WW wolf nuiinu) VOL. VII. WILMINGTON, N. C., MONDAY DECEMBER 22, 1873 N0..186, ,.ji)isticd every afternoon exeept Sunday. ,V 1KS J- MANN.. Editor and Proprietor Subscription. ,- v cir, in advance.. . ..$5 tO . . .. aon' Irs,' In advance. 3 00 ' n. nvm Uh, in advance 1 50 . .aoiitli, in d Mtcc. 50 i:.rro"ion''cu 'itittcd from our frienda in ill pirto of the State, on topics of gene .J infr-Po'itical news and reports ol , r :. are esn"C:iUv desirable. u)Vfi;inisKiKiTs. .Merchandise1 Brokerage Office, I'i'l,!, li'i of Siitnples-'eoiistant.ly on hand r ((( importer and m-inuliict mors in t'.i.M D "1 O k tS. " ;!! p! i n l merchandise, ord'iN ,i, I M l- solicit-; I and telegraphed protuptty. ,Jmi-ii I'idise lou.?lit ami sol. I in this isi trk'', orders from buyers solicited, and s', upl .'. left, by sellers will have prompt at- (t-MliOll. Time as well as cash purchases negotiated, whether you wish to buy or sell, communi cate I freely, and often with your local (looker. .1 AS. T. PETTEWAY, Merchandise and Produce lirokfr. dee 3 18 tf K W fi-'PBR I. DOUGHTEM LOPBR & DOUGHTEN, Nr V V A Li STO RES ANuuuriiuuN rR ducts, NO. 5 NORTH FRONT STREET, Philadelphia, Pa. Orders for Turpentine Casks solicited and promptly filiod at lowest market price. inreh 3 215-t.f giver's New Family Sewing Machine, i 'lUIL mJPKRIOlUTY OF TIIK SINGHIl 1 SKWIN'I MAUUINK for beauties of stitch, simplicity of mechanism, and adap tability to every class of sewing, has been established in fair aud oen. competition in actual sewins; concsT,.';, ;vid the PUBLIC 'KKCOGNTTION of their merits is to be 'fouud in the numerous awards o. FIRST PlllZKS over every competitor at the VI ENNA KXPOSITION and nearly all the In jdustrial Fairs in America and in Furope. I silent Feed and .Straight Needle and is jtlve easiest to learn. Has the highest appro val for the Family, the .Seamstress and the Dressmaker. 1,200,000!! ! IN DAILY USE M'.l.T.W! sold last year. 4.3,070! ovtr any (other Company. I Sold on the Installment plm. Terms easy and full instructions given. Office No.i, Lippit t's How, South Front street, Wilmington, N. C. CHAS. E.. Dir.r.LF, oet:-f Alanager. HUM'S INFIRMARY AT :o:- I Special Practice for tlio Cure of i Cancers' jTuhiory, rtcrofuki. Chronic 1 Ulcer, t Epilepsy, Liver .Disease, Uterine Diseases, tkin Diseas , cs and all kindred Arlec- " - "i ions g'icces'sfii ly Treated. i I Cancer and Tumois mii ov Ireited with I (dr speciUcB without the use of the knife, i without the lo of blood and but Willi Itt ! t e pain to the patient. ' T.-rm for trcHtnn-nt will tie i-i i.lu r At h ' d ;!! All c nutu'ioicut i m vi Id e.-s ' to v- vvill ntAJ' wil'i irou!'t alleiit o! .'ir it r- -tiii t Hriirt.itc.s ( cirw wdl he . ut Oiii'.' i id i nil-vn r;, (Jc.tti -t o l, i .l.h -r.., fj. I ... . to i r ! 1 t.VKin ""REM OVV JLj. .FAS. A. LOWERY, CARRIAGE MAKER & REPAIRER, HAVE removed my establishment to my new buildings on the corner of FOUHTH AND CAjNIPBELL STt Near Bony Bridge, where I shall be plesused to see my old customers and raauy new ones. Carriage making, painting and repairing neatly done. Horse Shoeing, and various kinds of iron work done ou reasonable terras. Having had thirty years experience in this business, I am confident that I can do the finest work, and give satisfaction. ALL WORK WARRANTED. ept3-tf JAS. A. LOWERY. 10 K TURNER wishes to inform his custo mers aud public generally, that he is now Prepared to do all kind of work in his line, and would respectfully request a con tin ua- Won of the patronage which has heretofore been so liberally bestowed upon him. JanlStf 206 Kew Extra Mess Mackerel XD NEW EXTRA SALMON, In kits for family use, at GEO. MYERS. lb South Front street. . l0R ADVERTISING RATES Are put clown to the scale of PRESENT PRICES. ;l " ! SlISt'KLLANEOUS. THE SILVER TONGUE.' ORGANS Tho best ORGANS of the Reed class IN THE WORLD. The Best for Churches and Lodges. i The Best for Sunday Schools. Tbe Best for Parlors and Vestries. i The Best for Academies and Colleges. The Best for Public Halls. The Best for Orchestra and Stage., These instruments, which for sweet ness of tone and elegance of appoint ment stand unrivalled,1 have met with unprecedented success in this country and abroad. MANUFACTURED BY E. P. NEEDHAM & SON. ESTABLISHED IN 18 1G. Nos 143, 145 & 147 East 23d st N Y Responsible parties applying for agencies in section still unsupplied, will . receive prompt attention and liberal inducements. Parties residing at a distance from our au thorized agents, may orderlrom our factory. Send for illustrated nrkvslivt. aug 26-tf TO THE WESTIT0 THE WESTl Beiore, making your arrangements to fol low the advice of the "thousands who have already gone," it would be we1! to consider what has been done to make the journey to your .'Homes in the West" as pleasant.and Ircc fro in danger as human skill and lore sight can accomplish. By consolidation and construction, a road has been put into operation on the shortest possible line from Nashville, Teun., to St. Louis, "the future great City of the worli." This hue, tho 8T. LOUI3 & SOUTHEASTERN KAIL WAY, ; has, during the past year, tarnekl au envia ble reputation by it3 smooth track, prompt time, hure connections, and the magniti ccuee of its passenger equipment. Its t rains are ma le up of new aud commodious day cars, provided with the celebrated Mil ler coupler and p'atform, and the Westing-houf-e ir brake. 1 It is positively the oiily line. lunniug Pullman Palice D raw iug-Boom Sleeping Cars through without change Iroin Nash v 1 1 1 to 6t Louis. No other ii'ie pretends lo otl'T oiich !dvMi-jres, cither i.i uitan'ce, time ! qupm nt Why, liien, joitrney l -!' uP.ous roiey Po not te induced . piin-lt t-.- tick to St. uo'iis or the Woi iv loiv.otlier fitit-,. reiueml). ibat . Tho ".St. Louir& Southeastern" , is the sluM lest, cheapcRt,' qilitKcet, neat and only line under one inaiaeinei;t Irom Nashville to SL Loui, aud ia from GO taj 'J00 miles the shortest to StJ Louis, Kansas City. Omaha, Denver, California, Texasj aud all western points. It I also the Cuii c igo Shortest Line," via Evantville. You can secure the cheapest rates fo yourselves and your movables on applica' tion, in person or by letter, to C. 8 Baut kstt, Southern Passenger Agent, Post!, flee Box 242, Chattanooga Tehn., or to the undersigned. VV B DAVENPORT, Genet at Ticket Agent, St. Louis. No trouble to answer questions. ! july J5- . 57-6m Jest Arriyen w steamer Raleisl A NOT1IEU invoice of Ilaniss, Dreaklast " " . - '7 t " , OtlI'o itlltl HUVUlUk Vl .UA IT 1. VU also, choice lot of Prime Leaf Ird. in 2U pound Oak Buckets, expressly for family use. Give it a trial. , We return our thanks to our customers and friends for therr kf mt favors and liberal patronage extended our new enterprise; and are determined not to be outdone In prices and quality of Goods. An examination or our superior Stock of Groceries, Wines and Liquors will convince the most skeptical that money can be saved by giving us their or tiers Remember the corner under the Seaman's Hme J. II. McGJkRITY'& CO. Sept 2S-10S- PARKER & Xk JL.OK, Successors to A. H. NEFF, Hanufacturers and dealers in BOUtiE FURmaninG goods, Guns, Stoves, Lanterns, Kerosene, Oil Ti:t and Sheet Iron Ware. Rcofing done at short notice Agents for Fairbank's Scales. No, 19 Front Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. nov 19 MISCKLLANKOUS. D I PLO M A, AWAKURIi lii" TUS i Aiiicricaix Institute J. W. McKEE, FOR Embroidery and Fluting .ilacliiDes. It is ingenious and will meet the wants of every matron in the land." EXHIBITION OF 1S7J. F. A. Barnard, Pres. Sohn E. Gavit;' Ke-v 3-cy. Samuel I). Tillman, for 'ey. N'ew York, Noveinb'-r 20, LS72. This simple and ingenious Machine is as nsetul as the s iwing Mtieliine. and Is last becoran popular jwith lalies. in Ibc p:ace Of exX'ii,sio, Needle Miit, j t work ti ing much more h indsoin , r iuirintr h'ss time and, Mt on tt'iith p irttiie expense. No lady't? toilet is now e':up'ete without it. A vlaHiine with illu-trated circular and full iiistrsiciious sent on receipt of $1 or finished in silver plate for $3 75. Address, Tnu McKes Manutacturing Co., 300 Broad w v. New York. Dr. Garvin's Elixir of Tar. Is recomaieuded by regular Medical practi tioners and a speedy cure guaranteed for Colds, Cough?, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, Spittmg Biood.Consumption and all Pulmo nary Complaint, Scrofula, Erysipelas. Dys pepsia and Gout. Dysentery, Cholera-mor-bus. Cholera and all liver and bowel com plain. Kidne)7 diseases and all affections of th Urinal Organs perfectly harmless Iree from Mineral or Alcohoiic properties pleasant to take and never known to fail Price $ 1 00 per Bottle. Full particulars with medical testimony and certificates sent on application. Address, L. F. HYDE & CO., 195 Seve th Avenue, New York. Darts from tie Dew; or unpil Abnsed A Book just issued exposing the "person als" that have appeared in the New York Newspaper?; their history and lesson. Sttl. ish villians fully exposkd Advertise ments trom desperate men to beautiful wo men; Clandestine meetings; how lrustrated; The History of the Goodrich tragedy the result of a "personal." Description of Liv ing Broadwsy Statues. Exposes social Corruption. Sent on receipt of 0 cts. Address, Unique Printing House, UG Vesey St , N. Y, Tho MeckwiiU 20 Xoi table JFum lly .Sewing Iachiuc, on 30 Days Trial ; many advantages over all. Satis faction guaranteed, or money refunded. Sent complete with full directions. Beck with Sowing Machine Co , 86'i Broadway N. Y. may 14 307 tf THE NEW ELASTIC TRUSS An Important Invention. It retains tbe rup ture at all times, and under the hardest ex ercise or severest strain It la worn wttli comfort, aDd if kept on night aud day, ef fects a permanenr. cure in a tew weeks. Sold cheap, and 6ent by mail when request ed. Circulars free, when ordered by letter pent to The Elastic Truss Co , No. C83 Broadway, N. Y. City. Nobody uses Metal Spring Trusses ; too painful; they slip oil too frequently. mayl4 .307 tf lkjy-vij'Xxorv7 " BUY ONLY THE GENUINE FAIRBANK'S SCALES, MANUFACTURED BY E. &l T FAIRBANKS k 00. StockKcales, Coal Scales, I Liy Scales, Dairy Scales, Counter-Scales, t&c, Ac. Scales, repaired promptly and reasona bly. THE MOST PEHFKCT ALARM CASH DRAWER mile Ainnn Till Co's, EVERY ImtrAA EVERY Merchant snouj,D Use Them DRAWER i Warranted. SOLO AT Fairbanks' Scale Warehouses, FAIRBANKS & CO., 311 BROADWAY, NEW YORK 1GG Baltimore st., Baltimore, 53 Camp st., New Orleans. FAIRBANKS & EWING, Masonic Hall, Philadelphia. FAIRBANKS, BROWN & CO.; 2 Milk Street, Boston. For sale by all leading Hardware Dealers. sept 11 07-2tawJm II friz TUNING & MUSICS Corner 4-tli and Market Street decs ica RAIL' KOA0SI5 1 Carolina Central' Railway Comsany V'lLMINGTON 'N4C- t ! PASSNdER TRAINS 1KAVE WILMlkGTON DAILY (EX j cept Snodays),atv M,&oo A M, Arrive at Wadesboro at. '. ... 5:25 P M Leave Wadesboro at'.". V. .'. ! . . . . . 7:10 A M Arrive at WilmlnfrtOU at. . . i'.ust 4:S5'P J.I ? fRElgttTRAINS. Leave Wilmington daily (except i SundayB).i.i,.. ...... fiW) A M Arrive at Liurinborg at......... . 5:'W PM Ltvelaurinbargat.....rt...... r:(H A M Arriye at Wilmington at'.'., . . . . V. 5.30 P M PASSENGER TR AINS. ? XTflf CbarJottCfdJily, Sundays excepted, at.... b.oCLA M Arrive at Buffalo at 12.00M Leave Buffalo at. 1.C0 PM Arrive at Charlotte at 5.15 P M Irregular Lumber and Timber Trains run on both portions Of the Road as' the busi ness requires.' 1 ! ! ' . it A Daily Stage will soon run in connection witaithjinii9asJ0aRai Chier Engineer and Sup' I. may 1U ; 31l-tt Piedmont Air-Line Railway. 1 uci , m . u im Richmond aid DanvHkyiyUmond and Dduville R. W.. N. Division, and ' Nhrfi:Mstor3;t;. R. w. Condensed Time Table. In effect on and after Sunday,. Jkc. 7 ' 187S.. o GOING NUKTU. STATIONS. JEl'HESS Leave Charlotte. . . . ; . 7.00 P. M 7.15 4 10.00 2,15 A ! Mi 5.2y ' 8 35 A. M. s.od 10.47 ' "l.lb v. m. t. Air Line J'nct'n Salisbury ...... Greensboro. . .. Danville it 44 3,27 l. M ti-rfo-rr i-ao-i 2:32 v. m Trr 02 v. m. Arrive at KiccmOnd!. ffQINfi SQTJTH. STATIOKS. MAIL. EXi'KESS Leaye Richniend J ' 1.48 pi m 5.03 a, m. Ihirkville...... 1.58 ' 8.28 ki i " Dan Villa. f.'iV- V. ilJ,2 IM i mi " Greensboro 1:19 a;,u 4 O0 44 Solisbury 3.5ii 44 5.: ' Air Line J'nct'nhfi.22 44 Ui. 14 Arrive at Charlotte. ;fl30 a. m 1 m 4t , , - -!' ? GOlNOJiAkSr. '. ''" STATIONS. MA III. Leave Greensboro'.,. 2C0a. m CO. 8kbps .... 3.65, - 44 Raleigh 8.30 44 , Arrive at Goldsboro'. 11.40 a. m GOING WEST. STATIONS. -,.,, t', ,- i ijcave woiasDoro . r ' i t i P. M Kaleiph . i- :. CO. ghopa . .;v.-t l 28 t 1 Morth vVestem,N,:TJUn. it;' J (Salem Branch:) ; s: ! ArTiwmw.iH..lI.j?j.iifiJii.-i- ',: Le:iv ft-aU'in . . . 4 V:HJA Ml Arrive il (i recMrboro.. . ,1P:0(A Mj Mail trains daily, both. ways. . j Ou Sundays Lynchburg AcconiVnodatjod leave RichiWo'uKt atsJi42i;a. in..; ( arriveni Burkvple 12 45 p. m. leave BurkviPc 5 o5 a. m.t arrive at Richmond 8.44 !a. m. Pullman Palace Carr .on allniy;ht trains between Charlotte pd Richmond, without change.) ' ! Fer lurther information address i 8. EJ ALLENi s . General Ticket A 'ei.t. ' ' f GrpecsboroNi C. T. M U. TALCOTT, t t . . Eniueer aud Gen'l Sputrintendaut. dec iq JM , v miim JtOJbt 7T -I IT'- 1 RHEUMATISM PAIVS In Ilic FAtliij Ac, snflAJ gi!SJfifd H3IS EL.E OT iBXO HAS CUREH when all other bave failed. It is eminently ; remedies FAMILY MEDICINE, J ' ' ' - - ,.' ; And no family should b wit houli t. Incase of sadden attacks, one botlic will ave five dollars In doctor's bills. - For ale by ir Druggists. October 4 IlS-3t 't-i t - wi EL ECTU I O. . ..I.I,,, . . J i - a . ii II J.,- Tit1 T t 6T.00 RAIL ROADS. Wiimiiigob. r(!lam!li h Au R. il, tomjaii. . Wilmington, N. C, Oct.. 11, 1 74. CHANGE Or SCiiEDULC. rpiIE FOLLOWING StTI f SDlILItl WILL X to into eliect at 4::J0 A. M.t ;Smiday. lilli inst. -J I ' DAY EX PKEiS 1 K A I N , i )y ) Leave Wilmingtoi. Arrive at Florence. . ...... Arrive at'Columbia Arrive at Angus! a Leave. Augusta Leave Columbia Arrive tt Florence... Arrive; st Wilmington . . . . . . . 4:"0 A. M 10:10 A. M .... :;.00 P. M ... P. M. . .. 4.:;o A. M. ....10:'2 A. M . .. 2 4SP. M. 10:00 P. M N I OTIT. EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (SUN DAYS EXCEPl'ED.l Leave Wilmicgtou . . . Arrive at Florence Arrive at -Columbia.. Arrive at Augusta. . . U0 P. M 11:'JS P. M t 00 A. M 8:45 A. M 4:15 P. M 8:45 P. M 2:02 A, M ?;10 A. M Xfcavo Augueta . Arrive at Coltimbin. Arrive at FJorence rrive at ! WilmiEKtou Passeni--ers icavbi WiJmiu-ton on the 6:10 l M. train make close connection going South. JA MRS ANDERSON, ' ' " Gun'ISup't. oct 11 124-U Wilraint m & - Wei don R. R. Cciupiiiiy. OJ-s-ica Gesesal Bltjkriktesdent, :kesal Supjkriktesdjbnt, i on, N. C, Oct, 21.1373 ) Wlthisgtoi ' ' ' I ON AND AFTF.K OCT. 2ith, INSTANT PASSENGER TRAINS ou the Wil mingtoa and Weldoa Railrond will run ar. follows : Leave Uniou Depot daily (Sun days excepted) At 7:40 A. M Arrive at Goldsboro..' 11:50 .A. M Rocky Mount 2:00 P. M ' Weldon 3:f0 P. M Leavo Weldon daily (SundavR ; estvptu, , f .".A i i): 50 A . M Arriw ut; Rnt4iy Ston.i f .v.5-a. m Goldsboro 1:37 P. M Union Depot 5:50 F. M EXPRESS TRAIN. LciVvc Union Depot daily. . .At 11:10 P. M Arrive at Goldsboro 3:50 A. M ; Rocky Mou. t i:03 A. M Weldon 8:00 A. M Leave .Ycldon daily 7.50 P. M ; Arrive at.Kocky M ounl 0:43 P. M G'Jdsnoro ; . . 11:55 P. M Union Depi.t 1:3 J A. M Mall Train taaKcii cx-i-e connection ut Wcliioalor all poiul-, N'citw vi-t tiny Lite aud Acquhi Creek rouU-. Express Train coiiuects )v .y1 h Acqnia Creek ro::fe. PULS.M A NS PALACE SJJCKPlNtt CARS ON THJS 'lliAIN. : FREIGUT TRA I NS will leave Wiimh. ton tri weekly at 6.00 A. M., and arrie ut 1,40 P. M. EXPRESS FREIGUT TRAINS will leave Wilmington daily (Saodavs exceiitcd) at 2:00 P. M . aud arrive at 5:30 P. M. JtHIN V 1UV1NF.. lien era i S' (n-.rin lender t '-et -1 .TlulIOST JlEiUAHKABLE ' ' ' i O r; : ; . . : . ,, , , ALL APl'AUATU.SLtt - tomeUme callrtla rneehariieal pamdox now used With such v. oiiilcrful sucees in our jrincii)al cities lor the cure, by cL'.'.iL'XATiVii kjlkkt ctsis, of ikc-aily nil Chronic Diseases and Weakneibcs, Is for sale by the undersigned, by whom' nil orders will be pron-ptly lii led. TlTIi: TiK lLOVliY is s; cou-struclctl that, ovcii a child can ln tajatiiiulj ust it 'for a'perm to lift' itny weislu, froin 'twenty to tweire-imiKlred pouas.i f f j ; , It i made almost wholly of iron And steel, weigh li pounihi, und ro vers a sjnce of .on ly 2!Jby3 Inches; nnd :ilfiioii2;h. but recently mtroduced, marly have ilredy been old. ritrcE iof, iK)Xi-:i and snrrri:i). ! Snuill lxxIi.s or cir.-a!;.ry, Phowlns its use, can be had free ut the oOice of the Tost. If. HANX, ' Jrv)klyn, N. V. sept I!-dAv.-lf P. O. liox zr . A1F.IAN. ll. VOLLERg ADRIAN c Y0LLERS. VUOlfXA.J.K DE-VLKn-S IX , iJrpccrie.4 ai2d liiquors, Importers of German and Havana Cigar, and Commission Merchant ? Soura-EAsr CQmcxn Dock and Front . ' Streets. . WILilLNGTOI, N. C. Having the largest and be t assorted Htock of Groceries and Liquors in the City, Dealer will find it to their lntrret to give us a call before buying elsewhere. mav-17-tf TfTARRANTTEE DEKDS- On band asd Y V for sale , feb 25 " S G HALL ' i SK. JL51 -11. ' "ynsr-i j ' ' ' ' . . - . r' .fL-f.v.' ', NEW IDVEBTTiLIilS. new ' f w v KJ offer to oOhr cifbjkxk'M t,,"' FULL LINE OJRliGtiobf OF THE FINEST QUA LIT M ; : "i " ,f ii. tt..dt The Largrot Stock Brought 10 tbi 'J Nov is the lime to! Purchase when' Everything is Marked Dowhr " ' If An Inspection of quality and prices r t Is invited, f. i Kcw Iron rrontlfiiuiiaiU? VotnrV Front and TriHC&s Birltt. tirn "1 .,,,,, -mtfL"! fftnff.hfo oi 'ao.boo "Y; artived. Also a new lot- otOuk and fine Wood, at rny Vbod, Coal and LuiAbcfc YanlJ Corner Pr6n ' kri d 'rirl berry t tree, t O m ' 4 f'.t rw. IN . STORE,;. ... 5,000 saclcs BiiW- " " 'ff,- 8,000 buihcls Coii; ' t-vi 1,000 bushels Oat;. f ir.,j M ,'(. 300 bales Hav: 1,000 bushelaJUeat.: ' ' ' 300 rolls Bagnfi,,, , -mdi . (S00 Spiritpfist '"' " 2o0 barrels GUrjc;"1" i.ff , 1,000 bundlcsHoopJroii;! -.ti th OOpaporvefc;,,,, , m,f , , 150 boxe? Cheese;, ' , , 12olrfelaMulletl;r,,,o' M" 800 barrels Flourf ' t I fc 1 65 boxes Dry Salt Sidcsjr, -100 boxes Smoked, Sides and uoui . 125 barrels Sugar; 400 bags Coffee-all grakJcs;' " ' ' 1 2o boxciTabarco; U0 barrels ana half noarrcls Smup 100 boxes and barrels Cra'dcbrs; 1 50 cases SnnfT; : lyitin 200 cases, Branny T.kJjco: . , 150 cases SchnapjTs 1 " 150 dozen Mckc&; f v I -i 50 boxes Cahdy; t ' t hum , 125 boxesi Candles,. &c. . ; , t For sale by F. Av. KEUCNEu. , " 1 ": "'HJMi'-l oct 27 . TJIK YOUTHS n O O 2 F A. 2ST; X O XrT A WKKKLY PAPK.04i , Y o n n 'Fopp 1 e ... , ' ANiTijrT'-lljrf Tin-; vpyirAXtox" arlV, toKrV'a favorite in cjvery lamiMyMo'tSWiTfttJi'i gerh- bv tbe yo'rtrig fbflcVi,' and rcad siitli inUrtiiy thefoUler lu iVia. to interest while iUwuu.; -to JJ jjdjviv I'cnnancJil wortiV.vbtic i aftart.v foY the botffl'' -ift ..7n,j( gn, It i8;h:iiKi.4bniiyy..jJ(utrHtMi4Ij for eonUibutoLisoipflw; jist at tractiycwrjtcr.s in tbe countrY, ''jYh'ftfe these arc : . , ; 't!Y' I'. Mfo Prof. Jfas. LcMillc, oVlVcVlfofiltOn, Loui.sa .AL Alcott, 4 Sopbie .rMny' licbccca TTTTO'n'C. A. Stephens, C. W.i Flaikierv, ltatcrfield, S. S. l,obbiJis, M. A. Dcnison. Its reading'! adapted try the bid and young, is ycry varicil in its character I . sprightly ixniYwtCTt'fyfiihg. It gif-es Stories of Advcn- Stories of Home turc. i . .... r and School T.ifp Letters of Travel Talcs, Poctrj. Editorials. "upoii'SeJeaiShtfor Dcc cnrrpntjTopies. " 'IHrnalioyr" Historical Articles AhccdotfPirVzlcs, l5iograpIucalv bket- Jb acta and Ihtidents. ches, ' Religious Articles, Snbscriptiow rricp, $150. Bi)CjCimen copies 'sent frcej v fddrdssv jmtnnu ' PERHY H3IA80X' & CO;'! f , , V 41 Trtnplc Plto, Uostoni Maws. tf ' ' ' ' 'i'aU iinhn.! iUry -ft 4 JWOIATK.j 1)1 VQRUKS. obtained, from Courts or dlfTercnttttitea for desertion, Ac No publicity reoolrcdNochart until drrorcfe granUd.: Addrm. j..Vjn' i STAR FRICTION" MATS:1; g VERY HOUSE SHOULD HAVE them, w MHt..JUll.,f , GEO,IYEBS - ' IK , llfff ,'1 11 andaa jroaUtipet 'it t oct 80 f i 1 1 ii t I IL I circulation ami w,,cqasciucn(Iyja first claa- a4mjiin5.f?ih"iL Merchants take, Tfl b . iofnQ to1 tbamilics to read ..the aewftifjtlie, 44y' andisoip seenhby most pC Uc lejading'pje of ine city -it if Ol. - ' ' ;...,; Thiua dj Iff i . . ,4 ,' - - - - i i - t; ......

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