. ' -w i . J i I t - t I'll' I hi V 1 7 11 111! 'jVjOL. VII. .i rjpj Ted everyi afternoon except Sunday. lAMlS. MANN.. Editor and Proprietor ' I Snbxcriptiou. Jcw dvanc 5 cU :4ix.tBtthS iu advance 3 CO thre nionths, in advance 1 50 t)ne noath, in advance 50 i'43& respondence solicited from our friends TO al Rafts of the State, on topics of gene ral If tercst. Political news and reports oi crop especially desirable. pi! EW A U V E R T I S E H E N T S . Merchandise Brokerage Office, wtTi ,."fine of samples constantly on hnndi I - frr nil importers and manufacturers ir Nort; 'iiarkets. Atl' descriptions of merchandise, orders .tfld ldSsolicited and telegraphed promptly. kIej chandise bought and sold in this nnrkMortlcrs f4'om buyers solicited, and .3ejeft by sellers will have prompt at- Tinea well as cash purchases negotiated whsfc-ei you wish to buy or sell, commuui- satad freely, and often with your local .J AH. T. PETTEWAY, iwv Merchandise and Produce Broker. ,aa II 4 181 tf ? - H. r.,- L,PER I. DOUGHTEN u- IiOPER & DOUGHTEN, MMf AL STORES k'lp' SOUTHERN PR DUCTS, ttfyNORTIl FRONT STREET Philadelphia, Pa. Orfl C 'or Turpentine Casks solicited and worn tly tilled at lowest market price. Smi-rl Hew Family Sewing Macaine, r'pH SUPERIORITY OV THE SINGER I tEWlNG MACHINE for beauties of stltcij simplicity ol mechanism, and adap-Aabil'iy-to every class of sewing, has been cstab Ished in fair aad opn competition in ftctttill lwin contest", and the PU1JLIC ItEU"GNrrlON of their merits is to be ounVLiri the numerous awards o; FIRST Vlll? fS&i over every competitor at the VI ENN V. EXPOSITION and nearly nil the In lusti il'airs in America and in Europe. $llt atUVeed and Straight Needle and is theei siejit to learn. Has the highest, appro val fcftae Family, tlje Seamstress and the DrtatfiiSfcer. 1,200,1)0!)! H IN DAILY USE J19,75 Iff old last year. ii.JO! ovtr any other Company. 4S-,boldon tbe InsUillment phn. Terms easy tndluU instructions given. 4W-OfflceNo.l, lyippitt's Row, South 1 rout street Wilmington, N. C. k , Manager. .mhj I.. :o: Spee.al Practice tor tn Cur& of jdJTCr4 Tumors, Scrofula, Chronic ikTGl rV, Epilepsy, l.iver Diseases, ' jtrine Diseases, Skin Diseas es and all kindred Anec- t i o n a eucccasfuly Treated. tun' ,CtJsi t TdUiuvx vv hi tieated with our 8 ecltics without the use of the kuife, withe at the loss of blood and but with lit p n io the patient, r- rr nvfor treatuicnt c I ! r 'ah o ll All c iniu uncati m .idd!t3bPf ' to He' Wi a)eet wila ironiit unguium Cr uttr i(l certi iK-.it t;s of i a''w iJI l ent Oil Apiltt Ml. 'Oili a i.l lufirm irv Kast Centre street, tVdl', N. U. . llii. J. .vil I. K. I Kti it CO. itbr i 115 :iu A. LOWER Y, mim Mu'R & REPAIRER. ti3 ' , cslablUUment to idr 'VJ removed my corner of tar lew buildings on th comer 01 FOtRTII AND CAlPBi 8T' Near Emt P.rido. whore I shall be W Bee my old customers and mam aw V&rrlie& making, painting and repairi. ' neatly -done. Horse Shoeing, and , varum kinds ofrou w.rk done oa reasonable t-jrms. , , - Havlig had thirlvvears experience in Hits business, loim coutident that I can do tUe fln st ivork, and give satisfaction. At WOitlv Av ARltANTK'. tG .IAS, A. LOWKRY. 7 iitr 6k'T JeJER wishes to inform his custo v iJfCn ,nl public generallythat he is now prppari i i$ do all kind of work in his line, adCCjildlrespectfully request, a continua tiodof tji patronage which has heretofore bOCtt8 Ubfer-.illy bestowed upon him. JaxiKtf 206 4juutL ui. . ND NEW EXTRA SALMON, In kits for family. use, at ;;eo. MYERS. 1.'5 South Front street. m-t. HUNTER'S UF BHiH .m m - AT - 5 TJ UUR ADVERTISING RATES Aro put down to the vale i' I'HESEN r KS. MISCELLANEOUS. THE SILVER' TONGUE.' ORGANS The best ORGANS of the Reed class IN THE WORLD. 'i I I I I lA'.l U.ht.u! i f,' The Best for Churches and Lodges. The Best for Sunday Schools. Tbe Best for Parlors and Vestries. The Best for Academies and Colleges, The Best for Public Halls. The Best for Orchestra and Stage. These instruments, which for. sweet ness of tone and elegance of appoint ment stand unrivalled, have met with unprecedented success in this country and abroad. MANUFACTURED BY E, P. NEEDHAM & SON. ESTABLISHED IN 1816. Nos J43, 145 & 147'East 23d st. N Y Responsible parties applying for agencies in sections still unsupplied, will receive, .1 .1 i hi. i i pi-onopt attention ana noerai lnaucemeuts. Parties rpsiding at a distance from our au thorized agonts, naay order Irom our factory. Wend for illustrated urip list. aug u-tr TO THE WESTTT0 THE WEST! Bel ore makinj; your arrangements to fol low the advice of the "thousands who have already gone," it would be weU to consider what ha3 been done to maRe the journey to your Hom in the West" as pleasant and. free from danger am hitnn skill and fore sight can accomplish. - By consolidation and construction, a road has Ueen put into operation on the shortest possible line fGm Nashville, Tenn., to St Louis, 'the future great (Jiff of the worll." This line, the ST, L9UI3 & SOUTHEASTERN RAIL WAY, has, during the past year, earned an envia ble reputation by its smooth track, prompt time, sure connections, and the magnifl cence of its- passenger equipment. Its traius are made up of new and commodious day cars, provided with the celebrated Mil ler coupler and p'atform, and the Westing house ai?-brake. It is possitivtily the only line" mnning Pullman Palice Drawiug:Boonj Sleeping Cars through without change lrom Nash ville to St.'L uis. No other Hue pretends to offer siich adv in'uges, either in distance, time, "r q iip:il vt Why, then,, journey by circuiiou. routes? Do not be induced to purchv-e tickets to St. Louis or the West 'by any other line, remember that Tlic St, Louis & Southeastern" , is the shortest, cheapest, quickest, best and only line uuder one uiaLiaciaect lrom Nashville to SU Louis, and is from bO to 200 miles the shortest to St. Louis, Kansas City, Oniiha, Denver, California, Texas, and all western points. It is also the MCM cigo Shortest Line," via Evansville. You can secure the cheapest rates for yourselves and your movables on applica tion, in person or by letter, to C. 8. Bab kett, Southern Passenger Agent, Postol flcc Box 242, Chattanooga Tenn., or to the undersigned. W B DAVENPORT, Geneial Ticket Agent. St. Louis. No trouble to answer questions, july 25 5T-6m Just Aimed per steamer A JZQJllEil invoice of Hams, Breakfast i. P fl.i SsAtulders. of par own curing: , choice lotoCPnnje Ieaf IanJ, in 20 ?,rt Oak Buck ee?pressly for family use. ui tfeankto our customers 1 r ire vr & T fc n fvors liberal ana mends -nj4oriewenterprie, and patronage extc ot outdone in prices are determined xamination of and quality of Goo . Orocers, Wines and our Penorbtolio. u j that Liquors will convince th vi2 n their or money can be saved by g. vm " wjctft deRemember the corner under Reaman's 1Iome- J. II. McG ARIT 7 CO. Sept 23 10S- v . PA RKEK to JL YLJ5l A. H. NEFP, lanufacturers and dealers In HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Guns, Stoves, Lanterns, Kerosene, Oil Ti:t and Sheet Iron Ware. Roofing done at snort notice Agents for Fairbank's Scales. So. 19 Front Street ; WILMINGTON, N . C novl9 . 150-ly WILMINGTON, N. CM WEDNESDAY DECEMBER MISCELLANEOUS. DIP L O 2sL AWAKDED BY THB American Institute J. W. McKEE, rot Embroidery aul Fluting: Hachines ' It is ingenious aiid will meet tbc '.viknts of every matron in the lattd " EX II I UITf ON OF 1 s-7-J. F. A. IJarnard, Pres. Sobn E. Gavit, Uc S'cy. Samuel I). Till man, Cor. S-cy. New York. Novuibr 20. lS7i This 'i H-'i' iIwiion- Machine is as tmrfut fes th ywi!jg Machine, and f&iast of expensive Nett'le work, its work being mucu more lrinrisom r-iuir;uir le?s time and not one tenth part the expense. No lady's toilet is now complete without it. A Machine with illustrated circular and lull instructions sent on receipt of $2 or nnisnea in silver plate lor 52 1. Address, Tub McKes Manufacturing Co., 3uu li road way. New York. AGENTS WAlNrTJSr). J Dr. Garvin's -Elixir of Tar, Is recommended by regular Medical practi tioners and a speedy cure guaranteed for (JOlds, Coughs, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, opitting mooci,uonsiimpuon and all Jt'almo nary Complaint?, Scrofula, Erysipelas. Dvs pepsia and Gout. Dysentery, Cholera-mor-bus. Cholera and all liver and bowel com plaints. Kidney diseases and all affections Oi th urinal Organs perfectly harmless tree from Mineral or Alcoholic properties pleasant to take and never known to fail Price $1 00 per Bottle. Full particulars with medical testimony and certificates sent on applica-tion. Address, L. F. HYDE dc CO.. lvto Sevc th Avenue, New York. Darts from tie Devil; or uupid Atae! A Book just issued exposing the "person als" that have appeared in the New York Newspapers; their history and lesson. Styl ish villians fully "exposed Advertise ments 'from desperate men to beautiful wo men; Clandestine meetings; how frustrated; The History of the Goodrich tkagetvjt the result 01 a "personal." Description of Liv ing Broadway Statues. Exposes social corruption. Sent on receipt of 50 cts. Address, UDique Printing House, 36 Vesey st , N. 1 , Tho Iteckwub $2l Portable Fam ily Sewing jluchiuq, on 30 Days 1 rial : many advantages over ,all. Satis faction guaranteed, or money refunded. Sent complete with full directions, Beck with Sewing Machine Co , 8&i Broadway IN. x . my i 3U7 tr THE NEV KLA.ST1C TltlSS An Important Iwvbntiom. It retains the rap ture at all times, and undur the hardest ex ercise or severest strain It is worn with comfort, and if kept on night and day, ef fects a permaneu cure in a tew weeks. Sold cheap, and sect by mail when request ed. Circulars free, when ordered by letter sent to The Elastic Truss Co , No 683 Broadway, N. Y. City. Nobody uses Metal 8priDg Trusses; too painful ; they slip oil too frequently niayl4 307 tf CAUTION. 11UY ONLY TIIE GENUINE FAIRBAHK'S- SCALES 3l AN UF ACT U 11 E l UV E. & T FAIRBANKS & CO. Stock Scales, Coal Scales, Hay Seal c s, Dai ry Scales, Counter Scales, &.c, &C. Scales repaired promptly and reasona bly. THE MOST l'KKKKCT ALARM CASH DRAWER Miles Alarm TUI.Co'g, EVERY lerohait SItOULBj Use Them EVERY DRAWER Warranted. SOLD AT Fairbanks' Scale Warehouses, FAIRBANKS k CO,, 311 BROADWAY, NEW YORK 166 Baltimore st., Baltimore, 53 Camp st, New Orleans. FAIRBANKS & EWING. Masonic Hall, Philadelphia. FAIRBANKS, BROWN & CO.; 2 Milk Street, Boston. NDealers. sept 11 l7-2tawJm PINO! SiuoTUNING & MUSICS fgffiatJcttJ-j Corner 4th. and Market Streets, decs 169 --- ..... i--1. R.4IL ROADS. I RAIL ROADS. i nun nm I'jk 1 .r iu r. ji' - Carolina Central Railway Company WILMINGTON, N. C, ) May 14, loTo. SCHEDULE. PASSENGER TRAINS T EAVE WlLMlXGTON DAILY (EX- JL-rf cept annaays) at. . . b:00 A M Arrtr at Wadesboro at 5:25 EM Leate Wadesboro at 7:10 A M Antre at Wilmintou at 4:35 P M . FREIGHT TRAINS. leaVe Wiltnlngtoo daily (except Unndays) G:00 A M Arrive at Laurinburg at 5:30 P M Leave Laurinburg at f.:00 A M Arrive at Wilmington at 5. B0 P M PASSENGER TRAINS. Leave Charlotte dally, 8undays excepted, at 8.00 A M Arrive at Buflalo at 12.00 M Leave Buffalo at 1.C0 P M Arrive atCharlottc at 5.15 P M Irregular Lumber and Timber Trains run on both portions of ,tbe Koad as the busi ness requires. A Daily Stage will soon run in connection with the trains .on oth ends of this Rail way. S. L. FREMONT, Chief Engineer and Sup't. may 19- 311-tt Pieflmont Air-Lme Railway. 'r-c -Fvtf Richmond and Danville, Richmond and Danville R. W N.-Division, aud Nortb Western N. C. R. W. -o Gondensed Time Table. -0 In cflect on and after Sundav, Dec. 1873. 7, QU1NG NORTH. STATIONS. MAIL.. DXPKE63 Leave Charlotte 4 Air Line J'nct'n Salisbury ' Greensboro.... 44 Danville 44 Burkville T OO P. M 7.15 M 10.09 4 2,15 a. m. 5.28 44 11.40 44 8 35 A. M. 8.60 10.47 44 1.15 P. M. 3,27 p. M. 8.O0 44 11.03 P. m. Arrive at Richmond. 2.32 P. M GOING SOUTH STATIONS. MAIL.. EXPKESS Leave Richmond 44 Burkville 44 Danville 44. Greensboro 44 Solisbury 44 Air Line J'nct'n 1.48 p. m 1.58 44 9 52 44 1.10 A. M 3.56 44 6.22 44 6.30 a. m 5.03 A. M. 8 28 1.03 P. m. 4 00 44 6.:w 44 8 53 44 9 00 44 Arrive at Charlotte. . . GOING EAST. STATIONS. mail. - Leave Greensboro' . . . 3 00 A. M 3.55 44 8.30 11.40 a. m " Co. Shops .... " Raleisrh Arrive at Goldsboro'. GOING WEST. STATIONS. MAIL. Leave Goldsboro'.... 6.00 p. M 6.00 44 10 28 " ! A. M 4 Raleigh Co Shop Ar :v ;it Green-brt' N'orth Western N, C. R. K (Salem Branch.) Leav (irecrifbo o. . i .:;o P M . 0.25 P M :(!ti;A M . 10:00 A M Arriv e at SmU'Iii Lea vt- falcm A 1 rive at Greensboro.., Mail trains daily, both ways. On Sundays Lvnchburer Accommodation leave Richmond at 9 42 a. m . arrive nr. Burkville 12 45 11. m.. leave Burkville 5.35 a. m.t arrive at Richmond 8.44 a. m. Pullman Palace Carp on all night trains between Charlotte nl Richmond. 1 without change.) rer lurthcr lnlormation address S. E. ALLEN, General Ticket Agent. Greensboro. N. f T. M. R. TALCOTT, isutrmeer and Gen'l Spueriatendant. dee 10 - 176 RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA:; IMIWS in the FACJBfVkc., THE ELECTRIC HAS CLUED when all other remedies have failed. It is eminently FAMILY MEDICINE, And no family should bt without i t. In case of sudden attacks, one bottle will Fave five . 1 1 . Mi E Ii E E L, K C T R I C? . T R I C 31, 1873 Wilmington. Columbia & Au H.sta R. Ry Conpany. OKI. SurfiRINTBNDBNTS OH1CI, I WlLMINGTOX, N. C, Oct.. 11, 1872. f CHARGE OF SCHEDULE. rpRE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE WILL X :ointo eficct at 4:b0 A. M., ;Suuday, l 'lh inet. DAY EXPRESS TRAIN Daily ) Leave Wilm insrton 4 ?n a m Arrive at Florecpe. . . 16.10 A. M Arrive ac uoiumbla. Z.QQ p. M Ainvc a 1 Aaffusia. . L.eave Au Leave Co lambu:::::::;;;;.;;;.? Arrive at Jfiorence 2 48 P. M Leave Wilmington . . . : . b;10 P. arrive at r lorence 1 1 .00 r Arrive at Columbia m a A - 4. a ....... Arrive at Auemsta- a-i a T 1- .... . .cavo .ugrusia 4: 15 P. M . . r ' ' u.w i7. m. Arrive at Florence 2:02 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington 7:10 A. M arrive at uoiumoia Q.AK T If ' Passengers leaving Wilmington on the train mate close connection going oouin. JAMES ANDERSON, Gen'l Sup't. oct 11 124-tf Wilmington & Weldon R. R. Company. Oifficu General ScPKaiNTKNDENT, 1 Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 21.1ST3 J CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ( N AND AFTER OCT. 2tith, INSTANT W PASSENGER TRAINS on the Wil mington and Weldon Railroad will run as loiiows : MAIL TRAIN. . Leave Union Depot daily (Sun- ; aays excepted) At 7:40 A. M Arrive at Goldsboro 11:50 A. M KocKy Mount 2:00 P. M .v!eia?n.: 3:50 P. M j-iem e vv eiaon daily (Bundavg excepted) At 9:50 A; M arrive at itocky Mount 11:35 A. M Goldsboro i:37 P. M Union Depot 5:50 P. M EXPRESS TRAIN. L.cave Union Depot daily. . .At 11:10 P. M Arrive at Goldsboro &50 A. M Kocky Mount 6:03 A. M weldon s on a m L.caye weldon daily 7.50 P. M , - v arrive at Kocky Mount 9:43 F. M liildsboro, 11:55 P. M Union Depot..... . 4:30 A. M Man irain mates ciore connection Weldon lor all points Noith via Rr i.ina and Acquia Creek routes. Express Train connects only with Acqnia Creek route. PULLMAN'S PAT.aVw. ou&jurinKi fjAKo ON THIS TRAIN. Ci T3 -rm T r . . m.ssmm FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wiimincr. ton tri-weekly at 6.00 A.M., and arrive at EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS will l Wilminfirton daily (Sundsvs exeepted) at 2:00 P. M.. and arrive at 5:30 P M, John f. divine, General Superintendent. 130 t.i oct Ul n'lrrc -RTicirn nnir 1 Tur 1 tt ti mid itiuai ivrjiuiiiin.iiDJjr fv all apparatuses sometimes called a mechanical naradox-now used with such wonderful success in our nrincinal cities for -the cure, by cumulative exek- cise, 01 nearly all ChronieDiseases and Weaknesses, Is for "sale by the undersigned, by whom all orders will be promptly tilled. THE RE C T IOX V liV 10 bo tMtijMi uc.Hi iiiui, even a ciinu can in- J5!illfl' nrliiict if (Vir o weighr, from twenty to tAvelve hundred r ,. . .;i It is made almost wholly of iron and steel. Brooklyn, N. V. sc-pt 11 diwtf P. O. iiox'ZTJ. A. ADRIA. ii. vOLJUEKg ADRIAN a YOLLERS. WHOLEC4LE DKALEES I.N Groceries and Liquors, Commission Alercliant Soutti-East Corner Dock and Froxt .treetf. WILMINGTON, N. C. ... ';.,,,.,, SBSlWIIrrtrlll 20by:w inches; and although, but recently Subscription Price. $1.50. Spec Jn njroti"ced, nearly l (hjo have already, been copies sent free. Address, .' ff 80 PRICE S100, liOXED AND SHIPPED. ? . . P5P A?N M j ? small books or circulars, showin- its use! 41 temple 1 lace, Boston, X can be had free at, the office of the Post. W. ; m. '-; - ; - - ' v -.; I I- Having the largest atid bect asfiorteJT.stock of Groceries and Liquors in the Ci trDealeru will find it to their interest !o gijfre im a call before buying el-where. raav 17-tf WARRANTTEE DEED? On band atd for sale no. im ! NEW GOODir W E I WILMINGTON, N. WE OFFEIi TO OUR CITi; f Ait ULL LINE OF DRY G( la ' OF TIIE FIN FX T n it a r n u.iui j Tlio Largest Stock Brought J Market, t' u this ft?; EVerythfnff is Marked V is inviteil. hi Ml New Tr T. i. , ! 1 ,i xr I Front . in rl Prinoa a jmm. 1 ""VllH UU m sept 29 20 000 TRACT SHINGL arrived. Also a new lot of Oak a Wood, at my WkhI, Coal and Lumb Comer Front and fjul berry streets, dec 2 tf. J. A. smiN IN STORE. 5,000 sacks Salt; 8,000 bushels Corn; 1,000 bushels Oats: 300 bales Hay; 1,000 bushels Meal: ou roils iJagging; i,vw Dunaies Ties; orr a . . ' ow opint uasts; 2.50 hnrmla 1 nnn ,k.ji. tt ' 1.14 'oXX """"sxioop iron: 1 ; papers Kivets; .. 150 boxes'Cheese; 125 barrels Mullets: i 800 barrels Flour; AS 1 T , . w uuxea itrv Kn r. .1. 400 1 bags Coffee-all gridcfjl 12o boxes Tobacco; -tP o0 barrels and half barrels Sthb '? 100 boxes and barrels CraukcS'l 50 cases Snuff; 1 ' "h 75 barrels Rice; f lj ' , 200 cases Brandy Pcic!ieL;1f ' ' loO cases Schnapps; . 4i 1 j r 150 dozen buckets: . Ij 50 boxes Candy; ' f 125 boxes Candles, &c V ' f" For sale by j -jol oct 27 - Nl T- : 1 1HE YOUTH'S tli 'I i V A WEEKLY PATER KOli Young i?eop AND TH1 1 1 A MILY ixu MAUlil.MU aim. trft .. favorite in every lamily-lookcil llh - 1... 4l. .'it ,, . 1 7mH : sxsiij uy me young ioiks, and reaif i!tli interest by the older. Its tmriwJEXilu interest while it amuses: to.be iuiILm J practical, sensible: and to liaveT?Aly permanent worth, while it attracfi vr thn 1 It is handsomely illustmted inJjfAi.l for contributors some of the. limVt. tractivc writers in the country. AmJV,r these arc; 7" 0 P I Edward Egglcston. Dr. I. I. ltalf k Prof. Jas. DeMille, Wise C. MocJtl, ' Louisa M. Alcott, " Sophie Matt" JtwiDecca Uavis, U. A. . Step' g,A, S' W A:? U ChcstetM I -r-r . ' X J ' 0 -twDDlnS. M. ,"A. Del 'aril. ' I v , V-V :;T'?'V ' 4ii'Y iumg is auapiea;lOjtne 01' Mil?, I VOlinrf i vnrv vorint 7n it' - f. ?S 1 1 sprightly and entertaining- it rfv Mi Stories of Ad veil- Stories ;bf I Vy fe" ' "l 1! ture, and School Letters, of Travel, Tales Poetryl i-fi Editorials upon Selections fori t- 1 Current lollies mnt nn I .lstOrical Articles, Anecdotes, Biographical Skct- Facts and Incidi . nhr ti: 1 . 7 ,i Augious AITJ A l7rJL xxi .AMV vvt2$ obtain ed; m rorr fmm - ..-w.-tb. .... I j. v ouria 01 ainercniKLTLLM for i. n &c. No publicity required. No chare M uivorce granieu. Addresn, . f 1 m. house. Attorney, 1 ' t' 14 Broadway, xf Yi - nov 25 tf STAB FBICT10N..MATS PVEBY HOUSE SHOULD; II EO. MYERS, 11 and 13 Front street OCt 30 .Thk Kvkxixo Post has 1 VI not o, n fi tin r-i r . rcinauon aim is, consequently, a first tlkoT,rp,S,n mW Merchants take f i-it: Post hqmd'tq' tliir families to read the. news of tlio Lit V v!t 1 -if. : most ofthc adiiio . pic oV feb 25 HALL

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