WILMINGTON, n. c. Tuesday, December 23d, i873. foft Othce Herniations. l ll(T mulls wiil close from this date as fol- sCtli'TU through (night) mails 8 P M " .. through & way (day) mails.; A M southern mail 8 P M trolina Central Itailway mails ry a M n,ithville Saturday and Tuesday 6 A M Kiiyettcvillc, river, Monday & Friday..! P M i vycttevilte, by Carolina Central Rail way, daily " A M (n,!ow Court House, (horse mail) eve ry Friday i A JM Mails delivered from 7 am to 7 p in, and on uii Jay s from 8:')0 to 9:30 am. stamp 'Office open frOm 8 a m to 12 m, and from '1 to Op m. Money order on Register department open same as stamp office. Hour for opening and closing" Wil mington Library Association Reading Itooin, daily : 'j o'clock a m, to 1 o'clock p in. ;j o'clock p m, to 7 J o'clock p in. On Saturday nights will be kept open until OJ o'clock. Nf.il (tKKKIN has charge of our city circulation, and is authorized to collect moneys due therefor. (ti-;o. X. Harriss is authorized to contract for advertisements and to re ceipt for any moneys due the Post. CITY ITEMS! rti-rnal Service, U. S. Army Weather lie port. Outs Ell vbk's Officp, ) VVtLMiNQTON, December 23, 1873,1 Tiui. ol lh-BaromJTher ervAtin J eter. Wind VVeath- ! er im A. M. !30:046 -4." ilvE iri.su ICloudy (K) M 130:09-4:4(5 " IN do. I do. 00 1'. M. 1.30:007 '45 4 I do. i do. Otto Surutze, Observer, U. 8 A. This wither reminds the public that Wood and Coal are necessities. Apply at the new Coal -Yard of J. A. Sprixg kr, corner Front and Mulberry sts. Clothing id clown, money being scarce, we arc offering our entire stock of clothing, boots and shoes at suspen ion prices. S. llANSTEiX & Co'o New York House, tf 15 Market st. To Anjouitx. The Cotton Exchange of New York has resolved to adjourn from Wednesday, 24th, to Monday, 20th inst. We need not look for cotton quo tation between the dates. To r.K Published. In answer to the many interrogatories in reference to the premium list of the Cape Fear Agricul tural Association, wc will state that it is about completed, and will be publish ed immediately after the holidays. TTefixts of panic tremendous :Tum lle in prices at S. JlANHTEIN & Co'S New York House, tf 15 Market st. Information concerning George Smith, colored, a discharged soldier, is wanted. Any one knowing his where abouts will please inform Geo. L. Mab- non. George Smith w ill hear something to his advantage by making himself known. 2t Owing to the late panic we will sell until January 1st, our entire stock at 25 per cent, less than New' York cost. S. IlANtiTJilN & CO'S New York House, tf 15 Market t. One of our typos wishes to return his thanks to Messrs. James II. McGarity k Co., for a bottle of " Baker's Old Rye Whiskcv," seven years old. It has been tried, and pronounced excellent b jiulges. This firm has a fine lot of Christmas goods, and show their good sense by calling attention to the same through an advertisement in the Post. Festival. The very unpropitious weather yesterday evening deterred many from attending the children's fes tival at the City Co irt Room, though, however, there was quite a good attend ance who did justice to the eatables. This evening there will be a continua tion of the festival, and all the fancy articles disposed of. No one need be afraid to go on account of raffles, short change, etc., as there is nothing to raf fle, and the ladies scrupulously bring the correct change. Admission free. Wilmington Commandry, No. 1, held a meeting last night and elected the following officers for the ensuing year: E. C. J. C. Mann. G. H. II. Muuson. CV. G. G. W. Jewctt. P.. Geo. Patterson. S. W. S. S. Everett. J.-. W.T. B. Carr. T. T. H. Johnson. R.'. T. M. Knowlcs. St.-. B.-. C. M. VanOrsdell. Sd. B. R, E.Callowav. W. A. Martin. S. B. G. Bates. THE TO V717 (CIUBR- Cool. a I - , ' Damp and disagreeable. Gold nutfew York is 110. ? Extensive preparations for Christ mas. Awful muddy and sloppy about the .streets. Buv your Christmas present of those who advertise. The Tileston School will re-open the first Monday in January. ( At Masonic Hall to-night will be seen another Christmas tree, at the Sec ond Presbyterian Church Festival. A good time is in store for many. St. Paul's Christmas tree, solely for the benefit of their Sabbath School children, and nothing for sale, will be lighted to-morrow night atMr.Hinton's school house. : ' The Christinas tree at the City Hall last night was a success, biit the goods were not all sold. They will be closed out cheap to-night. This is in aid of St. John's Church. Some of the trotters in attendance at the Fair arc still in the city. We can hear of no robberies perpe trated last night. If the thieves con- pirc against us, how can wc fill up a local page ? From Capt. Potter, of the steamer Waccamaw, wc learn that a schooner, name unknown, was beat in over Sew ard's channel on yesterday, drawing 11 feet water. Angulusin camera quam conspicis ille tene- bat Jampridcm Hornerum puerile a'tateseden- tem ; Atque-ibi signarent cum saturnalia bru mam, Ornarentqucomnesbellaria mystlcamensas Parvus Joannes sacratum et dulce comedit Aetocreas, simplexque legens sibi. pollice prunum Aiebat placide "'Puerorum en optimus ipse !' HOW TO REMOVE S T A INS AND SPOTS FROM MARBLE FURNITURE, ETC. The only stain which Sapolio will not remove is a "stain upon the char acter." But from marble mantels, ta ble?, china, table ware, carpets, funiture of every description, or any article of household ornament or use, the deepest dyed stain can be instantly washed out forever by the use of Sapolio. It is as cheap as ordinary bar soap, and will al ways do exactly what is claimed for it, if the simple directions are followed. Old Bird. The man, Robt. Hill, who robbed Mr. Gay's money drawer yesterday was arrestea last night and lodged in jail. This morning he had a hearing before 'Squire VanAmringe, and was bound over to the Superior Court. Hill is an old offender, and has accepted the hospitalities of the genial keeper of the workhouse on two or three occasions. Hill is one of those unfor tnnatc beings who is troubled to a very alarming extent with kleptomania. . ; Monthly Entertainment. The second of the monthly entertainments of the ladies f the First Presbyterian Church will be given jthis evening in the reception rooms of the Young Men's Christmas Association, on Mar ket street. A great many' useful and ornamental articles, suitable Xmas pre sents for old and young, will be offered for sale at a " mere song." The im mense Christmas tree prepared and beautified by the young ladies of Mr. Chadbourn's Bible Class is Well worth seeing, and speaks volumns for the good taste of the fair ones who have taken so much pains with it. To the other many attractions is added re freshments for the inner man, which arc to be disposed of on a cheap basis? Strangers in the city and jat the hotels eould wile awayan hour or two very pleasantly. 1 " Sailor Drowned. On Friday even ing last a seaman, Herman Doebke, of the German Brig Dorothea, accompa nied by the mate went in a yawl-boat to a German vessel lying on the oppo site side of the river to procure some tubs to use in getting out the ballast from the Dorothea and to, visit a friend on board the vessel. After spending the evening with their friend thy re turned to the vessel; the mate had got ten on board the ship and the unfor tunate man Doebke attempted to throw the tubs on board, "but missing his foot ing he fell overboard with the tubs fall ing on top of him. Ropes were thrown to him and the mate was soon in the boat, but before he could get to the un fortuatc fellow he had sunk. At the time of the accident the tide was running very swift, and in all pro bability the sailor was sucked under the vessel. His fellow seamen have been fishing for his body, but up to the time of our going to press it )iad not been re covered. A boarding establishment a carpen ter's shop. i STATE ITEMS. Mount Airy wants a railroad. , Charlotte is disturbed by pistol shots at night. Goldsboro' feels lonely since the ad journment of Conference. Charles W. Spruill, Esq., of Warren ton, died on the 18th inst. Seven hundred and fifty bales of Cot ton sold in Charlotte last Thursday. A turnip weighing eight and a half pounds has appeared in New-Berne. A bear came within a few hundred yards of New-Berne a few nights since. A 'Possum supper was given to the Bench and Bar at Stonewall during the term of Pamlico Superior Court. . " Charlotte wants better letter facilities for the handling of the Cotton which, blockades the streets of that " city." Statesville expected John Robinson's Circus, but had to content itself with a peddler of "ScovilFs Blood and Liver Regulator. The hog cholera is very distructlve along the French Broad. It was intro ducid by droves from Tennessee and Kentucky. Two gentlemen in Raleigh, by exert ing themselves among the citizens of Raleigh, last Saturday, obtained eighty eight dollars, for the Oxford Orphan Asylum. Rev. A. P. Strobcl publishes a card announcing his resignation as District Superintendent of the American Bible Association for North Caroiina, to take effect on the first of January. COltltESPONDENCE. The Findingvof the Coroner's Jury in the case of Thos. C. Thompson. . Abbottsburg, Dec. 18, 1873. Editor Post : Whatever political feeling may exist between the whites and blacks, and however watchful the one may be over the conduct of the oth er, the pleasing fact is now established that Jieither is disposed to shield crimi nals merely because they arc of the same race with themselves. It is always as sumed that the whites never wink at crime because the criminal is white, but it has long been assumed that the blacks will cover the black man's crime be cause he is black ; and by many it is nowr claimed that the blacks can never attain to the virtue of the white race in this respect, and that their insensibility to the demands of justice will render their participation in the administra tion of justice dangerous. The conduct of the colored jurors of this inquest, their zeal and discretion in bringing the dark crime to the light though the criminals were blacks for ever negatives the imputation that the blacks are not as safe and diligent in punishing criminal black men, as are the whites in punishing criminal white men. After a laborious examination of three days, was educed clear and con clusive evidence that Thomas C Thomp son came to his death by a blow with an ax on his head, the ax in the hands of Bill Wright, accompanied by John Hall and Mitchell Shipman, three col ored men. The first to sign the verdict were the colored members of the jury, John Hall and Bill Wright were committed to the mercies of Sheriff Sykes. Shipman was bound over to appear at the next term of Court. The examination conducted by Thomas H. Sutton, Esq., was thorough and satis factory, to wVom too much credit can not be awarded. His eminent skill and untiring industry educed clear and con vincing evidence. Reluctant witnesses were pierced by his arrow like ques tions; the hostile decoyed from their coverts by his sagacity ; the chain of evidence made perfect in every link by his penetration and combination. The people of Bladen county arc to be con gratulated in possessing such a man, both zealous and competent to insure the punishment of crime and also a man whose head and heart are enlisted in the defense of 4ie guiltless and wronged, fearless of petty prejudices. S. Editor Post : As a citizen of "Brook lyn," and feeling that the city fathers have treated us in a very unbecoming manner relative to the erection of a suitable structure on Fourth street, in place of the very unsafe and " shabby " one known as " Boney Bridge," I now, by request of the suffering citizens, take this opportunity of appealing to the city fathers to enquire why it is that the work has not been begun. Is it because the honorable Board have so far neg lected their sworn duties as to entirely forget us and " play the go by," or have they, instead of this, placed the matter in the hands of one single member of the Board, who has no personal interest in our welfare, and consequently has made no endeavors to have the much wished for structure erected ? I sincerely trust that the Board will at once investigate the matter, and will at once have the work begun. ' Brooklyn! LATEST .jBTEIjEGRAFH, i r if i i. Alpcckt dispatch says that the sur vivortJthe;Virginip3 were kept in lg noraricUoriheir late An were visited by bogtur priests, who exacted their dy ing concessions. They - thought that they weie going to death, and upon the confessions of these poor wretches it is said that Attorney General Williams founded his opinion that the Virginius had not right to bear American colors. The poor fellows supposed that they were going to a slaughter house, but the presence of the Juniata and the surren der to hes officers led . to the most extra ordinary emotional demonstrationSf 0n the arrival of thPdnfa at Santia go orders cama to the ship from Com mander Brainefor jtb paymaster to issue all the blankets ana pea jackets, in his department to the prisoners who were hardly ttp be seen in theU rags. This was speedily done, but as there was still great destitution, orders came for every man on board to give their own blankets and wearing apparel in the good cause, the promise being made that all would be replaced on the arri val of th ship at Key West, The offi cers and men cheerfully complied wfth this order, only preferring that it should be issued as a request, f in which case they would have obeyed with just as much alacrity. Every heart was touch ed by the pitiable condition of the pris oners. , The poor fellows report that they were barbarously treated. They say that when officers from the Tornado boarded the Virginius, one of them in hauling down the flag of the United States tore it into ribbons and trampled on it, asserting with oaths, "This is what I have wanted." The situation in Santiago de Cuba is reported as still serious. A large ma jority of thepopnlationjs i.i sympathy with the Cuban cause, but the volun teers control everything with a high hand. Only one week ago twenty-five citizens in Santiago were arrested, and after a mock trial had been gone through with, without any evidence being ad duced against them, they were told to go home. On the' way they were cru elly waylaid and killed, only one es caping. He WTas riddled 'With bullets and dangerously wqunded. Americans are continually in fear for their lives, and bitterly complain that nothing has been done to redress their wrongs. It is fjot I sajh) for American officers to go ashore! aloneilt Santiago. All along the river line the Spaniards are erecting new batteries. The Powhattan will leave for Norfolk to-night. The Wyoming was inspected. WASHINGTON. Washington, December 2,. It has been ascertained from a prom inent Government official that the in vestigation as to the character of the Virginius will be conducted in New York, though the Government is pow erless to proceed against Patterson, to whom the register for that vessel was issued, on account of the statute of lim itation, therefore no punishment can be inflicted. Two years having elapsed since he obtained the papers, he cannot be molested, but had all the facts bc comd known within the two years he would have been prosecuted for perjury. The President and his company re turned here this morning from St. Louis. MASSACHUSETTS. Boston, December 23. The wife of Alexander Agassiz, son of the late Professor, died last night of pneumonia, superinduced by fatigue in her attendance on the Professor during his illness. Mrs. Agassiz w'aV a daugh ter of the late G. R. Russell. CALIFORNIA. Sacramento, Dec. 2.V The totes for the short term were : Haync iShafter 22, Haightl Phelps 7. There were seven absentees. CABLE DISPES. ENGLAND. London, December 2$. There is no truth in the report that the British war ships in the West Indies have b-ren ordered to assemble in the '4 Cuban waters. t s FRANCE. , ! Paris, December 23. A rumor is current that Bazainc has fled from" the country. It is also reported that; Henri Roche fort has died at the penal settlement in New Caledonia. MARRIED. Ml S MDRRiaASMrTff At HU John's Chnrcb, in this city, this(Toe8day) morning-. by Kev. ioree Patterson, Mr. William J. Morris, to MiMMasiiii : smith; r f ? Journal ana $tar please copy. com: WILMINGTON MARKET. ij TrjESDAY, Dec. 233:30 P. M. Spirits Tur pen TiNE-irSales . of 165 casks at 38 cenU per gallon (last even ing and this morning). Market quiet. Rosin- Sales of 175 bbls. of C. de livered at $2 20 per bbl. Market dull at $2 20. . Crude Ttjepentine. Sales of 175 bbls. at $2 for hard, and $2 95 for yel low dip. Tar Sales of 122 bbls at $2 20 per bbl. Cotton Sales of 80 1 bales at 13, 70 at 13 J, 105 at 13, G2 at 14, 43 at 141 cents per lb. We quote the market quiet at . , Ordinary' , . Hi cents lb. Pood Ordinary, 13al3i " " Strict Good Ordinary, lSjalSJ". Ut Low Middling, 14 al41" " Strict Low Middling, 14IaW " n'nv ui ' ' f it it i ALluUliniT. ; ; J...,.;- , ,...:.) Receipts per, railroad of naval stores as appears on the bulletin board of the Produce Exchange Dec. 23 : Cotton, (bales) 315 Spirits Turpentine, (bbls..) 208 Rosin, (bbls.,) 1,440 Crude Turpentine, (bbls,) 175 Tar, (bbls,) 122 IBY TELEGRAPH. NEW YORK MARKETS. New York, Dec. 23. Cotton quiet sales of 1,071 bales.- Uplands 15 ; .Orleans 1G. Futures opened as follows : January 15 1-16 to 15; February 15 9-16 to 15 15-16; March, 16 1-16 to 161 ; April 16 9-16. Flour quiet and steady. Wheat advan cing. Corn a shade firmer. Pork quiet mess$16. Lard firm steam 8 to 8 11-16 cts.. Spirits Turpentine weak at 41 1 cents. Rosin steady at $2 50 to $2 55 for strained. Freights unchanged FOREIGN MARKETS. Liverpool, Dec. 23. Cotton tends down Uplands Sid.; Orleans" 8Jd. to Sgd. Sales of 10,000 bales to speculators and 2,000 to expor ters. Arrivals 1-16 cheaper. Uplands not below Good Ordinary shipped November, 8 l-16d. Uplands not below Good Ordinary delivered December and January, 8d. Uplands not below Middlings shipped November and December, 8, l-16d. i LATER. Sales include5,700 American. Orleans not below Good Ordinary shipped December and Jannuary Sjd. Breadstufls firm. Red Western Spring Wheat 12s. Id. to Ss. Corn 37s. 3d. Pork 61s. Uplands not below (rood Ordinary shipped December and January, 8d. Uplands not below Good Ordinary shipped January and February 8d. UY tp:legraph. 1 FINANCIAL. New Yobk, Dec. 23. tjold opened 110. Stocks quiet. Gold 110. Money 7 per cent. bid. Sterling Exchange long, 108 ; short, 109ij. Government bonds dull and lower. State bonds quiet. London, Dec. 23. Fives Dl L Frankfort, Dec. 23. Bonds 97 ',. MARINE. Port of Wilmington, Dec. 23, 1873 ARRIVED. ' : Br Brig Susanna Knapp, Edwards, St Vincent, (Cape dc Verde Islands,) Sprunt & liinson. Schr Julia Seldcn, Hill, Elizabeth Citv, Mitchell & Son. Schr Fairfield, Fulford, Eliabcth City, Mitchell &, Son. Schr Emma B. Shaw, Shaw, (9 days) Philadelphia, O G Parsley, with 328 tons coal. Schr Anna C. Cook, Cook, Rockport, (14 days) Worth & Worth, 40 tons hay and lime. CLEARED. ' Steamer North State, Green, Fayette ville, F W Kerchner. .' ;! Norwegian Barque Falkcn, Christen scn, Antwerp, Williams & Murchison. German Barque Moewe, Ahrcns, Lon don, Williams Ofc Murchison. Br Barque Nelly, Harland, Liver pool, R E Calder. Norwegian Barque JDragon, Thome sen, Belfast, Ireland, Sprunt & Hinson. Schr Lillie B French, Gulliver, St Pierre, Martinique, G G Barker & Co. RECEIPTS. PER RIVER STEAMERS, &c. Schr Julia Selden 2,000 bushels W corn. ! Schr Fairfield 2,009 bushels W corn. EXPORTS. FOREIGN. Liverpool Br Barque Nelly 983 bales cotton. Belfast, Ireland, Norwegian Barque Dragon 2,105 bbls rosin, 200 casks spirits turpentine. St Pierre, Martinique Schr Lillie B French 110,000 feet lumber, 8,000 shingles. London German Barque Moewe 3,343 bbls rosin. , Antwerp Norwegian Barque Falken 1,650 casks spirits turpentine, 86 bbls rosin. List of Vessels in this Port. STEAMSHIPS, ir ii t r Regulator, Freeman, f dis, ,u u , ! ' h Barry Bros BRIGS , ' Br Brig Susanna Knapp, Edward?; dis, Sprunt & Hiucon Nor Brig Aiken, Larscn, dfs,' , .REHeidej Norwegian Soskeeninmcron. dis, - R E Heide German Dorothea, Zcpcaeydia, vvwC,t:fi . Pcschait German Fanchon; Voss dte, :. . ,. 'Z. f 1 : . ka Pcschau j G erman Bertha, Hillerich; rep, ; ; ';'" , " " ' E PcSCliaU Ger Brig Gloria, Laiuch,' Livcrpcxl,x x, --.-Wv; Pcschau) or Brig Sibal, Hansen,' Antwerp, xhs , '. Heide Bros Ger Brig Johanner Emllcc,' t)omckr,'4 ) Liverpool, ; Vick &Mebano or Norman, Mathcson., R E Heide Ger Eintracht, Schuchhard, E rcscKau"' Frontier, Blaisdell;1 mMm-.. ,i rfn ! ' . $ 'JSavassa, Guano Co. ,ti i Swed Augusta, Domey, R E Heide Nor Rufus,' Christensen, ;' R E Heide ' Brig Nellie Mitchel, Cody, , J H Chadbourn &fCo. Br Brig Joseph Howe, Hughes', ' " J R Blossom & Evans. Br Brig Neptune's Car, Pike, Vick & Mebane. Nor Brig Fido, Thorsen, Exmouth, Eng Heide Bros BARQUENTINES Swcd Kronprus?, Gustaf, ldg, RE Heide BARQUES. Ger Bark Frederct callaVWaacks, dis, E Pcschau German Ludwing; Schultz, dis, , a i .JAETeschau Norwegian Viking, Hansen, dis, . i ... RElleide Norwegian Sina, Peterson, dis, , RE Heide Norwegian Anion, Grcuiderson, dis, RE Hfcidc Ger Rosa, Hoffschild, ldg Europe, AYMonk Ger Sircne, Calleiss, ldg Europe, Peschau & Waterman Ger Montag, Stromstedt, ldg, Willard Bros German C M Von Behr, Kroger, dis,' E Pcschau German Ernst, Erdmanndis, . '? r:i- E Peschau Ger Barque Hermann Hclmreich, OX-; sterreich, Stettin, E PeschaU Ger C M Van Behr, Kroger, E Pcscfiau; Ger Sophia Gorbrtz, Gorbirz, Williams & Murchison Ger Ledy, Muller," E Peschau Ger Claudia, Dinsc, Willard Bro Br Maria Needham, Davies, Sprunt & Hinson. Ger Louise, Bahlrius, E Pcschau (ier Jason, Barlettes, E Peschau Elise & Anna, Wendt, R E .Heide Olaf, Alsen, J R Blossom & Evans -Ger Bertha, Hilerrick, E Peschau Ger W A Sarnon, Bussest, E Pcschau Mary ;Brewer, Sander, Worth & Wortl i Nor ililctris, Pettcrson RE Heide Ger Bark Ernest, Erdmani E Pcschau. Ger Bark Thos Small, Dillentz, E Peschau . Nor Barque Hansen, Pcdcrscn, R E ITeidr Nor Iiarque St. Olaf, Olsen,' Bristol; i Willard Bros SCHOONERS Julia Selden, Hill, dis, Mitchell & Son Fairfield, Fulford, dis, Mitchell WSoii Annie P. Chase, Poole, dis, , G G Barker it, Co F E McDonald, McDonald, dis, ... B F Mitchell cVSoh D Britton, Carrall, dis, ' : : f" " Harriss fc Howell S T Baker, Davis, ldg Martinique, , Harriss & Howell Mary Brewer, Sanders, dis, Worth & Worth Ben Borland, Brittingham, repg, Master Webster Barnard, Smith, 5 h , ( ,- . E Kidder &(ori? Schr Luola Murchison, Jones, Williams & Murchison Lcttic Wells, Watson, j i J II Chadbourn & Co Cornelia, Dennisen, E Kidder & Son Mary A Stockham, Cordery, 1 Harriss & Howell Br M L St Pierre, Carter, -v G G Barker & Go John, Gabriel, Williams & Murchisu J Willi JUVWqIU.Vj jl c .M ' E Kidder & Son. ' Georgia, McClurc, B F Mitchell &Son. Ben, Davis, New York, i Williams Murch won ; List of VeaacU Soiled for. this , ' ' -Port." ' JACKSONVILLE, VhK. WSVh h Schr RhodeDa, Blew.t - s i cJdXkt 20, ' 4 BANGOR. - ' Isaac Carver, Williams,, , - r , cUl Oct 1 1 Addie L Cntler, Smith, iiTncld Aug 28 x wm, .If Gov Burton, Phinney, ' 1 r eld Sept 30 Clio, Schupp, ' sld Sept 1 7 f fld ! MARTINIQUE, 'fjh4 A Richards, , sld June 25 HAMBURG. W Von Freeden, Meyer, ld Sept 24 GEESTEMUNDE. Bossc, , ' ' sld Aug 22 CARDIFF. Mira, Gundcrson, sld Qct 7 DEAL.. . Retriever, sld Oct 26 ANTWERP ' Flise & Anna, Wendt, eld Aug 12 Ger Amalia Ilcdwig, Gehm, eld Sept SO Ger Elise A Anna, Wendt, eld Aug 23 Frey, Helverson, , sldfocptl2 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. GOODS. JN; MAKING your selections, remember that von will find a handsome assortment of Ladies Work Tables, "hUdrens Cbairn, rancjr lioitom en airs, Tetea ana laoief , , Folding Chain. Rracket. anl a general as- ' sortmentof all kindi of .Furniture from , which to select desirable . and Aiegant pre sent. D. A. SMITH A CO., ' 1 North Front Htreet, dec2J 8 t; - s