'.. " ; i ; - ; : j k i . , i awl-m.-tfr It ( w h k i :i .f V A ill sini.l III , I f' ff t : TAT TTSFrr iT'i H I 111 V i ir oaa samal. hn UINeTON, N..G.,. SATURDAY, JANUARYSln 1 874 1 "i ' IS I SI n Bit l.H tiW tl I I tl ?! 1,1 I"T1 I I '-.- -.r- ir t I Ur O I 1 LJ.ll ljlil I.Kv y T H 7 f IV! r I illFll ' f lil.litlk AM I irrfigr.iTrf r-r-- ' ' : , '-If: w : . , -. . " - j--j;:::::,:.:.. J . NO. 219 1. : r-' rzr7nrnaon except Sunday febiBcd Editor and Proprietor! in au -, ' o riA rf;:::::::::-: aoBWfv 50 .CSswW.' on topic of gene Pf" ,P Political news and reports ol MpyKRTSEMENTS. IfeJSsclrftoe Office, , ' r Bamoies constantly ou uanu 'ttiSflSS T and manufacturers iu ifUl . ;..nniiandiKe. orders d&d telegraphed promptly. t: !fVl-,Uf .nd sold in this P"ttWW solicited, aaid rfftJSwlllbave Pmpt at. UpII as cash purchases negotiated wishtobuy or selLcommuni leryoawwiiw J m your local lA freeiy, -r- : TiS. T. EETTEWA Y , f Ueradise and Produce woKer. 1 ' t TaraTTfaTTTlCM r w. L,opait. j .L0PER & DOUGHTEN, BTOBES AND1 SOUTHERN PR DUCTS, t 53 MsBl FRONT STREET. ' piiadeipnia, Pa. ,iPrt' forTurpenUn Casks solicited and filled al lowest market pri- st imf eg-per steamer Raleigli, voTHEli invoice of Hams, Breakfast Sbsana &ouiqers. oi- " " JH , f , choice! lot or i-nme.jw " lund Oak pickets, expressly lor muiuy L GiTclta trial. : , - 1 . la'e return out j-uiLi.B w u u, Vlfriradsfor tfteir kind favors and liberal uuicuv , . ftntrurize. and t determined not to be outdone in prices na qumi'V ,.,w nworici Wines and IT superior 'v"i - , norj will convince the most skeptical that ffiSS betiaved by giving us tneiror 1 . . l.M(1.MUAnikiiin'a Remember lue corner uuuei mc ncomnu a OOie. ' , rr ,r.rii'rfPV A 5 Sept 21-10 - : . ; Successors to A. II. NEFF, jlajjwaeturers and dealers in , RtifiiEFU8M8HIU GOODS, ati, Rtovefl, Lanterns, Kerosene, Oil Tin - J and Sheet Iron Ware. Roofing done at sliort notice . Agents for, Falrbank's Scales. Ifo. 19 Front Street j fflLBINGTON N . C bot 111 160-ly Ib Wattt TTnTnilxr rJoTrrinfr Maphino anon lamui ouTPugjuauuiuii! THE SUPERIORITY OF TIIE KlNOKR i bEWIN'G'MACmNK for eauties ot Meh, simplicity of mechanisnil and adap Willltyto every "class of sewind, lias been I established in falraudopeu competition in Bewiag contests, and the rUHUC nawrriON or their merits is 10 in I found in Ihfi nnnifirnns. s.tv.anls loi FIRST PRIZES over evcry'competftor til the VrI- WXA Fr5rPO.SITFfM aticl MPsiiv ill the Iu- liiastrial Fairs in America and in Kurope. silent Feed and straight Neeaie ana is Uie easiest to learn. Has thehtsrhes apur- yalfortbe Family, the 'Seamstress .aud the Uressmater. ' I (KKt! ' ! IN DAIliY USH M,wS! I sold last year; 4,070 ! oWr any wieruompany. , SSoldm the Installment olan. T drms synd full instructions given. , Office No.4, Lippitt's Koff, SqutlV Fr out ireei, Wilnungton N. C , 1 octS-tf JNIaner; HEMOVAU, C1RRIAGE MAKER & REPAIRER. f ,J4Vfi rcinoved my eslablishmeat to FURTil AND CAIPBELL STS. ?Zny liridge, where I shall be pleased 0Day old customers and many new l!X.lkXn Parting and repairing kind; J?e Horse Shoeing, ankl various tefml' 0n 'w'orIC done ton reasonable ,,HTrjJ hail Kir4i7 uonro ATtui-bnA in the Hn l.neM 1 am confident that I can do t work, and give satisfaction. JAS. LOWER Y. 'JSlIf7R?ER wishes to inform his custo nr nd Public generally, that he is now Im arei 10 aU kind of work in his -ine' . VQti respectfully request acontinua- the patronago which has heretofore a 80 liberally bestowed upon him. ewExTra Mess Mackerel ANI) NEW EXTRA SALMON, In kMor family use, at CiEO. MYERS, r. ?. ". ' V lb South Front street. MISCELLANEOUS. THE SI LY,ER;i T. P"R GU Ei' OKI The best OEQAIIS of the Reed class IN THB WOELD, : I UHsi The Best forCHrtAftlesviBaiXoclk The Best for Sitnday Schools. , ; j j ; i Tb0 Best ibr Parlors and Yestriea. f The. Bestfor Academies and Colleges. The Best for Public Halls! ' ' The Best for Orchestra and Stage. Thiese instrum ;nts,' which, for sweet ness Of tone and elegance of iippoint mentj stand unrh ailed, have rSet with unprecedented success in this country and abroad. T I I I i 1MANUFACTURED BY ! E. P. NEEiHAM k S0. ! ESTABLISHED IN 1846. y y- i j f kos)43, 145 & ' J.47 East 23d stl N Y ! Reiponsible parties applying for agencies in sections still unsupplied. will receive prompt attention and liberal inducements. Tortf as residintr at a distance from our au thorized agents, may order trpm our factory, end for iliustratediDricolist; aug 26-tf ' . 77" i .i . REDINGOTES, AV K ARE NOW IdAKING THESE 8TYL- ' r " 1 : i -, ARTICLES for our customers. LAMES v Willi do well to call at JIrs.TROCK'fci and exam'ne samples. Dress Making LATEST STYLES. "S .-! IN ALX ITb Mrs. STROCKSV 'Millinery anff Dress-Making Rdoms, oct 18 tf " Princess gtreet, Evans' Block. NEW BtDKWHEAT, jAPLE SYR UP AND THE I ' 'BteT BUTTER IN THE WORLD,' At GEO. MYERS, 11 and 13 Front st. !! tf oct 30 TO THE WESjTiTO THE VEST1 Bl-rc making: jlour arranmcnts to fol lowlihe aivioe of he "Uiousands w"ho Uava already onc," it lould he we' I to consider whatiiaa been dode to mako tbe journey to your -4IIomes in tne West" as pleasant and free from danger is human skill j and fore sight can accompi ah. By consolidatiorind construution, asroid has been put into Operation on the shortest possible line from! Nashville, Tenn.. lo St. Louis, "the futures great City of the worli." Thia line, the : ! ST. LOUI3 & SpUTIl EASTERN RAIL- : , WAY, ' j. - j has,idurin2 the past year, earned an envia ble feputaaon by jts smooth track, prompt timi, sure connections, and the magnifi cence of its passenger equipment. Its trains arc made up of new and commodious day ears, provided with the celebrated Mil ler coupler and plltform, and the1 Weeting houee air-brake - ; i Itfis possitivelyj the only lines iunning Pullman Palace trawing-Boom Sleeping Cars through witnout change irom Nash ville to St. Louis J No otber line pretends to oifler such advantages, Either id distance, time, or equipment Why,j thenj journey jay circuitous roujtes? Do not be induced to purchase tickets to St. Louis or the West by any other line, remember that The "St. Louis & Southeastern" v is tile sliorjest, cheapest, quickest, best and only line . undert one management ; from NashTille to St. toais, and is from 60 to 200 iniles the shortest to St. Louis, Kansas City, Omaha, Depver, California, Texaa, and all w estern po-ints. Itf i aUo the VChi cigo Shortest Ung," via Evanjville. :: ybu can securlhe cheapest rates for yourselves and your movables on applica tion1, in person of: by letter, to C. 8. Bab- rstt. Southern Passenger Agen, ruswi, ra ' , i - . i . ; i tanooga Tenn. or to the flee Box 242, Cba undersigned. tin DAVENPORT. ppi a! Ticket Aeent, St Louis. No trouble to answer questions. ; ' ji- , 1 57-um i r UDR ADVERTISING RATES Arc put dqwn to the scale of 1 - . ..)';! 1 MISCELLANEOUS. : Ajft'ABDKJO ; BX ' 1 TX& ! American,; Institute II J J. W. McKEE Eifiroiier? an! .Tinting HacMnes. f . ( 1 . . , , It is ingenious and will meet the wants of every matron in the land." " , EXHIBITION OF 1S72. .fi, , ' E. A. Barnard, Pres. Sobn E. davit, Rec. Secy. I . aamnel D. Tillman, CorJ S-cy. new YorK, JNovcmherlJO, Kb eimplcand ingenious Machine is as ehu .as ihaewin& IMacbinc, and Is fast Veonms popular with ladles, in the Dlace Ofexpeiiiv Needle work, it wpr.H briBg mUCh more haridsom-i. requtrlnsr ieS time -and not one tenth part the expense. No lady's toilet is now complete without it. laMBtuiue wim iiiusirateu circular ana -fall .instructions sent on receipt, of $2 or j-fljiished in silver plate for $3 "7. U Aaaress, the mcKbb Manulacturln; Co., 0 ' 300 Broadway. New York. . AG-JBISTTS WANTED. VDr. Garvin's Elixir of Tar, Is recommended by regular Medical practi tioners and a speedy cure guaranteed for Colds, Coughe, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, Spitting Blood, Consumption and all Pulmo nary Complaints, Scrofula, Erysipelas, Pys pepsia and Gout - Dysentery, Cholera-mor-bus. Cholera and all liver and bowel com plaints. Kidney diseases and all affections ot tha Urinal Organs perfectly harmless tree from Mineral or Alcoholic properties pleasant to take and never known to fall Price It 00 per Bottle. Full particulars with medical testimony i and certificates sent on application. : Address, L. F. HYDE fc CO. 19&Bevet.trj. Avenue, New York. Darts from tkDeyii; or i'liBii Aiusei A Book just issued exposing :t.ie "pebson als" that have appeared in the New York Newspapers; their history and lesson: Stil ish vixiaXAvs fully exposed. Advertise ments from desperate men to! beautiful wo men; Clandestine meetings; how frustrated; The History of the Goodrich tbagktt the result of a "personal.' ' Description of Liv ing Broadway . Statues. Exposes social corruption. Sent on receipt ot 50 cts. Address, Unique Printing House, 36 Vesey St , N, Y, . 1 Tho Beckwitta 820 Portable Fam ily Sewing Jlachinc, on 30 Days Trial; many advantages over all. Satis faction guaranteed, or money refunded, gent complete, with full directions. Beck with Sewing Machine Co,, 862 Broadway N. Y. ' ' i may 14 307 tf TH NEW JrLAStlC TRUSS An Important Ihvention. It retains the rup-: ture at all tloes, and under the hardest ex erciseor severest strain It is worn with comfort, and if kept on nignt and day, cf- fects a permanent cure in a lew weeks Sold cheap, and sent by mail when request ea. uircuiars ireq, wnen ordered by letter sent toThe Elastic Truss Co., No. 683 Broadway, N. Y. City Nobody uses Metal Spring Trusses ; too painful ; ; they slip oil too frequently mayl4 307 tf .1 CAUTION, r Burj only TT1E i GENUINE FAIRBANR'S SCALES, , MANUFACTURED BY ; E. & T FAIRBANKS & CO. STlJYnlflI SCJIEES, StockScales, Coal Scales, Hay Scales, Dairy Scales, Counter Scales, &c, &c. Scales repaired promptly and rcuson.v bly, . THE MOST PERFECT ALARM CASH DRAWER Miles Alarm Till Cp's. EVERY farhi,trj EVERY Iferehaiit , hould tt rni. UoC lllClll 3f 'S-JWarranted. SOLO Fairbanks' , Scale Warehouses,' FAIRBANKS & j CO., 311 BROADWAY, NEW YORK 166 Baltimore sit., Baltimore, 53 Gamp st., New prleans. FAIRBANKS & EWING, Masonic 'Ttall,. Philadelphia. FAIRBANKS, BROWN & CO.; 2 Hilk Street,; TToston. For sale by ail leading Dealers. . Hardware 07-2tawlm SALES ROOM TG"Tn Celebrated r r l tCIKKEKDES pi V TUNI 1 PIANOS, hl The Standard & and Favorite TUNING & MUSI rf thr Vt ortJ. Cor 4tU C market Eirfitc. i SDRAIER '. i - U RAIL ROADS. Carolina :0entral BaflwaTCpjani WILMINGTON, N. 0 , f : May 14, 187?. I r:rjTtiTrfu eI.-7 lifiil odmhW LEAVE WIEmTKOTOK TJA1CY cept Sundays) .V.V-. . 8:00 A M: Arrive at Wadesboro at 5:25' PM' Leave Wadesboro at.............. 7:10 A M Arrive at Wilmington at; . ... . .' 4:35 PM :f' FRElfiHy TWAINS. ' Leave WilmlnebtiL all'frrtWt 4iJftf Arrive at Laurin&urg at.. . .. , . 5:30 r M; Leaxe Laurinburg at. 5:00 A ll' Arrive at Wilmington at.., . 5.30 PM? PASSENGER TRAINS. Leave Charlotte daily, Sundays J excepted, at 8.00 A M- Arrive at Buffalo at. 12.00 M j Leave Buffalo at 1.C0 P Mr Arrive at Charlotte at 5.15 P Mj ! Irregular Lumber and Timber Trains ru on both portions of the Koad as the busij n ess requires. 5 , r :. , , . J; ' A Daily Stage will soou run. in connection' with the trains on both ends of this Rail-j way. j 8. L. FREMONT. I Chief Engineer and Sup't. may 19 311-tt i i Piedmont Air-Line Railway. i Richmond axtd DaDytlle,Ricuino0dind f Danville ti. W., Pi. Division, and i j North Western N. C. R. W. o Condensed Time Tble. -o In effect on and after Sunday, Dec. 7 - 1873.- j " "goIng north" STATIONS. MAIL. EXPRESS Leave Charlotte 44 Air Line J'nct'n Salisbury...... " . Greensboro.. . . " ' Danville , Burkville...... A rrive at Richmond . . 7.00 p. M .7.15 . iao9 . 2,15 a. m. 5.28 M 11.40 S 35 A. 8.50 ! 10.47 " j 1.15 P. Mi 3,a7 r. ut 8.06 i ll tWP. M, GOING SOUTH. 7 , : , , , , STATIONS. HAIL. EXPRESS j Leave Richmond. L48 p. m 5.03 A. M. Burkville...... 1.58 ' 8.28 " i ! Danville. a.fca 4 1.03 r. m. 4 Greensboro.... 1.16 a. m 4.00 " Solisbury 3.56 6.33 iV; ,l Air Line J'nct'n 6.22 " 853 M Arrive at Charlotte... 6.30a. m 9 00 : j' " OOING EAST. . T STATIONS. MAIL. . T - I Leave Greensboro'.. . 2 00 a. m .1 ! " Co. Shops.... 3.55 41 il ! '- Raleigh. 8.30 44 ....... Arrive at Goldsboro' . 11.40 A. M ... . ; OOiNQ WEST"" STATIONS. ' MAIL. , Leaye Goldsboro 6.00 r. m .1 44 Raleigh i6.00 44 L 44 Co. Shopa . 0.28 44 Arrive at Greensboro 112.80 .M - tL i 1 . i - ' M North WesternN, C. R. R i I; (Salem Branch.) . j Leavj Grecn&bo o. . i. ... ........ 4.:U) Vltl Arrive at Anient 0.ti5HM Leave Salem.;., f :fO;A M Arrive at Greensboro... 10:00 A M Mall trains daily, both ??ays. h On Sundays Lynchburg Accomncodatipn leave Richmond at Oaa. m., arrive at BurfcviHe 12 45 p. m., leave Burkvil'e 5 35 a. m., arrive at Richmdnd 8i.44 a. m. J Pullman Palace Car on all night trains betweenjcharlotte d Richmond, without- change v s Priurtlier information address f 8. E. ALLEN, j General Ticket Agent.- j T Greensboro, N. Cl T, M. R. TALCOTT, Engineer and Gen'l Spucrinttndauf. j dec 1Q RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, - S in ilic F s:, Ac., THE E TEl C TBI C : "TtAS CURPID when all otiier remedies rOmve failed. It is eminently a FAMIJiY MEDICINE, And no family should be withouli t. Incase of sudden at tacks, one bottle will save five dollars in doctor's bills. For sale by all Druggists. October, 4 I183t , , : ' e . E LE OT T . It I G -tf RAIL ROADS. WilEiiDglon. Columbia & Au- Gin. SurERinTENDssf'a'Orfics Wilmington, N, C., Oct.ril, 1ST2. "3 . 1 rpiIB FOttd WING SCHEDULE iWILL Jb go Into effect a4i30A,,iiMii4iundayt 12th itut. ,Vil . . j. DAY EXPRESS TRAIN ' f Dally.) LeaveWlhMnOil?. .CJ. !l .tSdft Arrive atrFlAi-KfttW! " : ! f- irhin A' r i . ju: ii v. :ju Arrive it Columbia ;:00Pm1I ' Arrive at Wboh;i:7Jjii-.ff .aO:00 Pv M NIGHT EXPRESS tkAxifJAILY ' (8UN f DAYS EXpEFTEp, ) Leave WiimfcigtoiUi'Vi. -HvT " f;10 rVM Arrive at Florence 11 : 28 P. M Arrive at Columbia .... 4.(0 Ai M Arrive at Augusta I .1 ... 8:45 A'. M Leave Augustal . i j.;srat. . J. , . 4: 15 P. M Arrive at Columbia.. ..,...!.,,. . S:45 P. M Arrive at Florence . . v 'i .... 2:02 A. M Arrivo at Wilmington.: .1 J. ; . . . 7:X0 A. M Passengers leaving WUmington. on the 6:10 Pi M. train, make close .connection going Souths " " 1 1 : JAMES ANDERSON, Uen'l Sup't... 1S4-U oct 11 Wilmington & Weldosi R. R, OjfiCE General upBrinteni2jt, i wiuiikotot, '.N. C. ict 3l,lS73 . 'JZ-, j .' . m ss.i- - .'li'jlli- ON AND AFTER OCT. 2uth, INSTANT PASSENGER TRAINS, on the Wil mington and Weldpn Railroad will run as follows : ... ' ' : MAIL TIyAlN.; : Leave Union Depot daily' (Suu- days execpted) . . ..At 7:40 A. M Arrive at Goldsboro. . . .... t . Rocky Mount.,., . , ' Weldon.... .... ... ' Leave Weldon daily (Sundays excepted) A t Arrive at Rocky Mount.'...'. Goldboro Union Depot . . . -r ; . - EXPRES3 TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily. .At Arrive at Goldsboro Rocky Mount; .... Weldon......... . Leave 'vVeldon daWy., Arrive at Rocky Mount ' G&ldsbort?! Unioa Depot , . 11:50 A. M 2:00 P. M 3:0 P. M 9:50 A: M 11:35 A. M 1:37 P. M 50 P, M li;10P. M 3:50 A. M 6:03 A. M 8:00 A. M 750 P. M 9:13 P. M ii:55P. M 4:30 A. M Mali Train makes cioh? connection at Weldon lor all points North via Bay lice and Acquia Creek routes. , ,, ExpreBS Train connects only vilh Acquia Creek route. PULLMAN'S PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON THIS TRAIN. . FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wiimlng ton tri-weekly a 6.00 'AL-'M.,' and arrivj at 1.40 P.M. ' EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS will Irave Wilmington daily (Sundavs excepted) at 2:00 P. M., and arrive at 5:30 P. M. JOHN F. DI.V1NR. , General Sup".riiicvi(lp i ;130 V. oct 24 m o F ALL APPARATUSKH -som etimes called a mechanical paradox now n?cd with such wonderful' success In our principal cities for the cure, by i ujiilatj vk i;xkk CISE, of nearly all , Chronic Diseases and Weaknesses, i- Is for sKle by the undersigned, by whom all orders jsvill be promptly filled. V ailE REACTIONARY- is so cpnstructeil that even a child can In stantly adiust it lor a person to lift any weigh t from twenty to twelve hundred- poucds. It is mailc almost wholly ui' iron and steel, weighs 13)Vounds, and cA'ersa!paceofonly & by S inches; and nlthOuzh. but recently introduced, "nearly IJM) have already been sold. " : PRICK Sl'JO, BOXED AND 'SHIPPED. Small books or circulnrp, sl-.owinsr. its use, can be had free at fhe ofllce of tho Post. H. .II. iIAN'. ' , j . Brooklyn. X. sept Il-dvtwtY 1 1. . Box A. ADRIAN. jJ. VOLLKHh i ADRIAN & V0LLERS. WB0LEC4L.E BEALV!KS IN Groceries and ZAtiuor. Importers of German and Havana Cigars. AND Commission Merchant South-east Corjter Dock and Froxt I ' j streets. . . , ' 1 WILMINGTON, N. C. I; -4 Having the largest and best a? sotted .Stock of Groceries and Liquors in the City, Dealer will find it to their interest to give, us a call before buying elsewhere. mavl7-tif ' ARRANTTEE DEEDS-' On hsnd and for gale, ; - ... . I . feb25 R t BALL UL'SSSSSgt 'AILS Arrive tjsj& vi ..WWi1' .Leave Augusta .iw.-.w ..Vr :S0 iujM. Leave CoTumbia .V. . . . " V. ... 10:0 A. M man 1 It 1KB mi NEW ADFERTISEUENISJ TO CHURCH CONGREGATIONS. FOR SALE. ttachment. F'iH SHPt DOLLARS IN CASH. L . X, wi 11 bny a! hanorae Pipe rcn n . fi?ii c i f ' wise, i ttona. su oii iu " " WMM IIUIIU jyne desire to sell, In order to pur-" " chase a larger one. . 1 ' -m- ' 1 i ' . - . r.iJhi'nstrumcnt ls perfect ordcr. cost' ' ' " r.S!?ilj!w?L T.bls..ls n opixirtiinity rarclv t in eo p. j I' or further particulars, add rew 1 . .'. it F Jan Gtf ., Tills 11 Cl rt THE BRIGHT MASON, : .(.:-. ::7: . ! ' V -fPCBLISlUjp AT . i 4 afTtTvrir-r--Trw- 'nt. r 4it ;";.""- i 'i ' ii . 1 1 i Tlie only Faper in toe irdttthefnl AtlairfKc V.wi States devoted cnureJy to r , Masoiiicjiitorestyr,1? OLY 0503 DOLLAR A TEAK'f " ; CIRCULATIOlf NOW, GOO. " t1' 1 lubs of 20, ori inore,..i;4..J.;.. :75 eeilf:t', r& Every Mason ia the ian slwuW wbwfb.Ift.vi,t a Adess Publishers Bright Mason, Con- adrtieSe AN ORDINANCE "h.. i .IfAVrXu ON CflESTNliT ' I . WltH COBBLE STONE. Of'-'' , . . . ... 'lv ... - "a STREET rilHE Board of Aldermen of th t ' ' f1 X -Wilmington. N. (I. do m' J :' j f J v2iJM!i Y"r Aatthat portion of Cheetnuti , et, between the westtrn ime3kfWtftJ'? iAifk a t.t a ' ' . r siaaet. tei- th.e rtver bo Pvd, witit cebbte .n T,.be?r the W0r. b1' have been Dieted; the Mayor shall cause an assess-?if f'ri it of the real property alonir laid trppi. . U com men ana the vicinity thereof, to defray the e-f " M t pense of said pavement, In whole or im parl. - as is provideifby law. - ' " onbw 11 ordtaancea, or parts tberof, cojiflletinr ult wltU the -above ordinance are hereby re "l' Board of Aldermen at thel r meetinsf held oA ' ? uw auwin uiui iibiilr a rinccH i. a IT. C. 8RRVoas, City Clerk. 1 X?1" '. Jou rnal and Star copy , K y , , V - CiTyloF. Wilmington) January 3d, 1874, 1ROrOHAlis will be received at this office ,, A until the 15th inst: nt VI r m j...:. - J ilitrafa ' . , ,uvv:. , STONE PAVEMENT, on Chestnut street, between the wCkleui line of Front street and the River, the Can' tiucnir io ao i,nc grauing. Work tO l?doH llndpr ihn (.lirwruKInn ,.i ; J.heCity Suryeypr, . The party k-eccjT Iff the contract wiil be'. reonirea to gy iwnln tho hum of for tin fn i I K f ia I B- a . a t . lanuiiu iui U1UU- i 116 881110. . , W P CAN ADA Y, .fan til ' Mavon ' City OlV VVlIMlNfToy, 1 aMAYUIl'S. Ufficiv January ody 1874. I1J will be received ut this oflkc uatll , . TiiLTi:i-.LAY, Tin; i.rth ix?rr , at 12 M., Cor tlie louslriTction of a j t Oil? 10 mupori. i ne em d iiR men i on luewmHtJC . "! of Front strtet between rai and Ann streets, the Work to ,be dono nccordtng tor Specifl at ionk, a copy of vh ich t an ,le tei u ; t ' .i upon aqipHoal ion at tho. Mnyor'H oftlcc.' ' ' " W. I'. canadaS; .'.. l.!t:ul j- . iaj:oi- the yoimrH V: . : :riziy ' ': gomPanion.1 , A Y KKICLY PAPKR Ft hi IT i i or XJ 13 1? 1 and Tin: f ! A "1VT T 1 . A." THE COMPANION :.ins to if,- a uavoritc in p'cry familv.-i-Iookct! lor ra'-'' ft . IS". -- - . ...... v(i.. 11 II l 1 L 1- . Ul -. 1 'I . T. inicrfbi, uy jiiic.ouicr. lid jurj)usc 1 Vt 'mterest while it amuses; to bejudicious. practical, m,iisiuic : aim in nave -rcany permanent worth, while it attract for-'' 1 the hour. .. , .j , ; t It U haiuUomcly' ilhistratctl, aiuVliao for contributors some of the inokt at- tractive waiters in the country. ' Ahiong; ' these arc : . ' . . , Edward Lgglcsfbn. 4r. J. I. HayM . Trof. Ja$. HeMille, lionise ('. Moulton, Eomsa 31. Alcott, ".,S)jhic Mat, " ' Rebcccii.ir Davis, O. A. Stephen, C. Y. Flanders, Ktitli Chesterfield r j S lto)biiiM; M. A. Dcnison. Its reading fa adaprcf to tho bltl'nVin f young, is vcnr varied in its character i uprightly and entertaining.,. It gives...".-, Stories of Advcn- Stories of Home turc nml ft'lti-il T.Jfaa Letters of Editorials .Travel,' Talcf, Poetn-'. " ' ...... r f . . upon S?lectioni.! foj 'L)w current Topics, tarnation, , ( , llLstoncaH, Articles, Anecdotes, Puzzle 1'iographical ,Stfet- Facts and Incidents.- jJchgious Articles; 'i ion Price, $1 .50, HiKrimen . .ubscrij copies sent free. Address, ' . i PERRY MASON fc CO." ' 41 Temple Place, Boston, law. - ( tf j..- .. '. ..,;. :.- r, A BSOLTTB DIVORC'FJ obtained from J. 2. C' Courts of different statcn for dehertioh., . Ac. No publicity reqnlred. No charge qnlll ' divorce grailtcd. Addrevn, I . .. " i. jiouhk. Attorney, ' 191, Broadway, x. .V ' . i no v. -tf STAR FRICTION MATS." IP VERY J thenu HO'aSE .SHOULD HaV or ale by ' GEO. 3IYEKt'; 11 and 13 Frost stxec Oct 30 . ' 1 ; Jt :;T 1 Vtfia. "I . tT''5' ' f t -1 1 . r-- i;ft i a ij- i .o' ! !' U I- f i - 5 i J: 1 r f TRESliNX PJUTES, I f.L 1 ii.

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