs, NO. .55 NORTH FRONT STREET, imilcadclplii.T,, I'a. Orders for Turpentine Cask?; solicited and promptly tilled at lowest market price. march A 21 J-ff Siipr's Hew Family Sewiii Macliie. rilllE SUPEllIOllITY OF THE SINGER X SEWING MA.UH1NE for beauties of stitch, simplicity of mechanism, and adap tability to every class of sewing, has been established in fair and open competition in actual sewing cGTZc,zJi, iind the PUBLIC RECOGNITION of their merits is to be found in the numerous awards ot FIRST PRIZES over every competitor at the VI ENNA EXPOSITION and nearly all the In dustrial Fairs in America and in Europe. Silent Feed and Straight Needle and is the easiest to learn. Has the highest appro val for the Family, the Seamstress and the Dressmaker. 1,2U0,UU0! ! ! IN DAILY USE. .219,708!! sold last year. 4-3,670! over any other Company. Sold on the Installment plan. Terms easy and lull instructions given. j3- Office No.l, Lippitt's Row, South Front street, Wilmington, N. C. CIIAS. E. DIBBLE, oct 3-tf Manager. HUNTERS INFIRMARY AT :o: Special Practice for the Cure of Cancers, Tumors, Scrofula, Chronic Ulcers, Epircpsy, Liver Diseases, Uterine Diseases, Skin Diseas es and all kindred Affec ts ions successfuly Treated. dancers aud Tunior wm oo treated with oar specides without the use of the kniTe, without the loss of blood aud but with lit tle pain to the patient. Term tor treatment wid be in the r aeh ot all All fonituurncati n? a;.ld.cMu:' to us A'iil nnict wtih prompt atlent on Cir culars ad CHrtili tt'-H .f c'i 1 v til bf-scut Oil itppOi'-fftPlU. Uihcoajd Inli'-ui '.ry -iVit Centre strcL-t, U db..r, N. C in:. .1. vm.Ks hhmk;; ,v ; . ocfobtr 1 1 1 r-:t p?, h: 3VC O V J. J-, . JAS. A. LOWE1U', CARRIAGE MAKER & REPAIRER, I HAVE removed my establishment to my new buildings on the corner of FOUPvTH AND CAMPBELL STS. Near Bony Bridge, where I shall be pleased to sea my old customers and mauy new ones. Carriage maXing, painting and repairing neatly done. Horse Shoeing, and various kinds of irou work done on reasonable terms. Having had thirty years experience In this business, I am confident that I can do the finest work, and give satisfaction. ALL WORK WARRANTED. ept3-tf JAS. A. LOWERY. , 1 - m. - JOE TURNER wishes to inform his custo- mers and public generally, that he is now prepared to do all kind of work in his line, and would respectfully request a continua tion of the patronage which has heretofore been bo liberally bestowed upon him. jan 16 tf 206 New Extra Mess Mackerel ND NEW EXTRA SALMON, In kits for family use, at CJEO. MYERS. 13 South Front street. Oct l)UR ADVERTISING RATES Are put down to the scale of PRESENT TRICES. MISCELLANEOUS. the silver ton go e.' OEGfANS The best ORGANS of the Reed class . IN THE WORLD. - i ... The Best for Churches and Lodges. The Best for Sunday Schools. Tb3 Best for Parlors and Vestries. The Best for Academics and Colleges. Th 3 Best for Public Halls. The Best for Qrchestra and Stage. These instruments, which for sweet ness of tone and elegance of appoint mcnt stand unrivalled, have met with unprecedented success in this country and abroad. MANUFACTURED BY E. P. NEEDHAM & SON. ESTABLISHED IN 1S4G. Nos M3, 145 & 147 East 23d st. N Y Responsible parties applying for agencies in sections still unsupplied, will receive prompt attention and liberal inducements. Parties residing at a distance from our au thorized agents, may order lrom our factory. Send for il Kistrated uri-e li?t. aug 26-tf TO THE WEST! TO THE WEST! Bctore making your arrangements to fol low the advice of the 'thousands who have already gone," it would be we'l to consider what lias been done to make the journey to your -'Homes in the West" as pleasant and free from danger as human skill and iore si sr lit can accomplish. ' By consolidation and construction, a road,. has been put into operation on the shortest possible, hue from Naehville, Tenn., to St. Louis, "the future great City of the world." This line, the ST. LOUI3 & SOUTHEASTERN RAIL WAY, bus, during the past year, earned an envia ble reputation by its smooth track, prompt time, sure connections, and the magnifi cence of its passenger equipment. Its trains arc made up of new and commodious day cars, provided with the celebrated Mil ler coupler and p'alform, and the Westing houe air-brake. 1 It is possitively the only line iunning Pullman Palace Drawing-Boom Sleep'ng Curs through without change lrom Nash ville to St. Louis.. No other line pretends to offer siich adv images, jcitLer in aistauec, time, t j lipen ut. Why, then, journey b circuitou rouicfc? Do not be induced to" pureh i.-c lieket to St. Louis or the West by any oth:r line, remember that The "St. Louis & Southeastern" i-i the shortest, cheapest, quickest, best and only line under one management lrom Nashville to St. Loult,and is from GO to 'JOi) miles the shortest to St. Louis, Kausas City, Omaha, Denver, California, Texas, aud all western points. It is also the "Chi cago Shortest Line,'' via Evaneville. You can secure the cheapest rates for yourselves and your movables on applica tion, m person or by letter, to C. S. Bar rbtt, Southern Passenger Agent, Postol, flee Box 2413, Chattanooga Tenn., or to the undersigned. VV B DAVENPORT, (Jt-neral Ticket Agent, St. Louis. No trouble, to answer questions. iulv iir 57-bm j j I Just Arnyeti per Stealer Ralcign A N OTHER invoice of Hams, Breakfast Strips and Shoulders, of our own curing; also, choice lot of Prime Leaf Lard, in 20 pound Oak Buckets, expressly for family use. Give It atrial. We return our thanks to our customers and friends for their kind favors and liberal patronage extended our new enterprize, and are determined not to be outdone in prices and quality of Goods. An examination of our superior Stock of Groceries, Wines and Liquors will con vlnce the most skeptical that money can be saved by giving us their or ders. , Remember the corner under the Seaman s Home. J. H. McGARITY & CO. Sept2S 10- . PARKEK to TA "LOK Successors to A. H. NEFF, Manufacturers and dealers In nnrrss FURNisnmG goods. Guns. Stoves, Lanterns, Kerosene, Oil Tin ana oauei ixuu wiuo, Boofingi done at short notice Agents for Falrbank's Scales. No. 19 Front Street WIJLJttlNOTON, -H. C. novl9 WO1 5IISCELLANK0US. DIPLOMA, AW AUD ID 1JY TIIS American Institute J. W. McKEE, FOll Embroidery aiii Flctiai PiaciiiaesJ It is .ingenious and will meet the wants of every nnlr m in th; land." EXHIBITION (JW 1S7J. F. A. iS.iriiurd, rree. flohn E. (J.ivit , Uu . S;-cy. Siiinu't TIP man. Cor. S.-cv. Now -York, Nium'.r2(), 1ST?. Tbiij'wmple and i:grnio!is MucHi(HAts"'M usel'ul as tin: r.-wing t :i:liiM.. and is last becoming popular w ith i:tliis, in the place Of CXK'!isivn N !-.ji- !';, its work b'eiug much more lnid-.m , r -.'jU'ring less time and not om: h'ii!!i .irt l-"n 'Xpeiisc. No lady' toilet is'.now i- i.r.p, j,. without it. . A Machine with illustrated circular and lull iuhl ruction.'B s-lit on rt-ceipt of $1 or finished in eiiver plain for t& 7s-- Address, TiiK McKbb Maniilaetiir'ng Co., S00 Broadway. New York. AGF.N'L'S VVANTKD. Dr. Garvin's Elixir of Tar, Is recommended by regular Medical practi tioners aud a speedy cdre guaranteed lor Colds, Coughs, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, Spitting Blood, Consumption and all Pulmo nary Complaints, Scrofula, Erysipelas, Dys pepsia and Gout. Dysentery, Cholera-mor-bus, Cholera and all liycr and bowel com plaints. Kidney diseases and all affections oi th Urinal Organs perfectly harmless tree from Mineral or Alcoholic properties pleasant to take and never known to fail Price 51 00 per Bottle. Full particulars with medical testimony aud certificates sent on application. Address, L. F. HYDE & CO.. 1U5 Sever. th Avenue, Mew York. Darts from tie Mil; or unjid Alused A Book just issued exposing the "person als" that have appeared in the New York Newspaper?; their history and lesson. Stil ish ViLLiAns fully exposed Advertise ments lrom desperate men to beautiful wo men; Clandestine meetiegs; how irustrated; The History of the ooobnicn tiiagety the result of a "personal." Description of Liv ing Broadway otatues. Exposes social Cokuuption. fint on receipt ot iO cts. Address, Unique Printing-House, GG Vesey St , N. Y, Tho Ileckjvitu "iJ i or la bit! Fam ily Sewing .Iachi!it on Hi) Days Trial ; many advantages over all. Satis faction guaranteed, or moucy refunded. Sent complete with full directions. Beck with Sewing Machine Co., 88- Broadway N. Y. way 14 307 tf- THK NEW ELASTIC TRUSS AN Impoktant Invention. It rctaiaa the rap ture at all times, and under the hardest ex ercise or severest strain It is worn with comfort, and if kept on night and day, ef fects a permanent cure in a lew weeks. Sold cheap, and sent, by mail when request ed. Circulars free, when ordered by letter sent to The Elastic Truss Co., No. 683 Broadway, N. Y. City;. Nobody uses Metal Spring Trusses ; too "painful ; they slip off too frequently. may 14 307 if CAUTION. V.UY ONLY THE GENUINE FAIRBAM'S SCALES, MANUFACTURED BY E. k T FAIRBANKS & CO. R B A CCS StockScaU Coal Scales, II:ty Scales, Dairy Scales, Counter Scales, .tc., itc. Scales repaired promptly and rcasona ! bly. THE MOST PEUFECT ALARM CASH DRAWER Miles. .liar: n Tall Do's, EVERY Morcliant should! Use Them EVERY DRAWER Warranted. SOJLiO AT Fairbanks-' Scale Warehouses, FAIRBANKS & CO., 311 BROADWAY, NEW YORK 1G0 Baltimore st., Baltimore, 5o Camp st., New Orleans. FAIRBANKS & EWING. Masonic Hall, Philadelphia. FAIRBANKS, BROWN & CO.; 2 Milk Street, Eoston. For sale by all leading Hardware Dealers. sept 11 S7-2tawim mwTU Nl NG &.M USI C Corner 4tlx and Market Streets, dec? lea l tiUMrfixsl RAIIf-iROADS. Carolina Central Railway1 Company WILMINGTON, Ni C; I PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE WILMINGTON DAILY (KX ccpt 8anday)t .. Ji. ...... . 8:00 A H Ami at Wadesbjorp at u. .f - nzz, r jn. U avit WadMhorrt a t ' ' 7:10 A f L Arrive t VVi a : .... itr.w - 4'5jk'.- 'r.4? tMi FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave .. Wilmington daily (except, Sundays).,.-,...., ,,.6.00 A M Arrive at lurinburg at.. . . J 5:30 P M Leave Lanrinbnrg at. f:00 A M Arrive at Wilmington at. . . . i . . . . 5.30 1 AC PASSENGER TRAINS. : , Leave Charlotte daily, Sundays excepted, at.-. S.00 A AI Arrive at Buffalo at 13.00 M Leave Buffalo at 1.C0 P M Arrive at Charlotte at i ....... .f. . . 5. 15 Y M Irregular Lumber and Timber Trains run on both portions of the Road as the busi-1 ncss requires. - ' " A Daily Stage will sooirun in connection with the trains on both ends of this Rail way. ' ! ' ' ! ; ' ' ' ' . L..FREMONT, Chief Engineer and Sup't. mavlO ' 311-U PiGumont Air-Line Railway. 1 i J9 U -Iftl ii; Rjelinjond iud Danyille, Jticbmond and Danvilffl R. W.VN. Division, and ' Nortb Wcrtern. N. C. R. W. Condensed Time Table. In cirect on and after Sunday, Dec. 7, -I OTO J.O o. GOING NUKTH. T K i STATIONS. MAIL. EXPitESS Leave Charlotte 7.00 p. M 8 35 a.m. Air Line Jnct'n 7.15 " 8.60 " " Salisbury 10.09 44 10.47 44 44 Greensboro.... 2,15a. m. 1.15 p.m. 44 DanTille....... 5.2S 14 3,27 r. m. 44 Burkville...... 11.40 44 8.06 44 Arrive at Richmond. . 2.32 p. m 11 03 p. m. GOING SOUTH. STATIOMS. t MAIL.' I TSXPRES3 Leave Richmond. .... 1.48 p. w 5.03 A. M. 44 Burkville...... 1.58 44 8.28 44 44 Danville 9.52 44 1.03 p. m. 44 Greensboro 1.15 a. m 4 00 44 44 Solisbury...... 3.56 41 44 44 Air Line J'nctn 6.22 44 8 5J 44 Arrive at Charlotte.!, j 6.30 a. m 9 00 44 GOINO EAST. STATIOKS. MAIL. Leave Greensboro . 2 00 a. m 4' Co. Shops 3.55 44 44 Raleigh 8.80 " . .......... Arrive at Goldsboro'. 11.40 a. m GOING WE8T. STATIONS. MAIL. Leave Goldsboro .... 6.00 p. m Raleigh. iii....f 6-00 44 .......... Co. Shopa 10 28 44 Ai-i-v at Greenslwro pVW A.M .1. ...... .. im i North Western N, C. R. R " , (Salem Branch.) Lea vi- ireui-bo o Arrive at.ralcm Ix'ave Saiem. Arrive at Greensboro ...... 4;30 P .AI 0.25 I At :00JA'M . ....10:00 A M Mail trains daily,. both ways. On Sundays Lynchburg Accommodation leave Richmond af9.424ja. m., arrive at Burkville 12 45 p.m., leave Burkville 5.35 a. ra., arrive at Richmond 8.44 a. m. Pullman Palace Can on all night trains between Charlotte d Richmond, (.without change.) , Ftr further inlormation address 8. E. ALLEN, General Ticket Agent. Greensboro, N. C T. M R. TALCOTT, Engineer and Gen'l Spucrintendaut. dec 10 170 Jb'UR RHEUMATISM, . NEURALGIA, PAirVS In, the FA C3i5, Ac, THE ELEOTRIG H AS CUR KP when all other remedies have failed. It is eminently a FAMILY MEDICINE, And no family should b without I t. In case of sudden attacks, one bottle will Fa ve five dollars in doctor's bills. . For sale by 11 Drngsists. October I18-3t 1m EOT - t : - " c Octo J i Lj - i i - ' .1 il-.. RAIL ROADS. gasta. R. R. Company. Gbw. Sup2hintesdsnts Office, ) Wilmington, N. C, Oct.. 11, 1872. f Tub' FoiowiNd schedule avill ofnto clJect at l::S) A. M., tSunday, lilh iQjti " 'v . . , .. i DAY EXVRESd 'iilA IN, iDaily.) Leave Wil mington . 4:10 A. M Arrive at Florence.,..,.. 10:10 A. M Arrive at Columbia. .J '.I.. vOO P. M Arrive at Augusta S:0O P. M. Lei ve Augusta 4:S0 A. M. Leave sCol u w bia ; 10:20 A. M Arrive at Florence 2 ISP. M. ArrivoatVllmingtcn 10:00 P. M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (SUN DAYS EXCEPTED.) liCave Wilmington .... r;10 1. M Arrive at Florence 11:28 P. M Arrive at Columbia ....... 4 .00 A. M Arrive at Augusta 8:45 A. M Leave Augusta : 4:15 P. M Arrive at Columbia 8:45 P. M Arrive at Florence 2:02 A. M Arrivo at Wilmington 7:10 A. M Passeufers leaving Wilmington on the 0:10 P. M. train make close connection going South. JAMES ANDERSON, GenM Sup't. oct 11 124-tl WibaiBgidii & Wcldoa R. R. Coaipnny. Oririca Gshekal avpxRiw&miB.m, VYilmington, N. C, Oct. 24,187d. ) -I I , , y 5 . y ' CHANG K OF 8liEDULE. ON AND AFTEii OUT. 2'Jtb, INSTANT PASSENGER TRAINS on the V'il mington and Weldon Railroad will run as follows : MAIL TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily (Sun days excepted) At 7: 10 A. M Arrive at Goldsboro 4 11:50 A. M Kocky Mount ii:00 P. M Weldon 8:C0 P. M Leave Weldon daily (Sundav excepted) .'.At 9:50 A: M Arrive at Rocky Mount 11:85 A. M Goldsboro 1:37 P. M Union Depot. 5:50 P. M EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily ... At 11:10 P. M Arrive at Goldsboro 3:50 A. M Rocky Mount 0:03 A. M Weldon S:00A. M Lcavs Weldon daily 7.50 P. M Arrive at Rocky Mount 9:43 P. M Gildsboro.. 11:55 P. M Union Depot , 4:33 A. M Mall Tram makes close connection at Weldon for all points North via Bay Line and Acquia Creek routes. Express Train conaects only With Acquia Creek route. PULLMAN'S PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON THIS TRAIM. FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilming ton tri-weekly at 6.00 A. M., and arrive at 1.40 P. M; EXPRESS FREIGHT, TRAINS vlll leave Wilmington daily (Sundays excepted) at 2:00 P. M., and arrive at 5:30 P. M. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. ISO tf Oct 24 THIS MOST ItEMAMABLE QF ALL APPARATUSES Bomctlmcs ealled 'i mcclian ical paradox now used with such wonderful success in our principal cities for the cure, by cumulative kxek cisk, of nearly all Chronic Diseases and Weaknesses, Is far sale by the undersigned, by whom all orders will be promptly tilled. "JL'ATIi: ItKO'X'IOINYItY is so constructed that even a child can in stantly adjust it for a person to lift any weight., from twenty to twelve hundred pounds. It is made almost Avholly of iron and steel, weighs VV) pounds, and covers a space of only 2) by ." inches; and allboiurh. but recently introduced, nearly JJ have already been old. . PRICE eiW, BUXED ANI SHIPPED. Hmall books or circulars, fihowinK its use, cau be luid free at the ollice of the Post. S. II. MANN, Brooklyn, N. Y. septll-d&wtf r.o.Mm A. ADRIAN. H. VOLLERg ADRIAN & V0LLERS. WDOLEMLE DEALEBf IX Wroceracri and liquors, Importers of German and Havana Cigars, AND Commission Morcliant South-East Cornkr. Dock and Fkoitt Streets. WILMINGTON, N. C. Having the larjrcst and best assorted Stock of Groceries and Liquors in the City, Dealers will find it to their interest to give us a call before buying elsewhere. may 17-tf i .i WARRANTTEE DEEDS- On hand aud for tale fch 25 8 O HAH 1 1 WOK I . II . . NEW ADFEnTISEHENIS. GOODS! i,- WE OFFER TO OUR ClTtZENSW V FULL LINE OF DRY GOODS, OF THE FINEST QUALITY. Mr d " , t 91 ...It i.s . . . tim.Lk T i ei i: riL'.' Vi' ?HT fl Tf Market. - Now is tho lime to Purcbae when Everything is Marked Down.' An Inspcction'of hualit? and prices ' ' I ' ' ' is invited.' ' - tfcvr ' Iron Front Building corner1 Front and Princess Street t - JSIIINCJLE. ; ' I i I'M 2() 000 COWTRACT SHlNGLE. 'jast arrived. Also ' new lot ofbaic aiid rinc ' Wood, at my Wood, Coal and Lumber Yard," " Corner Front and Mulberry strcofs, dec 2 tf. !. J. A. SPRINGER. IN STORE:;; 5,000 sacks Salt; .!uf 8,000 bushels Corn: 1,000 bushels'Oats; ' 1 300 bales Hay; . ' 1,000 bushels Meal; ' SOU rolls Bagging;. , . 1,000 bundles Tiesl SOO Spirit Casks; 250 barrels Glue; 1,000 bundles (Hoop 'Iron; OA A vo papers xuveis;. , , 150 boxes Cheese; 125 barrels Mallptj?' 1 if S00 barrels Flour: ' 65 boxes Dry Salt Sides; 100 boxes Smoked Sides nd Shoulder. 125 barrels Sugar;' ; 400 bags Coffee all grades; , , 125 boxes Tobacco: 00 barrels and half barrels ;SnulT; 1 i! ' 100 boxes and barrels Crackers; - i 50 casesSnuff; 4 t ; . t 75 barrels Bice; L ; , ,.. 200 cases Brandy Pcaclic.: " 150 cases Schnapps -? 150 dozen buckets;",""i' 50 boxes Candy; m , 125 boxes Candles, &c. , For sale by F. W. KERCNEIt. ' . oct 27 - i HDJ : THE YOUTH'S V A WEEKLY PAPER FOR Young Poop'l o ' AND THE ' ' F A M I X. Y' : THE COMPANION aims to be u favorite in every iamily looked for cv gerly by the yoimg folks, and read with interest by the older. Its purpose is to interest while it amuses ; to be judicioti,' practical, sensible: and to have rwillv perinanent wbrtli, while it attracts; for the hour. i f . ' It is hand-comely illustrated, and v..- for contributors sonic of the most at-' tractive writers in the country. A mon these arc : ' r . Edward Eggleston. Dr. I. I. Hayc, Prof. Jas. DeMiile, Louise C Moulton, Louisa M. Alcott," Sophio May," Rebecca H, Davis, C. A. Stephens, C. W. Flanders, Ruth Chesterfield, S. S. Robbins, M. A. Dcnison. Hi reading is adaptetl to the old and young, is very varied in its character f sprightly and entertaining. It gives Stories of Ad ren-Stories Aof Home turc, and School, Life, letters of Travel, Tales, Poetry. Editorials upon Selections for Dec current Topics, lamation, i ; Historical Articles, Anecdotes, Puzzlrn, Biographical Sket- Facts and JncidenU. ches, . Religious Articles, Subscription Price, L50. .Specimen copies sent free. Address, PERRY 3rASON & CO.,' ' 41 Temple Place, Boston, Mass. tf . . : i i it ji r; f.. RfsOLTTK DIVORCES' obtain eI ' frtmt CourU of ditrerent Htaten for, ck-kcrlloB Ac. No publicity required. No charge until uivorce granieu. - A.aa res. iL HOU8E. Attorney. 1J1, Broadway; N. y. nov 2 tf STAR FR CTI0N MATS. 1?VERY HOUSE SHOULD HAVE them. ;, For sale by f GEO. MYERS, . .. , .If 11 and 13 Front street. oct 30 1 '..-1 Tile Evexixg, Post has a fine city circulation and is, consequently, a', first cla3i. advertising medium. Merchants tsLkJiiE Post home to. their families to' read the news of thq - day, 'andisolp seen by most of the , lcadlngo nle of the city. ; i4: u. .. ' '"' it