1 t - 4 . t . - 3 , f i I - . 1 r -1 VOL. VII. WILMINGTON. N. ft-. TTTESDAY : ,11 i i - . - - III 1 Ls r i if iii i i i j, 11 I i iiir i i i i iic Irucniito Port. ,.ai,irtUed every afternoon except Sunday. viKS J- MANN.. Editor and Proprietor ' "s? Subscription. y.r, mi advance 5 J0 ( ,,.,01 hs, inidvauce... 3 00 r.iri!e month, in- advance.....' 1 50 ,,.. uiont. in advance : 50 irT(.iynvvn-Aj solicited from our frienda ,n ill pirtfi of the tit-ate, on topics of gene , lMl.,.r.-.t. Political new and reports ol aiv .kp-vUHv durable. ADVKKTISKMKiVlS" " Men-teHse Brokerage Oilier., ( ! s.mipWs coiivt.au tly on h in ji (y!,',, iiiii'fiTx ami m.intit":iclurors in N-,i:i-iii.'-i.tr;vrrl-. ,! . ;r-it ; r i t i s of iniTclian'lisf, orders , .v!iciled and tele.; replied promptly.' xi,. i -t t.t ii f i '"night and sold in this k,.( onl'TS from buyers solicited, and "I'Vipl ,cft ,,v seller; wiU bavo prompt at- ...nti.iii. Tiiu'iis well as rash purchases negotiated, a-hptlH-r you wish to buy or sell, communi rlip.l freely, and often with your local Broker. f AS T ,ETTKVAY, Merchandise and Produce Broker. 18 i ti I. DUUGnTKN LOFER & D0UGHTEN, :s A. VAX, S T ORES ANH .SOUTH C UN PR DUCTS, SO 5j NORTH FRONT STREET, Philadelphia, Pa. driers lor Turpentine Casks solicited and promptly lilled at locust market price, march 3 215-tf iltfTllewFafflilySewiiiE Machine. -iiIIK SUPERIORITY OF THE SINGER 1 SEWING .MACHINE for beauties of Niitch, simplicity of mechanism, and adap tability to every cla-s of sewing, has been .stablislied in fair and open competition in actual sewing coii'Le-'.tr:, and the PUBLIC RKUOGNITKJN of then merits is to be found in the numerous awards oi FIRST l'ltlZEs over every competitor at the VI KXXA EXPOSITION and Nearly all the In dustrial Pairs in America and in Europo. Silent Peed and Straight Needle and is the easiest to learn. Has the highest appro val lor the Family, the Seamstress and the Dressmaker. J ,20.),U00 ! ! ! IN DAILY USE. 21't,7"rtH sold last year. 1,3,670! over any other Company. K$ Sold on the Installment plait. Terms e;isy and full instructions given. a,)' )fliceNo.i, Lippitt's Row, South Front street, Wilmington, N.O. C1IAS. E. DIBBLE, octo-tf i Manager. HI infiiip AT -:o: .Special Practice for tiio Cure of Cancers, Tumor.s, Hcrolula, Chronic Ulcers, Epilepsy, Liver Di.scivscs, Uterine Diseases, Skin Disease t'd and all kindred Aflec t i o n s succcfuly Treated. ('ineers aud Tuui'i wmi no treated with our specifics without the use of the knife, without I he Io-3ts of blood aud but with lit I p.uu to the patient. f'lnui fir t refill" nt wi 1 he i-i the r ach 'il AH c :nui iuH-.ii i hi - .tdd esrt- ' to .v -I m eel wil'i ,'rui!'i altcnf on Cir . ! u-i -eni!i -.t(. d :n i s e rent '.'! ; - ' ' ii" i 4 iiili 'unv irji5t ' , i; i 1 1 e ! i cct , I, I , N. ( '. i.i. .1. vlli.t'.S IIHMEi; A. CO. REMOVAL. J" AS. A. LOWEUY, CARRIAGE MAKER & REPAIRER, I HAVE reiuoved niy establishment to new buildings on the corner of F0U1UTI AND OAirBIJ STS. &it Bony Ijrid o, where I shall be pleased 10 see my old customers and many new ones. Carriage making, painting and repairing "?atly done. Horse Shoeing, and various "His of iron work done on reasonable terms. Having had thirty years experience In 'Us business, I am confident that I can do l"e lluest work, and give satisfaction. ALL WORK NVAR.lt ANTE ' . cpt3-tf ; JAS. A. LOWEUY. a. "u up: ?2. siior. J'-iK TURNER wishes to inform his custo mers and public generally, that he is now Prepared to do all kind of work in his line, M wqiild respectfiy request a cqqt4ni)a' Jion qf trie patrqqe yhioi has heretofore sq l&erally Ijestowed upon him. jn 16 tf 206 New Extra Mess Mackerel A NEW EXTRA SALMON, iii imnn IHFIOHARY IfikiU for family use, at m0. MYERS, lb South Front street. ;t 1 iMDYEflTISING RATES Are put down to the. scale of PRESENT PRICES. MISCELLANEOUS. THE SILVER TONGUE.' ORGANS The best ORGANS of tho Reed class IN THE WORLD. The Best for Churches and Lodges. The Best for Sunday Schools. Tbe Best for Parlors and Vestries. The Best for Academies and Colleges. The Best for4 Public Halls.) The Best for Orchestra an4 Stage. These instruments, which for sweet ness of tone and elegance of appoint ment stand unrivalled, have met with unprecedented success in this country and abroad. MANUFACTURED B E. P. NEEDHAM 8 SON. ESTABLISHED IN 184G. Nos J43, 145 & 147 East 23d st. N Y Responsible parties applying for ; agencies in section still unsupplied, will receive prompt attention and liberal inducements. Parties residing at a distance from our au thorized agents, may order from our- factory. Send for illustrated nriee list. avfg 20-tf TO THE WESTIT0 THE VEST! Before making your arrangements to fol low tbe advice of the "thousands who have already gone," it would bewe'l to consider what has been done to make the journey to your -'Homes in the West" as pleasant and tree from danger as human skill and lore sight can accomplish. B7 consolidation and construction, a road has been put into operation on the shortest possible line from Nashville, Tcnn., to St. Louis, "the future great City of the worli.'J This line, the ST. LOUIS & SOUTHEASTERN KAIL WAY, has, during the past year, earned an envia ble reputation by its smooth track, prompt time, sure connpetions, an4 the magnifi cence of its passenger equipment. Its t raius are male up of new and commodious day cars, provided with tho celebrated Mil ler coupler and p'atform, and the Weeting houso air-brake. It is positively the only liue itfnning Pullman Palace Drawing-Boom Sleeping Cars through without change lrom Nash ville to St. Louis. No other line p-eteuds o olFcr ich .dv images, either in distance, time. r j lipni nt. Why, Hun, journey h ci'cuiiou routes? Do not induced !4fc!) i.h'- ip'keisv to St. Loais or the Worst by any oth r line, remember that. The "St. Louis & Southeastern" it the cdiortc&t, cheapest, quickest, best and only liue under oie management from Naskville to St. Louis, and is from 60 to 200 miles the shortest to St. Louis, Kansas City, Ominha, Denver, California, Texas, and all western points. It i elso the "Chi cigo Shortest Line," via Evaneville. You can secure the cheapest rates for yourselves aud your movables on applica tion, iu person or by" letter,. to C. 8. Bab kbtt, Southern Passenger Agent, Postotj flee Bo: 242, Chattanooga Tcnn., dr to the uudersigncd. W B DA YEN POUT, Geneial Ticket Agent, t. Louip. tfrt troijb,ip to answer questiops. july2o 5?-6m Just Armed per Steamer Ralefsb NOTIIEIl invoice of Hams, Breakfast Strips and Shoulders, of our; own curing; also, choice lot of Prime Leaf Lard, in 20 pound Oak Buckets, expressly for family use. Give it atrial. We return our thanks to got customers and fripnds for their kind fav6r and libera! patronage extended orr ne erfferi)tize, and a"re determined not to-be ov4tdone in prices aridciuality of Goods. An examination of Our superior Stock' of Grbceries, Wines and Liquors will cou vince the most skeptical tt money can besaved by l"f as ft tner or ders. ' -- Remember tiz cqrner und;erth.e Reama.Q's qmq j. n. mqqaiuty & co. Sept 23 108- Successors to! A. H. NEFF i , Jlanulacturers and dealers in BOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Guns, Stoves, Lanterns, Kerosene, Oil Tin ' d Sheet ironware. Roofing do.ne at TAQtice AgenU for Ftrba-'-a Scries. j Nq. q FfQm street WILMINGTOBTf N . C. MISCELLANEOUS. D I P L O 3VT jAWAUDSU BY TUB American InstitiAto , J W. McKEE, s roi: Effltaiicry and Fluliua Racfaiies. " It id ingemotn and will meet the wants of every matron in the land " EXHIBITION OK 1 ,S7 F. A. Barnard, Pres. Sohn E. fj:ivit, lie.v c ey. Saniu'd I). Tillman, Cor. r.-ev. Now York, Nov. -nibi-r lST'J. This simple and ingenious Machine is as uselul as Uie sewing M u-liine. snd Is tast becomime popular witli hsdies, in the place of exptiisi; Nfi-iih' work, 'u.s; work being much iiisiro Ii ukIsotd r-fprritig less time and not one tenth part the expense. No ladyV toilet is iu,- complete without it. -A Machine with illustrated circular and lull instructions sent ou receipt of J or finished in silver plate lor $3 75. Address, Tun McKisb Manutaeturing Co., 300 Broad wav. New York. AGENTS WANTED. Dr. Garvin's Elixir of Tar. Is recommended by regular Medical practi tioners and a speedy cure guaranteed for Colds, Coughs, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, Spitt'ng Biood.Consumption and all Pulmo nary Complaints, Scrofula, Erysipelas, Dys pepsia and Gout. Dysentery, Cholera-mor-bus, Cholera and all liver and bowel com plaints. Kidney diseases and all affections of th Urinal Organs perfectly harmless tree from Mineral or Alcoholic properties pleasant td take and never known to fall Price $1 00 per Bottle. Full particulars with medical testimony and certificates sent on application. Address, L. F. HYDE & CO.. 1JI5 Seve? th Avenue, New York. " i 1 " - , . ,, , i Darts from tie Devil; or unjii Ainsed A Book just issued exposiuj the "person als" that have appeared in the New York Newspapers; their history and lesson. Styl ish villians fully exposed Advertise ments from desperate men to beautiful wo men; Clandestine meetings; how frustrated; The History of the goodkich TKAQKny the result of a "personal." Description of Liv ing Broadway Statues. Exposes social Corruption. " Sent on receipt of 0 cts. Address, Unique Priiittug House, 30 Vesey St, N. Y, Tho JJeckwilh 20 1'oriable Fam ily Sewing Machine, on 30 Days Trial ; many advantages over all. Satis faction guaranteed, or money refunded. Sent complete with full directions. Beck with Sewing Machine Co., S&l Broadway N. Y. may 14 307 1 "THE NEW ELASTIC TKUSS AN Important InvBrtTio?(. It retains the rap ture at all times, and under the hardest ex ercise or severest strain It is worn with comfort, and if kept on night and day, ef fects a permanent cure in a tew weeks. Sold cheap, and sent by mail when request ed. Circulars free, when ordered by letter sent to Tho Elastic Truss Co , No. (383 Broadway, N. Y. City. Nobody uses Metal Spring Trusses ; too painful; they slip oil too frequently. mayl4 307 tf Button; BUY ONLY THE GENUINE FAIRBANKS SCALES, MANUFACTURED UX E. & T FAIRBANKS k 10. StockScales, Coal Scales, liny Scales, Dairy Scales, Counter Scales, &o., &c. Scales repaired promptly and reasona bly. ALARM CASH DRAWER Blitos Alarm Till VQ9 EVERY DRAWER Hercbant , siiouli Use Them Warranted. . SOU.! AT fairlfins- Scale Warehouses, FAIRBANKS & CO,, 311 BROADWAY, NEW YQUK 6,Q Ba.ltirAor st., Baltimore, S3 Camp stM New Orleans, FAIRBANKS & EWING, Masonic Hall, Philadelphia. FAIRBANKS, BROWN & CO; 2 Milk Street, hostels. For ;ls uy all leading Hardware r Dealers. sept 11 - 97-2UwIm U.TUNINO & MUSICS Corner 4th. and Market Streets, dec S lO i fOXMrncs! me i ii r aThri Carolina Central Railway ' Coinpany WILMINGTON, N. C, ) , , May 14; 1S7J. f PASSENGER TRAINS ! LEAVE WlLMtKGTON DAILY (KX cept Sundays) at.... :0rt A M Arrive at Wadesboro at 5:25 P M Leave Wadesboro at 7:10 A M Arrive at Wilmingtou at 4:u5 P M FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Wilmington daily (except Sundays)-. 0.00 A M Arrive at Laurinburg at. 5:30 I'M Leave Laurinburg at F:00 A M Arrive at Wilmington at 5.3U PM PASSENGER TRAINS. Leave Charlotte daily, Sundays excepted, at 8.00 A M Arrive at Buffalo at 12.00 M Leave Buffalo at 1.C0 P M Arrive at.Charlotte at. . ....... 5.15 ,P M Irregular Lumber and Timber Trains run on both portions of the Koad as the busi ness requires. A Daily Stajre will soon run in connection with the train on both ends of this Rail way. 8. L. FREMONT, Chief Engineer and Sup't. may 10 31l-tt Piedmont Air-Line Railway, iMMK&JlWi;! Richmond and Danville, Richmond and Dauville K. W., N. Division, and North Western N. C. It. W. Condensed Time Table. o In effect on and after Sunday, Dec. 7, 1S73. GOING NORTH, 1 1 Mrex?;SM j TT-Vffi&U STATIONS. MAIL, j XPRbS LcsveCbftotte 7.00 p. mi 8 35. a. m. V ' Ai?X4ne 'J'nct'n 7.15MMf s.bdf ' 14 Salisbury 10.09 10.47 ,4 Greensboro 2,15 a. m. 1.15 p. m. " Danville 5.28 44 3,27 r. m. 44 Burkville. 11.40 44 8.0ii ,4 Arrive at Richmond . . 2.33 p. m 11 02 p. m. GOING SOUTH. STATIONS. MAIL- EXPRESS Leave Richmond 1.48 p. m 5.03a.u. 41 Burkville...... 1.58 44 8.28 " 44 Danville 0.5a l.os p. m. 44 Greensboro l.HS a. m 4 00 44 44 Solisbury 3.56 44 6.33 11 44 Air Line J'nct'n 0.22 44 8 b'i 44 Arrive at Charlotte. . . 6.30 a. m 0 00 44 GOING JSASr. SITATIONS. " MAIL. I Leave G reensboro' ... 2 00 a. m i Co. Shops .... 3.55 44 , 44 Raleigh 8.30 4t' .......... Arrive at Goldsboro. 11.40 a. m GOING WEai STATIONS. MAIL. Leave Goldsboro' . . . . 6.00 p, m Raleigh. . .C0 . 4 Co. Shops in 28 " A' mv- :it (rcrnbnro' 1'?.30 a.m North Westorn N, C. JR. H (Salem Branch.) Leave. ire-,nt?bo-o. . . J::;o v m . . 0.-J5 M . ..:(k;a m ..10:00 A M Arrive at ialem Leave Salem Arrive at Greensboro... Mail trains daily, both ways. On Sundays Lynchburg Accommodation leave Richmond at 0 42a. m.. arrive at Burkvple 13 45 p. m , lyavc Burkville 5 35 a. m , arrive at Rdchm,p,ud 8.4 a. m. Pull-in Palace Car qu all eight trains between Charlotte Rd Richmond, without change.) Fer iiirtber information addrefs 8. E. ALLEN, f General Ticket Agent. ' Greensboro, N. C. T, M. .R TALCOTT, Engineer and Gcn'i SpuerinUndaut. dec 0 170 RHEUMATISM, Jc HEDRAL8IA, BAIS in the PACK, &c, ELECTRIC H AS CUIIED when all other remedies have failed. It is eminently a FAMILY MEDICINE, And no mmlly should be without i L In case of sudden attacks, one bottle will pave live dollars In doctor's bills. For sale by all Druggists. October 4 U8-3t - 1 E LE OT KI O. a RAfL ROADS. Wilmiugioii. Columbia k Au frusta' R. R Company. Gnei. SupauisTaNuitsT'aiOFnce, ViLMiN?xo, N. g., Oct.,.lli 1$7 f , TUE FOLLOWING SCUEDULE WILL j;ointo cllect at 1: ;0 A. M., 'Sunday, lith inst. DAY EXPRESS TRAIN. ( Daily.) Leave Wilmington J:C0 A. M Arrive at Florence 10:10 A. M Arrive at Columbia i.00 P. M Arrive at Augusta 8:00 P. M. Leave Augusta 4:30 A. M. Leave Columbia.. 10:20 A. M A riivc at Florence 2 4SP. M. Arrive at Vilraington 10:00 P. M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (SUN DAYS EXCEPTED.) Leave Wilmington 0:10 P. M Arrive at Florence 11:28 P. M Arrive at Columbia 4 00 A. M Arrive at Augusta 8:45 A. Ai Leave Augusta 4:15 P. M Arrive at Columbia 8:45 P. M Arrive at Florence 2:02 A. M ArriT3 at Wilmington 7:10 A. M Passengers leaving Wilmington on the 0:10 P. M. train make close connection going South. JAMES ANDERSON, Ge.u'l Sup't. oct 11 124-tl Wilmington & Wcidon R. R. Company. OFFICE GKNEUAL SUPERINTENDENT, i Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 21, 1S73. ON AND AFTER OCT. 2itb. INSTANT PASSENGER TRAINS ou the Wil mington aud Wcidon Railroad will run as followi : MAIL TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily (Sun days excepted) At 7:10 A. M Arrive at Goldsboro. . 1 1:50 A.' M Rocky Mouut.... 2:00 P. M We! don 3:C0 P. M Leave Weldor. daily (Sundavp excepted) .".At i:50 A; M Arrive at Rocliy Mount 11:35 A. M Goldsboro 1:37 P. M Union Depot 5:50 P. M EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily... At 11:10 P. M Arrive at Goldsboro 3:50 A. M Rocky Mou)!t 0:03 A. M Wei don 8:00 A. M Leave Wcidon daily 7:50 P. M Arrive at Rocky Mount 0:43 p! M G-ldsboro 11:55 P. M Union Depot 4:3) A. M Mall Tram makes close connection at Weldcn lor all points North via, Bay Line and Acquis Creek routes. Express Train connects onlv vitU Actinia Creek route. PULLMAN4 PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON THIS TRAIN. FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilming ton tri-weekly at 0.00 A. M., aud arrive at 1,40 P. M. EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilmington daily (Sundays excepted) at 2:00 P. M, and arrive at 5:30 P. M. JOHN F. DIVINE,' (Jnersl Sn'e j?i f e;de.l Oct 21 THIS MUST REMARKABLE o F ALL Al'l'AHATUSIii sometimes called a nu -chunical paradoxnow used with such wonderful sueeeH in our prineial cities for the cure, by cumulative exku ClsK, of nearly all Chronic Diseases and Weaknesses, Is for s:ile by the undersigned, by whom all orders will be orotrptly lilled. rJ?JEXBI tie: ACTIONAIY is ho coiislrueled that '"even a child can in stantly adjust it for a person to lift any weight, from twenty to twelve hundred pounds. If is made almost wholly of iron and steel, weighs Tin pounds, and covers a space of only 2i) by ;W inches; and all bough, but recently introduced, nearly 1,'J have already been sold. i PRICE ?i(X, BOXED AND SHIPPED. Small books or circulars, showing" its use, can bo had free at the olriee of the Post. II. MANX. Brooklyn, N. Y. IV a liox 2lO. sept 11 d&wtf A. ADltlA, il. VOLLEKq ADRIAN & V0LLERS. WHOLES 4LE DEALKKS IS (iJrocerie? Ijiquors, Importers of German and Uavana Cigar, AJTD Commission Merchant South-east Corxes Dock arid Frost Streets. WILMINGTON, N. C. i Having the largest and best assorted stock of Groceries aud Eiquors in the City, Dealers will find It to their interefct to give uk a call before buying elsewhere. mar 17-tf ' -4 - WARRANTTEE DEEDS- On hand aEd for sale , feb 25 8 G HALL NEW 4DTERTISEEIENTS. NEWG00I)S!; : irrrr r. t rry A W A r. z n i i The Largebt Slock Brought 10 this Market. Now is the time to Furchafcc when Everything is Marked Down. An Inspection of quality and prices is invited. New Iron Front .Building, corner Front and Frinccss Street. "R "tVTTT.TU ' sept 29 113-tf SHINGLES. ; 20.000 COaNTRACT SHINGLES, just arrived. Also a new lot of. Oak and Tine Wood, at my Wood, Coal and Lumber Yard,' ' Corner Front and Mulberry streets, dec 2-tf. J. A. SPRINGER. ' IN STORE. i1 5,000 sacks Salt; 8,000 bushels Corn; 1,000 bushels Oats: 300 bales Hay; 1,000 bushels Meal; 300 rolls Bagging: 1,000 bundles TiesT 800 Spirit Casks; 250 barrels Glue; 1,000 bundles Hoop Iron; . 200 papers Rivets; 150 boxes Cheese; 125 barrels Mullets; 800 barrels Flour: 65 boxes Dry Salt Sides; 125 boxes Tnhnoon oO barrels and half barrels Snuff;. 100 boxes and barrels Crackers; 50 cases Snuff; 75 barrels Rice; 200 cases Brandy Peaches; 150 cases Schnapps; 150 4ozen buckets; 50 boxes Candy; 125 boxes Candles, &c For sale by F. W. KERCNEK. oct 27 110 THE YOUTH'S . : . COMPANION; A WEEKLY PAPER FOR : Yoitng- :Poopl.o AND TUE FAMILY.. THE COMPANION iiims to be a' favorite in every family looked for ea gerly by the young folk, and read with interest by the older. lUpurnoKC is to interest while it amuses; to be judicious, practical, sensible: and to have really permanent worth, while it attracts for the hour. It is handsomely il lustra tod, and has for contributors some of the most at tractive writers in the country. Among, these are : ' Edward Eggloton. Dr. I. I. Uayw Trof. Jas. DeMillc, Louise C. Monlton " Louisa M. Alcott, " Sophie. May," Rebecca H. Davis, C. A Stephens, C. V. Flanders, Ruih Chesterfield, S. S. Robbins, M, A. . Dcnison.' IU reading is adapted to tho old and . young, is very varietl in its character:' sprightly and entertaining. It gives Stories of Ad ven-Stories of 'llonic" turc, and School Life,' ' Letters of Travel, Tales, Poetry. V Editorials upon Selections for Dec- current Topics, , lamation, , . , Historical Articles, Anecdotes Pitzxlo Biographical Sket- Facts and Incidenis. ches, Religious Articles', Subscription Price. $1.50. Specimen coiies sent free. Address . ; .t, PERRY MASON & CO., ii iempie Place, Boston, Masf.7 tf 4 1SOLTTE DIVORCES obUined from JX. Courts of different Stat for desertion. Ac. No publicity required. No charge untifc divorce granted. Address, i. uotsK. Attorney. nov : -tf . ! Ml. Rroadray K. r. STAR FRICTION MATS. t PVERY HOUSE SHOULD HAVE them. For sale by ' GEO. MYERS, 11 and 13 Front street oct 30 The Evexixg Post has a fine city circulation and is. consequently, a first class advertising medium. "Merchants takcTnE Post home to ' their1 families to read the news of the day, andiseip seen by most of the leading r ptc of the city. f ' 1 iuu uoxes omoJtea idesf and Shoulder ' 1 .135 barrels Sug$7- " r'0" ! 400 bags CoffcellWadeW,'' ', 1

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